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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • 4

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COFARtlTEB mHKsohvInberi Uv. and la connection- with the slut oa the Kendutkeag Bridge, formerly occupied by Smith, they have taken Ihe brick store neatly pdtiUt totbe Exchange, in Exchange street, recently occupied by Mr. Ear Jewett, and haw bow landing from Now York sod Breton, an kxtetiAivt assortment mt tb vary bee Faulty WKSTJNblA GOODS aad PROVISIONS, which they offer at very low price for Cash, Whole-sale of Retail, Purchaser ai rpetftally invited call, -3 -i e. MARK L. HILL, -May12 dffcwjw JACOB C.

SMITH- OTfdE ohytqB Ur Wiwm ie eari'and of gMffttfeB 1 n7Q5 mmsmbehwiw fV Will leav the Depot' at Bmjm qatrj IwriMt tiiuica, foil! i Leav Bangor o'clock a. m. iu i i- i P- Ln Old Towa a 71 a.n.- fm 1 a ei Be'igxg tbo aaak ii ilaowner. far a Oil Tl bkf (ears (a Upper Stillwater rents Upoer Stillwater Old Town 14 t. FirwsrdCar ltd oawfolM.

Freight will reeired oa lk following terms For 100 Ihtllarcluilii or leas, SO tmi Over 100 lb, and ten time 500, IS els. hundred 900 lbs, aud upwards, lOeti. per hundred FbralWre, Hay, fee: charged hy bulk. l'U Company willaead for Good in lh bnaineia part of the chy fee therel apoa leaving a memo raadusnsltba. Transportation If lb quantity exceed 500 lbs.

np charge will be aaado fdrfiauTTng to the Depot, il lea than 600 lb, he hauling will be ehargedin addition totbe freight and will not be responsible for any article not prop erly marked. Goods not delivered at the Depot till within 30 inmates of the time for starling the Train, will not be sent up till the next trip. Lumber to be loaded and unloaded by the owner, done by the Company will a separate charge. Delivered at Passenger Depot, Boards Jl 00 per M. Clapboards I 00 Shingles 17 tt.

Laths 1 SO i Delivered at ity Point. Boards Jl 25 per Clapboards 1 25 Shiugtei 20its. Laths 25 All bills for transportation most settled upon delivery of the goods, April 25 -fEPdUL aMEAWtfevsOi HUNllRRDfJ of JwrsoMf aftlistsd liy Shi fr.rjmu malady, kaV midi tra of this medicioa.j and It has raraty MJ4 to SattafectlMi In'vome eases Its good effaces Kara beau truly waederfu). Tha Rev. Jowk V.

Raima, Ua. under date of Apral IS, 1838, aartiflao, that foa lav ing been afflicted with Bah Rhajrno, at oapaoially in tha intar Mason, for wars ttaa twelve ears, applied about one year ago Is Iff. Trofcnt for th oinTHXltr ana Haoiciaa, which he had os a eat for tbit dreadful dlMaaa, Bha obUined aud mod it for Mvoriai woaks agroeably to tha preeeriplms: of Mr.Trufant, whoa to has moat joy aho foood koroelfi to appoamaeo aorfoetr ly oared, She has had fame smiul symptoms' of the die order pore sines, but a brief applitnlton of the ointment, Ac, haa removed tUei- Jit Wnbtt i. Thtulh 1 will yield to to oat to nr hatred to fw ickerfj I do inost cordially roco)etded Mr TntfUnV Faltbt Uodicint for tU salt Hlieuiu to 11 who afflicted wli thii dreadfUl malady Mr. Joel Howe, of Watt Pro pert, in a Utter dated A-pril 19, 1638, to the patentee ay I have a daughter, who waa vary moeh afflicted with Salt Rltoura for year, I procurod for her Mr Wn.

Trafluits medicine, by applying which aha ebtamed lalaef and for fix moo tha pant, baa ujoyepl comfortabla health Mr. 6aqin Adams. dniggiat, Hallowel), has been agent for the salt of Tnifaolt Homed for Salt Rheum', for a few months, and dufina that tiro, be observes, (ha has sooar peraooa afflicted with t)e Balt Rbeom ia avery degree, from a alight touch oa lha hand to tha oovenng of the whole body ytrmpkult cured. by tha above From Mr. Jiuttoa Stiuioa of Georgetown, This is to certify that my wife has been sorely afflicted with the Salt RJieum, at times, from a child and often for months ia succession, so that she was unable to be a bout house.

During this time she made us of almost every thing which had beeu neommeaded to her as good for the coni' plaint, but found littls relief and had formed the conclusion that there was no help for her. In 1837 the and her child (six months old) were so badly afflicted that they had but little rest, day or night the child being almost covered with sores, and bad been iu this state for several moot ha. A brother of mine, knowing the distress of my family me by all means to make trial of Trufuat's Compound for Salt Rheum Agreeably to his advise, I urebused a quantity of itpmd applied it as directed and can safely say that in two or three found great relief and in four week's time, the disorder entirely disappeared. Since that, they havo been free from au humors whatever, and enjoy good hualthyand I have reason to believe arc perfectly cured. I havo lost two children with the same complaint.

Had the same medicine been applied to thcas, 1 have good reason to believe that they would now have been living. I value the Compound highly os a remedy for that awnil disease, and with pleasure would recommend it to all who may be afflicted with it. HUSTON STINSON. HV 1. Btutcdni The largmd emt Hmt tsssensM of Prtneh ricqa.NxtHM'H tiinw with epwpri(.

iiT tforMe hjlhuud fo foe Htpna, frumTeTu ft 50 MitulL liookbindmg wad Printing of every kind etul promptly and neatly, cul- SCHOOL' BOOKS. Psriiculaf nhentro given to baveVvcrv R-t Book iu common ese an baud. BLANK Bouk of every dencriptiou. Eastern Periodical Agency d. Si f.

Agent for all the principal Review, end Magatiues Iu the Country, Oruers by ain i promptly attended to, pud auy Books not -on will be obtained vsoou as possible. Banger, April 26 1 HARRISONS LOZENGES; a xbnavu XWDT ro co.iitxhx.i owe 1 1 THIS uietlicin is not pul forth as a umveri A nostrum, calculated tu cure all diMge. iueidoal to humanity, bet rather at a meats ol bro. venting them. may aalely be staled that tenths of the most serious maladies arise bum unhealthy artom of the stomach and bowels or liv er, inducing as a natural consequence, indiresiioa auif its remits; curb head avbe, acidity ul il slnmaeh, heart burn, fintuleuey, nausea, lowness ul spirit.

jaeadic aad a whole catalogue ul ollur coHiplaiuU, which muy be entirely rvmuvcd by linielj and persevering use of this reitiedy. Thvrvookl cogent objection to Aperteuts in general is, that containing some dravlic purgative they leave, after tbeir uoeratibn bas censed, a torpidity ef the stomach umllrowels, producing const quenevs which heir administration was intended lo corresi Such effects Will not follow the use ol there Loz To tEMAl-ES if; Ijelic ate health: The Rurislaltio Lozenges are strongly iccom mended to ibe notice ol every Lady, having oh-lamed the sanction aud approbation of several emlusnt gentlenfeu of lh Medical Profession, at a safe and valuable medicine iu removing obstructions and relieving all other inconveniences to which the femaleframe is especially ilium which arise at an party period of hie, Irom want of exercise aud general debility el the system. They create an appetite, correct indigestion, remove giddiness sod neiveus head ache, and aro eminently useful-in wiudy disorders, pains in stomaefa. sliortnevt of breath and palpitation ol the hearts Being perfectly innocent, they can he taken at any time aud uuder any circumstances. 1 llt moil delicate female, when an aperient is may have recourse to them, and they will net preventive against those, nervous and hysterical nffectious which so frequently arise frura coduii-ued constipation.

TO SEAFARING PfeOPLE AND TRAVELLERS GENERALLY. To individuals ravelling, more particularly seafaring persons, when from change ol habit nr climate, the liver and bowels liecome inactive and costivenesvfollows as an invariable result, tliewLoi-enges will prova invaluable. One individual writes, '1 consider myself 'cored of costivmets, to wiuehl was always subject, the mement I left tlis land, solely by the use ol your medicine, The proprietor it continually receiving orders from Ins seafaring friends for the Lozenges. When they are lo be carried (0 sea, they ought alwny io he started Irom the boa in which they are parked and put into right bottles'. In tliii way they may be kepi good lor any Ipuglh ol time.

The propriety offers taem as a cure for nervous headache and general neuralgic affeclious. Very remarkable cures might he published if tbeuglit necessary. Mr. Millian, the agent in New York, writes, I think it no. longer necessary to advertise to Ike extent, as heretofore; 4b Lozenges are now well known.

I am daily receiving the most satisfactory accounts ol them, and I shall always lecummeud them lo my customer The Very questionable reputation which a medicine derives front' the fashionable praclits of publishing a long list of certificates, from per-om whom nobody knows, hat induced Ihe proprietor lo foiego Ihe opportunity of offering to the public the many commendations which he is daily receiving of these Lozenges, trusting rather to tlieir own merits, wh-ch will be apparent to all on trial, end llie respectability of hit numerous agents. bene Lozenges have beeu iu use for two years, the general approbation they have met with, from ur first families, establishes their merits and makes further remarks unnecessary. They are packed in boxes which may be carried in the pocket andssld at fifty cents per box. For sale in Bangor, by George W. Holden and Whittier fe Guild.

Eastport, John Beekford. Hal luwell, Samuel Adams and F. Scammon. Augusta, Tappafi fe Ladd. Gardiner, A.T.

Perkins. land, Joshua Durgin aid Arlauias Carter, IIlLLJzSMIXJI, orriB-roa sale low, 1 Aftft Bushels flM and North Htver Corn. 1UUU 100 bbls Genesee end Ohio Floury 50 bbls clear and mest Pork, 1000 lbs. Ham, 300 quintals Cod Fisk, 2000 lbs Goshen Butler, Half barrels Family Beef, Kegs Lard, Kegs Tripe, Bbls Oaions, Herds Grass Seed aud Cluver, Kye, Seed Coro, Beaes, Pens, Salt, fin and course, Rice. dwSw mi HILL SMITH, Have recaivl and offer for sale OAftA LBS.

Dried Apples, 0UU 30 Russell do. 20 boxet Oranges and Lemons, .20 sod Drums Figs, 30 a bunch Raisins do. Almoudii Citron, Prunes, Tamarinds, die. mIS dwSw 600 FLOWER POTS. OW landing from schr Tiemoul, 400 Flower Pols.

Also, hand, 100 imported Shine do. with 18 Crates and Packages of China, Crockery and Glass Ware, just received by C. 4. E. D.

GODFREY, lw(jw2w CO, Main st. NOTICE IS hereby respectfully given that the House on Fourth fctresl known by The name oftbe'Blaarh-ard House, and recehtly jiurbhased for the FEMALE ORPHAN ASYLUM, will he ready on and alter the 13th inst, for the reception of Fnrni-lure. Any articles of 2d hand or new Furniture, Beds or Bedding, will be most gratefully received bo the Boatd of Managers. Per order, mil M.J. HOBBS, Sec'y.

RAISINS. A Boxes Fresh Raisins. JU 30 do half boxes do. Just receivsd and for sale bv ml3 JOS. NICKERSON CO.

HILL SMITH, Have received bblsMeWrnms Beer, 20 do do Ale, Bottles London Porter, quart and pint bottles Meldrums Porter, quart aud pint bottles Ale. 20 Champaigne Old Maderia Brown Sherry Inle Sherry Gold Sicily Madira Old Greek Old Port Dry and sweet Malaga ml4 WINES. iJ dwSw ALLEf So LARGE sized Calf Skin Wallets, with tucks fee. AJso, Rocket BookSj Bill Books fee. at 10 SinithqTbloffa.

Central Street. hi9 STONE WARE. JUST received a good assortment ef Stone Ware, consisting Jugs all sizes Churns; Covered Jars Covered But ter Pots Milk Pans Flowerpots. For sale by WHITTIER fe GUILD. lulO Exchange si.

MOUSELAINE Do LA1NES, FOR isle at No. 46, Main st. a few patterns of Monselaine Larues, of Rich colors at 25 cents per yard. S. Gl DEN NIS, ml4 -46, Main st.

NEW ROOK SI lICKERINGS Reports, vol 20. Chevely er the Man of Honor, by Lady Bub r. Robin Day, by the author of Calnvar. Memoirs of Celebrated Women, edited hy James, Aletnoirs of Mrs. S.

L. Smith, by Rev, E. W. Hooke. Cure for Scandal hy Mrs.

Opie 1 Visit the Country The Moral Teacher. I Also a new supply of Caleb in the Country The School Boy Fresh I Stationery, fee. Just received by 1 E. F. DUREN.

m23. fi Smiths Block. r-' "Ug-MB fAHE pri.ntpi.hffrUr existing A ijth as fie, this AadiKl v4 bje mutu6lutHI' ho having btlsi.Vltilh tbp old 6na Mf Washburn 0rno or, Mt. FtsuUu at Bangar, Np. 9, --v ISRAEL WASH BURN.

HENRY E. PRENTISS. Orooo, April 24, 1839. d9wv4w n8 CITIZENS OF BANGOR 7 PITin roK A MOMEHT rotterr THAT BRANDKKTHS PILLS Cnt treeer it Plained, Genuine, of Ptdlnrt or jjfugfiett. They inoariuUy sell Ety Conn-.

terfcils Calculated to injure and therefore ruin the Genuine article Iltmetnier Go to 8MITII A FENNOS, Where you can be cerlaiu of the Genuine Artirle, B. BRANDRETH.M. D. TUBLic oris tog is sklihim wnona. Junius.

PUBLIC OPINION. Public opinion is perhaps I the only unerring guide from whose decision there is noetipeal was there ever such a manifestation of its approval, as there is Vegetable Universal Pills I Step by step bas ibis mediriue wormed itsell into favor, iu spite ofetsry, derision aud tcorn. Triumphant has beep it progress to its preseul sphere of extensive usefulness. It bas sui mounted obstacles before which quackery sinks paralyzed and has gained for itsell a reputation which ueillier Physicians, nor flippnut, sordid, counterfeiting apothecaries ean ever injure, These charlatans, nevertheless, do assail il with lb i lignaol shafts of their despicable envy, aud which rebounds upon themselves with a power each day oa llie increase, until they themselves will be cov, ered with (lie slime of (heir owa manufacturing. They can no more injure the reputation Uran-dreths Pills than they cau pul their hand upon the sun; Or with polluted fingers tarnish il.

If to discover the cause and nature of disease iflo make a medicine universal iu its powers, aud universal iu itscuralive effects upon every kind ol malady, proved hy the cures performed upon thousands of persons, restored to the blessings of health if to do these things be praiseworthy, ihen is Dr. Benjamin Brendreth entitled to (he praise of this and each succeeding generation. By the means he points out, chrowic infirmities and premature death prevented. What are the means 1 Simply Vegetable Purgation, aud il is notv an established fact that there is no other way by which a real ccke can be effected. John Dorrs County Ageitcy being discontinued mutual couseiit.Sub-Agentsiii Waldo, Peuoliscot, Hancock and Washington Counties, wjll hereafter receive their supplies Irom Mr'.

JOHN O. LANGLEY, Dr. Urandreths duly authorized Travelling Agent, or from the New England Office, 19 HANOVER STREET, 19, The Off Lt Office in Boston for Dr. Bkamdreths Vegetable Universal Pills. How to be secure from Counterfeit Pills purporting to be Brandreths Pills.

'Storekeepers security. All personswho are authorized to travel for Doctor Benjamin Brandreih have invariably the power of aliorney from him proved before the Clerk of lho County sit New-York. Without this is exhibited, touch, lasle, nor handle. Still Further, Dr. Brandreths Travellers never require die money in advance.

Dr. fis terms being Medicine lo be paid for lien sold. Security to the Public. Observe that the certificate is dated this year. Eighteen hundred aud thirty eight, in figures, and see that such figures are engraved, not written.

Inquire whether the power of attorney was seen when the Pills were left, fire. All Pills having Wm. Hrandrelh on the label George Hudgkiason on the edge, are counterfeits, made to Deceive the Public and evade the law at the same time- These, and indeed all counterfeit Pills, il used according to the direction which accompauy mv Pills, are calculated to destroy life. They are made by men having no standing or respectability habitation or uaule, perfectly a teles of consequences, provided money is obtained. Extract Irotn Dr.

Bs. address to citizens of U. S. And be careful to remember that 1 have never authorized any Doctor, Druggist, Apothecary or Ped lor in the 8. to sell my pills.

These contemptible aermmt universally sell counterfeits, and that all Tradesmen who are made agents, have each of them a copperplate certificate of agency, signed in riling with a pen by me and which certificate requires reuewal every twelve months, it being no guarantee for more than one ear from date observe the date is not written, il is engraved. BRANDRETH.M. D. 241 Broadway, New ork. N.

B. All travellers from me have a Power of Attorney, proved before the Cltrk of the Couuty of New York. Observe it. Dr. Brandreih at a very great expense, established the following offices for the exclusive sale ol his Vegetable Universal Pills, which he begs to be understood shall be alwavs equal lo wlial they hav been, and that no expeuse shall be Sjiared in tbeir manufacture.

Tbit he guarantees on his honor New York, (Principal,) 241 Broadway, Philadelphia, 8 North Eighth Street. Baltimore 80, South Cbaties St. Boston, 19 Hanover St. Albany, Corner of Green and Hudson St. PitUburg, Pa.

164 Wood St. Cincinnati, 119 Main St. Louisville, Ky- 99 Fourth 8t. St. Louis, Mm.

66 4 Market St. New Orleans, 3 Old Levee. DR. BRANDRETHS AGENTS The Counties ef Waldo, Penobscot, Hancock and Washington. BANGOR, SMITH fe FENNO.

Brewer E. H. Burr. Cutty Jo. B.Gilkey, Belmont John Carver Hope Geo.

Pease. Surry -K. Long. Orono F. Davis.

Eastport J. Beckford. Columbia Wilson. North port David Alden Camden J.Jooe. -Castme P.R Powell.

Lubec Eben, Oakes. Maeliias Wm Brewa. East U. L-Hitchcock, jjiniam NOTICKr- the C. to THE CORSAIR SPECIMEN numbers of this extraordinary popular work, edited by N.

P. Willis mid T. O. Porter, may be seen at the EASTERN PERIQB POAL AGENCY, No 14, West Market Square. The 'CORSAIR is printed in an imperial octavo form, containing sixteen closely printed pages, iubeaalifuLnew type, and on firm while paper.

aI3 SMITH feFF.NND. AMERICAN FAMILY MAGAZINE for March Natjonal Alagazine A Whig Review for do. Christian Examiner fof do, tb commencement Jr anew vo-) more back Nos. of Parleys Magaziao Waldies Library tit. Slc.

recd at tha Easter, Periodical Affency, No. 14 Whst Market Square. Marshs Manifold Letter Writer, as above A2 state of Maine. To'lbe Ilonprabk the at ties of lb Supreme Judicial CouA, next to be buguu and holdeu at Bangor, within and for the Cwwty of Penobscot on the ficst Tuesday of July next. HUMBLY shews James Hunnewell.of Charles.

town in the Coupiy of Middlesex end Coni-moHwealib of Massachusetts, that be t. seized iu fed simple and as a tenant in common, ol laid in a Towuship Laud situated in said County of Penobscot, numbered two in the ninth Rang of town-shtps west of the Penobscot River, and North of Uie Waldo Patent, containing by the original survey, made by Silas Holman and DSuiel Rose, twenty eight thou-and six hundred add fifty acres, more or lees, but in feet by a survey, containing thirty three thousand nine hundred and sixteeu acres, more or less, luda ding three lots of three hundred and twenty acres each reserved for public uses, the said Honnewsll of TWiRTEEN undivided Tinarr sccoinr parts of said Townsliip, with car lam other persons uiikrtewn toj-our petitioner. Also, (hat he is Mixed in fee-simple and as a tenant iu common, of and iu one- 'other Township of land situated in said County of Penobscot, numbered three, iu the tame Range-of Townships on-laming by ihe-came-originhl survey tweuty eight thousand and eight hundred acres, more or less, bah ia fact by a more recent survey, containing thirty four thousand seven hundred and twenty acres, more or less, including three lots of three hundred and twenty acres each reserved for public uses, the said Htutne.ell of BtBETV our. undivided two HUSDBXP AXU FITT SIXTH parts said last mentioned Township with certain other persons unknown to yeur petitioner that be cau-not possess, occupy and improve the said parts to any advantage, bile the same lay in common undivided as aforesaid, hut wholly loses the profits thereof Wherefore he prays that his said parts in each of said Tewnsbips respectively may be set off and assigned le him in severalty. JAMES I1UNNEWELL.

Bangor, May 23, 1839. w3w m28 D. B. KELSEY, (ILK. COTTON, LINEN AND WOOLEN DY ER, respectfully informs lb public that be Dye, aud fiuitbcs in the best manner Silk and Cotton, Pongee Merino.

A Broad cloth Dresses Crape, Merino, Silk, sewing Silk, Silk and Cotton Shawls Hosiery and Gloves Gauze aud Lace, Veils, Ac. Gantletnenr GarmeoU, such as Top Coals, Frfoek and strait Coats, Pants nod Vests, Dyed or Cleansed to look nearly at well as new. Merino Shawls, Ildkfs, Carpets, Bgut, Ac cleansed and colors restored. Yarn dyed high colors for carpels, Ae. Also Webs.

Broadcloths, Merinos, Alpines, Cas- simeret and Flannels. 4e, Ac. If. B. He basmade arrangements to da all articles so that they will be ready for in oxx week front the day they era sent ia.

Ne Hood asm (Mated far after one year from date of entry. Goods received at the Stores of Mrs 30, Mai St. Me tars G. R. Steeper A Co.

Belfast, or at hi Dye Housaoa Hide St. a few doors above the New fagMatt hmtto. Ban gw, april 17. 3td3mw Georgetown, May 19, 1838. No person need fear any evil from it however old or young, or faebl.

for it it simple, and may be applied with safety. It is olio a euro for other humors, such as King-worms, Scald-Head, Leprosy, Shingles, Itch, for what is sometimes called the Jackson Itch, and for all cataneons diseases. Prise one dollar. Tins reinudy is for sale Wiiolasale and Bi-tail by E. F.

DU REN, Bookseller, No. 6. Smith's Block, Bahooe, Ale. Also retailed at Hampden by E. E.

Brewer John Gilmore Orono, E. P. Butler Co. Old Town, Albert Smith Dixmont, Blagg A Butman Orriugton, Timothy Nye Buck.port, Joseph B. Bradley Orland, Francis A.

Comer Cystine, John Hooper Northport, David Alden Belfast, O. Washburn A Co. Prospect, R. Smart A Co. Camden, S.

O. Ingraham Thomaston, S. Fogg A Co. East Thomaston, Kuuball A Cobb Lin-colnville, N. Sylvester A Sods Ellsworth, Hale, Lord A Co.

lilueliill, Samuel Smith Nonidgewock, Solo. W. Bates Skowhegan, Amos Purlin, and by the saf-ctiber at Wholesale or Retail at Bath, Me. WM. B.

TRUFANT. may S3, 1839, d3tawwly ''MILITARY BOUNTY LAND IN Illinois, Missouri aud Arkansas, porenased. Soldiers of the Revolution and ef the last war, who have not obtained their Patents, ran dispose of llieircUitns or secure their Patents through the subscriber. S. Li WILDES, 6, Exchange St.

Boston, May 17. w3m BOSTON. NOTICE. STOCK HOLDERS of the Stillwater Canal Corporation, are hereby notified that the Twentieth assessment of eight dollars on each Share is laid, payable on the lolli of Juae next. E.P.

BUTLER. Treasurer. Orono, May 20, 1839. w3w m28 TO THE AFFLICTED! DR. RICHARDSONS celebrated SHERRY WINE BITTERS, for the cure of all thosa prevalent diseas-e, called Dytpepaia, Jaundice, Biilioua or Liver or Headache, Wandering or settled Paina, Sinking Faintness, Nervous Debility, Costiveness, Piles, and all general derdngeroents of- hoaltb, erased by aq unhealthy state of the stomach and have been justly styled the storeliouae of disease.

These Bitters have proved a certain and speedy remedy. They preclude tha necessity of osing Pills. Dr. R. considers it unnecessary to publish a long list of puffing recommendations upon which the wholo merits of many advertised medicines depeud.

fc-CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. They are put in Flat Bottles, with the following words blown in llie glrss, US. O. Richardson Bitters South Reading, with a label which covers the cork, and be sure that a fat xivtde of my signature is upon the that the cork cannot be drawn without destroying it, aiso a fac simile of my signature upon the outer envelope without which none are oekuinx. The great success of this medicine has induced a number of unprincipled persons to imitate it in various ways.

Remember his Bitters cannot be obtained of Pedlars on any -pretence whatever. P. 8. BxanAUD and W. G.

Sxinoza, Tntvelfing Agents for the New England States. Prepared Hum Medicinal Plants and Roots at Richardsons Laboratory. Sold Wholesale and Retail at his office No. 15, Hanover street, Boa-ton, and by most Drnggiste throughout the N. E.

States. Merchants in the Country can receive them safely packed in boxes, by forwarding an order, and the usual discount will be allowed on tha sale. Price 75 cants per bottle. His dry Bitters put lip in a pressed form are 50 cents per paper. For sale by W.

AS.T. Cox, wholesale agents for the Co. of Worcester also by W. C. Barbour A Co.

J. Green A Co. and U. Bliss, Worcester W. W.

Pratt, Shrewsbury; James Ball, North borough L. A L. Bigelow, Marlborough Manson A Brigham, Feltonville A Co. Soatkboroegh M. M.

Fisher, Wes thorough Charles M. Fay, Grafton A. J. Gibbs, Leominster W. Huntington, Lancaster J.

B. Goodnow, Sterling Charles Dunton, Boylston. Also, in Bangor by Whittixx A Guild, Wn. Mink, G. W.

Holdux and Bxkj. Plumule. May 14, 1S39. w6rod3tawoe FISHING OUTFITS. ADAMS Sc GAY-rCASTlNE, OFFER for sale the following articles for cash or pproved credit, via Salt 2500 bbds Liverpool and Cadiz Salt Iron 90 Toas round, fiat and square English Iron, extra quality assorted for vessels.

Dock 100 bolts X. U. Pletniboff Zotoff Heavy and Light Ravens. Cordage all size aad in anyauaatities. Pork 150 bbls extra, clear and Mess Pork aud Hog Heads Beef 'JO bbls mess and No.

1, Beef, Flour 76 superfine Flour. Corn 400 bush. YWlow fiat Corn. Corn and Rye Meal constantly onhaad. Bread 200 bbls Best Pilot and Nnvyr Bread.

Molasses 25 hhds best retailing Molasses. Sugar Hav. Maseovndaand N. Orls. Sugars, Tea Soeebong, Y.

Hyson, Hyson and Pow chong Teas. Cuffs St. Domingo, f. C. and Java Coffee.

Lard Rice Candles Sperm Oil. Barrels 1000 Fish, Oil aad Water Barrels. Codlines 150 dez. assorted sixes, first quality Codleads 1200 r- Anchors ell sixes1 Tan Pitch St Rosin. Salmop Twinq Supeiier Oiled dotbe.

Boots 200 pair Fishing Boots i Together with xvEtY article needed life Fishuif 1 Business. Also rj A good assortment of Englisb, French and American DRY GOODS. BOOTS 8HOESHATS, fee. fee. Customers ore respeettsdly invite (He i Cagtine, March 59, -18391 w3m.

fr BEW8 IKK. TUSTfeeeived, a ntwlot of prime NEWS INK. ef Printers can be supplied ones good, forms a they cn purchase St in Bolfop, pd lave the ex-pene of freight. Por xale kt big ogee, 8w are by PRINTS REDUCED PRICE? 1 1 i1 FOR sale at No. 46, Mam Cast of, Wtual costiveuess, plethora, hard rtdiDgoe be Dark Englisb PRINTS, such a havp usu- not wpfreqdentlj hj ally bees sold for 25 cents arejiow offered (or one The popular mwlrurn kaewa as Veg I atabla 'Universal Pills and tb Me.

highly injurious wka take for a long tune, beisg composed chiefly of atoer. which oegfat never lo he taken by persons subject to Piles. This eempiaiat js not necessarily and of itself. Immediately dangerous; in fact, ia some instances it Met be considered as a salutary evacuation-peeiaJly in pletborie or Bill blooded persons when suffered to remain long, it I mny sariousand-evcahezardouidiseese. The remedy nw offered to the pubhe, I pared by the uudersirncd, from lbefoP4 highly emiaont practitioner ia a mghbing 4 and from tb meenanme eases absolutely curof the use it, he feel warranted in offering it lTis put up hi packages at fifty ceafo.withlu111' reciions for use, ereompaiiied by a plain oa the disease.

Prepared and for ft .1 J. S. ARRISON. 266 Esfox Su Mfi apr 16, 1899,, '1 BOOK BINDINfl EXEgmy Ml NEW BOOKB-PER BOATr THE Yeung Ladi EquestrianManuol. Life of Wm.

Wilberfofoe by hu( foam the London Ed, by Dr, Morris, 640 pag-Bluets History of Christ, 2 Vol. nu.yes, Traveia ht Egypt aad Arabia, faira by Pa translated front tM oSjaii. ssftttiih4 -vc -z -1 shillieg per yard. Alao, Tw eases of American Prints, worth on shitting which will be sold for 124 easts, mil S. G.

DENNIS. Received this morning per STEAMBOAT Herds Grass, Clover, and Rad Top Seed. Which will he sold very low. m9 R. DUTTON, 64, Main 8u PORK.

BBLS Ohio Extra clear Pork. 10 Boston do. Just received and for snle by G. L. BOYNTON fe CO.

ral9 8, Broad FAMILY MOUSELAINE LAINES. Haemorrhoids, or ihe Piles are occasioned by hi botw sloetie At Ibe HARRISONS Warranted as specific ip kll eases. i same places as the above, may be kad IARRISONS PILE REMEDY, 52 Engravings. Life of Wm. H.

Harrison of Obte. i ul(o'eeoy DUrEN, i hv-H- Smithr Alxo a ftrthernIy afi. 1 J- I OIL, OIL' IN BBLS. Winter pveried VVhala OIL Jli awe aud higblyl Jg Bed- landing from Sshr crlW iWtMfor gala Irfwbr SANWO? I 1 SG. DENNIS hasjuet received and is new opening at 46, Main items new Manse tain de Lelnes.aery rich ilyle, and a larg assortment ef French.

English and Dover PRINTS, at oxlremely low price. 1 Also m7 S.G. DENNIS, 46, Main St. WriaSL ttTB BLUB I K.riC8 UfAYNARD fe NOUSS BMtMioHvn j.JJtPUGBEE, Sintioeee, lift; South! hhask. 0 vj 1 rjjls asanove 1h 6 fl.

Harrington David Nash. 8uben Setb Rodgers. Dover Danville Bryant. feFlavel Bartlett. Be bee T.

Wymen Sf Co. and B. S. CiWey. I Ellsworth Stearns fe Flye.and James Whitsey.

Frankfort 8imoa Sobiue aad J.B. Chick. Belfast L. Shepard. Freedom Seare, Dodge fe Co.

Monroe Joseph F. Clark, Irixinont' Henry Butmaa. Prospect Ellis. Palermo B. Carr fe Co.

Seertssoal Sumner Patteu. Liucolnville Sons. Lineolaville Corner W. Kaight. r.Sullivan O.

Hinmen. (Buck sport Charles Hi Barnardfe Co. -Oilind A. P. Emerson fe Co.

BluehiU John Stevens, Sedgwick Jacob Dodge. 1 Orriugton James A. Bwetl fe Co Guilford Wtllard Hammond. -Foxcrofl Melvia Bfovenx. Mil S.

L-Mquir. Alkiasoa acob Dexfor i JAuatbna Greet. Garland Isaae WbeRer, Jr 4. D. PresroU.

u- Old Towa Smith fe Pierce. Newport Chabi fc Leavitt. 8tetson G. fe G.Croekeit. i Levant C.

W. Pipes -1 Hampden Ezekiel it, DyaP'vili fe-T -j Cherryfield fh. W. Coffin Se Co Pembroke Bela Wildefe Co. Dedham.

Wm. Jettison F- Mu -i Franklin J.M. Robbinson. Fay. i REMEMBER- in 111 jHANOYER STREET BOSTON, 17 Dr.

Brandrftk'i Principal New Eng- KNOW all me by these presents the Frvsi rector andCoiatpony of theFanklin Bauk.locaOed in Gardiaer in the county of Kennebec and Stale bf Maine give public satire of their claim by Virtue' of a Mortgage Dead from Georg Reid ef Bangor, ia the tsnty of Penobscot, Esqr. to Job Oti of Uellowelt, ia the said County of Kennebec, Esqr. under dale of Lb 20ib day ef September AD. 1837, wkieb said Deed wa assigned for valuable eoauideratioa, to said President, Directors ad CsMopaay ef lb Franklin Bask, oa he J5th day of October AD. 1838, to the following lUal Estate, lo wit the south west half of Lei naafoered wx mi First street ia said Bangor, the same is divided by a ceatrsl line ia the -partition watt which now separates the two brick and wooden tenement tbeteoa.and by a continuation of said lie thieagh said lot.

Said lot No. 2. is bounded as follows, to wit i easterly oe First street, then met-surijig CvtBiy-fiVe feet southerly 3, on Fttstitreat tbea measttring one hundred and twenty leet westerly on lot 22, oa Second then measuring seventy.fivp feat and northerly ol lot am bored First street then measuring on bundrorf and twenty feet, oa the same, more or leseae laid dowg on a plsn drawn by Zebnloa Bradbury ia Dec. 1829. -Said Mortgage Deed baying baen veeorded In the Regietry Deed ip Pe--noberot CooMy.

September 81 1837, vol.VJ, pace 68 Tkas tbe eeodition ef said Deed has been brakes, byre1 whereof the said President, Direct, or aad Company ef the Frajsklia hereby claim and foreeloe the -aeat-H NATHANIEL WHITMORE, i -fey paid Freukfin Bank, SJftWI-1 WAYiRLUY. ITOLS. 9 and 10, the New Edilfefe-jest'rec1 -v fcar E.F.MJREN. 2SeeetsesYl'. 8I dd with plpfos.

ril ir! 1 12 ilTlA ip I JUunaLattw iJ 1 4 I'd I EIlIsBURY fe I-S tt 30 do qhes rot do, Sebeei Soekfe 'f- BangortJfcerifi 1833..

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