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The York Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 7

The York Dailyi
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TIIE YORK DAILY THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1917. i in iui.iii ill liiiai a hi rrrrTrfVI-tTTrir. ija ura I .11 ay; nil J. I lui ly mimmmHr lie lj JOINS UNCLE SAM'S ARMY DALLASTOWH TO RAISE U.S.FLAG 10 Doses 10c WAR HALTS SHOP IMPROVEMENTS ft imp 1 la''- 1 mA; CAF-A-SO The Record" is the Newspaper for Those Who Prefer Facts to Fiction daily devoted to the happenings of this and nearby sections, sent in by special correspondents on the ground. Editorially i i i I i-V 1 aU ml WILLIAM It.

SHAriCIl It is a newspaper worthy of your confidence and fit to be read by your family. The news that it publishes is not embellished theories and excited imaginations, truthful, reliable, complete Democratic newspaper in Philadelphia faithfully reflects the policies National Administration and editors are not to be fooled rumors and unauthenticated are in personal touch news centres throughout the important happenings are flashed by special wire. Record," the news of national does not crowd out our own for column after column is "The Record" will appeal to the man or woman 'who is fair minded enough to want to know both sides of allquestions. "The Record" does not blow hot one day and old the next, but it pursues a stead, fast course, discussing the questions of the day without bias, bombast or buncombe, free from verbal pyrotechnics clear, f6rceful and intelligent. And let us say here that the editorials of 'The Record" are quoted and reprinted throughout the United States as expressive of the sentiment of our hundred or more millions.

The Record" is Better in Every Way Than Our Description newspaper that will meet your complete approval and that will give you every satisfied with your hoie of mentors. Tell your newsdealer to deliver to your home daily and Sunday, or send your instructions direct to us make the necessary arrangements. PHILADELPHIA RECORD Record Building, Philadelphia POLE BEING ERECTED ON LAWN OF ST. JOSEPH'S RECTORY RED CROSS ORGANIZES Pallastcvvn April 11. Arrangement ore beiiiK made for a community flag-ratains to lake place on lawn of Sr.

Joseph's leotorv. in the near future. A large Ann pole is t'eirig ot: th lawn. 'Ihn arrangement are being by the Kev M. Khehalt, rector of the church.

Prominent fjirskeri! will be secured and pattiotic airs will be sung Ijuiiastown band win furnish, munic It is 1 inr.ed to pv a souvenir to each person attending. Ihe date will be announced in a few aays. Minerva is' convalescent Archie W'mtnti is contlned to Iho hon of his parents by tsickneas. concert was fciven the Helen Mar At'txitt Conceit company at tht auditorium ihis eveninc under the aua-pices of the aenior cihsh of the high hool. The proKiam consisted of voca.

ana m.tninicntat music and readings. John Hiiipie icsiKtud his taillou as intineer ai the plant of the Suluittt Jaa Hi'ii Knel comptkny. The uul Mis. George C. Paupheity mid dm.Khter lOsther, Green-mount.

are days with friends and relative. at this plac. At ihe i. letting of the Kod Cross society at the home ol Mrs. A.

F. Fix. last evening. Ho executive committee or-eitiiiicd i.s its president, the Itev. C.

M. Kh-halt. and sc-retary and treasurer. Mrs. A.

K. Kn. A committee was appointed to ippoinl a membership commit tee in each factory as follows: The Itev. S. Hcneh.

the Itev. lr. W. Sherrick and s'harles W'. Geesey.

public iiuni mteting will te held. The members of the Woman's Christian Temperant mi'iin c'ltertaincft at the um) of Mra. Hiram Peters, last evcnihK. Papers wtie ly all tht mcm.iiers pieaent. ilre.

H. 1. Klchinj er. ireidciit. presided.

Mips Moliie Knislei was lKfn to the York hospital by t'r. C. W. Kiev, where flic was rn terj on f(r "appendicitis. The Key.

Fuller Hetgst resaer will lecture fit the auditorium on the "Vinegar pcd-iler," tomorrow evening, under the ices of the Stmdav echool claaa tautfht hv Mrs. Hiram Peter. Mr. and Mis. Walter Dtuck announce the birth of daughter.

Kegiatrar of Vital Statistic I. H. Ro-jahn, of I town borough arid Vor township, reioit blriTu. and six deaths for the month of March. YORK HAVEN Demonstration Held In Borough Following U.

S. War Action York Haven, April 11. When the word tlmt the I'nited States had declared a state of war existed between this country and Germany reached this place last Friday, the citixens participated in a patriotic demonstration. The parade was held during the evening, accompanied hv the dischmge of firearms carried by the marchers, who also liberally displayed th national colois. Colored lights illuminated the line of march, which was headed by the York Haven bund.

Popular patriotic- airs were played, while at Intervals the paradera. more than 150 In number, stopped and sang national songs. The demonstration was an inspiring one and cliaplayed the patriotism and loyally of the Vork H.iven cituena. Ihe "Silg" cluu. an organization composed of members of the sophomore ciass of the York High school, held a nance and card party fast night In the Pythian park pavilion.

The pwrty cam here on the o'clock car and teturnd at niliinight. Th chaperons were: Miss Melching. a member of the York High S'-htxd faculty, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius MoGready- nl Mr.

and Mrs. Andrew Henry, of this place. Thirty-five members participated. The crgageinent of Mia Kdith Henry, daughter of Chief Hinges and Mr. Antirew J.

Henry, of thl place, Lolierl A. Trosa. Johnstown, waa announced M.UKiay evening at a party given by Mlsa Henry at her home at this place. The engagement was mado known In a uiiipjue manner. L'aoh guest was pret.cnteii with a favor, an Latter haakel.

-w hich contuinetl an envelope fastened to a rlbtam. The announcement was contained on a card In the envelope. Mr. Tross i a graduate of pent no. Ivania Siale roJiege aripi had been munagiug the "Threeriihe" iftiarel farm of the York Haven Water aji-l Power company in the Supuennnna rivet until it-cently when he assumed soie contiol.

Mis.s Henry 1 a giadiiale of tiie York High scIkk.i clasa of PUS. The guests were entertained at arp during ii nmc hiI refreshments were fccrvt-d. Tiioae present were the Misses M.idred, Ksthei Heiuae. Kulh Motter. iola Kelier.

Maigaret Mundorl and Anna ltrcen. of Y'ork: ittilh Walton, ititzei and Anna Hitch-en. Mta. '1 homaa Green, Mrs. ornelms ilc'Jready.

Mra. liiiam Sieg Mr. and Mrs. Ati'trew Henry, ol tro place. An i i hi tivij Ka.tU enterlainmeiit was given Sun-lay evening at St.

Paul Lutheran ciiur. h. the liev. 1 j. Stii'-f-fer.

fiantor. 1 ha program wa as follow: address. "Welcome," Willi recjiatioii, "A lad Word." Harold Wlualer; song. "Wotideiful Moinlug;" exi tcise, Littler Isouipjtt." Jay M. a Is, alter Fii kes.

Meivin W'ertjp. Willis Swaitz, Jin Water. re-citauon. "Why I Unc Lilies." Anna song. "Joy lielin." ex.teiae.

"I hriat Is Mnxie Cxipt r. M.irv Famei. lort Hcilhcole. Maln-I Mjitie Life-. Liiima lUI-.

inaruia tiisier. Hi. ana. Hali. Mil lam huTer.

Mary Fnk. re.iiatlon. Luther Wamcr; laatel excrrlae. "Three Crown," Myrtle Life, Mrginia Snel-baaer, Marv Kephart; "Kaster Card." Maiy Flckc. 14.

son Mary Fiiker, Florence ilea ii'ole, Mabel SI.e.oaker. ilam Whiter. Male Cooper. Lxiia I figrafr; aong. "At l-jtriv exerci-e, "Giving Sunai.ine for Caii Lverhart.

Kav mond FicVes Lugej.K Swart; song. "Crown jfim King of Kings." exercise, "Happy Kastert ide.1 Whlaler. irginl.t Slit lbaker. iiHi Kephait. Helen iirnnner.

VruiH Swan; rt-citalion. Mary Kephart. song. "Gttttlou Tut. tig.

oi.ilogut. "The Oil-Union i laughters." Jennie l'ickes. Lrma Hveia, Loiceila Swan: sortir Gieetiug" Jennie Flcges. Mary Kephait, in Anna Swan, Swan! I Mvrlie llie l.o-l.t i ie Wid. diaries Kephurt Ku-1 gene warfz.

Kuther War-! iter, Hamilton. Fiati. i Shear-J r. Horaee 1-nnart. 1-Mer Swart.

Palpi, Hart. song. Liaen 'i'oilav Mjit'e life. inraia Whig-! er. iii Swan.

J- nrae Attn song. hrj.jip'c and t-en- ediejion, ii Mr. st suffer. i.arrii. a four act drama, wi.t l.e tomorrow night in t.

Paul hail the Alh-ietic assocMtion, the auspice St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday school class taught bv Mm. khh ctt.s,ei. Tins cast 'of churacte, is follows; "David of Hie Maple" fitrrn cottage. Harry "Susan Mooie.

his wife ISar-bara Hambtrg.r; "Lltza belli." their Kiia Kan; "Jerry," ihefr sou. Hewey olessner; "the Hev Ir. a young divine. Kobcrt Sheity fhe vi L-one "John the voung master of "The Maple," Harry Kahler nng lom." a. -y, IMward CHASCOVIN MADE ME FEEL 20 YEARS YOUNGER Woman With 79 Says, -Work Goes Good Now Because I Don't Tire Out so Quickly" I'f'lx-ff Miller, of A dam Mown, Pa.

(near Beading). 79 tears of age, lias thin to say of Chasco-Yin "This medicine makes me feel 20 years ounger. I was petiinc so weak that I could hauiiy di my own votk around the honae an.l I in to feel that I was fist, but work goes good with me now I don't tire out quickly." Ch iaoo-Yin is good for Loth the old and the young-. It strengthens iinil recuperates the, and builds up the young been use it contains the Ixtdy-buildinii lb-merits that, make pood red blood, siootbe find Ptrengl hen the nerves and tutiM up the tissues the body. It in an excellent Spring- Tonic.

Gu irantoed and xt.l.i by- Klinr I tjuick'l, T2T K. Market s't X. H. Shearer 1 N. Own jre and JI.


Owing ta the de-t i .4 1 ii hi nf war with Germany and the of relations wtlh Ausui'i. the Arnei an ire Fabric wm-l'ny ha ided to postpone contemplated building operation. Stages Imd placed tor the excavation of a machine shop club house. The decision ot the company is due to a pion-atie scarcity of um.ii, caused by enlistment. m-jioal was given on Sundav evening at the I P.reth-ren church by -hoir of Pi voii'tn.

directed by H. Nc.vf. Sunday school S. C. cantata.

"The Lighted Crot-s." wa rcnini-l in the of good R'Zeti Mss Nettit Meihoin was tho accompanist. The program 1.oni-i iml-t of G.otv:" n-ading. "i he Ke-ui recium and the Promise;" pravci. the Mr. anthem.

"The V. tor choir; i hmuJ "The Ia of NsRr.i:" vocal OJet. Mi Helen and Mi Kathryn resiling, "'i'li' Chac-ped Mias Minnni lliikv anthem. The i ti'-lory." reading. "Coiinl." nttne Cross." JUl'S'll'l Rodes; Htllheul.

"Tne 'Irnvp Hud i's D'tv." hod soio. M-4. 1. Park Mi-pnti, hnilH ninn-I cr. "The Croats of chair: leading "The of ihe Uoiiil." net.

Mil Kalhrvn ijrnmn, Mrs. 1. lrk Hotan. hurley J. J.

Ko Ip's; anthem, Now Ha Christ Rin." choir; ad-die, pastor; closing, nnniip'-r. "An Ka ision lliMer was h-irately obm-tved at this iiuri h. At ltt a. m. lOPiimunKm win celettiated.

while Uie eMirti.ty school session. 1.16 p. m. 'ha adu': i-rt veil rhiip-uidlc cream ea, while th- primary members runJi- Kasler li-Mit. An Lasler enteri uniifut is Riven by the fprimaryj Oejiarln.eTii.

on 'jooj ridrij -eninK. tin- (Iff lh- u.irdi Mis. It. W. and Mi.

Up Knauti. A chorus of 4- i voices. asitj I'V the Sumi.iv i fiOtpf cprciextrn. link part on the prOKritm. Kb was a Selft'ti by or- fitra; pr er.

th iattr. th? Iter. H. y.1-'; All- i ton Harnhnrt. Helen Hir: dUue.

"April VilliT." Ui and! Ilett-n Hare: re. itn.t im. Hrfnn-rttan. exercis. "Ck1 it-flfn;" smirrn.

"Th 1 Jtzy liutb." -r-cl-, tativn. AtKliade 7.ue; wo. department; recitation. Venter i'ly. iwio-hify litichar: exercme.

An l-jinter Hoti-tjuet;" tfi-ilMiuin. Mihired Hhowtnar ol-li'ifue. Hxi.ia and itton iiitt-hajj exer-cie. "The t'lOiuM'S." I'auiin Iianey; 1drea. jmartr; refitHltna Ln I'oST: lrna li.

t-xereie. "Tim Heart u1y;" riutwri. KJward Huclir. iUchard SeHz; excrciae, VKUl nic this 1 jiitfr liket;" aatumir "Lelure th thorn. St.

John a Littheian consre(ction. th Her. Creorc" A. Ltvlriatoo. on Sunday aftMiirva eicbratel the Hrfen conirnnriton tn ia hitor.

l-'iftsti mtnhr were re into church four by OPtiftrniiitioii. The new mmler enrolled erc. Hr confirmation. Warner l-lvinton. LJovd War-rer.

Lottie r-hearer. iirjrjre. Arnoi.l: Harry Alien Matt-horn. Mr. and Mra.

lniel Mae. Walter ISHa. Henry Ktinkel. Mr. and Mra.

Dtre l.are. Hirr, KunKcL aud Mr. rtu Mm. Adam Vt arner. th Sunday chKl aeaaion.

at 3U a. the primary' mem-lera receive! Beer bapketa containinit f(fi arol candy, while the advUta received cream chocolate inm elaborate alter proijrara given at the evening aervice. The itev. Paul Kirnrorta. )io pent a ten daa' va.atiori here with hsa parent.

Mr. and Mra. T. Kiiijrf'rta. returned to atodiea at Siiuehnna univerlty.

teiir. tjrove. Sn.iter county. The "Ten Alnmi Happy" clut waa Ivwt msht at the home of tiie ftuth a no Helen Karcht. Thoe present eie: Kunkel.

kaihnn I.iur la-, Nellie Mal-brn. l-ir K'inKel, Strati litxiea. Ssr.ih Itehl. Annie Il.eht. and and Helen Karcht.

Kitima Slue returned to her home at New 1'rwiwti. after fpendintr aeveral ek here with her Uiughler. Jiia John K. farcht. ritunoi J.

Kiaennower. a tlirecti.r i fii Ihe Ke aionr Tf t-ie compani. l-(t last rlit tri an exten.i.-il -Southern tri- ii; -h ie a viil lo i.m; in i emien-e. Knnket and Mis lUilh areht ret ii; red from n. vvheraj te -ti! aeve-ai days as the iruesta of! Mr.

ivt M'S. Jnme Mcltin. and Caivin I t. Kur aet i ii- i.h Mut-'iip-r of Mr. end' 'tii, ilmiv Hotf.

h- Ji-t-m tr i ntlifl here, haa returned to I o.i-.n Mr. ir. jlr. IP Hartm iM i entt-rt nrifti Mr. and Mr.

An-' -it l.u'f t-ai rv prm Mi. Lurt-j ol l'piapj it ni'JloreO. Mr. Vr. Ira Craiei returned! 1 ttj M.ui.t cv rr nhrrt I trev i i Mrs.

Cralev i i Mt. ph Attioid spent today at I j.u-i".Mre. iii-k i-r waa er.tertainrd of Mi. Arnold's inothri, Th itia x.rn:j. Mrs. Is spending, a th-j finest i I ht rotner-in-la and Mr. -ud a. V. i oti lt us. 7, uii i ty Mr.

eer.ti vi'-io s'p sn the lied eiij. Kaurfm-in. who i'it at Lam ijici. rcturrieij lioni. the Mt.

Wolf ham! con-i rsucteri the ut fairs. I li t-e tf roi t'rout vveeK In the i K. ha. I. ih a.

riea lil lw con- linsjed t'ftiorrow aiif Sitturdnv -jf tr.i i. Mr, jjhri Sirievi is con'inej to th iiOii i.y t-ivriess. Mrs. Harvey residing on muiui i lo bed by rv ieii- The monthly ting of the titter Klld of Ihe Mt. of I'nited lire tnren ctnurt gal ion iil lit toruoi evening at the ro.ii.

of iiuht iiuiiL Ti.e anroial c.rjl.ih grade f'-r p.ii. ot moti'ha tn ctooi, wish id em. tv her b- net Montay Use of 1 1. is.

Mav Jl lust b-en for the eivhtli i.iiOC: Oillirt H.fl S. Mi Ii en the pl.iv. 1 I an.i of i.eai ri. he.t'er. i. lun- daughter oi rft'TH-k Jtinev t)f ihn I ti- on 'jt-t Pridav" tvtnicu. ir Lev. H. pu, ve-i i.t mvd at the I'nited 1 i. -Mjijie.

loir ltip.iif.1,.1 eggs Were dv e. ni h.itnter i 1- ties' of st. John's Lutheran n.i,mM-lion. live rieuilir were Liy fct.w. rl weeks tn the rmmufat tut ir.g of tiiti t'Kk.

s. Mijvs :n.i P.vr-t. nor the of Majgart-t Lode Sunday waa on Mr. "t'i Mrs. H-in of Sti'jtiextnwn.

on Sin-1 cny at 'he heW brother t'iivi-r I ei. Mr. and ii. Ptter. of lirad-l ford, arrive.1 hete yesrerdav t.

na iieveial w.ks witti the letter Iri-inw- and Mr snd Mr. Stephen i A. Kohr. and rtutivt tu th.e ouii-i l. i George A- oif and local ware- of Dandruff Soon Ruint The Hair Oirls if you tvact rlenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hirtr, do by all menns g-et rid of dandruff, for it" will starve your hn tr an.l ruin it if you don't.

It doesn't do much goo.l to try to brush or w.i.-h it out. The only sure way to pel rid of dan.JrnfY i to dissolve it. then you destroy it i-ruirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary Lipjid arvon; apply it at nijrht when retiring; use mouth to moisten the sciip md rub it In gently with the finger tips. By morninp.

most if not all. your dandruff will he rone, ami thre or four more application: will completely di.i-yolve jirnl entirely destroy every single siern and trace of it. You will find, too. that ail ifchintr and 1iggtn.T of th scalp will stop, and your isair will look and feel a hundred times better. You.

can cet ii'iuid arvon at any drug store. It. is inexpensive r.nil four ounces is: nil you will neetl, no matter how much dandrtifT yoti have. This pimrlt? remedy never fails. I i i I I i 1 I Makes Headaches Fly IJenlx; "Old Morse." his companion.

Wil liam Wertz; "Nell." "the Lhist of the iarth." Sipe. Howard Kppley. of Harrisburg. and Miss Klizabeth F'rantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Alexander Prantz. were mar ried last evening by the Kev. J. A. Gohn.

pastor of the York Haven I'nited Brethren circuit. The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, who reside north of town. Only members of the immediate fa-ruilies witnessed the ceremony. The bridegroom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Kppley. He la employed in Harrisburg. Claude Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charle Klin, and Miss Florence Life, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. James O. Kile, of this place, were married on Kaster Sunday evening by the Kev. J. A.

Gohn, at the Y'ork Haven I'nited Brethren par-nonage. The bridegroom is employed kt the American Wire Fabrics company's plant. Mt. Wolf, while Miss Klfe has been a seamstress. They were serenaded last night by a callithumpian band, composed of members of Susuehannock tribe.

No. 420. I. O. R.

of which Mr. Kline member. TJiey will reside in this borough. Mr. and Mrs.

John Wogan. of Philadelphia, are being entertained at the home of Mrs. W'ogan's mother, Mrs. John Yinger. for several weeks.

The -York Haven Paper company is erecting a wood conveyer in the yards at its plant. The device is 60 feet in lengiii and extends directly into the chipper department. The conveyer will improve the unloading facilities and save labor. The conveyor extends the length of two cars. As the wood is unloaded It Is directed to the conveyor by means of another conveyor and thence to the wood chipner.

i he "23" club, which ha abandoned its social functions during the Lenten season, will resume activities tomorrow night, when a dance and card party will be held In the Pythian park pavilion. 'r. and Mrs. I. M.

Anspach and son. KAiiffnian. returned from Mlllerstown. Perry county, where thev visited Mrs. Anspach's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kttutrman, over Kaster.

Curtis Krout, enroute from Davis. W. here he visited his wife, to Dow n-lngtown, where he has accepted the posl- o. nigiu sueprintendcnt in a paper mill, stopped over here on Monday to yisu nis parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Krout. The Rev. and Mrs. J. A.

Gohn and granndaughter. Helen Gohn. spent today at Hirrlsburg. where thev visited their son. iivsngell.t C.

C. Gohn. who Is preparing to leare for an extended Ic campaign. -enonger and Dwight Shearer, students i r-ennsyivania college. Gettysburg, re- iiirnea to thir studies after spending r.asier vacation with their parents Mr.

and Mrs. John K. Shearer. r'-r Horner spent the week-end via 'ng menus and relatives at West FaJr- iew anu umtierland. Miss Irene Seidenberg, of Harrisburg, and Isaac Morrison, of Columbia, re turned to their homes on Monday, after spending: the week-end with the latter oio.iier.

aifjunrter and family lurry j. Myers, a foreman In the machine department at Hie paper mill, who had ben oft duty for a week on ac- eicane, reswaea rits work. Daniel Stvar-orii the Kreser property and removed to the tenant dwelling owned bv David Stare Air. and Mrs. Charles Fangflsh were entertained on Sunday at the home of Mra.

Anna Baskers. at Yor Mrs David Stare, ho has been eon-valescentl neuralgia, is con- Kl'trr. atenographer at the Hershey bakery plant, at York, is confined lo her home at this place. sickness. Ml.

Kister is said to be suffering from appendicitis Ilrd. of near Dover, is spending the week at the home of her uncle and sunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Stare. John H.

Waitort Jotal merchant, today was fiaving for4 egg. 26 cents per dozen country butter, at tents per pound. Ldwin Klfe. aon of Mr. and Mrs.

-Monday returned to university, at Selinsgrove, Snyder county, after spending a week's vacation here. John Hrush. of Philadelphia. who spent the week-end with his wife' tr-ents. Mr.

and Mra. Daniel J. Cassel returned to the Quaker City rc Cottage prayer services will be con- l-va-V? Cassel'. United l.v angelical congregation, the Kev r.avnr. fia.tor.

tomorrow evening at the shiT 1 Baney. Newberfy town! -Owar who had been stiffer- fro'n of his h-nd. which resulted from a cut by a piece of pafier. to work this morning si the na-i-r mill. M.

H. P. Berkley, public school 'her at Cly, who boards at the tW merci.i hotel, the week-end at Hagerstown. where he visited an uncle i-iTTi J'-versoIe returned from Philadelphia yhere she several days over Taster at the home of her brother. Chester Kversole Final rehearsals will be held this eek for the musical entertainment to be Klven next Sunday evening at the I nited Hre-hren church, the Kev a rZTn XeVr-eTe'nVe'd h75h.

Chester Gardner, of Washington, was entertained on Sunday at the home of his uncle Chief Ijurgeas Andrew J. Henry! Adeiia and George Green, of Harrisburg. were entertained at the home or their grandparent. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Mm. pArntlii. Cornejlu Green Mian i.s. iiinji i trs-ii, titiiMii Anna -K ''lends In Harrisburg ftrnn Hill nnH i wm wvcriiun. vrT of Sparrows Point who came here two weeks recnpeiate his hvaith.

beins- eaten. Ii st th home of his partats. Mr. and Mr. Thomas Green, retumetf to his work THOMASVILLE Thoniasviile.

April 11 Communion will be celebrated next Sunday at 9 o'clock, by the Hoitzswam Reformed congregation, the Kev Dr ScheUhanier. pastor. Preparatory- er-v icea will lie held on Saturday et 2 ni. "GRANT, YOU'RE LOOKING FINE" SAYS HIS FRIENDS Grant Goshert Wants All to How He Won Back Hi Health Know GIVES TANLAC CREDIT had suffered for sixteen years with stomach trouble and rheumatism," nays Grant Goshert, who lives at 6 V. Maple Ixbanon, "and in all that time try aa I would I couldn't find anything; to give me even temporary relief.

'But after having heard so much about Tanlae, I finally decided to give it a trial and much to my delight it soon proved to Just the medicine I had been looking: for all those days. "I noticed good results right away and day by day my rheumatism faded away and my stomach grew stronger until today I feel in perfect health, for my friends al say to mo, 'Grant, you're looking fine these days," and I mire do feel nsj gwal as they aay I look and I don't hesitate to tell thern all that Tanlae did the work for in. "It certainly has done a lot for me; my appetite has greatly improved, my rheumatism is fronc, my stomach Is much stronger and I sleep aoundly at nfght, waking; up in the morninfr fresh and rented and my work doesn't nearly so hard as It ur.ed to." Tnnlac, the famous reconstructive tonic, is now being introduced here nt Shearer's Irug Store, where the Tan-lac man is meeting the people and explaining the merits of this master medicine. Advertisement. in mil SHREWSBURY Bible Institute Will Be Held In the Church of Brethren Shrewsbury.

April 11. Arrangements are being made for a Bible institute in the local Church of the Brethren, on April 27, 28 and 29. The sessions will be held on April 27 in the evening only, but on the two succeeding days the meetings will be held morning. afternoon iml evening. Prof.

H. K. Olwr and Prof. R. W.

HchloBser. of Llizabethtow college, Klizaliethtown. Ijuicaster county, will be here and editress the institute. Mrs. Walter Sehinieke and son.

Wal ter, of Baltimore, and Mrs. rtor-i Uu-se, of Churchtown, who have been siiending 10 days at the home of Mrs. Mlna li. l.ow e. returned to their homes.

Mrs. Schmlcke's husband spent the wtek-end at the Lowe home, and accompatded hia familv home. The Kev. M. J.

Snyder, pastor of the I'nited Lvangellrai church, will preach a sermon in he local church on Sun lay morning on "The Observance of the Sabbath." I Miss Maud Shaub returned to Mtl-lersville. Ijinciler county, to resume her studies tn the First Pennsylvania State Normal school, after spending tev-eral days at the borne of Mra. Miud Keeney. F'rank C. KImes.

of York, as a fftiest for several days of relatives at this place. George Sechrlst waa a visitor to Baltimore on Sunday. Paul Dhrhl and familv. who have have been living on a farm near Hane-j town, yesterday removed their household goods into a property In the Jv'orth krd, owned by Cyrus McW'illlams. I Mrs.

George F'olckemer, who is ion- 1 fined io her home by sickness, is repo 'ted to te improved In condition. Stephen fogler. who recently entitled! ss a ntuuent of the Patrick Commeiclal school. York, started on hi studies on -Monday. Irwin Kitzert.

who has been working on the signal gang on the Pennsylvania railroad for several months, has giver up I hia position. Mrs. Mina B. Lowe, who was conf ned to her home by sickness, is reported lo be convalescing. After spending several days at the Reformed church puisonage, where he vlkited his parents.

Rene Herbst retuiited to ljinrastf to resume his studten in the Franklin and Marshall College. Harvey has accepted a position on the signal gang of tho Pennsylvania, railroad. W. H. Ileer, of Baltimore, lent Kaster with his family.

John Wolz. who has resigned the nail route from this place to Railroad, wiii make his home on a farm near thl place, which he recently bought from Paul Artman. The farm ia known as "The Sunny side" poultry' faim. and was recently occupied by J. Fred Heavel and family, who removed thereon from borough.

Mrs. G. F. Birchall and son. Lewis, returned to their home in Y'ork.

fter visiting at the home of Mr. and rs. W. H. Grove.

Waiter Kehmeyer returned to State college, after spending the holidays at the home of ids parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward F. Kehmeyer.

Miss Nellie McKlnley, danghtei of and Mrs. Frank McKlnley at her home on Sunday entertained members of a hiking party- from New- Freedom. los in the parly were: Myrtle Miller, IJhie Miller. Gladys Snyder, Ltiella Snyder, FJvelvn HendriX. llthel Zeigler.

Ky ron Kerch, ai electrician on h-iard the battieaiup oklaooma. who was visiting hie parents. Mr and Mrs. Gerge Keech. hit lor Kethiehem.

wher! he will spend the remainder of his furli ugh visiting his sister. Mis Nellie Kt.eYh. who 1 a trained nurse, Guer-ts entertained over Kaster at home of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Ink.

were their son. George Vink. Mrs. S.uah Yenordick and a Mr. Wolf, all of William Kverhait and sister, diss Addle Lverhart.

returned lo this lace to make their home, after spending the winter in Thurmont, with relatives. Special music and a talk bv the pastor, the Key. R. L. Knox, featured tho early dawn service on Kaster moriuni in the Methodist ilplscopal church.

The services were largely attended. Joat pli Keeney returned to I-ani at to resume his studies in a business college, after visiting relatives and fii-nus ai this plai-e. Kx-County Commissioner fjeorgi p. Bortner in spending a wctk Visitinj: a.t Atlantic City, J. Fred Duerr.

who was formerly employed at tiie Pullman Motor Car om-pany, York, resigned his position, and has accepted one with C. L. Khrhart local horse dealer. He went to work on Monday morning. Miss Viola Donaldson, an employe of the ilaltimore Ohio railroad, in the naiumore oinces.

was a visitor Kaster at the home of her mother, five? Mrs. J. G. IHinahlson. Miss Portia iHinaldson.

who has teen on probation at the Knoch-Pratt hos-idtal. at Towaon. for several months, has been accepted as a nurse at tha institution Miss IronaidFon spent the week-end at the home of her mo her. Mrs. J.

G. Donaldson. Roland Thompson, of Y'ork. wis a guest the latter pott of the week at the limitu by it is and accurate. The only it of the its cool-headed by wild stories.

Its correspondents with the world and all immediataly And in "The import local interests, But It is a reason tc be "The Record" and wa will THE fc2 -i i 3 3 -f I j.m'' That's Good Paint you sold me last spring. I wnnt mora of the same kind, said Mr. Naylor ol Paste Paint Contains all that's good paint but th oil. You buy pure Linseed Oil and Do Your Own Mixing Stir "gallon of oil to gallon of 00 sq. ft, outside house surface twice.) You ate sure of Purs Oil that way, and Purs Oil is the life ol paint.

Save $1.00 Per Gallon, Buy "VV" Paste Paint, Now Daron's of Dover -GOOD PLACE TO DEAL" Barn, Roof and Silo Paints. Garden Seeds We sell Garden Seeds In built, which is the cheapest way to buy them; also have a large assortment in packages. Now is the time to buy. The V. S.

Government says raise all you ran on account of the war. Stough's Cheap Store DOVER, PA. Just a Pointer If you need anything; In furniture, ear. peta. ruga, linoleum or house furnlahlnga.

you could do no better than buy It now. on account of nlghur prices. We bought before the raise and can sell cheaper and you havj a large stock to pick from aa long aa It, Iasia. We ua before buying elsewhere you know Uie place. LAUER'S Dover, Pa.

CARS PASS THE DCOR. -GO TO- GL ADFEL BIG 'UrfWirUit AND CAiPE 1 Uali AULAS TO Be '11 Mit. Farnltur aatl caviatet aaaae. Cam Paw Ik) Dew Shearer Shindler bll Nortn 3t. Nevviy weds snouiJ always see us ojfore turn, sin tiuir home.

Vvehave a compiete line oi Furniture Furnishings The nKKive a rhototrraih of WPIiam Ii. ttie first Rwk boy to Join the ariisv or navy durmtt the Pica-, ent enaia. Shafer, who Is IS era of aire, renil mei ihe army at the Votk re- criitt intr ipfice with an alrrml perf.ct ph nj examifia and was afterwar-la transferred to Kurt Slocum. N. V.

In ipe laat letter received fron him he a a that he waa about to (to to San lieiiilo. where, it ta Ipelieved here, he la t.ii:orjei at the pieaetit time. He la member of the Twnty-ftral rrgiiiierit. hited, StHtea Inlantry. housemen, today were paying $1.15 for je, an.

I 74 cenla fir on la. Prof. K. Krintia anil family, ot HarriKbut wertj entei to ir.ed Cfi l.p-iat at the home. it Mrs.

Knaua.s' father, Henry W'oif. Mra. Sp-vila Dririton, of Harrtsburn. waa ente: la snej on Sunday at tne home of Mr. and J.

N. Uvtics and Mr. anu Mrs. J. sae J.

The K. 1 1. H.imitielhfliiKh. KrederieH, a. former pnalor jf tlie local I'nited Hrethren church, wan enlertm-ed ycatt-rdav at the njinea of Henry and tJttKe VV'oif.

Henry Wolf, auperinteudent tit the I'nited Itrethren ocriool. hui a n-pouiici'd a than: In the lunir of aervice lor the next a'X montiia. btconnnit effective next Sunday, when the achj will meet at .3 a. in. instead of l.lj p.

m. 1'aul Hattman returned on Mon-dv to I'lnlndelphl. after apfhdirnf several da' vacation over Kaster with hia parents, Mr. and Mr. Daniel II.

Hart-man. DELTA April 11. Kxerclses were held Sunday morning, afternoon evening at Kt iiotielh chuich. The program Hue a lotions. Morning Kecilaliou of Kusl Pacini.

Junior Christian Ki.deavor society; recitation. Mary tunic Scarlior-willli. Mary t. Grlililh. Owen Grittith.

John Lvatls; aolu. KmU Iewis; solo, Anna Kobe-rta. recitallona, Kdward Wit-imma. Jotivs. itol-rl Thoma.

Ian-lel 'I'homaa. At lei niawi Ijwtimj -tia with junior reciting Psalm. oig. junior; recitation, l.aitn liooert. Iniii vb.igan.

Anna Kolteita, tjrac M.r-ctii; 5irah Kvana. Mary Kllia- oeih I a Jones, lliow UCO ttott- erl; Cobert iiiiama H'weli; nolo. Given Koi.eii; nolo. laMiAid Jotiea; lecttallona. iviwaid i'rocior.

Huiili J. Lvans. ll'i tin Jones; closing hymn, r.iiiiinii selection orchealra; mi-lUeMtji. H. J.

Kvana. Wniiam M. Vjii-iuiiit. Kn, 1'iof. Kali i.dii.ger.

of I lie of l'tiiii) Ivania recitation. M-jjy i i i.i iii. John A. i iiui, fievor i tioiiiitj), livirri 1 Cliaiies jm l.g. HukIi It.

j.t.oiiLs' fiii-niv diet. Mra. VV. Wil-iuiiu and iiij Marj. lie VviitLanis: solo, P.

r. invi-s: atoning. Sraii Kvarva. ItutOt-l JOTie. Mrft)' I Muliu, The forty Impiiis' Oevotlon i Nua o.i S.iiiu.iy iiK'ing at St.

Marv Canto. ic chuiih. i'joavlSle. oi i ui wijj i i he opening service ueifun Willi ihe 11 o'clock nuts on and Was litigeiy at-i leiiued. The Kev.

Father Kil. ot Waah-J liiK.on. the it lieat. and Ipieaii.ed on Sunday tvetilni; ic: Sin." Cuirk Jon Mutphy and win. Joseph.

u.l.1 il-iUtsutei. Karet. of Coi.ui-. vii.e, Ip. on Sunoay to vlt-lt Murpliy's sl fathti, Vl I Who 1 Alls.

Li. eti l.nrt. who was Injured in itil. tut lcvoveivd. ooiiwi ho is a student at Slate CP.ip, t.tnp-r OJUIltJ.

islted hi paieritn. aii.i A. A. Souiera. lie miow WL.tii led on Suieiay hiKhl in the ro.iia to that utiver fma lo ii--- toe fjekia, M.

linrton. gtU'lent at I'at-ri coi.tge. i oi iv. on S'iridiy k-iteii inr father, Harry horlun, near hei e. Chester Kirubal purchased autft-nn ia ie.

itrry of Lrogueviiie, as a visitor lo oil Sonuay. Led Lion. ii is aii'l ni ii the Led Lon i-inl -v ii A I. 11 The C.tii:p Fire i ol I tie junioi U.i ot Ii kh hool fcave pally vl ii.s 11 ititf Par djtl.ii i ol Mi. Mr.

Sam-ho tt-icbrtileti tic a tiiii el aa Thoo lielilt, Malle latri- up I A. Ii rn in ii In i i iul;) I Ill Bt'lt. V. I III. I .1 r.

tei'kt iijkn, Crale, r.vel) P-Ktrl. V'allit: 1 e. tinn fivuri ih i-f. Uaiiivr, L'Kz. lit ten M.iltat, Kdna Mc- 1 -lue h.

l.l I i i VioiP 1 a Kill i a ior. IV t. imi W'afe Mian, ie 1 in tt.i Cri il Sell. -if red Ullip. Mi'il, errirt Pearl Xai foil, aotui V.

i a Free, eina y.t't,it i. pai i H-i. i I ill; i A. llaiib. M.niliH Zeigltr, Itp'ti4 lill.t: licit li Miiiel, u.

Mi i.i KliMtofe. Die Lev. rivht. Mrs. Cih- Gat-ie.

Mm toll OHO et der. Mi. and Miraiip-I A. Hi' 1 tot. C.

G. illtleI Oi ii Kurrhiltfe- Itn, to i li trail Gtt ii-'ird is her vy ki htn pft. Fit tit rick the Ki i Fur-nituie company, of 1 hi'ad. ipio.i. niOVM his fa mrty to Una iai e.

st-tua. 'I 'he aitiiuai eiifci.lii graue examination for ho iii io enter n.ght-r e. no. u. lii Hit; m.tor townhip Loot flisltit t.

ill held on Saturday, wru lt. ol the achcoi of the district wiil lose (lie term early next week. tji'iikt; lbtr a tourutK car. Prey, a student of pennayl-1 tm ite, uttiishiiiK. has leturnea to

aiter hpt'imnii; aevtinl ilay at the Home of h4 parents. Mi. un-i Mi A C. Krey. Saitmei Ktcawitcr Is getting Kair- miMiiit pa ik in read ncsa for ttie season.

There win Le many new a.idpd this a.ajpp, Aiso a buiiuing let i long and feet ide wi.i be ereeted. in which several bowling allies win uc ptaceu. ean i idoiifct i purthascd new louring car. Mi, and Mrs. Hol.ind Warner return-' ed tp lioir lioine at i'liiladelidun.

aerl r.t tiding jeveral days at ties home of Mis Wanier'a paitnt, Mr. and Mia. Calv in Smith. The high school baseball team cptti Its aeaatpn on Milnriiiy, with th Hanover High school. Tho game will to piayed on the Utter diamond.

A. Frc a local cigar manufacturer, p'lrchast-pl an atitontobile. 4haries Smith is spending a week: at tiie home of hl4 wn, Roy M. Smith, at i orkana. The stork visited tiie home of Mr.

and Mra. Cordon St lak today jiul rt a son. .1. M. FlinchbHiigh purchased an a totnobtie.

Mamma's New Metnod Teleuram. filoiui.i.a Mr. has dt-'tnite piaji for hr boy. Prunotta Along whit lines? "She never av a 'don't to him "I know it She rearti. under Uie table and "kicks Lun sinus." over the the association coming here.

It waa postponed. A banquet followed the business session, more than 75 lodgemen participating. Diehl, eon of Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Diehl.

an employe of the Disc Furniture company, I suffering from an injury to the thumb of hia right hand, sustained yesterday while operating a saw at the factory- The thumb nail was torn oft. Dr. Clyde L. surgical attention. Diehl only recently recovered from a similar accident to the thumb of his left hand.

He is a basketball player on the Glen Rock Junior team, and will not be able to make the trip to Y'ork tomorrow night to play against the SU Patrick's Juniors, of thai cuy. Diehl i os r.t in of the local team. Harry P. Shcffer. an employe of the Bead Machinery company, is confined lo his home by sickness.

George W. F'lckes, formerly an iron moulder employed at the plant of the Read Machinery company, left yesterday for Washington, where he will be employed as a moulder in the United Statea government navy yard. William R. Rosier, of Baltimore, was a guest over Kaster at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

Benson 1. Rosier. Gilbert Reever, of near tills place, is suffering from Injuries to three of the fingers of hia left hand, sustained yesterday while assisting in sawing wood on tiie property of Charles Rohrbaugh, near this place. He and James Kolier, with the latter's gasoline engine and saw, were engaged in doing the worn and Reever was handling the wood from a pile to have sawed. Aa he pulled a stick of wood from the pile several others fell down and crushed his fingers against oilier pieces of wood.

ORWIG Orwig. April 11. Mr. and Mrs. George 1 tea ttie and family moved into the house Mr.

Reattie purchased at Tolna. Mrs. Will lam Hose and daughter, Helen, visited for a few days in York. Miss Annua Waltemyer visited Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Waltemyer, near New Freedom. Mrs. List, is visiting friends in Baltimore. Charles Freund and son. Charles, of near Y'ork; Mrs.

Henry Kopp. Klsle and Blanche Kopp. York, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S.

K. Waltemyer. ilr. and Mrs. Albert Kashner announce the birth of a son.

SUNDAY SCHOOL REORGANIZES Dailastown. April 11. At a meeting of Sprinkle's nlon Sunday school last Sunday, an organization wa perfected for the ensuing year, as follows: Leaders. Carrol Tarbert and Steila Burger; treasurer, Thomas McCortnick; librarians, Paul Meitzel and Margurotla Mccormick; organist, Alice McCornnok; teachers. William Khrhart.

D. A. Tarbert. Le.Mi-r Khrhart, Helen Tarbert and A. A.

Khi ha ru Brodbeck Bortner Brodbeck. April 11. On Kaster morning at 7 o'clock, a rjuiet wedding took placu in St. Jacob's church, Urodbeck, when Meivin W. it rod beck, son of Mr.

and Mrs. S. U. Rrodbeck. of Brodbeck, and 1-etlie Ann Borlner, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Bortner, of Glenville. were united in marriage by the bride's pastor, the Rev.

W. H. Khrhart. The ring ceremony was used. 'Ihe bride and groom are both graduates of Codorus township High school.

Glenvilie. They will reside at Brodbeck, where the groom is conducting a store. Waiter C. Paachall. of Philadelphia, who had been a guet of her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hants.

West Market street, during the Kat-ter holidays, It-iuiiira home She was accompanied by her sister. Miss Sallle llantz. no will be her guest for some time. TIIE EFFICIENCY TEST Is Fully Met by Hood's taraaprllla and Peptiron Pilla, Itecause of what it contains, of the way it is made and of the record it has achieved. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is warmlj recommended to you for rheumatism, catarrh, scrofula, eczema and other troubles arming from Impure blood or low state of the system.

In cases that are radically anemic and nervous marked by paleness, thin flesh, sleeplessness, nerve-exhaustion, the power of Hood's Sarsaparilla 13 greatly increa-sed by Peptiron Pills, the new pepsin, nux and Iron tonic. These two medicines make the strongest combination course of treatment for the blood and nerves of which ws have, any knowledge. Fine results follow this, course of treatment take Hood's Sarna.parllla regularly before meals, Teptiron Pills after meals. Thotis-ands of families are taking these medicines. Let your familv take them," too.

Get them now. wf -mi home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wildermuth, near this place. At a meeting of the I'nited Evangelical congregation on Monday evening, five trustees were elected to serve the next three years.

Thvy are Henry Klinefelter, Lawls Myers, Isaac Gill, John F.enedici and Thoma Bone. Miss Barto Koller, of Delta, waa entertained for several at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Stover.

Misses Okie Aiban and Ada F'ogler were guests ior several days at the home of Miss Alban's brother, Frank Albun, at Forreston, Md. leonard C. Myers, of York, was entertained for several days at the home of hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. K.

Myers. Lloyd Koller returned to Gettysburg to resume his studies in the Pennsylvania college, after spending the Flaster vacation at the home of hi parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Koller.

near here. Clarence Folckemer and son. Kalph. and Mrs. Mary F'olckemer.

York, were entertained for several davs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gill. Wlhlaiii F'rey, who recently sold his property near this place to William H. Smith, of Mt.

Airy, left yesterday for Y'ork. where be wiil vlait until tomorrow. He will then go to Pittsburgh, where he will make hia home with Ins son and daughter-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. George F'rey (ieorge Smith, of Hanover, was a guest of relative- at this place for several days.

Paul Shaub returned to Gettysburg to resume his studies in the Pennsyivan.u college, after spending hi Kaster vacation at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Siiaub, between Turnpike and New alarket. Jesse Giesry.

of York, was a guest over Kaster at the home of his mother. Mra. John Giesey. Mr. and Mr.

George Diffendall had as their guesta fo several days their son. Wiliiam Diffendall. of GLEN ROCK Glen Bock. April 11. Alinough there is not much of the snow remaining from ihe storm of Sunday night, mail carrier troni the local had considerable in going over their routes e-terday on account of the snow drift.

One local carrier, who uses an automobile, was compelled to use a team on account of the urifts. C. L. KohrtpauKh returned to Annapolis. to rtaiiine his vvoik as a government chemist, niter spending several days at the home of his lather, Howard Lohrbaugh.

Kivan Warner, clerk at Bixler'a citrar store, who was off duty ior several days, on account of sicknets, being threatened by pneumonia, today resumed his work at trie store. ihe iieatl Machinery company is having the giass plot in front of the plant, along the railroad improved. The work is being done by Shihip. i Howard, an employe. One of ihe largest communion services tc be held by tiie ineiiiliers of the Reformed congregation of Kissel's church, near here, in recent years, was that of Sunday morning, it was administei eii by the pastor, the Rev.

S. M. Boeder. lldward Krout, who has been working at the plant of tiie Crown Kugeie company at Railroad, has resigned his Ivnltion and obtained one us Pieman Ihe plant of the Gien Manufacturing company, thl place. Local nicrctiajils the loliowiiig prices 3m cents a dozen; pound; lard.

16 cents were today paying tor produce: butter, iS certs a chickens. 17 cents; Ok, Ji cents a pair. Guests entei tairied over Kaster at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Faik L.

Hed-rif ere: Miss Neva Munro. of Man-nington. W. ami Hdiday li. Ilea rick, of New Freedom.

At the monthly meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, held on Saturday nfght at the homo of Mra. L. A. Sciiz. one new member was added.

All the members wire present at the meeting. The monthly meeting of the class In, the Trinity Reformed Sunday school, taught by Miss Miriam Boeder, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. S. M.

lioeuer. was held last nighi at the home of one of tho members. Paul Hoover, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoover.

The ne ly-elect-ed officers were installed. They are: President. "Roy Roht bitugh secretary. Stratum Koller; Jreasurec, Wilbur Sion-akt-i ii.emhci ship committee, Roy Kohr-baugh, 1'aul Hoover and Miriam Roeuer. Those present were: Milium iioediT, Stratton Koher.

Paul Hoovir, Wilbur Slonaker. Roy Kohrhaugh, Harry Vernon Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Churies Hoover.

Sixteen members of Hnnover trihe, I O. R. and several from Makusu trihe, York, came here on Monday and attended a meeting of Yoaemiie tribe. No. nt which time tiie installation of the newly-cit-cted oflicers took place.

THe othcers in: la lied were: Prophet. Levi Krebs; sachem. William Myers; senior sagamore. C. J.

Halm: junior sagamore, Diehl. Addresses were made by C. H. Stitz. of the local tribe: Chief of Keeords Strine.

of Makusu tribe, Y'orto, and President Hahn. of the York-Adams association. There was to have been a meeting of the York-Adams association, but owing to the bad condition of th-toads, which prevented many members of.

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