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The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine • 10

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BANC OH DAILY KWS TUESDAY ALIY 2 1011 ft FORTUNE IN BOOKS 1 1 WENT UP IN FLAMES I Mm Early Bangor Records Which tan Never be1 Replaced Destroyed TO $300000 Collc- tion of Volumes TO TTIat SS'rjf trudn feared fat tm wa reenjmiyDT nS me tbe fiueet the mintry enutaitHbi? many file is which mild fie funjiul in few if finv idlcr hi ram' Home years ago Prof IIittldiKon of Die Fntversitj of Manic was nuked to iwtmt iu-t of volumes reeded to) eom p'iete the eol'ectuui of useful arta-e-to many years -the Jesdruetioa ot BangcFs1 prktle-i baa happened tyt jiCdhim: has 1 1 been of their loss fer the rutlH tent that a few other fUnga happened thj mine time 5L Curran tin ho printed reason at librarian rettiwd the nd tiding iu Bcfnn where she Las beta for several tlajs hut a News repot fer found Miss Jew ett at ho has teen her pun-cipal assistant for many yehrs To Lemn with perhaps the earliest authentic records of history peiished in the flames These were contained In the thirtcen Volumes of a publication kuown eueccwsiiely as the Bangor Weekly Register the Register and Penobscot Advertiser and the lleg-lster (1M5 to 1S2M Other records of early history because they can never be rf ere JcwmvJ-wyt lofume 2 of the ltati? Daily Union ilk'll 110) in twenty-one volumes of The Jeffersonian 1MJ)- lMiOh and in certain files of the Bangor Daily Whig and ICotirier Whether there are any duplicates of these old records ift problematical and it fa likely that all of early history as recorded in the newspapers is now in the Whig files of the Daily News library Old files of newepnpeis 1 in other Maine pities include Volume 2 of the Augusta Age ISdftt and Volumes 1 ard 2 of the Portland Argus Of the books the genealogical collee uakf it i-' one of the finest in tiie country "You have two-thirds )cf qll that are quired he apwired i Since Ihi the hr-t has la en greatly in oieftM huh will give borne faint idea of its) value There-wire complete files from the first Issue published of the country' most important migirines or several of thdm including the xi Eit-t JJviug Age Die New England the North American Review and which was famous in its day There were very extensive collections iilso of the Century IJppm-'uuJ-4ULJ UTuditjl-Tnuidica-tions Of all the newspapers magazines and volumes named the vast majority can never lie replaced The fiction department of course can be heavy though the lose here is When Miw Jewett went to the ll- hrarv 27 years ago it contained 19000 volumes on Sunday afternoon 70000 volumes were dost roved in the flames No not quite 70000 for about 4ot)0 were in a little nucleus' with which to begin the weary work of reconstruction The value of Dove 70 Out) is pact computfttiort but $duO-000 is not an excessive estimate All Promptly Executed We are pleased to state that owing to the general size and variety of our stock we are able to meet all demands for Furniture Floor Coverings" Hangings Etc that' may arise at this time Every piece is plainly marked and i Exactly the Regular Low Prices Will Frevail bocal as well as out-of-town orders5 will be promptly 'handled under -our usual guaranteed" i At AN A UWhN OAMCOR OPERA HOUSE SI ii lie liras WEDNESDAY MAY 3- Matinee and Ntght I MR LYONS THE CDMltS OPERA COMEDIAN' 1 in the Musical WHAT WRIGHT LEFT Fr'i-NHiM Pc 3V 3V and 60cl Matinee entire bah 10c entire or 20c III The Pleasure-Seeking Crowds Groped Their Way Through 1 Pitch Darkness 1 Short Stories on Ntany Sub-ects of Interest to Many Bangor Peopla MEKOLIf SAFE LOCK CO Manufacturers of Safes and Locks BARK AMD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT WORK I tr now IV Ni backs and hearses is located at ISO Birch street at Hall Co will be Iterated 154 Exchange street tins mormug The Opera nouse whs sold out for Madame hherrv days ago and the overwhelming cahmurj winch dmeended upon Baugor prevent the majority of those who purchased tickets from attending Tneie was no tloctikitv iu the theatre of but the big gas i bandolier dul valiant service anl they imd fitted up a partial row of gas foot-hgl ts It was irnim-Sible to get anv idea of the si enery the actors were fairly viHtlde when they stood "stage Any sort of criticism of the perfomm nee under thee conditmos is impossible although both actors and audieine made the the them fitted ie-t of theatre Toe pktuie wulnil in well with fhe 84-88 Hammond Street Xpert in 017 tO PETITION TOR DISCHARGE A strange enc-s wituout And strange scene indeed were en-fictcd when the periormam-e ended The big audience sfieamed into a pitch-black not a ligSt save for angry red glow still rdleeted in the Right of wav to the East Hole of course cut off at Hjote street so In the matter nipt of James Sawyer Bank- la Bankruptcy Hale Judza cf the of the Lnlte-i states for sit To fbe Hon Ctirence Dibtiict The Quality of a Clarion Hqnare or down ftrect tficnco tttross the innroad hmlgd dimg helplessly I coils a fid happy A'pmcu helplessly to the arms of tpeir es- a fid happy indeed were tlmv who the Dlstrtst 6f Mllie James Sawyer of Bangor LEAVE ORDERS AT NEWS in the orot and ctnte of Manej ret-pe fully diyof lVbruqv last County of Feme paid Distili that ou the paot he was cli tv a ij tilged -liankrupt un- wv jr businet-v change street 1 Miss Elizabeth I Firtb public sten-ographer is now' located at 70 Exchange street with It ist-wy er The tip-town office ofi the Stlckney A Babcock -Coal Co ie now lo rated with Palmer City Hath Ralph AAhito tmdcrHkca may be I found ot Wood A IfuggardTs Brevver or at 119 Parkview avenue 1 The Boston Dye llou-e Fles managir will ft coopt ordere ns usual at the main establishment iu Brewer i Dr Ilaryey will be found at the office of Dr A I Chase 01 Main street Teh ill 1 The Blue Label Charity hall td have been held cm Monday night was indefinitely postponed i Fearl A Dennett Real E-dato Co has leased an off no on the iued floor of the Columbia budding Black Brothers real iptatc have tkken temporary quarters in office 23 Hammond street Dr office is now at the comer of Pine and State street His residence is at 227 State fetreet 'The offices Of Woodman Co and the Bingor Ice Co are with Curtis Tupper 3 llaimiicmd street The5 card party to have been given in The Colonial Tuesday night by a number of Bangor wpuaeu is post poned -AT1I payments due ture Co should be paid Reed 45 fttree -rey Fund at the tore of 1-2 llatotimnd ivngri rclauug to bunk-bys iluiy snrrciuic'i ed at! dcr-Jha Acta of ruptcy that he his ptoptity aifl right of property Riri ui with alt Die juiutre-Vcts and of the oidi a of bis bankiuptcy piajs Ihat fie may be da bus unit meets of bald Court touching here fore he is dlstinAly different Evcry bran of its manufacture ttudiel with minute care The rebuli ia a cookirf range that for 'design fit and finish is vrusurpasieJ cried by the Court to have a full dis- debts plovable against cha ige from a had escotts Never was daiknes dei ier and in it lurked many daugets imagm-arv nnd real 'Jheie ere several caniigcs end went thnnigli -FianUm street wlieic tl light of emoulderiug flame camsod Dm bor-ea to rear aud citncc Httrcly tit Btrangwt after-theatre spectacle a Made city ever witnessed 1 THE WEATHER WASHINGTON l-Foieenst for New Englatid-Showcrs followed by -clearing ami tmuh redder Tuo-daj fair brisk west wimlri probably high over couth portion BOSTON May 1 Foiecimt for Boe ton an! Clear1 pg Tuesd-iy edncfsday fair c-ildc Tuqs 1 1 iiifit and edncfj lay Moderate to busk wc-st Hide his estate under sail baukiiiplcy Aits ex- law ccpt such debt from euOi disc Dated tins 20 as are exi pted ly tat ge dsy of April D1 1911 JAMEs W1E1L Bank uiL We wish to inform our I 1 customers that we are not i damaged by firej and are in I a position to perform our I 1 usual good service to WOOD BISHOP GO 40-42 Broad Si iFuRNPURE 2 Stale ORDER Or NOTICE THEREON DMrlct of Maine ss day of April 1011 Oa Di's 2oi on reading the Ordcicd bv be had up June A I SHOWERS trade Investment foregoing pctSlbin It tne 'Unit a hearing tfic ftiune on Itiij tub ilay of fait before said Court at l'oitland in ftaid District at ten clock la the forenoon and that notice thereof be publisocci In Bangoi Pcly Nic a iiewi-p111 1 iruted iu mud DHtrlit nd trat an Known crediut and other sous In Snti retd may afipetir al ttie raid time aud lace and allow cause if ary tlisjv have why the prayer of fcud peu tloiuet hi'idd lad be planted And ia fuitlver lirneied by the Court That the Chtk shall irnnd by tnail to all known miiuois toiuaa cf aanl jetdion this ordi addr sa to them at their pi 1 -'h ot rcHidime aa elated itin -a the llonoiable Uiatenre IU1 Juogc cf the raid Court aril the si it lluo at Borttard In salt on the ly of April A 1 rill tb JAM! A II 11 EWE Clerk A tiue copy of petition and or' thcreoo Attest JAM1A HEW EY Cirk 1 Thanking you 1 for past favors and future'Ones we are Respectfully yours Wtu 7 Oil i t'-n Co under taker5 can fqund ttt 13'J Ntate fttrcc-t or 23 Parkview avenue If flit ton Eye mau-ar-C i Tll Fudcvw oo-l Typewriter Co IIS I'ti fianle street bao 50 nc-w xuacblncw which vfero eluppcd from the factory lead) for Uusiui-hh Tije fact th it our best growers are I mw unLitig and oclling Lirgo ipnttr- ties of Red Itpsei Teh pr i that itus I flanadiau brand Liuxt be of veiy fine I quality The meeting of the 2dh Oc ntury Chib to have hi held the ohmial touight i hat be i ii pisfpined until ur-Dtf iioSue Men)" ot the chib arc hc-remth duly ijmilal WAHlllNETHN 5fay 1-A dicturb-niitc of narked mteiihty that wa ventral Sunday nubt oic-r Iowa ha- moved to the lower lake regnm attend-td by taim-in the middle Atnuiie eta Us and Nevv England This dhUirbne was prededisl bv abnormally high tesu-pertrire ip the Alla title etaH and be mg fedibwed by decidedly colder weutherJ Tlii mdieatuuH are that the wen Dior ovei the cSHiiitry cast of tiny Rh ky ifnnitituiis will genii illy fair ucL ay an Wgijnctel ly ptacdei howenr )y a'rntvi mt Tucftthiv In the Now lhig-kiiiriiiii rmrthem New A'ork fill timpf i itite will ail Tuesday tluiiiiegliout the Vtl lutiv htatew Hnu-'ii warn itgw weic dicp'cjed Monday night ofi the Atlanta const from I Li Her ns to Cape id The winds a long flip -V E'ljini exyt vv till bo braA pu ibly hah er porufin! in tie-Attaiifie mid (cud high c-t d''J1 Tueftuuy mht H'e c'd'ii high-grade rBc good purchases for cons rvairce invesiors Ciiculars cn request A Eastern rust Banking 'BANGOR dlE Haynes Chalmers i bf'lm stnileut- ot tie bn vcrsjty of Co Colored Post Cards cf all Public Euildings and various streets Wholesale and Retail Stock UH0AMAGED All whoiesaie and retail order tilled promptly POSTAL ART SHOP Casement Bass Bldg REED Prop wi I meet at 9 nig at the c-emtli fed iJ 1 1) me pro -i! In Dm- hod of lavy in 1 1 morif irjj They are pe paed for itittius II Tn i A for th-Fum Muiu: now tied i ov ei 5 Tle IF that preht rSjtiois I ft t'fibe CUSSES AT I THE UMTE3SITT OF KAWE lfi TS i Dm i i rf gone 1 i in p- Plot1 ore of thet bull lings di arfojtd fir-) 1 st Mght tin )i uigor an- i N-m iufv The offu igs jrv cli ce i the tu-e of tLa itfy lay mil it he factifi of a ti sn ict U- WHEM CROUP ATTACKS THE CHILD tig lie Srtml for our Doc tor bin Use HYUVfEI itie Mi'uit iiuc ft 1 31 ii if In 1 xd si if to accept I Lt vs fy-of ls-c ly Dm 1 re is 1 1 law 1 hr tty nui nil g)o 1 igy 1 gfk-j valued at iipvyuii i was pfn tn idly chtrt 1 1 -s i oi irvily ooveiel Vi nr tv CIS to Mu 1 mu Mm uo A '1 ftit I that all ii otJltled 1)1 ()N() 51a Hay t-ULms at Pivc-v ly eff iie ty as i any of itlw ff i' al tlse oi me ffasrs of the I'mvi r-ty lt irg in gejirdi th jn My i tfie Sail -S In I ig It 1-1 i oiiuii ha Dennett Gen Apt Mass Accident Co and Cier Fan 'or Cantts Uo 7T(PM of A is now on CltOcS bl OpbO'iu Wr it ar Laund Y'KEEE HELP CARE FREW I i 1 wa rna I- for or tl Fiv -i ot hi at flu' mis td i 8t it ii' hi ll ill I 1 1 tun li up re a rnii a i I 7 laid I 1 1 a ifiDy on ml 11 1 I UtUJI ilh 1 11- III tUltlll 1 ii 1 o' 41 tun Him) I jiil li nm 1 )S I aim 1114 if ois a ft ebifil Dittb 1 High i La- a in dif--ii -1 A nfia'-tirf I 1 1( I it 1 1 i 11 i ET3 )V irlctuvllsifii' nre here from the Remington and 1 1 Sherman Vault Co Boston Hbiriiiin 1 4llt CU 1 ftl'e 'll fit) bo it Dc 1 1- 1 1 ij ii in Ritio -bii fill Uf of Io-lon hi opeite lie i un by bum IlOI id lRrrg A joit in Ti ge I nnivtug aloiii e-ment-i dcpn-trncft Imd hi cm jtc III tl ruhibi 7 f-r ror ir A emnlci tr ii I I i i-t git Pit ii eg Tr pot 11 i on the way A HU an I it fvit Pm fi of tiofte Jo I 4 ti lit a t-l iT 1 4 hOe Wag i (if i Id i 15 men It tof-k crcgi Ard I ifxqm ty matn- iUj 1t( tl i 1 ie i 1 ii i nf arrymg Meal t- 1 ijfi Hoi ew of about 15 ft i cl oO I a i I the IT H3 Dl Vd tri 'C qjpy ff- I 4 th-' 1 Mt! Hill In (I ili( 1 1 Up of I 1 noli ID Bv oiUf ftinlk ol tin tin in di'iD tr mu i 1 ll if 4 ii nu 1 01 It DitcP itnE i is 1 lip ljditin Ii ur it ut 1 mb2s CAPPEHTER anil EULOER rfiutr Mftau nd 1 iroiujtly ttittu)fci no COURT STREET of i 1 1 i it! 1 4 is ib i carrfi'd aw fit ilui if ts tlimliS Sit 1 ifetu Ii tly I fat! 1 In Mat 1 mt fc mi ihv ti Jvu lay afierit an I 1 a 11 INI i 1 1 till 1 ill 1 1) ll 1 I ll ill I) tl fit 1 lit Vi ii i-i 1 in at 4 ill Iftii! ml it I 4 ui i HI 1U i I HI Cjl I ini'Mi I i 1 1(1 1 llll I I us all I i fs cf 1 in1 luii -I tld It that 1 (in a hifid I al 1 I Cl df i (ft I re oi ot i i ft' i i a to a i C'tli re Ttour g3 a dv- ty i 1 it ('' -I Vs stcur: simf it s(i that Dre wen- 1 ft Ere-wi fur i a LH 1 coublMift (we i and business nun by leaving rJ Dquiiin thir services can at the Bangor i louse addressing A CHE an It chgtoli I in kr ku with 11 Ifor mt 1 i i I reef fo iitt I Mr ot lUuiii 1 1 It Tl 1 til 1 1 B' I 'tt 1 11 ih i I ill all a kixwift ii ID Cl ill 1 mit i 1 iiruiug li Ih si- 1 1 Hi' il-i mum Mlfc 5 a I 1 lit lfi ji 1 I 1' ficen 5 nr VH 11 1 i Dr ill I i a 11 1 DV11 Brew-r I Bc all legit I In j'rufc'l ft I'lla 1 1 n1 dib-gft i tan I 1 Hepa itii jrni August a gvT Bvvli itnij ktrl te ti CM ii ui 1 It 5t Iti 1 rt a 1 1 1 tin' tn fittll tin i( ftt USI-m tun 11 Hlll 14 1 fion palt 18 cliatsu Ot jasauicsi 1: 1kg fills ft i )( aw lift! 1 lli VI ini al fs lint fUD er 1 3 fiu ac fa IK to art Hi 1 the dad a 1 in fii- nDf-J riitiAdftnnl Ivn tvt Uirj t1 coni' 'i i 'tl aw 1 fir' ft 1 (' je silo' Ctt 4 lb tr ail wi I go rne-i' td far-F-f ii iaf'i if her ciak-ji fall run fTth-ie y-r ji f'rtT tc tik 4 tr he iia-iie fur LcAiwicuC Lai is it woiih ui LA 1 LIB who is tl eii expeil in charge of the work ijt) 1 a i 111 ll 1 lauji Mre fin It C'k I goat ntl I f-tr-et hnd th( ctt and WuSilViD' Ct-illfU Btrci fa ill" CuXHTD i 11 ifitecj 1 I las itliitiift if.

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