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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • 2

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I HI A I El BAN GO DAILY Vegsel Wanted, For Rio Janeiro. 200 to s) Good freight snd despatch B. B. FAR.Na0KTu I UJIjtj anil Courier. 11 ii VI P- ft I 1 The Dmqcratio State Convention.

Upqa dfeOpfot the reeolutionsidf An grata: on" Wednesday, by a majority of sixty loyal Democracy, wh- hold to maintaining the government of onr fathers, sue willing to make sacrifices for it, retiredfrom the Convention and held a true Democratic one, consisting of all the minority comprising the whole of the Aroostook delegation, all the Hancock bat two delegates, the major part ot Penobscot, Kennebee; Franklin, Sagmdahoo end portions of other delegations. Hon. Arno Wiewell, of Ellsworth was chosen President The resolutions were sound and patriotic. CoL Charles D. Jameeoa was nominated candidate for Governor.

A State Committee was selected, and a committee to pat forth an address to the people of the State, of winch Daniel Pike is Chairman. The Bangor Times (democratic) says: The action of the Convention does not represent the Democratic party of the State of Maine. To admit it would be a libel on its past history, which has been one of fidelity to the oonntry in time of danger, and to tbe Stars and Stripes under all circumstance. The old elements of disloyalty the ex-office holders of the late administration and their sects Sion sympathizing allies have been most industriously at' work all over the 8tate to send delegates to the Convention while the true Democracy have been comparatively idle. The resolutions adopted.we believe, are directly counter to the words and spirit of the great leader of the democracy, whose last words were uttered for a united support of tbe Government in its self preservation and the suppression of rebellion, and who declared that there conld be no neutrals in this war.

As it is the highest duty of the Democracy, as well as all true American citizens to stand by the Flag, and by tbe Constitutional authorities to whose charge its honor and the integrity of the Uni are entrusted, they will go straight forward in the path of their duty regardless of the coldness and the defection of former friends, and though their ranks be decimated aad thinned by desertion, they will cilng to the old honored Flag and to the prond mottoes which the gallant and patriotic leaders who now rest in honored graves have bequeathed to them. How the Rebels Obtain Funds. The ash-ington correspondent of the Philadelphia Press says: Jeff Davis is a good financier. He commands and it is done. To have the army well supplel with the sinews of war, he orders a trunk full of bank notes to be printed, and then placed in the hands of a general of the army.

To give these value, he sends the President of the bank along with the army, to sign these notes as they are required. It is stated, on the best authority, that the military chest of the rebel General Garnett, which was captured by onr troops, was found to consist ot sheets of the unsigned notes of the Fairmount Bank. The President of the bank accompanied General Garnett as one of his staff, signing snch qnan. tities as were wanted from time to time. How They Manage it out South.

The secession sympathizers at the North complain if they are called traitors, and claim the right of talking against the war and against the Government as much as they please. Their Southern brethren, however, (whose cause is generally de-fendep by them) do not see things in that light If a man undertakes to talk what they consider treason, they hang hm, or drive him out of the Confederacy. They dont allow anything said, written or printed, which can give aid and comfort to the cause of the Union. For in stance, the new Governor of Texas, in a recent proclamation says: No act of treason, whether it'msy consist of aid and comfort to the enemy, OR IN LAN GU AG WRirTEN. PRINTED OR SPOKEN, VS HICH IS INTENDED TO COMFORT OR EN COURAGE THEM, will be knowingly permitted.

Citizens of the loyal States will no longer be permitted to visited Texas, or, if any are now within her limits, they depart within twenty four hoars. New Regiments. Twenty new regiments are forming in Philadelphia. Some of them have already enrolled three or four companies each. The Governor of Connecticut will shortly issue an order for three or five new regiments The entire number provided for by the two mil-mion bill is ten regiments, seven of which will be mastered in for the war.

The or Those Fibst Families. We find in the London American the following account of the origin of the F. F. V.a who pride themselves so much upon their loDg line of descent, and their present aristocratic superiority over the mod-sills of New England. Onr London cotemporary says: We have read and heard so mnch of late of the fit st families of Virginia, significantly denoted by the letters F.

F. that we have been induced to look a little ioto their early history. It is a most remarkable circumstance that these F. F. V.s have grown so numerous that they are to be found almost everywhere, especially where a foreign embassy, or consulate, or Seeie-tarjship, or even a good clerkship, is available.

They swarm in the public offices in Washington, as well as nnder public pay in England, and on the continent So numerous have they become that no man has within the last thirty years ever a trginian who belonged to the second LOCAL AND ITEMS. Jos Woax- We are prepared to execute job work of all kinds at remarkably low pnoee and in the neatest stylo. ly Copies ot the Daily Whig prleo three ets for sale at oar ooanting-rtom. CT Onr Carriers are -wo allowed to sail papers while on their route for a loss time than three months COoents per month. RT Schooner Minnie Cobb, AvetoU, from Rockland for New York, when ooming through Hell Gate, morning of 12th went ashore on the Gridiron.

She will probably get off at high tide in a damaged oondition. jy The Great Eastern from Quebec for Liverpool, got in contact with ship James Nesmith, Watts, off Green Islard 6th inBt. The latter had her bulwarks and rigging carried away on the one side, and will have to return to Quebeo to repair; she sailed from Bristol on 3d inst. The Great Eastern it is belie Ted, received no damage, as she has proceeded on her voyage. iy Tbe following nominations were made by the County and Senatorial Republican Convention held in Kennebeo County on Thursday last: Senators Warren Percival, Vassalboro; Noah Woods, Gardiner; Peleg F.

Pike, Fayette. Coanty Commissioner N. Graves, Vienna. County Attorney C. Danforth, Gardiner.

County Treasurer Daniel Pike, Augusta. (y It is stated that the patriotic ladies of Union, last week forwarded $200 worth of various articles of clithing and other useful articles, to our Fonrth Maine Regiment, and have on deposit a considtrable sum of money to aid our soldiers if anything more is required. All praise to them. Ey In tne new formation of brigades, tbe 2d Maine has been joined to Gen. khermans (late of Shermans battery) brigade.

Col. Jameson is stid to stand a good chance of promotion to a Brigadiership. Col. Knowles (Gth) Regiment. Lieutenant Day arrived at Searsport last week.

He gives a favorable account of the condition of the Sixth Regiment. The men are contented and determined when occasion demands to give a good account of themselves. The Sixth Regiment, with two others, is stationed at Chain Bridge. Rrcbcitino Col John D. Rust is recruiting a oompany for the 7th regiment, at Rifokport.

It is presumed that Mr. George C. Estabrook, of Camden, will be chosen to the Captaincy. Mr. E.

enjoyed the advantages of a long drill under HarJee at Savannah, but took occasion to leave for the Nona when be found that staying longer would not save his business, and would oblige him to fight against the Union. Belfast Journal. Babx Bcesed. We are informed by the proprietor of the Carmel Express, that a barn belonging to Mr. J.

A. Worcester of Carmel, was burned yesterday afternoon together with a large amonnt of hay, The barn was connected with the housl by an but, fortunately the other buildings were saved. The fire was occasioned by a little child who hid a burning stick in the hay. 1 Livermore Wide Awake. A correspondent writing from Livermore, informs the Lewiston Journal that three volunteer com have organize 1.

or are cow organizing in that town, viz: Tbe Livermore Rifle Guards, Capt. Morse The Bear Mountain Rangers, Capt Ro'lins and a third company cow being formal by Col. Strickland. On Sunday, by invitation, the first two companies, together with one from North Turner nnder Capt. Farrar, attended Rev.

Mr. Johnson's chnr.h in Livermore, escorting tbe minister to the bouse at the tap of the drum. Tbe Sags of the companies were hung each side of the pulpit, and a large one presented them by the ladies, was gracefully festooned over the doors. After the usual preliminary services, an admirable sermon, ill of religious patriotism, was preached by Rev. Mr.

Johnson. Army Contracts. Messrs. Cbadbourn Kendall are filling a contract for the State, of one thousand pairs pantaloons, from the army regulation goods, manufactured at Dexter. Messrs.

Henry Dunn Son are engaged on e-ght hnndreJ sets of equipments. Portland Advertiser. A ational Fast. Tbe President has issued the following proclamation for a National Fast on the last Thursday in September: A PROCLAMATION. By the President of the United Slates or America.

Whereas, A joint commttee of both Houses of Congress has waited on the President of the United States, and requested him to recommend a day of Poblic Ham-l-ation, Prayer aad Fast ng, to be observed by the people of the United States with religions eolennities, and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States. His blessings on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peaoe. And whereas. It is fit snd becoming in al people at all times to acknowledge and revere the Supreme Government of God, to bow in humble submission to His chastisements, to eon fess and deplore their sins and transgressions in the full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to pray with all fervency and contrition for the pardon of their past offences, and for a blessing upon their present snd prospective action; And whereas, oar beloved country, once, by tbe blereing of God, united, prospering and happy, is now afflicted with faction and civil war, it to peculiarly fit for us to recognize the band of God in this visitation, and in sorrowful remembrance of onr own faults and crimes as a nation an-1 as individuals, to humble ourselves before Him, snd to pray for His mercy to pray that we may lie spared further punishment, though justly deserved; that our arms may be blessed and made effectual for the re-establishment of law, order and peace throughout oar country, and that tbe inestimable boon of civil and religi-us liberty, earned, trader His guidance and blessing, by the labors and suffer-ngs of onr fathers, may be restored in all its original ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President "of tbe United States, do appoint tbe last Thunrtoy in September next as day of HamiliatioB, Prayer and Fasting for all the people of th nation, sod I do earocstiy recommend to alb tha peepte. eapecUlly to all ministers snd teachers of rel-gioa of all denominations, and to all beads of families to observe snd keep that dsyaceordiof to the! several creeds and modes 'of worship ia all humility, and with all religious solemnity, to the end that the united prayer.

the nation may aamqd to tha Throne of Grace, and bring down ptontifW bleating npos out owe eooatry. 'q- I testimony whereof I too set me hand and caused' the great seal or the United States to ba affixed, that 12th day Aogoat, Be thl Cube fo Potato Disease. The Ismdon Times publishes a list of remedies for the Potato disease. The most efficaoions is one disoofered by of Hornsey, which consists in pressing down the haulmthus: He set his potatoes in a double row instead of single, the two rows ooon-pying a foot in width, with a foot of vacant apace outside eaoh row. They were planted on the level, and hoed up at the usual time.

Now oomes the important step. When the nanlm had reached its full growth, about the 1st of July, be turned it over right and left towards the vacant spares by adding earth between the rows and pressing down the haulm, so aa to drive it from the ereot position, and allow the rain, instead of discendiog to the roots, to run off upon the vacant space. Not one in a hnndred perished. Report says that Senators Breckinridge and Powell of Kentucky will resign. If they have a spark ot honor remaining they will do so, especially since their State, by its recent vote, has so signally and so gloriously rebuked and ignored their treason.

Breckinridge confessed openly in the Senate that his sympathies were with the South the rebels but that he was held back by the position of his State. What right has a heart-rebel to sit in the Senate as Representative of a loyal State Bath Times. SPECIAL Card Frlntlus BUSINESS CAEDS, VISITING CARDB, WEDDING CARDS, Printed in good style and short notioe, At the Whig and Conner Office, No 1 Bowmans Block. Bridge. RTA good assortment of Cards and Card 8 took on band.

gy Reader, have you seen ProC Woods advertisement in our paper. Read it; it will interest you. Itdaw L. I. The members and ex-members of tho Bangor LUht Infantry are respectfully requested to meet at their Armory.

TO-NIifciT Meetings will be held every evening this week lor drilL Per order, aug 14 ATTENTION! I. V. Members of the above Company are hereby notified to meet at their armorv for drill, every evening this week, at 74 o'clock P. M. Members who have not been able to attend tne drills regularly heretofore, are earnestly requested to be present.

Per order al2. Post Office Notice. Basaor Post Office, August 12, 1861. PERSONS having tbe old style of stamped envelopes, are notified that I am prepared, by order of the Pos-t Office Departm nt, to exchange envelopes ot the new stj le lor an equivalent amount of the old issue, during a period et MX DATS from the date cf this notice, and that the latter will not thereafter be received in payment of postage on letters sent from this ofBe. al3 JASON WEEKS, P.M.

HOT AND COLD 1EES JLJL CT At all hours of the day and evening, at be Ken-dusLcay Bathing1 Roonuy under the Vi hig and Courier Office gjWhn the usual entrance is closed persons can pass through the Whtir Office. jy23 City of Dangor. The Regular Meetings of tho Joint Standing Com -mittee on Accounts an Claims wilt be holden at the Aldermens Room. City Ball, on FRIiAY before the first Monday of each month, at 2 oclock P. M.

CHARLES SAft TELLE, Chairman April 29, ISC1 tf (Times) 1861 Spring Summer 1861 CLOT XX TST C3- GEKTLEMEX: Having iticed for years the fortunes of Tailors doing a credit ousiness, and having myself proved that system to be utteri wron ior the Retail Tailoring tus.ne3, feel cjtcpe led to adopt the CASH SYbTFM It is tetterfor the customer who expects to pa for bii Garment, as the amount lost by bad debta, imuer the credit 8 stem, is divided between the patrons and the patronised, as the former receive it by paying as much as 20 per cent, less for their garments, aud the latter is saved from bankruptcy. Consequently 1 would invite all Cask paying customers to examine the btock ol Goods now on hand, and see if the prices are not 20 per cent, leas than at any other Clothing House in the city The Cntting Department is under the charge of Mr. J. H. LARKIN, favorably known in New York and Boston as one ef the Best Artists in the Art of Cutting.

ALL Garments made at my establishment warranted to give entire satisfaction, and in any stjle to suit customers. avr. april 20 GUlligan, Agent. No. 6 8m tils Bloak.

VOLUNTEERS FOR THE 7th MAINE REGIMENT, A few able bodied men wanted, to fill up Capt. Cass Company of Volunteers, now in harracks, and aLoat to Join the 7th Regiment. Pay, $i3 per month and rations. There is also an addition of $3 per month in tbe shape of extra ration to each man, amounting in all to $16 per month. 22 Eoontr will be paid when mustered into the $K-0at the close of the war.

at No 4 ctate Street. Bangor, Aug. 9, 1S61 (Times) died: In this city, Aug. 13th, Mrs. Cathcrine w.fe of Jonas Ames, aged 68 years.

Kennebec papers please copy. MARINE JOURNAL POP.T OP 3ASOOB. CLEARED- Aug. 15th Schs Julia Gamage, Cocmbs, Ed gar-town and New York cb Pavilion. Arey.

Providecce frch Boston Packet, Freeman, Sch Napoleon, ttag-an, Salem tch Richmond. Pitcher, Boston Ben President, Sonow, Neponset Beh Elizabeth, Lray, Seituate Sch Florence, Crockett, Portland feip btephen Urr, Merriman, Milton Mower Co.s Bangor, Penobscot River, and Boston EXPRESS; Commencing Monday, August 10, 1801. leares Ban -or JfOSDAYS and THURSDAYS, at II oclock A. hi. Leaves Boston TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 5 oclock P.

Of OFFICX8 J. I Smiths Block, Bangor-. Jfo, 6 Court Square, Boston. angl6 Notice. a Came into my enolosnrev on dark Bed stag Horse, with a black mane and tail rfr lame for ward and behind.

Tho owner Is LI requested to call, prenre property, pay Charges, aad taka the ume away. JEFFERSON SPENCER, Jr, Eddington, AO-. 10, I Hr I ltd WA Boom age Notice. hpHT Accounts iut nffiologf st the boots by the JL si ht A. far the month ef July have been amde up, mod sa sssrunnrnt ot forty Are eta WT Uwusosd Adi See ku hsutt toodu epee sold logs A dtaooant of six pereoa will b.

mad. to tease who pay their the Treaterar.Mbta ofoee, an er hem wt few stax, fever eraftoa lidTCdfe on, eattog A quarter ef a oeat per Oaysj after that Cf 1 JLOtrX OftTML Itoaifayltij mTi Treasurers Sale. state' 07 MAINE. Trzascrt OmcB, Augusta, August 12tii, 1861. PTJR8UANT to Chap.

6, Sect 31. of th Revised Statutes, I will, at the State Treasury Offioen Augusta, on tne 1 Ith day of September next, at 1 1 ootook In the forenoon, sell and convey by deed to the higheet bidder, all the interest ot the State in the tracts of land hereinafter described, lying in unincorporated townships the said tracts having been forfeited to tbe btaie for State taxes and county taxes, certified to the Treasurer of State. Tbe sale and conveyance of each tract will be made subject to a right in the owner or part owner whose rights have been forfeited, to redeem the same at any time within one year after the sale, by paying or tendering to tbe purhaser his proportion of what the purchaser paid therefor at the sale, with interest at the rate of twenty per cent per annum from the time of sale, and one dollar lor release; or such owner may redeem his interest by paying as aforesaid to the Treasurer of State, as provided in Chapter 6, Sect. 3b of the Revised Statutes. No tract, however, will be sold at a price less than the full amonnt due thereon for such unpaid State and county taxes, interest and cost, as described in the following schedule: County of Penobscot.

5,557 acres. No. 4, R. 1, N. P.

3lh acres. No 6, R. 3. 8,517 acres. No.

6, R. 4, 13,690 acres. No. 7, R. 4, No.

2, 8y N. W. 12,704 acres. No. 2, 9, 6J593 acres, 4 R.

6, W. E. I. 8. i a 1 Ma IDA 18 62 1 64 20 31 32 18 64 3 2 41 7 67 3 8 3 97 9 13 2 1 6 92 5 8S 2 32 17 48 29 24 15 20 4 43 5 S9 4 or 33 2 36 46 12 50 18.

4 No. 1, R. 6, R. i-3 R. 7, 7,405 acres.

No. 7, 4 No 7, E. I. 8 11-16 No. 7, R.

7, S. 1 No. 2, 8, 1-12 E- I 4 No 8, 12,996 acres. No. 4, 8 W.

E. L. 8. No 5. 8, 7,952 acres, part No.

2, Indian Purchase, 4 North No I N. 4 No 8, R. 7, 2,941 acres, W. Division, Hopkins a ttam iscon tis, 7,84 i acres. No.

1, North Division, 3,980 acres. No. 2, al6 NATHAN DANE, Treasurer. DISEASES CURED, EITHER of long standing or of recent inating from Scrofula. Cancer, Humor, Local Weakness or General Detilit Irregularity, or the suppression of the blood vessels, or from the use of Mercury; and all Diseases which create Impurity of hd Blood are cured without the uae of Mercury, leaving the blood in in a pure and healthy state.

U. BROWN Has had a Ion- and successful experience In the treatment of diseases of this character, without the use of Hebcuby. Office, No. 45 Main Street, Bangor, (corner Brick Block, with Elm Vees in IrontJ continues to devote his attention to the treatment of Diseases in all Stages anI Forms, Originating from any cause whatever, that can be attended to in Office practice, wnose moue of treat meat precludes the occurrence of relapse or lingering. Also, Mercur al diseases, sores, or eruptions upon the sk in, which frequently appear after the use of Mercury.

Invalids who cannot call upon him personally can consult by letter. Either way confidential. (3Patients will be furnished vrth medicine at his office, whereby they will avoid the criticisms ol apothecaries and clerks. 0ffice hours from 84 A-Jtf to 124 2 to 54 and 7 to Si P. M.

ansr4 STATE OF MAINE. HE4D QUARTERS, Adjuta.vt Gfverals Office? ACGr-TA, Aug 12. i Proposals for Making Army Overcoats PROPOSALS will be received until Fddav next at 5 P. for making from I0HJ to 2cu) Army Overcoats, according to a-npie urniehed. John Hudson, Acting Quartermaster General.

(Times tFai3 JlT XI 3D Crackers, XI Pickles, Tea, Cheese, Ball's Bread. Jnt received, and (with other Grocer esj for sale low bv A. M. Hampden Academy AND IKT ormni Scliool. THE FALL TERMot this Institution wdl commence on MON LH V.

kept 2d. aud contmue 11 weeks, under the following board ol instruction: DANIEL HURLEIGH A Principal; L. A EMERY. A. U.

Associate; Miss R. CROSBY. Teacher in MusC. etc. Mr.

WM. P. HUSSEY, Eng Assistant. In addition to tbe cnal Academical advantages, the Normal i epartment will ailord peculiar and excellent facilities for those designing to teach. It is hoped that this provision the will not be undervalued, MAbON, Secy.

Hampden, Aug 10, 1SGI d3ww4t (Times 3w; Jeff. 4w) $100,000 WORTH -AT- Stone Tenneys, No. 15 Main Street, Bangor, -W33 WOULD Say to all purchasers of DRY GOODS that like to buy yoorf. Mice, clean DESIRABLE GOODS, at as low prices as they can bny old. second hand stocks, that we are prepared to sell them the Best Qualities and Styles of Goods at as LOW PRICES as any other house in the City, and we are RECEIVING WEEKLY additions to our Stock, and will furnish them fast as wanted.

Just Opened, 1000 Yd. Prints, scllin- for 7 eta per yard, former price 10 ets, 30u yds Gosts Hair, 17 ets. formerly 33; tOO yds. Blehd Cottons, very low; 2000 yds un nichd Cottons, low prices, Jo. Ac Hosiery, Gloves Skirts, Skirt Supporters.

Jennv Lind and Corsets, La-dice and beuW Linen lidkfs. Linen Bosoms, all at very Low Prices, for Cash only. STOWE TENNEY, anglO 2w 15 Main Street) Bangor. PHOTOGRAPHS and Photographic Frames I 8. W.

SAWYER having remodelled his Rooms at the Old Stand, 2 1 Kcnduxkcag Bridge, is prepared to mke, for tha puMfo, every description of Photo 'graphs and Ambrotvpxs, ia tbe best style of the Art, at riots as low as giod work can be done. Particular attention paid to Grouping aud taking Children's Picture. Mr. 8 wi 1 1 go to the house to make Pictares of the sick or deceased. Pictures taken after d-ath copied into Photographs, aud la many instances made to look aa natural a if takes from life.

Mat. Sa wtkr oontinaee to finish Photographs la Oil smd WaUr Coders, aad the finest of Mtxxatsnt aa heretofore. He ha also received a large aesortmeaiof Fhoto-gra hie Frame, front the largest man a factory the country, making his stock ef Frames the best ia the city. Please euU and examine specimen. snfcf GTYU D13 ACTB ANO RESOLVES of lSGJi xUo, the Pnb-1M Law, for sals by r-t, i D.BH6BKB total depravity, and ire deserving of the mitigated aoorn'aOd contempt of all good and patriotic dtien.

i Hon. George P. Sewall, if Oldtown, was then milled upon, and patriotically and ably responded. -ARKKWOOX. The hall was thronged at the hour of sojournment, 3 oclock, a largo number of ladies being in the galleries.

A- H. Briggs, of this city; Hon. John H. Bjoe, our Representative in Congress; and Rev. Dr.

Tefft, each responded to calls for speeoh, and spoke eloquently in behalf of the Union, and in opposition to the wickedness of the Southern rebellion. At the cioee of the stirring appeals of Dr. Tefft, which were received with tumults of applause, the meeting adjourned till 74 oclock in the evening, A procession was then formed in front of the hall, and was escorted through the principal streets by the military, as mentioned in another article. The procession was nnder the direction of Col. Wm.

H. Mills, the President of the meeting; the military under command of CapL Bugbee. EVENING. A fall audience was present, the galleries be ing filled with ladies. The President exhibited on the platform some of the trophies of the war.

The tent, camp stool, and liquor decanter of General Bonham of South Carolina, taken by onr Second Maine Regiment. The tent is marked, Staff 2d Reg-imemt S. C. V. South Carolina Volunteers.

Eloquent and patriotic speeches were then made by Rev. Mr. Haskell of Washington, D. J. A.

Peters, Mr. O. H. Hinckley of Hampden, and Rev. Dr.

Tefft. A generous subscription was taken np tor the widow and children of Mr. Starbird, of Frankfort, who was killed in the battle near rnassas. The audience joined in a national song, and then the meeting adjourned with three rousing cheers for the Union. Correspondence of the Whig A Courier.

Augusta, Aug. 15. Messrs. heeler Lynde The issue made up in the Convention in this city yesterday, was this: unqualified opposition to the present war, or opposition to the war ex cept so far as to suppress rebellion and maintain the Constitution and the Laws of the United States. When the Convention.on a test vote, each member voting as his name was called, expressed opposition to the war thus qualified.then it eras that Hon.

Albert G. Jewett, one cf the Vice Preeidents, in words of scorching invective, and laying bare the scope and effect of the decision of the Convention, indignantly resigned his position and withdrew from the Convention. Hon. James H. Bradbury, rising to an appreciation of the result, thundered in the ears of the Convention that they had voted substantially that they were opposed to war even to sustain the government and support the laws.

A. W. Johnson told them that they had substantially declared to the heroic Jameson, and Berry, and Knowles, and other democratic officers and their democratic soldiers, that they had made fools of themselves; and in snch declaration he wonld not join, while a spark of manhood was left in him. Hon. S.

H. Blake, Hon. B. A. G.

Fuller, Hon. Joseph S. Rice, and others did a similar work and shaking the vile dnst of a traitorous Convention from theirfeet, 'they left the hall to the number of one hnndred and eighty five persons, with a majority of the officers, and organized a new Convention, to reflect tbe loyal spirit of the Democratic party, and put is nomination, on a respectable platform, CoL C. D. Jameson for Governor of Maine.

The split in the Democratic party is effectual and decisive. Tie Secession Convention not Held. The Convention called by the Breckinridge Democrats, of all those opposed to this unholy war, was not held in this city yesterday, either publicly or privately, so far as we can ascertain. The Mayor, on Wednesday evening, received the pledge of tbe leaders of that party in this city, that it should not be held, and if any proceedings or resolutions are published abroad as coming from such a Convention, the pec pie may understand that they were not paased in any open or public meeting, bat in some dark corner of the city. There was an immense Mass Meeting of Union men, however, at Norombega Hall, attended through the day by thousands of people, (the proceedings of which are elsewhere given) and the streets were thronged from morning tili night, by crowds of loyal citizens of this and neighboring places.

The best of order prevailed, and we have heard of not a single breach of the peace ol any description. In the afternoon, there was a grand procession of the people through the principal streets, under escort of the Independent Volunteers nnder command of Lieu t. Harlow, the Bangor Light Infantry, CapL Israel B. Norcross, and the Brewer Artillery, with their brass pieces, and also armed as infantry the whcle battalion being nnder command of CapL Bugbee of the Independent Volunteers. The National Flag was carried at various points in the oolumn.

Music was furnished for the occasion by Roundss Brass Band. I Bloceadb. The New Orleans Crescent a late date says that purchases of cotton for the Mexican market are shipped by a sea route least once a week from that city. On this sabject the Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia says The navy department, at last, fully appre-14es importance of the work before them. horde of Southern privateers Is preying on our commerce.

They have already captured fifty-two merchant vessels, four of which, loaded with loe, were bound for Washington. In the meantime, tbe blockade fa incomplete, aad is so understood in England a ad France. Tbe agents these nation are now In Richmond, New Orleans and Savannah, baying ootton and tobacco, which they confidently expect to ship, in spite of the blockade, ia the A the Assistant Secretory of the Navy to aware of theae facta. We must have, immediately, a fleet of gunboats aBd Meamers that will make the blockade effect ie; ead tbe Secretary to determined that sash a float afcaQ be in the Southern water, in thirtydiya iwJLng 1mm And bin of TIkwab Bfokwith, Beifaet, wan itmi, week. 4- 4'1 CO aug9 To Lot, in good fftSf on the lane between 4th anc ith lll3 Enquire of CHARLES V.

EVTonV' aug9 3w HM. ijiLLlABr. A OF Humbuga WE ARE 8ELLTNG onr Stock rfDrv Low as can be bought in (: as DC Xj (many of them from auct.OQ.j we ctf-r fourths of the Stickney Roberts, MAINtTP.EiT aug8 Plumers Patent Last. AM now manufacturing Lad o' a- BOOTS, 8UOES and GAITER. ly, on this erestiy improved -Lw woman and child trv them 6C- 0 THOMAS HERrr Sole Proprietor for Peco ti 1.

1 FOR A 1J II A I. I a Clipper Ship ALL 7 (1200 tons,) if. Th rc tail from Banaur September next, and can take a Firet and Second Cabin Pas-ener- darly. Any one to v.altth.-j tralia will find this the most i-for the season. For freight or pasae applv 'James it or the Captain, on board.

aue Dissolution of Copartnership. TBE Copartnerdi.p herd f. tho fut scribe rs. under the a ood 4r Qutnby. is this Cay a confent tfotn part es are aj'h bnsiness affairs of our late Srj Bangor, August 5th, 1 H31 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.

paintingIbusiness THE fuvscnbs, laving nu Wood A Quinsy their yt-Ctv ing this day formed a CcpartL- of QC.Vfir 4- GUILD. Business atl its branches at n-Street. where thev be for all kinds of fcbiu.r done promptly, and maw rt I aug7 Excursion Parlies, Cl AN be foruNhed wiL Omul The pleasantest wav Leave oroers with the c-irer. J. H.

ROE S'. PUBTIC LAWS OF MAINE a7 will be furn Cents pe AT Daniel Warrens Eating P. AT TA LOT'S 3 A Ice Cre SERVED DAY AXD ETZIuIN Bangor. June sth. l-ci.

Refreshment: 25 1, The Portland Kerosene il 0 ''i IVE NOTICE that they ar Trde Mark raise. wn-r- to their know. or raiCe. a-e market, under that n.uae. co-Uoa dark coicr, 8 n.e smell ai pco: burning en 1 lur nd Kero-ece terated amphene.

Burn.r Flu d. and Rosin Napth 1, aud the oi both ourselves an! sutnTS. The presect is caution our and consumers geceraliv, against said aod we would eqnest that when dou gard to bawQg taned the Pure her samp'es te submitted to us foresaw -I furnished tnat the proper n. be takn to protect us The Pare Portland Kerosene 0.1 CiL. -e in any quantitv, of RICK-" D.

M. aug. 1, 1561 V. L. ALL'EN a 7000 Busliels Prime Western Mixed Cjrn; Qi BARRELS Choice Extra ar I Tr-OlO FLOUR, now laaQ.agir 1 Dj er and L.

D. entwurtu. aug5 A. Military books i-j proved by the beert-tarv and Scott's Tactics; Baxter's ac 4e for sale by L. aug2 GREAT SALE OF Fancy Silks, from 25 to 50 cents iojj at Thompson Hichocr: at WANTED.

A vessel cf t3 tV load here for Turks an Tfio A. O. BKOOK'. Fire, Marine and Lite A xx y. HAMPDEN augl Blacksmitiis Ccal! 100 Tons Cumberland CCAL.

THE beat Coal for Blacksmiths' use ev.r a--this market. ALSO ills' COAL- 200 Tons Best English Sra pRol Portsmouth, ct. for sale low by HINCKLEY i BmoR, July 29. 4d (Times opr FLOOR FLOUR ACHOICB LOT ju.1 reeelred fr-i Mercantile Sqaare, opix-site 111' Bank, by E. Lansil Co.

jnty30 dtf t' RBTfiOerUT Part JT-ty CHARLES BIOBL toly29 SONG BOOKS Sh tiling Patriotic Sim Soej Book; Sons. of Bar. Stirtpew, Ctaftowadottokin-iteY BUNCH or KEYS FOCNB Enquire! til-, of-flse. aaclS Vui" PROPRIETOM. WHEELER LYNDE Wm.

H. Wheeler, Editor. TTRTT XUGUST 16,1861. TEX OIKOULATIOH -or Whig and Courier 13 SOUBIiB Thai of nj othar Holly in Maine, East of Portland. Daily Established 1834 Weekly 1816.

TERMS OF. ADVERTISINGS For one square, faraomt ot 13 line of thia typ hree times la the daily, $1 25 For eaoh weeks oonUnttnoee, 0 GO 0 1 25 as Fer half square, three tiraea. For one square in weekly, three time. For each week's oontla nance, SPECIAL NOTICES! 02,00 per square few first week $1,00 per square for oontinuanoe. Column Adwertlaementa Inserted at the rate of "Special Notices.

Advertisement. where the time of insertion la not specially designated, will be ooo tinned until otherwise ordered. JOB flOVEBKOB, TRRAT1T. WASHBURN, Jr. Eepublican Oounty Convention.

The Republicans of Penobscot Coanty are hereby notified to meet ia Convention on THURSDAY, August. 22cL, 1861, at io oclock A. at the City HJi, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Coanty Treasurer, County Commissioner, Clerk of the Courts and County Attorney, and three Sena-tors, to be supported at the ensuing election and for transacting any other business that may proparly come before th m. The basis established in 1857 is as follows Each town and plantation is entitled to one delegate and one additional delegate for everv 25 Republican votes up to 100 above 100, one additional delegate for every 50 votes, up to 500 above 500, one audit-I delegate for every MX) votes. A.


KAN I) ALL, MARK FOLSOM, A. C. WILSON, Count Committee. Class Convention. The Republicans of the Representative District composing the towns of Mazfield.

Howland, Edinburg, Argyle, EnfiiH. Passaamnk-ag, Greenfield, Loell and Burlington, Plantation No 1 and Booth of Lowell and Burlington, Whitney Ri lge Pla tation and No. Twj North of Matta-miBContis, will met at the Ham1 Bouse in Passa-dumkesg. on SATURDAY, the 3lst day of August at 10 ool ck a. to nominate a candidate to be supported at the next election for Representative to the Legislature.

A hall attendance is re' quested. Per order of DLt. Committee aug. 14, lb6l N. JONES, Chairman.

Another G-reat Union Meeting An adjournment of the great Saturday evening meeting was held at Norombega Hall yesterday. and was attended by an immense crowd of people. The following V'ce Presidents were added Oldtown Nahum Godfrey; A. B. Weed Orono Benj.

P. Gilman; Dover Stephen P. Brown; Sebeo Benj. S. Cilley; Alton D.

Mil likin; Milford Stephen Brown Howland Wm. H. Hammatt; Orrington Samuel Wis-well; Corinth Bjdj Ball; Shirley Paul S. Merrill; Hampden O. H.

Hinckley, Benjamin Miller; Greenville Henry Hildreth. A committee of six was raised to report resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, as fol'ows W. H. McCrillis, John E. Godfrey, Joseph Doane, Geo.

P. Sewall, T. H. Garnsey, Ellis Friend of Etna. While the committee was out, Joseph Bartlett, addressel the meeting.

Mr. McCrillis th. reported the following res olntions, prefacing them by eloquent and earnest remarks. The resolutions were received with unbounded applause, and unanimously adopted. Resolved, That we will stand by the Union, fight for the Union, and maintain the Union, and not a grain of sand belonging to the Union shall ever be su.

rendered to foes abroad or rebels at home, and the union of all Union men for the sake of the Union is the nnchangable will of the Democrats and Republicans of Penobscot. Resolved That the Republicans and Democrats of Penobscot are a band of brothers in this terrible crisis cf the countrys history, and politicians of every hoe and dye are requested to dry up until the Stars and Stripes float again in security over every portion of the Union. Resolved, That this war is in the defence of the Un on and of the flag a war against rebels and to sustain all the constitutional rights of every part of the Union, and peace can and will bless the land whenever the rebels will lay down their arms; and we will welcome back into our glorious galaxy of States every erring sister State, and kill the fatted calf and rejoice over a PAVtatiHailMM ms I Constitution maintained, a Union preserved and a nation saved. Resolved, That the cry of peace is but a thin disguise of disunion and is argued only by disunion ists and the terms of their peace is the dissolution of the Union, the disgrace of the flag, and the destruction of civil liberty; and we are for no such peace. Resolved, That our brave solJiers who are fighting our battles, must and shall be maintained, and it is the duty of those who stay at home to pay the bills, and we will pay them in spite of tbe sneaking whinings of traitors, and we will pay as long as they will fight, and both W.ll fight and pay and pay and fight, until every tory and rebel in the land shall acknowledge there is a God in Israel, and bow down in reverence and obedienne to the flag of the Country, and acknowledge obedience to the great, indissoluble, and immortal Republic.

Resolved, That as citizens of Maine, we are Sroud of the valor exhibited by tbe troops of laine in the recent contest at Bull Run, and as residents of the valley of the Penobscot, are especially proud of the gallant conduot of the Second Miine Regiment ol Maine Volunteers in that battle, which, in its charges with those of the Third Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, up the bill upon the enemys artillery and infantry. re described by the commander of the brigade, as never, in his opinion, surpassed. Resolved, That the coolness and courage manifested by the officers and privates of that Regiment have placed them in the rank of veteran soldiers, and rendered them worthy of the highest regard of their fellow citizens. Resolved, That we hold in grateful admira-tioa the memories of Sergeant Wm. J.

Deane and A-J. Moore, who Ml bearing the beautiful Regimental flag from the Maine ladies in Cali-fcrma; Copt. E. If. Jones, who Ml in rallying Dd Private Martin Joes, who fell while advanomg upon tbe enemys battery, ex-latming with troA Spartaa patriotism.

44TalI mother I died in defence of my oonntry and that we tender to their friends our heartfelt jmpathj, a i V. Resolved, That those men who, from personal ec partisan motives, condemn this war tor the prMsrvsdta of oar country, fat which oar eel-diets have risked their li vj.and gaiewi fame, aa an UNHOLY ot only of want of patriotism, bat of finally of that corrupt of the heart by ewtaguA, 4 Mats of at A of A il "i 4 families of Virginia. All then, except the slaves are to he counted as among tbe F. F. s.

The old st families of England love to go back to the earliest days, and with pride point ont the illns-trions founders of their families. We have authentic history which goes back to 1607, when the first settlement was made in Virginia, from which we quote: Of the one hundred and five persons on the list of emigrants destined to remain, there were no men with families, thaw were bat twelve laborers, and very few mechanics. Tbe rest were oompesed of gentlemen of fortune, and of persons of no occupation, mostly of idle and dissolute habits, who had been tempted to join the expedition through curiosity or the hope of gain a oompany bat poorly calculated to plant an agricultural State in the wilderncm. Wilsons American History, p. 162, New emigrants arrived in 1609, most of whom wars profligate and disorderly persons, who had been sent off to escape a worse destiny at borne.

Wilson, p. 166. In the month of August, 1620, a Dutch man of war entered James river and landed twenty negroes for sale. This was the commence men of negro slavery in tbe colonies. Wilson, p.

169. At this time there were very few women in tbe colony. Ninety women of reputable character were soon after sent ova-, and theoolonists purchased them for wives, the price of ruing from otao hnodred and twenty to one hundred and fifty poandsWlf Tobacco. Wife p. 170.

Though their wives were tiros bought, they were not held as 8till tha state of society indicated by this historical bet illustrate the moral aad social 'pomtioo of Ua first colonies, who constituted the psreqt Stock from whips has sprang that Mtmlrarisandeeir Si ttoflndraori nailed th first families of- Yhyiais, fit to not always best to pswrohe fiorirttoy Jnto kfflif ii r'-' oUetA.

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