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Manitoba Free Press from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 11

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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MANITOBA FREE PRESS. WINNIPEG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1917. OtfEY AND BUSINESS CEMENT REACHED the wilds of the notth to aid the bat-tlo against smajlpoi, then raging as a dreadful epldomlc among the Indians. Ho was tho only physician carrying on the work and as a result of certain subsidiary concerns ac-'ed during thi" year. Thlit Is, Involved but tbo itormtil earnings of the company.

lne unusual character of the fler- 1910 5 24Ji077 oral situation In Persia had been assisted by two Independent movements of a military character outside tlio borders of that country. The tlrst was the success of General Maude in Mesopotamia. Thoso operations resulted In casualties to tho Turkish troops estimated at 15.000. and had drawn increasing Turkish forces from the operations In tho north, and thereby Improved the position of tho Russian army. The sec- a contract for Interior UIo in th home dairy and sclonco building was also disclosed.

In ihla connection it was shown that tho KoMy firm charged the Roblln government $17,262 for tho work. According to estimates mado by John McCroa, superintendent or buildings, tho overchargo amounted to $7,728, not Including a 10 per cont profit which waa allowed. His estimates were supported by J. E. Braid, of Braid and McCnrdy.

who tcfltlfli'd In regard to current tile prices. Enquiry Into tho ongin- Detroit United 5 at ll4Ti. Canada Steel 110 at 61V4. Quebec Railway 10 at 45V Novi Hcotln Btcel 30 at 11 Toronto Italhvay 50 at 85 niorden Pulp 5 at 110U. Ogllvio Flour Mills 5 at 13 pOWN-TOWN OFFICE.

of Hie members of the Uturu to the rur.U credit, jjch up for discus-don In lust niqlil. Indicates that ui" be -placed In the ti that the row arrangement Put Into operation, jitlnrntes s-'t apart tho sum of jg a contribution from the. to tl'e capital of tho now don. This Mill he sufficient jrfje for loan of million dol-this loaned, there jne b-icK from the boi rowers of new capita I. and on this wothcr half-million tun bo The biiHlne for the tlrst wllL thereto: nrMl a unless provision Is i the bill i possible that jjioclatlon ma rasa of be the mat provision nil.

ilit attl the demand. It would ntMactory. however. If id derelop alow ly. jittommodatloti ih at a prcmlt fcstalnihe buildlnc.

It the office of the now nmust he located down-Own ml th. I tho public can readily .1. i-cpt dcpolts and will sell change. $4.75 for demand. TAX EXEMPTION FOR MENJVERSEAS The Saskatchewan Legislature Adopts Measure to Assist Khaki-clad Hegina.

Feb. 26. Saskatche-an soldiers holding farm land In tho province who are serving in cither, his majesty's armies or lu the armies of allied powers will have all their lands up to the 160 acres of a homo-stead and 1C0 acrca of pre-emption protected against accumulation of taxes. This decision was made this afternoon, when thu amendments to the Rural Municipalities bill were discussed In Uio committee of the vholo. Tho amendment, as brought lown by Hon.

George Langley, prodded: 'The land of any person who has in the i of $10 per nnnum until the eaten. doing their duty ed that the men who worn flghi-or their country ahould be pro-I even further, and he conquered that all land owned by audi men b. exempted from taxation. Did you appoint a fl Mj friend? Or a relative? 5 Aftor your douth your friend or relative muy flj lmvc ttoo best Intcn- I Hons, but own business demands hla Jfi tlrst. attontlon.

Jt Tn0 Canada Trust Company has a per- )' petunl chnrtor, long expcrlenco In the ad- I ministration of 9 II; tho services of a (d trained staff who aro 4 'erl 9 I OANADAlbUCT 8 JDIi lHlViJLi JiVUJl COMPANY ctrrasan ll twt Mtiuof, ocuak Cuia" II Next Poat OtTn. lit MM MANTOBA ADVISORY BOARD V( If! Ih W. H. Gardner, Chairman laaac Campbell, K.C. F.

W. Drrr fl Mn MtE.chern A. Ooaain Pn 'ft li WILLIAM WHYTE. M.rupr SI ho oiTlclala ol tlio municipalities In Tho plot dated as far back us 1898 vhlch the land was situnted. Ha when the German emperor mado his hought that at least a return should theatrical entry Into Jerusalem, and io made to the department in regard I afterward addroBalng a great moet-o the land.

ing told 300,000,000 of tho Moulem of ins labors the disease as a scourge has not recurred. Ho was first at the Hudson's Bay post at York on Hudson Bay and lator took churgo Peace River district. Prom there he went to tho LcsBer siave lake, which wnu later tho H.B. company Por several yeurs ho was at Chlppowyn In charge Edmonton with six daugh- I two i One i la with 138th battalion I thu front. BRITISH MAKE LONG MARCHJTO PERSIA Perilous Achievement of Column Under Sir Percy SykeB is Revealed by Curaon Peb.

21. In tho house i itua mui ulgnt Curzon iitu; no veil wiiiun naa nung over i from Bundar ataulishrnont in tlio Indian sti Iking at tl Britain In Ind! dominion of ruiollcd and Afghan- Meanwhile, Germany succeeded In netting a more powerful ally in tho TurKs. intending With an hereditary of Persia, Turltcy i nd a Turkish army still there, whore that had embraced said Lord Curzot Persian government ndtioii and ntTectlvely having a KUHSian army uounK sneci-MHt'ul screen for the defend the Indian empire. The British snl at Shlrav. and a fuw inalo he! 3 the community there who been imprisoned with him had rnleanod after eight months of hi ptlvlly and most of the Gci agents In tho country had Now 5.000.

Lord Curzon declared the object oxpt lition ui di Sh L'ero SyP mrched froi military gendai dor the Pers nllltiu-y escort of 800 troo India. His military posltl. being atrengther bolng dispatch ed from India. A force of gondarm-crlo was being raised among tin Baktlari trlhcMnen. who worn alwayi fr'endlv to tho British, and It win hoped tmi lid be able to ih from Shlraz.

now, and clear brigand camps ond had i un the oirer of bribes, hnd i irolv loval. Aidad by Outaide Moven The situation. Lord Curzc eluded, was not altogether free from anxiety. Turkish troops had still to thero was still dlsordor, but tion or tne on neius was virtually secure. No one who know anvthlng about the East cared to venture a prophocy.

but he hoped It mlnht be sold the worst wan ovor. and tho preat chain of nmbltlon and neirrun-dlzemcnt stretchtntr from Europe to A sin had been twisted aside, not broken. COLLEGE" PROBE IS NEARLYJINISHED Evidence Will Be All Submitted by Wednesday, and Arguments Will Be Heard Next Week ory building by Thomas iceiiy arn inij tno specmcatiotifl pie! of concrete made I ailed for. uced well as samples i the fojmdatloiiB. llepcatin! dealt with a hammer would break tne former but a slniilu blow borved to crumple the latter.

Into bits. Tho Itolly linn was sunposeu io upply concrete nd and I of I Anothor rdlng lie Kcllv It 'was compo.d of 1 part int. 2 of 15 of llmo a gravel, milking tho proport! break the s-implo mado a specifications and cottld chipped mo product with llttlt S. E. R.c Phllllpps Htruclt It once i ed In two plccrs.

Ireshlnc Lauience Kelly, stand. Phllllpps naked, "tt'er i not," tho witness "Did you know that lime a commission adjourned until le.May morning when the rising Is of the easo will be Mr. Phllliipa will devote the IndiT of thu week to the pro-Ion of his argument. Ewidoncu Admitted, extract from evidence A. C.

Manning before tho Mn-commlHHlon were sworn to by-am PcrklnH, court reporter. Manning had previously mlaHlon. to Agricultural CnlH thut he had been chnlrmi dpeg. and Hon. Rob solicitor for laid he had kept aihle.

lie nlwo stated at that time that he bad nothing to do with the When Hugh Phllllpns. ICC, pro- duces ovidence butoro tho Gait com- mission Wednesday morning, con- euiuing an o.uuu item on tnu bur- ucu.turai uui.umg conservatoiy, tho iiexpeciedinir monta win oc nc.arn hoiore coinmia- noxl -omw The urms whose contracts hav ger; Hummond and Itouuay; lJro- gicsB Construction company, and tho J' tn ycsicruay aitenioon with reganl to the urgument, I'lilillppa referred to with Tho except evident whlell purchase ot land tin. Arl- "rhaoo maklniran tidrntss." ianil Yosteiday moJZ xtruct from co.nmlsiK Wlicieill ho tcstlllcd that ho waa sol- icltor for and advisor to the Hon. Robert Rogers und waa In constant communication with him, were ad- mlttod as evidence by tmmli Moner Gait. Concrete Samples in Court.

In the afternoon Hugh lhillppi. with tho aid of a hammer, showed 1 that tho concrete put Into tho THE DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Established 1871 Paid Vp Capital $6,000,000 Reaarr. Font 97.00D.0M Prompt and tfflclint asrrlca axtandtd EiTlnji Spartmnt at euro Branch Intarast illowU aa talents all 11.00 in 'P' jglind, Bllacl at 73 coraMU. I.O. HULVOItES LV trllnpot ST.

PAUL'S MEN'S CLUB. Tho Men's club of SL Paul's church will meat this ovoning at 8 o'clock. M. Fullerton will speak on "The Boers of South Africa." Battlsford Store Burns. Battlcford.

Feb. 26. Ctrl' this morning fire destroyed tho hardware store of Wnllo and Jolllffo and a restaurant building adjacent, tho total Ioeu being $20,000. partially sit BETTER LETTERS FOR LESS MONEY The ba.Ms of our proposition on EDISON DICTATING MACHINES Economy Through Laboy Saving Tlio tjplst ono-third to half a day of her tlmo by tho elimination of shorthand, tho dictator his more valuable time by dlrtnting at odd moments, or ou-Hldo of regular office hours, with greater freedom and sptod ond without depending on any one. Why Not Get the Facts Today? Modern Office Appliances Company 251 NOTRE DAME AVE.

WINNIPEG. Phone Garry 2058. Tenders For tt.lnch and fiO.lnch Can. Iron Pipes, Specials and Valves. SEALfcD TENDERS, addreaed to the undoralgned, will bo racetvod up to noon on Thursdny.

March 15, 1017, for the supply of approximately 12.0v0 rret nf 48-Inch and I.J00 feot of 60-lnch Vuit-Iron Plpva. tonethcr with numer-' miK npeelaln and gntc valves. and fonn of tandr.r and funds requiring Who is Your I Executor llj Branch. Cor. Kot isiaaaiaH fHE CANADIAN BANK SAYS THERE WILL BE NO TOE WAB Albert Ballin Discusses Trade.

Conditions After the Military Struggle, Feb. 2C Albert Ballln. dl-r-general of tho Hamburg-Amorl-line, la quoted by tho Overseas SrUceST we wlU havo rew "It can hardly bp supposed that actual hatred will after the war Impede Mllm tachnotherf Um Jbaolmcsura Hi- tannage rapidly Kngliuid will Urn belligerents vlll be able to replace number of Mhlp3 mink. The most to reconstruct within two I pcrlod Our admiralty Is moat satisfied with r.sult of the submar'ne war. Our cannot be measured by the the Dominion minister of nnnnrv.

od-por'ant Point to rut off traffic between America and England." COBALT ORE Shipments During the Week From Active Mines. Cobalt. Feb. iS. Cobalt ore thlp-ments for tho week ending Feb.

23 wore as follows: Tlmlskamlng. G7.S02 U.Mwr Consolidated. 73.63 pounds: Ponn Canadian 76. COS fwunds 63.110 pounds: La Itose. S7.334 pounds: Domin'on Kediio-tion.

100.630 Miller Lake. T.rien. 30,000 pounds. INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL outh Baltimore, the lurgest and lest equipped plant of Its kini orld. had extraordinary earnings St.

JiJOHN AIRD. General Manager V. C. BROWN 5up or Central Weatern IN WINNIPEG Open a Housekeeping Account and Pay Your Bills by Cheque There Is a decided advantage In depositing vour housekeeDlnn OTHER BRAN 'IS IN WINNIPEG C.rjdo.Aie.. loaa At NortkEai, A.

4 A.lit.a Su 49lP.ilas.ATe. iiitfiiiiiiiiiiiirma 1 $53,761.30. B.L., Resident Direi Winnipeg. and Toronto. commission for cash on Win-London (Kusmr.u) Exchanges.

Telephone Main 8400. 1 I 1 NEW HIGH LEVEL Merger Now Pays Dividends onj Much Watered Stock. OrcDougall and Cowans.) Montreal. Fob. 26.

BamlngB of the Canada Cement company reached high level In 1916, the statement going out to shareholders re porting a net profit of $2,218,000, an Increase of $474,000 or 36 per cent. vor 1916, the beat 12 months pre-lously reported. Aftor taking caro of bond Interest und preferred dividend there remain- balnnca of Jl, 040, 000, equ-' to 7.7 per cent on tho $13,500,000 corn- stock. There wan thUB a fair margin over dividend requirements the 6 per cent per annum baal3 during tho yeur and one element of doubt and uncertainty which recurred in th6 stock market ovcrsy of the year la eliminated, a mutter of fact, although the was placed on a 6 per cunt. basis during the year tho total distribution out of 1910 prodta wad 4i cr tho first dividend of 3 por sent, declared In January belnir iharged against the earnings of 1015.

Whllo three ordinary stock declara- mado In 1916 totalled 7 ler mly midst jar'a protlts. After charging 4i per cent, to 1316 prollts. OBLM3-Smnor aUghtiy more proving that the $142,007 NEW OItK STOCKS. 61 '4 60 61 76 Ky 2fi 28 V. 27 i pfd 0 bO Jj 224 228 224.

MONTREAL SALES. (MoDougall Cowans.) Dominion Iron 2j. ft. Canada SteeJ 23, GIVs SSIJSMI7 go. loS 25.

lioVi: io. Ken Bid. Asked. SS Can! Ceuicnt pfd. "Vj an Stciuilalilpa pfu SS'i llj lis uiicor-- So aOM i nke of the Wooda 123 LnrcnUde ISO 1S2 l' 1M Nov" Scotia Steel 110 110 ft ShawV Igan 125 14 1- tec'l' Co.

"oT Canada 61 C2 Toronto St. tlailway Hoik hhaiCil3irBIr 16' 18 OF COMMERCE 1912 1913 14 191G lH.7la 11.751 1271358 1. The common stock 000,000. ImnorL-int planta are ownaJ at Buffalo and Blnphamton, N.Y. COAL CONCERN HAS (Special Service.) New York.

Keb. iG. It la announced that tho Pittsburg Coal Co. Is enjoying the largest oarnlngs In lta history and at tho pieeent rate, the balance available for the stoclc In 1917 should bo above 13 per cent. This applies only to tho proiurred stock.

Tno cum puny has common of anu prcfeired of 000.000. on the former no dividend has bcun paid, and it la not likely mui uuy ever will bo paid. un the pietoried siook there was nothing PukI between luuti and I00a? yua mere haa been paid As the prmerred la emulative, it ia uppateni only 0 per stock, which amounts to $15,000,000. there was earned B0 per cent. The consolidated general balance sheet shows ai.sets of about $60,000,000.

The concern has $7,000,000 cash on Repreaenlat.vcs Withdrawn. New York. Feb. -6. It haa been announced here that the Standard Oil company will at once withdraw Its representative from European uir' Asiatic Turkoy.

The company recognized as being lu possession of Information available to no one olse und Its. action la believed to be highly slgnlilcant. Lehigh Va(l. ng8. of the Lehigh Valley Railway com puny for tho month of January art made public.

They show a decrenss Inga of $125,200 for tht talderable part of tho loss. lartment of agriculture show total area unuor cultiva United States has made WHITE SPEAKS Minister of Finance Addresses Congregation in St. James Methodist Church, Montreal. Montreal. Feb.

2. Sir Thoa. AVhlte, lenltil and self-sacrifice required be-dreased tho congregation of St. Jnmea Methodist church here Sunday night, lie said tho allies are now entering on a religious stage of the war. the feelf-denial and self-sacritice required be- ig the foundation principle ells lot- More mnltlons Sir Thomas urged.

more production. "L.L't the mt its bid: ii little." he s.ild. many p'o'pie'liaBonl'romm to the front." METROPOLITAN LIFE Members of the Staff Meet at Lunch- of i Moi The staff of tho south ofllce of the Metropolitan Life in this city mot at luncheon at the St. Charles hotel Saturday In honor of the pronio-lon of two of tho members, P. and J.

Monoghan. II. S. Boynton. superintendent at it the social activities connected with eat conference ot Metro-superintendents In New LATE PREMIER DEAD Hon.

G. J. Clarke, of New Brunswick, Passes Long Career. St. John.

N.B., Feb. 26. Hon. G. J.

Clurke, until recently premier of New Brunswick, died at a o'clock at his home In St. Stcpnen Hon. Mr. Clarke was speaker of tho legislature at tne tlmo Premier Flcmmlng retired, and succeeded him JJfrin death was anticipated. Ho was born In SI.

Andrews In 1857. He was a barrister by profession, had been mayor of St. Stephen, warden of tho municipality of Charlotte, was elected to tho legislature In 1903 and ro-olocted twlco since SHOOTING AT BRANDON hotel Saturday night, J.m McLcod. the proprietor, Is confined kg, which. It is alleged.

i tho hands of Ed. It appeal John heavily In on of the bedrooms and cry noisy. The proprietor, in an effo make his boarders less noisy, set upon by the revellers, the gun being drawn and tho wound Indicted In the mix-up. The police were toi rrelted Johnson, lie tho trouble for trial Tuesday morning. ti, was allowed out on ball of $1,000, $500 being supplied by himself and tho balance being supplied FnMlIND WALKER.

CVO. DC.L. Presiding iV.F.JONES. AutGenl Mjuu apjtal Paid Up, $15,000,000 I Reserve Fund. $13,500,000 SAVE YOUR MONEY aid thus help Canada to do her share in the Great War.


C. GORDON. Assistant Manager. T. Carrv, Vorkton, approve Mr.

proposal, but eon.sUi that It onli covor 160 a hero man owned probably ten sections. Hon. George Langloy stated $10 should be S. J. Latta.

Lu 'Viden that child may I belnc lenuired for hiiHbnniirv matter was left wi'tli the Von trustees, as was also tho question of mtlns h.d!da!. It Irnv- ch.inge Mill be-the holidays In view of should l.i pliu Supploinentarv Estimntec. Anrll 30. 1017. The eatlnnf appeared, accompanied by a reaolu- ii'cm tin; l.cuLenant-irovernc-r, of the rural school to vh to 100 days was tral other mirier clan; law thi In discussing the teleplioncs, Hon 11 stated th; money red for mateilnl which jMsary already for the nude its appearanco in the today does not prohibit or any way the Importation of liquor nto the province.

It prohibits tho except druggists or physician: keen onlv restricted quantltlef Drinking or consuming of llquoi trlctly prohibited but DR. MACKAY DEAD Edmonton, Feb. A. Mackay. ono of the old-timers In tho west today.

A physician for 2C Dr. W. died here OTHER BRANCHES "nanaer Avenue; Blake Strc OF CANADA money In the Union Bank of Canada, and Issuing Cheques for your expenditures. You avoid the risk of keeping a considerable sum In your home or carrying tt when shopping, and each Cheque, when cashed, becomes a Receipt. TWO CENTRAL OFFICES HSt iW.lttmAi...


D. BURNHAM, Provincial Manager. Miminilimim.mimii.imilffl Principal repayablo 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by chequ (free of exchange at any chartered Bonk In Canada), at the rate of rive per cent per annum from tho date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have Hie privileoe of surrendering at par and accrued Interest, a the equivalent of cajh, fn payment of any allotment mado under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an Issue of Treasury Bills or other like short dale security.

Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made In respect of applications for this stock which bear thw etamPFor application lorms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawn. OStER, HAMMOND sNANTON STOCK BROKERS, FINANCIAL actions with WINNIPEG. by his employer, J. V.


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