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The Bethel Courier from Bethel, Vermont • 2

Bethel, Vermont
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2 JULY 27, 1939, WHITE RIVER VALLEY LIST N0RTHF1ELD SAVINGS BANK tent of Congress. The job office connection will not bar the newspaper from exemption. The ruling, so harmful to those concerned, would have been effective hut for the stir made in Congress by the Republican minority. WHY MAKE A WILL? JULY 1, 1939 PRESS NOTES Farm Labor Not Undesirable There is no justifiable reason why an able bodied man in need of employment for himself or his family should refuse farm labor. With modern machinery farm work is not as taxing as years ago, not to mention the autos, good roads and radios that have made farm life less isolated.

'In the days of our pioneer forefathers a healthy man choosing idleness instead of labor on the land, would have been called some very unflattering names. Our ancestors who built a new civilization in the wilderness had an element of iron in their fibre. We shall never completely solve our unemployment problem until we shake off our security loving flabbiness and recapture some of their zest for hard undertakings. Vergennes Vermonter. Hi STATEMENT, 1 1 3 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. RESOURCES United States Bonds Municipal and Other Legal Loans to Northfield Town Bank Stocks owned Cash on hand and in approved First Mortgages on Real Collateral and Personal Loans Bank Building Other Real Estate Other Assets Bonds and Village banks Estate L.

B. JOHNSON, Publisher. 1 1, I 3 i HERALD AND NEWB. Randolph, VC Publication Office, Randolph, Vermoat ROCHESTER HERALD, Kaenaatcr Vk H. C.



Chelsea, Vk ALLEN A UNDERHILL, Local Editors. SUBSCRIPTION PER YEAR cents extra in Canada and Foreign countries I Months, SOc; Months, si.oo Single copies. Sc; when Boiled postpsid, Oe. All subscription! parable in advance and all I papen discontinued when time I expires unless renewed. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES I all herald, ANY.

SPACE PAPERS AND NEWS -OTHER Per inch. S5c 26c 20c Above rates cover only display advertising aggregating zo inches or more. Rates tor less I amount riven on application. I Twenty-five per cent additional special 1 LIABILITIES Duo Depositors Leaving a Surplus for the Protection of Depositors 176,065.94 1,706,011.35 Member of Federal Deposit MONEY TO LOAN On Life Insurance Policies on the Basis of 90 of Cash Value at if- A If you are interested write us, or come in Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation things people could not afford, which they wanted but could live Comfort- ably without having, began at about the advent of the motor vehicle, and, we believe the general introduction Qf automobile had much to do with it. to the present century, it was the general rule that people liv- ed within their incomes, whatever those incomes were.

Those unable to With the automobile came the desire to travel. Others were doing it and reporting the pleasures and experiences of their trips. With the old bus right at hand, why not get some of the comforts of life ourselves The cost of locomotion was reduced, generally, by using the car, hack to former depressions, what a change There is today a distinct spirit of socialism, manifested in many different, ways. The old feeling of resignation and complacency on the part of the have nots, who were satisfied to get along as well as they could on what they had, has given way to a settled determination that will have, come what, may. Having tasted of the fleshpots of Egypt, they are not content to go back to husks.

They find in the Declaration of Independence that the pursuit of happiness is one of the inalienable rights of men, and they construe this to mean the agencies of pleasure which money alone will buy. They dont intend to grovel in the dust while others are taking the high road. While not demanding an equal distribution of wealth, they want enough income provided them to live up to a standard much higher than the rewards of their own exertions or their service to the world would enable them to live. The difference, they feel, must come from somewhere, and government is the most likely source. How government is to do this concerns them but little, so that they get it.

Thats the problem of the politicians. Have it they must. We see so many outcroppings of this spirit of socialism, evidenced in so many different ways. Families whose income has been cut by hard times living right along on the same scale, without real effort at retrenchment. Bound not to give up anything they have had, however unnecessary to their existence.

As their reserve fades, away they run their credit as long as, that lasts, really living upon tradesmen and others. Still looking, like Micawber, for something to turn up, without trying to turn it up. These are not the traits of our forefathers and foremothers, whom we are apt to regard as crude. Perhaps they were, but if they had followed the course many of today are pursuing, well, we, their descendants, might not be here at all. There is an old precept, You should cut your garment according to your cloth.

The rich and well to-do, out of- their surplus means, can spend freely without jeopardizing their future. It is of general advantage that they should. Those of limited incomes or uncertain employment cannot in common safety disregard their condition in life. To them keeping up with Lizzie is risky business. Nor is it true that happiness in life depends upon the amount of money one expends.

Money wasted brings remorse, especially when it is needed later for necessary living. One thing is certain either the concept of things must change, back to the thrifty ways of the earlier days, or we shall see a definite alteration of our politico-economic strut ture, amounting to a division of wealth. Wealth in the hands of those who have it will be heavily taxed and the proceeds distributed on some basis among those who have less of it than will give them the standard of living they think they should have. When they" become the majority, this will happen unless the wheel turns the other way. And this latter we greatly doubt.

in expenditures did not try to do so. They were not unhappy in going: without most of the luxuries and even some the comforts of life. They worked LEGAL AND LOCAL ADVERTISING Legal notice, of .11 kinds. lc fr typehard for rathr Sma11 returns, spent line for three week. obituaries, 60 lines, $1 less than they took in, laid by a little additional lines, 2c each resolutions, 6c per line; cards of thanks, 50c if io lines or less, for a rainy day op old age, and de- VeTnoticesm wcofu MbSa I rived much satisfaction in being self-a town correspondence, 10c per line of six supporting OH that 7 plane of exist-words for first insertion subsequent i riser- mi i tions, 5c per line if two lines or more are ence.

Then? chief dread was Of betaken; if not, 10c per line per week for three nn fnwn a hill of pxnense weeks, after that 5c per line; local ads, scat- on ine I0Wn a expense, tered at head of town news, same rate as 1 to others and an object of aversion Want ads. entertainment notices, when ad- mission is included, 26c and upward; special I in the Community, 10 many, that notlce8 beyoDd new apprehension exceeded the fear of illness, senility, even death itself. It was the old rugged individualism. The people of that period understood that for them it was root hog or die, and they rooted. Came the automobile.

Regarded first as au impractical toy and taken up at the beginning by the rich and well-to-do who had money to waste, the motor vehicle gradually grew in favor as it became perfected and its merits as a means of locomotion won it standing. Henry Ford popularized it by putting on the market a cheap car, the output of mass production. Before long the motor buy ing public had extended downward from the opulent classes to those whose incomes had barely supported them before. Once in the game it is hard to break away. In the end the car of one sort or another has become a part of the investment and position in all cases.

Copy for display advertising required later than Tuesday noon Extra charges for ads, running as reading notices, given on application. their Opulent neighbors Montpelier Savings Bank Trust Company Montpelier, Vermont IEJE HE In Your Financial Affairs You will find a very helpful service at the Capital Savings Bank Trust Company a service that is friendly, obliging, constructive. By making this your depository you have an efficient connection. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. CAPITAL SAVIN6S BANK TRUST CO.

President Roosevelt ought to be I upkeep expense of almost every fam-thankful that he will soon have Con- fn some cases it is a real neces-gress off his hands. That body has sityf in others an advantage, but been very tractable of late. ways an item in the family budget that figures high an item which Someone has suggested that Gov-1 asnt there years ago. MONTPELIER, ernor Aiken may conclude to try for third term. If he has given any countenance to the idea which we doubt it must be through his propensity to keep em guessing." He and F.

D. are much alike in that i I 302.775.00 462.355.00 62,941.71 17,530.00 98,809.91 784,386.43 124,642.17 5.500.00 20,176.07 2.961.00 1,882,077.29 1,882,077.29 Insurance Corporation ID VERMONT 21 NORTH ROYALTON Mrs. Henry Dodge and daughter, Denise, were in Middlebury Monday. Mr. Peters of Vergennes was a guest at the Zottman home Sunday afternoon.

Miss Helen Barnes of Quechee is a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens. Ella Casey of Vergennes spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John Zottman.

Robert Jones of South Royalton and Albion Jones of Chelsea are haying for Ethan Jones. Mrs. Alexander Gray and three children of Chelsea are guests this week of her daughter, Mrs. H. Chester Morse, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodbury and Miss Nellie Burkitt of Needham, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dodge.

Mr. and Mrs. David Hyde and son, Helen Hyde and Frank Hyde were in Jericho Sunday. Mrs. Frank Hyde returned with them.

Mrs. Beatrice Foster was one of a party of four who enjoyed a motor trip to Old Orchard, last week, spending several days sight-seeing. John Zottman, Louis and Jimmy Paini, were in Pittsford Sunday, where they visited Miss Olga Redi. Mr. Paims mother accompanied them.

Mr. and Mrs. Ethan A. Jones entertained Mrs. Mabel Moxley of North Andover, Mrs.

Beverley Hubbard of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchins of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Farnsworth and family of Burlington last week.

WEST FAIRLEE CENTER Ralph Badger is cutting the hay at Vena Southworths. Mrs. Bessie Ayres and Helen Robinson of Windsor ealled at F. B. Badgers Sunday.

Clifton Miskelly and friend of Revere, spent the week-end at A. N. Southworths. Mr. and Mrs.

B. M. Ball were in Sharon on Thursday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Cedric McDonald, i Mr.

and Mrs. Lester Leland tm-Middleboro, wre callers Mrs. Frank Badgers on Monday. Mr. Drury of Kingston, who is selecting a herd of Guernseys, spent last Sunday night at Ralph Badgers.

Mrs. Ralph Badger's grandson, Larry, vho had been staying with her since he came home from Hanover hospital, has returned to his home in West Fairlee. News is an exchange of courtesle. Phone us the items you know. To insure Jhejsroper distribution of your estate as you had planned it, of course.

0 You have a savings account and accumulate funds. Then you buy insurance to-provide for contingencies and make other investments. A will and a capable executor insure the continuation of your plans. Proctor Trust Company Proctor, Vermont A i. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Commercial Printing, Roy L. Johnson Co. Randolph, Vermont MEMORIALS SEE WANTED AND FOR SALE COLUMN HENRY H. GOODEILL RANDOLPH, VT. 'TUfStieRe: Bailey The resident and nonresident owners, proprietors, occupiers, mortgagees, their agents and attorneys, successors and assigns, of the town of Thetford, in the County of Orange are hereby notified that the taxes assessed by said town and Town School District of Thetford, for the years 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, next preceding this date, remain either in whole or in part, unpaid on the following described lands in said town, to wit: 1st Parcel Being a small place in Union Village on the south side of the public highway leading from the river road westerly by the W.

A. Parker farm and bounded as follows On the north and east by said highway, on the south aHd west by land of N. E. Sawyer and N. Carpenter, containing one acre, more or less, with the buildings thereon.

2nd Parcel Beginning at a Stone post set in the ground on the easterly bank of the Barrett Mill brook, so-called, and thence running in a northerly direction along the easterly bank of said brook to land of Clark Barstow, thence easterly along the southerly line of said Barstows land to the highway, thence southerly along the westerly side of said highway to a stone set in the ground, and thence westerly a straight line parallel to the line of said Barstow through an elm tree standing on said land to the first mentioned bound, together with the buildings thereon. 3rd Parcel Bang about two acres of land in the Village of Union Village on the west side of the road running northerly and southerly through Union Village, together with the buildings thereon and also the water rights. Reference os particularly had to Bobk 28, Page 410 as to Parcel No. 1 to Book. 30, Page 56 as to Parse! No 2 and to Book 33, Page 341 as to Parcel No.

8, aH recorded in the Thetford Land Records and reference is had to all prior deeds and the records therein contained for a more complete and particular description. You are further notified that so much of sd land will be sold at Public Auction, in the public highway opposite the dwelling premises the Village Union Village, in the Village and Town of Thetford, in the County of Orange and State of Vermont on the 10th day of August, A. D. 1939, at ten oclock, (E. in the forenoon as shall be requisite to discharge such taxes, with legal charges thereon, unless previously paid.

Dated at Thetford, in the County of Orange this 11th day of July, A. D. 1939. 1 Attest B. A.

TILDEN, Collector of Taxes for the Town and Town School District of Thetford, Vermont. 8926 Tax Sate jte: Ernest Cross Flora B. Cross The resident and nonresident owners, proprietors, occupiers, mortgagees, their agents and attorneys, successors and assigns, of the Town el Thetford, in the County of Orange are hereby notified that the taxes assessed by aid town and Town School District of Thetford, for the years 1933, 1934, 1935, 1937, next preceding this date, remain either in whole or in part, unpaid on the following described lands in said town, to wit: Being the land and premises of the said Ernest R. Cross and Flora B. Cross, situated in the Village of Post Mills in School District No.

6 and on the east side of the public highway leading from Post Mills to West Fairlee Village, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the Welton lot, so-called, now owned by Jennie Howe, and thence easterly along said Howes land to a atone post thence southwesterly 860 feet to a stone post on the east line of the said highway, and thence northerly on east line of said highway 260 feet to point of beginning. A water right is also included. Reference is had to conveyance recorded in Book 30, Page 82 in the Thetford Land Records and io all prior deeds and the records therein contained for a more complete and particular description. You are further notified that so much of said land wiH be sold at Public Auction, in the public highway opposite the dwelling premises in the Village of Post Mills, in the Village and Town of Thetford, the County of Orange and State of Vermont on the 8th day of August, A. D.

1939, at ten oclook, E. S. in the forenoon as shall be requisite. to discharge such taxes, with legal charges thereon, unless previously paid. 1 Dated at Thetford, in the of Orange this 11th day of July, A.

D. 1939. Attest B. A. TILDEN, Collector of Taxes for the Town and Town School District of Thetford, Vermont.

3926 Advertising In the local paper 'makes your offerings known to the 90 per bent who do not pass your Store window. SO 3E3E Case of the Chain Stores It will come as somewhat of a surprise to many people that the chain stores over the United States bought $10,500,000 worth of Vermont farm and manufactured products djiring the year 1937. Also according to survey made by an association serving chain stores there was also expended about $1,700,000 in wages, to Vermont residents who are employed by these chains. Something like $800,000 was paid in rentals and $1,200,000 for repairs, equipment, heat, light and services from local suppliers. The advertising of these chains in Vermont amounted to $300,000 and taxes amounted to $400,000.

While the survey showed that about one-tenth of all Vermont chain stores are locally owned, there are 2,700 stockholders in the other chains who reside in Vermont. These stockholders are in various walks of life and reside in many Vermont cities and towns from St. Albans to Brattleboro. The survey further showed that there are 1,297 men and women employed in Vermont chain stores and that the average salaries of the managers is $2,134. Now and then some criticism comes against the chain stores from the fact that they have put many independents out of business.

Yet these chains buy Vermont products, employ Vermont labor, pay Vermont taxes and use Vermont services such as heat, light and power. The chains though do not always sell for less than the independents. On many commodities retailing at small amounts they have built up a large volume of business through a system of operation that would not be profitable for an independent merchant. This system of merchandising reduces the spread. It must be admitted that improved methods of merchandising by the chain stores have greatly increased the consumption of food products and the use of other commodities.

Chain store advertising, particularly of food products, has brought about a greater sale of the products of the farm than would have come about through independent merchandising. One of the reasons for this is that the independents would not have caried on such extensive advertising campaigns. There may be reasonable arguments against the chains, yet it is fair to assume that their operation has considerably increased the consumption of farm products. Burlington Suburban List. Let These Children In Yesterday the nation celebrated the Fourth of July, anniversary of the day it cut itself loose from Europe.

One thing that made this a great nation was its long-standing habit of welcoming the poor and the oppressed of all lands. We seem to be getting away from that habit, rapidly. Maybe its in evitable; evolution or something. Nevertheless, we think the treatment given the Wagner child refugee bill by the Senate Immigration Committee up to now has been pretty shabby treatment. This is the bill to admit 10,000 German refugee children year to this country for the next two years, all of them 14 or younger, about half of them Jews and half Gentile, support of each of them to maturity to be guaranteed beforehand by some responsible person or group in this country.

The bill has been stalled in committee for weeks. Substitutes are now being offered, pne of which is a proposal to admit the children as urged by Senator Wagner, but to suspend all quota immigration for five years, Another is a proposal that the 10,000 refugee children per year be included in the regular German quota of 27,370. We think Senator Wagner is right when he says neither of these substitute schemes is acceptable to him. Each of them looks as shoddy to us as do the arguments advanced against the bill. We brag about our freedom from dictators and our tolerance for all races and all creeds in this country.

When it is proposed that we make it a little easier for one dictators victims to get out of his reach, a lot of us start finding reasons why we should nt do that. Its too much like the Pharisee who passed by on the other side, as con trusted with the Good Samaritan who paused in his trip to help out the beat en-up victim pf roadside thieves. Cer tainly Germans in disfavor with Hitler, whether they are Jews or Gentiles, are among the most hounded and helpless people in the world today. Lets pass this bill before Congress adjourns. Its little enough as a humanitarian gesture.

As for its being too much of a strain on our already strained economic system with these childrens support guaranteed until they come of age, all that the measure can do economically to us will be to bring in some more paying consumers of food, clothing, fuel, luxuries. And were always looking for more paying consumers. New York Daily News. vice" at the church with Rev. Mr.

Hastings as the speaker, who gave an interesting talk, Scripture reading by Miss Sallv Geer and singing by the congregation. Later games were played in the Town hall under the direction of Miss Geer. Refreshments of cake and Koolade were served. The railroad workers unions are going to take Judge Howes wage order in respect to the Rutland railway into court. Its an interesting.

nicked the former question law-whether an actof for individual or fam- Congress creating a board With pec ml jurisdiction over labor conditions al ther Spending be but costs incident to travel dipped further into the budget. Then there was the loss in earnings while absent can supercede the duty of the federal courts toward the property in its hands as custodian in bankruptcy. EAST BETHEL Helen Gilman is visiting Thelma Gifford. Mrs. D.

D. Eddy recently visited her daughter in Starksboro. The Birthday club held a picnic last Sunday on the Lyon meadow. Mrs. Zelda Savage was in Chelsea last Friday to attend the leader training meeting on plackets.

Mr. and Mrs. William Trombley, Rosey Fletcher and Ralph Burns were in St. Johnsbury Sunday. There will be an annual meeting of the East Bethel Library association at the home of the librarian Tuesday, Aug.

1, at 8:30 E. D. T. Mr. and Mrs.

William Turner and sons returned last, week Wednesday to Yonkers, N. after spending part of their vacation with her parents. Mrs. Tenney and Raymond accompanied them as far as Gifford Woods, where they enjoyed a picnic. Mrs.

Mary Louise Smith attended th annual 0. E. S. and Masonic picnic held at the Brooks picnic i in Sharon Jast Sunday. O.

Fay Vi, worthy grand patron, Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Robbins of Chelsea, Mr. and Warren Morse of Hartford were tl.cre.

Middle Branch Grange Notes Last Friday evening about 125 Grangers gathered at the Grange hall for Neighbors Night. After a short business meeting the visiting Granges presented a splendid program, which was much enjoyed by all. The program opened with a musical selection with encore by the North Randolph grange orchestra; a skit, Seeing the Animals, was given by three members from North Randolph; a musical comedy in two parts, Barnacle Bill, the Sailor, and an old English folk song was very cleverly presented by members from Snowsville grange. Between the acts Carl Wakefield from the same' Grange gave a recitation with encore. As their part in the program four young people from West Randolph grange presented a very amusing one-act jflay, Orvilles Big Date.

Besides the Granges already mentioned, visitors were present from Northfield and Brattleboro granges. After the program refreshments of ice cream, cake and saltmes served in the dining room. Sister Myra Woods from Randolph grange then played for dancing. The Home and Community Welfare committee of Middle Branch grange is sponsoring a cabaret at the hall on Friday evening, July 28th. This promises to be new and novel with entertainment and dancing.

The Grange picnic will be held at Carpenters pond on Sunday, July 30th. easy. Dollars slipped away thoughtlessly which before were laid away. drink and be merry was the A question in journalistic ethics-lard prompting, if not the vocal should local newspapers spread all slogan. the facts about the marihuana weed, Next came the World war, wi and resultant effects of smoking it, attendant prosperity to many, m- among- the people, including the pecially-.

the working people, who younger' in the locality realized far more for their hours of where it is prevalent and easily ob- Nr than they had ever earned be-tainable Some will say, Hash, Easy come, easy go, they others that the more publicity the spent freely and prevalent high better results will follow. Its a mat- Prices their money fast was ter -of individual judgment. There is no period of retrenchment, surely, no difference of opinion, however, re-1 Followed then the era of specu a-garding the baneful effects of using P0Pk with much or little trying the dopey stuff. to et more throueh the wheel of for- I tune; most of them eoming out worse Occasionally some of these ash-1 off in the end- But the spending for ington bureaucrats who interpret I living continued with little diminu-laws to their liking and frequently I tion, The habit, so easy to incur -and to the hurt of persons interested I so pleasant to gratify, obeyed no sig-find it neeessary to climb down off I nal warning. their perch.

An outburst of public I Then the fearful depression broke opinion compels them to retire from I suddenly upon a people quite unpre-their unwarranted advanced opinion I pared to rheet it. In earlier days as to how the law should operate. I there had been hard times, as bad or Bureaucrats, like Oliver Twist, are worse than those of the past decade, always looking for more; always I but the people bent their heads to seeking to stretch the law and their I the storm and took it as a matter of own authority beyond the limits it I course. Most families had a reserve was intended by lawmakers to go; lor nestegg, the accumulation of past putting the burden of seeking court thrift, which, with a sharp tighten-revision on the persons affected. Re- ing of the belt, carried them through, cently some board of interpretation This time it was different.

No reconnected with the administration of 1 serve, little disposition to endure, the wages and hours act ruled that! fixed determination to continue on where a weekly newspaper is pub-j the same plane of living, come what lished from an office in which job might. A feeling that somehow that printing is also carried on it could once intangible thing called govern-not claim the exemption granted in I ment was responsible for it and the act to newspapers of less than I ought to take over the burden became 3,000 circulation, 50 per cent of a settled conviction. Politicians seek-which must be in the county of pub- ing power played upon this, and, hav lication. Probably more than nine ing given definite promise that nobody out of every ten weekly newspapers I in, this country should come to Want, of small circulation would be barred I had to make good when they secured by this ruling. There was an immed-1 control.

The public accepted the iate adverse reaction. A Minnesota I promise, not only literally but liber-Cpngressman introduced a bill cor- all. There grew up almost over-recting this interpjetation and made night a feeling that individual re-a hot speech about it in the House. 1 sponsibility for making a living had The effect was immediate. The ad- been taken over by a good angel, ministrator of the act reversed the I Uncle Sam.

We have seen the re ruling to make it comply with the in suits. And those who can remember HANCOCK Gordon Gilbar was on a business trip in Richford Sunday. Loretta Baker of Springfield visited old schoolmates in town recently. Miss Rose Jacques of Manchester, N. is visiting her father, Napoleon Jacques.

Zeke Cushing of North Troy is a guest of his uncle, Si Cushing, and Phillip Rattee. Reports from Mrs. May Martin who is in Rutland, are that she is slightly improving. A daughter, Lois Ula, was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Mark Curtis July 19th, weighing IVz pounds. Measles seem to' have gone the rounds. Barbara Upton, the last victim, is recovering nicely. Several from here attended the dedication of the Catholic church at Rochester, where 41 were confirmed Mr. and Mrs.

Sanhorn and daughter of Lebanon, N. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M.

Church, Miss Flossie DeLorne, who is car ing for little Wendell Boutwell, spent the week-end with her brother and other relatives. A surveying party has been in town looking over the land damaged by the flood, and some changes in the road are expected to be made. Mrs. Jessie Chamberlin, who had been at the home of her brother, P. N.

Wade, for three weeks, has re turned to her home in Montpelier. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cole were in Chestertown, N. Sunday to meet Mrs.

Coles mother, Mrs. Della Pal mer, who returned home with them Much interest is shown is the Bible Vacation school. The children are making airplanes, chairs and var ious other articles in addition to their lessons. 1 Mr. and Mrs.

Henry N. Jackson with their son, Henry, and daughter, Miss Eleanor Jackson of Barre, have been recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. J.

Spencer. Visitors Friday at P. N. 'Wadei were Mrs. Truman Ribbler and son of San Ara, Mrs.

Alice Brown and daughter of Norwich, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Waite of Springfield, Mass. 1 There was a Sunday evening ser.

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