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The Rutherfordton Tribune from Rutherfordton, North Carolina • Page 2

Rutherfordton, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A PLEASURE TRIP. HENRIETTA SCHOOL CLOSES. THE TRIBUNE. From a Cat Scratch On the arm to the worst sort of a Sale of Land for Taxes The Exercises Thursday Night--A burn, soreor boil, De Witt's Witch Ha A Good Quarterly Meeting -Visiting His Old Home. i L.

D. MILLER, Manacia The following tracts and parcels of and hereinafter named, have been levied Phona Mo. 93. on for taxes due for the year 1902, which Successful Term. Correspondent of The Tribune.

Henrietta, May 19th. The school at this place taught by W. D. Bostic, J. M.

Allhands and Miss Esther Jordan, had its closing exercises last Thursday night. zel Salve is a quick cure. In buying Witch Hazel Salve, be particular to get De Witts this is the salve that heals without leaving a scar. A specific for blind, bleeding itching and protruding piles. Sold by witty Thompson, City Drug Store and Florence Mills-, Forest City.

still remain due and unpaid; therefore, for the satisfaction of said tax due, I will sell at the Court House door in Rut h- Correspondent of The Tribune. Otter Creek, May 18. Quite a number of the covites attended the quarterly meeting at Antioch on the 17th inst. Brown was there and reports he had all the chicken, jellies, cake and other good things to eat one could wish. Presiding HJBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT.

erfordton, N. on Monday, July 6th, 1903, the following described lands: We had but a short time in which to E. A. MARTIN, Tax Collector. make preparations for the entertain Gorman and Avcock.

ment, but we were glad to see that the RUTHERFORDTON TOWNSHIP Andrews, one town lot, exercises were appreciated and enjoyed The Gaffney, (S. Liedger tafces a look over the field of national politics taxes and cost, $1 20 Elder Parker was there and the crowd enjoyed a good sermon by him. Brown wants Copper Bill to get to attending these quarterly meetings for he believes-it will do him good. Just think of good eatables and good preaching and then the reunion of the pious and faithful by those present. The attendance was and says; "Givens Gorman and Ay Carson estate.

60 acres land west good the children acquitted themselves of town, taxes and cost, $7 90 cock on the ticket and if we don't wollop Teddy and his crew we'll worry them so A PAIR FOR BOYS CORDU John Roland, one town lot, tax splendidly, and the parents were well pleased with seeing the little students show off so excellently with their march es and cost, $1 95 they'll not desire to tackle the job again Mrs John Roland, 86 acres, Harris soldiers of Christ and yon will be convinced that it is honoring a nobler cause soon." ing. The little band uniformly dressed land, taxes and cost, $4 90 Tire Tribune is published at Kuth-rrfordton. N. every by The Tribune Publishing Company. SuliS i Iption price One year, $1 nix mor.tliH, 60 cents; three months, 2.

cent invariably in advance. A ttulivribcr in ordering the ad-rlnvw of paper chanped, will iu-ttittato the address to which it is go-iuK ut the time he asks for the change to )) made. Advertising rates will he famished Cu appl'Htion. Obituary notices and tantsnt thanks will be charged for at the rate of one cent per word. Brief letters of local news from any Jmrt of the county will by thankfully received.

Correspondents will please mail their communications so as to. get them to the office by Monday. This Tribune is the best advertising medium in this section, and advertiser? may feel sure that through its columns they may reach all of Rutherford and a large portion of the best people of tho adjoining counties. A Quick Arrest. in red, white and blue presented a strikingly interesting picture as they were PANTS-! J.

A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala. was Moses Baxter, colored, 7 acres, Bradley land, taxes and cost, $1 10 Bradshaw, colored, 9 acres, Brad ley land, taxes and cost, $1 00 than the reunion of Confederate soldiers or any other soldiers we all love to honor and respect. Miss Casco Harris, of Green Hill, visited her parents and attended the Quarter twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc Maria tsraasnaw, colored, 13 acres, tors and remedies failed, Buckln's Ar Bradley land, taxes and cost, $1 4o ly meeting and the family were treated nica Salve quickly arrested further in Plummer Carpenter, 9 acres, Eaves by the neighbors to an enjoyable enter namation and cured mm.

It conquers land, taxes and cost, $1 06 tainmettt of vocal and instrumental aches and pains. 25c, at T. B. Twitty's Ocie and A Dickey, one town lot, Court music on the evening of the 17th inst. street, taxes and cost, $1 00 and Thompson Watkins' druggist.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ashworth. of Fair Sarah Leventhorp estate, acre land, It is with regret that we chronicle View, are visiting Mr. A.

F. Morgan. JNew iope, taxes and cost, $1 00 the death of Abbie Hamilton, colored Mrs. F. O.

Lewis is visiting at her Lee Logan, 1 acres. Bryant land, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. The best thing on the market for a romping youngster. We have several extra nice suits for Mens' spring and summer wear at special cut prices. The nobbiest line of Mens'.

Neckwear in town. Our prices lowest. taxes and cost, $1 37 father's, Mr. J. B.

Walkers, this week. which occurred on Tuesday morning at the home of Quince Miller, where she was visiting. Many here will re George Lewis, 13 acres, Mile branch Messrs. E. O.

Harris and F. O. Lewis, making their different figures on the stage. Hovf ever, there were other features of the evening which provoked much greater laughter. The patttomines, tableauxs and all were rendered well.

We were glad to have with us on this occasion Supt. A. L. Rncker, whose visits are always enjoyed and appreciated by the good people of Henrietta. He, with some very appropriate remarks, delivered some prizes that had been offered by the principal those getting the greatest number of head marks in the spelling classes during the year.

The ones who came forward with bright, pleasing faces to receive their izes were Miss Delia Dowell, Minnie Smith and Ray Lovelace. The prizes awarded were nicely bound red lettered Testaments. While the and the work together, was pleasant and enjoyable, still we feel that both teachers and taxes and cost, $1 35 with their families and several neigh Sylvester Michael, 4 acre, New Hope, taxes and cost, $1 20 bors, enjoyed a pleasure trip one day last week, on which they took in the member Abbie as the trusted servant of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds, of Ayr where she lived for twenty years or Claircy McDowell, 4 acres, Hardin famous High Shoals on Cove Creek land, taxes and cost, $1 10 more.

Martin Miller, 4 acres land in New IN REPLY TO MR. WILKIC. Iii reply to the article of Mr. Wilkie in The Sun, I shall say that my friends have advised me not to prosecute my side of the controversy that has arisen he-Iween he and I any further, and that I have decided to begovetn- Brown also received his share on this occasion for while he was standing on a Hope, taxes and cost, $2 15 A Lesson In Health. Healthy kidneys filter the impurities large flat rock at the foot of this cata Nezer Revis, 4 acres land in New Hope, taxes and cost, $1 20 ract, enjoying the spray of the dashing and splashing waters and the beautiful SHOE SMITH' from the blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible.

Foley's Kid Rebecca Scott, 1 acre land in New Hope, taxes and cost, $1 05 scenery, three hne succors one after another, shot up out of the foaming wa mitn. agent or A 4 acres ney Cure makes sound kidney's and will postively cure all forms of kidney and Miller land, taxes and cost, $2 70 STOR ters and falling at the feet of Mr. bladder disease. It strengthens the Smith, agent A Drew, 17X Brown were instantly made captives by students are now greatly enjoying the rest that comes after such work as they whole system. Sold py The City Drug Store.

acres land, near taxes and cost, $10 40 Smith, agent Linder, one tho quick motions of his brawny hands Brown carried eff his booty and enjoy' have done during the past town lot, (M A) taxes and cost, $1 05 GOLDS VALLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Lizzie Roland has an adver REV. BRIGHT EXONERATED Mrs Anna Bracket, 50 acres land, taxes tisement in another column in which she offers for sale a lot of household and and cost, $1 20 8 kitchen furniture. The sale will take Church Council Looks Into His Case Gaffney Ray, 60 acres land, taxes ed them at breakfast next morning. He claims they were holy good as the Lord must have sent them to him and almost forces him to believe that this typefies that his Master would have him to be.a 'fisher-of men" and that the number three signifies the Trinity Father, Son LOSS! IVIY place in the vacant store room, formerly occupied by (he Rutherfordton Hard and Recommends Forgiveness. Correspondence of Charlotte Observer.

ware company, on the first Monday in and cost, $1 SO A Melton, 2S0 acres land, taxes and cost, $9 20 Jcse Odum, 50 acres land, taxes and cost, $1 55 Thomas Terry, 50 acres land, taxes and cost, $1 20 Sylva, May 16th. An ecclesiastical council consisting of some half-dozen June. ed by their advice. I very much regret that I replied to him iu the first instance, because a controversy of this nature cannot be productive of good to either of us. It would not be profitable for either of us to try to injure the other in the public print, and I deem it wisest for both of ui to drop the matter where it now stands.

The statement of both sides to this dispute have been placed before the public. So far as I a in concerned, I do not care to dis-cum it further, and 1 am perfectly willing for the people to judge and Holy Ghost. YOUR Mr. Jones Bradley, now a resident of 8 What is Foley's Kidney Cnre? Answer It is made from a prescrip clergymen and laymen met here in con ference with the Baptist church of Syl Arkansas, is visiting his sisters, Mrs, Rebecca Ledbetter, of the Cove, and Mrs. Cowart, of Polk county.

Mr. Brad- va yesieraay, tne iota, ana went over the case of Rev. T. Bright with the ey has been away from the old North church. The council consisted of Rev.

State for more than 50 vears. Have just received a big B. W. N. Simms, of Waynesville Rev.

T. F. Deitz, of Bryson City Rev. W. Mrs.

W. D. Petty, who paid his many COOL SPRIKGS TOWNSHIP Miss MPttie Bland, 68 acres land, taxes and cost, $3 45 Devinney, 150 acres land, taxes and cost $9 05 Mrs. N. H.

Morrow, 50 acres land, $310 Wm. Taylor, 2 town lots, taxes and cost, $3 90 Mary Gudger (col), 39 acres land, taxes and cost, $2 20 friends a visit last summer, writes Mr. Bradley, J. D. Sitten and W.

H. Mor Harris that he intends to make us rison, with Prof. E. Lee Fox, of this tion of a leading Chicago physician, and one of the most eminent in the country. The ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to get their utmost value.

Sold by The City Drug Store. Miss Mamie Harris returned yesterday from Charlotte, where she has been attending the Presbyterian College. Her many friends are glad to see her back for she is one of the most popular and attractive young ladies in Rnthor-fordton's social circle. lot of loose ROASTED COF- another visit next August. place, as secretary.

Rev. B. W. N. Simms was elected chairman by the Presbytery, after they STOCKHOLDERS MEET.

for themselves as to who is Gross (col), 72 acres land, taxes right FEE worth 12 1-2 to 15 cents. and cost, $6 87 had all met with the church, and had The Session at Carolecu Shows the or wrong. Lawson Logan (col), 3 acres of land, obtained from them such facts about Mills to be in Good Shape. taxes and cost, $3 lo Rev. Bright as they possessed.

The Eliza Gross, 50 acres of land, taxes Special to Charlotte Observer. Will sell it while it lasts at IO Presbytery then sat on the case for and cost, $2 60 I trust that this expression will meet the approval of Mr. "Wilkie and that an unpleasant controversy may thus be Henrietta, May 15th. The annual Mills (col), 1 town lot. taxes and part of two days.

They had a most harmonious session. The found some irregularities in the proceedings of the cost, $120 A Revelation. If you will make inquiry it will be a revelation to you how many succumb to kidney or bladder troubles in one form meeting of the stockholders in the Henrietta Millo was held at Caroleen yester Henry slaves, 15 acres of land, taxes day. After tho session they visited both and cost, $1 40 Conferences of the Church, in taking up the case of Rev. T.

Bright. They cents every pound guaranteed. Call for it. mills and from all appearances and what John Lattimore, by discovery for 1901 and 1902, 20 acres land taxes and cost, or another. If the patient is not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure.

It never disappoints. Sold few remarks your correspondent can aia not nesitate to ormg them out in A LAST OPPORTUNITY. gather they fonnd everything iu a satis connection wirh the hearing of the case. Indeed it seems these irregularities, It doesn't take a close observer by The City Drug Store. factory condition.

Mr. Grayson Freeman, of" Henrietta. coupled with the confessions of Rev. Bright before the church and before the to ee that Rutherfordton is let ting slip away from her an op and Miss Jessie Jarret, of Caroleen, were married last night. Presbytery, were so overwhelmingly in Mr.

Bright's favor, the Presbytery seem Misses Farra and Ella Clemmer, of portunity that will not present Bostic, are spending a couple of days ingly could do nothing less than recom itself again. We refer to the lumber business being done here mend his forgiveness by the Church, which they did. Rev. Bright made a now. About fifteen cars of lum with J.

M. Allhands and family on Henrietta street. Mr. Fred Rollins and Miss Ida Knight, of this place, were married Wednesday. Esther Jordan who had charge of the primary department of the school here full confession and stated that ho did not know he was doing wrong when he went into the cherry tree scheme.

ber are shipped from here each week, a very large proportion of left for her home at Lenoir this morning. which goes to furniture ma $1 10 DUNCANS CREEk TOWNSHIP Elliott heirs, 117 acres, taxes and cost, $2 45 Mrs A Fee, 42 acres, taxes and cost, $2 70 Ross, 102 acres, taxes and cost, $3 76 LOGAN'S STORE TOWNSHIP Avery heirs, 600 acres, Speculation land, taxes and cost, $2 06 Erwin heirs, COO acres. Speculation land, taxes and cost, $2 06 Jasper Hutchins, 20 acres, mountain land, taxes and cost, 90 cents Frank Davis, (year 1901-1902) 50 acres taxes and cost, $2 10 CAMP CREEK TOWNSHIP Mrs Guffey, 50 acres, BCC, taxes and cost, $1 20 Hawkins Johnson, 54 acres Ct Cr. taxes and cost, $1 24 Tilden, 3319 acres, BCC, taxes and cost, $33 88 Tilden, 1 acres, taxes and cost, $10 70 Jack Eaxter, 75 acres, Ct Cr, 'taxes and cost, $1 82 Carpenter heirs, 17 acres, mountain land, taxes and cost, 87 cents Harvey, 25 acres, Mill creek, taxes and cost, $1 12 The following for the year 1901 Jack Baxter, 75 acres, Ct Cr, taxes and cost, $1 82 Mrs Clements, 50 acres BCC, 6 I facturers in this and adjoining States, is made into furniture and shipped back to us. This The following prominent citizens of the county were here Tuesday A.

W. Deck, Mack Freeman and Dr. Chapman of Logan's Store; Ex-sheriff Beam, of Cliffdale; Mr. and Mrs. N.

G. Lovelace, of Green Hill John and Joseph Flack, of Chimney Rock. Mrs. C. B.

Walker is visiting friends and relatives at Ellenboro and will attend the Decoration Day exercises at Wall's church Saturday. The land of the Allen heirs, sold today under order of court for partition, was bought by Mr. F. B. Logan.

The price paid was $6,353. Mrs. E. A. Martin will attend the Memorial exercises at Wall's church on Saturday.

Miss Mamie Martin, of Forest City, is visiting her uncle Sheriff Martin. Kidney and lJladdcr Diseases Are generally caused by an excess of uric, lactic and tithic acids in the system. Uricsol. the great California Rheumatic Remedy, corrects this diathesis and thus cures rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia and many frms of liver, kidney and bladder troubles. See advertizing elsewhere, and send for book particulars, to the Lamar Drug Atlanta, Ga or Uricsol Chemical Los Angeles, Cal.

Druggists sell it at $1.00 per bottle or six bottles for $5.00 leads us to the conclusion that a furniture factory right here in Big Deal in Cotton. A cotton mill man whose place of business is not far from Charlotte, and who was here-yesterday attending the Cotton Spinners' Convention, reported having just closed a big transaction in cotton and which even in these exciting days in the cotton market, will attract attention, especially as it was a deal in the material article, the actual staple. He sold 1,500 bales of cotton to a New Orleans firm at 12 cents a pound. He took the 1,500 bales out of the stock which he had on hand in his warehouse and shipped them to New Orleans. This is an actual transaction and in Rutherfordton would be a paying investment.

In Marion, orJv twenty-seven miles from here. they have four furniture facto 11 ries, an oi tnem doing a success ful luicinnaa nna rf limn mulrimr We haves just received a a large shipment of Eastern North Carolina Norton Yams They are extra fine and wont last long, better hurry if you want any. view of the present state of the cotton market will be regarded throughout the country as remarkable. Charlotte Ob we are told, a net profit of fortv per cent last year, ut course server, 16th. a factory here could not make so The X-Kays.

taxes and cost, $1 20 Carpenter heirs, 17 acres mountain land, taxes and cost, 87 cents Willis Francis 17 acres," mountain land, taxes and cost, 87 cents goou a snowing tor the hrsi year Recent experiments, py practical A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No.

Mehoopany, made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and had not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation and kidney troubles. Try them.

Only 50c at B. Twitty's and Thompson Watkins'. Daniel' Webster's Ink Stand. Senator Overman has received from Josiah Bardwell, a prominent citizen of Boston, an ink stand used by Daniel Webster. Mr.

Bardwell was recently in Salisbury and while here met Senator Over-mui, with whom he. was much impressed. Returning home Mr Bardwell forwarded the ink stand. Senator Ov'tTinau prizes th. gift very highly and keeps it within ready reach in his law office.

Salisbury Sun. Traveling is Dangeeous. Constant motion jars the kidneys which are kept in place in the body by delicate attanhments. This is the reason that travelers, street car men. and all who drive very much suffer from kidney disease in some form.

Foley's Kidney Cure strengthens the kidneys and cures all form of kidney and bladder disease Geo. H. Hausen, locomo-motivo engineer, Lima, writes, "Constant vibration of the engine or two but suppose a factory Women's Pains Cured. tests, and examination with the aid of They are often caused by a rheumatic the X-Rays, established it as a fact that Catarrh of the stomach is not' a disease could declare a net profit of twen ty per cent, would it not prove condition of the system, which, if not checked, results in heart, liver and blad our better investment than most of our business men are now en- Stomach der tronblesKovarion dropsy, etc. Uricsol, the great California Rheumatic Remedy, neutralizes the undue accumulation of acids in the system and cures pains and disease.

Send stamp for book of particulars to the Lamar Rankin Drug Atlanta, or Uricsol G. H. Mills Son. gaged in? We would be glad t( No appetite, loss of strength, nervous cess, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risiners. and catarrh of Bse some of them becoming in terested in an investment whicl Ohemical Los Angeles Cal.

Dru gists sell it at $1 .00 per bottle, or six bot- the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol ties for $5.00. cures indigestion. This new discovery repre- sents the natural juices of digestion as they would prove a paying business to the promoters and be of material l.uw KAitb. i exist in a healthy stomach, combined with on tne nrst and tnird Tuesdavs of tne greatest known tonic and reconstructive benefit to the town.

April, May and June the Frisco System properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not (Do lESIEIEIbr (Saint Louis Sim Francisco Railroad) only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this will have on sale reduced one way and i famous remedy cures all stomach troubles Charity. round trip tickets from Birmingham, by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion. "How can I cure my indigestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thousands. It will cure yon of Indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cure catarrh of tne stomach.

Kodol digests what you eat makes the stomach sweet. Sold by The Florence Mills, Forest City, City Drug Store, and Twitty Thompson. The Haywood Hearing Postponed. A Raleigh special, the 16th, says Judge Robert M. Douglas to-day filed an order with the clerk of the Superior court here continuing the hearing of habeas corpus proceedings in the Earnest Haywood case from May 21st to May 28th.

He has found that a hearing next week would interfere with his work on the Supreme court bench. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. H.

Turner of Dempsey towns. Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegateble. Never Memphis and feaint Louis to points in strengthening the mucous membranes lining FOPEST CITY, NOTRH CAROLINA.

AXKansas, Missouri, UKialioma, Indian we stomacn. "It right da Charity should begin Ht homo." mijs Erothcr Williams, "but it ton often happens dat she won't go nowhar vine, 'long ez she gits (hree Territory and Texas. Write W. T. Mr- S.

Ball, of Rayenswood, W. ays: SaTinlorc (l A Tj cj4. 1 was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. sblciij, Kodol cured me and we are now tufa It milk a nnrn i cn i intAmnn Hiar' meals a day." Atlanta CoiiKtitu tion. caused mo a great deal of trouble with Kodol Digests What You Eat.

my kidneys, and I get no relief until I i A Sur Thing. Bottles only. $1.00 Size holding 2K tiroes the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Preoared bw E. O.

DeWITT CO. OHICAQO csed Foley's Kidney Cure." Sold by Carries in stcck the best line of Burial Requisites in the County, from the cheapest Coffin to the most elegant Casket, all at derate prices. Elegant TELEPHONE NUMBER 6. It is said (hat nothing is sure except The City Drug Store. Cuts His Own Hair.

rivith and tax-, but that is not alto gcthor true. Dr. King's New Discovery Catawba county has a stayer who puts for onsumptwn is a sure cure for al forth many claims for recognition. He 1'in anl throat, troublas. Thousands Notice! Having been appointed under the will of, and having qualified as executor of Miss Elizabeth Doggett, deceased, late of Rutherford county, N.

this is to notify aJl persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of May, 1904, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of May, 1903. John Simpson is Uncle Andy Ramseur, and the Hick ran testify to that. Mrs.

C. B. Van ory Mercury says "ho is 85 years old, has i'lmo wj DUBjiucrurown, vv. says never spent 10 cents with a barber, and Sale of Personal Property! On the first Monday, in June the undersigned will sell at public auction the household furniture belonging to the estate of the late I. S.

Roland, deceased. This sale will be held in the room formerly occupied by the Rutherfordton Hardware Company, first door below the Commercial Bank. This May 13th, 1903. LIZZIE B. ROLAND, Administratrix.

R. ETT'S I II II I 'III II l. 1" gripe. Only 25c. at T.

B. Twitty's and has not drank a spoonful of liquor in years." Thompson Watkins' drug store. 333 Will Cure Consumption. a. a.

tierren, mnch. writes, I 1 "5 I had a severe case of bronchitis and a your tried every thing I heard of but got no reiicf. One bottle of Dr. Ping's New Dicsovery then cured me absolutely." It's infallible for Croup, Whooping cough, grip, pneumonia and consumption. Try it.

It'sgnarranleedby T. B. Twitty and Thompson Watkins, druggists. Trial bottles free. Reg.

sizes tOc, and $1.00. Lr (TEETHING POWDERS) Ctodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. "Foley Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured con Eaves Rucker, Attorneys Counsellors at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C.

Office up stairs in Dickerson b-silCing. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to them. nta Diarrhoea. Dysentery and the Bowel Troubles of Children the Bowels. Strengthens the Child and MAKES TEETHING EASY.

Cures Eruptions end Sores. Colic. Hives and Thrush. Removes Worms. TtJHINA Counteracts and Overcomes the Effects of tho sumption in the first stages." Sold by Foley9 Honey and Tar ICdS ESysgsepsia Cur for No opiates.

Digests what you eat. The City Drug Store..

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