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The Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts • Page 2

Fitchburg, Massachusetts
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FITCHBURG DAILY SENTDHBI FEBRUARY 16, 1880. 9lsrrllawkii. gut itttttstnntt. 15 UHBAaT KVILMMtl. disappeared, THB sued a Plymouth TUESDAY, FBBMJAKY 19.

L. J. Brown Store. XSTABUSHEB I860. Great innual Sale OP Gents' WMteSMrts One IiOt, Pure Linen Bosoin and fully reintoreed, only 35 cents.

An Excellent BhBt, with a line quality ot cotton, in tact a great bargain, SO cents. An A No. 1 Shirt, made of Utica Non-pariel Cotton, Pure Linen Bosoni, rein iorced front and back, Only 75 cents. The "Gilt Edge" Shirt, The Best Shirt manufactured Bodies oi Finest Cotton and the Bosoms of 3-Ply Solid Linen, Only 85 cents. A Laundried Shirt, made ot O.

JJ. Cotton, and a Very Fine Pure Linen Bosoin, for there it ufontr of it. but the twift tor rent wbiub a timed to atueb daiuaf. have been lakeu care of and all the water tbat i.tas found La ealUr vf in tli iwwt kulkowt aud ftt buildi i.t the water bat eMoKwaitj be water bee ao effort waur In itreeti like IlainDihire. Belmont, Downing and tbe eastern eeotuw Culvert, tbe water will either have to nuinped out or evaporate.

The cause the euddeej tubtidenoe of the flood wa the opening of the bulkhead in the inter oeotinv tewer at the junction of Ruffle and Hampeblre streets, or what known oueuuie: the ewer to it full capacity. which wa many hundred more gallon inau was oeroce aiwuarging. tue i of tbit bulkhead wat a nenlout tt regulator nw nrw oe piuggeu iw the men to deeoend into tbe matt- hole. Below eould be eeen tbe water in rushing with tt trine force and tweeutug everything before it. Tbe nut red with eitrente eett- tion, end naally tueoeeded tn arranging a device whereby the bulkhead oould be opened from above.

transferred to tbe Neponset end the Mer- nroaca vaueyt, wnere nwii tujmrj property ha already been wrought, day's develonntents in these eeetiou awaited with anxiety, as millions of prop erty depenaent on tue gaiety or a lew darat, which are now barely kept in plate. Tbe condition of affair peculiar. few neonle know tbat Bo ton and section of Norfolk county form l. Ul.nH Tlx nkulea tin. flows throned) Dedham and Hyde Pack is Mot b- iw a miffhtv torrent, i be current thb stream from the CharWIntg the NeDontot, de MorouauU woolen mills East Dedham.

the Resdrilte cotton mills nnd other Inrsre oerns are on the bank of Mother brook and the stream snnnbes a treat deal of power, its fall being so rapid tbat four aams are pieeea niong we own mi a tanoe of let thnn two miles. Binoe rTi day nitht an enormous bodv of water bft been ponntur thromrb this oonneoting link between tbe two The upper dam la at Merchant' null, nnd i hie one. It has always been reckoned entertained that it might Should the da momentarily way until Ute, Monday, a at Dover give way, at icsbt the volume of water that would be poured into Mother brook. The Norfolk null and dam next below, would at succumb Hnlf a mile farther dow the Readville cotton milt, its pond and er brook cmottes into the Neuonset river which has its source in Lake Massapoag, Sharon, aud its tortuous course ot au to Dorchester Bay is throuirh Cli Readville, Hyde Park, MaUapau, Milton Lower mills and Neuontet. tbe three Int- ton fhe river bus been unprccendently nign since suimay.

Monaay dam at Sharon cave war nnd i of water came down the valley. One fact alone averted a disaster. On reaching the broad meadows between Readville and Canton tbe water spread out over fully nve square miles ot territory i ne strean became no longer a torrent, but a lake. Kverrwherc within tbe limits of llvd Park, the devastation will be terrible if the expected iluod comes from Motbei brook to ion) the Neuonset deluee. Al bridges would incviUblv bo swept away, and all property on and near the lianks would be destroW There is fully 9 500,000 worth of manufacturing property mi lis dam and the The only instance of loss of life caused bi the floods, thus far reported, in England ocenrred in Hyde Park, Mi ilay four young men were on the Neivonset river.

Willi Titley Charles irge wiea-soi ritc.m the red New En weioit tbe bcit bold of the stri tbe- and ff The hunt wax it When th. dxl so in. bxh nowlirn is feared that it will be Mnttapaii dim, mid will be reroicrcd Frank Plcrw, cd W.lllR r.ii J1 ycirs of i-gas are Hooded, me rumpanv's under cits. Mond slid the only light the was frmn mndlas and ni Weir Ti-lepbn higiitls tr.rt eh graph poU along th lairs to hightrajs and bridges, and a large 'uric will be set at rk iiniucdiateK mice the water left, the road-lieds show the terrible force of the water the hiitenton Manufaetunng com pan mates Kcetl Uarton, II en nuns, wmw, -ts)0, lvark Mills, SUSKt Tholliu Hktojl, IKi. fh S10O0.

Lincoln Klin House, UrtrtX). Taitnton toppei compans, 9'Jtl, to 1.100 the losses Tins I ttr the dar Os-er TojIXa' damage 1 reigned eerhill Cellars and man factum Ubhshments are flooded One stnrv tenement hnime eollapaed Tbe at Newton is fnllj higher than within the last fifty yea me nantsoi ute Lpper 1 Kail. np and rnahmg down Ta New lUmMbiN bawd of equal iu-Hom is entioiwd for Auuf tka ttulib valwoftb. WuromUr, Nsshiu Hook-str railroad, last September, st It wm Men $old for tea tunes lbL nd Uaaasf at 0 per eent on the watered T. C.

BaUl weat dowa to Wathiaf- I tea, last week, and now it ii announced Oat be a candidate for congrew, to ue-eeed Mr. Rice. If tbe latter to to retire, we hope tbat the people, uot tbe uolitic-boe will (elect bb Moeeseor. Coi. W.

8. B. Hopkins and P. GouM-b)f are inentioued ea eteelletttlj qualified for the petition Copiee of a printed petition to tbe Me-1 Mohtuetta legislature, mbjdb; "lueb legb-lattun a hell limit by law the amount Allowed to be charged for telephone tervioe the Amerioan Bell Telepnone oompe-uj, or ite licensed eompauiee" have been mailed by the executive ootnmittee of tbe New England Telephone League to every tion. The Io well Courier remark that, a the operating telephone companies are not making a cent at present rates, while the reel telephone bnemee getting 16 par cent regular, it it reutols that should eome down before rate.

When costs three timet much to hire a thin for oae year it eoatt to make it, that la tbe The house of representatives barely eared a anurutn for tbe transaction husmntt The speaker announced the expedition of the business of the session, and then, After the reception of a few unimportant report, a somewhat long cal endar was taken up. Tbe first mutter to provoke opposition was the advene report on the order to increase the sala ry of tbe members of tbe legislature Leahy of Boston moved to lay the report on the table in order that the member mint learn the length of tbe sesnoi fore deciding whether they ought to have ton thought if tbe matter was deferred tc the end of the session, an increase would almost certainly result. This argument ana ute opposite enect from wnt was in tended, as the house promptly voted table, with only two or three negntivt votes. At the same tune tlve upper vreucn wa ecocpnog similar oat report, without debate. The oulv other matter of discussioi the bill to limit the rime for bringing suits ngamtt executors and admimstm-tors The house finally refused to accept placed the eulwUtute bill of Mr Pc'rkini revision.

In tbe senate tbe poll ta; amendment was laid on the table, on mo tion of Senator Morris, with Hie object ol having it specially assigned for a givci dar. when there will be time for debati and a full attendance Senator Naphen keel holida), nnd had it assigned for Wednesday tbe same day on which the weekly payment bills are to come up The bill regulating the size of license ballot was passed to be engrossed with the amendments proposed by Senator Morse, nfter the senator had explained their purpose and alluded to the "tissue ballots" sometimes nsed in voting Plain Talk to the Bottra Altai? Hall, mi Official. From tb Wmrestrr Bpy Worcester people hae suffered incon venience (from the Hoods) ulnelly through the interruption of travel nnd mailt 1)) the Boston A I ban railroad, lilt extc it bat continued at it disposal, i.ngli: not and helploHs on lliu brink of Natick, wnwWing wluii am restore its road bud rvsi Some solution of tbe prub have been fuuul pnnuptli, adopted shoitbl lino Wo ergy i ing indt journcj from tl.e -enrred a seller if liiiqinliiic linin. and delays is dUgt infill It is not fot tbe public to snj how tin diFlioilti AlbAiiv in iif. famtdm'Xsdnt' i' siul nut in cicu 1 ben are needed tbe of the details thin Uons to each ollici which guides and because it is free fro caused hy distrust, hesitj Eyer; railroad needs tb.

management The I its command in the rect Progress is alwa hard to Iky We are daily wmrnals as the Itostoi tbe Worcester Spy xn. rvtr hare become disgusted qneni ana open yioi Uii.flr irt ik t.V, of be of in at is is 1 I 1 of the old senp eertifiaetai, kefete a ius-Uatof tbe peace at Plvawmt Union The ataount ekuiued the face of one scrip otrtinuats, end being lew than 4W0 the inuuaed to be all ncht for tbe plaintiff, the railroad will probably have to pay it. The oomuauv snakine preparation for as gvod a defense as possible before that will be the serin osrtifbate ha always been resisted, and tb bringing of tab nonappealable suit considered by the rail- som a snarp praowoe. believed that the devil take off hi hat whenever be meet a Hypocrite. nothing short of martial law can suppress Samuel W.

Woodman of Kingston, N. deputy sheriff of Roekiogham county, was found dead ia bed. thuiuoming, prob ably from heart dbee. He bad held varume town offiees, and was one of leading eititens. An attempt quietly making to add to the bt of natioual holidays the anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus.

The gov mors of 12 states have tigttUfcaa approval. j.a anjuver- if the nMlM of tat iretM tOouM first, however, be established a holiday. The Bostons will report for duty March 20, nnd after a fortnight at tbe gymna- Wlll lake a soumern snp, aoi reuum- Boston till May 81. The Detroit -euort Savannah. March 16, Tbe Chicago will report the tame day and will be taken to the Sonth.

The New York will report April l. A druggist of Newark took poison from one of hb own bottles in chagrin at the receipt of a comic valentine on Sat- nntav. Tbit it contrary to emerienee. the nenal effeot being iwtUtt inttead of di rect, nnd inspiring the recipient to seek the life of the sender. But tbe recent eptdenue of uydropnooi naa unaouoteaiy Rev.

Joseph Cook makes the painful announcement that he Unreached one Sun day to six people in a school house, while at the same time tn Chinas there 30,000 people out to bear au infidel lecture nt dollar a head." Well, only hut Sunday, the Key. Sam Joues drew dicuee of 40,000 nt Cincinnati. It doesn't seem to be so much matter of doctriue as of style, after alL The successful bid of the Kansas Citys for membership in the league was backed by Jinexpected liberality, and with it they offcritnr to ffive the league club games that city on all the off days throughout the season on liberal terms as to guarantees and divbion of the receipts. They will secure tue strongest ontnt ot puiyei possible, and give the Washuigtons close rub. Are the dignity aud honor of tbe pre sustained bv the orcss when the Tnbun brand tbe editor of the Time with the title of "Fngiu," and when the Tunes i torts upon the editor of the Tribune kind? To be honored, the press mi honor itself.

To be trusted, it ml prove itself trustworthy. To be respected, tt most show respect for it own nigh and honorable character Call. ork state house banv was set at 81.S00.00O The assei bly proposes cutting it down to something that tbe job would last jnst as long with tbe larger appropriation; but it is hinted tbat with the lesser sum for dt r. there oinplic ii the chti ce of Lulled States i which Gov i How of cider enables the WiUmgtoi farmers to nasi an unusually clccfii cr, and a correspondent rolnUs er aneedotce "Lrlele Kilos id of calls on a recent frosty day gnt up at mgiit at me r.onsc or i aud asked in an unsteailv voice glass or eider tc Vmle 'Von hive hail inUbing that 1 help him iiji the bill. 'Ao, id lb.

nan of tbe house, rnongh, to-day, but that yon would like xaid the old word and I'll take cider Another ol me the cellar so oft. joi wrapped herself lUtmued herself tin- Ion I with rider mug anil tallow dip i aUrtel at first sic-ht of the ghostl ir, but, gathering himself toget hurt I'vr the legislator pfl( 5 1 3 eml 3 fpnt(, 1 Fitchlmrg mi 1 Vt St Mass Old Colony I 1 Cheshire railroad pfd, Itoston Albany railroad. I nion aeinc, 1 Central railroad, 7s, ster, iprrJrrt- A nilKIM. Sim FTrt'i J-j-r tn 1.4 free trial hrttle of lr Kli STVeS 1 uai 1 ttnsicat emiar twatle man, wwaySrawr r.aneS tn neanh, srnn nearty apweote a at In ttwh of ts tt (Mil (i Oreesie ffrtf Vnrt- tixl eel frf trial mater ot this eertstn nrre foe sll rem rn AR SfH ID FArTB sZ? of 25 in IA fine Selection lUCE CARD, FRINGES mam THOiPW Coal For Sale! OF THE BEST QOUITT, OOVBW WiUW tUitl MtatB StTMte. JAMES B.

SARQENT. A.R.ORDWAY, tntuxaa a au kind or COAL! Oo.fB Tbtfll mmy vlso 1m left nt O. H. Orals. Stor, 491 Mtbim At eTttftV GrlbW OlotlilBC Store, IfW Mfaln Street.

Ordcrskr asall or telepbenc promptly oilea COAL! GARFIELD PROCTOR Are again at THE OLD STAOT, Opp, PtuBeiicar StationJ FITCKB RG. A Kail Stock of all the Best Va rfollca of Goal jtwt reciTH), trliich will db sold nl TH LOWEST CASH PRICES GARFIELD PROCTOR. COAL CHAS. L. FAIRBANKS, DEALBB IN I COAL I Bundled Wood, Charcoal, and Fire Kindlers.

Orders by mall or telepbono prom tiy l. a Office Removed to No. 11 Day Street. GEO. BUCEEt PAINTERS, PAPEH HANGERS, GLAZIERS, ETC.

Fine Graining a Specialty. Shop, 10 Laurel Near Main St. AGENT FOB Liquid Paints, CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. 8-inch Nickd PlatOl Cop- I per Tea Kettles, 1 I JT X.dTk Parlor Stoves, urates ana ijininft, FumaceH. The Couant Publie Library buildior SUrlmg, the gift of Edwin Couant of Worofttt to Cut native town, completed, and will be occupied in about two Iho grading of tbe grounds ana ork outside will be done early in the spring 'flic location it on the wast side of the common, put south of the thus far been kaut.

the joosaiiMdetieis which it ha outgrown. The new a handsouie one of brick, with marble and terra eotte tnmnung. It is feet wide by 40 deep and two rtorie height, with a hip roof of three gabto, the roof being slated. Tbe inside finish in white wood, with birch Aoors. Tue front entrance through a porob.

On the first floor, on the south side, the st and treasurer's office badma out of it. On the north side the read-inn room and antiouarian balL in th eeu relic and htstono articles. The library room proper occupies the whole of the story, wnioo i ia icet nun ind arrantrtd with shelve on three sides and eight alcoves for 1 's room it in the an ample waiting from th upper hallway, flight of stair nt tbe nor from the lower hallway or vestibule, and another flight therefrom lead down to finished store room in the attic. The arrannments of the structure ate very fine, and well adapted for th purposes designed, and reflect great credit noon the buildart a well at the munift- eewt donor. The builder were O.

H. fit H. W. Welch of Clinton, aft.r plans by Tbbsell tc Son of that town. Tbe oott about VQ4W.

foe building oornmit-srere the selectmen of Sterlinn. Jona than Davis, E. W. Toombs, and F. L.

Wilder, in conjunction with the library committee, Dr. Wm. D. Peek, Albert H. fyewball, Charles II.

Lonng, Clinton Hey-wood. Henrv S. Sawver and Robert Johnston. The present library building will be closed Feb. 20, after which the library committee will examine the book and make tbe arrangements for ttteir removal, and nrobably by Saturday.

Feb. 87, the new Count library building will be opened for the delivery of boob vA borrowers. Tbe librarian is Mr. Nellie C. Bounty.

Ine present number of vol- is is a Done uw, ana trie new quarter) sufficient for a huge increase in the nber when needed. flew CnBnWalth ktatsacbasttt WOW EHTKft, es. ROB ATB COl'ItT. Totlir klu aul all ul Ijennnji lntyri'sicO in tiie XjjrN tbe Petition ol uatenito'be'hebl'i rchlbaM llumphre) Vjtlhbnw, In sntd biUe Jjareoojuio b9. tstwin snaUiienrfsaM ni-provnl an1 "Is.) wli Imri "lully Hetitliii'l at FLulitmrii tlie U-t ihiIiIIi.uI.hi tbe iielrs.ut-itoeet) or leuleis of Said esUle, their kKtl ren i.

nUtlKc-i, kn.niu llic -Utknier. seven da)s. dt sulU Court. W. SOUTH WICK jncglncr.

if IfawachOMtU. rROBlTE rot 1ST. ITaSS Tnesla ot pfhrnar tin- Hi. CommonirsalUi of Ustitchntttu. printed nipv tilts no LUMBER.

F. A. BECKWITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 111 viiinft nsnteMi nillVW UTLOIKR DOORS, SA8R A BLINDS, BUILM50 MATERIAL on, itH ni mi, 51 HKWTOH PLACE, Pttchtrari. IUm. i CT BAI lias, MOUSSRI, wwmm win, 16 Sc 20 OAT STREET.

4. 1 JOSLII TRUSSES SUPPORTERS, ELECTRIC BELTS! Electric Inner Soles. 233 Main TTBOBBTJWh MAM. mdtnrtt It a taltblul trial It woubl eleai ad an attack Astn toy frtends totry IIcDm, koplUK It will do rera as It has alrewly denrlosedli Seudas AH Auburu St Wat. Da.

Kalloit lusieyou irlalmed H. P. DAKI.IhU, Fltchburg, Msss fiSn', leak t-ioWl A MlitltlS. Ni DR. BAILOU, SOLE PROPRIETOR.

Icl MAIM riTCnBl'BU, MAIS. Superior to All. THE UNIVERSAL Fire Extinguishing COMPOUND lost Practical, Simple and EfTec- tire Chemical Fire Extlrnrahher Erer iniraaeea touie rnmtc. The Lowest Priced Ex-tiDKuisher on the MarleT Being Ten Trmci Cheaper thnn any Grenade or other appliances Thw Cfimpound comes PowHerec) Form and is put up in Round Boxes all rea-ty to atttrh to an ordinary ned Form (until wanted in cane of firc ITHCVCO I DCrC ITC CTDmPTU sal rreF(llnralshli 'ompniml (Teen ran say that the t'atversnl dM lb smrk het a in iiiinn a 1 aar Kai bs A only $1.00, N1CHT SHIRTS! An Elegant Line at 50c, $1.00, $1.25. CONTINUANCE SALE Of Linens and Housekeeping Goods, Ladies' and Misses1 Cotton Underwear and Hamburg Edgings.

NICHOLS FROST, 152 AND 154 MAIN STREET. Cobb's Boston Branch BELL Brst llnxall Flour, $0.25 per 1U1. Best Boiler Flour, 5.75 per bbl. Choice Pastry Flour, 5.50 per bbl. Hot Tens (Oolong and Japan) oulv 0 jBs'st Old (JoU.

Java Coffee, 28c. lb. i Rest Porto TUco YoTaes, fiO iraTT Veiy Best Now Orleans Molasses, f0. jral. Choice Vorto Rieo Molnsses, gal (iood Cooking Molasses, 40c.

pal liest Supar Cured Hams. 10c. lb. Best Lard, lb. 15 lbs.

or more at Sc. lb. Larv Assortment of Canned doods. Best Quality, Lowest I'ncrs To person. hnyin lantc quantities we will give a 'discount from the above prices.

Oil nnd exnnilne. COBB'S BOSTON BRANCH, 146 and 147 MAIN STREET. FITOHBUBO. Tarvm aawiation. esoecrally Eei hole great einanse to be- county, are violating it and are hn th dam at orgiag Um legrslatiore to take notice nf.1tham the matUr We heartily indorse their 1 Tt" 1p" ns-Maal wm add onr own to the Chrntnw, Tbi.raday nntd peMie to mtret itself nwrs actirely lo foeewoon, Ws it rshd the tecare tbetafortsrwnl tbe la 'TW h'ght wng then 1fl feet higher CvprfUnmivt 1 than the nsnal h.ght.

Tbt h.gft I water has affectjwl all mills aiong Urn Senator Rdnmnds nays tbat nited nrer Rimwll A Bacon's paper mills am tatn jwdssm tmt hrn rermrted for pe- rahrely nkwt down, at tbe RrereU mot Httnal raason by the administrate, and of tn spinners are owt alan at tW Pem-thsa ww a fwnetMse mmtrary tn pte hwmand tosrey Paetwe At atrdnsgM eosnmrt-, tbe- tfeTMi. wm falling, but the ie ta. Will rt ed, report that rrpnrteel aksvre'rxvrr"2 I ii ii natesa he hmA fwn gitjtytnm stVan Frrm, 1V, t1f sWk psml SXJEE Sale, at a ItoraiaJb. W. HUHU, MfiHl (M nffv lMSn-S -T ir.

swsTwsJiw wwl n- TF. PP FNOHW LECTRO-M AONETIO APPLIANCES. tMTpsn-fl BUsVI TMMsttf con- saTLI BLB mutt MitMBflhlWfl II HOT I HURT A. mAOTOI rhmMM, Attn,.

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