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The North-Carolinian from Fayetteville, North Carolina • Page 3

Fayetteville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RKDJEOTIKl CAIHLdDILIimAPJ THE -OLD SONG.4-Thceditor.of the Obser ver. WicUng Sbfcco springs, amuses him "BOA HANDS V7AIlr: employment of writing up With his farorite RACCOON OYSTERS AND ALLIGATORS. An English traveller in North America, Sir Chtrles Lyell, "fellow of the Royal Society has published a sketch, of his travels, an inters esting extract from which we find in the Savan ufacturing. arid by consequence, writing The undersigned will give employment to 1. or 20 gbod'fiandsat 15 pemonth.

JOHN WILLI A Mo, man Hown other interests jj He says that the hostil Lt. Agt. Mcrt'ts. ity of Congress (the npt) to the administrationj Hff CAROLINIAN. nah (Ga.) "Acorn," relative to Savannah and Sept.

1, 1S49. Miodl Dipiiriment of the order that severalj vacancies in the Medical Staff of thermy may be filled, as well as to provide for such as raav occur within the rear we are requested to state that a Board fof the examination of applicants" fof the' tfpporntment of Assistant Surgeons, will be fconvened in Philadelphia on the 14th of October ensuing, and will robabljr continue in sesssitm for two or three weeks. manjr persons in the United States who are at a loss how to pronounce the names ot Hungarian men and places, which have so much abounded in the bapSrS sinc the commencement of the Magyar war of independence. Ttie characters of the Roman alphabet, as used by the Hungarians, stand for certain sounds which either are not found in our language, of.are difterem-Iy represented The New York Tribune gives the following as correct pronunciations of Hungarian names Wm. II Baynft Editor and Proprietor.

Wil prevent UIC rrwitJ waaiUK hdrtU IllgHCr I Whose fault is that people's. They sent a democratic Congress they knew the demo crats would not touchj the tariff; for although it does not sqit them tliey prefer it to disturbing the world by. nerer-e nding changes: Ergo the people don't Want the tariff changed; But the Observer complains that the reveuUe 1, 09 Candidates, being between twenty-one ion! twenty -eight vearS of ifge, should make their application to the Secretary of War, graphed ror ine I Trr a will be deficient on account of non-sale of pub INDIAN DIF Alabama, hasarr.v- The steam ship lic lands primarilyi nd secondarily j(we infer) from a failure of the present tariff to produce Kossuth if pronounced as if written Koshoot (00 as in moon; Gorgey is not like Georgie, the tlitninitive of George, but as if written Gayur-gay at least that is the best way we can think of for conveying atvidea of the! vowp! sound in thp first State of North Carolina Robcsca In Equity Spring Term; 10. Benjamin Lewis and wife, and pthers. Giles Elvington and wife, and Mary Ccnil'y.

Petition to ell Lands, It appearing to the Court that the defVndanf Gifts Elvington and wife, and Mary Corcly, not inhabitants of the State, it is ordered by tL: Court that publication be mude for six week in thflorth Carolinian; notifying the said defeni-fintVto be and'. appear at the next term cf Court ofHquity to be held for the county cf Robeson, at the Court House in Lunbertcn, on the first Atondy after the fourth 2 cf September, then and there to plead, answer cr demur to sid' petitionor the sarr.e wilf te pro conffsso and' set for hearing exparte. R. C. RHODES.

Clerk blaster. Sept. 1, 1S10. 549-Gt 1 I "i 11 hAnr from Tatnpa my- A the usual rerenUe. Where he crets his informa tion in regard to the latter we are at a loss to imagine and as he seems to be the only one who respeciaoie testimonials as to their moral! character and physical qualifications JFaaA.

Republxt. Death of a CrfThe Ballv Tribune says that a child of Dr. Shaw, two5 years of age, died on Saturday last after a sickness of 6 hours, from eating cobalt which was prepared lor One incident connected with her death, says the Tribune, was afTeetirial Wht hr vps tip. has such information, he must have made it him self, like Old Zakf made the expedition to Cuba -v The foiioWjtig shows what justice or reason r-, i iu ttt the 20th jf ZtZooi to b. from nrtrf retired a white flag, unacrak the Seminole Chief, Uow i.e0s, i nPODOSine to hold a council desire for peace, and proposing at will soone overland helli late outrage will be sur-th A A I The S.

troops, 300 number, aitaT Fort Brooke the result of the Council. New Orleans, Aug. 2S, RETURN OF REY, THE ABDUCTED SPAN-I brig SalVadora has arrived at this rt in eight days from Havana, having on boardasipassenser, Rey, the abducted Span- ijr' i L- j. --a nfnrmefi. was Given UD bv the there is in calling foi- a higher tariff; and it is syllable the! vowel itself we have not in English The name is sometimes spelt Georgey as Qothe is sometimes: written Goethe.

The name of Count VVass, the I envoy in this country, is pronounced Vosh; hat of Nadgy Sandor, the famous Magyar cavalry officer, is Nodj Shandor, the a in the second name (which by the way is the christian name the Hungarians always put the surname first and means Alexander,) Deng pronounced as a in far Magyar is Acs is like arch with the feft gan to grow, dhvr vvith'deaOi s1e evidently o-iil rr lanuicu 11 was mni anu sne was asleep, and she died with her customary tt I 1 A Taken up as stray9, by T. J. Andprsqn ara! C. M. tVo one clav bank, with both ears crossed, the other goou nignt, mamma, gooO nisht iriam dark bay with'a small white spot on the side cl' the neck.

They are supposed to be 8 or 10 ye.irs ma," many times repeated, trembling on her4ips, old; valued at the sum of twenty dollars r-cn, accordihg tbliw, by Sen. an 1 T. outj Debreezen Ahis is the true spelling of Richter says: No man Can either live from Whig allthority ooj Heferflng to the receipts of the cbstom-house in that city, the New York Mirror a Tavlor paper--remarks i Some idea oft le commerce of the port of Kew Vork may be formed fi om the fact that, if the' business at the custom house continue during the remainder uf the week as licavy asil has been for the last three days, the duties will amount to if not exceed, the round sum of a million 6f dollars Yesterday was thepeaviest day ever known in custom-house annals, the deposites in the cashierVoffice reajching two hundred and forty-Jive thousandidollarsn amount which piously or die righteously without a' wife." raotain-Generai, wiumiui, m4 ifnr him He was sent hofne sent home i npfll Uldfl old bachelor of ou'r at- II. Masaey, 1 he owner or owners ct saui property are hereby notified to come forward, pruve propertv, pay charges, and take tbm r.way, they, wiil be dealt with as the law directs in regard' to A very wicked naft I parts adjacent. i.

The oysters which he found at the mouth of Savannah river, consisted of two kinds, the. round and the long the latter he calls raccoon oysters, because the raccoons feed on them at low Water. He tells an incident about one of these that appe to be hard te believe s' He says an officer at the fort, Capt. Alexander of the Artillery, told him that he saw, in the summer of 1844j a largt bild-htaded Eaglfe pounced upon one of these oyster beds to prey upon the oysters, when one of them, which was open, closed its mouth, clasping the bird's claw so tight and fast that It Could nt)t get aWayi although it struggled desperately. The oyster thus held it Until the Captain went out in a boat to the bank and secured the Eagle with a noose.

-This oyster fttust have been very firmly imbedded in a large. Clump of oysters, or the Eagle would have flown away with it. In his sketch of a visit to Skiddaway, (one of the sea islands on the coast of Georgia) in com pany with Capt. Alexander and Dr. Le Conte, Sir Charles says he learned some facts about the alltgator so numerous about there.

Dr.LlLe Conte informed hitti that he had toade a series of experiments the alligator with a view of throwing light on the philosophy of he netrdus system of man as compared with the lower anU mals. In one instance he cut off the head of a young alligator just at the spinal bone, called the atlas (the bone which supports the head of a msir) Bilt tWo ounces of blood flowed, and for some time after decapitation, the detached head would snap at anything which touched the tongue of living membrane of the mouth. After the convulsions produced by the decapitation were over, the body or trunk remained in a quiet torpid state; but if pricked anywhere on the body, it would scratch the place with one of its feet. This evidence of the great tenacity of life in these animals brought Dr. Le Conte to the Conclusion, he saysj that the spinal cordj or baCk bone in animals of this nature (all the reptile tribe) is the principal seat of life and volition.

The Skeleton Negro One of the greatest curiosities ever exhibited in human shape, may now be seen at the Hall of the Apprentices' Libraryi in Meeting st. It is a living skeleton, in the person of a negro or mestizo, aged about 58 years, and bearing the name ol VYade Hampton To designate him as a living is no figure of speech but the literal truthfor he is nothing but skin p.nd bone from his neck down to his extremities. His arms, hands, less and feet are entirely useless to him by the American Since his arrival quaintance' stij's to this, vO, yes! suffer- he has given testimony that If lioo hsan rrrrt that. he was abducted was auum-icu. rials puriiy anu chasten crivp hnil to aonear at the trial of the ing and severe the heart'' ineortii though the uermans, from whom we general ly copy, write the last Syllable with t) is Uebretsane; Miskolez is Mish- kolchj Bisztricz fthe Germans write it Bistrici) is Bistrits; Szeklef is Sakelerj Szegedin isjSegedin 5 Csorna is Chorna; Saros is Shorosh, (a as in far.) i Pesth is properly Pesht, but the German pronuncia 1 i 1 1 1 ai 1V181U.

C19-2t-pd; Kar-er. snyuu ri i si I I Spanisn tunsui is a thief called a Jail Dird? cause he has been a Robbiri, J. hereby forewarn all persons from trading f-r a Note given bv me to James Hollingswoi th, lr exceeds by over twenty thousand dollars universally prevails in other SD0 43, dated 1847', as I hove pai IIW1I, cat, countries. The principal bt an Academy to tfh advertisement, mentioned his Female and the reputation forteachinc which THE CHOLERA appears from the accounts from all qu.aiters to be abating. IOWA.

The democrats in Iovva have succeeded in' electing iheir candidates by majorities ranging from 600 jo 1500 -This secures the members of Congress. tlx; receipt of any previous day. The arrivals lately have been very numerous, the importations heavy, and the custom-house, si.a:ious as it is, is daily she bears;" but jthe printer careles fellowleft out the which," so the adver throngetl to a degree somewhat" uncomfor- I tisement went forth commending the lady's mm The steamer Falcon, which sailed from New York on the 2rth carried out no less than twenty-six thousand letters for California, and a dozen large bags of newspapers. The postage on her mails is said to be about six thousand dollars. reputation lor eacmng sne-oearsr CAST THOU RESTORE A MIND DISEASED The isote once, anu wm noi pay 11 E.

A. NICKKNS. Sept. 1, 1SI9. M-2r NEW ORE, The subscriber has opened a Store at r.vatic-Mills, on Deep River, for the purpose of arrying on.

the Barter Business generally. Purchasers may rely upon obtaining at all times, good-j of every description, and at the verylowest jm h-sikle prices Produce of all kinds 'received in payment. His assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods Hardware, Cutler Drugs Hats Caps, Bonnets, Shoes, will always be compldt'. Favor me with a rail A We hr.Ve noticed in the -Richmond papers, a statement, that a farmer of I Rockineham county, has discovered a cer- I i tain means of' restoring the hair to bald heads. On fust seeing theistutementi We were inclined effect of a billious climate upon the human system i mot trikingly exhibited in its influence upon the mind.

The common objects of pleasure and enjoyment. become Bourera or weariness and diPffust. All nature wears a sombre aspect. A constant gloom hangs oer the spirits, a weight to. look upon it as joke; but it seems to be re The process is not named; lied upon as Fof Schr.

John Story, Capt. George Walker, has cleared at the Custom House for San Francisco, with a cargo of planed flooring-boards. She is well prepared for the perils of the long voyage, having duplicate sets of sails, rigging, and other tackle, and is in excellent condition throughout. Two of our youn townsmen, Messrs SamUel McGary and Irvin Ballard, go Out ill her pursuit of but it is saidjto make the hair commence grow -itiir in from 4ito 10 days. If such be the factj Mr Wise, the name of the former, nviy be set down as having made his for R.

A. tf. Aug. 23, 1615. tune, table to all concer ned.

When the Obsert er is hard up for anything else to say, healEs us ignorant and stupids There "was a convict once Who acknowledged his guilt, but the ji ry brought in a verdict of not guilty, explaining that although the fellow aid he was guilty, ewas such a liar they did not believe him. The statements pi forth in the Shocco" article may well entitlie the editor to claim "ignorance," or to be charged with knavery. Since the editor went to Shocco," he has found out that the on manufacturers are about to be ruined, and lis for protection for them! Well thd boat oWnej on the Capfe Feaf are suffering severely froii low water: suppose they raise their tariff of and make the editor and others pay 2-3 per cent more What a hubbub there would soon be in this little town English iron, says the editor, has depreciated so much of late that the tariff Cannot keep it otit of the United Stat and therefore, it can be boUght Cheaper th American iron and the Americans are sU 'h fools they will buy the cheapest, which the editor thinks is all wrong; golden lortune QCj- The Salisbury Watchman says there are ten new' buildings going Up in that place. It shows ja commendable spirit of improvement. JVilmington Chronicle.

of despondence crushes every elastic foelirig off tlic hoart. Exisience loses its charm, arid life itself beeottteA burdod As inci edible as it may seem, such are often the morbid influences of a diseased liver the effects of a bilious climate. Dr. Osgood's India C'holagogua, by eradicating the disease of that organ, removes the burden which oppresses the spirits, and restores the mind to cheerful-Hess and Health. TUisitiralaable is sold at the proprietor's prices.

For sale in Fayette ville by HINSDALE MARRIED In Richmond county, on the 13th Mr Geo. Usrey of Montgomery county, to Miss Nancy Usrey, daughter of Ma tin Usrey. In Raleigh, on 22d Samuel H. Young to Mrs Jane S. Johnson, daughter Uf the late Thee.

Hunterj Esq. In Rowan coiinty, Mr Geo. A. BroWn and Miss Maria, daughter of Mr Michael S. Brown.

In Davie cotintyi Mr Ace Wyatt and Mra LUcy Queen. I In Buncombe county, Mr G. A. Shackelford to Miss Rachael Adeline Alexander. In Gaston countv.

Mr Adolnhus Harris and lit test advices say that Montreal is quiet no further disposition; to riot manifested. Mttliiid Consolation. old clergyman, who had an old tailor as his beadle or officer, for many years, returning from a walk where Thomas was in the constant habit of attending him, thus addressed his fellow traveller the 'minister's Thomas I cannot tell how it is. that and he occupies a sitting or recumbent posture being wholly incapable of stand-ins erect. Nothing: but 4 ocular demon-stratum" will suffice give an adequate conception of the extreme and reed-like slenderness of his limbs Of course he NEGROES FOR SALIL WILL L'e sotd at the Market House in Faette-villc; at 12 M.von Monday the 3d cf September.

(Court week,) A likely negro VVciman, aged about a good cook and house servant, and Two likefy Girls, aged lD and 2 They arfe all desirable servants arrJ sold hi fatdt whatever; Tfcrms made known at sale. A. M. CAMTBELL, Auct'r. August 25, 1S19.

5lS-td CONSUMPTION DISARMED of ITS 1)11. ASTINGS COMPOUND SY11UP 0 NAPIl'illA. DR. HASTLNO'S COMP6JNO SYRUP OK NAS'Il TIIA. Trie grt-at Rrinedy for Coneumj'tion, Dtr.n Attlitti, Spitting Ot Blood', Niht Sweats.

Husky 1 t. Wasting of the l- Lefh, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, nuu DisaKen of the hest and Luogs. This celebrated preparation in pleasant to the taftp. n.i I is npcedy In its operations, that patients plainly ft 1 1 it good effects in a few uiiuutcu afUr taking he Cret d'-f HASTl.VO.S' COMPOUND VJILT OF. II A 11 1 TH A i now bcinir used in nearly 'Jill our hoFitaJi, afnl i i Tol.

Kirby, ister of U. S. Army died at Avon Springs N. on 20th Inst. A DROWNING MAN, it is said will crtch at a straw.

man was asked how a certain gentleman involved in debt came to drown him self. Because, said the other, he could not keep is utterly helpless, and is entirely depen- jOUr church shotild be getting thiner and thiner for I am sure I preach as well as ever I did, and should have far more Miss Margaret Hoffman. Also, Mr John W. Fite and Miss Elmina Iluniucker. DIED.

experience than when I -first came among replied Thomas, 'old ministers, now-a-davs, are iust like old tailors for I In Johnston cou such a heavy duty ought to be put upon it that the English cannot their iron here Ye whigs of Nort i Carolina, do you approve of such policy Let is apply it A Whig farmer wants a dozen trace chains the American dealer says here are a ozen I can sell you for $3." hty, on 20th ult, Mr Eldridge years. Thornton, aged 60 In Buncombe county, on 10th ult. Mr Mat am sure I sew as Well as ever 1 did, and the thew Davis, aged .12 years. Also, Mr Wiley II. Wells, aged 23 yeats.

cloth is the same, dut it's the cut, sir it's Another dealer, next door, says, 44 here is a In Davie cdUntfr! Oil 2fJlh xlltt Mr Boarl lioc, the new cut dozen as cood as piy neighbor's, and made in England which Voti rriaj have for $2l'd." Does any man believe thit the farmer would take the his head' abojre water. It is extremely at this time, Tor whlg-gery to keep its above water; and in their spl.ishing and sjililrging about, they not only Ctftch Jatjevery straw but many things that are not straws, The Washington Republic has at-Uckeij the sub-treaatiry in some puerile articles with the view of getting people to believe that the Jaw is at fault because some agents appointed to execute it are fjithless. As well tell a man to pluck outj his eye if temporarily sore. The truth' is, that in former years, the public monev was committed to Banks and most of the i i officers of the Banks were whigsj as they gfen-ernHy are inj these days, and whenever a fellow ran off with a pocket full, he was sure to be a whig but ivow the sub-treasury holds the moj Deputy Collector and Revenue Officer. Col- Rankin, the new Collector of this aged 25 years.

At MadisonvilleLa.i on the 5th of AugWstj of consumption, Mrs lEliza Guerineau, aged 23 yrs, consort of the htefJa: K. Guerineau, both natives of the city ofjNew York. At StantonsbtirgJ Edgecombe county, on 27th Jane, wife of Dr. J. L.

Dortch, aged 27. In Anson county; in the 77th year of his age, Mr Benjamin Williams, much respected in the American at such i difference. Wellj now, my whig friend, you krjoWyou Would take the cheap Port, has appointed Burr, chain (if it was asjgodd as the other) although Deputy Collector, and Robert Bi Potter to a fiat the Devil forged You you might he told tortinainto, rapid Among all 6if bes: phyeiciftns. C.OiJgh'f. colds, and all discaecs ofthelunga.

Jt lni I recoramenUcd in the worst tatv of consumption yt! physician. Dr. Mott, of New-'V ork and 1m Arnold. Savannah. Ga, writlpg to th- agent at.

N. York, un'lcr date of Jan. 1848, aaya 1 received halt'-dozcn Hantinga' Naphtha Syrup criered frn i and am convinced that Naphtha is the principal ii.n -ent. Inclosed is twenfy live dollar, for Mhich you viil send me two dozen and a half Wottlep. 1 Iivtc twoj oti intbe Marine Hospital, whom I thick will--be .1 by it." None penain withemt th Written Signature of A F.

GARRISON on the wrapper. Price one dollar a bottlo bfttlce for fs -1 lara. The usual allowance to the trade. For sale by S. J.

HINSDALE, Favettcville. And Messrs J. W. JOHNSON, Clinton. Nov.

20, ISIS It i care nothing for English of American when you dent on to be led, cliessc04 ami otherwise attended. His head, including his face, is the only' member of his body, which, in aught but motion, connects him with living humanity. He possesses a pleasant and agreeable visage his face fleshy if not exactly full, and in striking contrast with the i est of his Outward and attenuated man Although thus deprived of the just proportions of humanity, and shriveiled into a perfect anatomy, he is intelligent, chatty and cheerful 5 has an excellent appetite, and actually enjoys existence He says he is one of the sons of tern pe ranee, is a jnember of the Baptist Church, and looks to a compensation in Heaven for his stinted allotment of blessings on earth. Of the value of mouey, lie is quite sensible, and received, with his mouth, a proffered coini his present skeleton state, he has been, ever since he was eight years of age and he ascribes it to his having taken an over dose of Hippo, or other medicine, and then drenching himself with cold Water. He was born in Columbia county, Georgia, about 20 miles from dgusta and was at the time of his birth; and still is the property of a Mr Humphrey Evans, who refuses to part with him on any terms, and be is now being exhibited for the first time Charleston Courier.

community, of which he was one of the oldest go to buy your godds. Then why, honesty's members. In Robeson counjy, Mr Murdoch Murphy. name, will you uphold such opinions and senti to the command ot tne rtevcnue rioat, in the place 'of Charles Morris, removed. Wilmington Chronicle.

Following put a First Principle. A American 1 vender of tfftitesal medicine declares that if his prescription be followed Iitterally, a cure is certain. ''This is to be taken i iN-ternally, Ex-tcrrtally, and I ments put forth byf your if you do not practice upon their precepts? Let any honest ney much more securely, which that party don 1-1. r.t 'J! COMMERCIAL RECORD. whig answerjthis question.

are something like those who never iiKe. They feel the halter draw, PRICES CURRENT. With good opinion of the law." Arrived, Aug. 31st, Steamer ROWAN, with Boat Odd-Fellow inj tow, with goods for Union Corrected weekly for the JS'orth Carolinian, Manf. Co, VV Bay he'; Lillv, Rork fish Co, WaddilL Hall, Sackct Co, Jos Newlin, Williams, CoWles, Town- i i.

Anaesthesia produced by Coal Tdr.x the Edinburg Surgical Hospital on Mon- MFCH.iri. send, A Steel, Hall Hall, Randolph Co, i coi'fttur yturorii lb 6Z to 7 Brand, peach, gal 43 to SO Bale rope, pd dav week the anaesthesic properties Of Bagging, hjf, yd 85 to 38 do applo do lijrht toll to to r-7 to JO to v-J tO 1 Coffee, Rio. pd We understanjd that the late Or. Wm. of Hladen County, provided by his last will and testament for the liberation, a year hence, of all his slaves, thirty or forty in number we believe, on condition: tliat they consent to go to Liberia at the expiration 0 the year4 during tvhich time they are to be hired out to raise the means of their transportation and to furnish them with in outfit.

Wilmington Chfctiicie. Mr Andres did right. Every slave that is freed shoull be sent to Liberia. And notwithstanding the law of the State prohibits any slaveholder frcm freeing his bondman, except hesendhim cut of the State, hundreds of The late alledged defalcations of Messrs Denby and are paraded in. every whig newspa-jvipei" to that democrats are not honest; nnd secoud.that the sub-treasury law won't hold the money and keep people from stealing it! The whig1 press may make the most of these few instances of loss by the sub-treasury, (should they turn out to jbe losses, which is not determined yet, inot amounting to half a million altogether) but that press should have the modesty to hold its peace in this regard until it can showlthat such amounts have been lost by the sub-treasury lost by the Banking 18 to 19 55 to 60 to 6 25 V0 to 1 00 heese.

pd CHftdlCs. pd do tvetin 'opperas, pd Rowan Myroverfc Co, Starr, Marsh Shelly Field, Wall McDonald, Long, Steel Williams, Richmond Co, RA StUart, Cane Creek Co, Breese, Bodenharrier Geo ILaUder, Boon, Rose Son; McOonald. Worth, Gibson, A Freeman Utley McNair, Isham Cox, GiarrJ A Liles, Murchison Reid Co, Green Womadh BUtneri A Brown, King Co. POUT OF llt.7iVrV Arrived, Aug. 22, Brig Ellen Maria from Bos-tonSchr Olive frotn New 2Jth.

Schr A. iron, fewedes to do extra sizes do LntrlliOi Beeswax, lb Cotton, lbs Corn, buhl, Flour, bbl 5 Flaxseed, bushel Feathers, lb Fodder. 75 lba Hides, green, lb do dry Lard, lb Oata. bushel Oil, linseed, gal Teas, bushel Rye, bushel Tallow, lb Tobacco, mannfd. Lime tbl Lead, bar 30 I 00 2 to 3 6 to 10 7 to 8 to 30 65 to 70 SO to 00 00 to 60 10 to 11 6 to 15 Molajipes.

gal Nails, keg vJ The loss th Oil, lamp ga.1 government by the Banking1 Q9 tanner's. zy, to 4 175 to 7 22 to IS 87 to ll'j III IT' CC to to I'O to loo 78 to svatem, as show ri by Secretary Woodbury in Powdr, kc, white men, and women too, are mean enough to J. DeRosset from New York. 27th. Brig V.

L. Jones from NeW YbrkSchr G. W. Davis from New York. Rice, pd in his! report to the U.

S. Senate, amount- The first bale of new Cotton was received i 1 Charleston on the 27th and sold for 11 cents per pound i i QC5- The French Government according to the last news, finds its expenditures 12000,000 of pounds sterling ahead of its income Capt. J. E. Lawton has been appointed agent for the Charleston line of steamers, to succeed Mr John A.

Taylor, who resigned a few weeks since. ffllmington Chronicle. i Brandt, gal light coal tar naptha were fully tested and the experiments resulted in complete success Professor Si utpsonjad ministered the naptha to two patients, a man and a boy on whom Mr Miller performed the painful operation of extracting portions of necrosed bone from the perforating the newly formed shell with the trephine, and removing the sequestra with the forceps. The sleep induced was deep and tranquil, and the breathing was less sterforous than when chloroform is employed jbut it was remarked that the effect of the" naptha upon the heart's action was much greatr, the pulse becoming extremely rapid aud fluttering, thus rendering it less safe as an anaesthetic agent then chloroform. lit was afterwards given to a young woman with like success while an incision Was made into her right cheek in orderto remove a dead portion of the ramus of the lower jaw.

Sir VVm. New-bigging, Prof. Trail, and several medical gentlemen were present, and expressed their cratificalion with the successful re uih. Holland, evade the law by dding a nominal right, while they let the bondman act as a freeman in everything that is nece ssary to a free man. We say that this is meanness; and we say it with many fi.

J. LILLY Rum, Jamaica, do St Croix Wheat, bushel 86 to (0 Whiskey, gal SO to 35 Wool, lb to RATi.lU.KS Beef, on the hoof. to 4 Butter, pound, 12 1-2 to 15 Chickens, each, 12 to 10 Egga, doren 10 Meal, busheL 5 to 60 5 do Rags, Have received in pjart, and expect by the 1st of 2 to Sus-fir. Pi ml whom we mean it to apply. September to receive 5 in our mind's eye to to Porter Rito, ed to fifteen millions and a half, prior to 1S37 At the time this statement was made, we laid the particulars before our readers, showing that the lesses occurred from depreciation of Bank! notes, and failure to redeem, It will become jthe whig press to say nothing in their present position for it was only the bray and the long ears that exposed the ass when, he strutted out in the lion's skin.

tne Daiance, oi tneir 6 Winter the law was made for the Fall It is mean, because! Pork.poiind, 4 to 4H do do do Salt, do 8t Crclx, 0 to 3 Lump, 6 to 1 loaf, 11 to sack: 1 10 to I bub 37 to ind for the good of the slave-vho evade it, are no better OB good of the State, holder and they than lawbreakers Potatoes, sweet, Lusu 50 do Irish 75 do north'n, bbl Turkeya. each Turnips, bush and not as Rood a those who Consisting of boldly transgress liw. their usual variety of BONNETS, SHOES, Tea. pd to 1 i Twine, pd Wine. Malaga.

5j to i i do Madeira, lf to do Tort 1C0 to FATeTTCVILLE MiTlTACTt'ir? DRY GOODS, The Mountain banner states that Hon. T. L. Cotton yarn, pound J5 4-4 brown eht'jr, yd 7 7-8 do do 6 Osnaburjs, yard 8 to 8 HATS, UMBRELLAS, Sic, Glass, 8x10, box. 1 75 -5 ved 2000 votes more than any Clinginan has rece an juxr; vis to 1 Which they offer it the lowest market prices, White lead.

ke'HO la 2, candidate for Congress ever received before in thadistrict. The Banner insinuates that this was in consequence of the way he was treated by the Roily clic Trads is as brisk as usual for the Cettca i r-riree freely and sella readily at our prices. There change of prices since last week. for cash or good paber. Sept.

1, 1849. I 519-St FOR RENT, Two persons in New York have been making a profitable business of sueing owners of licensed steam boats for a violation of the law of Congress requiring the name of the boat to be painted on the stern in white letters on a black ground. The law is not complied with by having the name placed on the wheel house. This regulation is found in the third Section of the act of Congress on the subject. Overflow in Red River.

The New Orleans Picayune of the 22d says We learn this morning from Captain Hinckley, of the steamboat Anna from Washington, which place she left on Sunday last, that the mail rider had just arrived there from Alexandria, and that he had received his mail from a skiff, several miles below Th rivvpllino- Hnne on the cor A great Hungarian sympathy meeting was held in New York on Monday evening last. 20,000 ti ti ner of Gillespie and Russell streets, lately occupied by Wm. H. Bayne. Apply to persons present.

tr IIIV1UI11. Sent. 1. IS 10. 1 519-St The reports of deaths by cholera in New York only show from 19 to 23 per day.

75 per week Rock fish, Aug. 23, 1S13. 10- In the Convention for remodelling th-t Constitution of Kentucky, there is a majority of s'x democrats, says the telegraphic correspond dence of the Baltimore American.) This, in a State so thoroughly whigeish as Kentucky, is indeed encpuraging. It shows two things of great importance: that when it comes to making organic laws or constitutions, the people have more confidence in the democracy than in whiggery; and secondly, that the whiggery of Kentucky, as every where else, is so thoroughly identified with, free-soilisjn or abolitionism, or "gradual emancipation," that the people prefer the honest, upright, unadulterated, unmixed and incorruptible democracy to make their laws. The Newj Orleans telegraphic correspondent; of the Charleston Mercury says that de4 spatches have been received from the American Coniul at Havana, containing Rey's word that he was abducted from New Orleans.

The Picayune aysj that the Captain of the Port of Havana told the Captain of the vessel which brought the deapatches, that if" the Americans wanted Rey they would have to come and take him in Boston.1 Mr Wm. H. Bayne, Dear Sir I observe my name to be used sults of the experiments. Medical Times. Salsify or Vegetable Oyster.

-Few persons appreciate the value cf this vegetable. It is one of the easiest of cultivation. Planted in the fall, it grows all the winter, and is precisely like a parsnip or carrot. It can remain in the ground until wanted for use. Those fond of oysters should not be without them.

Pull the roots when wanted for use, wash and scrape the outside? boil until tender, then mash and add flour, and eggs enough to make a batter season with pepper and salt, and fry in hot lard and many a lover of good things, would believe he was eating fried oysters. Phrenological Vtf A lady, a disbelieved in this science, asked: a learned phrenologist, with a view of puzzling him. 'What kind of people are those who have destructiyeness and benevolence eqnally apd-r largely, "Those, mad- fjCj- The Legislature of Tennessee is a tie on joint ballot. WILMINGTON MARKET, 2D. In kinds of Naval Stores there has keen a f.uthcr advance within the last week.

Holders ot Merits Turpentine are asking 30 Cents, and tl ot seem inclined to take less; buyers ofTar 2S; no! it-sales reported; sale of Virgin dip Turpentine zt $3,15, of Yellow or old dip, at C2.35, and cf liar i at 81,15, to Tar has gone up to very little lr cg: in lately, and the demand continues peed: Sales of Rosin as follows: No. at'l ct. per No 2 at lj dol. per and No. 3 cents per do.

Timber, Lumber, Stares and Shingles arc 1 as they have been for some veeks, rc price and demand. Of Flooring board f. We' I heard of a sale of one raft of Very n-cd lir -t $. Chronicle ClfERAW, Aug 23. Sales of 12d iles ctf during the week, at.7J to-Oj cents.

Flour to $6. Bacon 0 tot: CcTn 43 to CO; 1.7 MARKETS ToTk, At the Naval School examination at Annapolis, the latter town. Alexandria was almostj through the medium of your paper in a controversy between Danl. G. Patterson and Thos.

II. Massey it has been done without authority. I know nothing relative te the. matter in dispute between them. Respectfully, yours, P.

MALLKTT. Charles P. McGarV of Fayetteville, N. among others, became a 'Passed Midshipman." The brig Saml. Potter, loaded with timber and lumber for Rio, and lying atSmithville, took fire entirely inundated, ana tne plantations on the river from Alexandria to BayouJRouge, were almost all under water; Immense damage had been sustained, andthe water was still rising.

The following is an epigram with red hair, who. wrotfe. Unfortunate woman! how sad is your lot, Your ringlets are red hutyour poems are not. Little Rockhsh, Aug. 27, 1849.

Mr Editor: I noticed an article in your second last paper, by Thomas H. Massey, purporting to prove that D. G. Pittersoo did plead the statute of limitation on anj account that he could prove on Sunday evening last and burnt to the water's edze. It must hate occurred througn careless ness.

Nobodv wad injured. Part of the rigging hy rat was just. It is not true he cannot prove 1 was saved. I meat, per barrel, 3,37 Wheat Cl to per bushel Cornel to 61 cts.per bushel by me that u. Patterson owed him anything.

Several papers to the south are complaining of droutk. It'is getting very dry about here. WILJE rlUNEYCUT. ness." catue $2 to $3,2 pe cwt on the hooL was at Erie, on 25th. President Taylod.

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