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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 9

Logansport, Indiana
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THOUSANDS PAIRS -OF- SHOES Patent Adjustable 'Umbrella Roofs. Your Umbrella Hade as Good as New While You Wait. DEWENTER, The HATTER And FURNISHER A WOMAN HONORED. For years Rosa. BonJionr has ecjoye.1 the story oC baling tlie only woman on whom tas been bestowed flic Cross of Uic ix-plou of Honor.

It was her celebrated picture, -now in the ropoliltan Museum of Alt In New Ym-t, iliat brought 'Mar tihe doeoraittan. Now, however, slic must share the honor vlflh aTWtHier of tone sex, who, tJiough not known toy her patotite and brush, lias tllC of Silverware Fred i i-klc Plush Lined Case containing 26 pieces of Otto's Remarkable Offer: wa re, FEEE. f' 1 tfi.lYl A Are sold each season by us to Men Women and Children. There are good reasons for it, Stock Always Fresh, Quality High, Styles Right, Prices Low and your money back if dissatisfied with your pur- chase. ttmnon.

Klinstek, 403 Broadway THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK-OK- LOGANSPORT. INDIANA. of French nwM. It just been announced Uiat Staler Msu-te French mm, who tas been superior of of. Tours since 1SCS, liflis boon made chfivallflr in the lesion of -Honor.

She ittccar.iwvffli.ed the French tlnwipi'. dteasWnB war of 1870-71 and rra- 5M tozen after Knives, Forks, Table Sjoons and lea mences Saturday. Siimmer Clothing and Tan Shoes Half Price. OTTO KRAU5 "Of Cours (llKSIJjoruilB Oeral tomicotaWy service oo Urn ba'ttle-neld. ThoiiKh her own Mife was ooffsatwniHy to (Lvosrer, she directed with CMs-tinn kntwpMity tlie ambiifcinee brigades, and waw unitiriw Im her nt- tamMons 10 the wnuKled.

It was stated at the close of war by ope oit tlw "Microls accorded her such, eulogls UK prafcc as seldom beX.Uls to-mortals while In the flash-that she more lives than did half Mic roedtail men army. Uid for her bravery undnr tryinss and her sweet- fltaa, bluck-robed bride of die Ghurch been decorated With- medal for a Frenelwnnn, woitM.lny down itj" rfwi tintoW Hb-i life OT CO iiiuwt-v Hie' last twowty-eiffht years her scr- bave boon nmtoly dtowted toward to tlie-'pattonts of the mill- Unsolicited Words of Commenda tion for Charles Longwell. ftiry hospitals. D1BKCTOBS: H. wison, l.

iu promptl, and fltockhoW.r. Business Change. jiiM BeehooThfls" purchased the Peltbn meat market. He now occnplos just erected to the west DIVORCE Belle's. Stombmish Iwis asked for a the complaint beJtoe filed by iw attorneys, rue complntat Bets forth ttat tie became the wife of 1805, nnO Ifcfltt gU-imicota (.

tton for much-needed nddltuon to Lcm" Clifl ttoaiurl' last llfllirl rivtag to. orJins men nit a- ttmc was folloWmg coui- Max from John Rogers, of Peru, Killed While Crazed From Heat. August niwuf forty*, no em- Peru, of found 4ead at railway Irncto. twp city Uito aiCtciMcwn. Tliere a hole Lu Ms sknll-aml his bndly.

and. a flit Oi uiw to'run a'awtctaaB stop and full line of fresb'and salt tv Desertion is also ehnrged, and Uin -Lbond to aoeused of havtafi aM the toiWlwW good-s. Tic dofondaut ateo charged the platotlft of WWdlty. Mto. Stuin nsks for t.he of her nauie of Cripe.

LIGHTNING SHOCKED DurtoK the severe electatol last Friday, Wve MsWa ptijnciwniT 11 Adorns, speaker last HOW-B of I-lOT lQ Oto. 8 Slir: I to you ou tlie hooior ait the hacds'. of the ncpublteims- of Cnss county. on 1 ciimdidatc for from a JH.TU.U nom.hin.Uk>n ajidndareCTlieot of your course jn the nOtli Gcniornl AssemMy of oar Stnite The fully the acts and recoa-cte of mdr poo- Ik wn-nntt, nox- tJOBBCteiDSii to fatthifully serve vGjnttflitjlf ErOttTi your sca-t as. a member oir lost islaturo wilth Itonlltcd.bnowMKe of pnr llmen-tnTj- usnRes or prvi- codro-e 1m yet In'" notably elioirt line you were fully ntno to hold your owp wWi -Uie.

oWcst ind rodst nmd reader faltlifu) In enm milittees. nod oo of iftie As presUltasomcer-I was to tlie to an estiinateon the IwlfK of the rriniiye nscfulncas wf' those Wow me W.i]9?*l'.lflii.'tol««s rear of nif (lIlMdVaftllilrtO tjiem. of boucs noifwrs, wJil-le'ait. work where he. yestwi-day aif- roi-noou ivercoano by the and wnis seiit.ho'jue.

Ho AVOS la Iwd shape pHiyslcto was who stayed wihh Mm for two or'vhrw towns. o'clock 1Jus.nioini.taft h-te wMe left tlie room lyl-QS 63 affld wont out "the yard to ascnpe tlie heat Slic fell'asleep and wlwsn she to her h-uslmrid n.t 4 o'clock he was gone. Sho did not thtok 4inyffli1nff was wi-OJW and dM. not niJee oai alaim until ahnost 9 o'clocv nwmlw oUlilreu to the faotoir 1o sec If hnstamd was nt work. He wae not Ohero nod a searcto was begum.

The towitt wns tilwmuphly aofl no trace lie Tlic liokorao btoodroumds were i i. -illRsl DEATH OF ALBERT PADDOCK. The of Albert Paddock, well known toe, occnm'ed Friday afwcnoon Baltic Greek, and Uie fumsrs! will occur Monday morntog. 'Hie de- criscd was -in tlvc real estate busasess the time of MB dcuth, but was known dui-iln-g hills eonuoctiwi wllli Hit- Murdock litttcl wheai it was Ijy YauOrrnaii Co. WHEELMAN' HURT.

Fred am of Cliff nm. down by taisc drivon by same one iwknowTi. wiho pL-n-ldly vent on lite way Tte wtelniamfs were ruffled, and lite inaclttoe daroagwl to some ox- tent, but he was not himself Kent tor, clone i weeks' Tflnirsday. Natural gas'bills for the month of August are now due and payable at the company i office on Pearl street. The Jamas'A.

Mount was taJMd wW'le to city by-Mr. and Mrs. James McKtosey fo BringtviiTrt street. Reductioii shirt sale'stlV continued on summer values reduced to cloee them out-Ferguson woji of the late Denote Gleason -has boon admiWtod-'to m-obrete. The is loft to the widow during her natural life.

Mrs. Charles FJsiher of 'street gave a- tonBe-wamnltag Friday About gtwsts wra The afffe was oomblnnait'ou surprise on Miss Daisy Ftoher- Awarded Hlghert summer at were badly shocked by the hllr doetrte close by The dteplay to to 'been remarkable and It was.accom pni 'nled by very heavy wtetaB. ANOTHEBDOOT'LE CENTURY. TWO rddem of cmwfwdwffle, eaylww of the wan by and to thrtr aJ-'ready famous 200 mllE aix; to iraikc ttie cUt. iJUuto of affair are yat to be wronged, but it ondemtood Hurt the.

Crowftxrdsvtlle mcai are conn dent they can beat the ord of the Loamort o-dock thfc. ntoimoon, but couW. flnd ttw trail. evenlnB a.senrctolng party found Hie.lx.dy Rogers a tlie Wabash tmicks two nrfte Nwiili. of It te slip- and wandered out-iato track.

r.nd was BtmicK by train, w'hdcli' lea-vos tMs ellty at in the moni'iiig. t'lie House pincd.yoii ait a reasoaof confusHo-n al times Wiejoliby. It me ptouwiw 10 to your OTlvarsally couinbeCTW wlftwainor, regular prompt the call of 4.1,.,* Mint AS- RErDDIATlON. The rase of Sims. OKainst Patterson, for alleged i-cpudiaitEon of a'contocr, or kww.

will be one of first eases to be Ivciwtt to Clireult court ait the term. ADD-ITIONAL Hammocks at yonr own.prlce at Geo. HorrlsoD'B. Bairbara. Hamd of this city IMS bccu allowed am orlKi'iml widow's ponsioo.

Dan. Mull exWUusl ai blooming ccirciis ait bis tone 'North Rtrcot'Frlitoy Natural gas bills for the mopth of August are now duo and payable-at the company's office on Peart street A. small boy, a. son of Ohiris was a dttwr front of Mimlock 'only the sufferer knows the misery of dyspepsia, but Hood's Sarsaparllla cures the most stubborn cases of tbls -TO- NIAGARA FJ VIA WABASI August i8 Special Train Will I LOG ANSI at 5 in. August gftra Falls at 6:35 nm ONLY For the EouBd Trip fro port.

Tickets only. The Loganspoit For Prevention of Women Children r- AJ E. S. RJee-Prei. Geo.

W. J. uHdebnuidt-TriM--. W. M.

S. RIW. J. C. HartM.

GeoWWalten, J-J. Peekrd Justice. lira, w. D. rmt Telephone No.

ord oKa they can or not ramatns to be ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Subscribe for The Journal, 40. cents a. to to the from aiwl ai.nie before.tlji.e a tttiott fully -matters lo will show tho welfare THEY DENY THE CHAROE. Market Street Butchers.

Have 1 Just Grievance. hns Ms uewX, coliwin-s to -luwkls. are true, we raive re.i- io.ii^'i^lWye^hat-rtiey ai-c, a corfato Mark'crt liuiWiwr 1 shouJrt lie- swit to tiie J-' 1 1 Wa 5 1lu sheep wrei'fwowhit' to.t'ni* buseher, oaa 1 of dead was scan altar. how wt eJiwessary ftpproprrflt.cns to and fo for lwflneatLOBafflPpor, House to 'coinTnililltce-of TJIC wJiolc hfl(. ttodei 1 for.

CIUEAM month. Wli Shaw, 13 yearn old, looked Jato muzzle of a loadeJ gun. He wM die. The sixth" nwranl- fair of tte MftXto- kuckee ABitaUtnral held at Culver park Anguet 18 to the residence of tlhe Bev, W- Marsh on a nlglit btooni- you' at mottwDt loos the-, floor nd.pi-evaia€d,:oji;^e House aoid-eom- mlttec lo.ipvwfyon ao HI) sufficient the The was shown Friday Mrs. Aiam Beckley of Royal fl ,1 cow the ottw nl h' by Ug.h,tntog.

The andmnl was Insured. it'tca-o'etoek last registered 80, probably as POWD MOST PERFECT MADE. for at credit dow yott and' was no--irly dead. -was 'to' the shop, wv requeued trfsny nortilus iibouf Uie mo.t, In'it. he proinsse-'amoithlnp o.f ea'Iow ami it ami of i.ha butcHiei- fJioii tJiief.

1 As fonr buteliew dofovs bus- SB oin'SirayM- street, nil- or -Hiem are are do- fully vour for you ndno4.f or your lustttiitiOTi others with. 'in'yWif' failed: to seem-. 1 lii' people Plc The rector meQiing of'the M.undry 1 noton wUl be heW Monday e-ienlUK at the hall at the Ae sembly. Yon need Hood's Barsaparllla to en rich and purify your Wood, preate an tppetlte and give Youre. C.

ADAMS' HEADQUARTERS; The 'bcnWratte Co.iin.ty coni decl(fed'to'open. tDe, cain palgn at once 1 The of party will ive on floor tnc 'Herrmann buildiins. stated cast uw ciidcdly' over the An- 'dy' Ray, 1 'one qif tlie four dentew In meafe'doiiis-Wtocss Marnot Ktiwt. calied' at'Tlfe oltice ywlerdny and dislred 7 Hunt if be sta.rcd-wltli ean, h4i.o'i.? clint 'he is butwtei- who rlie Times! Insinuates Is iruiliy -ofithc crime c-hnii-cdViamT dealers were eqiiKy not Tiiers ev'weiice. that.

i.liere'-wais-aav A.f le-ist rtw it -and no Hon. P. Welsh of nt WaJ'ton last niight, ID the D. Owen. wJio rr.ns aim-bK? to be Walter.Thwnpsoo, wiw Iras been or- three weeks 011 awxnwt of injuite received a fall, is apiln wwk f01 Joe Grace.

toi-se attachcO to tJw bakery wagon of A. Dykomon, street yesterday momUiK a result of tlie exccssiive heat. Chapter No. 2, R. A.

hdi a stated coovocatton Monday. the lOfli, iiist, nt 7:30 after the repnlar business. wIU confer Royal -Vrch Depw. Offlcore and mombeirs take uo-ttoc. The owriOTbip of "Gold thi which.

3. nuJ Comstnntftnc Cluaropinn had so mnolV conwowisy. will not be-decided finally until flw September court. The amlinnl Is hcM FOT -nson ou. a writ of replovln.

B. S. Shonkcnbcw of Frankfort is BATS IN TPIRAC Commercial Qi piraitie seonmed yUic izan Tritb ome of MB It -was a 'word, bave been a. motise for "A BSdl! -A nm up tteV- Thnt perA one, away Was the pirate Xayl. For bold, buooajieee tol lnato his raWin, brioR up camera, and byitteane of an dus.taMtmn«w» mate's (tod! and rf.

'a Ixmes fponi Ite.twtated- woj-k of a inonwat, ond siWe pouaanit was flytus the ieqntre tiftt A. 'rent traiaCiicli: e-is lui.v"e.'hot,liee;n"kl'o™iod.of it. -and no can, who Is -wUims 10 fatlior the to try break Irallnnapolis Chitca-po bicycle road record The present record for the 225 inltas ty-lwo-lionw, but, T.O expects; to the distance iia fifteen nouns, flftecm an, hour on-. his died 1520 Geoi 'nit O'clock, 3 fu OF 'DIPHTHERIA. -i! of i iwme-'of eveutac fu'fel will be private and 11 3 o'clock Wones con- as-n wheel: Friday niomins tliere WAS at place on Third street I'! 1 ftriH-Fosler: Dave in a fit of.

ctously were 'loud calls for help, troro'the woiild her Tte trouble was not reported to the poBce. How Your I nud Du gparacus Kidney. af great benefit to ha'vtn? bwn, rellerod of much by Plensc send llcn copy of book ou'KMnev Blood riUwfciir A Olson, '-9 ycc street, Atlanta, fia Pot tale In Ben, From tUflt linstaut, aU TW Terrc HMilie seen this now doal I Mexican do3aw a. "Well, wtot "Ocraldn't piifw tlio Iflw for iKore'ji a Thai, is Jiwt tihe age Is (Tflinp to raise tilio There will moi'e but It will lake all flic make up for the loss l)owei-, or it wil require tlio old worth of- HE DIDN'T ADVERT An exchange tells oC up towu aJid.bought a Wlien she 1 band told, -lief that bii? jstiore for J' she paid for, it for tjie woman to tnll In he woild di and let people know Tire moral is eaMJy.

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