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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • 2

Bangor, Maine
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Bark John Aviles. Leo, ijt, York. Spoke May 4, lat 3S, Ion 67, whaleship Swallow, of New Bedford, under short sail. May ill vers, a German seaman, fell overboard opposite Frankfort, and before a boat could reach him was drowned. He cnnld not swim.

i Bng Wm McGilvery, Carlisle, Portland I MONDAY, May 13th. I Scha Iowa, Woodbury; Charlotte, Black, and! Wild Rover, Bradford, Boston 1 Seh Georgi ana. Turner, Newbury port Sch Mar Ellen, Case, Danverport Scb Lucy A Nancy. Perkins, Penofocot Sch Pierce, Hatch, Rockland Sch Idaho. Linton, Castine Schs Ida May, (new) Brey; Yankee.

LowelLand ta ul to Banner, Lawrence, Bucksport for furnishing tne st cm rsDvn I sand coinvdetc st-- I Haversacks, and s- Bfay 13 Brig Allston. Smith, Sandy Pointi schrs according to a pc. -D fiance, Boynton, St. Kitts, by T. Stewart: Jack House, Augusta.

Downing, Colson, Boston; Rainbow, Havener, Sa-j Sufficient for 1. deinered in ten gEALED PROPf.SL QT The beautiful flag used the last Presidential Campaign, by the Bell Everett men, with the motto, Die Union, ike Constitution and the Enforcement of the Laws, was again thrown to breeze yesterday from its old position at the foot of State street It is exactly applicable to the present condition of affairs, and every man who marched under it last year, is now prepared to sustain it Hospital Supplies. The order for the Second Regiment to move was received in this city on Saturday. The Sageon General, Dr. Garce-lon, arrived here the same night, and made known a request that a supply of partly worn linen or cotton should be provided for hospital purposes.

Notice of this request was given in the pulpits of all the churches on Sunday morning, with the request that all the families who could conveniently, would contribute partially worn sheets, pillow cases, and forward them to the ladies work rooms over Mr. bales store. The response was noble, and a very large supply was collected at evening. During the day the ladies assembled there.and made np a supply of hospital beds sacks, such as the snrgeon directed. VW The letter designation of the several Companies of the first Penobscot regiment, we understand, is as follows: An Irishmans Song to New England.

Dedicated to the 2d Regiment V. M. 24. BY JAMES A. BANKS, OF THE 6 RATTAN GUARDS.

And sung by Ike Author at Camp Washburn. Dear land ef sweet freedom. New England, oar home. The land of the brave and the free; Wherever we wander, wherever we roam. Oar hearts throb with fondness for thee.

Btill dear are thy hills and thy valleys so fair. Thy nils, and thy bright sparkling streams; And when for. for away, on a Southern shore, We will think of thee still in our dreams. For fall treason is rampant and traitors would dare To trample on freedoms brave sons; Bat weU show that the sons of oar fathers are there, By the flash of New Englands gnus. Then New England arise, in thy might and thy power.

And ye mothers, like Romans so brave. Give your sons to yonr country, in this her dark hour, For tis sweeter to die than live slaves. And green Erin ariso, and surround that bright flag. Thy refuge when sorely oppressed Sound the tocsin of war, let it ring through the land, Till thy sons give Columbia rest. For the tones of thy harp shall be beard from afar.

And thy sons shall eoiae under the fold Of that banner so glonous in peace, or in war. The flag ot the green and the gold. And ye daughters of Erin, remember that you Have the patriots lode-star in this For the Boy who will fight for the red, white and blue, Is the one most deserving a kiss. For, yonr triumph shall be, when the battles are oer. And the foes of our country o.erthrown With the eiioice of your heart i oull have bliss in gallore.

And each sweet-heart be pruul of her own. An Id Scotia, the land of the brave and the free. Thy Thistle, that emblem so true. Shall be found in the van, in the midft of melee, la defence of the red, white and blue. Then, Hurrah! for the MEN who go forth to the fight.

And who would not join them will you Well stand by our country, our God. and our right. Though we die tor the red. white and blue. The Mobile Tribune is religiously-exalted just bow- It thinks the object of the Sooth should be not so much to' conquer as to' bring the North to a sense of their religions and civil duties! A North Carolina editor proposes that the people of that State vote themselves ont of the Union by the word separation, rather than secession, because many of oar people are prejudiced against the latter." The Troy Arsenal is manufacturing rifle cartridges with extraordinary rabidity, while bullets are turned out, by the aid ol machinery, at the rate of 60,000 per day.

A young man from Bollinsford, went to Dover for the purpose of enlisting in one of the companies there, but was rejected, because he lacked about half an inch of the required heighL went home, and returned the next dsy, and was accepted, having in tbe meantime put a thick pair of taps to his boots. From Washington and the South. A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from Old Point Comfort, Virginia, says: I have traveled for the last few days in the company of some half dozen Southern gentlemen who have been spending some time in New York and other parts of the North, and who were homeward bound. They go home fully impressed with the u.ter hopelessness of the cause of rebellion. They had seen and realized the perfect unanimity and terrible earnestness of the entire North in sustaining the Government.

Some of them told me, and I heard them say the same thing to each other, that the South, and Virginia especially, had rushed to her certain and utter ruin; that it was wholly impossible to stand against the roused North; that the Government thus backed, and possessing the wealth and the great elements of warfare, was sure to crush her to the earth. Never have I seen such a company of mournful men, going home beart-sick and hopeless. Those who have been disposed to accuse the Government of a want of activity should travel from New York to Washington, and up and down the Chesapeake and the Potomac, to learn wet by the heavy rain of Sunday afternoon. We do not know all the circnmstances of the LOCAL AID JCAI ITS ITEJCB. Job Wore.

We are prepared to execute job work of til kinds at remarkably low prices and in the neatest style. tJT Copies ot the Daily Whig prioe three ota for sale at our oonn ting-room. (7 Our Carrier are not allowed to sell papers while on their routes. for a less time than three months 50 cents per month. XV The Seoond Regiment of volunteers will leave this city this morning at about 8 oclock.

Yesterday was a very busy day in the delivery of olothiqg and equipments; the paying off of the troops by Gen. Hersey and his assistants, and in the leave-taking of relations and friends. The contract for clothing, with the exception of the grey flannel shirts, was taken by Messrs. Wheelright Clark, and performed by them and the other tailoring establishments in the city. The accoutrement contract (for knapsacks, haversacks, cartridge boxes, was taken by James Littlefield, and has all been filled in the city.

The regiment is equipped and clothed in a most satisfactory manner. The time fixed for the moving of the train this morning we understand to be ten minutes after 8 oclock, and it is doubtful whether there will be time for any flag presentation as has been announced. Later. Eastern End of Kendalls Mills Bridge Burned! We understand by telegraph from Waterville, that the two eastern spans (about' 300 feet) of the high bridge over the Kennebec river at Kendalls Mills were burned between seven and eight oclock last night. A special train from Waterville passed over it at about 5,40 P.

yesterday, and the afternoon freight train from Bangor, passed over it at about a quarter before seven last evening, when no fire was discovered. The bridge was well covered with tin, and the track on the outside mast haTe been thoroughly vr f3 Sr WHEELER ft LYNDE PROPRIETORS. Wm. H. Wbeuisr, Editor.

TETE8DAT, MAY 14, 1861 THE CIBCnLATIOH or Whig and Courier 13 DOUBLE That of any other Daily Paper in Maine, East of Portland. Daily Established 1834 Weekly 1816. TERM8 OF ADVERTISING: For one square, (amosst ol 18 lines of this typej three timesln the daily. $1 25 0 50 0 75 1 25 0 25 For each weeks continuance, Fer half square, three time, For one square weekly, three times, For each weeks oontinnanoe, SPECIAL notices: $3,00 per square for Srst week $1,00 per square for oontinnanoe. Double Column Advertisements inserted at the rate of Special Notices.

Advertisements, where the time of insertion is not gpeoially designated, will be continued until otherwise ordered. WOBDS FOE THE HOUB. Influsnce is not GeVEKiorayT. Let ns have GOVERNMENT by which our lives, liberties, and properties will be secured, or let ns know the worst at once. Thebe is a cali.

roa decision. 1 Let tbe reins of Government be braced and held with a steady hand, and every violation be reprehended. George Washington. Questions arising under the Constitution must be settled by Constitutional means. Rebellion and Nullification will never be permitted, while I have command of the armed and naval forces of the Gov eminent.

Andrew Jackson. If the Constitution cannot be maintained without meeting these scenes of commotion and contest however unwelcome, they must come. We cannot, we must not, omit to do that which in our ja ment, the safety of tbe Union requires. Not regs less of consequences, we most yet meet consequences; seeing the hazards which surround the discharge of public duty, it must tet be discharged. Daniel Webster.

I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate, and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our national Union and the perpetuity of popular government, and to redress WRONGS ALP.UADT BKuGGH ENDURED. Abrahak Lincoln. The Uniforms or the Soldiers Since the introduction of the Minnie and Enfield rifles and rifle cannon, the subject of the color of the uniforms of soldiers has received much attention in Europe. In these long range arms, it is important to have something defined to aim at. The Minnie rifle when in good order will carry ball 1200 yards, with precision, and rifled cannon at one and a half miles can be aimed at and will kill a man.

Under this stage of things it is important that the uniform should be of no dark or well defined color, and that there should be no plates of gilding to shine about the person, especially near the center of the body, to attract the enemys aim. The best color for the dress is a light blue of gray, which at a distance cannot be distin guished from tbe horizon. In Europe, the dark dress with red or gilded trimmings and ornaments has been discarded, and it is found that fewer men have been killed in the recent European wars when dressed in gray than in any other color. Fighting is a new business with our people, and they should neglect no useful hint which will be of advantage to them. Matters at the Portsmouth Naty Yard.

In 1821, just forty years ago, says the Ports mouth Journal, the keel of the frigate Santee was laid at our Navy Yard, and she was fitted for launching scon after. Here she laid housed until 1853, when she was overhauled, and remodelled, her prow made sharper, and otherwise improved, and was then launched. Again she was left to rest at the wharf until the present crisis. Five hundred men are now at work upon her, andby the close of next week she will be ready for sea, one of the handsomest and best ships in the Navy. Her tonnage is 1720 She mounts IS guos.

About 1100 hands are now employel at the Navy Yard in fitting the vessels there for sea. The rigging of the Santee progresses rapidly. The Marion has been in and out of dock, and is now being rigged, and the Dale is in dock and covered with hands. Camp Equipage. According to an order from the Adjulant General each company of the Maine Volunteer Militia mustered into service, will be furnished with one tent or marquee, with poles and pins for officers, one kitchen tent one common tent with poles and pins for every six privates and non-commissioned officers of the company.

To every six men there will be allowed one hatchet, one camp kettle, and one mess-pan; each company will be allowed ten axes each soldier one deep tin plate, one tin quart cup, one knife, one iron fork and one iron spoon. iif A man who has been suspected at New London of complicity with the rebels, was detected Thursday night, depositing a letter in the Post Office containing information relative to Fort Trumbull, giving details of important facts. The envelope covered a letter to Gen. Beauregard, with the above information. A man who gives intelligence to the enemy is as much a traitor as though he fought in the rebel army.

He is even more worthy of death, for, in addition to being a traitor, he is a mean, dastardly coward, who would stab his country in the dark, without risking his own miserable carcass. We say, hang him up tp the first tree. A Washington letter Bays In the ranks of the Rhode Island Regiment is a private worth $500,000. This morning I saw him mopping tbe floor of the barracks. His appetite is good.

The Attempted Poisonino. It seems that the attempt to poison the troops stationed at the Belay House was maoh more wide-spread and serious than was at first suspected. Strychnine was introduced into the camp by venders of cakes, apples, and goodies in vast quantities Gen, Butler alludes to the subject in special orders, and says: Are our few insane enemies among the loyal men of Maryland prepared to wage war upon ns in this manner 1 Dp they know the terrible lesson of warfare they are teaching ns Can it it be that theyreauw the tact that we ean put an agent, with a word, Jn to every household, armed with tkU tsrrihts Weapon la Fell for now to atore wp that old Latin MUtnmns BaWe et deeorom eat pee ftm "Tt is iweet and Aaoonxu ta I r. l. Notice the rijTht to awarn a person.

a thj u.a. btate. No -w i contract. Opinion a ered equal to -j Pvr Monmouth THE bLMVER IE, commence V. j.

weeke, uuder Throu S.Cs. Mj La: and ljraalLttl i The -1, ant and heaathia. It la coaieL.cti cultural cmi inducement- v. IsUbjCCtea in -a' lee or fir teac. The Sclu 1 who wi-h an 1 Ttti jn (l-J guah.3.ii; Prmarj.

Feamaziaa p. 1 Inc dental ciuti- No student re -The Pr-oiC Lr aii hold m-elf lies aLaJ Lt wadjias. Sa.cnd tlie.r Sat c. claewLere. Tuo-e information rt.a to address the 111113 ruth.

Md To Log 3 There w-iik e-tvd the AfB THURSDAY loi- see whether cother ls rdua a -thc can be le --person? i tend, if puss.o.-. The Direct -r- L- -Company the purpose of Tj.j nother crivc. wlll -pressMn of all pat Bsxgr, May I Boomage THEaec'ULts: r. tbe P. A made up.

and tnou-anc Ll-count v. pay their i Kcfore the per teat i i a uu pcru. alter tnt Treasure Bacg Now en JkL 111 ry Aii. -L- fu AVE tar r. 5 per.f great n.

give them a ti. $45 All the imp i Fot i IU Wiis-asM is so very gru: ettu. wl i'4-i' llnrl i.d the Bru-h 1 7 ol MuJu.a at For sale at -Pice street. iii BE ARE 1-DAY jiU; V.i-l-1 bttiLA I IDry C'-rcc-''. Paper Hen- 7- A i i i i 1 at prices lhAt w.I.

Thousands of PRINTS, for or. Best quru'tj 01 li- j.i LadC-' GREY T). artcle the in v-k. Wimsuaa made. Mlk Stripe Grev t.

Bonnet Rhbon. The largest rtCr Ba nsor, bouiit nit -t. Handsome iat-ii and ec. All kinds C-rp' i 4-4 Oil for 33, I yl Wool for 50. sticiney Rooerts.

i A "I i Spring Summer Goo just Received a FI LL broadcloths, pofki. CAS5IMEEE5 wbioh we are roily to V. yaeutonabtC Sargent PaTvEr JNo SiiTLXtaA-l3 8400'BU3HhLS YELLOW a Piet'BtiTer. FoVR'e DOING PLANTS, a e. A fine assortment of VERBENAS, and other Boudin' P.antri.

AUo. AbTERS. from the best Imported Seed, at LOUT PRICES, at the Centre-st. Greenhouse. ma 14 h'vice-t named inctcs.


PICKERING. China, Crockery and Glass Ware, AND CUTLERY. A FULL ANDCOMYLETE ST0Kjust received. For sale at ff7The Lowest Prices. to Suit the Times, at E.

D. GODFKEYS, No. 30 MAIN STREET. ma 14 Opposite the Hat a Iluuse. Green House Plants.

A Aisrtiuent of Green-house Bedding Plants, Consist hir of Rf'ses. Carnation PiuK, Geraniums. Pelargonium-, Fuchsias, Cineraria Dahhas. es. Verbenas.

PetuiL.a3.and a large collection of other uQiutuM Plaots. Alsc, Black Hamburg. White Muscat, and other GRAPES, in pots, for sale at CE-NTxLE-ST. GicEElX-HOUSE. aprid tf FRED C.

LOW. Warranted quipinents5 FuP. THE ARMY AND NAVY. WITH Foar Lr.Te Furiit Constantly eui-pluyed. we cn proiLpiiy fIL tiaC largeit ur-j lers.

Iia.r a k. ftate? Canteen. Camp Sohder- and has. Caps, Rucer I Coat, tape and Cloas, nir, lirse Cover. Saddle Corel a Tr; aulii an Covers.

Gun and Revolver Ca-. i atLin Cover, iiA ler. Gam and F.our Bags Pont fcu earint Arm r. Cloth Aii the aovt any ie at shrt uotce. Our own Rubber Goods, with laek (none are admirei Fir tovlr Ln.iumt nalu ry I tjftetg andiUperlor strength sni workmanship.

i Illustrated Catalogue-, with lull f'r- warded on request Address all orders to JOHN A. GREENE, TREASURER rueler CLOTHING 48 Jailk Street, Lcsron, or 201 Broadway, Kew York. Dfoj 1 1 MB IV HAVEN CARRIAGES, FROM the manufactory Ji Armstrong ot neat st ies and superior finish, cu imnd and for sale at reasonable prices, by D. FOLSOM, Commission Merchants mayl3 tf No. 1 i Exchange Street.

To Let, A convenient IioUse, with 3 rooms, on Middle street, near Columbia street. Rent jJAvd flOO- Inquire of THO A. HILL, may 11 Cardenas Molasses. 344 Now landing 40 TIB itCl? 3, MOLASSES, from schr. Del-4 S-hliS.

motitnd for sale by STETbtN fc CO. d2w majll Why not Bmploy l. w. CLAPP, No. 15 State street, WHO HAS opened a shop to carry on the Sonfe Carpentei ng Business, in all its branches of Building and Repairing.

FENCE BUILDING Attended to at short notice and at reasonable rates. He can do work a wetland a cheap ns any one Ail business promptly attended to. mavlotf S. J. ADAMS, Commission Merchants AND JOBBERS OF STAPLE FAXCY GOODS, Sowing SlYlr Threads, Suspenders, Cutlery, Combs, No.

9 Granite Block, may 10 BANGOR. MAINE. Passed by Mistake, AT the grounds, yesterday, a Twenty Dollar Bill instead of a two. The owner can find the tame at the More of A. I R.

C. BOYD, Hammond street. Ice Ice Ice IC fbr Bale tn any quantity, delivered to all fcarts of the City or World- Low Dummer. May 181; Wanted to Charter: GJL pxxf eoppered vassal, SssfortsluSdnuil bs Braurarto Grand RtoJa 209 tons, from WJUb JaaArio, WOfiuSeSP13614' fire, but it looks like incendiarism. Mr.

Noyes, the Snperintendant, was here last evening, and immediately telegraphed to the Governor that he would forward the train with the seeond regiment, to the eastern bank of the Kennebec, and the men and their baggage and equipage could then be transported round by the traveled bridge to the Kendalls Mills station. The detention of the regiment will be brief, but the damage to the bridge is serious. It will probably cost from $6,000 to $10,000 and a months time to rebuild it, and in tbe meantime the trains from this city must anticipate their present time sufficiently for the passengers and freight to pass round by carriage to the old travelled bridge. A large amount can be raised for the scalp of the fellow who burned the railroad bridge. Presentation or Bibles and Testaments to the Second Regiment.

The companies not previously supplied, were furnished yesterday by the Bangor Young Mens Bible Society. Prof. Harris presented them in behalf of the society, with some appropriate remarks to company Capt. Sampson, and to company Capt. Meinocke, to which Capt.

in behalf of the companies, made a happy response. Rev. C. G. Porter, with earnest words presented them to company Capt Foss, to which Capt.

F. heartily responded. Rev. M. V.

Tarbox, with a warm heart, presented them to company Capt Chaplin, to which Lieut. Boynton appropriately replied. Rev. Dr. Pond, with no diminution of patri otic fire, presented them to company Capt.

Jones, and to company Capt. Deveraux. Fitting speeches were made in response by Capt. Jones and Lieut Wilson. fcjF Timothy Field, with his accustomed generosity, has presented the officers of the Grattan Guards with side arms and accutriments, ordered through M.

Gilligan. Material for the Giast Regiment. One of our merchants, engaged in the lumber trade, informs ns that of thirty lumbermen engaged on a single drive in his service, every man is over six feet in height. The same gentleman, while coming down to Oldtown in one of the river steamers last week, found that of twenty-five passengers on board, all lumbermen, twenty-two were six feet in height, and a number of them measured three or four inches each above that standard. GP Lewellyn J.

Morse, of this city, has been appointed Commissary for the new regiment, (the Sixth Maine Regiment) to be mastered in this city. EF The Newport and Brownville companies, now here, will go into the barracks at the Arsenal immediately upon the departure of the Second Regiment to-day. There are about fifteen companies now organized in this and the eastern counties, from which the Sixth Regiment will be organized as soon as called for by the Government. Fire. The buildings at the old Rose Place, about a mile above this city, were burned on Sunday night last.

They have long been unoccupied, and were doubtless fired by an incendiary. Although named the Rose Place, the buildings had not the most odorous reputation. Miss M. Ella Donning, daughter of Col. Dunnings yesterday presented to Capt.

Emerson, for the use of his company, 81 nice towels, and 81 pieces of Castile soap. Each towel was marked with a mans name. These articles are ol importance to tbe soldiers, and tbe companies should be well rovided with them. do we meet the great engine of Government, with its ponderous machinery, in full motion. To have put it in motion, in the space of less than twenty days, on a plan that causes all its parts to work together in harmony, has be-n an achievement which no other Government ever did accomplish, and is at once a subject for as tonishment and unreserved praise rather than of accusation and blame.

The Washington correspondent of the same paper writes: We should not underestimate the magnitude of this struggle. While we can compute the enemys resources and discuss clearly the end, they do not realize the hopele-sness and helplessness of their condition. Their very blindness leads them to a more determined desperation. Frenzied and forgetful of everything but fancied wrongs, they are pricked on by a sense of injury and a mad ambition to be bloody, bold and resolute. Ours is an effort which will not exhaust theirs is a spasm will convoke to the death.

We strike for government and the supremacy of the law; they grapple in a dying throe for existence. The despair of a forlorn hope will give vastness and vigor to a strife which sees no alternative but a grave of ignominy or a grave of honor. Let us understand and be prepared for the short and sanguinary onset. The north as well as the sonth need to ponder well, and nerve themselves for an endurance and sacrifice which has had no parallel in our day or generation. War or no War.

The seceders marched in armed bodies, and compelled the guards of the United States forts and arsenals to surrender them: but it was not war. With arms in their hands they eaptur millions of dollars worth of cannon, small arms, and monitions of war belonging to the United States, but it was not war. They seized the ships of the United States; but it was not They seized tee mints and the money of the United States, and applied them to their own use; but it was not war. They fired on an unarmed ship, carrying supplies to a fortress of the United States; but it was not war. They are besieging the fortresses of the United States, have surrounded them with military works, and ent off their supplies; but it is not war.

Bat if the United States attempt to relieve their beleaguered garrison, or even send them provisions in an unarmed vessel, it is war. It they attempt to transport a cannon from one fort to another, or from a foundry to a fort, is war. If they transfer a soldier from fort to fort, or from State to State, it is war. If they send out a ship to protect their loyal citizens, it is war. To talk ot executing their laws, protecting their commerce, or collecting their revenue, it ts war horrible war.

Since the foregoing was written, the rebels have taken Fort Sumter. It that war Washington Star. Protection of the Troops from Sun Strokes We are indebted for the following important practical suggestions to the Hon. S. B.

Rugglcs, wbo has a son serving in tbe Seventh Rement: Experience has shown that troops serving in warm climates greatly need rotection from sun stroke, often quite as dangerous and fatal as tbe fire of the enemy. The judicious care and foresight of the British officers, in the recent campaigns in India and in the Crimea, protected their soldiers from the danger, by thick white linen cap covers having a cape protecting the back of the neck, which reflected instead of absorbing the heat of the son. The regions in and about Washington, say from latitude 37 degrees 40 minutes, in which our troops may soon take the field, have an average temperature quite as high as that of Sebastopol in latitude 45. An exact pattern of the cap-cover used in the Crimea was furnished last week by a British officer, to an association of patriotic ladies in this city, who have already completed one thousand for the use of oar regiments at Washington. Another association of ladies haTe since entered on a similar labor of love, to supply the same number to ancther regiment.

We trust that these examples may be followed without delay, until all oar troops shall be protected from needless exposure and hardship on the seorching plains of the Sooth. There is no difficulty or delay in forwarding these cap-covers to tbe regiments. A traveling trank of ordinary size will hold at least eight hundred, and can be sent by Express in twenty-four boms. JV. Y.

Times. A Patriot Mothers Last Appeal. Capt. Herman Bartlett, of the Bangor Light Infantry, received the following touching letter on Saturday: Oaoxo, May 10, 1801. Captain Bartlett Sir: Unhesitating'y I take my pen to address yon, with no apology save a mothers unquestionable right (at thi3 time) to speak with reference to her enlisted children, who, under your immediate command go forth, if need be, to conquer or die, in the straggle for freedom from a Southern fee.

That victory may crown your noble efforts is the well grounded hope of the mother who yields, sadly yet trustingly, her two only sons to the guidance of the God of battles, and to you. That you will shield from the many dangers that will attend them, so far as possible and practicable, is my plea in thus claiming your notice of these hastily penned lines. Forget not this earnest request and you will merit and shall have a widowed mothers lasting gratitude. Not for your little band alone, would I selfishly wish for safety from harm, bat for all that have so bravely left home and friends, responsive to their country's call. On, On to the rescue, brace sons of the North, with a heart for each friend, and a bl ide for each foe to our glorious Union.

Peacefully if it can, forcibly if it mn9t, ought the Stars and Stripes to float oer all tbe nation. Then, and not till then, can you return to us deserving these cheering words Yonr duties are well performed. God speed the right! will be the np-liftsd cry of Mothers, Wives and Daughters left alone in Northern hemes, while their loved ones turn Southward for Liberty or Death. Pardon the trespass upon yonr time of her whose anxious thoughts are in the present crisis. Respectfully, H.

Bartlett, Capt. Light Infantry. QF- Charles Tho-ns, one of the volunteers in Capt. Carlisles Company, while endeavoring to discharge a pistol, ou Friday last, hail cne of the fingers of his left hand blown off. One of hi: fingers was amputated by Dr.

E. F. Sanger. Ben. Butler a Maine Boy.

The Lewiston Republican says that Gen. Butler who is proving himself so efficient and patriotic an officer, is a native of Cornville, Somerset County, in this State, and that he was edneated at Waterville College. Gentlemen in Lewiston, who were personally acquainted with Gen. Butler in Massachusetts, give him the reputation of being a second Taylor in point of decision and energy. Seh.

Phoebe Baxter of Machias, Robinson, homeward bound from Boston, was wrecked near White Head, one night last week. No insurance on vessel or cargo. Sob. Sea Bird, of and from Rockland, arrived in the lower harbor, Portsmouth, N. Monday, and on Monday night drove ashore near Kittery Point Bridge.

On Tuesday, at noon, she took fire and burned rapidly to the waters edge. A ship of abont 1200 tons is on tbe stocks at Damariscotta. The hnilders are Messrs. Metcalf Norris. It is the only ship now in process of construction in that town.

Sr The big bell for the Androscoggin Mill at Lewiston, has been re-cast, and is now on its way from Boston. It will be in its place by the middle of next week. gy There was an immense Union meeting the largest gathering ever held in Aroostook County at Houlton on Wednesday last. Soldiers from Aroostook. S.

L. Carpenter, of Presqae Isle, was in town this returns from Bangor to enlist a company Of 100 men, for a new regiment, to be raised independent of the ten regiments called ont by tbe Governor. The company is to be composed of picked men, healthy and able bodied none less than five feet ten inches in heighL We understand that a recruiting office will soon be opened in this place, when we have no doubt the required number will be readily mastered. Boulton Timet. Exfkrimkkts ix Cobx Plaxtiko.

Four boxes of earth in quality and exposure to light and heat, were planted at the same time with oorn from a tingle ear, and placed recently in a physicians office. In one box dry corn was planted; in another the seed was soaked in clean warm water; in the third 'the seed was soaked in a solution of liras water; in the fourth tbs seed was soaked in chloride of Urns and copperas water, eqnal parts- One week, afterwards the box planted with dry corn had not germinated, the second box had jast commenced to gsrm mate, tbs third box was fast showing its grsen blades, and -Jn tbs fourth box (he blades wars nearly three isobea Copperas will keep birds and worms from eating tne seed, and one pound will soak enough for twenty DaA, Glossy avadnxnrlaat Hair I By Bring Bsfmstrssff Intmiiabts RssterattseX. IWt ass scything slsssa yonr Dead. Pries tests SPECIAL NOTICES. C7Take Notice From tills date we have concluded to sell our Goods FOR CASH.

We trust our finends will consider this announcement no reflection on their ability cr disposition to fulfil their obligations to us, but understand that the peculiar state of the country compels us to give public. ty to this notice. STICKNEY ROBERTS. X. B.

Many kinds of Dry Geods we offer lower than ever before sola in Eaniror. may 14 Iw Mr. David N. Groce, TRANCE HEALING PRESCRIBING MEDIUM. Office Hammond street, a few doors above Hijrh street- Office hours from to 12 A- M.

and 2 to 3 c. M. Spiritual Medicines conetantly on hand, mat 14 tf VOLUNTEERS FROM THE COUNTRY! The UNION GUARDS, Carlisle commander, will receive able bodied men, not less than five feet five inches in height. Minors wishing to enlist must obtain the written consent of parent or guardian. Office, dr Broad Street.

mas Li THE COMMITTEE Appointed by the subscribers to the 1 Fund for the aid of the families of Volunteers to collect and disburse the came, give notice that they are ready to furnish aid to these need, and entitled to re-ce the same Application for assistance will be made to either of the undersigned. Subscribers wbo have not paid their assessment of 20 percent will please call at the Merchants Mutual Marine Ins. Office and pay it. S. P.


jk Fifers and Drummers Wanted 1 the Srt Regiment called Divis.on. to wtiom a Bounty of two mo iii3 pay will be given when mustered icto the service of the United btates. Enquire of T. A. TaYLOR, Recruiting Officer, Bangor, April 39 Mercantile Square Special Notice.

The SteaDier M. Sanford will transport troops and munitions of war, and any mthorized agents on business connected therewith, between Bangor and Boston, and all intermediate landings, free of charge, may 1 LOOMIS TAYLOR. Agent. FOR Portland, Boston and Lowell. Steamer Danl Webster, Capt.

SAMUEL BLANCHARD, Will leave Eangor every 3Iosiay. Wednesday, and Friday ruing, at 6 o'clock, touching at all theusual landings ou the River and Bay, connecting with the cars at Portland for Boston and Lowell, arriving in Boston at an early hour same evening. BSTUS5IXQ Will leave Portland for Bangor same evenings, at 9 ocloeir, or on the arnval of the oclock train from Boston, touching as aoove. Fare FronBangor, Hampden, Winterport and Bucksport to Portland, $2,00 to Boston and from Searsport, Belfast, Camden and Rock land to Portland, to Boston and Lowell, $2.50. Way Fares as usual.

Meals extra. A'jent ou the Route. T. R. Wasgatt, Hampden; L.

Rich, Winterport; Danl Kobinson, Bucksport; I-saah Blethen, Bearsport; D. D. Pinkbam, Belfast; N. B. ic 8.

A. Jones, Camden; M. W. Farwell, Rockland; Chi's C. Eaton, Portland.

NoCamphene, Burning Fluid, 3Iaiches, or other extra hazardous freight taken. J. 0. KENDRICK, Agent Bangor, April 18, 1361 Sanfords Independent Line. FOR BOSTON AND LOWELL.

Arrangement for the Season of 1861, The well known and Superior Steamer M. Sanford, SANPDAf aster, 1000 tons burthen, (built ex-iBBiy for a sea goinz steamer,) Leaves Bangor for Jton every MOh DAY and THURSDAY forenoon, at 11 oclock, touching at all the usual landings ou the River and Bay, arriving in Boston every Tuesday and Friday morning in season fbr all the early trains of Cars and Stages from the oity. Will leave Fosters South Wharf, Boston, every TUESDAY and FRIDAY afternoon, at 5 oclock, touohiog as above. Far From Bangor, Hampden and Beaton and Lowell, from Sears port and Belfast B2.40; from Camden and Roe land to Boston $200, to Lowell $2,60. River Fares at the pul rates.

MealJ extra. i9Vi9y Rfvsr T. R. John Winterport; J. W.

Patterson, Books- xrti R. W. Gilmore. Searsport; Jot B. Davis, Bet astE.M.

Wood, Camden; M. W. FarwellRock- LOOMIS TAYLOR, Agent. April 13, 1861 MARRIED. Iff this May Ilth, by Geo.

W. Snow, Mr. Joist'll sod Miss Euuubxtb SraaxixeJioth I ban sar- farmer copy. In Cio rerport, at th rajWenee ot Dr. R.

W. orrlsou, oathe Istb ult, Mr. WiLUAK Small, of tlAwcrule, to Mira Asxt H. tii eity. -7 At foot cr.p Goon Geit.

The Bethel Conner says there is one member of the Rifle Guards (Sidney Cross) who has volunteered for tbe third time within three weeks. He first enlisted in the Norway and was taken sick with the measles, and had to return home. On getting little better, he went Portland, and joined a I see A ppf The man who wished be company there. when taking a violent cold, the bad throat -a raifo long.ond palate alt the cJMasir8j having entirely left him, settled in way, might envy fomls performed in thefTI -i world of insignificance. Seme insects are endowed with an appetite to keen, and a digestion so rapid, that they eat incessantly throughout the whole of their lives.

They begin as soon as they sre born and go steadily on until they die. Their existence is feast without a change of plates, or a pause between the tontaea Morning, son and night, their months sre full, sod Mennonef fovsrim food-gratifies tbs nawssrii i palsta. They hww wot the asms ot Missis 1 ess fast eanunswtwd, With iafoacy, -ssrtle ae to auQM by -ri -A is THOMAS J. STKWAJtr. i wqrT to CuuHtilrafoc MereiuraL eewSALar KfiwMNMrd.

npcX Cu. J-.

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