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Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts • Page 1

Fitchburg, Massachusetts
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VOL. VIH, NO. 120 FITOHBURG, MASS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1880. PRICE 9 (WIS Keto ftttmignntntjs.

aisuaiuou33. jnuullsntoiu. tffi DAILY SXIfTIBEL (IKtlNBKK STATS DOVS.UIOS. TLe MasnachmeUa Qreentackerti had 2STOW IS THE TXcTEl TO CALL ON W. JH.


TMQO.IM ASTAVOli 1 Ymr. Sfc Mm. Stdfc 8 Qtbsrwtss) iO ft Msmtfc will karawi- BMf Friday MoMftU, ftt St0 an- rnm psora wmatt "PALMER PALMER, QCTAQOm BVmtfXG, 311 KalaSt Vltobburg, Hut. OjSV-f ZiMMfaM 1944. T.

JTAUUft. M4. W. PJAltBB, 0.DA augldtf UK. HENRY E.

BA1L0U, MITAL SURCEOH. eeth extracted without pain by the qm of Qu or Etber. Twtb lusened on Gold, Bobbw or uelluioid. 163 Main Street Fltchburg. Of Brooklyn, Mew York.

IH COBPOBATBD 1803. OA FIX AT, SlOOO.OOO iwifHlM orgaalzfttton, ft ALLISON, Agents. Machinist Model Maker. Guns Pistols Repaired, c. A.

PRIEST WbsVesaJe ft Retail Dealer mall kinds ot LUMBER! Pine, Cedar and Spruce Shingles, Lathe and Clapboardt. FRAMING TIMBER From the Mills of the Celebrated Brown's ftttmber furnished short notioe Biroh Ac Sonth-Pine Flooring, a Sneoialty. 'Also manufacturer and dealer in Doors, Sash, Blinds, and Qlaesd Windows, lndo Door Frames Mouldings, Brackets. Fine, Blaok Walnut and Marbleoid Mantle Shelve. Glass Glass Glazing.

Making Boxes of ill rinds nude to order. All kinds ot MIS Work done promptly. Vaetory sad Yards, Aellstone and Water Ste. FITCBBQBO. MASS.

SSI- I 53r 8 if. i 1 Br jf I i i i fen1 Bi'" SiS BXW-IBBtiSVto BSDlfLX. swb tsk uaasus. fiatfUflt AMB SZBT, AfiEHTS WANTEO IN EVERY TOWN. OJT1CK, 41 JLvoa Street.

BOSTON. J. F. BRDCE Has just received a new and choice line of OOLOKG JAPAN TEAS Of quality and prioes that Cannot be Beat! The very beat MOCHA JAVA JMai-ictibo Itio COFFEES! "New Orleans and Porto Btco MOLASSES A A SYRtTP, Staple Sugar, mapie ayrup, VERMONT Butter Cheese HujihI, CltWVMd and Uon- gress Baking Powders; A. B.

C. Cereals, Oats, Wheat Bar ley, Dalmation Fly Powder; all the best lines of Soaps and Swap Powders, A full line of all the best and Mineral Waters. J. F. BRUCE 370 Main Street.

370 aaidfewtf lb. Boies Best Starch Only 42 cts. Box. COBB'S Boston Branch TEA. HOUSE, Fltchburg.

OLD RIP Long Cat Smoking Tobacco Is mild, moht, lragrnt and apt. cool and (toes twice a far i grauu tobacco Al LFN A OINTfcK. Mwnrwiorrn csimro'Air. i. ThoChlcago Weekly News MUStaut.

MMtaaM. fraai date to JmL Ii TneBorfinxa Tor Book AgenU Mllluc oar two anlaaSJdlf Ulnatrated books. rsde-ln aw and peraafal Iriead.e. jam a M. SIIMia, an wSor of wMe salebrtty Oslsta SO earta.

For beat Soaks and terra Atk fa ladasaMieat ta ie () I rar) a TBI SftMriBBMTfZ sKI FITCHBUEG, Why yon eaa boy a Better Qual ity of Creeds at oar Store than of aey other Retailer. The Senior member of this firm, Utiow and bss bees for the past fifteen years directly connected with one of the largest Wholesale Boot snd Shoe Houses In Bos ton; Is thoroughly Acquainted with the business, snd we own our goods at least. ten per cent, less than sny other retail Boot snd Shoe Store In Fitchburg or vicinity, and we sell atSoTOREiou Prices. Call and See the quality of goorhr sad prices. No trouble toshowourgoodfl.lf youdonotbuj.


LOW PXICBS. City LUMBER Yard AND Steam Mills. M. DAVIS, Wholesale ft Retail Dealer in Michigan, Canada, Ka- tive and Southern Lumber FBAUNG TIMBER, Shingles, Clapboards. Moulding, tath, miUm MATERIAL.

Ooors, Sash, Blinds Window Frames ua Hand and inadf to order lnte aaaortrant of a tfeAAOffl ssd FAiKTIKi dm presjptly FACZlJf BOXSS aaads and de)lntd 1 HttlW IBS OAR LOAD mw rsias. CsB before swrsbnslu-sstst asjasjjsisiajiaif sf tbs bakonr; nsni saq InfOBTH T.t BBAB MAIV apn-tlj ffliu flffljcuasn MQOBPOBATBB isn. ,000 1V741.000 VBtOOC their bUUe cotirnt(ot at Worcester, Wednesday Uen. Horace Btnney Sar- nomloated for governor, George Dutton of Spriogfield for Iteuteaaut gov- Anioia of Sorth Ablng- ton for secretary of State, Wilbur F. Whitney of Aihburnliani for treasurer, Charles T.

Warner of Northampton for auditor, and John II. Raymond of Salem for attorney geneal. U. llowley of 8hel-burne and Kugene J. Flaherty of Boston were Dominated for electors at large, W.

C. Johnson of tluscuy was elected a member at large of tbe State Central committee and a. A. Goodrich of this city and C. E.

Cox of Lunenburg represent this senatorial district on the same committee. TBS PLATFOHM. The following resolutions were adopted as the party platform: Resolved, That we affirm the Chicago platform of June 9, 1890, and pledge oar individual support to the candidates there nominated. Resolved. That as business prosperity depends upon stability in the tsIqs of stability tn the value of money depends upon the volume thereof control of the volume of money is all power- iui over vue joauNines 01 a rjaiiuD, ana trusted to corporate greed, can be used to the Impoverishment of tbe people and the enrichment ot the issuer; therefore we de mand the substitution of full lezal tender greenback for national bantt notes, and that the government only issue the money ot we people ana control its volume.

Resolved, That the burden of Interest Is no more desirable for a nation than for an Individual, and that common prudence dictates the speedy payment of public as well as private debts, and we deprecate the action of the secretary of tbe treasury baying bonds at a premium when they might be paid at their face and demand that the bonds redeemable, this year and next, be not refunded, but be paid off. as far as possible, with the cash now on hand and by the substitution of greenbacks for national bank notes Resolved, That giving to corporations the power to use the national debt as a basis for the issue of currency, with the privilege of receiving back nine-tenths of the capital Invested lor use, thus enabling them io draw interest on $190,000 while the owners of only thus giving them an enormous gratuity, interesting them in the payment of the debt, the payment of which would deprive them of this TToTTuglr the issuing of the money the power to iui-' poverish the people and prevent Its payment tends to the subjugation of the people and the destruction of republican Institutions, and needs but to be understood by the people to be forever abolished. Resolved. That the soldier should re ceive as good a dollar as the "bondholder. The soldier received 38 cents where one dollar was promised, and the bondholder receives one dollar for 40 cents loaned.

Honest equity and national honor demand that justice be done to the brave men who defended their country with their lives, and we condemn the legislation which fives the bondholder more than was prom-sed and falls to recognize the just claims of the soldiers. Resolved, That the hours of Jabor should be shortened, and the employment of young children in factory labor be prevented. That labor saving machinery Is a boon of God to the sons and daughters of toil, rather than an engine of torture to wring out larger profits for capital by bringing the laborer into heart-breaking competition with the muscles that never tne. The vast powers of nature are not harnessed by invention to secure even ft per cent dividends, but to relieve human slaves, not hours of toil, but the product of this new partnership of marr with natural forces should be the ruling compensation, and demand a new system of dividing profits of capital and labor. Resolved, That we demand the rigid enforcement of the tn-hour law now on the statutes of this commonwealth relating to the employment of women and children, and we insist that the grasping corporations who filch an hour's labor from a thousand operatives receive the same proportionate punishment meted out to lesser offenders.

Resolved, That we favor a graduated income tax, that being the only method of forcing capital to share with labor the burden of taxation; that we are opposed to an increase of the standing army in time of peace, and to Hie insidious military power under the (juie of "General MHitar Lav.s;" that the right of suffrage is the malieiuble right of all persons, without money or price, lha we oppose the granting of our public lands to railroads and other cororatlnns or the )e of the same lo speculator and demand that they he retained fot aetnal settlers. We al-demand thai the laborers of our overcrondeil cities to affore! goern-menial an) to setll on saitl lands, instead nf granting subMflies to Health) institutions. Land, light, air and water are the free gift of nature to all man kind, s.nd an) Ta or niitotn of society that alio any person in monopolize more of thee gifts than he has a right lo, to the detriment of the right of others, condemn and seek to abolish Reolved, That eiery citizen of due age, sound mind and not a felon, should lie fully etifianrhlseil ihnl are emphatically opposed to the proposed scheme of biennial elections, that we favor the free use irf all halls owned by cities and lo-ans for tie discussion of political question, that we demand such legislation as shall insure justice In our civil courts to llti Rants of limited means, that wealth shall not be prerequisite success in civil suits; that we demand the abolition of the contract system In the penal institu tlons of tbe State, that the greenback party of Massachusetts favor the unconditional repeal of the trustee law so far as It relates to the wages of working men. Mr. Msrble of Worcsstsr offered the tuUswisf ss reso ratios: 'That the irtjenWeksrs of Massachusetts, horsln aa-ismhtsd, sead (reeling to Beta Ohass and others for nomlnatisf straight grsetv-bac tlekst In tbe Stats of laid oa the table, to0.

GSjS)SlwwSS' SS JwWwS sval J. C. SANBORN, Agent. jy23-dw dl 371 MAIN FITOHBTTBGr, MASS- NEW STYLES OF WORKMANSHIP, the Place, 220 I CO i 9 I CJI I IK COAL! JUST RECEIVED Chestnut Lackawanna COAL Direct from the mines of the Delaware Hudson Canal Co. It is LARGE SIZE and Bums FREE CLEAN Erery one says, It is the BEST COAL I ever had F.

E. FAIRBANKS, COAL A fnll stock of the best qualities for Sale by GARHIJ) PROCTOR tho Patsenir Depot Orders left with J. F. BRUCE 870 Main Street will be com mnnicatad by Telephone and promptly filled, Franklin FireIns.Co. Ot nitaSatptrlS, fs.

urooavoaATMD ur ism. oajbHai. $400,000 Ors AbMttv lSlaOOO otosfsuaiuues. staLooo Borpios, aiexooo LOOKIY sTaLLLiO Vt "ttsnt. LAMPS.

New Designs and Low Prices. COBB'S BoHton Branch, FITCH URG. MILL FOR SALE Sltusted In Pttetibnrt; Mm abom "4 nines meetol the lepi lonuerU k'nwnas the Fiicb-botftost Hlir, with flood water power 1b oW mill lSD liy and siotfe high Tb Id ml In the mr Is To ft In tepsth and sUvtoi SlSb nnd contains all machinery necessary for insnstaetuhiiE At ur Can be aa coimrsd for any manufacturing purpose Tlwr Is ok dwelHuf bouse with two Kiwiwou, one bam ssd one itore-boiue, eonneeud whh the mill Ttjrjs IUWK1. A mrtfM of tit purchase aalsnvaa tsmaln on Wing tf dvstred Kr Mtknlart enquire of C. II CAJAWMd 1 Main Street.

Woreeater Mia mMtf iD. R.Y. G. CURES SRACLbl V. V.

Crbuata, US Nta SumL Tinier Feel ftOMflfSt VlU Flltm, IkiSASt LADIES 07 FITCHBURG: aSorl me pinaavrr to nail ynor attenilobto HAND SEWED SHOES. rieatr call and aiaodna tbasn at (7. A LLA CB8, jambs j. axovta. CHEW and 8H0KE a.

xrsrow as oca sUOKMOVS. Y. NAVIES! tr Wtrraotfd Itm from Tags ssd SB dtbsr hsnbuga, anlsss specialty ordarst Ttt saw aU dsalen. alOdiwlsi pspssS Dyspepsia. IuWM, Be'Aad reuW anting therefrom.

ivcTTTaBMa 8ck Headache, Di-M rfSHlBBBj Eatmff Acidity of th Stomach.BV Flatulency, Livfr and Kidnty BlkK 0)mUmt, Torpid Liver pllc Aches rlH flVn3 1 It is the mi ibe World. Giuraa BHHsHted DruggisU to give per-BTp feet tti faction rocacr n(M Try it. Our VltAl ItlBI Tonic Bitters the BF brU ap petuer in the World Call for th.nv sapj D. R. V.

C. Mfg. Prop'a, Ur IbbbbT OBAJ'J 1tta pjBirijC MBXteiHS. tat Qftfr 3 If? ffiaE3 SHUm ifiTir SMSTSi r1 rrr. MSfeea osm.

Hvsnasn BonngMM IL IMXToT-i'i-aa-ai TK sTwtli Mn-L Mia iffwin'tyicjaaks grwifj-risnriTirr iwii 1VOOKBT A ALLISON. Agente. iiilissst.

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