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Sapulpa Herald from Sapulpa, Oklahoma • 1

Sapulpa Heraldi
Sapulpa, Oklahoma
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THEY SAY Custnifi in iy IrHd niun Into niimv errors, but i Justifies none Fielding 1 SAPULPA HERALD VOL XXXII NO 186 ee ypun-ft Only Pail 14 News paper WEATHER Oklahoma Shr we west and east this afternoon Cloudy and cooler tonight Friday fair and omewttgi warmer ui west in afternoon I SAPULPA, OKLAHOMA, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY TORNADO DEATH TOLL ESTIMATED 160 NFTW VOTES TODAY ON LONG LINES PHONE ACCORD Tentative Understanding For for Ride Woodward Is Hardest Hit In Covers ISMIile Strip Of Texas-Okla Border Government Hoping --t lir win Be Paueni apU pa Today I Justifies Wage n9 Walkout For Ending Walkoi By indy McFarUn WASHINGTON April 10 UP iti'DrcM'iitatives of lie Amine in Telephone Telegraph Co and the American Union of Trlcphom Workers NFTWI 'or1 ay eoiulrted a tentative uiulmtanding for settlement of the long linen tli pute in Ihe four-day telephone strike Union president John Moran, emphasized, however, that the agreement must be approved bv the Maurice Davis will be chairman vs nl lie day at the regular meeting of PnilPPll the Chamber of Commerce to be, lIvUWvvU held tomorrow noon at the YWCA The program will be centered around army week Davis will present Ray Kenny, adjutant general of state GLAZIER Tex April 10 I CHnt Wright of Glazier took a ride on the Texas-Gklahoma tornado last night, he revealed today and I he added that I can explain ytft why i still alive Wright said a lighted lantern blew through his house at the peak of the twister He said he grabbed the lantern and was blown out of I the df or and nearly one-fourth mil across a field Wright was not injured WASHINGTON April 10 UP President Truman said today that If prices are not brought down, the i ah economic situation would Justify wa- quaiteis the Okl ihoma National ge increases for the nation workers Guard, who will talk on the subject Program Plans for the Oklahoma National Guard Davis top policy committer of the Na- 'vl11 re'ent Wallace Ward- tional Federation of Telephone lcr ca aln commander of the local unit of the National Guard, who will peak on Progress of Company An additional guest of the group will be Buddy Brothers Tulsa Uni- erslty football coach He said the government is surveying conditions and government powers to see If any action is possible to bring about price reductions But for the time being, he Sapulpa is Hit By Flash Flood IT TS 4 WOODWARD, April 10 UP Rmcim union Emergency Aid counted in ond more than 600 injured in the woke of a tor- niantaA On Tnrfne, 1,01,0 fhot with sudden fury along llvJCvlvU 1I 1 Cl lllb 150-mile stretch of the Texas-Oklahoma bor- But no Damage Escapes Death Workers before It cun be signed in contract form Moran look the understanding before the 49-mrmber union policy committer A vote was expected within a few hours Moran said the tentative agreement contained no provision tlia mw- tos 5b -oULStjSrt Seelin' it, uay' long hue aereemen- murht vet th 0 rrank oewell Jr 3 Clin- i a means whertoy groups of com- and Un aitLhe would make no LaJuna Blanx 18 Sand Springs, to the policy1 Flood waters blocked high-1 111 0 1 OfllddO sg, The president thus placed the I revpoiviwllty lor priem 'S iS Su'S iJS1 mMoiT BwVnJ prise, the president said at a news Tne heavy downpour In Sapuipa Lowest overnight temperature was conference New he wants to sc carI this morning caused little 58 digree, with highest yesterday them make it work damage to Sapulpa and vicinity, ac- One of the possible approaches rdlng to reports this morning to the price reduction problem under At noon today water was running City, were drinking coffee in a eafe on the west out- hiire of Woodward when the tornado strock Here Is Jack's account of the storm recommendations committee about accepting or re jecting the projio sal lie nij it reorckentrd Ihe company's final offer on thr union lo major demands It was understood that the company proposal included arbitration of the long over the spillway of the recently improved Euchee dam which supplies the city with water However, no emergency is anticipated and there is no cause for alarm Fred us price reductions without violating anti-trust laws Mr Truman said he thought and Brawned city monager stated Board of directors meeting of Hie hoped a way coull be found to per-1 There was no damage to electrical Junior Chamber of Commerce 1 mit this Attorney General Tom hne and power equipment, accord workers four money demands and 'Continued on Pace Six' BULLETIN Flood waters in the Sapulpa area, fiom last night rain, so far have evidently eau i no damage The Rock creek had Inundated scheduled for Friday night has been ponrd to Tuesday ght, at which tune ballots In the recent nutloria' lon 1 npw directors for the cn- stance sulnK Tar wUl be counted It was By LEO JACK As Told to United Press First I heard the thunder Then there was a sound like suction sort of a whoosh I've been in tornadoes begpre and knew the sound I rau oufsltie the cafe and saw that It was' a twister The wind was blowing something terrific I went back into the cafe and The president said he did not nnounced today by Mauri'-e Davis, president -O- A minor accident reported to police oocured yesterday afternoon at have any idea of attempting to 3 15 clock between Hobson and I restore price controls He thought Dewey street on North Mission an such action would be lmprac- Cars involved were driven by Clar- tical cnee Barre 103 Hobson and He spcke sharply when he recall- Donald Warner 619 Dewey pd his veto Tast summer of what O- he called an unsatisfactory QPA armv recruiting officers law a duh subsequent acceptance low-lying a as in the 700 block on from Tulsa will be at the American ot another Uvk lhat the adminis- Water bur hadn reached anv Legion hu tomorrow morning a tratlon considered inadequate, homes this afternoon, nlthough it accept enlistments I was Still rising slowly st 2 30 hn r'h nr highway 661 Firanm worP called 20 on hr clock this morning to 1134 Mc- he ri, i i bn' Kfnley, home of Mrs Nichols oioximnfeiv01 la 1 here on overheated rook stove ha i X'm 12 30 according to slartfd flrP sald to state highway workers on duty there and has been falling swiftly The road was opened Clark is studying the matter lng to Brahcney manager The president described business Water was over highway 66 at a profits in the last nine months of low point west of the city near the suld hit the deck Everybody 1946 and the first three months of municipal park and golf course have Known what I meant 1947 as very great I However the road had not been all got down on the floor Then He agreed that these very great1 closed at noon today hit profits would scon Justify wage ck creek west of the city has I The wind seemed to last about der lost niqht Unconfirmed reports ploced The s'uthweltern eUlepiione Oth toll OS HiqH OS 160 isrzz of an offer for emergency crews WQrd from 5,000, including 3,500 in WOOO word olone where more thon 350 homes and business buildings were demolished by tho whirling wind Property losses were considered certain to run above 1,000,000 The known dead included Woodward, 51 bodiot of ffba Armstrong funeral home, 32 bodie at tho Clionowolh funeral home Morelond, one body, thof of a Woodward i jured person who diod Shattuck, 24 bodies including 21 from the Higgings, Tea storm and throe yictims of Hm tornado that struck in a farm area south of Gog Oktg Canadian, Tex nine bodies, including fire from Gloxiior, Tit Hardest hit was Woodward, where ten a to return to work in toHiado-stnck en Oklahoma and Tex communities because acceptance would Jeo- paradize life and property In the hundreds of communities we serve A telegram from Cooley, company president at St Louis Mo stated that since the only telephone service now available is being provided by supervisory personnel Acceding to the union terms for the relief of Woodward would stop all telephone service In the southwest Cooley said the union offered to send in emergency crews only if the company would withdraw supervisory personnel operating switchboards in the entire flve-stat area served by South was tern ML Nation Worst raises if prices are not brought down raised several feet and covered the swinging bridges on the city golf course Inundated a portion of the park and blocked the road leading to the pump station Reportedly the level of Pole Cat creek and Rock creek in the southern outskirts of the city has raised only a few Inches five minutes I could hear the building coming down all around me Luckily, none of the wood or stone hit me When it was all over I got up and saw that only three stools at the counter were standing Everything else was wrecked I helped Bill to his feet and then Continued on Page Five be slight He Tells About Ambulance Run 'Editors note Alton Grammer, ambulance driver for the Speece mortuary at Fairview Okla responded to a call from the state highway patrol rush to Woodward where a tornado had leveled half the town HtYe is his story, i to one wnv traffic early this afternoon STILLWATER April 10 UP Re- Pole Oat creek Is at the flood porting on reaction to the telephone stage although still well below the Mrike here, the Stillwater Dally bridge on highway 75 but In the New- -Pres, said a ptckrl raptain middle the afternoon It was still conn ed 60 smiles 69 grins, six using hadn't as vet Inundated frowns 440 ncn-lookers and 50 non- anv of the lowlands along the high- chalant expressions on faces of pass- y- ersby during a one hour period By ALTON GRAMMER As told to the United Press OKLAHOMA CITY April 10 UP- We got to the University hospital In Oklahoma City with our three patients just before dawn It was a busy night The highway patrcl called us about 11 30 last night and said all available ambulances were needed al Woodward Mr iRobert Speece, who owns the funeral home, went with me We ran into the storm 10 miles from Fairview It was another 60 miles to Woodward and when we got there I had my fill cf wind, first and Dghtnlng tV pr ifeuOC8HMC tem UM CWrPP' amst Venl0n BrUCP FiomThifr Vrt vou ual Parks, was dismissed this morning, all the lignts of the tow I could I fillir tlm linhfi tVxi ,1 Toll Road Supporters Finish Testimony Opponents are Next OKLAHOMA CITY April 10 Up Supt orteri of the proposed Tulsa- Oklahoma City turnpike concluded their testimony before thp house roads and highways committee today Melton of the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce contended that the airline toll highway would be Charges Against Parks Dismissed The case of manslaughter Highlights Of Today News GO th0 Oklahoma Cltv dup lack of vldeiica at praillni Chamber of Commerce stressed the safety futures double highway of the proposed He snlrt the accl- see four tiny lights I think they nary trial before Justice of the were cars As we drove down the' peace Snider strert my lights picked out Tiecos I di nt rate now was hloh bemuse ot Park 18-year-old veterans, was the of wiud bricks, limbs, even whole driver of an automobile which tree scaitered In the way It was crashed Into a bridge abutment a oig Joo to drive through it 1 Hub lies Jr of the rush- soutU cf lhe clty on March 29 re At nre station they told us nugnes jr oi tne cash sulling the dtalh of two how l0 flnd the h08pltal We apot pulpa women and his cousin, Ralph ted It by all the people and cars Evans and trucks moving around outside The two Sapulpa ns killed were Thtre was no electricity Inside Madeline Marie Miller Marshall and Ipeople were lying on the floor getting first aid Doctors were administering blood plasma, morphene poor condition of 66 between Tulsa and Oklahoma City Hugin lng Chamber of Commerce spoke for the turnpike authority bill being considered by the senate committee We at Cushing don feel we will be helped, nr hurt by this road Margaret Juanita Carr Snyder he said We think the road would an advancement for the state Present state income does not allow fur the building of such a highway as this Also representing Tulsa was A Border, who cstlfled that the state and federal government were unable to build nil the roads wo want He said It was a choice- of church will a toll road or a patcheri-up mad He added Ibat naturally It hurt some one Committee chairman AGREE ON SCHOOL RILL OKLAHOMA CITY, April 10 'UP -Senate floor leader Perry Porter said todav a re tier a I agreement had been reached on the administration fIS MMM school aid bill and that It wonld be printed and acted um by both houses, nrobably Monday The measure provides salary increases for school teachers with degrees of approximate 300 per ear The reorganisation feature of the measure would eliminate one third of thr 4 00 school districts in the state The Oklahoma Education Association had sought 26,500,000 in stale funds hut so-called school bloc members on the conference committee apparently were willing to compromise on the 18,000,000 ceiling suggested by Gov Roy Turner NINE KILLFD IN MINE BLAST EXETER Pa April 10 UP1 A gas explosion killed nine of 18 miners working in the Schooley shaft of the Knox Coal Co mine near here today Nine others were injured, at least two critically In the blast which ripped through the Anthracite shaft shortly after Ihe men reported for work this morning HOLDS I UNION REFI N'D WASHINGTON April It UP Federal Judge Alan Golds- borough said today that John Lewis and the United Mine Workers hare failed to comply in good faith with the no-strike mandate of the supreme court Goldsboroagh granted a government request for a two-week delay in returning 2,800,000 to thr union The supreme court had ordered this money refunded if the t'MW' complied fully with its mandate against a roal strike SAYS TRANSAC TION DISHONEST WASHINGTON April 10 'UP A former Baltimore A Ohio official charged today that court-approved bankruptcy rrorganixa- tion of the railroad was a dishonest, fradulent transaction agreed to bv Jesse Jones as Reconslruction Finance Corp chairman so DEFIES SOVIET BLOG LAKE SUCCESS April 10 The Cnited States defied thr Soviet blur's attack on the Truman doctrine today and asked thr United Nations security counrfl help build up domestic transquillty and security In Greece DALLAS April Southwestern Bell pany today rejected iking Southwestern Telephone Workers union to send operators and repair crews into the tornado-struck areas of Texas and Okla hem a be- the terror of the 100 square-Mock hole In the northwest residential district of this town of 7 000 populo04on hi MM heart of Oklahoma's wheat ML Some 350 houses and TSSgjz Tornado in 1925 like so much kindling' wood The twister slashed through rural a eas near Shattudk and Gage By UNITED PRESS weather bureau records show Okla with unconfirmed reporta at Ihqt the nations worst tornado fatalities All communications lines cause the union demanded that all struck eastern Missouri on March to those two towns were still out aOd supervisory personnel throughout jg 1925 then skipped eastward to 1 the destruction there had not been th vV tatc re ken front Illinois and on into Indiana, kill- determined their jobs mg persons Rescue workers by the hundreds At St Louis headquarters Albert Beginning June 23 1944 tornadlc dug through piles of debris and Diprosper, union vice president and winds smashed widely spaced areas 1 scattered wreckage In the stricken southwestern area atrlke director, of Pennsylvania West Virginia and Oklahoma and Texas communities, said discussions were ccntinuing on Ohio, with the dtath toll reaching search of many still unaccount- an tmergecy service agreement 153 1 ed for He denied that the union had searted to call out emergency workers then changed ite mind Dop- rosper said the union bad merely dispatched a member to the area for a survey and report to headquarters The telegrams were branded as deliberately misleading by Dip- rospere the union spokesman We have never taken the position that we want aupervisory em-l ployes removed from supervisory Jobs, he declared We Just want them taken off non-supervisory work and our telegraphed offers to the governors of Texas and Oklahoma so stated He added that the union telegrams requested the governors to use your good offices to prevail upon the company to accept the union proposal In the interest of those who I was Mounds Citizen Was in Tornado Editor note The following eyewitness account cf the beginning of the Texas-Oklahoma torpado was given to Bill McCarroll of the Amarillo Tex Times by John Bittle of Mounds Okla who was Flood waters hampered reacae activities at Higgins where tom- tial rains followed the death-dealing wind BUI Lane, a radio announcer for KFDA at Amarillo, reported from the scene that there had been some looting In Higgins Hail as large as golf bulls damaged buildings and crops In the wake of the storm at White Deer Tex Sccres of peace officer from northwestern Oklahoma and Kansas patrolled the disaster area in Woodward to prevent looting Hundreds of Woodward residents were unaccounted for in the general confuslcn, but they were not may be suffering Twister Hero At Woodward be held In the base- lmyit if the church Friday evening, wilt beginning 7 30 o'clock Mrs Roy Jameson ls in charge Streeter of ptoRram John Frank will be 8pFakman of Sapulpa ked Border ma-, er ceremonies, whether the Tulsa Chamber of An Interesting program or games Commerce would object to Creek and singing, designed to help end Payne counties having repres- members to get better acquainted entatives on he proposed turnpike with each ether has been worked commission Border said he saw no out Rev Thomas Talley, pastor 1 eason for objection to that I stxted putting on splints all by candle- light It reminded me of when I was driving an ambulance with the medical corps in Germany The only difference was that this time we A reception honoring the new could drive with lights members of the First Methodist Here List of Identified Dead Church Will Honor New Members Friday BULLETIN Kansas, sometime railed the Cyclone Slate, has never had a windstorm death lull anywhere approaching the terrible dlaaxler whirl truck Oklahoma and Texas eiunmunltlrk laat night Weather bureau record shewed today hat Ihe worst tornado in Kansas look 12 lire in May In 1927 In four reunite Sedgwick Harvey, Butler and Marlon Hero of the tornado that tore through Woodward last night was Aurell wire chief of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co His home blew away, while he and members of hi family huddled la the bastment After the storms suction cup had paaaed Aurell ran to the edge cf town, climbed a telephone pole and together the ends of a broken line In ordsr to let the outside world know of the tragedy that had comi to the isolated community He made the connection despite a torrential WOODWARD April 10 The identified dead In the Woodward tornado Included Mrs Olendola Kreger, Katherine Kreger Mr Cora Steed Mrs Buck Edwin Walker Aline Hutchinson Jimmy Lee Hutchinson Mrs A Craft Georgia Mae Kingston Sue Ann Houlette Oeorge Luca Darlene Bea slev a Mrs Rosenbrook Lloyd Dart, Cean Story, Geo-ge Erwin Tom Baker, BUI Crawl Mr and Mrs Raymond Catlett and baby Mrs Shocnhorst and baby District Judge Reverses Beer License Ruling The decision of the county court cancelling beer license of the Popular Grill and Main Street bar was reversed today by Judge Beaver when the case came before him on appeal In reversing the decision Judge Beaver said This beer law was voted by the people and they knew these places wouldn be anything especially nice and certainly ought to have known they would be hard to conduct under rules and regulations He Itemized the grounds for revoking license and said The only one involved In this case is the second ground the sale to any persons under 21 years of age of non Intoxicating beverages for consumption upon the premises visiting at the home of relatives White Deer when the twister 1 officially listed as missing Most of struck them were believed to be In hoa- pital in surrounding communities WHITE DEER Tex April 10 or had been 8lven J11 home In the front room visiting that escaped the brunt of the stofSL Grieving and dated relatives of the missing at times hindered rescue work Some of them dog Iota the debris with their fingers, ethers used sticks to jtry apart the wreckage of splintered hemes Airplanes Joined the stream of 'Continued 01 page 2 Dictates Story Via Phone Tied To Pole at Edge of Woodward with my sister and her husband, when sisier yelled Look I started into the dining room and when I got halfway through the door everything In the world seemed to hit me I knew that a Continued on Page Two By CARTER BRADLEY United Press Stall Correspondent WOODWARD April 10 I'm dictating this from a telephone' tied to a pole at the edge of town This is the pole that Wire Chief Aurell of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co climbed last night in an electrical and rain storm to deliver to the outside world this stricken city plea for help By the time I arrived Aurell who is a supervisor and was not on strike had got the broken line tied' WHITE DEER Tex April 10 together and had dropped a win thought at first it was an old from the top cf the pole to the Saw Start of Tornado in Tex 'Editors note1 The following is an eyewitness account of the start of the disastrous Texas-Oklahoma panhandle tornado By HOLMES 'As tdd to the United Press Fred Morrcw Ward Davis Leon rain and electrical storm and com- Snyder Loul Knight Sam Wood, pany officials said he had risked Mrs Golda Mastln and daughter, his life to make the call Continued on Page Six Texas panhandle dust storm and ground I have read the testimony taken then I saw the funnel Dawn and I got here about the here iln the county court hearing' I was standing in my front yard same time Most people wouldn't principally from girl undet age In White Deer ar suddenly a black believe couldn't believe the scene and it is not very convincing It cloud form outside of town It of herror and destruction that 1 is rather confusing it is so slight turned in toward White Dee Sud- witnessed as I drove into town, and so confusing and so fraught deni there was a funnel and tnen Trying immediately to get Infor- witn prejudices and dlsccmiected rumble It sounded like a tast mation from anyone was like yell- that the court can accept It as freight train as it moved in lng into a dtep well about all ycu sufficient to Justify the cancelling I wa about thiee-quariers of a go be were your own words of the licenses for these two places mile from where it hit, and it look- Rescue workers were too tired and Judge Beaver delivered his deci- td like It was taking a strip 2uo too ousy to do more than grunt Continued on Page Five yards wide following the Sajita Fe replies to queries railroad tracks Citizen were mostly no help at New York state's poultry industry' It hit an oncoming freight rain all Particularly, thoae scouring the has Increased In value from 26 Just outside of town and they tell wre ked northwest residential see- 000 000 to 100 000,000 a year 1 Continued on Page Two Continued on Page Three.

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