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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

route. An appeal is made to ion, unnpg, vwimoi OYSTERS, ETC. 1L ft J. LONQE, X. K.

Corner Tenth an which he ts tat the American patriotism to secure the con F. R. C. V. S.

F. R. Edlnbb 921 Sutter street, San Francisco. September 20th, 1886. of the aucttop rooms.

Since he returned to Paris be has changed many of his trol of this route as the safest and Dally. expeditious between the two habits. He especially avoids the First quality TELEPHONE 10TO. Orders Delivered Eromptlj an pacts of Oakland. Children Cryfpf Harvard Pitcher's Cartoria, Loaves made to THURSDAY EVENING, OAKLAND TRIBUNE.

NOVEMBER 7, 1895, 5 any or Texas is a graduate of the University of California, that his training in philosophy was received there, and that he Is hardly less notable In his department than Is Professor Rjyce at Proprietors. (Thdlfarsta. Berkeley and Ala- order far rtrr 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW MINISTERS GO IN. CHARGED WITH FORGERY, Merchants Lose Footing WINES IN THEIR PURITY Are nature's stimulants that is.

when they are the hottest pro duct of the grape without adulteration. It is equally true of for various reasons. They lose BRANDIES AND WHISKIES To be healthful they most be pore and fresh. We have reached out FOR FAMILY TRADE EXCLUSIVELY i I Because we deal only in Wines, Brandies and Whiskies, elected for parity and value. or standing in the comm un i ty Deliver us From the Ways And the narrow-minded, neighbor ual who feels that the prosperity of We Feel Flattered I i in of SEND TO US.


r. IF YOU ARE SICK That we have been the object of attack by such as these; it tells as in a most positive way that we are a sharper thorn than we thought. We know now that the thorn has penetrated their tough hides, and we promise them we shall posh oar advantage and the thorn, till we prick the spot of decency in them. The Improvements to Our Store Save been temporarily checked. We have for the time suffered both in convenience and damage, bat we assure yon the improvements will be completed notwithstanding the interference of our feather-brained com' Don't fail to see DR.

C. A. HASCALL, the Specialist, and try his. Wonderful Curative Powers. He treats successfully NERVOUS PROSTRATION, FEMALE DIFFICULTIES and GENERAL DEBILITY.

R- moves CANCERS in from 6 to 8 days. Uses no knife- causes no pain. CURBS the WHISKEY and MORPHINE HABITS without the use of poisonous drugs. CONSULTATION FREE. TERMS REASONABLE petitors.

The People Are With If yon are poor and have no money aaa aa vuvc uiai i. may uetp you. If yon doubt it, pay as a visit if only to see the store thronged with ready buyers. Oar stock is all it should be, oar prices are as they should be, and 12 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland. Ream 20.

the treatment accorded customers Remember the Piano and Sewing Machine as 129 rosT Stkebt. San Francisco. IMPORTER OF DRY GpODS, am.MUa IniaaU' ardrocao. B-idai Outau eo noieta. Intanti' Out" ampiate Also bars erery antei that to kept la a trst-oUti itora at taviswastarieaaaadtaeiaoasMuabtagosia.

O. SAMUEL8 WATnU VnilD III ATPUCC I Wh "ni vii 1 vwil II I VIII.U 1 cause vmic -j i. V. v. 1 JUU uiuc, profession In Switzerland.

For veara with Geo. way for the sake of your good watch. mem R. DELINEATOR Washington near 14th, Oakland, cJ' FOB NOVEMBER. FURNITURE! WiLRELWS vwre.

swnwwjirx. Canadian Catholics Are to Meet a Serious Issue. It la Claimed The: on a jrCiansedms Date Protective Measure. By Associated Press to The Tribune. CHICAGO, tv.

7. A special from Winnipeg, says: Of the scores of documents that have been issued since the parochial schools agitation began, by far the most sensational has just been published by the Manitoba government. It has been kept by the government to be sprung on the eve of the general elections and the effect of the -startling document Is all that has been expected. It arraigns the Roman Catholic hierarchy for falsifying. The Roman Catholics have all along contended that their schools were preserved to thorn under the trill of ritec adopted when Manitoba entered the Confederation of Canadian provinces in 1870.

The Protestant contention has been that while reference was made to parochial schools in a rejected bill of rites submitted in 1873, there is no such reference in the bill ratified and adopted In 1870 by both Provincial and Dominion governments. In answer to this Protestant contention the Roman Catholics produced a manuscript bearing date of 1870 which read that the rights of Roman Catholics to then-schools should never be interfered with. This manuscript bore evidence of being reliable and authentic and seemed conclusive. Now, however, the Government shows that the date of the document was really 1873 and a scientific phonographic process reveals that the figure 3 was chanced Into the cipher. The original figure 3 Is by a photograph revealed in faded ink like the rest of the document while the cipher is in fresher and blacker ink.

AH ARTIST WEDS. Charter Dana Gibson and Hiss Irene Langhorue Are Married. By Associated Press to The Tribune. RICHMOND, Nov. 7.

The most notable wedding of the season here took place today, when Miss Irene Langhorne became the bride of Charles Dana Gibson, the artist of New York. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Virginia were largely represented. St. Paul's church was brilliantly Illuminated with hundreds of candles and effectively decorated In white and green. The bridesmaids were Misses Bessie Martin and Sallie Pemberton of Philadelphia; Alyss Connelly, Ellen Hobson, May Jones, Elisabeth Gibson, Nannie and Phyl lis Langhorne.

The best man was Langdon Gibson. The ushers were Harry Langhorne, Algernon Craven, James Dekay, L. Sykes. Thomas Hastings, John T. Anderson, Mil-burn T.

Meyers, Thomas Mcllwain and Richard Harding Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson left at 3 o'clock for Old Point, whence they will go to New York and other northern cities, but will return to Richmond before sailing for Europe on the 23rd. READY FOR OCCUPANCY.

The Harrison School Will Start UP on Monday Next. The Harrison School Is finished and will be ready for occupancy next Monday. The Board of Education and the Board of Public Works will visit and thoroughly examine the building next Saturday and If everything is satisfact6ry it will be accepted immediately. The building is of the latest style of school architecture and modern In all its finishings. It is two stories In height, contains eight class rooms and will accommodate about 400 pupils.

It is made of brick and is one of the finest school buildings in Oakland. THE RAILROAD DEMURS. The Points Raised in Response to Bu swell's Suit. The Southern Pacific Company has filed a demurrer to the suit of E. G.

Buswell brought to test the right of that corpora tion to charge a five, cent fare on the Seventh street local road. The main ground for the demurrer Is the allegation mat me complaint aoes not specify with whom the San Francisco and Oakland railroad ever contracted to carrv naspn- gers free. The demurrer also holds that tne san Francisco and Oakland road should have been made a party to the suit. A. A.

Moore and J. C. Martin are the counsel for the railroad company. FIGHTING THE QUACKS. Dr.

A J. Shores la Doing Splendid Work. Some For some time past the people of this city have been annoyed by the importun ities and the flaming advertisements of an army of quacks who have made their headquarters in San Francisco. Then they send abroad a class of tMincrunnimin fakirs to deceive and rob the suffering peo ple tne community, xnese arrant hypocrites flash bogus testimonials of cur never affected and diplomas which never saw tne insiae oi a medical institution. These wretched humbugs ought to be investigated by the State Board of Health and confined behind the bars.

One of the most successful ODnonents of these charlatans is Dr. A. J. Shores. the distinguished physician and sureeon.

whose company, organised for the pur pose of relieving the sufferings of humanity, bears his name. This company has shown up una reds of quacks and snatcnea rrom tnem and from certain death at the same time, thousands of their victims. The headauarters nt th Dr. A. J.

Shores Company is the Nucleus Building, corner or Third and Market streets. Ban Francisco. More Transfers Needed. Sacramento, Nov. 6, 1896.

Editor Tribune Dear Sir I wish you would call the attention of your city rail roads about charging two fares from Twenty-third avenue. Blast Oakland, to Sixteenth street station. West Oakland. I recently visited your city on business and got off the train at Sixteenth street for East Oakland and had to pay two fare on the city car to get there. It Is too much.

In Sacramento and Ran Fran- Cisco The people pay one fare for a ride and can get a transfer to any part of the cuy unius. ii ougnt to oe so in uunsoo, it you want to build up the city and en- uiae peupie i tunre mere ana ouy. J. P. Dietrich age Is Fnneral.

The funeral of Dietrich Jagel was held yesterday at his late residence, 4K Twen- '-third street, under the auspice of the or Hermann Sons. The re in Mountain View. A valuable armchair la in the possession of the Earl of Radnor. It originally cost 150.000 and was presented by the city of Augsburg to Emperor Rudolph DL of Oer many about the year ISM. It Is of steel and took the artist about thirty years to or TELEPHONE TO Yon will be satisfied.

No. Wholesale Wine and Liquor don't sUy away and die, but WHOIJBSAI8 AND RETAIL "9" yop employ a good doctor Why? Be- a bad doctor would kill you; curca oy a sniiea mecMmc i studied mv Shreve Co. Better go a few blocks out of your WICK MAN BROADWAY, Near 14th St. Houses Bought, aa They Stand. Highest Prices! Send Postal and we'll Call.


We CALTHOS fra. aad will Us it mm py ifaHtjk. AMnm. VON MOHL ijiri la, OMfc HaaaaaaaaaMaaMaHiHiHv 1 The Crisis at Constantinople! Watched by Powers. the Fleets of Warships Are on Hand in Anticipation of Outbreak." an hi By Associated Press to The Tribune.

CUNSTANTTNOFLJB, Nov. RM a Pasha, the Turkish Minister of, the Interior, has been appointed Grand Vizier to succeed Kiamil Pasha, resigned. A new ministry has been formed as follows: Halt RKat Pasha, Grand Vizier: Said Pasha, president of council state; Tewalk Pasha, minister foreign affairs; Passan Pasha, minister of marine; Kixa Pasha, minister of war; Memduah Pasha, minister of the interior; Abdur Rahman Pasha, minister of justice; Sabri Pasha, minister of finance; Aria Pasha, minister without a portfolio. The Turkish minister of foreign affairs has promised to give the ambassadors of the powers a definite reply within two days as to what steps the porte intends to take for the restoration of order In Armenia, and to provide for the protection of Christian- in that part of the Turkish empire. Direct warning has been given the Sultan that Europe will intervene to restore order in Armenia unless the Turkish government acts promptly.

Each day3 adds to the difficulty of the task before the porte. Prom Syria especially, most disquieting rumors are coming and that they based on facts is shown by the mobiliza tion of twenty battalions of Redifs out of sixty available, and steps to dispatch them to that portion of Asiatic Turkey. This lends color to the report that the Armenians are receiving support from unexpected sources and the Turkish government may soon be face to face with open widespread revolt against the rule of the Sultan. The arrests of Armenian and Turkish suspects are constantly being made here and elsewhere. Possibly the most grave turn in recent events lies in the fact, established beyond doubt, that dissatisfaction against the rule of the Sultan has extended to the Turkish army, and the navy and palace officials are In a state of the greatest alarm.

NoDody here would be astonished to hear at any moment of an outbreak in the palace itself, in fact, people well versed in Turkish affairs assert only a prompt show of force upon the part of European fleets can avert It. THE BUTCHERS BALL An Enjoyable Entertainment Presented to a Big At tendance. Oakland lodggNoZ of the Journeymen Butchers' Association gave their fifth annual carnival at Germania hall last event Ing. It was a marked success. The hall was filled with members of the Association and their friends, and from the time of the grand march at 9 o'clock until long after midnight the merriment was unbroken.

The maskers displayed excellent taste In choosing their costumes and every imaginable character was impersonated. The following prizes were given: Best dressed lady, grand ebony piano lamp with shade; second best dressed lady, handsome dress pattern: most original character (lady) handsome sliver cut glass fruit dish; best sustained character (lady) pair of pearl opera glasses; best dressed lady In bloomers, lady's sweater; best dressed gent, handsome gold watch; second best dressed gent, silk umbrella; most original character (gent), silver shaving mug and brush; best sustained character (gent) one pair of pants to most comical character (gent) handsome rosewood collar and cuff box: best group of four or more ladles and gents, $10 in cash. The affair was well managed and not an Incident occurred to mar the pleasure or detract from the complete success of the carnival. Great credit is due the committee in charge for the success and enjoyment of the occasion. The committees were composed of the following: President, Answell L.

Hamilton; vice-president, James Stephens; committee of arrangements, Joseph Plckford, chairman, Gus Roemer, secretary, Wm. Rettlg, treasurer; Thomas Ford, Fred Knott, Chas. Ohme; reception committee, Geo. Warren, Chas. Miller, Wm.

Rogers, Wm. Such, Jas. Stephens, Tom Ford; floor manager, Jos. Stutt; assistant floor manager, Jos. Plckford: floor committee, J.

J. Douglas, Fred Knott, Thos. Cornell, Chas. Ohme, Thos. Madden, Chas.

W. Miller Jr. Get In out of the ram and get under a waterproof umbrella. Courtney repairs, makes, covers, sells them at bargain prices. 514 Thirteenth street.

Oakland. THE WATER Imports of Coal and at the City Wharf. Lumber Seventeen hundred feet of pipe were shipped to Captain Von Schmidt last week and today about that much more will be sent. "Von Schmidt Is at present dredging the Vallejo channel and when the new supply of pipe reaches him he will send the mud over 4000 feet through the pipes to the shore. The dredging has demonstrated that the theory of those who believed that the channel was being filled up by the washings, from the mines Is erroneous.

An analysis of the mud proves that It comes from the top soil of the farming lands and that when the salt dries out of the dredgings that it will make some of the best farming land in the State. The mud la being used at present to fill in the Vallejo marsh. The steamer Areata has arrived from Coos bay with coal consigned to the Oregon Coal and Navigation Company. The steamer Jeanie left today for Na-taaimo. The schooner May Flower Is discharging lumber for the Oakland Lumber Company.

The steamer National City has discharged 2000 bunches of shingles and 10.000 feet of lumber for the Excelsior Lumber Company. OrrHSEWJHBI. The At the annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Oakland Electric Light 4k Motor Company the following officers unanimously elected: Thomas Addison, president: W. 8. Harlow, vice president Ed ward Barry, secretary.

The Board of Directors consists of Thomas Addison. F. F. HutMur. W.

6. Harlaw, W. L. Pratner, Edward Barry. P.

Valentine, the efficient sooerl of it affairs. He has by the to Its natrons done much to popular and has whenever the oc- demanded Droved that he is the right man in the Annual Meeting of the anrii iMT aji ii iMiiriiiBi ir m' FINK MILJ.INKKY. KKW ELEGANT STYLES -3 PARISIAN MILLINERY PARLORS X- 529 Eleventh SI Oakland, their grip on the trade of a community by charging high prices, treating customers shabbily, offering goods, for new and in resorting to tricks of trade that profit them, for a time, at the expense of the customer. THEY SHOW IT by looking with green eyes at their more fortunate competitors, and by endeavoring to check their progress rather than making efforts to pnt themselves a good light with their own trade. the Pin-head Merchant watching, jealous-dispositioned individ others is a personal injury to himself.

is as it should be. I We give one with every 50c sale. Some why not you? The H. C. Capwell Co.

Incorporated. FIGURING ON rV MURDER, '1 Bottler's Friends Are Working Hard on the -A' Hla Effects Will Be Well Searched for Available i Clues. The mystery surrounding the death D. C. Bettler, the Southern Pacific clerk whose remains were found In Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Sunday last, has not been cleared up to the satisfaction of the young man's friends this city, notwithstanding that the Coroner and officers of San Francisco affect to believe that he committed suicide.

It was true that Beitler had been drinking for several days before his death, and that during that period he had disposed of nearly $146 which he had received as wages from the Southern Pacific Railway Company, and had tried to borrow more money from friends in the Pacific Transfer Company San Francisco. He had even pawned his coat to raise more money, and yet when his remains were found there was not a nickel in any of the pockets the clothing. An elegant gold watch which he had carried was also missing. Beside his body lay a gun with three chambers empty. One bullet had passed completely through the body, enter ing near the left nipple and passing the region of the heart.

Another en tered a few Inches above that spot, and must nave perforated one of the lungs. The third bullet entered the head on the right side and seemed to have been fired from in front. Physicians and sur geons here say that Beitler could not have fired all of these shots himself. One of theSouthern Pacific "detect ives has, been Working on the case. He notified Mr.

Stetson, in whose house on Cedter street In this city Beitler had roomed, not to surrender any of Settler's effects to any person save the Public Administrator, yet the goods were given to an officer from San. Francisco yesterday evening on request of Chief Crowley, who Had received a request on the subject from a cousin of Reiner's, who is the Mayor's clerk in Philadelphia, to whom the goods will be forwarded. Among the effects are a number letters, and it is said that among them will be found missives having bearing on Beitler' sjleatn? Them there bon bona Reuter makes Is real dandy; As also is his milk shakes, likewise in particular his candy. IN A GOOD CAUSE. Ebell Society Is Work for California Prodnct s.

The at The Efeell Society has taken up the question of home Industry and tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock will discuss "California Products for California Women." Mrs. H. O. Trowbridge Is chairman and the following programme will be given: "Baking Mrs. F.

M. Rlldehrand "Beet Sugar" Miss A. L. Grant "Breakfast E. H.

Morgan "Candles'' Mrs. M. E. Mathews "Cocoa and Chocolate" Mrs. E.

W. Purinton "Condensed Mrs. A. McBeaa "Cotton Wm. Rutherford "Marmalade" Mrs.

G. L. Xusbaumer -Olive Oil" Miss M. Lambert aperf Mrs. J.

H. Fish -PfekteS and ReiisheV. Raisins" Mrs. W. A.

Child "Rubber Goods" Miss Jennie Hill "Salad Mrs. Hugh Alston "Shirtwaists" Mrs. E. Sill "Silk" G. H.

Burdick oap" Mrs. P. Gleason "Soap Qanlel Titus "Spices and Extracts" Charles D. Pierce "Stoves" Mrs. G.

W. Bunnell Traveling Bags" Mrs. John Russ "Vermicelli and Macaroni" James Evans Walnuts" A. Miner "Whalebones" Mrs. H.

B. Plnney "Woetatt H. C. Morris Had the Wrong Plans. Superintendent of City Schools McCly-monds claims that the report of the May- tn condition or tne umnt ocnooi is rone because in between the clans and the work vie need the plans of the Lafayette School I SEARCHERS OF P.

O. Box 315. Telephone 315 FINE PORTRAITS 1 Enlargemtnts from Photos or Tin Types, in Water Colors, Pastel or Crayon. J. P.

OTTHAT. ARTIST, s.W.Cir.nuiri jagaajh. POWER AND For Lignt Machinery and Manufacturing: Purposes. OAKLAND IRON WORKS Second and Jefferson Streets Will be Given Away Nov. Have you any tickets in the box one will get the Piano without cost, Cor.

Twelfth snd Washington St. A CHOICE COMBINATION. The Artistic Trio Wilt Be at th Macdonough Tomorrow. t. Flrst-CIass Talent Will Present Very Entertaining Show.

There will be a slight change In the personnel of the artiste trio which to inaugurate the season of star entertain-stents for the winter at the Macdonough theater tomorrow night. The management has been obliged osubstitute Miss Agnes E. Bowen of New York for Miss Laura McManus. Miss Bowen has a national reputation as a whistler and soloist and will be one of the leading attractions of the entertainment. There is a good demand for seats for the first night of the course.

Cornelia May," the celebrated dramatic reader, arid Miss Julia Phelps, the pianist and harp soloist, will positively appear. The Pacific coast tour of these artists has already given promise of being very successful! The season will number six entertainments and each will be supplied with special features. The course tickets have been placed at $1.50 and they are In trig demand, i The following letter has been received by Manager Cook at the Macdonough: New York. Oct. 31, 1895.

Dear Sir: We beg to inform you that owing to the sickness of Miss Laura McManus, of the Artiste Trio, we have been obliged to substitute Miss Agnes E. Bowen of New York city. Miss Bowen has a national reputation as a whistler arid soloist. In addition thereto she is one of our leading sopranos of the East, which will greatly add to the success of the programme. Although Miss Bowen is a higher priced artist, we are pleased to give our people the benefit of this lady's services with this organisation.

Trusting this will meet with your approval we are Very truly yours. BRAGG A MULLER. A CONTENTED WOMAN. rloyt's latest comedy success, "A Contented Woman." will be presented at the Macdonough Theater for two nights, Monday and Tuesday evenings next. Caroline Mlskel Hoyt the beautiful and talented wife of the author, will play the loading role in the comedy.

Miss Miskel has attained a distinguished prominence in her brief career on the stage, and especially in "A Contented Woman" has her success been such as to hold forth promises of a brilliant future. Mr. Hoyt has surrounded her with every requisite In the way of a clever supporting company, and has also given the same close attention to staging the play which characterizes everything he puts on. The sale of seats commenced this morning, and judging from the demand tor tickets the theater will be crowded at both performance. "The Passing Show" will be at tee Mac donough Thursday and Friday evenings ana aaturaay matinee of next weak.

Orders for Beats are new received. Highest Honors World Fair, QoM Medal, Midwinter Fair. im ws vane CREAM tUCEt 15th. of In of of in Well, let us to the Bath." Last Days of Pompeii The Secret of Beauty isKEALTH The Secret of Health Is CLEANLINESS The Secret of BEAUTY, Health Cleanliness -IS IN THE USE OF-e POMPEIAN PERFUMED BATH TONIC! Recommended hv all the leading ohvaielaas 4 jsmn 1 Trull mBtrmaetrrntn CLEANSING QUALITIES, for Bath ouroosea TONING up the system absolutely over, coming all exhaustion and fatigue, rendering the SKI A SOFT AND WHITE and BE A Ut7fy- ING THE COMPLEXION. softens aid perfumes the with Try it and be MaaoJactorad sal Sold by the CALIFORNIA BATH TONIC CO 378 TWELFTH ST.

mi -rr Cab Always FIRST Gail Borden Eagle Brand CONDENSED rtlLK For 35 rears the leading brand. It is th A PERFECT FOOD FOR INFANTS mm iQe Tailoring Perfect Fit 00 TO JOEPOH THE TAILOR. OAKLAND Liar. 8 1 5 BAKING Most Perfect Made. A CsTlVo1 SPECT AOLB ea" aaa ft-rindlng alael tatta Pitcher's Castoria.


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