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Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts • Page 1

Fitchburg, Massachusetts
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ietttiitel THE WEATHER WASHINGTON, Tdsy 26 OP) Fere- Infinits Is tht help i and northwsst winds. VOL. LV. NO. 16 FITCH QURG, THURSDAY, MAY 26.

1 927 SIXTEEN PAGES TWO CENTS FITCHBURG IS IN $36,000,000 BANK MERGER Fitchburg Bank Trust Co. Is FRENCH MASSES HAIL LINDBERGH Consolidated With Worcester Merchants as County National Tens of Thousands of "Commoners" Cheer i Founded C. E. Young American As He Drives From U. S.

I 1 Embassy To Hotel de Ville; Aviator Greets Marshals Foch and Joffre, Visits Belgian Each Share of Stock in Institution Here To Be Worth Three-Fourths of Share in Amalgamated Bank; Action Allowed Under McFad-den Act; Capital To Be $1,875,000 War Wounded; Is Moved To Tears British White Paper Reveals Contents of Documents Taken in the Raid on Soviet House Lilt of AddreMe of Many Persons In United States and Other Countries Included; Issued To "Illustrate Hostile Activities of Soviet Government and Third International Against Great Britain;" letter To "Comrade Bixby," New York, Urges Strengthening, of Activities Among Trades Unionists MAINE YOUTHS SLAY ELDERLY MANF0RL00T Two Confess They Clubbed PARIS, May 28 OP) Cpt. Charles Lindbergh was paraded before the eyes of the people of Pans today to such ehcers as no man has heard in this city since Woodrow Wilson made his triumphal ntry into Paris in 1919. It was the first opportunity that the citizens of Paris have had to see the heroic American aviator Since his arrival at the Le-Bourget flying field Saturday night, for all hi intervening hours have been devoted to receiving honors from persons in high places. Tens of thousands of Frenchmen cheered the young American IhU afternoon as he Was eseqrted from iiis cou.ntry'a. embassy to the Hotel De Ville, Farmer To Death; Got Steps were simultaneously taken in this city and in Worcester today leading to the organization of the first county national bank in New EngJand, under provisions of the McFadden banking act, which was passed by the last Congress, and signed by President Coolidge on Feb.

25 of this year. This rfew banking institution, to be known as the Worcester County National bank, will be formed by the consolidation of the Fitcfiburg Bank Trust Co. of this city and the Merchants National bank of Worcester. It will have total resources of about seph R. Brodsky, 799 Broadway, New "York.

"Canada (No j) Maurice Specter 231 Palmerston avenue. Toronto Moness Address (No. 10) Mones: Chemical Inc 426 Broome street New York." Only $12 and Watch ROLL OF MONEY REPORTED MISSING Neighbors' Suspicions Roused LONDON, May 26 OP) Sixteen documents," Including list 0f ad-dresscs of many persons in the United States, Canada and Central and South American. Countries, found in the raid on Soviet House, were Issued "by the British government today aB a White Paper to Il TJnder the titcs that border Chumps Ely sees one ol igmficcnt hoUlevards- nognUiccnt lipUle-people or Piinw btood 1 captioned in included. lustrate the "hostile activities Ql the ranged by Archibald MacKay, who has lone been interested 'la relict work In Belgium.

Two oi; the wounded Belgians bpnkc Knglh. "You're a great boy wild one. and the other chimed In- "Too have done the greatest thing of all. You are the greatest" flier In Mndbergh was greatly moved at the homane ol the njr mutilated. Because Wentworth Once $36,000,000.

with deposits of about $32,000,000, and a capital unspoiled youth, from Told Them He Was Robbed BELFAST, Me, May 26 OP) Iceland Wellman, 23, and Perley Jones. Z0, farm hands in the village of West "Addresse feur schlfrlecte tele-gOMtlme: Cornwallis, Chicago, 111 two." Franklin JonesT 1424 "Chicago Temple Chicago, ill. V'Addrcsse feur geldscndungen: Joseph Brodsky, room 703, 41 L'nidn Square, New York (feur die partes und andere organtzatloned) J. Moness, 78T Croton Park, North Bronx. New York (feur trade unions.

and there were te.irs In his yes as Soviet government and the rtilrd international against Great Brlt. "alH." Paper number four Is "List of addresses found in possession ot Anton -Miller." The addreBses begin as follows, "List A. Canada: 1) Communist party of Canada, room 301, King street. Toronto, Canada. "Private address: (No.

2) "Miss Skeno, 64 Victor avenue, Toronto, Cahada (inBlde envelope. I. Mac- Walter Tufts, president of the Merchants National bank, will be president of the new Worcester County National bank, and H. G. Townend, president of the Fitchbtrrg Bank will be chairman of the board of directors.

he thanked them foi his Ireqeptlon. He was icuervetl at the JnvVlidcs by M. Democc. oresldent ol the first Association of War Wounded, Washington, confessed early today, county authorities said, to the brutal murder of Dexter Wentworth, aged Lincolnville farmer, -who was clubbed to death In his borne' last Friday DR. FRANCIS CLARK Sur nachebesondcren answeissungen trip to the Hotel Des Invalides i greet, a delegation, of Belgian war ounded who have been visiting In in hanking I County Katfonal bank will be Tin? of staff to Gen.

Goumud, in full 3SV( progr Addresie feur briefe juyuia kp Aitvv njfhl Wellman struck Wentworth on the do plain civilian suit. In hone Gibson, 521 Drompton, Chicago, 1L head eight times with a heavy tlub which he had brought with him for the purpose, County Atty. R. however, tho marshal had FOUNDER, DEAD considerable time. Today meetings ot the directors of both banks 'concerned were held, at which time eacl body approved the consolidation Before this can become effective approval must be had from the stock Addresse feur literature I Eliza- Chicago, 111.

(No, S) Anna David, Chapman announce, followlnfrstate-. Chicago. addresse feur zlrknlare? Then the allied generalissimo presented Lindbergh with his picture 1914 through the consolidation of Fitchburg Nntlonal bank and the Fitchburg Safe Deposit Trust Co. 1, room 301, 1113 W. WaahlnffTon Chicago, holders of the two banks, and for the Reed, 3236 Potomac a Tbe only loot obtained was $12 and their victim's watch, the urisoners riooiareri nlthnueh neighbors of in his buttonhole the -ribbon Hof the American Uifctlngulshcd Service Medal, which ho "received at the hands of Gen Pershing Lindbergh woie another of his new Paris-made suits, a well-fitting gray suit with a giay hat of almost the same shade, new black low shoes and white shirt and collar with a'black-dotted tie.

in his buttonhole was the naripw red ribbou of the Legion oinnrk, The Fitchburg is tnc pic- President of World Society Saw It Grow To Membership of Several Millions Chicago, in. une u. is. utnen-berg, 1113 W. Washington Blvd; i.

Max Bedadh. 3011 N. Nordlca P. O. Station Dunnlg, Chicago.

lis. "(Numbers four, fiv itate bank In April. Rnd six are special of the stockholders Wentworth had told authorities he tlin FlH-hhunr N-ntlnnnt ipic oi t'iiris today showed grouped in brackets, of the and Won banks have been called for Jul that, despite Lindberghs appearances of the lust bank tn 1865. H. G.

Townend, for 43 years with the bank and for 16 when last seen. This has not Tt is expected that consolidation will "For cipher Hn Jones, 112 CI NEWTON. May26 Wl Dr. TrarT- from M. Juse- be an accomplished tact by July 1.

as learned that of the Fitchburg Bank Tr tortnv said! Wellman when It the 5-year-oId neighbors that the of the World Christian Endeavor society, died at his home here today. rracr had told outh had robbed suction last fall. Ion, hopping Into "Behind, the bare announcement of Dr. Clark.whowas been, ill. hlnLOf M00 in consolidation, of two well- nd that th'ere had-been" hatt Teellng- "The McYcrrahTs Natlbrtflf bant' AMEDEEL PEPIN, $7,000,000 UNER uanks lies anoiner interesting for three weeks at his Newton home.

Yesterday he sank Into a coma, from Which he did not recover. His fam Undbcigh ho drove up. act lor Worcester county, eallzatlon that this consi il demands. In response MASTER BARBER, ompanled his gue: me pomp una ceremony nc is going thi-ough, but his conversation when he can steer it Is generally of avia ily was with him for the last few Wor between them. Later it was learned that a ma chine corresponding in appearance one owned by Wellman had been re ported on roads near the lonel Wentworth farmhouse last Friday.

(Continued on Fa Thirteen) and Is real pion Worcester wan organized in 1A05 and has shown steady growth since Its organization. Its last published statement shows deposits ot about 127,000,000, and total resources of about 13,000 000. Under the leadership of its president, Walter Tufts, It has shown continuous iirogresq steps of the hou; hero they AWAITS A TOW AFTER COLLISION eering -under the new McFadden tion. His talk to almost entirely DffiS SUDDENLY days ot his illncBS. Death came at 10.55 this morning.

Dr. Clark supported himself by his writings. always letuslng to acceflt bsnkjflg act which was passed by Congress as recently as Feb. 26. 927.

It Is' generally conceded thnt sallies, in ract, wai about future in since he came to Worcester. In 1934, and this latest move Is simply a photographed together. thj holding; the aviator hand. Llndbcrg's visit to Joffre was more or less impromptu. The old -hero- of the Mal'iic thiew his arms -around the airman and gave him the accolade- kiss on each cheek about the 60th lie has received sfnee his i can never forget my wonderful tne larger ana snonger orgamzacior in the banking business, as In othi lines, offer the eommunltlen th mtlnuation or.

tne rorward-iooKing Malolo, Pride Amedee E. Pepin, 92 Charles street, one of the most widely known master CITY COSTS HAVE MOUNTED RAPIDLY servo greater facilities In almost land Thei County National bank. lest crowd that has vet greete at one of his public appeal every way than can smaller institutions with more limited resources; and 'this consolidation Is the result of studios made over a considerable He often said that his creat barbers of the city. Tiled suddenly this morning at the New England Deaconess hospital. Boston, following an operation.

He was In his 63d cceptlon in Amoiica 10 years ago," I. jjareiy n. nuoorep people, i the i glad i period of time, the-basic Idea being tit you larding Allen, proprietor, Charles Federal Report Shows Increase The visit to the Invalldes don Whltehousc gratification and satisfaction had been that "God has so signally used mo to plant the seed that brought such fruitage In the lives young Christians The founder of (Mrlstian Endeavor lived to see It bejjotae International, "Mr. Pepin had been In poor, health for a few months ana wcntTto the hosoltal yesterday where he was op of Nearly 100 Per Cent In banking Interests or these two Important parts of the county Fitch-hi and Woreester-to make th( erated on this -morning. He died on Msrine, 310 Aboard, Rammed By Freighter fEW LONDON, Conn, May 26 OP) A radio msisge rem the coast guard destroyer 8haw, standing by the steamer Malolo.

rammed last night by a freighter, to the destroyer Casein, inter-ceptedtt cpattfluard headQujr- ters Itere this morning indicated thaf it might be necessary to remove tha passengers and crevy of the liner. The massage raad as fellows: "If craw are taken off, Casein combined bank stronger in every way than either could be done, and les Baker. Baker. Baker tic. His death comes as a great shock Robblns, attorneys, and president to cacn city jsrpaier laciii; nd thVfW'WcT'i especially 'In" Filchbui To 'hir Tantrrjr'an fwemter -the imr-Jorlty of whom did not know of his WORCESTER MOIST HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING WHEN CAR LEAVES ROAD: RESCUED BY STRANGER Mien ou rg.

icmbrrsnin of approximately 4.0i northern part of the county, which wilt now have the facilltleii of a bank with aBSPts of about 136 000,000. Im 90 within 80 denominations. It Is stimated that more than 25.000,000 mourn with the family in their great loss. Mr. Repin was horn in Canada.

possible for a purely local tnrougnout the world Auo- 9. 1884. and had been a residi ana it seems to tne directors ot me two banks that it Is particularly Ot Fitchburg about 40 years. He had can be ot great assistance. uo- Expenditures Since ,1917 1 WASHINGTON'.

V. May 26 The' Dcyai tment of-Commeroe-an-nounces a summary of the financial statistics of the City corporation of Fitchburg, for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30. 1926. Expenditures The payments for maintenance and operation of the general departments of Fitchburg, for the fiscal year ending Nov.

30, 1926. amounted 11.675,35 or.37.90 jieraplta. In 1925 the comparative per capita for maintenance and operation of general departments was J37.15, and for 1917, $19.58. Payments for the operation of public service enterprises (water works and cemeteries) nmnimiPd to 1108.248: interest on vears and previous to that was em ployed an a Journeyman. another autnlst ettme discovered his plight and pulled hfm from his watery bed.

He convevrd him to Dr. George F. Grleumard's office In ceneral. the terms of the Kalle Lelvtinen. Worcester, narrowly escaped seilous Injury and possibly drowning about midnight last- night, Rheimiv automobdc he was lolldation are that the shareholders MEW YORK.

Mmr 2R OP) The of the tchbure: Bank Trust KEATING TO GET L0VELL CONTRACT ft07e Matson HneV-MakHo, pride-ot operating icrt tne ro.ict Detw 0 persons anoara, toai the wetting' and cut on the "headj Leivonen escaped without mishap. The car was nulled from Its unusual stock for each share of Fitchburg wned by Crocker Rurhnnk Esther M. Penin. a teacher in West position by .1. X.

it Co. Xwlnn. ii on. Arthur Penin nf Co. The automobile dropped about 30 feet and overturned with ail four wheels In the air.

Jamolca Plain and a brother and, The Malolo, the largest and fastest The operator was pinned tinder the v-ed the operator debt. H8.8-i3: and outlays for per Including Rank Trust Co. stock now held; and the stockholders or the Merchants National bank will receive one share of slock In the Worcester County National bank for each share of Merchants National bank stock now held. The capital of the Worcester County National bank will be 11,875,000 and It is expected that the same dividend as Is now being paid on- the stock of the Merchants Na manent improvements, thoe for public service commercial craft ever built In the United States, and Just completed for passenger service between San Francisco and Honolulu, yesterday afternoon was rammed amidships In three sisters in Canada. The funeral will be Saturday morning from the Immaculate Conception church ENGLBH GOlfffi 1 payments, there- for ex pei ivy log ana ausaoiea Keating Co of Fitchburg.

low bidder on the Lov ell" reservoir, will bo awarded the contract for carrying out that Important Water supply extension project, Commissioner Guy H. Chae of the public works department a id today. His bid was After a conference with Mnvop Joseph A LOtte and Citv Solicitor Charles riynn late yesterday afternoon. Commissioner Chase this mornin" wrote to Mr Keating notifying him that his bid will be ac- 12.360,399. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NATIVE SPINACH Fresh From HeaUun Farm -Tve started up my Are again.

After Irving hard in vain. waive This weather ncem lit. It enn't hi- done- If no slid (This brought oot the tional bank will be continued on the The totals Include all payments for the year, whether made froth current revehue or from the proceeds of DEFEATS HALEY stock or tne Worcester County bank. The personnel of each bank will remain substantially the FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY Fresh Eastern Halibut I Large Lobster Her fire-rooms flooded with four feet of water, the Malolo, which, in the Hawaiian tongue, means "Flying Fish," flashed distress calls by radio and immediately a fleet of rescue same as at present, so that the public will And the same men to do business with as heretofore, and the Wor lb. 58 lb.

cester County National bank will af- HOYLAKE. England, May 26 OP) H. D. Gillies of Woking, well-known Inated EdwIn W.1 Haley ofNew York, former Williams coHeee star from r. facilities of everv kind In 35 lb.

Freab Salmon 65 lb. (Feck) the Jacob Chrlstensen the British amateur golf champion Clams oat of Shell 35 pL the year, exclusive of the payments for permanent Improvements, but S74.309 less than the total payments Including those for permanent Improvements. These payments In excess of revemie- receipts were met from the proceeds of debt obligations. cluding oate deposit vault, trust department saUngs fnT. rlgn exchange department women's department, ere The Worcester1 steamed on towards New Ycrk, leaving the Fisher standing by the anch- ships at the 18th hole.

Haley, who defeated Cyril Tolley yesterday, had "beaten Major by Mr. Krating Maor Lowe and Commissioner Chase The contractor has lx dAV in which to Tile Tila bond and under the terms of the enntnet work mux he started within 10 dajs of the signing. The contract win call for the completion of the 3i2 000,000 gallon reaer- Nineteen bids nn the Teservoir were opened Mnndav afternoon The next lowest biddrr after the Keatme company was GrOve A Sons White Plains whose estimate was t2i0 SSi We Have A Select Lot of Fancy CAPONS-CHICKENS-BROILERS AND FOWLS for Sunday and the holiday. Order early for the best selsction. The American lost to Gillies on the Three tugs or the Merrltt-Chap-man Wrecking Co.

left New York, two destroyers from the coast guard left New London. and a fourth Merritt-Charman Co wrecker started from New London. (Coatfaswd oa Fee XUrtsam) last green in as thrilling finish as that which gave him an 18th hole victory over Tolley yesterday. He lost by the bare margin of a putt, and thus ended America's unexpected challenge for the champion- MRS. HARLEVS CANNED CHICKEN, jar $1.35 Jar Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise, free with each jar.

See window display at Downtown Store. Everyone has valuable papers which should not bo "Cinzano" Italian USE OLIVE OIL VERMOUTH imeamu a-. wiWv snrasrBHw -Ctttne de la Creme" "Epicure" Salt Codfish I Nice and White, 37 lb. box "Veuve Chaifard" Ther are very best obUlnsbl of loss, through ftre. theft or carelessness.

Tou have contracts, leases, bonds, deeds, mortgages and other policies which yen cannot sfford to lose, when yoo can rent a private box In our flrenwif and bur-ttr-proof Ssfe Dep-wft Vanlt modems 306 Main SL 745 Main SL How to get next winter's fuel at summer prices with no severe drain on your poekelbook note! See Pfle 14 Fitchburg Gas Electric light Company It's Probably True that even the beat advice is seldom taken by most of us. We have to find out for ourselves. A food many others have found out for themselves that the bet way to save Is with THE BANK OS THE CORNER under the co-operative plan. Fidelity Co-operative Bank Cor. Main and Grove St.

W. G. HATES, Traaa. QF. L.

Drury Sons Co. jyj GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN Fitchburg Bank Trust Co. strt.

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