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The Albemarle Enquirer from Murfreesboro, North Carolina • Page 3

Murfreesboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I .1 I I I. i I hT. 7- rT7rTT7rT rrr H. the' life ndWritinca of Henry Institntf on also a portrait and sketch of the new Pope i i WHOLESALE; GRpqf RS.M I.nq. jVLurfresboro Enquirer.

WHEN YOU TO A PARTY WHO I ADVERTISES THIS PA PER, PLE i.SE PAY. TH-AT. YOU SAW HIS ADVER- 3Gjii.5 ISl kjlWORO fiT.i AND PARKE JUST tli.E Vl i.501? Barreiajiph Family lOi.parzfjs U'ndTOr Caatie, FamUrV BestJmlrr AS Bore Boneieaa Fiah. j'. Vs.Barrel9ReanedSaar, .4: lCarg) rjr.

100 Ban-efa Welcome Rrtra BULK MEATS, CHEESE, BUTT2R, SOAP. -i CANDLES, AC. march? tf. 91 arfWebor (FOR WHANNS RAW, BONE This thoroughly reliable Fertilizer which i has been sue Mnrfrec 4 Si 0 UIIUKCnKS. Sf- vices everv Sandiy at meeting every Wednesday evening 7 oclock.

Sundaj School eVer 5fett afternoon at 4 oclock. iSHS Choreh-Rev A MqUowell. Service. Suntf-ay at It A Jl. and 7 PM.

Prayer meet-L ereV Thursday evening at o'clock. Sunday Kchool every Sunday morning alj 9 oclock. Episcopal Church-RerMrl HtggsSeryi at fr A. oo the foruth Sunday lu each month. Colored flaiftl Chttrch--Ea Waahinjtoil jloone.

Services every 3rd Sunday at 11 A and colored Metliodiat Churcliiservices by the Rev. E. Robinson. I T-lavlnbn Lodge Noj 1ST meets In the Hall overDi Lewter' dtugstbre every Monday at 7 o'clock. American George Lodge No 1, meets In the Wssonlc Hall tne first Saturday in every month at 2 o'clock PM.

FTEAMBOXf Arrives at Morfreesboro every Satnrdvv at 4 o'clock. P. an 1 return the same day, or on the day following. II. T.

LASsiTiR Sox, Agents. i MAIL saving daly, (except Sun lay,) U1P M. at5AMT. Arrives MI.Helljnen. Condensed Tlme-Table, OkFIO OF S.

iV TI. lltATTJiOAD CO. BoykinVav.MovISJG. Trains pass this station' a oHoys SOUTH. No.

4 freight- 5 2sl sill 4 A. 7 31 4 OU P. SOUTH. 11 A. "No; 1, treisht 2 freight No.

4, north. 11 6 04 Tuesday. Thursdays and 1 poutk I JSIoikys Wed m-8das aqfj Fuidavp. Noe ,4 fnt. Rnncla.

with pftsfinccr. tear at t.lCI,(.ii. C. C. Lewis.

Apt. SUBSCRIBE to I The Enquire It has an able corps of corresponaents, giving news, from all points and give all the home news Of interest In the First and second It is A HOME PAPER, published at the head of Sdacation of Eastern Carolina, and has a larger circulation in Hertford Northampton liertie and Gates Til AN ANY OTHER PAPEP. Times ote laid arid limonty is scarce, but the prosperity of the Enquirer is an incicaton of its popiilarty, PRESSES 'eta (4 1 bear ia mind, when hope our friends vri ever they wish to? have anr kind of JOB PRINTING done, that the EXqcirer office has funded a IsEW job PRESS and a fine assortment of new TYPE its newspaper department, they can "I aave all manner of Job Printing, done in FIRST CLASS Ptyle Letter-Heads, BillrHeada, Circulnrs, Posters, Blank Forms, Visiting and Business Cards. Wedding In visions, 1 EnYelopek, Pamphlet, xcated in as good stjfle and at as LOW PRICES as the same work can be done anywhere, ay-Remember, our rule ia that unless our work gives entire satisfaction we will nc accept pay therefor. We Invite the pobtlc to call and examine our specimens.

Address all orders. "ETfQnRER, Marfreesboro.N. C. THE SUN, 1878. NEW, YORK.

1878. As the time approaches for the renewal of sub-senplons, THE SUN would its friends and wenwlshers tt) at it is again a candidate 1 for their consideration and. suppor ITponits record for the pasti en, years it rejLics for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and gener-oas co-operation which Lave hithorto been extsa--ded it from ev ry quarter, the.ttnion". The DAILY SUN Is a price by mall, post paid, 55 cents a month; pr 6.5&,per; jiear. I The SUNDAY edition of THE SUN is an eigh-page sheet of 56 coluirns.

While giving the news o'ilfee'daj; lecbntalos a large amount of literary and misceHaneo'us'mattejr specially prepared for The Sunday has met1 vhtt'gTcat success. Post paid $1.20 a year. L. Thi Wkbkly Sun. Who does not kno.Tit,E WEEKLY SUN 7 It circulates hroua hout the United States, the :4 Didas, andjeyond.

Ninety thousand families gTet its welcome pages weekly. and regard it ia tbe.llghtof guide counsellor, and friend- JJaniws cdiibnaL'. agricnlturaL an literary departments make it essentially a lonrnal for the, family and tke Irealde. sOnb. Dollar a ear, post yiid.

This price, quality red, makes it the cheapest newspaper For clubs of ten, wtth i(j cash, we will send an extra copyffreer Adu'res8 yUBLlllER OP THE SUN, New York City. i i Just received and or reale at the New Drug Store a large supply of, bpriDg. Garden and FieM Stedsr i Dii'oyaT: lewter. are most ully invited to send as Jour ordrt for job printing. XI DECOMMISSION MERCHANTS J'S WIIARF, PORT9MOUTU, TA.

teD" Iri a Barrel 'lit. iicjbidn' Ji 'eirrela Sf lit 40 Barrela 8. -r soiBarrtla MacJtere i -1 h.h and Trince-Royal Snpr, XT. A J. HATtKt'.

AdvertlmentA. CdTTON) SUPER rnospiiATE. tapie King Cotton lor the Solub lity and additional! Pot- Lv.WasE, 1 TJ LASilTER SON, Dealers in DRll GOODS, DRESS GOODS, READT-MADE CLOiniNG CLOTnS, CASSIMERE3, Ac. BOOTS. SHOES, HATSCArg.

I and a general assortment ef A it I S. 4 Keep coisfantly on hand a general assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES, f- p. gheit prioea paid for ountry proxlnoe MlKCllftneon. General Arent For M'pt ropbl i an iroii EICHHOOTr Portable and Stationary) Pair flrist minj. ms j.

Ms ry iiouera uaarings or israss and iron: rorjnnars o. MAC111NEUY FOH GOLD AND COAL MINES, 1 BLAST FURNACES We talZ attention to our IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINE, for agricultnral and other purpodBR. AIho to our newtye SMALL LOCO- MOTItES for hauling lumber and otlier artleli upon tramwayn and narrow: gauge raljwuya. SHAFTING PULLEYS FOR GlN HOUSES. and Mother Southqrn Stared; wcnnr.Wer(u-r-(nning Knglnea the bejt and cheapeut in use, and a'coiatey free fromebarks.

Repfir work goitcltd and prompty done. send for Ilustrated which 'are furnish eeiree by WM. K. TANNER A the proprietory, or on application to me, 1 RICHMOND AGRICULTURAL I WORKS. Richmond, W.

CARDWELL CO froDfletora. JARDWELL THRESHER AN In acknowledged to be tne best simplest and moat easily worked thrcsrier and Beiarator Biaf'e. I am alio agent for plain threshing drums, horo powefs, straw cutters, corn null, tocacto factory flxtures Ac, manafactured by the same and sold at the lowc-t inarJUt prices. 0 is THE REASLEYJ. TOWER COTTON PESS Manufactured by Tanpeir 'sce'ele'of Petenburg, Va is acknowledged by air.T7lid have eyer ud it to belsuperiot to any power press rhadfe rfctjnlriDg only one hand pick cotton Price 2C0.

THE BALL nAND by the same; Is the.bcf! re at el where water or vteam is not cmilojed. Pioe of presaL wnlch Is also U-cotfthi "popular (c itr s'lrapllclfy and iheariiers! wS; alo be sold l'y'rae raly maj. nfacfjrfed, or the irons Ac, for the -same wltX royalty. for mating at manuractnrer's. prices so iurnisn to oruergnst miiis, ane rouia, beftlng or anytliincln the line of inachumry, at minafactoxer's i can on or anarrin, 1 i I K.


Ilgrjprd I County. In the, Probate Court. Jchii F. Newsom adm'r of Thorn aa II. Ha.

deceased. against 3faryJ. Hall Defendant. It fanDearfnir to the Conrt that the defendant Marf J. Hall is a non resident of this Rtate and aftef dne lilignce cannot be -found la' thu counjty, and affidavit ot thin prt being Died.

It Is therefore ordered mat publication bjc once a werk for aix successwe week Jdthtf Ilnrfreefc. boro Enquirer, a newspaper In tfce town of Mbrfreenboro, Hertfprtlr N.f notifying said defendant of thl3 Action, end tiat iheie summonsed'- td appear before the cn er-gignlJ oaorbeforte the is day of April lS7ff and acawer or'detnur to the petition which' been, filedtin the clerkl office 9f rald port, cr Jcd-ment WiTtxs rendered against tixn Withesa; W. j. Catling, Judge proDate at wta- ton thia the I2tn day of February, 1S7S. fit beautiful visiting cares rqna 5Qct 1 vli K.

R. BAUGHAM i I 4 Vk 1 1 i 1 1 1 Jl 1 the i rr 1 i SI 1 THE ROANOKE COTTON PRESS, i Leo XHIt to present interest Is Dcems's editorial on and1 very nniquf, picture is painttd by hirr in an editorial called 'Unchailenged Cfeaking ihese are, but few of the many timely and brilliantly written articles in this Number. In Addition thei'e are a number 'of beStatjfjil pr4ms, entertaining paragraphs on a variety of interest'pg subjects, besides music, wit, all embraced in oue hundred and twenty-eight quarto pages and embellish id with one hundred fine engravings, and all this given or 25 cents, the price of 6ingle copies of the 3Iagazine Annual Subscription, $3 (post-paid in boih cases.) Address, Fbank Leslie, 5S7 Pearl Street, New York. Whose Faclt is It? A subscriber at Margaret tsville, writes us Your paper is always received at our fireside with pleasure; therefore when it fails to comey we. miss it considerably.

Thi9 week it did not reach this office at all, and for several weeks it has reached a Uay or so behind time. Now if the fault is not with you, please jog the memory of the P. that it may not occur so often in the future." Now, we have had the same complaint from others on the Seaboard road. We are sure the- fault is nut at this office, nor at our post office, n'or do we believe it to be at the Boykins office At one instanee we know i was not. On several occasions we have been informed that our papers were delivered from the down train from Wl-don in the evening, instead of from the the morning train when they mud hate been delivered to the mail agent.

Now we don't like to complain, but we nay the TJaib-d States to carry ind deliver our mail, our subscribers pay us for our. papers, and we intend to see that they are properly deliveied, let the blame fall where it mny LETTER FROM NORTHAMPTON. Rich Squark, N. C. 28th, 1878.

Editor' Eaquier Married at the residence of Mr. Adbeal Grant, on 20th, by Kev. Wm. Grant, Mr. Walter Curry, to Miss Eliza Deloatch, botb "And.

thus would the blind lead the blind. We hope pleasures, and fortune to find, May they to each othir forever cling, And rest secure under the guardian angel's wing. Madame rumor is just now busy, and would have us believed that two or three other marriage are in serious contempla tion in our section but we most devoid Jy wish they will no'; 'go it Brush up your old clothes, (of couis6 an editor is not supposed to have new ones,) and come down in about ten days, and we will show you that there is life in od land yet.l Rain! rain! rain! and still it rains about two days in every week, which render our farming friends very uncomfortable and with their long drawn up faces end soared dispositions. We never accost one to enquire how he is progressing with his opperatiohs. Perhaps, iD I a little while appearances rrlay become more lovely, and then we can tell you something about farm ing.

i Did you know that some of our fanciful, visionary, imaginary people are talking a Bailroad from this place to Winton When the chasm between Uich Square and the Moon is bridged, ami a contract made with the man in it to build this road, then we shall begin to entertain some little hopes it but not until then. The Quakers have just held their "yearly meeting' at their church in this place. This is tbe occasion of tbe assembling of a large concourse of people, irrespective of classesl sects or color, and as many 'visit-iug friends? were expected, even some from Europe. A tremendous crowd was out. edajv to; imitate the example which induced the dog to visit the church.

Thei notorious criminal md murderer who committed such a foul muider in Bertie, and been twice convicted, broke jail at Plymonth, a short time since, made his escape, O.K. THE MARKETS. Forthe benefit of our readers we compile the following report of the Norfolk Markets. The sales ot our Local Markets rrtxL-n thpeo li TTliat- i i rt-M 'm vi i i till iiniiv.i tuvkju vt bout one cent per pound (the cost of transportation) less than Norfolk prk-pe 1- Tii' Baltimore about cent in advance of these quotations. COTTON During the past week the sales of cotton have been upon a basts of 10 10c, for according to grade.

CORN 53c per bushel. CHEESEU 16C, COFFEE Rio 17 22c; Laguayra 20 22c; Java BUTTR-f 12 2o 27C. EGGS i2c.jper Aoi. FLOUFl Family $7.50 $3.75 per barrel; Extra $7.00 7.50; Superfine $5.50 $6.50. MOLASs49b-Cuba 33 40; N.

40 O' 6c! Poto RicQiO 55L'-- PEANUTS Prime $1.00 $1.10 per busnei; Common 404 SD. PROVISIONS Shoulders 6 7c; Balk 6C Gc Sides 7 8j; Hamsia 13c, SALT Liverpool $1.45 1.50; G. A. 80c Wc. SUGAR Coffee pi ioc; Extra C.9r; 10c; Yellow's A Gektue Hint.

In our style of climate, with its sudden changes of temperature, ram, wma ana aud sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it isno wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from neglected colds, half the deaths refilling directly from this cause. A Iw tUe of Boschees German Syrup kept aheniyour hoipe.for immediate use will prevent serious sickness, large doctor bill; and perhaps tbanseof three or four dose3.For curing Hemorrhages, Pneumonia Severe Coughs, Croup or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonderful, as your druggists will tell you. German Syrup is now sold in every town and Til. tage on this continent.

Sample bottles for lrial, regular size, 75c -j iimrodj apaperby Rev. H. H. Banks on H4 ia 3o uas interesting, review ot Latos Flowers by Mrsv Anne CharubeW Ketchnui, Edward Maxwell has'aCond paper on HamiDton'si Campaign 'fn feoutlx Evelyn's choice, is conilbded in this Usue, while 'a Btptism of fire. Mrs, Jarvis.

is still Tbe poetry in this issue Is a Song, by Col. Hayne, and 'Somewhere, Ispy, II. In Short, the present number is- fulley utp to the standard and South Atlantic is certainly one the besi and cheapest Magazires published. Terms 3 per year, Mrs. Ciero W.

Hlrriss Editor, Wilmington N. C. The BRANTT-MboDY Case Brantly Acquitted: Our readers will remember the important case of the State against J. 0. Brantly, for the killing: of John M.

Moody Northamjpton county. It was removed from Northampton to Warren county, and came up for trial in the latter county last week. The counsellors in the case -were Solicitor C- M. Cooke, A. J.

Bar ton and' Judge D. G. Fowle for tbe- State, and Gen. M. B.

B. Peebles, ana W. Ransom, W. W. W.

II. Day for the defence. iThe case ex'-ited a great deal of interest, and was ably defended. After hrce days patient rial, the jury, vrhich was composed of twelve of the most intel4 ligeat men of Warren county, returned a verdict of "not FhVev Woods THE Lyricks. No.

7, BKOOK. Ah bnoklet hid amid the grass Of this deep, ishady hollow, Why murmer eyer as you pass Along the way you follow Why so around each stone, Or loiter in the eddy? Tbough j'ou may utter sweetest tours, Your ways ae all unsteady. The tall, lilies all day 1 ng By tranquil waters bending Staud idly listening to your sor.g, Sweet perfume to you sending And dreamy mists to evening's brow i LiKe softest veil you're giving. Ah little streamlet meek and low What Jife is this you're living Tub swallows thronging in the air Are not so sweet and lazy You doubtless think the birds so fair, At best are week and crazy To labor so on outstretched wings Amid the evening's splendor But God to each his joyance brings, And He is ever tender. "Just Ciiabge It;" "iou miy think it a mere trifle, as you have not the money in your pocket to i.ay cas!) for what you purchase to order it charged.

The obliging merchant who is your townsm tn and bids faith in your honesty, is nothing loth, iid as you are psiiJ ouing 1 settlement to the you of very small moot you take two or three ou really ueed. future, it seems to ment whether or more ihings than There is a bottle of Eau-de-Cologne, and yours is nearly enppty there are soaps, and boxes of noiej paper, and various little things, each of vbich csis onl3r a stnall sum by itself, and them home you think, "I'll run in in a few days and paj' fur them. If you defer your payment for a fe.v or a month you will probably be astonished to see to what a la'ge sum these items have amounted, and at the end of the year, you neither feel like going into bankruptcy, or denying the The best why to avoid this, is to stop saying to your merchant ''just ch irge it," and buy less, and pay cash for what you got. If you everjexpect to pay, there is no better time than when you buy. Surgical Monday last a polite nvitation being extended was accepted to witness, Within the neatly arranged private apartmenj of Dr, J.

C. Lawrence, the extraction of ja larg turner, which for years had been growing upon the neck of Mr. Nathan Francis a ra-pectable citizen of this county ui8 tumor situated on the right side of the the right sterno beck, extended neariy to clavicular articulation: those acquainted with the anatomy; of the parts, readily understand the uitncuiw and i danrer attending such operation. Thead- miuistiation of chloroform was under the courteous and skjl If ul management of Dr. Lewter the closing surgical operations and dressing was handsomely performed by Di Lawrence and the exlractioo of this heavy tumor executed by Dr.

Jnc. T. Elclridge ct Northampton Co. It was pronounced a complete euccess. To Dr.

Eldride we must say for cool, delicate and scientific cutting, surrounded as-he was by veins and daugerous arteries we have never seen 'hinfsur'passed by any surgeon'iri the ountry and our observation has been by no means limited. Eastern North Carolina hould be proud indeed of such eminent physicians, and may they liveT long' to bless suffering humanity, and continue to jshed their luster npon the medical profession of our State and county. 1 Frask Leslie's Scsdat Magazine for APKir Dr. Deemes seemes determined to make this the household Magazine of AuieriVa. Its name might imply to a'ome mind3 that it is sombre in character.

Far froci ht nothing brighter inlitcra-. Lobk at the elegantly illustrated Hire reading article on 4AV Curious City and then. read the thrilling and novel story by Rer. Wm. M.

Baker. entitledThe Coun terfeit land the absorbing story of One Life i Bishop M. C. Tyeire writes a sketch of the late Bishop Maxvin which is far above the common level, and then there is at splendidly illustrated i and yery fall article onthe late Pms IX, I BU KO EXQUIR2R. EXQUlBlEf? XocaIs scarce.

Spring time has come, Gentle Annie. The Inferior Court of Northampton convenes on Monday next. 1 Let every subscriber endeavor to Eend us at least one new subscriber. Advertisements should be handed in by Tuesday at noon, to insure insereion. Oorri'mtsioLer's court atf- Monday, and srpri.D term of Hertford Infenor court next 1 Tho LAstrict convention of the I.

0. G. Tetnpiars takes place in our town on 19th 0ti 2lst iustanta. We ret ur i thanks to Hon. Kemp P.

Bat-tic for a report from the Stale University and School. Sfcid a-batchelor 'My friend cpuducted his future wife to th altar and there htc leadership came to an An elegant copy of Worcester's Una -bridged Dictionarj' for sale at tins office. Price $9 -cost 11 to deliver it here. Ve made a hasty visit to the cities by the Sea', last wl'-read our adverti3ments tofiud'oul tho men to deal Wi'tb' there. i Ali parson, 1 wish I Could carry mv -i go.d with me, said a dying man to his pastor.

It niigh? wai the consoling re ply. j- Yes, it is so. Ve are piintiog first class Enveloies Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards remarkably cheap at ttie Enqttiker orflcel 0,: prayed a Methodist minister, 'keep me humble and 'O Lord, if thou will kcep him s.iid the deacon, who prayed next, 've will keep him 'What is the difference between one yard and two yards asked the teacher in arithmetic. 'A said Tommy Bvials. Then Toitny sat down on the ruler fourteen times 4D; ya rtmaiked a rather fast youth the other daj' a stutter friend to whom he wa3 slightly indebted 'do you know that! intend to marry and settle down? 4il do-dn't know anything about was th'e reply, 'bu-but I think you had b-b-bettr stay single and se settle Our office was made happy on Tuesday last, by the rerepiion of a beautiful and handsomely arranged bouquet, the.

first of tbe presented with tbe colnplimerits of one of our most appreciated lady' friends. Long may the fair donor live to chetr the hearts' of th'e' weary p'il -griiilY oflife The distinguished Meteorologist and Weathei Prophet; Professor Tice, of St Louis, has issued his annual national weather almanac fvr 1878. in which he "foretells the weather for ever day in the year, ex plains the theory ckarly on which his pre dictions are based, gives directions by which the unscientific can forelell the weather, ana. other valuable matter. The whole constitutes a work o' great practical alue to eveiy-oue, aud is almost indispensible to farmers.

For sample copy and terms of sale to the trade and 'to agents send cents to St. Loui, Mo. New ArVEKTiSEMF.XTS. Read the Advertisement of a New Openiog. A fine chance fotf a f)odDotelisc.

The enterprising firm of Cooke Har-rell calls the Attention Gf the farmers of this sectibn to their chemicals for manufacturing Domestic Fertilizers. The ingredients they offer; are exctllent, and it is "doubtless the way to geir a ood and cheap fertilizer a a small cost. Read their and give them a call. Messrs. W.

J. Parker, the old anc! reliable commission and wholesale grocery house, of, uth Va fr appreciates the value of the Bx'iker's coluthni as" an advertising medium, and asks the patronage of the grocers and people of our section. We take' pleasure iD tecommemJjng) tUcm as clever and reliable business gentlemen, and assure our merchants that atl necessary to convince them of what we stale is a trial. 1 'l 1 i Wiiv1 Tiiey Often Fail: -Young men often failtd'get on in this wrld because theyLeJleCt 6raall opportunities. Not be ing faithful in h'ttl'? they are not promoted to the charge of greater things.

A ouuir mau who gels a subordinate situation sometimes thinks it is'- ncit neces ary for iuia'to cive it much attention. He wiirwait till he gets a place of response bility, and then he will show people. what he can do. This is a very crcat mistake. Whatever his situation may be, he should master it In all its details, and perform all his duTie3aithfuify The habit of doing his work thoroughly and conscientiously is what is'tabs -likely to enaSie'a oung man'to' make way With this habit, a person of only ordinary abilities would outstrip one "of greater talents who is in the "habit of s'ighting Isulv ordinate mattets.

(-. But; alter allrithe7Tneres; adoption by a of this great essential5 rule of success; ihows Iiirn to' be psieised bl sup erior abilities, -f South Atlantics The March number of this excelleut publication is upon our The coutentsljare "Stanleys great Piscorery; Aii interesth -papr by W. LOG AL. cessfully used on the mighty past 1 7 years is improved in- ash. i For sale by "Ml HARRELL, MURFREESBORO, N.

4 Dealers In GENERAL- ANDf i NTANDARD FRT IIUERiS 1 Ilavlnir nurchasea FOR CASH, direct rams Mgnutacturera, a lot of Pure Chemicals for mating DDKItSIIC rtRimitR, We are prepared to offer special Inducements to rarmers. mar. if 'I! D. L. FERGUSON, PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, NEXT DOOR TO ENQUIRER OFFICER Mnrfreesboro, N.

C. tysoeclal attention paid to repairing Fine Gold Watches, Clocks Jewelry c. I am enabled) to do all work heaper than the Cheapest, All worfc warranted for 12 months. 1 SltlPSON, WATCH-MAHEK JEWEMR, at Dr. LeWter's Drugstore, off.

i Main Street, MfJRFREESBORO, N. C. Having rented this desiraWe situatio i and added new improvements to my stoc. I am now pre-nnrAfi t. in fli Undent watch maiincr and renairinz or anvlhing in the line of a lirst-cass Jeweieron the Mttt Moderate Term.

iciu-ij lies. I Ilavir ir secured the services ot a First- Class Workman. Iam uow ireoared to ex ecute all work in mv line with neatness and despatch. None but the best material, ustd, an.l a. and neat fit AM work warranted Prices reasonable for eash.

A. A. SPIVEY. CTI am also aeent for the celebrated Siiiirer Sewiua: Machines, which I offer a prices 1o suit the times. W.



PHILLIPS, PflN'TR A CTOTl A BUILDER. i "i' 'irfrppflhnro. Ni fS All work In ray lne dohe; iairst-class style at miff ni-if0a tf fill! tih. tir.f il I i I ll.fa RlinHa Wirif nwri unil.Tlnnr Krftmftfl bet material to order. For Prices and Estimate address as above.

newj-oi. DR.J. T. Dealer I n't riiffs. Faints Oilsy Seeds-.

Main Mcbfbeesboro, N. C. P. I E8, MURFIiEESBORO, N. MANUFACTURER OF 1 Light Carriages, Baggies, Sulkies, Farm Wagons, Cars, Cart-wheels, A limited stock of Buggies Cartihedls and, in short, anything ioanu in a first class coach and buggy factory i kept constantly on hand i All work, when1 not otherwise ordered, is madT of the bast material, and lis waf- give entue satisfactioni BLACK SMITHING of all kinds, donein the very best mannejr.

Horse shot-ing a UNDERTAKING done in all of its finejassrtr ment of Wood and. Metal ic. Coffins: are Constantly kepf on harld- wi lh prices to Bnlt 'the occasion, which wilt foraishedi on the shortest notice. '7' i(' CITTwo elegant hearses on hand, and coffins will be sent to any parts of the country when desired, Address all orders. 4, A V.

ULNJ. Murrrrstoro, 3 i It I 1.

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