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Oxford Public Ledger from Oxford, North Carolina • Page 4

Oxford, North Carolina
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TO MY OUR COUNTY NEWS. XEW ADTEBTISEMKSTS. FALL WINTER FRIENDS To al the Ladies. RWWOUWeEMEWT Winter baridis 8v Easton! Our Fall and Winter stock is now practically complete. In variety of designs and novelties we have an assortment that far surpasses anything that we have yet shown.

We are selling as we bought, at the lowest possible prices and our store is packed with fresh and desirable goods. Colored Drtss Goods. This department has had our very closest attention and lias been selected with general care and represents the very choicest creations. Imported French Boncli, Silk and Wool Plaids, Novelty Creponnes, HIT 11 1 1 -t -v oerges in an snactes trom an a 11 A A -IS- A A i A 4 i i nifl not insr, what style you may want. We carry the the eitv, and our prices are cheaper HIM OF- wool ob incu wide at 20 cents per Clothing, but can show one of the tnem maae at home you can save Department.

in Baltimore and JNew York per yard up to the ncest imported. Black Dress Goods. In this Department we have simply spread ourselves, and can offer better values than ever before shown by us. Cloak Department. We make this Department another one of our leading features and are offering an unequalled assortment of Capes and Jackets in the leading shades and styles.

Carpet and Rug Department Don't fail to ask to be shown our Carpets, Rugs and Art Squares. We take pleasure in showing and will make low prices. Shoe Depariment. It is conceeded by ali that our Shoe Stock is the best that is carried in this part of the country. We positively will not charge an ft advance on vShoes as we bought early.

We will give our customers the advantage of low prices, so long as present stock lasts. CSPIf you will call and see them you will be convinced. if2SFD'KESS GOODS FOR EVERYBODY We can suit you in am thinp- von mav wan fc in the Gents' Furnishings. everyl hiner from the cheapest grade to the latest Foreign Novelties, and the latest trimmings to match. RTOARPETS RUGS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS! We can We do not carry Ready Made prettiest assortments of fant patterns ever shown in Oxford, and by 1 1 1 I 1 -1 show the largest lino of Carpeting and Kugs tn be found in the city and the prices are cheaper than ever before.

We will Carpet your floor cheaper than any other firm will, or can. Duying tne material ana naving nearly one half. A full and complete assortment of Hats, Caps, rlannel Underwear, JNeckwear, Collars and Guns always on hand and CdWe carry the best makes oi of the best makes. Fit. Quality and Prices we defy competition.

J.fiT"Call and see us when in the city and we ill be glad to Polite and attentive sales people- And last, but by no means least, is our Millinery Our Milliner has spent weeks show you our stock and quote you Paris MAIN STREET, fecting herself in styles and trimming and we cordially invite all the ladies to call a ad examine our stock. You Need. -A- How will These Suit You vou want, wo have them in any largest assortment to he found in than others. Dress Goods Line. We have hoes America, ror styie, prices whether you buy or not.


George B. Harris, Plaintiff, Noti cp of Sale iier Execution Dr. Wm. Thorp, Defendant r- ArnfoA to the lin- designed from the Superior Court of Granville County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 25th of November, 1SU5, (the same beinz the first day of Court), at 12 o'clock, at the courthouse door of said county, fell to the hiehest bidder for cash, to satisfy the said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said Dr. Thorp, defendant above named, has in the following described tracts of land to-wu Iract No.

1. Lying in Walnut Grove town ship, along the west side of the Merea and Goshen road, adjoining the lauds of Miss Lucj lhorp, Mrs. Ella Gregory, the Dr. Wm. Ihorp homestead tract, and perhaps others, containing 400 aces, more or less; Tract No.

2. Lying in Walnut Grove township, adjoining the lands of P. lhorp. J.G. Shotwell.

Howell Evaus, and perhaps others, containing bO acres, more or less. Tract No. 8. Lying in Walnut Grove township south of the Dr. Wm.

I'horD homestead tract adjoining the lands of Mrs. Ella Gregory, David Duncan, Micajah Thorp, and perhaps others, known as a part of the Isaac Slaughter tract, containing 10i) acres, more or less. W. S. COZAKT, Sherift.

Per J. T. COZARr. Deputy Sheriff. Valuable Land Sale.

OURSUANT TO A JUDGMENT AND DE-X cree of the Superior Court of Granville made at the July Term, thereof, in the case nrs Onklewa. T. A. ltisrsrs and others, we shail. on Monday, the 26th' day of November, it being the tirst day of the November term, 1S95, of Granville Superior Court, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthonse d-Hr in uxtora.

tne two ira i i iauu mcuuuuni and described in said Judgment and decree and in the complaint in said ection. First 2Yact contains 259 acres, is situate in Walnut Grove Township and adjoins the lands of I. N.Day, Samuel Jones, R. L. Newton, T.

D. Wood, Wm. Daniel, dee'd, and others and is the same land bonnt ny t. Kiggs. oi j.

o. Davie, Adni'r of W. W. Green, dee d. Second Tract contains 146 acre-, is situate in Walnut Grove Township, and adjoins the lauds of Louis Williford, Yarboro.

Ja. T. Oakley, Geo. Sherman and others. Time of sale 12 O'clock, m.

This October 24th, 1S95. ANDREW J. HARRIS, S. ROYSTER, Commissioners. A.

A. HICKS. OCi2o 4t. Administrator's Notice. HAVING BEEN DULY QUALIFIED AS AD-ministrator of the estate of Mordecai Sears deceased, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Granville County, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and settle the same at once.

Persons holding claims against said estate will present them to me for payment on or before the 18th day of October, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery, Oct. 18th, 13 5 CHAS. L. FLOYD. Administrator of M.

Sears, dee'd. A. A. HICKS, oct25 6t. BARGAINS AND- i lies iff Having purchased the entire stock of Hardware, Buggies, Wagons, of S.

II. Smith, and beg to say we haye decided to place on sale In the next 60 days these goods at prices that will be of interest to the purchasing public. These good9 must go. We wa to move the Goods from the S' H. Smith stand to Edwarda Winston's store January 1st, and we want to close as many of them out as possible before moving.

REMEMBER! We carry everything in Hardware and Vehicles, Wagons aed Housekeepers goods. Great est Bargains in Buggies, IT'agons and Cook Stoues ever offered. Everything else in our line at lowest prices. Mr. H.

Smith will be with us to wait on our friends and we guarantee to you the best goods, lowest prices, and a satisfactory deal or money refunded. Remembdr we guarantee prices to be as low as rrllable goods can be purchased. Thanking our many cnatomers for past favors, We rre yours respectfully, EDWARDS WINSTON, are agent for Tyson Jones Buggies, Hackney Buggies, Babcock Happy Thought Buggies, Randolph Ellis Buggies, Old Hickory Wagons, Studcbaker Wagons, Piedmont Wagons, Russell Wagons. oct25. QHAS.

J. GREGOKY, Wholesale Commission Agent, OXFORD N. C. Only first class Houses represented, quotations. Write for oct25.

Administrator's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRATOR JCL of Henrv T. Knott, deceases, late of Gran ville county, N- this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present the same to me for payment on or before the 20tn day of October, 1890, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to eaia estate are hereby no tilled to make immediate settlement. '1 his the 17th day of October, 1895.

GEORGE FERRELL, Administrator of Henry T. Knott, decea ed. octl8-0t. -QR. BEN J.

K. HAYS la permanently located in Oxford for the prac tice of Medicine and Surgery in all its branches. Office on College Street, where he will be foun during the buolneBB houre of the day. Telephone connection at reidence. CUSTOMERS V- desire to thank you all fni- tv, of patronage you have shown ware and Vehicle busiress i BaVf entire business to ajeesrs.

Edward? and have accepted a place with tl A' "ul am better prepared to supply yoiu "Wf will have a much larger J. Wants, a fitock to sell from. I hpe Col iMuxuiae to ao my best fo- rQa Respectfully DO YOU OWE ME 5x please call at old store and pa them anp a-counts will be kept ready fl fv I must have my accounts eettled -ff tlcneat yoUoXftyou owe. Very b- a- SMITH, rroUqhton' -the- Acknowleflgfifl Heafliait is -FOR- All Fashionable Drinks -AND Clever Treatment NOTHING BUT THE PLliKST AM) hKT WINES, WHISKI BBANDIKs. Khfi.

Pure, Unadulterated OLD North Carolina Corn Whiskey at SI.50 per Gallon a Specialty, nret-claes Pool Parlor and Oy-u-r a. loon attached. B. OCtl8-it. OXFORD, KORTU CAKOLINa W.


Rememberthe home made Corn Whiskey at $1.50 per gallon. S. USRY and R. L. POOL nro with inl and will be glad to serve you.

octlS-lt. CORN WHISKEY AT $1.50 Per Gallon AT IKE STEAGALL5 IT THE BEST. Fare Rye Whiskey, Brandy, Wine. er- Ale, ifcc, always on hand. I want your trade and will treat right.

I. H. Steagall, WaLL STREET. octlS-4t OXFOBD, Sale of Land for Parti tion. VlRTl'E OF AN ORDER OK TilK ueiior Court of Granville county, mA-W special proceeding wherein IT'm.

M. tstt'S smothers, ex parte. 1 will on Saturday, Novem r.t 16th, 1895, oiler for eale upon the premiss, i the higheBt bidder at public auctiou, a trs' 1 d. land mentioned and described in said proct IngB, as situate in Brasglleld township, ville connty, and bonnded by the lands ol- Cannady, deceased, on the West, C. and J.

M. Hockadav, on the South, H. J- gam and R. H. Al en on the Eat and Mif tha Jenkins on the North, and containing acres more or less, And being known as a I'ar rt the lands of the late Jerry Esteu, deceaseu, is sold for a division amongst the heirs at the late Sallie Esteg, decensfd.

"eii- lands will be divided into three or more nece8ay, 10 sun purcnasers. JC1U' bal one half of the purchase monev each, tnt KYiff 1-n fwlo mnnltia with inferest KOui of sale until paid and the title retained auut the balance is paid. Time of sale 12 'cl Saturday, November 16, 1895, upon the prem -N. B. CANNADY.

N. Oct. 16, 1895. ociU-1- BR0OGHT1 As Dished up By Our Regular Correspondents. CONDENSED FORM AND READABLE.

Personal, Marrlatfes, Deal lis, Uossip, Politics, tne Firesitle, cimrches, Nchools, Farming, Ac, Ac. Sews from Outsiders. We would be glad to receive local news from every portion of Granville, as well as adjoining we want to make the Pl-blic Ledger a first-class local newspaper. Send ns the items friends and we will put them in shape. Don't be backward, friends, let the peopie know what is going on in your section.

Bditok.J Kliady drove Synopsis. All we hear now is- "Did you go to the show Mrs. J. A. Crews visited relatives and friends at Creedmoor and Hester last week.

Miss Ollie Thomas, of Noblin, has returned home to the regret of her many admirers. Mr. J. B. Newton has a little boy only three months old tliat weierhs 17 pounds, and tries very hard to walk.

The late meeting here proved a success, the church reviyed, and many new members were added to the church. We are glad to hear from Timid Girl again as she writes such nice items. Do not wait so long before you write again. Messrs. T.

J. Crews and son.of Dur ham: J. R. Benn, of Hargrove; Geo Bobbitt and wife, of Fishing Creek, visited Mr. J.

A. Crews Sunday. I guess our old friend Leopold is the oldest writer for the Public Ledger, and will not 3ay the best, but I like to read his items best. An old mink visited Mr. J.

B. Newton's hen house Saturday night and deprived him of eight chickens. Not being satisfied went back Sunday night and relieved him of 12 more. The farmers are busy shucking corn and sowing wheat. 1 attended a corn shucking last week and saw a young man there that could not close his eyes and mouth at the same time.

As I exnect to start to school in a few days will stop writing for a little while. TWould be clad to have vou continue young lady if it does not conflict with your school duties, as we appreciate vour items verv much for which we thank you kindly. We wish you unbounded suceess in your studies. Ed. C.

L. R. English Spavin removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Cogh6, etc. Save $50 by use of one Dottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.

Sold by G. HftJl, druggist, Oxford, N. C. Asleep In Jesns, Mr. Daniel Terry Gooch died at the ripe old age of 88 years, 1 month and 18 days.

He tfas born August 7, 1807. Mr. Gooch was one of Gran ville's oldest citizens, born and rear ed near Oxford. In his youthful days he was married to Miss Nancy Hester, the only daughter of Mr. Robert Hester, after which he started out in life full of youthful vigor, and comparatively no troubles to mar his happiness.

He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for more than half a was one of its regular attendants as lpng as his health would permit, performed with cheerfulness and patience every christian duty involved upon him. His usual kind disposition and hospitable manners won for him a host of friends. He was a kind neighbor, a loviner father and a trustworthy and beloved citi zen. His hand of love and sympathy was eyer extended to the poor and needy. It was one of the many pleasures he delighted in to contribute to the Lord's treasury of the means which God had given him.

Several years previous to his death his afflictions were many and severe. Eighteen months before his death his health was declining so rapidly he thought it best to leave his old home and eo and live with his daughter, Mrs. Sarah H. Cheatham. During his stay there he became conscious that his end was fast approaching, and freqaently spoke of his future hopes, and looked forward with delight to the day when he should be clasped into the arms of his angel wife neyer to be severed again, and be surrounded by the six dear children rejoicing and singing praises to the blessed Redeemer.

Through seyere afflictions his hopes grew brighter, and like Paul he could realize that "our light afflictions which are for a moment, work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of though he was old and infirm and his hearing dull, it was a source of comfort and pleasure to him to have the company of preachers and to hear them sing and pray and read the Bible, and always listened, with an eargerness that seemed to be his soul's delight. He, as we believe, is infinitely happier than we. He leaves two children, one son, one daughter and a number of grand children to mourn his loss. In his death they sustained the loss of an affectionate father and a kind-hearted, sympathetic grandparent. He was laid to rest in the family burying ground beside his loviner wife where a number of his children repose.

"Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely best No fear, no woe, shall dim the hour That manliest the Savior's power. A Friend. SURVEYING. I wish to Inform the people of Granville County that I am prepared to do all kinds of Surveying and Civil Engineer' ing work. 1 have a hne set or instru ments and 8 years experience.

Address, W. FANJNEBA.J1EK. june7. Virgliina, Va. Look Out A ONE Dollaf A.

$25 Hand-Made SET With the Purchasing Power Of Two in Many Instances. Grand Offer! OF spends the largest amount of cash to January 1st, 1896, a $25.00 set DOUBLE WAGON HARNESS fall AND I will give to the person who with me from September 1st, 1895, of Hand- Made Double Waon Harness. WINTER JOSERH S. HALL. Ready for the Inspection of the Public nnn ml The grandest stock of Ready-to-Wear Clothing for Men and Boys ever brought to North Carolina.

Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishings, Trunks, Valises, etc. We expect to double our sales of 1894 You can do yourself good and help us by doing your trading for the coming season here. Any size person can be fitted, Fat or Lean, Little or Big, we are equally prepared. specialty. LEADS THEM ALL.

A $0.00 DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE Given away to the person who Those who have never dealt with us regularly are especially invited to examine this superb stock. It will pay you to travel THE STAR THAT V-CiH pmmmm 50 miles to trade with us. We give reliable goods and big values Special Prices. Men's Suits, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Overcoats, handsome ones, $4.90, $6.25 and $9.50.

Boy's Suits $1.60, worth $3.00. Hats 47 to 98 cents. Bargains, will bring or send me the largest number of names of persons to whom I can sell a Sewing Machine. This offer ends Septem her 1st, 1896. JOSEPH S.

HALL. KRONHEIMER, Urdcrtgikiiri I have on hand at all times full and complete stock of Coffins and all kinds of Undertakers Goods at as low prices as any living man, and a nice hearse desired. JgCAU orders by Telegraph or Verbal will have'my very best attention. Very respectfully, JOSEPH S. HALL.


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