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Great Bend Tribune from Great Bend, Kansas • Page 4

Great Bend, Kansas
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Miss Almquist Gives Program ner's home and adjourn to the Hollo day Inn for a luncheon and an afternoon of cards. rage 3 Great Bend Daily Tribune Tucsd.iy, March 11, 1058 Old Favorite. In a Fresh Style Cottage Cheese Welsh Rarebit Pla-Mor Plans Luncheon At Alexander's March 20 The Pla-Mor club met recently at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mis. Opal Denney, 2337 7th.

Cards were played with high going to Mrs. Jesse H. Jones and second high to Mis. Bob Moos. Mrs.

Jim Turner was unable to attend. Plans were made for the next meeting to celebiate the birthday of Mrs. John Slankard. March 20 at 12:45 p.m. the members will meet at Mrs.

Jim Tur brown about 50 to 60 minutes. Pour hot cheese sauce in each cup, fill to brim with drained cottage cheese and garnish with crisp bacon bits or mushrooms just before serving. Use 2 or 3 toast cups Fresh Frozen Fruit Salad For fruit salad, thaw and drain, leserving strawberry Juice, on 1-pound package and one 10-ounce package sliced peaches. Serve fruit while still partially fiozen in a Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry for beauty. in the world! REIGNS SUPREJVE Miss LaRue Almquist presented the program on speech correction to 14 membeis of the Portia club when they met Mouday at the home of Mrs.

Albert Tullis, 2518 17th. Miss Almquist is head of the speech class in Hoisington and surrounding area She said, "At least 10 percent of the children in our schools have a speech problem." Mrs. A. A. McNeive presided at the business meeting.

Mrs. Frank Sipes was a guest of the club. Those piesent were Byrl Almquist, Minnie Bondurant, Grace Gunn, Mabel Hammond, Elizabeth HDU News Bungalow Unit Mrs. Jeny Ward, 1721 Polk, was hostess Monday at 2 p.m. to members of the Bungalow unit.

Mrs. Don Foss was co-hostess. There were 17 members present. Mrs. Ward, vice-president, presided.

Donation was made to the Red Cioss. Door prize was won by Mis. Lynn Frees. Mrs. Merlin Glesler gave the lesson on picture framing.

Next meeting will be guest day On April 9 at the home of Mrs. John Mingen-back, 3811 McKinley. Merry Moderns Unit The Merry Moderns unit met recently for an all-day meeting at the hospitality loom. Mrs. Herbert Merntc gave the lesson on vegetable cookery and prepared and served the vegetables to 11 Mrs.

Glenn Moirison presided. Roll call was answered with results received from the lesson on furniture arrangement. Two members were accepted into the unit, Mis. Wayne Rodine, and Mrs. Wayne Edwards.

Members present were Mrs. Wayne Dolezal, Mrs. Dan ell Duncan, Mis. Kenneth Hale, Mis. Glenn Huffman, Mrs.

Owen McDonald, Mrs. Herbert Merritt, Mrs. Glenn Mornson, Mrs Watson Nichols, Mrs. Roger Rowland, Mrs. Elmer Zumalt and Mrs.

Ivan Mettscher. Next meeting will be on April 1 at the home of Mis. Glenn Morrison, 1700 Baker. Miss Laura Chapman Is Feted On 92nd Birthday Miss Laura Anna Chapman, who has made her home at the St. Margaret's Mercy hospital in Fredonia, for the past four years, celebrated her 92nd biithday recently.

Miss Chapman was bom in Paducah, and moved to Kansas when she was seven years old. She made her home in Great Bend before moving to Fredonia. Miss Chapman was surprised with a parLy, given by the hospital staff in her honor in the coffee room of the hospital. Mrs. Mable Bird presented Mrs.

Chapman with a new dress, a gift from the entire staff. The cake was decorated with loses and the mscription read "Happy Birthday Mrs. Schneider cut the cake, Mrs. Hill served and Mrs. Helen Pekrul as- announcing of Give To Red Cross At Meeting The regular meeting of the Daughters of Isabella, was attended by, approximately 50 members at the of hall on Monday evening.

The group contributed to the Red Cross and then held reports of the various committees. Anna Laudick read the national and slate regents message. Final details wore made for the covered-dish dinner to be held for new and prospective members on March 24 at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Hat old Kunzelman gave the report of the safety council.

An ai-ticle "A Code of Dress" by Father Burtin Roll was read by the regent Mrs. John Meister and Mrs. Leo Schmilt headed the entertainment committee for the evening. Next meeting will be held on March 24 The State convention will be held in Hays from March' 26 to 28. Wagon Wheel Holds Meeting The Wagon Wheel club members met recently at the hospitality room with Mrs.

Elmer ard and Mrs. Gilbert Blake as hostesses. Guests were Mrs. Vera Mich-aelis, Mis. W.

J. Edmond and Mrs. E. M. Lambert of Oklahoma.

Canasta high was won by Mrs Dean Ruble while Mrs. Bob Ham-lll won the door prize. Mrs. Milton Kramer won the high bridge puze and Mrs. Larry Biich took low.

Members decided to have a special guest day in May. BEAUTIFUL DRAPERIES New Colors! New Styles! For Period or Modern Interiors! NEW QUILTED SATIN BEDSPREADS With Ruffled Flounce GREATER irsts veiva moisture film An invisible protective film that moisturizes skin, leaving it smoother, younger-looking. Try it under Basic Sheen or Pat-a-Creme and see how radiant your make-up stays all day with no 5.00, 10.00, 18.50 pric plus tax Finishing touch: Elizabeth Arden's Invisible Veil The Casual Sweater! ft 2707 A for all the fam- lh You'll find It easy to knit and to Nciy nice to wear. Make one for pach. member of the family In cither white or the favorite color of the lucky recipient.

Pattern No. 2707 contains knitting directions Tor 10. 12, M. IB, 18, 2n. 22 inclusive, material rc-fiiiircniciit j.

stitch Illustrations. Send 23c In COINS, for this pat- ton add 5c for each patter for ot -class mailing. Send CABOT. Great. Bend D.u ANNE rrlbunc, W.

Qumcy stioct, Chicago 6, Print NAME. ADDRESS and I in. rattcrn Number. IIac ou a copy of our 1958 Needlework ALBUM? ft contains ctocu of pretty designs In crochet, knit cmbioidciv and sow. plus directions for one knit and thice crochet items Only 25c a copy! Summer Special W4 8202 U.I8 Here Is one of the charming entiles a recent dress design contest held at U.C L.A.

Everyone loves the halter diess lor warm weather No. 8202 with AIT-O -R A A I In slro 11, 12. 13. 16, 18. Sire 12.

32 bust 5 of 35-inch. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for each pattern add 5c for each pattern for first-claw mailing. Send to Sue Burnett, Great Bend Daily Tiibunc. 372 W. CJulncy foticct.

t. in. print is amis. ADDRESS wth ZONE. STYLE NUMBER and SIZE.

Send 35 cents today for your ropy of our fascinating pattern book Basic FASHION. The new Spring nncl Summer '58 edition Is I a delight with special fcntuiei, up to the minute styles. Don't miss it! 2 cups milk 'i teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 8-9 ounces pimtonto cream cheese 12 toast cups 1 12-ounce carton cottage cheese drained Crisp bacon bits or sauteed mushroom pieces. In top of double boiler melt butter, stir in flour, salt and dry mustard. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly.

Add Worcestershire sauce. Cook until thickened. Add cream cheese Stirling till well blended. Makes iji cups sauce. To make toast cups trim crusts from twelve slices of fresh sandwich bread.

Brush with melted butter. Shape bread into cups in muffin tin. Bake in a very slow oven 1250 until crispy and golden Church Groups First rrcsbytcrian The Presbyterian women's association met recently in the substory for a covered-dish supper. Circle 1 and 6 wore hostesses. Guests were the Rv.

and Mrs. Robert K. Foster, Marjone and Marilyn, Mrs. Nellie Pointer, Mrs. G.

H. Kearney and Mrs. Robert -Hardeis, PWO president. The Rev. Foster gave devotions followed by a vocal duet "The Green Cathedral" by Marjorie and Marilyn.

Miss Novma Menng presented the yearbook of prayer. A film, "Cue Long Stride" was shown by Dick Rosenbaum. Mrs. Eunice Miller read the scripture and Mrs. Jim Yeager gave the lesson.

The meeting was closed by Mrs. Robert Harders with a poem. Mis. E. L.

Miller will give the lesson at 1:30 p.m. on Apul 2 when the women meet again. Helianthus Club Hears Program by Mrs Kopke Mrs. T. L.

Hickerson, 1401 Warner, was hostess Frday when twelve members of the Helianthus club met sit the home of Mrs. Carl Box-berger, 2200 Washington. Mrs. H. y.

Kopke presented the piogram on "The Unbelievable stating that Arab unity is a myth. Twelve different conquerors have ruled Arabia the last 2000 years. During the Middle Ages the Arabs pioneered in the fields of astronomy and medicine. Mrs. William Wells invited the club members and their husbands to a chicken, noodle supper on Mr.rch 22 at 6.30 p.m.

at her home, rt 3. The. April 3 meeting will be at the home of Mrs. O. W.

Hetrlck, 1722 Monroe. New Floor Care Here's a bright menuidca for lute winter meals. Offer your family a Cottage Cheese Welsh Rarebit as a mam dish. For an easy four-step supper or luncheon, start with a glass of tomato juice and serve your Welsh Rarebit In golden brown toast cups with a colorful salad of fresh-frozen fruits. Serve butter cookies and milk for dessert.

It's tasty and easy to fix. Best of all, It's a complete change from standard family supper menus. It's economical, too. Cottage Cheese rarebit is so rich in protein, vitamins and other body-bulldlng elements that your family won't want or need a lot of "extra" dishes for a good healthy meal. The fruit salad gives ydu an easy, appetizing way to put additional "sunshine" vitamins Into your family's diet.

Fresh-frozen fruits give you peak flavor and nutrition in any season. For a delightful lenten meal, use sautecd mushroom pieces rather rather than bacon bits to garnish the rarebit. Welsh Kareblt With Cottage Cheese 3 tablespoons butter "i cup all-purpose flour 4 teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon salt teaspoon dry mustard GREAT BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY Available Best Sellers FICTION By Love Possessed Cozzens Rally Round the Flag Boys Shulman Anatomy for Murder Tr Below the Salt Costnln (The White Witch Goudge The Sound of Thunder Caldwell GENERAL Please Don't Eat the Daisies 1 Ker Baruch: My Own stoiy Kids Say the aDindest Things Linklotter "Where Did You Go?" "Out." "What Did You Do?" "Nothing Smith The Hidden Persuaders Packard Peter Frcuchen's Book of the Seven Seas Frcuchen Loth This Week's Review: A FAMILY AFFAIR, by Roger Eddy. Thomas Y. dwell 1958, 3Mp.

A city, a family, a business, and a way of lite are the ingredients of this Immensely loadable contemporary novel. The "Family Business" had begun a long time ago when Lydi'a's grandfather Invented a better horseshoe nail. The Hadly Company had dwindled under Lowell's management until it was almost moribund. the son-in-law found himself lived with a driving ambition to the "tcitipany back on the map. The "Way of Life" of Charles and Lucy and other young mar- ricds of the book is not one of glamor and excitement.

Many dreams are put on the shelf, but there Is a mature acceptance and enjoyment of a life of contentment; of building a strong and solid future for the next generation. Men and women readers will both enjoy this novel. It contains the ever faclnating story of the i Isc of a young man In business and an appealing, believable account of a marriage and a family. ELOISE IN PARIS, by Kay Thompson. Simon Schuster, 1957, unp, illus.

Bonjour! Here's the thing of it Pai is has Just been discovered by FLOISE the little girl from the Plaza Here is what ELOISF. docs in Paris: everything I The effect Is rawthcr extraordinaire. If vcu conic to Paris with ELOISE you will always be glad you HOW YOU CAN BE A BETTER STUDENT, by Rudolph Flcsch. Sterling Publishing 1957, l92p, Illus, Study how to study? Far from being a grind, this book Is inform al yet itifoimatlve-wrltten In easy style and amusingly illustrated, full of practical, down-to-earth examples taken right from the campus. It avoids textbook bol- stcl.

sters your commence, ana pro vides JOU Mill lUUIUUUUH. IU If fer to on many future occasions. Before you can be a better student, you must know in which areas you need Improvement. So the first thing this book gives you Is a checklist to determine your mental abilities and find out what your assets are. 1 I the BOOKSHELF the finest powder WHERE STYLE leaf or with endive.

The Party Line Mrs. B. D. Cain, 1714 Adams, was" hostess at a birthday dinner recently for her daughter Karen attending the dinner followed, by a movie were Nona Anderson, Naomi" Dupree, Charlotte Franklin, Diana Gates, Susan Lawrence, Ulanda Orcbaugh, Donna Peters and Coleen Pettit. Mr and Mrs.

Harold Schwartz, rt. 1, were host and hostess Sunday night when their bridge club met tables were played with prizes going to Mis. Schwartz, women's high and Loyal Otte, men's high. Low went to Mrs. Fred Schul-tls and Fritz Essmillcr.

and Mrs. J. A. Calcaia, rt. 4, will be the next hosts.

The Elks duplicate bridge club held mastei point night Fnday Winneis for north and south were Mr. and Mrs. Lylc Richardson, El-llnwood, first; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Powelson, Great Bend, second; and Mrs.

Mary Smith and Mrs Martha Dunn, Hoisington, third East and west winners were Mr. and Mrs. Orval Otte, first; Mrs. Grace Benjamin and Mr. Pete LaVelle, second; and Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Merten, thiid, all of Gieat Mr. J. E. Hooten, 1037 Warner, celebrated his birthday villi a picnic basket supper on Saturday Those present were Mr.

and Mrs. Harley Zumalt, Mr and Mis. Albert Christians, Shirlcne Meadhk, all of Great Bend; Mr. and Mrs Chester Dyers of Olmitz; Mi', and Mrs. H.

C. Wolfs of Wichita, Mad-elyn Todd of Great Bend and Eunice Williams of Russell Those invited but unable to attend due to the weather were Mr. and Mrs Merle Gales of Pratt, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wolfs and Mr.

and Mrs. Bob Alexanders of Lyons. Ends Waxing One of the difficult iobs of housekeeping is to wax linoleum and asphalt tile floois. Now, thanks to Glaxo, it's no longei necessary to wax and sciub, just apply Glaxo about twice a year. It maintains a high lustre, non slip coating that seals out dirt.

Glaxo dries in one hour and is water clear. It's cheaper than wax in the long run. besides saving a terrific amount of ork, plus truly a beautiful floor. CHEYENNE HARDWARE APPLIANCE 1213 Main GL 3-4591 HOSPITAL BENEFITS a new BLUE CROSS plan for people who" can't join through groups HOSPITAL COSTS ARE NECESSARILY GETTING HIGHER EACH YEAR, THIS NEW PLAN WILL GIVE YOU A REAL SENSE OF SECURITY BECAUSE YOU'LL KNOW THAT YOU HAVE PROVIDED A WAY FOR YOUR FAMILY TO HAVE THE FINE, MODERN CARE OUR HOSPITALS CAN NOW GIVE YOU. FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES WHY YOUNG HEALTHY FAMILIES SHOULD JOIN NOW Because of the unusual benefits of this New Plan, there care certain restrictions on age and condition of health, plus 5 waiting periods (including maternity).

Join now while health is good. Blue Cross ha never canceled a member for high usage or age. PRESENT NON-GROUP AND FARM BUREAU MEMBERS will be transferred to this new plan on their next payment dates, beginning February 1. Full information will be mailed to present members with their next Payment notice. SAME AS EMPLOYEE GROUP PLAN Now you don't have to work in an employee group to be eligible for the benefits chosen 'by over 6,000 groups in Kansas.

This is the $10.00 Deductible, Semi-Private Plan which includes, for example, (during the days covered) full payment on any semi-private room, or $9.00 toward "any private room, plus full payment for covered hospital extras. Write for fulr information without obligation. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO JOIN? If you work where less than five people are employed on a common payroll, are under 60 years of age and in good health, you are eligible to join this new Non-Group Plan. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS MAIL Mid-Week Specials (Prices Effective Wednesday and Thursday) BROWN or POWDERED SUGAR 10c BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY or TUNA PIES 5 1" White or Red GRAPEFRUIT 1 49c Center Cut PORK CHOPS LB 59C Whitney SALMON 49c EXQUISITE NEW LIGHT-WEIGHT SPRING COATS AND TOPPERS Kansas Blue Cross-Blue Shield 1133 Topeka To-eka Send information on new Non-Group Blue Cross Plan. I am under age 60.

Neither I nor my spouse work where five or more are employed. on BMCR0SS-BM SHIELD CANSAS HOSPITAt SERVICE ASSOCIATION, IhJc. KANSAS PHYSICIANS' SERVICE Budget $1495 oo 1495 $45 Priced DON'S FOOD MART 3124 10th CHEESE 2 box 59 Address.J City The American Stale Bank Next Door NewspapeiJIRCHIVE- NewspaperHRCHIVE'.

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