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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


R. R. BANKS. OAKLAKD BREVITIES Mr. CL Taylor aud wife bare arrived HITS, rLQWEBe, TCATHERS As- Westward Baanrt Fasting- Uruataa aUafalaaUtesM Sit tha Bad of thm Commanoins Monday, Now 78.

CSKArKST, aad BEST, at iba W03f DM Nabraaka. UttAHA, Deeember fidlow- from the last. it ixmikBY arosK, tois uabket szsu r. The Oakland SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN JOSE HOT TO BE OVERLOOKED opposite rrtk. Bait Fita-asoo.

Warrants upon the Publie School ing first eiass passengers left Omaha on Term-' svmi (0r Lady- of tzte avear Heart, PxoepeiWi XetltUa. For several dys past tbe schools Fund were paid tolay. Slerry Ctoitstmas to-day's train, to arrive la Oakland en Deeember 24th: BMOF SAVES 2M fat turkeys, M0 fat prisoners to be and CoBYeBta of this city bar been A ball will be given at Harmonie Hall, Alameda, this evening. A social will be held on Monday 628 Market street, Opposite Falaee Hotsl, au Frsaciseo. Mrs Vocks, Mrs Berchauser.

son and raffled off at BechtV saloon, sonthesst eomer holding examinations, preparatory to m. a. aj set a.jLv RE10VAL evening at the Independent Church. sax rsAHtro. Oaklaaa Whaif.

-Baa kSaa. IlIocllanics, Tools daughter. Bichmnnd, Va; Miss EllaF Cattle, Dwight Tripp, Horton. tmks, Sau Francisco; Baruck and wife, New York; Mrs Thomas Reynold. Chicago; Cutter, Cleveland; tbe hol'dsy vacation and tha closing of the winter term of their school year.

Oo Thursday and Friday of tbia week Lra.s-4.9 Ir.isi.a of Eleventh street and Broadway, Oakiaae. The rtiBe will begin on Sa'ardar, December 11.1873. ni a'sa Mndar aad Toaaaay, tSd and T40each Ir. Solas, tbe proprietor, will give a prw at of a roast J. M.

Scott has petitioned the County Court for tbe baueut of tbe Insolvent ui sin aJS Subscribed Capitar $950,009. Paid np Capital and Rrarnre nad, lo UaldCwin, (470.240 19. DntcoxoasT -TO- is A2TD HARDWARE. act. hese tximinetioos were concluded.

ii. Jllorrui and family, tlenry a NORTHERN. RAILWAY. platniie person who throws the highes aud tbe school work waa finished for San Francisco, nuaihsr, sad a pair of duors to laa low a OABQCIHXZ A0CTJE. phia; Stmther and wife.

Virginia City, Nev; Ballark, Newark. ha ttrm. There are four large and There will ba excellent mnsio at lbe Independent Church to-morrow morning. The regular Saturdttr evening sooial K. -Moaa, W.

W. Caairon. W. si Ulei. Sara 1 kUrnt Hwrt Kuan.

A. W.Birnnaa numbr during the three nights. Corns oas flourishing acbools nnder tbe (mrue- Yelocipe le Scroll Saw eio.oo. Forty-tbree through emigrants left on I SAXLT come Sill Mr 8elna will he the pleasure I sei a Una turkey lunch ea Christmas day i diale aUix-rviwiou of father King, aat night's emigrant train, to arrive in WA. aldrick.

ft. a. Ooim, W. H. Ulasoock rmajres) comas off at Hansen'a Hall, this even Oakland December 27th.

fro mail a. at. to 1 P. Hs wUI also have ail p. at. at.t 4 aa xja jm br three of ah eh are ideated oil the Cbnrcb proper conutoted aim bis rraidenco uu bevt-ntu Street. lbe Beaaioaa. W. XL Mnw A ur.

on hand the celebrate mr-veer-old rgi Paaalasj Calln, Havoalaw CaRLIN, Nevada, December 20th. The H.i j. ia a. I.BI.KIJ iassssail org, whioh aromeresa purchse bybotte or Miass. Wsleome acd idne apple pnnch ea cbool of 8-iut Aioyuus is for giil Baa PraiwlMa.

aklaa'l Waut Two. Saa rakb. flaoia M.itlaaa. K. RESSIOXS, VT.

Vr.QAKTUirAlTK Presiseat taakar taiust -Ynr aw 'N H.l4u.tJ. ns. 1 rsclusively, aud baa the um-a of oue t.n hand. Ql'ehima call aud have a Herry following is a list of passengers passing Carlin to day te arrive in Oakland Deeember 21st: LUTZ BERG, lOi 1A8 Bosdwiy. laving ni'ds arrtngmeats te bny oat a lav arm Harlcst etreat, 8.n Fratciico, lll movlrg om there after ibe I Jai-aaiy noat, aat to on tramp- rtat on arroaa ibe bay Cer Ihats stock, scutabia Holiday Presents, At Greatlr KoduoexlJRatos.

Illicit JS t. t.a Christmas, L. Helna. hundred aud fifty MJboUr uu its roll. da.ut Mar) 'a Aoidemy iaa a 1 DEPORITa KtLUAVSTSQ TBXEX aioaUia or mur.

will ba eotltled to KscoraioB TIOks, at haUuoeO Kataa, ia en R-wers, Elko; John Warner. uwu- laiaraat. wajcaara pajalda aeiul boot fr Hirle, and baa an attend Pablu an I Martlnes. -nm1aT ant SS a. train At our ws atwre 'si 9peDsd in Caairoa New York; Strang and family, TJ ance of a X'y or rv-oty giils.

A select BI.ek,4ol a 4ftt, lltb street, ae have an en Eatraaca rkasrec Matt -cbool lor email bjVH, ut about ten TBeTatlaB of Art- i In these day ot prMttcal Uu tea world astir in tharuah of baatoess aad ia tb pursuit of -praotloal knowledge la latent upon the solution of the quMtion hw may rt -liver rather (baa the Solution of the question How may we bt Jive la too many aaaea It forgotten that the acquisition of mat rial wealth, though ia tha greatest abaa dance, eaa never afford tha refined and ever continuing pleasuree girn by that immaterial yst mora precious treasure, tha wealth of tha mini. In order to liva best, wa moat develope tha bast faculties of tha miod, aad all stadia bich tand to tha development of the baat faculties should for through them ia mental wealth araaased. In thaaa ttmaa of wide mental cultNa. tim philosophical and scientific works art proos to receive mora attention than that group studies which tend mora than all others -o elevate tha miod, by lead Injr it to tha contemplation and appreciation ti all that ia beautiful tha Mthetieal group of studies. Tha study of tha Fine Arta, design! for a perfect development of tha aes-thetio suture ia neglected, and ia music aculptura, poetry aad painting the huuian mind is lifted from' all sordid connections aud brought into eotnrcunion with ie beautiful.

This neglect of art audio is due to the-fact that of art are not made ao-e-asiUe to the public at large. Of tha Fine Arts, mudc and poa ry are pn-pared for the use of the many, but in regard to painting tha supply of book Been very meagre, and outride of the German few work painting nave been found valuable as descriptions of works of art, or as artist biographies. Alt branches tending to mental development are supplied with what may be called universal hand books. Long has the need been felt of this handbook of art, which might stand aa reliable author-ity, and yet be adapted to perusal iu Charles A Scott, ii A Miss BandoL New Yoak; Mn Prinvle 'irelynew ad mosteomplete eteek ofgro- FERRIES AND LOCAL TRAINS. ara of sge ia Unlii by tbe Sinters oi oertes, provlHlnns.

frail aud to 1 made aaa ssnasai in.i... be (Jouveut of loo aacrt Heart." trmnaarW. which we reepeetrudy ill the at sail on ot and two children, San Francisco; Coffin, New. York; 8 Bowman, Phila-deluhia; Mrs John Perry, Jr. New York; tV aa to ra vrrvona a rem tud baa a membership ot thirty.

Io dJition to these the St. Joaeub Ae. the public, soliciting their patrouags. P. I ebsnce to embtUi-a ikeir homes.

Their stock Butler a Co. eoDpnacs rmv. lauOt by the "(Juristian Urs A Alitcbeti, in ice, ranee; 1J-Utonr. France: Carpenter. Mis Fine TelTtt rrmmea for rho- on tbe corner of Fifth aurt as VmmmtU Taylor, San Francisco; Mrs Charles TO easvaan.

JIadixoD si i Or coutaiua one buodred The beat p. ace io Oakland to get year Hutchinson and daughter, byraense JN Miss Dauchy. Detroit; Mrs Hale Rix, p2 pS nd fifty pupil'. Iu all of these plumbing, t'iom, sBuing sad New Taloetped aad I1S.IK cb ola tne uk! laa brauooes ana towrapiiv all eis-s; Uraataratal blit fortraut ra-i-ea; staol aad Pier Jllrrora. Window Gilt fictars Ibngravlaga.

aod ulao-grapba. Pictnre-knobs, Cora. Wire, sod all other ibbtu is st J. G. Aodsrsea's, 1249 Mevall awlasr.

aa taatrnetlve ani San Franciw: Van Wvck. Nr folk, Va; and family.Or. ange, Cook, Washington, lr! T- ai m. xt pK a-4Di snetlms for men, woman, or I uaoJt-ru languxiiea are tuht. It is ured-tte to add that tiroadway.

4 a. a a a. a. iris nuy your soy a Saw and hasp Mm ing. Edward H.

Marwedel and C. Taylor and wife of this city, arrived here yesterday. Tbe officers of Live Oi't Lol 61. F. aud A.

were installed last evening. Tbe F- stival of Light will be celebrated by tbe Jewish Cburoues, be-iuuibg ibis eveuiog. The only sr rival at lbe City Whir' yesterday was th bark Mary Glover, trom Seattle, with coal. A brimstone mill ia now being put np at the chemical wrks of Judsoo Sliepard, West Berkeley. To morrow evening tbe Chinese Mwsion of tbe First Bsptist Chuieh ill celebrate their anuiveraary.

Sheriff Unban, of Contra Coata nuty, parsed through town eater-lay witbtwo burglar enruutefor Sao Q'untin. Judge Redman baa approved the claim ot Joseph Harsch for 1 19 54 against the estate of Buf us Denmark, deceased. Miss V. M. Dickinson, one of Contra Costa's favorite teachers for some years past, has taken np her residence in Oakland.

A literary and mnsiosl entertainment waa given last evening at 8iaterna Hall bv tbe ladiea of tbe West Berks ley Presbyterian Cbnrcb. An inquest was held yesterday on the remaius of the found IS 10 li TOO b7rO 1 1 rum ton streev. JUlKa uowin. uinacenrr, ww; Family Cm1. S.U MM 7 ia.00 b4.i S.o0 m.

ii u- Allen. Miss Allen. Portland. THF OXPOBTUKKT OT TBS 8CH0LAKS a sil ut iIims scbuois has been all Si Cxrbsage and Tslayrapb Transra at ear. We alao Uraw dlrett oa London.

Uubiia. Pari. ad barlin. Allow tha Znl markprratca for golu aad carrency drafta oa Wew Tork. OollvcUons made and proceeds resaltted at current ratos.

CAUFOKN.A BAKE (UMITiCJ and the BAHKOr-CAUfOhKlA. sw Tors the KPrTH NA. Vaw3 UNION a. BaoAJWAi ajro Mnrra Szkawx. OAKLAHD.

CarltAl Paid la (Jold fliOOOO. A. Henry, J. Weal Martm. The cheapest and cleanest family coal S.M I JO 00 lie IBM r.

a. I .0 1100 uw S.W U.0S Me; Wm Allen, Philadelphia; Par son, Hannibal, Mo; Belden and trimmliss. KOTA BXXA Please do not delay In iv. ibr your orders fur ornam atal gilt fraoie, sod laearin mini that t.ur fiamsare of Srvt class w-rkmauship and covered with colri 10 is the Newport Coos Bay. No soot and that caul! desired and the 4.S0 llJU w.m.

1. a.t 1 wife, Kirbv, wife and child, Iowa; A very little smoke. Try it Yon will use 1.00, tau progrrva made in ihtir studies has Tan seo $. 1000: itoe IIM, iXuOi r. UM 4.V 't' S.0O; no other kind, O.

K. Freeman is tha i.o ea'. ama'aoi" colt Mat and wuakl Griffith, Cbssago; Monroe, Mich Ucaa; Webb, Queensland; Albert Aoatin. Sandwich Islands; Cooiwr. agent, 411 Euhtb street.

i en mOKt autislactory. It baa beo aid tbl heaven's Qrst law," nd Whether thin be true or uot. it la ar onnseBt to cxibit Isrga brass flames 1th oil daub to them, aa ta doDabv a hooaa bCSO aw 1 t.Sul SSS 4. 5. Svdney.

Australia: Bapti-t. San onihaaaaa aide of Bmaday. Ba )on K1J Gloves clewed for 15 cent, snd redr at Mmtn 4 absolutily certain that obediebc- and same diy, at Halsted's, It 15 Broadway. 10 bnS) at tsa 1A1 9 want araaa frames aaa oil paluUa a. of which you caa My the; ace printed ia ..11.

we oeary diitiipnuo aie prime requi- 1 a. a.l CbabKV T.00 Car. U-aM rrancisco; JUrs JS Lane, iiew ijrleanv. La; Mrs A Palmer, New York; Mis Katie Ney and child, Sheridan, CaL aaSBirere ram VlriulA City and i Butter. mX W.

10 us win luipurt them for yu for ftl apiece, of 1 tetter qua ity. silea lu all Ualbolic aud equa'ly eo In snob schools of this eiiy. low.r. m. Oakland.

Ml 4s! H.WI The eboisest hatter cons'antly fcr ssle, VL.r P- HataWw we solicit a ell from yon at our store, and are respecUullr. luer hva been out lew deatbs, and the the by tbe roll. P. Car eaa. Rcro, December 20th.

Passengers LUTZ a B'XI. Sutler 4 On. only auch aickueaaea as are common tj childhood bava rende their appenr 10SS Broadwsy. go 110. JLslSij a aa a.

mb. BSBJSaC' Cat mi' from Virginia and Carson for Oakland, eundus excepted, Alameda PaaniSTrs ehsnae cars at Oakland. To 'SAM AM CISCO" Dally. Ooablw NtmadarS. tuee among tbe ebildren.

The large December 20th: Tbe pore and noiiduiteraird d'oble Oouvent on Webster street, is in a mjet prosperous ooudttion. Iu doting Purcell. EL Martin. Fankel and standard wbiskev is sod bv Od'soo Co. l.

WEBT alABTIS A. FALM EK. wife. Mrs Dr Gilleuehan. Miss Doa- EASTPORT PresMest fVke-reUat ITmaaarcr leisure momenta.

Some wd book, exeretsea fur lue- term occurred oo importers acd wholesale liquor dealers cher. Glick. Mrs Frantzke, Allen. rbo.rt.dny last, aud to-day mtst of the 1213 Broadwav. 4 fc2 A Gould, Sandv, James, il IMrEBtvMT aDoo loa three ratandar n.tiifa trom OAKltAMS Broadway upoa an oepoctt ressahv tha, beriulnc fmm Has up dead in a vacant lot.

Th verdict was that death had resulted from natural Rail. Miss McCloskr. Miss A pupils went bom to ttj a vcatiot of two weeks. There are at present SmoftbaBMuiaaBcoBodlnsthedMa af JanoaU A One aosortmentof teas are offered by if easily accessible, would ia leisure mo. menu kindle into life or at least keep alive the flame of art love, with which a'lare, in soma en lowed.

The school of modern art progresses. COD JAY GOAL S3 causes. a t. W. Butler at be lowest prices, as State and county taxes will be de- ninety one fcirls attending ibis institution, 'otu bva to eighteen years of Hge.

The instruction given is (borough Martin, Miss Byan, Mrs Paul, George Marve, Jr, Haines, George Belden, A Dunn. Huston, Anderson, Wm Robinson, McCarthy, A Leonhart. a Ewsrsuaca, rv. rromtbeconntry maybe rnarte by KximM, Check a poa banks la baa awl book wUI bt retujwl. a A.

W. hey have recently purchased a part or a I oouslgument of very superior teas at a linauent on the first day of January U.40 SO I H.HS bS.OO hi lly 12.20 S.Oo! ba.ftl bl 00 bf S.4C (JO bi. b.a yet too narrowly ia it confined to its own next, when live per cent, additional ei and comprebensive, embracittg all ol bargain S.00 7.) S.25' S.SU S.W bll OD will be added to each amount remain circle of art enthusiasts. "Though in our he grades of a complete Eugtiah edu 7.40 8.

ILOtl .) 106 4.JW I IT TOTJ Want the BEST sj New Pnrasa. 0 Masenle Elect ion. IKBriril ATES fhrpoatt. Banod.bea, toaiuwieai aUc at the date agreed apoa! S. 40 A00 cation, together with tbe Freucb, Ger ing unpaid.

day art does not burst forth in the un a-au Goto B. man and Siaoth lauuuxges. lbe ana following racers elect ot Lire A. Goldstein was convicted at Salinas shackled grandeur the Italian aud l.Sl XoO XX 4.13U 4. S-iO S.60 5.

tt r. a. a a 33 art of mono in i its rteuartuieuts is Oak Lodge No. 61, F. and A.

were 7.UO: 7.3UI 4.03 7 60 S.00 tM 10.W S.a0 n.o 12.00 S.aO r. B.j 1.00 lu.) t.iO lt.20 3.20; U.oO on Wednesday east of receiving goods FIRST NATIONAL Grecian schools, yet art-love is imperish Ttaiber Ijsiil. 4.S9I 1.00 Km aie taught, inclaJing vocalization and in lu. 11.40 r. b.

140 I.1S 4.40 stolen from cars of the C. P. R. R. installed last evening by P.

M. J. C. C5 Admission free; do not wnt your money tA.Jl 4.U0 struction on tbe barn, suiter and able, and to-day we find it in all existing schools of art. yet confined to a limited He waa receiver of articles stolen by Ak your dealer for the' Martin, P.

II, T. P. Wales acting as but want you to par me a visit snd see my piano. Elocution is made a pecitiliiy. GOLD BANK OF OAKLAND aw cuo the gang broken np by detectives some 1 1 store.

H. Scbellhxss. 4 Master of Ceremonies: W. John S.S0 8.UU .10 circle of workers. and on of each month Uctures are delivered on 7.Wj six weeks ago.

a 40 a 40 7.S0 OLD FAVORITE 4.IO too s.os b7.30 B. Glascock; S. Geo. G. Benni- The study of Painting has not been Utianre 969 BROADWAY.

10.33 The new Catholic Church at the cor M. LIS There nothinsr makes a home so son; J. L). li. Kverett; Treasnrer, KLOCrrlQN ASD UTKRATUSH aooi laioi sufficiently popularised, and as this cheerful as a bright fire in the grate these 30! Oakland.

S. Hirsbberff; Secretary. J. T. Gardi I Capital Authorized S1.000.0CO ner of Eighth and Jreralta stieets is rapidly approaching completion nnder ro.iei study is one of the best cultivators of the cold evenings, aBd there is no other coal Eustport ner; S.

Stewart McClure; Chap Before tSepupils. The Convent has lieen in) existence about ten years. Paid in 100,000 tbe close attention of rather McNally. mind, tha need should be supplied. auudav aastptsA that makes such a bright clean fire aa the lain, Kev.

Berij. Akerly; Mar.hal, T. AMMuaua raawusers cusogs cars at Oakland. Though there is no reason to feel that we P. Wales; Stewards, John Owens and English CanneL Try it O.

K. Free it will Do an imposing structure when finished; it will have a steeple 200 feet V. D. MOODY. faon rikNHll.acnviavexepd-,00ll'j.30, J.

F. Coehran; Tyler H. Ash. CMS. H.

man Co. corner Eighth and Franklin 11.00 a. ami (jm r. n. and tha main building, which is a fine and massive structure, cost sixty thousand dollars.

The rooms are large aud spciom, the ceil may not attain the highest stays of art perfection, yet the earliest and greatest nign. Gakland Chapter No. 26. B. A.

Coos Bay Coal. fOB SAN JUeK-dotly 7.06, 8.10 a. at. streets.have a large stock of it, also "West BOAItD OF OIHECTORB have installed the followinz officers for tn-ieterpieces of painting lie buried Prof. John Murray, the elocutionist, ill read Dickens' Christmas sketch.

Hartly" and "Scotch Splint" the ensuing term: T. B. Wales. H. P.

NO TEAM TUOROi'CHFARE. The Elite Scroll Saw. $6 CO I from us in the cathedrals, mor "Dr. Marigold's Prescriptions at the J. T.

E. K-. A. McKeen, ings are high and the corrdors wide aud airy. Twelve pianos are in constant use, and seveuty of tha pupils are A One saw for brgianers- O.

M. Fisher. J- K. Buiiska A. J.

biiyuer, V. D. aloody. arteries and art collections "of The Lous (Oakland) Wharf frv-m and a fur Ueceniber 3d, WD, will bj sluaed to Teauia, I. W.

Knox, M. F. atauB. w. HU.lama, Twmnbly.

sVehattuck. i Grand Central Hotel on Mouday even E. S- Treasurer; P. the grand old world beyond tha ing. Prof.

Murray will also give aev Brooks, Secretary; W. B. Blayton, C. Homer Fritch, eral refutations, including "Tarn deep." Thus to study Painting well. of u.

11. Kverett, P. J. U. receiving instruction in music.

A separate rotii is devoted to instruction on the harp, and the beautiful instru S'ocs, etc. Tuesday, September 24th. CREEK O'Shanter." Transact a (eneral eonunerrlal ia.tvtw Marsh, B. A. Stewart McClure, wa must have soma book' or books beat area G.

M. 3d Isaac Ayer. G. M. 2d Dr.

H. P. Babcock. of this city. ment is aer ricblv ornamental aa it is Bight exchange, foreign and fn accurately describing Painting as it was

Basis ef onr alley, Came adiwn tbe street, Tlastenlug like a Lapwicg, EJ, her eboice, to meet. Leaning on bis arm "Love," aba said, "make haste. Bare, come into Scbellhsaa, -Ah I don't sqrwese my waist. And the wa-Id'og furniture SUfele bought wllb AGENT, lying dangerously ill in Buffalo, N. Y.

M. Hobbe, U. M. 1st J. sal.

artistically nsefuL parlor ia a Faon BAN FKaNCISOO Uailv ISfO aad as it is In those great centres of art Oartlftcataa of DapoalU bsarlaa latarsat Marr, Guard. sumptuous apartment, and the walls 7.208:15 1 1 -a. M. 12.1i activity and triumph. The golden privi i CO -j 1 kal I CO a 1 5 0 CO 6 I ta SS 1U5 6 16 6 16 p.

413 ELEVENTH STREET. and tables are adorned with the skill- lbe Doctor has been out of health for several months, and about two weeks ago went East, with the hope that-a FBOM OAKLAND IMilw b5 457 10 laze of visiting the scene of these ait District Court Judges. iul productions of the pupils. The 18.04 1o.l5-11.1.5 a a. iMtt 15 change of climate would be beneficial.

triumphs, and breathing the inspi roll of honor is neatly framed, wherein 1 IS -J 06 4 0i 6 W-J to r. M. Following is a list of Judges of District Courts in this State, and their are the names of meritorious scholars His wife started East Thursday morn ration which led to their crea Union National GoliJ Bank Sundayt exetpUd. OuiciU9uhaduie Tuna furnished bv An- who have earned testimonials of scliol ing, in response to a dispatch hat ha All the most Popular Sawing- Maehlnes for respective residence First District Uawa Baaa liviLouie OasXAsa, tion is denied to many of us, and yet we may know of them, throuzh books der oo A handoluh. Jewelers.

101 ami 103 waa not expecaed to live. ship. The ribbon of merit is awarded ed ea Si cs r- sals oi to rent at HtU's I'a, 1015 Broadway. Jiontffcniery aUaaa, oaa r'rauvisco. A.

a IflCKBT to each oue by the vote of Eugene Fawcett, Santa Barbara. ond P. O. Hundley, Oroville. Third A- JV 1 At.

UUOUMAM, U. A. IV placed within the reach of alL la.aiar Death of "rftiljr Fir" her school mates. This she) wears ring un.bupt. cen.

rasa Ikt. Axt NOTICE Story made abort go to 11. Scaelihaas. Patrick McNsmra, well known as S. B.

Mcivee, Oakland. Fourth DlOSlT accconu opened li OoU.tUivet and umtnt. the remainder of tha school year as i token of her good deportment and stu A recent publication "The Table Book of Art" by P. T. Sandhurst supplies in a great measure this long felt need.

Art B. F. Morrison, in Francisco. Fifth PROFESSIONAL CARDS. aaihaji and THwahk.

tranters Sea lork In la aull. ta Wuid ar cum-ar-- dious attention to her studies. Each Cannaxt Goods. att.1umtllr. Billy Fireball." ed at his residence corner of Myrtle an 1 Third streets yesterday morning McNamara had been pupil ia obliged to attend to the re S.

A. Booker, Stockton. Sixth S. C. Denson.

Sacramento. Seventh We have a large and most complete ttosk is here made accessible to the student kauda iviMMid wtih oajr CorreapondCBU ta hew lork vr.saa IrucMu, ia bere. Parties owning real estate within the of canned Fruits, J-lHea, Jams, Preserves whose resources for travel and in vestige W. Wallace. Napa.

Eighth John JlMtd for Circular. pairing of her own garments, thus familiarizing her wuh the uae of the needle. There are seven classes, and a resident of Oakland for twenty years. Oyfcfr. Clams, Fish Chowder, Clam Chow t.

Havnes, rurelta. JSiuth A. M. corporate limits of the City of Oakland, desirous of obtaining money to make tm STEPH. G.

NYE, and was imoun for his always active der, Masts. Game, etc. Including la varlet the school room is separated into six Boaborough, Yreka. Tenth P. Keyee', Marysvilla.

Eleventh -Geo, tbe products of Calltornla, the tum States divisions or thrown into oue large Attorney at Law, nd Eu'opo. t. vV. Butlsr Jk 401 sn provementa thereon, can be accommodated by applying at the Oakland Lum F. WilJiama, Placervtlle.

Twelfth i6S reurteenth street, Fosti.mM, interest in political mattera. Ha wa-ever a rigid Democrat and a neful member of that party until tbe orgaui-zttijn of tbe Workingmen'a party, when he fell in with tbe new movement. He was at one time nominated foTna 17 and 18, room by sliding doors. They are pro vided with William P. Daingerfield, San Fran UCOZ Bruck.

Oaklantl. Cs ber Yard, at the foot of Washington tion may be limited. Perhaps for an ex battstive study of Panting a serins of books would be necessary, then let this "History of Art" be one of the series. Tiie author tells us in the preface that in the ''Table Book of Ait" "a complete bittorr of the rise and progress of Painting is offered to the reader or the art student, the plan adopted having been to follow tha order of dates aa nearlr aa domI ctsco. James li.

amp- Uarry Iawall. i J. L. TETAI0RE ALL TH8 X0PER5 TAClLinEJ, slreet, or to. bell, Martpjsa.

ronrteenth T. B. Harry Inwall, for rutny years with J. Beardon, Nevada. Fifteenth S.

H. And are well lighted and ventl tor alsyor. but waa detested oy one J. Uanifin, baa purchase the gem of a Robert Mi KUican Dwinelle, Sin Francisco. Sixteenth 956 BROADWAY, Sara for sals a Sn lot of vote, aud there ia no doubt that be saloon on Seventh atreet, oppoaite the Tberon Bead, Havilab.

Seventeenth PRICE OF GAS was nutec cut bia' candidacy beinu CONTKAOTOK SAML. MERRITT, Hjoa 15, Twelfth Street Block eivoffloe.uuurs. Ignacio Sepulveda, Los Aneeles. Kenerallv cooaiderd a Joke; wbieb it AND- ble." The need Ions felt in a universal lated. Oaa large room is set ap irt for the use of those who wish to engage in doing fancy work, and another ia devoted to gymnastics, while a third is occupied aa a library, in which are to be found aevoral hundred volumes rail ro id depot.

Harry proposes to keep the finest liquors and cigars on hand, and his many friends should not fail to call Eighteenth W. T. Nealy, San Diego. was. tia waa Wt-ll supplied wllb mother ait, and rarely permitted him- niueteentn V.

heeler, (San Fran BUILDER, band book or table book of Painting is here met to a great extent, for this work elf to be cornered in a discnaaion, and aud see him. Cisco. 1 wentieth LJavid lielden, Kn Jae. Twenty-tirst G. G.

Clouch. Oarpenterlnt' and Jobbing of all kindr bandinage and area(a was bard 23 3FsVr uruanptly atteudod to. Addrma, P. U. Uo Quincr.

Twenty-second Jackson Aerale. match. "Billy" dllht-d in a po AT A MBKTTtO OF THX nTBFCTOBS of too OaAlaal Os Light lmiujr. itd on iltt lav of Ootoec. 1879.

It ws ifj Uaauami. I ample. Santa Boaa. Twenty-third Sracy Kitty sad lu aishing. litic! hittl: and re 'be years came on roji aAa.t:.

922 92. ROADWAY. James D. Thornton. San Francisco.

aad hi iufl isuee ai id. he labored to K3 jull I have bat I adore. sulrad ta il the price oi be reduced v. I Desirable Bomratrad firoiMTty. Improved tn brin? about a nni- ef tbe Democratic of standard workr.

aud a line cabiuet collection. The viaw from all parts of the building is exceedingly picturesque, including Lake Merritt, the foothills, Oakland and the bay. The culiiuary art ia also taught, aud two large dining-rooms are on the basement floor, wliere the best food that can be pro How IM at't oar cottage spuke, Every dy I'd add soms WILL. H. BURRALL GE0HGK D.

METCALE The Eloper Held tn Answer. and Woikmgmen'e psrtias in order to i Three Dollars and N. G. West, late of Giboy, who was Dat tbe tt-9iuDii04UM. tits deem win aawiip.nd,ui tuarurnta, ttyitle.

rll-be-taud streeia. lenna aaade easy aa the iastallBM.Bt plan. Al.aTaLrrt, rxFrB.xiiit:D tiornrs NOTJUrr PTJBLIC, places within publie reach the lives of all master art representatives with descriptions of their style of painting as wall as descriptions of their principal works, so that the publie may he familiarised with the great achievements of tbs great mas tars. In this work is the reader acquainted with masterpieces, so that upon seeing them he may the better enjoy and appreciate them, and should the privilege of seetui be withheld, yet the reader ia SOX ART PVUl-IC, 0JMMIS31U.NES OK I'EgDS ASD LOAN I Ting in bar dalnt hammock, losi tn dreams, Ms thus sha spake; Harry hoard her. kiasadand whlspeted: recall mny aeeuea anv meidents of arrested in San Francisco about two Commissioner of Deeds and Conveyancer I years aaone, when polities wee tbe all cured is furnished the pupils.

A 'on alieorDiua topio When theae times All yaa'il bava all, daw; now, awake. Of 10 years experience, removed to Fifty Cents per liOboFeet, teso to fade ''Billy" declined with 1063 UKOAUWAV, OAKLAM). UNION BANK BUILDING Uor kiBih ad Broaaway. WhTteheaDs tSO 1 sory bona of 6 rwoi on Caarra at. Aa ionr beueeui 1 looau, l-evbtat.

a3 1 saury aooae of rami oo IT at S3 11 atory bouse of A rwaats no Tsm at. venient chapel ia in the old building adj doing the new, together with accommodation for thirty sisters, whioh weeka ago, upon a charge of grand larceny, said to have been committed in taking oertsin household goods from the house of John in North San -Into, at the time elopd with Mrs. hi- profession and died at the age of And a alee, from Schellbaaa. darllLg, Bach thing as your fsney tsksV Auulatr atoata ral. ai years.

To take eirct oa and after lbs tat day of Jan number are at present in mites of the institution. Tne dormitorit are on Kotary story hoaar ot rooUM-, Thifi acrert. tstury bouse el trounison Adeline et. aT -1 sarj Ire bit, rtle at. Between 11th and 13th 8ts.

8. F. DANIELS, Btrathero, tbe wall- knows Tailor oa "road Air, 111 JAUKS KJtB.B.)KN. Holiday at tao uw OjI1sT. Bnpe and her five children, bad a tear a-eretsry way, epprvlt and aoe tbe Pokt Cffloe.

the third floor, aud are models of com ing before Justice Owtn in Holiiiter. atxanlatoeir ICecwrds, 922 SB, 824 BROADWAY, The holiday recess of Hastings Law has remved Lis good to a more eeatial io- fort and beaitlifnlneen. Eight) ea in i aat uonaav, ana was Dtia to answer College, eorrespcudius with that of ality, aad will now ba found tiMTwoilU before tbe Grand Jury. UNION" BTJUD'Cr strnciors are employed, and a motherly care is extended to youthful the University, would have corn given an insight the insuirafon which created them. This" work is, aa the author tells us.

aa art history, carer firilyoompiledand beautifully Jllttxtrated. Though the work, is not of sufficient compass to enter into the philosophy of art to an extent great enough to con street, west of Krosdwsy. 9 may aouaa, 11 reoaar-, Uih t-treeu 8)iH 1 stvy hooe. 4 roouto, Wrba er 951 atory boo 6 roiaua, Tea atra t. 1 1 aiory hou of ruou a.

CUj street a story hoa-e raama, rrankliu st. 1 aiory house ot noma on Jrirerano st MO 1 atory hooaa, rooms. Jssrkrt street. Sit -1 atory hoiiee, room. Uy stnet.

Skating Rinlr Kow open at Justice of the Peace, 90O BROADWAY OATCLAETDt QAL. menced last Thursday, nnder the rule, The Cblnes- Comsulafe. ANrtTART ALWAYS 1H THB OFT1CE will take aoknoalodgements, at stetaellbMaa member ot tbe convent; THX HKaLTU Of THI ISMATBS Chinese Consul General Chun Shu re.nience-1, when leqneated. Ueponttons, Store is very nearly oue hua Jredfoot fronting but tbe students consented to nil out the week, and, therefore, the lectures of the first term closed yesterday. The next term will bexin January 8th.

Iu Der da, aii.rKsges. lMcasrattons ot llome- lias been excellent, no sickness or Stanford's Hall, at I. O. U. building.

Sang, Consul Bee and Sit Ming Cook, trsd, Oo tract. Laasas aad a'l papers promptly frown snd prepared lor record. siiler the various influences which bare I deatha-bavme occurred durimr the naat Vic Consul, formally notified Gov 1 story nones of rooaos,) ranklia at 1a orj hi.a ot 7nwius. Krankilaatrea I to booa. rcotoa, Mb aiS-2 story hoaxeof rooma, sSnd street.

S3o 1 etnry bouee of 10 rouana 1 bird at. BJio 2 atory bouse of roonv, lltn at. A Cbaapeat Fait. I la Uaklasid. caused the fundamental differencee be-1 term.

Nona but uuwlaara a ltiouucing the cloae of the first term. ernor Irwin on Thursday that thev had WEST OAKLAND, General Collecting Business a Specialty We are now selling- the old lavorltr HOBLE HAMILTON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. if. froteeor fomeroy commented upon entered upon th" discharge of their of Newport Oooe Bay Coal at greatly redueeo the care, attention and interest shown tweea the many established acbools of taken, and the character of the ed-art; yet the artist-biographies in this attendance giveu during sickness is lft book are so compiled that the I to tbe option of the parents tf children SI 1 atory hooae of 4 rootas. Snd atrwet, ata 2 staar hou.a.

room. Cmu Oar trumani Is not eff ctd ss a rart-aenhii. bat for raatnal ronraulenoa aad tbe rates. Welllngtoa Coal alao at bed root Gentlemen's admlsioa Uaeof Skatva uciai a ties on tne iztn tustanc. 1 tie uotice was written in Chinese, but was by tbe students.

He bad not seen tbe sse rree r-w- prloea. Mow la tbe time to purchase, a 14 I sry boose ot 4 Kirkbara et acconiniodalioa of the pabiio. La lie ndmlieiou ornre-Ramnt w.l'alonftMak.Cav. like even ia colleges. His plan and accompanied by aa English translation.

influence tending to the development of I to determine. The grounds aurrouud- use of Skaies 922 924 BROADWAY, tue reduction in priosa Is win; to su ovei sticked maraeL O. K. Freaiuan ft Uu. method had been intended as a the artoower in the individual have la 'nn baudsomelya-Ml Corner Jtinth and Hroaday L'nioa Bank pouriug in process and the sum aad usstuUy cultivated, ami contain about Afuts, eorner of hignth and FrauUU DoUdlnf, uaUand, Tbe fopkins, HBsmriit A portion of the Scotch' granite, in end of legal knowledge, but one ennab- street.

Iflaitai atreet a ad Broarf way Oakland. J. WARNER, seveif acres. bliade trees aud a rich utory hoare I ie room, frutt Vale, aia 1 (too aouar 4 rooua-s xtd Mreet. sto-y h- UM.

roona, street. Vl story hooae of rooma oa Broadway. w4j -I atorr houaeof 7 routre on MostsC. 1 6 Story booa ft oaav Xlat sv SO i aUM-y hoo-e of 10 rooioa ou Webster St A 4 story aooae of a roe eaa, Tt-at at. 4 1 atory buoa, 8 rooma, alerkei street.

Open every Afternoon and Evening ruesday ft Fridiy afternoons for ladles s)ul Ri lanfDir bo-sobs allowed oil tha S.ior. linn students to conduct tbmr own re variety of flowers abound, aud three tended to be used in the construction Merchant aad all Btuintu nun ihomld searches by awakening a spirit of in- Doata oeionging on tne premises are ikaias ia exeelleat rd of the monument to the late Mark estixatida. The attention and inter pet our price for Circulart, Cards, Bill- used in boaiiug on tbe 1 -ke, which been carefully considered. Life. hUtorie of the master repreasnta-ti ves of all schools, all.

nations, and nil timss are given ia a manner sure to inspire interest in all readers. Great painters, whose ntmes dimly exist in the puMio mint as-the names of fabulous est shown by the students in the lee Hopkins, in the Pioneers' plot of the 7WmvaH CAMBO'" BT.OOIC. Foot. Head, JJandUlU, Dodotrt, and all kind okirts a large portion of the property. lures and tha examinations had con WMirh atreet, Oakland.

Offla Honrs: 9 a. at. Sacramento City cemetery, has arrived of plain and fancy Printing. Wgdoalt A nne croquet ground gives ample evi IIOUSU Ta SS 1 atory boa of 8 moms, T1 graph av. A- oar.

w. vinced him that the plan and method tbere, and the rest is expected soon. tlence of frequent use, and a biautifu work for the minimum of profit, and ta The blocks are hewn and finished in D. W. McKENNEYJ Proprietor.

ALAMEDA he had adopted were the corect ones. grutto about to be constructed. Pu ike avast artiUie manner. TRIBUXh tbe Rocky Mountains, and the stone is I 1 If i I HI aouaaar ft aa. Fliuort lJj 1 i3it or hoo Oi 7 rooms.

Telegraph He announced that with the opening of the next term he would complete OfitA, 4Q6 Tmtf atreet. pils 'are allowed uuimited access to all parts of the pleasure grnu ds, out very pine and durable. Tata Pear tne subjeo. ol leases, and proceed in order through Joint estates, mortgagee, The Bwlofaam JEtatte. ot school boors, aud an abundance of healthful recreation is allowed.

Thurs beings, figure here as real men, with such distinctive characteristics that each becomes, while -we read his living personage. By means of the biography of the stern Michael Amnio, the gentle' Raphael, and the fantastic Bo- Ars as wait a tbe rlsh at Sohell Judge Hvriek, of the San Francisco alAUAUAMIZllNG bomesteada, assessments, title, per OitT 1. MfSCELLArfOUS. days and Sundava are reception days, oas', Odd rellowe' buUdlw. Ta.A( -f rer part of store oa Broadway l-3i4oreaett Fh atreet.

eonv Uroeej aid 37 arrret. aaS isth at, ana eaa 1 ahio sv Orocery 00 vth at. aa-1 gaa rabo s. Stare eaLosaat at, aa leirgrapA aw sodsi property, independent et con at which times visitors are courteously tracts, and contracts proper. COMPANY Probata Court, yesterday granted letters of administration to Mary J.

Eu-lofson on the of her late Nattee. Call and aee my stack of faraltnre. bed. entertained. The course of study covers about eight years before graduation.

The Convent at East Oakland, con Vast Theae 1 11 HIS OOXPAXT 14 PBBPABXD TO K. dlog, earpets sad eroeiery. U. ichellhaas band. William HT Bulofson.

The bond BatTT tarnahsd free A lar tato coatrta for wradiag aad ataead. An address will be delivered la tbe ducted by tbe Sisters of Mercy, gave a imisia wretls. Slbag ap iota, making rasa. i caw ie fixed at and the estate consists ef $33,000 real and 10,000 per valiops, laying sidewalks and aardsa paths. Advent Chapel, eoner of Thirteenth and Clay street, at o'clock to-mor raraisBing rorc, aorsss ana carta, taama.

etc. Examino Oar Stock I sonal properly. Great Reduction PALACE OF ART, 1. No. 417 Uftntgomer S.

HISS LELAND, sa tirMtaway I ttoasa ap-attnlna. closing entertainment last bnraday, previous to tbe holiday vacation. A most excellent work is being done by this young institution, and its school year closes iu the month of Juno next. row, in which tha speaker pre poses to (dye a Scriptural explanation of what I Aa Aid. ta Saleetiaw fchxUtmaa Stfts bsns, we know them as man with their human qualities as distinct from their art qualifications.

In tracing painting from its earliest known origin 'down tbrouih all modern schools great discrimination has been shown ia bringing forth tbe salisst points only. The. "Table Book of Art" (s divided into to Part considers the earliest known remains of art, the Classic Grak School, the Greco-Bomau School, painting in the Middle Ages, as well as Before Parcliasing Elsewhere, Eaxt Oakland Adyertisemanta. iiaa owooiua ui ias uuw.u. wuaiuus vi i Tba booksIlsrs, Btriekland A "Co have human bemga who bay lived and died tn2WStlT.

lut of articles uluble THB QBEATBT i Forte Teller. Netwitkrsndins- the raiitiMLa mitnA-1 biuvw ma hviiu vckmi, wiiauat aui tor Holldaf Otfts, Which they hop will ALAMEDA COUNT! orTne -Paclflo AXutitnl LIFE IKSUItASCE CO. Cor.TlilrtaDth Broadway OAK aUX3XTX. Tbe Beallera. A fonrosred bsrge' race will come off at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon knowledge of tbe Qua pal of the Graae A.

D. WEOSTtlRi provtf aa aid to ucb aa are pustled what to mm uruunauou OA tJe nvaauas aua ar-tiwle phutogrepuk; work la oar rallery aaa.i THB CBHTTJKT. of OqJ. The speaker aanouneee that Tbey made eiUnalre prtrira- Mumuii liars uvea niaae, as auiioati Real; Estate, Insurance arrt he not aa Adventist or Uruvanalut, atLong Bri g. Bun Fraoeiaoo, be uoos te soast tbe demand for Holiday PASJ1-.

FRBtBUT AND FTJTTJKE aceuraaaly for-told. r.vervthioir bbihJ. but simply an humble believer in Oooda Tbelr eatalofua, which eiaas salt tween lbe first smttour crew of the Pioneer Club and the first erew of the daar before hr Hplti WjH Ejs AiiNINU TK- C0LLECT1XQ ACE. TUU and sr-aCULATI Jesus aud tha Bible, and that he will illustrate Itia tbeme by svdiaerampf asd get, has a long list af articles st 60 cents Golden Gate ub. The Pioneer Club rack et lass, and also a list at one dollar each- lznl -TuiinV Strait, East Oidni.

SPr ClALTir. Lov toka' at.d lueks ehaiaa given. The greatest aerwey ami raoailtsac ran be relied on. OUVSULTATlUM ric. holds tbe McKiolay Chcl eog Cup a-- Mltr-Isa.

-Inmuwt with a ventral ll.t no collection. fl OU. Offiae aad Beaidcaoa, 1 MUaUaa prjcea from 15, to If having beateu tbe St. George Club of Oaklaod, tbe Alerta of Vallejo, tbe Real Fltate issprnvc-l aad animprwved. la atlrawc, "aar rourtn.

saa rr 'iiclsoo. Caaua sisal Aa. aV Chau-rh. BenaovaKl. Columtiae of Uaeramenlo, and tb Hours, from 8 A.

M. ie r. at, al pans ef the City, tociadina soaie ver Jeirxble sites oa tba KI.KVATAn UaVoUM- the early art of Italy, Flanders, -and Fraaoe. Familiar names as hose of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Anjrelo, Baphael, Titian, Guldo, Bubens, Salvator Bnaa and Bemurandf are constantly brought before th minds 1 th readers. Part IL treats of Moilern Art, iriviog the history of Modern Art la England, Frances Germany and America.

Thirty fine steel engravings and thirty excellent At the CenUnniAl IL E. ChBrch, bn Ar els of 8n Franoisco, in the strug- LLS W.QIHHtK YJo-Yed. HSB. PAl.MEIl.....Boct'y aad Trrararv Altdt TAA 1 A. w.

Attorney iaiuisayo.uw. area B. Alle, James Lsrwa, jwr Crist. .1 w. da.

Ootiiac. Waiter Vu Lr ke, Okarts K. Hklmsr, W. CM. o.

XaYfjTre ft Eako, the wstt-knowa Dreyfjs's ff CLXATOa U11QUT1 aa vBUT gl-for its possession. The Galn fampbell street, Letween. Eighth, and od Apotheawiaa have removed from UU Taylor, AVeat a Bible reading I headway, as their new and eoawodious store Twelfth: Street. Gata crea are the winnera of the St Oakland Iron Works 'AOIHT VOB THF George Cup, having vanquished- 'lbe CAIlDl cabuiii jPWTUSES raited tares qBartar kag-ih -aBAse Dozen, Doaujr. iOCTaVaa SOCTCMB BvCBOlB in5 Pictures, Vl DOZcS, Vp VQZSi naaexza.

Ke. 5U sft 5li, Sd ntrt, aal aaered eong Sarvwe, Mglpniag ail ro0 xsrainaa'i easier arreets, naaer 6 J2Qr. X. to-morrow, will Dreoode the 1 wUlbPil HARTfOaD FIRE INSURANCE CD. uo nutria arm et.

ueorue ciuba ol Oakland. The course is two miles. 1 1 rr to aee tbatr eld frieeds an 4 patrons. ITES 8C0T1LLE, Proprltlfir. evening aervica.

Oa Monday eraainiz. i iaa ariunrvr crew aienri. iooio. WIUi wr.rra vTara rv rvrrrrw Ki3P05. nlll a vnrutmaa.

tree laden with eifta The Beat Illaaaiaatlag Oil. r-? I Marpby and Sallivanaill form aba feature of interelfc, Havtai mnr lusiessml ui asilltfea I era now laaBUOOXFABIA4WHXS aaaiaal -r anu carry loreioiy tue loeas ot row their naw barge Pioneer: and the rer Jaaulv'mse la ha cleb.aUd brand of ared to do anything ia tha Boa ef liar evening lie third; of the series Of prepi the author expressed in regard to painting. I Gol ten i crewMessrs. Griffin, sari OU, ISO detraas Ars teat, maaafaetared rhlnary and iJavlag 5-filitetS at to lUtes. weekly temperanea meetings will- be Jusepn siania, -fr w.

8ta, TOUTS' HA BVTB forra-dlnth- le-eei at potiey h-Hexe, a I si I moaey pstd li)t th' efB-e I Inmi. raaecwUi -aa rtat-ea and tfrvr4ed ils a ty Eeeh or the above aeeard aut rnwa taenrenrw wilkMr Ime a this Catnni j. arties dee ili ti fo-nre. tAew rrarat he for lnnrau-A ape, tbt-ir was Ing te brrvw ooer. are speettnlty rrleimi te axj cf die a tKvsaaroed ea; me ta Piziliham iz.

Garnpr j9 cnrouoiogicai nistory oi anraeat. I micg sua oajes tne o-roe Ai a curunowguaai uiaaory oi SQClent, va, aitwh aug aajn-ma by theMaadard Oil Company (or K. O. Baa- n-ns ia tne aaauiess, 1 caa awure nay pal that I will auead to their -wanwr with 1 held at Haoaen's Hall, and will be ad- PHOTO STUDIO, uviefj oivd, reputed to do tne last 'L0. B.B' wcll, axland.

Tor try all grocers. aressea oy uev. u. a. JbaswelL ol tue new aad dispatch, aad shall tanks It my aia: -forsigu and contemporary art.

this book b'a success! audita value must anon K- bo pf it kind io these r.v5--ft Theptise In this aonUtt wi I atraet. 8a rrawelseex waters ppULSOM, M. Ceutennial Church, -and Mn Levi Le-1 lo do good work st reasonable seieaa, thereto -r- a ii i' fcelaasae. i-; ill ba a oopiort retain taas noerai patronage here PHYSICIAN, and ICCCCCHEUK land, liran jjectoxer of thi jJrder of 1 OttiPrs caa be secure by tslegrapk handsome medl. iaT th ffufA at.

uaore ueawwoa bsob me awe araa Baylar often beea asked lor Parte SJee uooov lampu-e, For sals by A. Eoraan Ban I rraetla j. sraat inureat innu ik. Ote Honrs, li ta aad I to a P. Wt.

leWpboae roa braneh oOera of America Ut i tTeUwaph Oowrany aad-hoSrlavj aad Hbadose taolaajes, and Sot flnulng tkasa ea this eoast, we nave Imported a lot penaovtoa cf ear weak. OSes and atoeUenee, ear. Est-Twelfth sad "Th uiossi d. MOBSE. wokk has Just arrived, toeupply the wants I a Biruern Avetiae, Uatoa Motel, harmHi Copartncfsliip KdticeJ L.

0. Hall, tke 'defaulting elexk ef of tbia community. We intend to keep WM. T. A tn 1 lton; the London aad Ban Fraoaiaso Bank.

Loan me-tcoaDplsVa atockof crcerles and pro. A t-nmUr of the carpentsre recently 1 i In Jatioe YuU's Cocrt ywUrday 1 iu cr nttniotina the Sacramento tba eaasacf the People uoney TTOTlCBtS BKBtBT CITE3 THAT THI At a tderalime-i have thbt dav antervd Into was e'tigagad nxarried to" yenhg visions, and shall spare no pin to keep and tha People va Babcor.chartrod with iaiiy ei san a raueisso, oangtiter wt one I eunsiaov ppry. r. jeuiwr t.a. eepertnrblp for tbe t-nrpoe of transacting IT! ltIPI'V 1 niml lai-yto baalneea Aheei 4 11-.

1. -t i. 4 -its, iists Kona to Aiaruner 5 a V. for tSe lie grand larooy, were callu ExuMtB a Hamilton. at lta aaa.

Jil-atsiuirKa kIia ar.a fduJaetS Caua y. rie end Shalt aJU waived- X8minatioo, prt-ad, aad of course deeply tcoriiried HnoowAT. urnrsis i 05 PITORACM. TLTSAS THS NO. l.t wettt ti kaewa aa tae Ferawot rrv eitn anl Tkeporaaad auaaaiteratad doablq aim.

'i waiskJ ts sold by Oili-oa A Oa, tsapov were to answer btlors tha mud at fcli a anlantJ Tha airouni rf ir.i". rtt socroo ix)tx vt at.i. t'anfbea. BtoVi-. baa v.

s.f ti-w Jt i tt h. 1 i i.rvirs '-'a -t 1 ii ia tie 1 iry, iaod. Averyt-J!4iie tuoerl-weaatHe ik. tmiin. -1 xar aa datovsreI, ten Sad wlislMals Uqaor Broad Twe 1 street.

1 -t ml'sn. a irtwe: iimpt, -a, I'jUj I. "SS 3 1 rfobea, bre and Ll 1... 3,1. XI.

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