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Webster's Weekly from Reidsville, North Carolina • Page 2

Webster's Weeklyi
Reidsville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Was Very Nervous The One Price Jewelry Stars1 op1 Hood's Eestore ran regular action sBBBa or tbe bowels, do not tm- ill A late or Inflame, but leare 1 1 1 eJ all daUeate Slgestiv or- WW zen of Rockiogham county in i88e it he would have followed the advice of the Statesville Landmark and refused to support a corrupt Democrat for of fice Would he bare supported his coadjutors and defenders, who knew WEBSTER'S WEEKLY. ByT6HNR. WEBSTER? Fditor and Propeietor. only one dollar a tear W. H.

Leonard bis guilt and tried to cover it up In perfect condition. Try them. eaott. air by Bjsei a Oa. Bewgj.

pasaa Advertising Ratn Furnished on Application. dr ButHr'a banner Mr. Duncan ha a(roy been one of the mo pu ar ru of party in the Stat-. iuee u-p ointment ee. CoMector t'nere has bem ro occasion fonudiruiuut.o a of popu larity.

Ye-terdiy a number tbe stalwarts wVre on nd ready to greof. him. Amoog ihfe wi re: Robert Iywis of lia'if who wrnts to be Depuy Coll rt Sheriff Moore of Fntxikba, who hank-rs after th same variety of pie. Loyd. cf an 1.

who. is making a hot chae for tiic afov aid quality of pie. 'C. McClelland, a Populist from Wayne, who expects to be remem bored when the Deputy Collector ship-! are distributed, is here. Anether and larger nignment of office Loop rs are ezpe te here to Washington and tOid the silve rites that New York could be earned if a "Conservative" platform waa written end not too radical a man nominated.

The eilverites declined tbe proposition. If Hill succeed in worsting Croker, we believe tbe Democrats will carry New York any way. Is The Place to Save Money. Had mothering Spells) and Could Hot Stoop- Doctor Called It Neuralgia and Indigestion. "I had pain in my head, neck and shoulders and all through say body bat tbey were most severe in my left side.

The doctor called lk neuralgia and in digest I was confined to my bad for eight months. I was very nervous, bad smother ing spells and could not sleep. I read of cures by Hood's Saraaparilia and of a ease similar to mine, sfy husband procured a bottle, and I began taxing it. After taking one bottle I felt better, was able to rest and my appetite improved. I continued until my nervousness was cured and I was much better Id every way.

My husband has also been bene filed by Hood's Saras parllla." Mabt road would enhance the valuation of his place, he willingly gave way for the road to pass across his farm without any remuneration. When the road was completed he told Prof. Bandy thnt he would not bavo the road removed for $800. Brokaw had offered Mr. Crawford $3,000 for his place, ince the road has been built Mr.

Crawford has refused $2,300, an increase in valuation of 15 per cent. A letter from the engineer of roads in Mecklenburg county to Prof. Bandy shows that road improvement in tbe county has increased the valuation of land 25 and 30 per cent. In Wake county the increased valuation is from 10 to 30 per cent. Union, New Jersey, in 1889, issued $300,000 worth of bonds at 4 per cent.

One improved road ran within one mile of a farm of 20 acres on which was a farm house. Before the road was built this farm for $6,000. Within one year after improvement the owner refused $30,000. (Shs Bulletin No. 4, page 40, Gkological Survey We are therefore forced to the conclusion tbat it pays to build good roads Then why shouid Guilford county delay any longer It is no experiment.

This county could not possibly be an exception to th rule. There is no countv or town in the FREE PILLS. In law and morals the concealer of a crime differs little from its perpetxa tor. It is not true that we were out of harmony with the whole Democratic organization in 1886 and 1887. We heartily supported the candidates nominated by the Democratic State convention for judicial offices in 1 884, also the Democratic nominee tor Solicitor and a part of the Demo ocratic connty ticket.

Our opposition to the Democratic organisation extended only to tbe candidates of tbe ring, tbat bad brought scandal upon the party. The Democratic candidates for Sheriff, Clerk of the Court, and Register of Deeds, who refused to defend the ring's corruption, were elected by good majoil ies. We have never bolted a Democratic convention or caucus in which we took part. The beginning of all tbe party's woes in WAGONS. The W.

E. Spach Wagon, Btohb, Spainville, Virginia. Hood's BUCKLEIN ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup ti ms, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded.

Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Sapp's drug store. Send your address to RE.Bucklen Chic ago, and get a free sample box of Dr. Kings New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merit.

These piils are easy in action and are particularly effective in tbe cure of Constipation and Sick headache. For Malaria and liver troubles they have been i roved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly fre from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular sue 25c.

per box. Sold by Sapp, Druggist. BEIDSVILLE, N. JA.N. 27, 1838.

THE TRUTH OF HISTORY. Made by SPACH Salem, N. C. i Runs as Easy as the Easiest; Running Wagon in I The Subscriber are now located in tftelr Commodious New Establish toe They offer a line ot Wasoos 100 Tade In rheir 11 surpassed stvle al Reduced Prices. Tt-ese Wagona have been fav ably known for 50 t.

mnA always alve satisfaction. They are earefully and substantially made. W- the best workmen and use the bet material. Have now on hand tlmVr thrtl years ahead and expect to make better wagon? than ever, remarkable far light drafr, durability and excellence of ttiWh Will use. the best Iron and warrant our warons well made.

Will work no more All kinds of InmVr init rouotrv produce taken In exchange for work Our wagons are lighter thas Is tbe Best-in fact the One True Blood Purine. Sold by aU druggists. Si. atx tor $5. mm nMI act harmoniously with HOOd't PillS Hood's Sarsaparilla.

nor. 'The action of the Baptist church at New Berne in withdrawing fellowship from Hancock removed all doubt from our mind as to his guilt. A church does not tura a man out without investigating the charges he daily visits of our interesting contemporary, tbe Salisbury World, 1 11s county was the bolt of the ceun AFRICAN A will cure Constipation and is a wonderful Liver Medicine. Try It. State tbat would realize more profit.

It would build up the county on which the town so largely depends. A RAILROAD P03SIBILITY. TO HANNA AND KINLEY. DOES IT PAY THE PEOPLE BUILD GOOD ROADS Charlotte observer. r-tber of the same capacity, a big item on bad roads.

Our stel skeins nre of th. A Winston special to the Observer Kicbmond Dispatch. preferred against him, and it would be slow to bounce a man of wealth and social position unless his offense was flagrant. ret in or Patriot. The election of Mark Hanna to sue The above question can be answer ceed h.narself in the United States mentioned the prospective survey of a railroad line from Kernersville to Reidsville, and in the Winston papers a good deal has been said about the Senate, and the means by which his reot mnke and uver break.

We make over two wagons per dav and 0:111 shin promptly. We.make tbe "Box Bed Wagon" as cheap as the western make the plantation lock on running sear, which cannot be found on westers wagons; were awarded Dlpl imas at Expositions of 1884 and 1891. Noh nt; txtr for eel Skeins. Wagons always on hand or made to order. Thankful for pt we solicit a continuance of same.

Satisfaction guaranteed In every pa ticuiar. Where our wagons go tbey call for more- PACH BR03 Salem. ed by carefully studying and noting the effects produced upon the conditions of those among whom and for Judge H. G. Ewart, ef Henderson "victory was acuieved, bave caused building of railroad between these widespread disiiu-t.

connty. will in probability succeed whom good roads have been built. ty rijg in 188s after they bad been fairly beaten in the convention. After pledging their support to the ticket io open convention they went out and. formed a coalition with the Republicans to defeat it.

1 here is no political cipital to be made out of the Stanly bond bill by either pauy, as we see it. It does not touch the domain of politics at all. The error was an innocent one, for we can conceive of no reason why any one, no matter what his political views were, should have wanted to do the county an injury. The issue was to be fought out before the people. The bill simply authorized the county to issue bonds if the people so voted.

However, since tbe World wants to know whose duty it was to see the bill was passed cor The Boston Herald, which is class Judge Dick. We should then compare our condi ed as Independent in politics, says two points. We have understood tbat the Southern Railway Company ia behind this movement, and if so it may mean a good deal. It has been suggested to us tbat this ia the revival of a project which has been discussed WILLIAM J. BRYAN.

tions with theirs, if our conditions are strikingly similar to theirs before improvement, and their real estate that the outcome of tbe hgut brings into decided prominence the "'victor's" ability for political work and were suspended th greater part of last week from some cause unknown to us, and consequently if it bad anything to say in reply to our ar tide of tbe 13th we did not see it. Friday' issue, bowerer, reached us, containing tbe folio wing editorial. Tbe Winston Republican after a breathing spell of two week get on a nigh kre again and attacks the Ward for chargli.g that the Legislature of 1887. the sessloa during which the titan ly bond bill was pained of antl-Democrats. And by tbU latter term we mean the variegated quantity opposed to tbe Deme-eratt In mat body.

The Republican evidently wanted to see what Col. Webster uad to say about the matter before it made another paaa and It proceeds to uae a portloa of hit editorial as Its own. We have referred tbe editor of the Re puthean te tbe House Journal of 167, whore he who will may read and see for hltaself whether or not tbe Republicans i. ,11 red the House. There la ae do lglog behind tbe fact tbat Mr.

Web-aur had always been and Is now a Oem cut: As we hsve previously states' we have tbe profouudeat admiration for Mr. Webster personally, but facts prove that he was not in harmony wltb the has been enhanced in valuation, tneir J06I klDDSEY 6V The Harness and Buggy People, Agents at Beidsville, N. C. manipulation, and then adds that The Washington Post, the great adependeot journal, sizes up the sit quite a good deal in the pas, by homos improved, better schools, bet tor church privileges, accretion of Uanna, so far from being an id-i. wnich tne aoutnern wouia reauer 11 senator, is, indeed, tne "personinca, wealth and contentment, after road uation very accarately, we think, in the following editorial improvement, the above question tion of an influence in this republic which seriously threatens its exist should be answered in tbe affirmative.

The attempta on tbe part ef tbe cold slf independent of the Nortb Carolina Railroad. This plan contem plates a line via Reidsville, Kernersville, Winston, Mocksville and Mooresville, and thence direct to Qastonia. crossing the Catawba about A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT ON THE ASHEBORO ABERDEEN KAILROAD. Farmers and Others ence as an orderly form of govern ment." All this may be set forth by consider organa to dismiss Hon. William i.

Br) an a "back number," "a dead Issue," Tbe Providence (Rhode Ielar.d) rectly, we answer that the represen and to relegate him to tbe limbo of in significant and forgotten Jereliers, do ing two things Cost of bad roads and the cost of good rords. In a previous article which appeared in the Patriot, it was shown that the cost of bad roads in tbe United States was $800,000,000 per annum Journal, which is a Republican, uses still more direci Euglistf in express ng itj opinion on the subject. Tbo Jour, al declares tbat Hanna's Winston Daily Journal. The wreck of a lumber train oc curred Saturday evening at 6:30 Stanley Creek. By such a line not only would independence be secured but 31 to 40 miles in distance saved, and Charlotte, Concord, Salisbury, Lexiagton, Tbomasville and Higb not strike as being particularly bap py.

Whether they have been inspired by honest Ignorance of public sentiment throughout the country or are mere demonstrations of malice and deceit, we do not undertake to say. Perhaps we should accept both explanations with a geographical division, attributing the But now we wish to show the cost of bad roads for Guilford county per election emphasizes an unwnolesome tendency in American politics. Tbe Senate, it continues, is to be a dump roint be lert out in tne com tnat is o'clock on the Asheboro and Abeix den Railroad, near the town of Asheboro. Ths accident occurred in this way. The engine, hauling a number of cars loaded with lumbar backed to the top annum.

regular Democratic argaQiiatlon in 1888 The length of this article doee not ing-ground, not for rich men alone, with a desire tor political aggran to say they would be off the main line and on a local line. What the effect upon the North Carolina Railroad would be in the event of this gnerance to the East and tbe deceitful dizement, but for party boss who of an incline and stopped, the engine allow us to go into the details of the various ways by which the cost of bad roads is produced. For this information the interested reader is and '87. The Republican eannot shield its party with aucb slender pretexts. It would be tbe part of man hand for it confess, go its way and sin no snore.

We thank tbe World for its per purpose to tbe West. Nu newspapers in the Uni'ed S'ates have a poorer un suggested line being built and the then being uncoupled and going tor think that in tbis manner they may ultimately escape the reproach which attaches to ths whole Bystem of bossism. In conclusion, our Provi -ward into the hollow for water from derstanaing of popular opinion than tbe referred to Bulletin No. 4. pages 34 to great metropolitan dailies." because forfeiture of tbe lease, tbe reador may speculate upon for himself.

Perhaps the Seaboard Air Line or the Atlantic Coast Line would lease it. 36, North Carolina Geological Survey. dence contemporary strikes at the one are so cck sure or their own om niscieace and of tbe overshadowing importance of tbe community tbey repre As these statistics are given by Oof. Holmes, after careful investiga administration by asking why should sonal compliment, but insist tbat it does us serious injustice by tbt man aer in which it has mixed up our oame in its controversy with the It not, and if it were left to be operat Owners of proptity in the country or isolated property in towns can 6m no insurance against fire, wind and thtn-ing moe safe sound and solvent (not as cheap) than that tbe Fainicrs' Mu ual Fire Insurance Associativa c(. ckinRha.n county branch.

Tnis association has bad no loss in more than two years. The annual meeting May last decided to take no insurance on mills or storehouses whete eoods are ing sold, and not to take more than one tbousaud -dollars on any one risk This county branch is making a strung, steady, hea'ihy growth with twice as much in force as it had last Ap il accord-ing to the books of the Treasurer J. F. Hoskms. manager of this form of insurance in Guilford county (where there is over $600,000 worth of insurance in force) and the counties west of here, says: would as lief have a policy in Rockingham as in Guilford for Rack lnjfham ha been tried bv fire and atxjut half the membership remained steadfast.

If Guilford were to have as heavy a luss I do not know what she would do." There is no reason why Rockingham should not have as large a membership as Guilford unless we say ber pe pl are cot as honest fnd capable as aie people of Guilford which I deny, knnws ing the people of both counties. Far hermore I have been in every county 10 tion and study, their value is un sent To find the true provincial, the hopelessly narrow view ef things, one they (the bossets) be content any longer with being the power behind the throne? ed by tbe State and the private stockholders, it is hardly imaginable that it could pay running expenses, doubtedly higb. tatives from Stanly and Rowan were more vitally interested in it than anybody else in the Legislature and if blame is to be laid anywhere it rests oa them. It was their measure; their constituents wanted tbe railroad, and it was their duty to see that no mistake was made- What does the World think they were sent to Raleigh lor Was it to eat goobers, sleep and draw their pay with rei'gious regularity Ex-Judge A. C.

Avery, of the C. Supreme Court, in a communication in the Charlotte Observer of Tuesday says forcefully on this point Oa the other band, aeetion 14, article 3, of the Constitution, which was inserted by the conservative element of rbe delegates to the convention of 18SS, prohibited, in imperative terms, tbe passage of any act to raise moaey 00 the credit of tbe State, or to a low ooentiea, cities or towna to impose any tax, unless the bill for tbe purpose should have been read three several on different days in each Hou and unless tbe aves and noes should be called en the second and third readings and entered upon tbe Journals. Every statute enacted since that pre vision, became a part of the organic law, which in aay way pledged tbe faith of tbe State, has been passed In tbe pre scribed manner. The leuraala shew nun go to New York. Compared with Un page 36.

Bulletin to which re- The New York Times, which, in that big, bumptious and complacent ag Winston Republican. It has made three misstatements as to our political record, to-wit i. That we were erence has been made, Prof. Holmes the last presidential mpaizn was gregation of prigs, Hogeye, Texas, is a interests on its bonds and 7 per cent, annual dividend on its stocks. tapped as it would be at Ch irlotte by the makes the following summary of the the tank some distance away.

The brakes rsfueed to hold the cars on ttie hill and they came crashing into the 'gine. The tender was forced into the engine, derailing both and mashing the lg of Engineer Brown so that it became necessary for Dr. Bahuson to amputate it, and burning the leg of Freman Burns in euch a manner that Dr. Bahnson says it too will have to be amputated. 1 Tbe railroad is owued and operated by the Pages in connection with their lumber interests at Aberdeen.

Dr. H.T Bahnson was telegraphed for and left yesterday morning by private conveyance for Higa Point, especially active in the work of effect cost of bad roads for the Stats: elected as a bolting Democrat over veritable cosmopoiis. We can easily believe that New Yorkers' speak In perfect candor when tbey say that sfr. Loss on account of tbe cost of feed Southern and Seaboard, at Salisbury ing a coalition between the bolting Democrats and the of which by the tbe Southern, at Oreensboro ing, and lose ot time by tno 194,000 Bryan Is a closed Incident, for they re Hanna is the bos, remarks, in an country horses and mules in the mid by the Southern and Cape Fear Yadkin "Valley, etc. nouncing Mark's election, that "so gard their own verdict on a national Issue as beyond appeal.

dle and western com ties during four It is a very interesting speculative weeks of impassable roads, etc page But neither conceit nor misrepresents- question. We do not know and are 33, $1,600,000. Loos on account of open a triumph of money over hon esty and decency has not often been celebrated." Further, the Times, after summarizing the charges as to tion will avail to dispose of sir. Bryan. Every Intelligent and comprehensive ob Mr.

Overman, the Democratic nomU nee for Speaker, a. Tbat tbe Republicans bad tbe Speaker in tbe Legislature of 1887. 3, Tbat we were not in harmony, with the regular Democratic organisation in 1886 and 1887. It is not true that we were elected as a bolting Democrat over Mr. Overman, the Democratic nominee I for Speaker.

We did not enter the Democratic caucus, for the reason that we were elected to the Legisla server of public events know tbat he I not going to say that tne Southern Railway contemplates building the independent line here indicated, but bad roads, of time and expenses ot maintenance of 210,000 country hors and mules, 105,000 wagons the manner in which Hanna selection was accomplished, says that the we do know that it could uot be time has been when the Senate of and harness, and wages of 105,000 teamsters during one month, pag 34, blamed for throwing this property stronger with the party to day than be was a year ago tbat be has lost none of tbe marvelous personal influence which be exerted during tbe campaign of 1896; tbat the principles for which he stands are as ardently eepused by tbe Democratic masses as tbey were when Brvan back on tbe hands of a State wbicb has harried it in every way possible the United States would have taken notice of such charges and required the man against whom they were broughc to purge himself of them 93,848,000. uosson account ot bad roads, of services and expenses of feeding 25,000 town horses and ser about a contract entered into with vices of 12,500 teamseers, ana wear tbat almost all acts, providing for the imposition of taxes by sltles or towns prior to 2879, were passed In pursuance proclaimed them with the fire of his en thuslasm and tbe witchery of his elo and tear on 12,500 wagons and harn- before adtritting him to sit among its members, but nobody mi serines tbat it by the State's duly authorized agents, and which ia new trying through the medium of the courts, to repudiate this formal contract. Leav ness. all of which could bave been of tbe nine well known requirement. quence.

Mo one need be deceived by such a course will bo followed now. saved bv having good roads and tbe circumstances of tbe recent cam The object of this provision was to pro palgn In New York city. Tbe fact that ing out of account the mtereaU of the State at large and the private stock And even the New York Tribune, in treating of the matter, is apologetic. Having explained to ita own sat streets, page 35, $4,531,000. Wasted, in working public roads in taxes and labor, page 35, $440,000.

Total Tammany ignored the Chisago plat where he was mot by a spial irain and carried to the scene of the dieas- ter. MARRIED A NEGRE39 Wiutton Dally Sentinel, A special from Martinsville says that quite a sensat'on was created in that town yesterday when ths Norfolk ond Western train arrived tbere from Winston with Henry Smith, a white man, and Nettie Hairston, colored, daughter of Simon Hairston, a well to-do farmer, merchant and distiller of Patrick couuty, Va. This is the couple that were married at the Terry House at 12 o'clock Thursday night by Rev. Dr. Brown After getting off the train, the special Bays, they were shown to Hotel Mitchell, where they registered as Henry Smith and wife.

It was very soon learned that they bad just returned from Winston, where they were marrii and thai kjra. Smith Was aneiiress. Ths hsU-1 form Is of no significance. We may ad tect tax payers against burrled and fraudulent legislation providing for tbe Imposition of burdens upon them. Every lawyer knew tbe purport of tbe sec tion and evtry veil inftrmtd legislator holders in the North Carolina Railroad, tremendous consequences to isfaction tne narrow majority by 519,000.

mlt tbat, for the Immediate purpose of that particular struggle, and In order to These figures are furnished by Prof. Charlotte, Greensboro and the intermediate towns hang upon the idea the State and say without hesit incy tnat none are more capable of insurance successfully than those of Rockingham county. S. BLAIR, Agent Guiltord College C. BlLLSDALB.

N. Oct. 19 Prof. F. Biair.

Ag tit of the farmers' Muruatof Rockiiigha'm County. Estkemkd Sir: -This is ro certitf that my dwelling was Insured in the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurant A--ciation of Ouilfvrd county for tv'O It ws burned in A'igut, 1596. sod my policy was paid in full, promptly, I which I am very thankful and recoflS-mend this fmm of insurance to all my frind and fellow citizens in Roeklng-ham county and throughout the State. T. KUFFIN DlLLAKl).

Oct. 23td, 1897. Prof. Blilr. Agent Firmer' Mmil Fire Insurance Association for Rock; ingbam county: I vou represent as safe, sound, sure mod olvent and so recommend it to the people eyerv where.

1 canceled a policy of $1,500 for three Holmes, who knew tbe number of looked to Ike observance of it in the enact recover control of municipal affairs to rescue Greater New York, in tact, tress the dispensatien of an impudent and which has been suggested, and we horses and mules in these counties. ment of bills af which he had charge. shali watch with interest the develop $10,519,000 divided by one hundred We have no disposition to censure hypocritical tyranny tbe Democratic ment of this Kernersville-Rsidsville and three counties gives per Messis. Bennett and Overman, for which Mark won, and having admit ted that "it would foolish to pre tend that the main incidents of the struggle are a legitimate source of to those engaged in it," the ribune make this declaration: "Furthermore, it was thoroughly understood that Mr. Hanna's defeat would be proclaimed, and to some extent construed, as a condemnation of the national administration, and scheme ani subsequent events.

county, tbe cost of bad roads. asses consented to the programme. But that proves notb- accidents will happen in the best reg This is the annual sum that would ulated families, but we respectfully ing. Indeed, we may say that, even If it be saved by Guilford county by mac THE SURPRISE OF ALL. suggest that tbe World try its hand ture by a citizens' movement io which partisan politics was left out.

We owed our election to good seen of all parties, who stood behind us on the Issue of political and official purity in county affairs. We will again quote what Mr. Joseph P. Caldwell said as to tbe righteousness of opposing bad men for office, in the Statesville Landmark of 1886 No man Is under obligation 'te sup port a diabonest saan, an Incompetent man or one of notoriously had character. If he be a thousand time a nominee.

This carrying out- ct party spirit to the extent of 'voting for tbe devil If he la on the ticket," as men some times boast they would do, is subTerslve of good government and a yielding of in. dividual conscience beyond the point Ttbat any party has a right to demand of a- member. Thus there are cases willed one may find It a duty te bolt a nomination, and In like manner there are cases In which a man may become an independent' candidate and be entirely Justified. If tbe party puta up aa a candidate a mac of tbe sort deacribed above a bad, dishonest man, an Incapable man, an habitual drunkard, a man whe iiaa betraved' a trust and showed adamized roads. involved tbe permanent rejection of Mr.

Bryan aod tbe Chicago declaration by on them if it wants to criticise any England and France each expend Mr. James Junes, of the drug firm tbe New York organisation which It does not -tie fact would be of minor of Jones Son, Cowden, in eighteen million dollars annually on body. If tbe editor of the Weekly is responsible for the illegality of the the maintenance and extension of speaking of Dr. King's New Discov proprietor, on learniug this, asked consequence. The Demoerata of the na ery, says last winter trs wife was at them away trom tne noiei ana their splendid system of macadamized highways, and regard the investment tion are not under Mew York's control.

The millions who voted for Mr. Brvan Stanly bond bill, who does the editor the World hold responsible for the they left at once. But their trouble a good one. But the people of North tacked with Lia Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing io 189S do not look in that direction for was not over, tor betore tney couia New Berne, Oxford and other coo ears I had in a good Old Line guidance and leadership. They would Carolina, too poor, as they claim, to get out of town they were arrested tested bond issues in the State Eh not be meved one hair's breadth from build good roads, nevertheless bear for her.

It seemed to develop into by an officer and two warrants read we repeat the sugees ion of two their pcrpo it Mew York were to Hasty Consumption. Having Dr. annually this enormous burden for it was felt that President McKinley 1 had every claim to be exempted from such a penalty." The above are but specimens of comment on Hanna's "victory" to be found in papers from all over the country, and which reprepent all shades of political opinion. In view of the relations between Hanna and McKinley in view of Hanna's position as the power behind the throne, truly these comments are as scathing an arraignment of the administration as of Marcus Aurelius himself. to Smith, one charging him with in threaten them with absolute secession.

weeks ago tkat the present condition King's New Discovery in store, and the privilege of doing without good and had money enough returned to crry the same amount in the K. I Association fifteen years longer if the rot continues ss It has for the four gear's past. JHO. tf, I rf)K, Ex Sheriff of Guilford fount y. of affairs in State and Nation afford Belling lots of it, be took a bottle roads.

Tbey lost New York In 187S. They can afford to lose It in 1900. They have termarrying with a negress and one alleging bigamy. The two wers taken before three Justices of ths Pace and tried for ths first offence. So much for the cost of bad roads.

home, anl to tbe surprise of all she the opportunity for the exercise of no calculations based upon New York began to get better from first dose. Is this ali? If you please, we have the highest ability and patriotism, in as aa indispensable factor in their considered only the loss accruing TJie State failing to prove that the stead of dropping into peanut poli and half a dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New scheme. Tbey know tbat Mr.

Bryaa through transportation, or rather a want of transportation. Nothing has aod tbe Chicago platform brought out Discovery for Consumption. Coughs himself unfaithful In any of these casea women was as mucn ss one-iorm negro, the first case was dismissed and the other was set for January 31. more votes, year Before last, tbaa any tics. The important question is not where men stood ten years ago but where do they stand now Who is a pure and true and capable man does and Colds is guaranteed to do this been said about the loss sustained by CASTOR I A It IS bis party a service when he offers him uemooratto candidate ever received be tore nearly a million more than Mr good work.

Try it. Free trial bob- Beeping capitalists irom settling aw for the white man and the white met ties at Sapp a Drug Store. mon us; about our loss in not grow aen a a canaiaaie ana givea it a proper Den wife No. 1 will appear as a witness ag'iinst the accusad. Much indignation is expressed by both uieveiana nan in aad tbey are content wltb tbat record and the bril person to vote ror.

ing such things which could be For Infants end Children. Accoiding to Mr. Caldwell's view, Not Strange That so many people have lo confidence in Medicines liant prospect It opens to them In the air vv no wants Anglo-Saxon unity bad enough to yield his prejudices for the common good If it could white and lored peopl at Martina MEANS MUCH FOR BRYAN AND grown and marketed at a profit, if the roads would permit; about the future. we would nave been justified id belt vill a1 lor nis ran ct. FREE SILVER.

lees produced by depopulating the Let ao one Imagine that Mr. Bryan la ing in 1886, but the tact is we didn't be shown tbat we were a bolter and SlSiU stpstan sf a oeao issue. 11 a Democratic Cod yen country, to obtain advantages in the HE WONDERS OF SCIENCE bolt. We stayed out of the coo veo srsfpss an ally of the Republicans ten years Wlleoa Tins es. tion were to assemble to-day.

he would ago, that would not answer the ques We notice that David Bennett Hill tions and gave fair warning of our purpose to oppose certain men if the party machinery was used to force oe witnout a serious competitor. Un less all political conditions he reyolu 1.1 Lur Troubles and Consumption tions we nave put to the brethren that have been palmed off on the public as "cures' for every disease with which the human race is affl cted and frequently persons refuse to believe anything they hear about a reliable remedy. of New York, has come out of his hiding and announced himself for an be Cured. xoDisesi meat wane, ae win da even who oppose tbe consolidation of them on tne ticket. we were troDger two years heoo.

1W a tbe Democrats and Bryan Populists Bryan, tree silver and tbe Chicasro doubly justified in our coarse and At RmifteBt New York Chemist and me wesbxy De neves that no platform. Mr. Hill has been inactive this year. Tbe pany needs towns, which advantages good roads have supplied in the countries of improved roads. Let us take a case iu Randolph county.

In surveying the road from the Brokaw Kennels to Arch dale, Prof. Bandy found it necessary to locate the road across the farm of Oalin Crawford. When Mr. Crawford was approach ed regard to the matter be wanted $'0 damage. Being told that the Lumpkin's were not encumbered by obi nations event in the future Is more certain as regards politics since tbe last votes in order to win next fall, hat Jtist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Readers Tee distinguished chemist T.

A. Slo- mni to anybody. than that the young giant of the presidential election, preferring to wait for tbe skies to clear before he Africana. shall it profit us if we gain a handful ef goldbugsand lose 0,000 Populists That the Republicans voted for us west will be the next President He announced his policy. The skies are for Speaker, knowing we were a life stsnds head and shoulders above cum iNew xora v.uv oemonstrancg his dtscoytry ot a reliable cure f.r Ccn- whose aid we must have either as in clearing it seems in Mr.

Hill's onin long Democrat and were only outside dividuals or as an organization The any man in tne Democratic party 8 a is mt and the clouds that are left bave Lightning Flash the organization tempo! arily in obe eoa easuy ootos tne first place in a vary pronounced "silver lining." tbe affections of the masses. New silver Democrat who thinks the gold crowd need honeying is badly mistaken. Tbey will go with us as far as air. nui, tnougn not actively en dience to conditions beyond our con trol, was known of all men in the The Great Blood Purifier Is Working Wonders. It Gives Hope for Fear.

It Gives Joy for Sorrow. Ifc Gives Light tor Dark tering the tmpaign in support of Cancer York will not be nseded in 1900, for the South and West will elect their Legislature of 1887. Editor Ellis of Bryan, voted lor bins, and tnis fact it is to their interest to go and 00 OINTMENT. has caused Mr. Croker.

leader of the Winston Refiuhlu an, who was man and have votes to spare. further. They were with us two ness. Tammany Hall, to discredit Mr. Hill years ago and yet we were not saved leading member of the House that year and knew the plans aad pur on every possible occasion in tbe It Gives Health for Sick POPULISTS TO BE REWARDED.

Are they more numerous now than eyes of New York Democrats Of the Breast. poses of hit party, says on this point ness. they were then) Mr. Croker recognized in Mr. Hill sWssoBj Feet.

A guaranteed cure tor the foi-owing, or money refunded. man of ab hty. and tbe one to be IT IS THE KING OP ALL EumpjoQ (Pulmouary 1 unerculosi) brucchial. lung and chest troubles stubborn coughs, catarrhal geoei -al decline 2nd weakness, loss ot flesh, and al! condt.oos of wasting wav. will send THRE3 FREE BOTTLES (all different) of iis vew Discoveries to ny afflicted reader of this Dap.r wrirmg for the m.

His New Scientific Treatment" has cured tbouanda permanently by its timely use. and he considers it a simple preientioral duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of ms infallible care-Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist patiently experimenting tor years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity ss can be claimed by any modern genius. Hts a sertion that lnug trouble and consump tion are curable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of gratitnte." filed in his American nd European laboratories in thousands from those cured all in the last issue of hts paper (Jan eoth, 1897): 1 Mr. E. C.

Duncan, tbe new Collec most feared in tbe political conduct tor of Internal Revenue for this die of affairs in New York State mr. weoeier is new a sisson-put BLOOD REMEDIES. TBT A. BKW ARK OF OIN fMENTS FOR Ca TARKU THAT CONTAIN HER CUR, tnct, who will qualify February 1st In an interview Mr. Hill stated uemoerat and was equally bo thin, and take charge of the office, return tnougn he was elected to tne Lentil that he voted for Bryan, while Croker As mercury will surely destroy the ed to the city yesterday afternoon For sale W.

S. Allen, Reids ture In opposition to the aemlnee of his a. a ran away to England and left Mr Mr. A. H.

Craosby, of 158 Kerr St, Memphis, says that his wifa paid no attention to a stoall lamp which appeared in her breast, but it soon developed into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment of the best physicians, it continued to spread ana grow rapidly, eating two holes ia her breast. The doctors is sense or smell and completely derange from Washington, where he ville, Sheeban to manage the oamnaian parry, upon cnarges or the grossest corruption, Mr. Webster led a revolt tne wnoie system wnen entering has been for the past week. that Mr. Mr.Sheehan did the best be through tbe mucous surface.

Such ar Piles, Itch, Eczema, Poison Oak, against his own party and succeeded bj Mr. Duncan, while away filed his could, supported tne Democratic bond with the Treasury Depart ticies snouia never be used except on prescriptions from reputable pnysleiana. plat as every Democrat should a. a A POMONA HILL ao, ana mat atr. tjroaer, on nia re aa the damage they will do is ten fold to ment and tne same was accepted Tbe amount of his bond is $130,000.

turn from Europe, instead of reco tbe good you can possibly derive from A representative of the Poet last gnising this, removed him in die them. Ball's Catarrh Cure, manufac night asked Mr. Duncan if he would grace and took charge himself. Fur soon pronouncea her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treated her, bat she con-tinned to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt tured by F.

J. Cheney A Toledo, contains mercury, and Is taken recognize the I'opulists, when he ther that Mr. Croker was endeavor. Tet er, Bu ail ns It is ais i cu diSitv-s of ho Skin Cancer if the skin of in, for the ig cs an tios made his appointments. Nurseries Largest iad Oldest If the Stale.

Internally, acting directly upon the ing to not only nominate gold stand "Yes." eaid tbe new Collector, "I blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system ard men for ornces in New York of the world. The dread Consumption uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death Simplv wnte to A. Slogan. M. 98 Pine street.

New York giving pot-office and express addres, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direc' from his laboratory. Sufferers shouid take iastant advantage of his generous proposition Please tell the Doctor that yon saw am going to recognize the Populists in Buying nail's at arm uure ee sure State, but was also trying to run in my appointments, i can't say you get the genuine. It is taken Inter national politics on the same lino. Healthy stock. Trne to name.

All now what offices will be given the naliy, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by th old standard fiuits saUed to ths This stand of Hill means much and grandmother had died from cancer he gave the case np as hopeless. Someone then recommended s.s.s. J. hpney A Co. Testimonials free.

members of that part Southern and border ss veils Tbis announcement to the Post KSTSold by Druggists, price 75c. per be sew tort of merit. Dottie. will doubtless gladden the bearta of Webster's Weekly, Reidsville Foreign and Oriental FrpiUasd Nuts Pears, PlaouS Aoricots, ffsi tnis in C. many 'reformers, ho enlisted un- sad though little hope remained, she besnm it.

and an im nrovement was no sau sod Chestnuts, big suce ss. The retention of Robert Hancock in tbe presidency of the Atlantic N. -ail road in the face of the tbe help of tbe Republicans In defeating tbe regular Democratic nominees. Ha WAS SUPPORTED BY THE REPUBLICANS as a who ear neatly fevered honest government and waa thua elected Speaker, though at tbat time de CLARINQ HIS ALLEGIANCE TO THE DaaioORATic party, with the Republicans It was a eboloe between evils, and taey chose the one who was fighting Democratic fraud and mismanage meat la his own county, as the leaser evil. Mr.

Ellis' start mea. made of his own accord, without any suggestion from us, shows that the Republicans voted for us for Speaker' with their yes wide open, knowing we were a Democrat. This disposes not only of the World's misstatements. but also those inspired by a certain back-number Republican politician in a so-called Democratic paper a year or two ago. He anew at the time tbat there was no ground for the charge that we were under obligations to the Republicans, and now the organ of tbe Republican party in this State disposes of tbe whole matter.

We asf the editor of the World the direct question if he had been a citi Prevention for he caufe of silver. He is a man of undoubted ability, and many Democrats in the South who are weak-kneed on the silver question will be strengthed by the stand he boo taker i Mr. Croker will not have the time to run national politics, but will be compelled to fight to prevent Hill from controlling State politics and carrying a lot of free silver delegates SREESHOl SE DEPUTUIT. ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared enthrelv.

and although sev EciatCues, Grease, Thrash, gag, Mud Fever, Cuts, Bruises und Scalds. See the following testimonial from one of the mot respect a and responsible men in al! this country. BtrN. w. Lnrr ktr Danv He.

Dear Sir- rd my heel cut ftp-' (shout one'oor'h 'a'd I'snott ro br bone T'-e ttnf r)i ns at was not perceptible for or I week IlkMscI 1 tx.x i Olptnsent. tcc idr-r ti Inasiue better than cure. Tutt's Liver damning proof of his commission of eral yean have elapsed, not a sign of Rosas, hrysantheraursa, Carnsttona. Palms and a geceral collection of all Pills will not only cure, but if Dr. B.

Datebon's AbU Diuretic May be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bidding from of wat-r during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the tr ouble- at once. $1.00. Sold by W.

S. All n. druggibt. Beidaville, HTC. the disease has ever return ed STSsnboose olante, taken in time will prevent A Rial Blood Remcdv Ctt Floiers-Fioril nd "nneral to tne national convention in 1900.

Sick Headache, Mr. Hill is too smart a man to an DESIGNS bv competant German S.S.S. (euaranteed Purely veretabU) Florist. ia a read blood remedy, and sever fails Send fsr ea'aiosr'e of Nurse rr ant one of the blackest Crimea in tbe catalogue af moral offenses is an outrage upon tbe decent people of the State, A man who would de banch the daughter of an insane father (and the nice of bis own invalid wite) in a far oil city, under threats ef leaving her there with no way of getting home, ought to be io the penitentiary instead of occupying an effica of honor and responsi biuty by appointment of the Gover- to core Cancer. Eczema, Rheumatism nounce himself in iavor of a tning unless he thought it would succeed, therefore taking the last election ae a sample, givii.g as it did 50,00 ma jority to the Democratic Jndge of the Or easboote a -o psmphlet on "Bow Scrofnla.

or any other blood disease. CURED I ft 4 lAY. "Mystic Core" for Rheumatism aod Neuralgia radically cores in 1 to 8 days action apon tbe system ia remarkahl PUnt and Caltivaie an Orchard." dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. Out books will be mailed free to aay address.

Swift and the for I b'-ft-n MS -a' kAi- ately, and it one wees I as sbh card my rrutche- I a ve advantage to my ber hur W. li 1 ISN1. Yard Clerk Soother 1 Rili For Sale by all Drui Reidsnlle, N. C. 5c ier sss Addre- VAN LINDLEY.

POBMLB, C. twin or appeals, who supported Bryan, it looks like Mr Hill has a flgnting chance in Yo-k Mr Croker, a oh rt tim back went Bid mysterious. It removes at once tbe tote and tbe disease immediately dis- 1p The first dhae (really beDeflt. Oe..

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