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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BOABDCfEDUCATlON.v POLICE mnERS. C0MMERS1AU STATISTICS. ADYtTtI9E3tTcA 50-CT. fli -V 1 TBJtBUNK Ik tiMt tnmiKtu rut lyrxoar tuniht fpraytt tw tm JBtttning, TrOtm' lotion, all mail advertiumerdi, rueh atlatU ttmrut, wanten, JV-JUrt, jfor Society Notion, not ezeeedinff ri beiuer(da4(Ara 0 OaxU pet tree.

House to Rent. EIGHT BOOMS, kTTCHEN. BATH BOOK with ground 75x100, on corner Eighth sad Clay streets. Bent, 140. including water.

ALSO, -One of rooms, 3 stories, on Clay sliest, between Seventh sad Eighth. Bent, (30, inc lading waiex. Apply oa the premises, or to SMITH. MATHEB OO. Waated.

rrtWO OB THBEB FURKISHED BOOMS, for two ladies, wbereleasoaa la stasia, by a competent teacher, with use of piano, if eW -sired, could be exchanged wholly or ia part for rent. Address TBaCHBR, this ofltaev Wanted. 1 A TAME CAT8. rOB THE KTBPOSBOT XVJ atebiag gophers. A liberal price will be paid lor tnem by JOSEPH McDELLOH.

oomsr ot Seventh and Oak streets. Apply at once. Bnafriesa Corner to jLease A LOT STHsTl TEST, AT THB SOCTJ3WX8T corner JUghth and Webster streets, win be leased for a tens of years, at reasonable rental. Ths boose sow on the land will be re moved. inontTO eX r.

sKKBAM, shoe SSS Broadway. Diaxy IiOat. AXED af OROOCO-OOYE RED DIABT TOR 1S7S. was lost on tho afternoon of January 28th, somewhere about Broadway. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at the Postofflea, Kast Oakland, or at this offloe.

To jLet. st WELEOAKT HKW HOTTSES, WITH fJ all modern improvements. Only I three squares from the Point Statioa. MmmL Water free. Oaa fornlahed $1 per 1000 feet lass thaa regular rates.

Bent S33 per month. Apply to DR. WM. BOLTON, next door Postofflce, West Oakland. Cow For Sale.

FIXE MILCH COW FOR BALE. Enquire et this office, i Liost. A CAMEO LOCKET CONTADrtSO A LAST'S photograph. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at A. H.

Bneb i ran'e jewelry store, 1003 Broadway. Wanted. A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE OF FITX rooms, central location, for a responsible peny- wunoai enuaren. Apply to js. w.

Anolv to E. wot. OODW ABJ A. 958 Broadway. Removal.

tTTArfTED FAMILIES TO KNOW THAT Madame Oayell will remove her employ- nwnaopee no. vt tiuxa street, to no. 4TV Twelfth street, between Broadway and WasbV-Ington, Febrntry 1st, 1875, where she will be pteaaed to iseet ker old friends and pattoaav nonrs ixom to ia a. jc. and 2 to P.

au MK8. CAVtLL, Oakland. For DOB. SALE BUILDING LOT3. 50teV i or nau caan, naiaace ia IX montnry payments, wtthoat b)erest; title perfect; deeds free; location.

JonctWa of Adeline street and Baa Pablo a venae. Call on L. W. KIMBALL! 473 Seventh street. Bsrtlett Hose.

Roea T7. Death to All. pXrEBmXATOB OF BQTJTRRELS, BATS Moles. Mice. Fltea.

Fteae. Bedbnss and Gardes boas. HENRY GODAKT. Broadway, below the Btone Quarry, OakUand. Tront Hobxns ToXet, PLEASAKT, HEATLT FDBKISHED BOOMS to let, at 317 Eleventh street, between Web stei and Harriae.

Cw of bath-room can be had Situation A FIRST-CLA88 DRESoMlAKEO. ply at 1056 Broadway. For A SINGLE, SPRING WAGON. 8TJITABLZ for double team. Will be sold cheap.

An- Mortgages of Rea! Estate -i GEORGE W. McKEAND. SEARCHER OF RECORDS Office Adjoining Court-house, East Oaklaao. JOHN H. REDSTOriE, Oo olOf 4t- AKD i SOLICITOR OF PATENTS," 461 math Street, up Stain, TT7TLL ATTEND TO PATENT BUTTS IS tha Federal Ocrarta, and proenr.

United -States and Foreign Patents for Inventors, nish Models on short notice, and assist ventorsia perfecting their Taxes and annuities paid on existing Enropeaa Patents; and Patents worked according to the lequiresaeats of law. Great' Bug Offeil! Chance for Safe Inyestmenti A LARGE it''- OF LAND PAEKS AKD WILLOW CEEEKS, -4 Shasta Valley, Siskiyou Co.rCai; V. 8. PATEKT.V vl One of. thd finest Stock Eanches oa tlie Osast SPRINGS OF PURE WATER IN ABUNDANCE I SIT' THOUSAXD ACRES OF THE" BEST npon the market is now offered for sale, toother of Hones.

300 Head of Oattie, 160 Tons of Hay. The session thismorning was some wubit jmuiuucu on account 01 a jury A peculiar ipecimen of the Emerald Isle, called Peter Malone, for poisoning his peritoneum with barley Juice of un usual strength, was confined in a "lone. some danreon" for six dreary davs. James Oallagher, a pleasant looking wonae 01 some or odd summers. was brought beforethe Court for begging a new suit of clothes, or somethine of the sort.

'The affable manner of the prisoner, and his total 'irresponsibility to comprehend anything going on about him, induced His Honor to exercise utue clemency toward Mm. He was therefore allowed the free air in which to repeat the offense. Charles prepossesing bru nette who wanted to annihilate Officer Summers and every body in the vicinity some night -tost -week, was allowed to perambulate a nice cold cell for thirty days, i Charles bore the occupation with intellectual heroism. B. N.

Bogocich and H. Hauchsted were arraigned for an alleged violation of the license law, in disposing of liquors in quantities less than one quart without first taking out the usual license. A good deal of time was taken up in impannel-ing a jury. There was no paucity of excuses on the part of jurors to serve, and the consequence -was, many were allow ed to depart. Finally the terrible twelve were obtained.

Gfeo. Putnam testified that he entered the saloon to get a cup of coffee, and it took him two hours to drink it; the accommodating cook sandwiched a little whisky between each mouthful of coffee. Both of the defendants were absent at the time. Mr. Valentine went into the saloon for coffee, but forgot to call for that stimulating beverage, and took whisky.

He was uncertain whether one man gave it to him or not. Oeorge Miller also purchased Bome coffee and mixed it with whisky. Mr. Johnson, license collector, testified that he took out a license for the firm for an eating saloon only. Mr.

Bogocich, one of the defendants. said he had kept liquor upon the premises till the first of January, but finding that the license rates prevented him from making anything on it, he discon tinued the sale, bottled up his intoxica ting beverages, and stowed them in a little closet under the counter. The cook, "unbeknown to him," had sold tbe lionor to various. TUirHpa TTa hnA forgotten to remind said book that he had discontinued the sale of exhilerating pconcoctions, consequently cook sold 'em. He himself has not sold liquors since the first ultimo, and he hod not authorized any one to do so upon his premises.

H. Jttaugbsted, his partner, corrob orated bis testimony. The Prosecuting Attorney then arose, and after wiping his nose, began his remarks on behalf of "ns dear people." He contended that the law had been violated by the defendants, and that the placing of the liquors in a closet under the counter was but a subterfuge on the part of defendants to clandestinely evade the license ordinance. He went on in this manner, protecting our rights, and urging the jury to do their duty. The counsel for the defendants hu morously endeavored to split the theory of the P.

and contended that the offense was so' trivial and un sustained by proof that defendants intended a violation of th law, that his American bosom hove with unspeakable delight as as he saw "acquittal" stamped upon the faces of the jury. (We thought it was dirt but it may have been shadows cast from the opposite windows). He grew rather personal at one time, and we thought the Prosecuting Attorney was going to bounce him; but he didn't The counsel then tackled dates Baying that the indictment and ordinance conflicted but he would let that pass. So confident was he that the jury thought as he did, that, he didn't throw himself particularly another thing we regretted, for if there is anything that makes the heart of a reporter palpitate witb delight, it is to see a lawyer unbutton his sum collar, ana go lor the opposing counsel till the sweat trickles down into the seat of his pants. But this one re sumed his chair without a trickle.

The P. A. again arose, and with a troubled anxiety surmounting his Shaks- pearean ioreneau, closed bis argument. He dissected the testimony of the defendants, and threw the pieces into the faces of the jury. This they couldn't stand, so His Honor put us all out of the Court room to allow the parties concerned to settle the thing among them selves.

The jury remained, and after hob-nobbing together awhile, concluded that the defendants were "guilty as charged," and were consequently ordered to pay $20. each. In the face of the evidence, the verdict created no little surprise. It is understood the case will be appealed to the Supreme Court. overland" arrivals to-night.

Following is a list of passengers to arrive on the overland train; due here, to Mrs. Marx and child, S. tievenbaum, Toano; C. Teach, E. A.

Gnersy, New Hampshire; Miss Belle Tower, Ver mont; airs. w. xt. Burce, H. K.

Thomas Kew York: Sot Thomas. Con necticut Richard, wife and daughter. wumwi vr. p. ncuee tsan rrancisco; M.

O. CaUaghan. New York: Mrs. H. C.

Beeker, Boston; H. Benson, wife and two children. Halt Lake; B. SalvaMe, Colorado; George Harlow, Wisconsin; IX C. Van; Hiram amltto, C.

11. iwni urn wne, Minnesota; coaries' A. Dole and wile, Maine; SI. K. Eice and wife, Ohio Mrs.

S.J. Morphy, Michigan; H. J. Beake and wife, New Yorkj T. Soule, lowa; xu.

Ayres, aiicnrgan; ji'arr and daughter, Ogden; P. Knappt- vinriniar J. I Paul, New Hampshire; Saver and wife. New York; P. B.

Trownbiy. Boston; S. Montgomery. F. Hovt and wfferFtab; Edith Pridila and wife.

Dis trict or voiomtrts; Miss D. Sheppard, Kentucky; J. W. Taylor, New York; L. E.

Bail, Colorado: Mr. Graves and wife. Salt JSduoation, me( last eve- ning. Preseni-Messrsi Kelloot. tick- ter, Swett, Howell, Folger and Superintendent Campbell.

President Cole in tne Chair.i. Director Boardman sent in bis resig Cause: he had moved from the city. Eeslgnatfon accepted 4 A communication from the principal of irankUn school, tot the. effect that Miss Emma Buel had served her time as probationary tacber. Mr.

Kellogg moved that Miss Buel be declared a reg nlar teacher from January 1st. from the Home Mutual Insurance Company; announcing that policy of 95,000 on the High School would expire on the 8th of February. Kef erred. Mr. Swett stated that the chimney tops on the High School had been thrown down by the gale, and that the Commit tee had terra cotta chimney pipe substi tuted.

The enrollment and attendance since the beginning of the present school year July 1, 1874, shows that the greatest enrollment was made in January, that has ever been made in our public schools, being 2,938. The following bills were recommended to be paid by, the Finance Committee. and were allowed Geo. W. Babcock ivtu aa Charles Taylor isp oo Hamuel Merrttt 7 51 W.

8. Read Co. sm 5 00 Howard. 174 75 Armes 63 25 Superintendent Campbell presented his regular monthly report of the con dition of the Department. The number of pupils enrolled in waa attendance, 2,602.

The average daily attendance at the night school last month was 20. 1 Miss Clow was granted leave of ab sence for one month, and the Superin tendent was authorized to fill the vacancy for that time. The Board refused Prof. Espina per mission to. teach penmanship during school hours.

Mr. Folger presented the following; resolutions favoring the new system of Superintendent Campbell, (which was published' in the TKrurxK a few weeks since): Jtesolred. That owlne to tho crnwrlprl condition oX several classes io this Department, and as a test of the practicability of the sutrKestions made to this Board by the Superintendent la his communication of Junnajy 19th, the hours of the ses sions on or uerore j'etoruary 15th, 1S75, of the following classes, viz: The eighth 1 1. t.iu entu grade, taught by Mrs. Winchester, in the Preseott Primary School: and the eighth grade, taught by Miss Mary Clow in the Grove Street Primary School, shall be from 6 to 12 o'ctock a.

114 and from 1 to 4 o'clock p. with a recess from 10:43 to 11 o'clock in toe forenoon, and from 2:45 to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Itetolved, That tha classes specified in the foregoing resolution be divided, one portion to attend the forenoon session. the other portion the afternoon session, each separation' and appointment to be made by the respective teachers of these classes, with, tbe advice and consent at the Superintendent and Principals of tbe Preseott trrammar and Grove Street Primary kkthoel and applicants for admission to these classes from and after such separation shall be assigned to either session, in tbe same manner, as provided lor tbe separation and apportionment in the resolution. R'toived, That from and after such separation tbe salaries of the teachers of those classes be iucreased 25 per cent.

After few feeling remarks by Mr. Howell, and on his motion, the Twenty-Eighth Street School was changed to that of the Durant School. Bills were read and referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Playter moved that the Superin tendent be requested at the next meeting to offer suggestions as to the means of enforcing the provisions -of the law known as 'tha Comnnlsorv.

Education law. He stated that something should be done in justice to the law and the public. After which the Board adjournod. Spcoml Dramatic Social. On the evening of Friday week, Feb ruary 12th, the second dramatic social will take place, and at Mrs.

Blake's, we believe. The entertainment will open with TltejCliarcoal Burners, followed by aslier and 'Crasfttr. 1 The first of 'these was given some few weeks since, and besides being extremely interesting, netted a handsome sum for one of bur benevolent societies The company is now composed of some of oux iirstnclasg ladies and gentlemen who possess considerable literary and dramatic talent. The gentleman who inaugurated these agreeable entertainments informs ns that the society has been augmented by the Anbership of several well-known ladies and gentlemen of Oakland, and at the present time it is quite strong; that it shortly intends either renting or erecting a suitable hall with stage, scenery, and all the necessary equipments forgiving first-class theatrical representations. To this will be added a Chess, boxing, and reading room.

where members can while away their leisure hoars. (The enterprise has been well planned, and the social standing of the members are sufficient to ensure success. Deaths la Oaklamd In 1874. The total number of deaths in this citv during the year 1874 were 278, classified as follows:" Develoi 4 46 44 Constitutional ..121 6 The mortabty of 'males, as will be seen, exceeds that females only 12. viz." Males, 145; females, 133.

The per centage of deaths, in proportion to ev ery 1,000 living, was only 13.90-100. raw nen possiDie lor gen tlemen to make and keep for the Mew Year Is to buy their clothlnsr at Harri. 903 Broadway, where the largest stock, the latest styles and the most rea- buuouic prices win oe xouna. vail and be Asafestat BwstaeeA Trsuustsdl ftm the Water Fromt ef Oakland. is 1 1-1 33.

Mrl S. W. Spaulding a report to the City Council on Monday evening, giving an exhibit of the passenger, freight, and general business transacted upon the water fronof pf Oakland during the year 1874. The figures speak for themselves: ASSEMGES. Overland and way Passengers bet.

a tf and Oakland. 34004 Total 3.413.8J8 BDXLIOK. Silver bullion. Gold bullion CSoln 7,002.924 80,132,734 Total cola and 403,491.712 QIXnAI, FREIGHT. wheat exported.

127.478 Coal 57,677 Bailroad 32 Total freight. BUTLDIRa MATKX1AUI. Lumber Imported (feet) 41,111,268 Shingles (thousands) 11,712,750 iAths 8,,2) Brtck- 521UO Eighty-two trains per day have been employed in transportine freight, and the' number of vessels employed were 1,813. Communicated. 1 tUt C0VSTSL 8ZTESAKCB, K.

K. I've mounted the bight And live; I'm a Knight Ol the Order of Kalakaua; A small scalawag. Made a big- Brobdtgnag, And all in the course of an hour. Prom a poor auctioneer. And very small beer At that, to be Consul I rose, Have served four great kings.

Brought them all sorts of things. Bourbon whisky et There's a moral to learn-Yon see bow a worm Can wriggle himself into power, And may ran a career Which may make him a peer And a knight of the great Kalakaua. Think of Lincoln and me. And of Chase, and you'll see How we great boys were little one day; How with nary a cent One may be President, Which I soon hope to be, by the way. (lory.

If any one is ambitious to have a school bouse named for him provided he possesses all the qualities of intellect and heart that would entitle him to be so honored, and has served the cause of education so devotedly as to make the act eminently appropriate, he can have his ambitious desires gratified. The way is open and easy; all he has to do is just to shuffle off this mortal coil," and Mr. Itowell will gracefully and pathetically enshrine his name in memory's golden urn or some other appropriate vessel. Last evening on motion of Mr. B.

the Twenty-eighth street school was appropriately-named the "Durant School." Four or five weeks ago we were present when he entered his protest and vote against its being su named when the Superintendent made the rec ommendation. We believe, bowever, that the ex-President of the University was too stoical a man to feel, any anoy ance or chagrin at the proposed compli ment being voted down at that time. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Following Is the record of real estate transactions, as reported by-O. W.

Me- Keand, Searcher ef Records for Alameda county, at Oakland, for February 1. lS7i MendenbaU to I M4aen Lots 1, 8, 8, 8 and in Block Liver-more ft 400 Sn.mA trt ft rhriiitJanMn i 6, 10, 11 and 12 iu Block 22, Liver- more 400 jonn uapenon 10 Jacoo tsamm 100 by loOft. cor First and Jflfpr- son sts, 3.50s r. rcniie acres. Road from Mount Eden to Eden 3 vy r.iigciiuun ioaii Harmon Northern line Ninth st.

W0 a from Broadway, thence 40 bv 7 ftjOakUnd acres, 5 miles from Xaver- xx uun mj ieonnara 100 rt 7 in by 7 ft-s in, eor Bay and William su, Oakland j.jqo Jlllovich to K3Hloviolv-fl0by WO ft (Ixt Sin Block 19). Llvermore. Gift James St ration to Julia A Parker 100 by 100 cor West and Twelfth sts, Laurscn to Hardy tf 4 by cor Third and Myrtlo sts, oq Hardy to Lanrsen tu hv L. cor Third und Myrtle sts, Oak- land McItighViiTto acres, 4 miles from Mission Hun Jose-- i r18tf "MerrLtal Provldene What orthographical fiend is that the employs? "Vituals," for victuals; babys," for babies. "Aint," for aren't all in the Kalakaua item.

For Heaven's sake, don't send Hii Majesty apa- Tiflr 1 A Klstake. "More dlablery by the mystic imp of the match" in Oakland. Alto. We havn't had a' fire for a week. There now.

nry Who is the grammatical sharp of the transcript? "Seen fit," "no time to loose," Shades of Lindley Murray! ADVERTISEMENTS. STAMPING AND PINKING, EMBRCIDERINQ AND BRAID I KQ i. OOXE AT THE iiiis GROVER tfc BAKER Sewing Machine Agency, mm 3y ETStaajs fcr Sals aai to Order. P. E.

DAVIS. gam ALAMEDA COUHTYBRAIICH -at iTHB- Or CALltORNiA; NTO.OBB Vmlam BajUk BaUdisr Iei''il fiSaryhv Jea. Beekt, S. 8. Fsrrtllj, Chaaaeey fsytar, las.

B. Ksrua, Wat. B. 'j gProperty owners desiring reliable indemnity thainst loss and damage by are, win -consider following facts: The HOILft MOTDAL ia pmely a Califonla Oompany, eoaaaing iu bosiaess to tba, Psciflo Cosat. Over ifiOO thsres of the Company's' stock is owned by prominent residenta it Alameda eenntv.

The premiums received thrOturh this tmwh retained and Inverted in A lamed county. The affairs of tha a 1 Curat Bmach are under the direction of a Board of Trustees (who as also Directors of tbe Company), well and favorably knows tarongkemt the county aa gentlemen of stamina and thorough' business accomplishments. Policies Vm iuiuit Wm without reference to the Home office at Ban Fraaclseo, making the instance binding on application. All lowaM wvntrtfir adjusted by the resident managers as sooa as reported, and sre audited by tbe Board of Trustees, who will natnnll bm In.t-j. Asmym their neighbors.

1 While the Alameda Countv Branch fnrnlahea all tbe fscilities and advantages of a local in stitution. It has the indorsement of tbe business of the HOME MUTUAL INBUHAKCK CO MP AM at large, the Company bewar re sponsible for each and every obligation of the cranca. A The rates of the HOME MUTUAL are baaed on a long expertestee im the taeiaess, and are adjusted in each particular ease In accordance with equity and justice, giving each applicant the advantages warranted vby the security of his particular risk. big every just claim ins style alike satisfactory to claimant and eoaununity. ru it.

'MaqijuLs Manager. H. A. Cuis. Secretary.

SIOOO REWARD The Board of Fire Under write! of San rrancisco offer a reward of ONE THOUSAND' DOLLARS for the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of ar son in the Ctlir of Oakland and vicinity. By order of 1 StAnDINQ COM. OM ARSON Of the Board of Fire Un derwriters. $1,000 REWARD Will be paid for the appre-v henslon and conviction of the person or persons who are guilty of setting flra to. buildings in the City of Oakland.

For particulars, apply at this office. UNION SAVINGS BANK, Con. BaoADWAT axb Ninth Srseiri, OAKLAND. Capital Stock $1,500,000 i -Tbe Largnst Capital of any flavinc Bank in California.) Board of Directors: A C. Henry, J.

Wt MarUn. Jobn O. Hays, Wm. Meek. B.

A. Hatnes. Samnel Woods. Chas. W.

Howard, Hiram Tnhhs, H. H. Height, I. Henshsw Ward, w. w.

crane, Jr S. Hnff, B. Klrkbam, J. Mora Mow. H.

A. Palmer. C. ratsmnrr J. WEST A RT1N 4 Vics-Pswit.

H. A. xOasnxcn 4 A DEPOSITS BEA V. iatenstroin tbe first of the month suo-eedmgdate of Bepnait-issyaWe sewiinsNi-allv Remittances from the cotmtrv nn Im made by Sxpress or by Check on San- Fruv Eatnwre Fee rvairv. COMMERCIAL reived and a Geastal SaaJEng traDS-acted Collections made.

New York and Sen Frauciw-oat current rates. cokkkspovdeitsi Ban 0 CAIJTORXIA. New KATIOSAL BASK. VOORHIES GRAHAM. Attorn eys-at-Iaw, ROOMS I A 2, JSTom lOSS Broadway liin I Ordta may be left at the Cigar 8fore of wn.iicr pinrnn, sou tn west corner 01 jbtuw way mm Seventh street.

And the publication offlce. 11 Broad' way, np-stalrs. Financial OuotatiOnS. Following ar taa. ratea of gold and mr wi.w- uy GOLD 1H' LSOAL TBNTJXBS, baring 87 .4 SA- 89 REMOVAL.

Tkt OflN of the TKIBUAK has beea moved to 911 Broadway, between Eighth aad Yinth Streets, ever Sowman'i drug ..4 sThm KeurwUed PapUa Of th Oakland School Department number 2,938. Mr. P. Ohel It tae awfully profane name of a man In East Oakland. A Waralaf.

There were seven aaicidea in Oakland -daring the year 1874. Fire of them were married men! A Peenllar Fog-. The fog was so dense this morning that it fell to the ground in inspissated cakes if yon know what that is. A Lady Tried to jump oyer a mud-puddle on Myrtle street yesterday. We never such hesitation in all our experience.

Tfca Celestial New Tear Commenced this morning. The usual demonstrations are somewhat apathetic Estate, teener society Will meet at the First Congregational Church to-morrow evening for the trans-Action of important business. Trmvel Aereas the Bay. land and San Francisco is 9,433 persons, or about three and one half millions for the year. Weekly Wbnrf Receipts.

One hundred and two dollars and -seventy-five cents were received last week by Wm Harwood, wharfinger, for ilockage, tolls, etc. A Comnaantty as la There wasn't a homicide ia Oakland daring the whole year of 1874. No other ity in the United States, of 20,000 can make such boast. The citizens of the Second Fire District will meet in the City. Hall this -evening, to adopt measures for pro tection against the fiery element.

migtk Cars. A farmer urforBied us this momiBg thai he ha cornstalks on his ranch near Mission. Sari; Jose nineteen, feet high. Wonder if he expects. the people to give -ar ta that statement? Sana A lady teacher can receive: news that her salary is to be increased.

Twenty-five per cent will shortly be added to those of Meadames Kingman and Winchester, of the Preseott Primary School, and Miss Mary Clow, of tha Grove Street Primary. i IalVraaatiaii far Too. A strong solution or carbolic acid and -water poured Into boles kills all the ants it touches. Exchangt. That's a smart paper.

On the same if you put a man in a well and cover him op with water, it's likely to kill him. riW'leal' 01 th JViiM this morning pitches into ih "idiot of the Transcript forstating that 277- persons died in Oakland last and says, there were only J7. This imbecile pf the News is wrong. There1 were 20 actual statistics. We got 'em from the Health Officer.

Severe Aecidrat. While Dr. Eosenk was crossing Broad-'way. and Seventh streets last evening, be was caught between two approaching vehicles. The pole of one struck him in the region of the liver, inflicting painful internal injuries, and he received a severe scalp wound by being thrown to 4he pavement.

As we go to press, he is resting quite easily, and it is believed he will shortly be able to be out again. 3Vew laveatloas. John Howard, of this city, has indented an apparatus by which the force of the waves of the ocean may be reduc-rd to the control of man. We suppose the same party will soon be engaged up--on an apparatus for the prevention of hurricanes and tornados. As soon as' this is completed and in working order, Jar.

Howard will probably invent a ma- chine to stave off earthquakes. The Tankee against the world. i'i i i -a JBepar ef the City Wnarfiairer. The following amounts were received by the Cary Wharfinger for the month, of 1 1 Tockmge J. w.

Toll. earntoicfor month 1 Amount pid to City Trarw 10 00 ..4 40085 -47 47 47 Of the above the following, amounts belong--" -To tba credit of ibm month of Kov. 18T4-S108 Dee. 3 70 7 Per 8le. A Splendid House lof nevcn and bath room, with 87 fexlOO tbe south side of Fourth street betwea Harrison ana streets, price.

13,800 Terms By K. J. KEXLY, 41 eventn street, uauanu. ouiium ox acres nnoer. cuunuwa.

Timothy Hay sponta onsly. Forty a miles of sra Thi mtit im tfci nm nt Ihn nyuf desirable parts of Calif ornia. Laauber in Eetsy Aeeee, cleltver4 art nr aww- I'Ptaa TmmmM oTxaa aastaaa erw at nsenatn ni 111 be moTtoaffed on ur term. For further mw ln IBM 4ab.eeiaal Inll nil llSB i 1 junc i n. jk.

nriison ana uaughter, ran Francisco; Geo. E. Gray, and 60 cm), grants. 1.

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