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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 8

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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Page Eight NAUGATUC DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1944 French Return Brings Reunion With Wife When the "lid I'rrnuh Arninn-il Division rrtiirni-d to Franco, with it wont Ucut, Nonet-lfciisln fur a n- iinli.n with This is pictured where hv is shown Ix-lng era-tin! wile illHl nlitsidi- Ilii'lr homo 111 Coutlnovillr. from which flird lo join tho nf: Giuillo French forces, while of his V. S. Curj.x (Inti-riiatinnul Siiiindphotu) Rep. Andresen Says Much Meat Will Be Spoiled Washington.

Aug. 10 Li P) Representative August Andresen oi ivlir. acsot'-L charges that millions of of meat will ho spoiled in the next six months because importers have cornered the supply of black pepper. In a House speech. Antlrefen say; spice dealers are holding more than au.OdO.OOO pounds in black pepper la The congressman says tho dealers will not well the at O-P-A coiling pri'-r: arid ho declares O-PA- has refused to grant a price increase.

Andivsfr. asserts that the of sausage and processed meat will ni't rise even tho ceiling price of pepper inert- isvd several hundred percent. Bti! "Sub" Builders At Groton Are Striking Again oot, Andresen titles ot meat will cause of trie laclt ul Groton. Aug. at Groton are striking again.

Several hundred employes of the IClcotric Boat company have walked out in protest of the dismissal of three union olticials. The workers, aro also demonstrating their disapproval of the company's suspension of -1 other union members, An attorney for tho Shipbuilders and Marino union says that the new walkout does not carry union sanction. Submarine production was tied up for four days earlier this wool; when 11 thousand employes of the Groton plant wont on strike. Production was resumed on Thursday, charges, vast quan- following a conference called Governor Uaymond Baldwin. SpOlletl IH-proper MJU- Hurricane Does Much Damage (Clont i nuorl from It rioudrd Iho main In the hurricane of IfJC? two very larku U'l'cs tnut slood in front of the present Vicrra residence, which IM the former r.iihhud famous in Nnugaturjk's early history, were blown down narrowly missing in tho house itself when thf.v caruo down.

A Uirgo volume of rain is said to hiivf dronohed the Nnugatuck rhornioui on this hiring nne of tho few points in town when- rain foil any riotieoriWu extent. In Wnti'i'town a veritable doluge down on tl 1 hill Hoclions all about tin 1 town ci-ivcd a grrat dfsil of rain, and Stl'nitNvillr and tin: Ni'W road arras also were in rainy spots. EiiiMi. Maino. 1 .11 1 weld (inn VV'irliN firf WALK Aug.

rs a I tho Utah yard have Fire Marshal! Issues Another Statement (Continued from fugc wa'ki'd dill ngalnst a re- from tho third to the shift. Tlii' woldors mom- of Ilio Indopondont Ih-othor- bood nf Shipyard WorUors said Ihi-y roulfl rniike moro money on tho' third shift and rlalmod that in many msos soniorily rights had bi'on violated. I may information, coneorn- ing lii-c prevcnLinn, be in- for the safety tn either life or property. LiU'ormtition for the of tlicso fiiclors may he found in tlic records that im- j'ortant from a standpoint of the value of property destroyed, or of livc-s lost, hut dependence not bo placed entirely upon firu oxpor- "A certain process used in the operation or use (if material in the construction of a building, may gu on for many years before a fire occurs, whicn will definitely indicate the hazard involved or the lack of fire in tho material. As an example, many buildings built or OT years ago were considered as being protected from fire.

"The fundamental principles of preventing serious and catastrophic from fire must be ever in step with industry's introduction of new construction, new pro- ceases, now and new uxes. When all were of wood, a fire could quickly spread a whole block. "Tako, I'or instance, tho casualty of ihe Gem theater. The construction of the roof of that building places ail tho stress on First President Of Iceland Will Visit Washington (lly United Press) Ollicia! Washington soon will welcome the first president of tile new republic Iceland Svcinn Ejornssoti. Hjornsson will arrive in the nation's capital next Thursday for a three-day oflicial visit.

He will be tho guest of President Roosevelt. Tho announcement of Bjornsson's visit has lead to speculation that it involve discussions of u-hat i LO he done with American lines in Iceland after the war, Ireland, which severed its with Denmark and proclaimed indepondence ir. June. ii'is cmphti- that it will insist on the fulfillment of an agreement with the United States. Under, this agreement, nil American troops arc to he withdrawn immcdhuely at't the end of the war.

Following his visit in Washington. Ijjornsson expecM to several dtiys in New York beC returning to Moncton, N. Again Threatened With Destruction Monctorv, S. Aug. i.

orost fires in the Canadian province of New Brunswirk are again threatening to destroy tho city of Moncton. For the third time this week the city or 20,000 has frxced disaster- from tile raging in- noar- by woodlands. Shifting winds have brought the flames nearer to light have failed to slow the fire's advance. Moro than 300 been rushed to tho area to fight the flames two miles west of the Canadian Kationa-1 railroad line to Campbclllon. Other soldiers arc fighting the blaxos in the Hildcgard area northwest of Moncton.

"DRAGON SEED" IS CURRENT LEAD AT THE -STRAND THEATER Greater than "The Good Earth:" That's the only way to describe the outer walls which would have- "Dragon Seed." Mctro-Goldwyn- a tondonov to force the walls out i Mayor's lllmization of the ALCAZAR SUNDAY MONDAY MAXVVEIl ANOCSSON'S THE EVE OF ST. MARK j-'urnarit SKKVICK Phone Us! 01 liiri Waterbury Heating- Co. Wlli.v. Catalog iiliiiiiiiug Yinir Future' Cull or phone 'I-ST72 34 CF.XTK.U, AVKNUE and tho roof into tho interior. "Tim cimility and ol' material imc! tho nimns of ruUtininfr it.s though uttnckctl by llro othoi' t'actofs of moment in higher No lire clc- purtmcnL can do effirotivo work in Lipfier stciryN unices tho tnon can to the tiro thu intorioi'.

thoy CiLtino: do col- is imminent. Uao of heavy titnl'Ur cunstriiction, tho inynla- tinn of structural proper fire sprinkler rind wirutl Kt'isw in windows nre prevention which study of llro has shown tire needed. involving production I'oatui'os are also extensive producers of injury and loss of lire. in processna nncl in the kind oi' basu nuiterlal used have been extensive in recent years. I'resent mpthods of applying pro- tuolivo such as paint, are far more ditlicult and involve more thun those of the past generation.

Chemical roproduction of materials formerly obtained through nature, as cloth, dyes, and plastics amonK others, have often added materially to the hazard. "Fire prevention, to be effective, must ever be on the ulort to detect these hazards. Science is just as effective In providing- cures for dangers as developing processes which produce the As an example, life and property safety is greater today in the manufacture and use of explosives than it was when only black powder was made. This has been brought about through the knowledge on the part of the producers that education In regard to hazards was a duty owed to employes and the public, and that it was a true economy to spend money to provide adequate protective facilities, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," literary landmark tjy Pearl Buck, who knows China and Chinese people as very few Americans do. J-lere is the story of the valiant Chinese people, told in a memorable and powerful way, their struggle against the bestial Japanese militarist invaders.

Hero is the heart unil sou! of a nation transcribed to the scene in a truly epic manner on the screen at. the Strand theater. M-G-M has spared nolliing to make! this onn of the most mag- nillcicnt pieces of- film cntertain- inojit ever produced. Merely to say in nrhit that the cast is headed by such imposing names as Katharine Hepburn Jade.) Walter Huston, Aline MacMahon, Turhan. Bey and Akin and many, many othci-s, cannot possibly convey the broad scope of.

"Dragon Socd." It is the moving story ot Tan (Walter Huston; and his family, who work their peaceful rice Illcds. The time is 1937; suddenly tho peace is shuttered, the Japanese "arc on the peaceful valley. Miss Hepburn and Turhan Eey. the sensational younc ncwscomcr. are at their superb best, as aro Huston and a.ll tbc rest.

"Dragon Seed" has beer, master, fuily directed and produced. Jt takes its place among the truly groat motion pictures ot all timo. added rcaturetto 0:1 the present Strand, program is the new Smith Specialty, "Movia Pests." Here's a howling short, that, deals with what not to do at the movies. Latest Movietone News completes the Strand bill. Russians Are Approaching Warsaw From 2 Directions (By' I)nltcd rross) The Russians are now approaching Win-saw from two directions.

The first Ukrainian army has bypassed the German stronghold of Radom in a lightning advance up the west bank of'the Vistula rivcru. The strong of Mnrshiil Konev crossed Vistula on 73- mile front to drive within less than CO miles of the Polish Capital. The may now stage a coordinated assault from both the east and the south. The Germans are faced with, a. in defense.

If Warsaw's southern flank Is to be defended, the forces defending the pastern flank must be 1 While decisive battle for Warsaw in the making, troops to the north may be crossing from Lithuania into East Prussia, If the border crossing is the eastern front has moved into German homeland. And there reason to believe that Russian soldiers are marching across German soil, Dispatches from Stockholm say Berlin admits that Nazi troops along the East Prussian border are fulling back, Moscow does not olll- cially claim the invasion of the Third Reich But the latest Soviet communique said Russian forces were dug in right on the Prussian border. On the northern end of the front, the Germans are launchihg'dcsper- ate attack. Two wedges have been driven into Russian lines around the lialtic. The Germans aro trying to save the 30 divisions trapped against the Valtic sea.

And in the crucial hour, Germany may be losing an ally. An American radio correspondent of N-B-C) reports from Ankara that Bulgaria is talking peace. He says that Bulgarian representatives arc discussing peace with British and American representatives. Alcazar Sunday, Monday Seem; from "The Kvi; of St. heading program for next two days.

Gangsters Said To Have Used Young Girls As Lures Son Of Governor Of Massachusetts Reported Killed Boston, Au-g. 23- year-old sor. of the governor of it'iTssachuvctts lias been killed ai'tior, 1 in the Pacific. Governor Levcrctt Saltonsta.ll says he has been advised by the; Navy oi' his son's death. The governor's son, Peter, was a Marine sergeant.

Young Saltonstall, who. left Harvard to join the Marines, was one of five children. He previously Dad contracted malaria Guadalcanal. Light Trucks Can Be Purchased The Office of Defense Transportation has resumed the acceptance of, applications for the purchase of new light motor trucks for essential civilian use. Mr.

Frank V. Richo, district manager of ODT's Highway Transport Department, said that the action is expected to dispose promptly of the small ntim- Her of such vehicles remaining in dealers' stocks. Acceptance of applications for these trucks (botinv 0,000 pounds gross vehicle weight) was discontinued last' month due to the exhaustion of the essential civilian On Aug. 7 government exempt agencies relinquished their claims on the light remaining and these units reverted to a common pool, This -pool will now lie drawn on by essential civilian users, as well as by government exempt agencies. Boston, Aug.

are making a concerted effort, to wipe out teen-age Roxbury gangs that have been attacking and robbing civilians and servicemen. The includes assignment of special officers to isolated arena in the wake of the arrest of five boys in the robbery-slaying of a discharged marine. Authorities that sevi-i-a) gangs of youths between IP and 17 years old, I that have been preying on lone pedestrians in early morning hours, used young girls as lures. A 17-j year-old as the of the informed police of the quintet thai allegedly confessed to beating to death and robbing Sergeant John F. Pruntyj Sunday.

The boys are held without bail, for a juvenile hearing Thursday; They pleaded innocent murder i and. robbery chnrges when ar-: raigiicd in district folicc, now reveal ihut wn.rrur.ts have: been issued Viglr. young girls, who' are to have been -used to attract robber 1 victims various, g-nngs. The who re-1 jiortedly squealed or. the youths now- in custody also is held on a delinquent charge.

She is reported 'to have tipped police because she feared her 'boy member, of another gang also under arivpt, be wrongly charged with i Prunty's slaying. Two Young Boys Fatally Burned At North Yarmouth, Me. North Yarmouth, Maine. Aug. (UP) Two young boys have burned to death in a fire ihjit do- stroycd a burn and garage on tho farm of Philip Knight.

The victims were four-year-old Gordon Fuller and three-year-old Jackie Ridcout. Floyd Rideour, hoard his yo'ungcr brother call for holp from Jxirn and climbed into the hay lo soo the two youngsters enveloped in Ho could not get enough to help them, The blaze spread rapidly and badly damaged the farm house. Chief Joseph A. P. Flynn of the Slate -Arson Bureau said t-hat the Humes siinrtcd in the liay either from spontaneous combustior.i or from the children pkiA'ing matches.

JUST OFF THE TAILOR'S BENCIt-J THE ARISTOCRAT OF SUMMER A soft porous wqave that has a weather eye out for any stray breeze in sight a cool fabric that allows surplus body heat to escape through the open mesh and the skin to breathe naturally. It's a suit that's attuned to the times and the temperature good suit to be seen in. SIMTTwE BOOKKKKPIJNG Boston Gonrl--; Republican for state auditor, had no uv.f.i->le at all balancing his own hooks. Unopposed for the nomination, ho i rccoiveil no contributions, spent no money. Union Officials Plan Appeal From Layoff At Plant Hartford.

Aug. 19 of the Hamilton Standard Propellers union arc planning to appeal the laying-off of 25 women employes of tho company. Thomas J. Lynch, union shop chairman, says tho. action was not in accordance with seniority regulations, and adds that be'believes "that it is a cut-back and' thoro will probably bo 100 or 150 more laid off Meanwhile, company oilicials said the lay-off is due to "The al changes of business." DEAD AT 81 ThornpFonville, Aug.

Func'ral services will be- lield today for Miss Martha Jane Aldon direct descendant of John and Priscilla 'Aldon of the Plymouth colony, who i.s dead at tho a.gc of SI. Miss Aldcn founded Mic En- icld Cemetery association and wns icliv'c in several, patriotic First pro-marital examination law wen: into cffcut in the State of Connecticut in 193G. Thereafter similar laws were enacted in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, BUY HONDS AND STAMPS Buy Moro War Bonds IQflK For' WEEK The Copper Room Open Daily LUNCHEON And DINNER For Your Musical Pleasure! -SHOW BUSINESS" With Eddie CANTOR George MURPHY Joan Davis Nancy KELLY Constance MOORE IVitli I)OX nirootcil by lidwin Marin Vlus Night of Adventure Tom Conway Jean Brooks UUY BONDS AM) STAMPS DAILY NOW IOEUT5 POLI NOW M-U-M's glorious story of a girl who gave her love to a fighting man! DANCING Wednesday and Saturday Evenfoigs Only After 9 P. M. KATHARINE HEPBURN Ad.

JADE er Mine HUSTON MacMAHON AKIM TAMIROFF TURHAN BEY NOT SINCE GOOD EARTH" A PICTURE tIKCTHlSI FETE SMITH "MOVIE PESTS" 'MEMO "FOR JOE' Courteous Service 5 LOV1XK Kr.ECTRrC CO. Cliurcli Street We Are Agents For I V-BELTS For Washing Machines, Jilcctric Refrigerators TEMPLETON'S WATERBURY DIAL 4080 (No Toll Charge) Summer Dance Progr am! For Friday, Saturday and Sunday JOB KOCK and ROCK BYE BOYS In PolUas and Modern Dance Music Sunday Dancing 5 to I'. M. Eagle Restaurant BRIDGE Member of Connecticut Restaurant Association Naug-atuck's Thrifty Saved $57,409.59 With This Bank Last Week Were You Included? START YOUR ACCOUNT NOW NAUGATUCK SAVINGS BANK All Deposits Guaranteed 100 Years of Service For over 100 years this plant has continuously served our nation with quality footwear and other fine rubber products, both in peace and in war. UNITED STATES RUBBER CO, Naugatuck Footwear Plant Ford Charcoal Briquets NOW AVAILABLE We have received the first shipment- since the war began of charcoal briquets for civil- ian consumption.

Packed in 20 Ib. bags. Burn twice as long as ordinary lump charcoal. Quick heat in convenient smokeless form. Get a bag for that picnic before they are gone.

The Naugatuck Fuel Co. 87 Church St Phone 5236 'I.

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