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The Yakima Herald from Yakima, Washington • Page 11

The Yakima Heraldi
Yakima, Washington
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THB LETTER HE PREFERRED. I.ip and snip and flutter and The morning's mall la In; The typewriter's rack-tack right and left, With brusque, staccato din. Order and tally, statement and bill. Credit, receipt and He slaps them open with hasty hand. Assorting them, one by one.

"Respected Gentlemen," and "Honored Formal and smug and trite. Empty phrases of business life To start the letters right. "Sincerely Yours," and "with respect," "Obedient servant," too! -Satire tucked to a relate claim Or angry threat to sue Down thro' the thick of the stack he goes, With a business frown on his brow: There Is never a smile in a postman's bag. You'd Imagine, to look at him now. But under a letter of formal cut And sickly commercial hue, Here's a missive that Is trimly plump, With envelope honest blue.

And he opens the flap with a careful The others are all pushed by; The faltering lines pinil the faded Ink He studies with softened eye. There's truth in the words, "My precious boy," For they're penned by a mother's hand. And there's something else between the lines His heart can understand. Forgetting the cares of the business day, And the roar from the city's throat, His thoughts go back to the farm the while He rends what mother wrote "We are all well, and your father is smart He's down In the woods today; 'Tell Joey I'm lining the woodshed He said, as he went 'away. 'An' ask him If he's ever found a spot That's quite so eoiy an' snug As the corner In front of the old fire place, With his back on the braided rug." Says tell you 'there's plenty of birch an' beech That's hankerin' now to burn, An' lots o' things In bins downstairs, for your I've had fine luck with all my preserves An' the pickles was Just fine, too.

The house is full o' the Rmell of spice! Sniff hard at this paper." True! He closes his eyes on the office walls. And the perfume the letter brings Whispers of Jars on the cellar shelves And the apples, hanging In strings. Ho scents the snvor of autumn fields And the fragrance of heaped-up mows, The spicy waitings from cellar bins And the dewy breath of cows Then, down nt the end, there's the same sweet thrill He found ln the words above: "Come home when you can, our precious boy. From Mother, with all her love." And somehow the tasks of a busy day Are full of snarls and frets; His thoughts ore slow, and things move wrong, He blunders, nnd he forgets. For the call of home Is ln his ears.

In his eyes the old home place; In his heart the yearning for two old folks Who are longing to see bis face. And he heaps on his wondering partner's desk All of that business pile. "You must run It for a week, old man," he says, "I'm down with the folks for awhile." A Disastrous Calamity. It Is a disastrous calamity when you lose your health because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr.

King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colic, constipation, Guaranteed at C. C. Case's Drug Store. 25c.

K-ll f-f-oarrnphlcnl Nonaesne. A lady who lived In Bath. Ate a pickle thnt gave her a She isn't well yet, And she says you can bet She'll never eat pickles A gentleman down In Was riding a horse that He lit In a creek, But he shut his mouth quick And didn't drink A butcher who hutched In Dcs Moines. As his customers him dcs comes Said: "What will you take In the way of a steak? Here's a nice piece right off dcs loinc-s." A newly wed wife In Vlnccnnes Shut some chickens up tight in pennes. She thought they would lay.

But they crowed all the She tuok'the blamed-things for hermes! Yewell. Foley's Honey and Tar always stops the cough and heals the lungs. Refuse substitutes. North Yakima Drug Store, A. D.

Sloan, Prop. F-ll IDEAS ON ADVERTISING Yes, it pays. Especially does it pay the purchaser He knows just where to find what he wants, just when it is wanted. Naturally, the man who advertises must make alt his promises good to get the best results lie must do better than he promises. The advertiser conducts his fight lor business in the open.

You read the "ad." and you know just what you can do. Will Everett believes in clearly setting out what be can do and will do. He extends a cordial invitation to you to call on him when you have anything you really want to sell. He refuses to list your property at a net price or at a higher price than you want lor it. He has no desire to speculate on your property, but does desire to aid you in finding a purchaser.

He will charge you 5 per cent, of purchase more, no leas. He will write fire insurance at regular rates duty he owes to the company. He will write tbe policy so there ia uo loophole through which the company can avoid this is a duty he owes to you. He writes life insurance at a saving of (3 to $10 per thousand. Call at Room 6 Dltter Building ami See Everett In This Day and Age "Any old kind will not go when it comes to Heating Stoves.

We prepared to show you Tutelv the best on the market. It is constructed on scientific principles, which means the greatest heat-giving power at the minimum of cost. The Heaters we are handling are made in a number of sizes, sequently are sold at different prices. We would be pleased to see yon before you place an order for a Stove, lor we know you want buy; and we can give it to you. Let us estimate your Plumtim and Builders' Hardwire Bill when It Is ready.

YAKIMA HARDWARE CO, ADVERTISED LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled for in the Postolllce at North Ynklma, Wash. Parties calling for these letters will please state that they were adertlsed on November 11. One cent is due on each: Adams, Hunk Aimer, Mr. Alderman, W.

W. ilauglin. Miss Hone, Miss Florence Brown, Mr. Scott liouchuin, Paul Hakker, Mr. J.

Th. Braebaek, Joseph R. Marnier, Jos. Harnett, Mrs. K.

Huker, Miss Millie. Bennett, Milton Hrower, Miss Nellie Brendlng, Jessie A. Thos. Clark, Mrs. M.

P. C. Curtis, Mr. J. A.

Casey, Mrs. W. W. Crillis, Mrs. J.

W. Cert, Mrs. John Craig, Mrs. P. B.

Crocker, Mrs. Wm. Carnner, Sum Cooper, Miss Jessie Davis, Mr. Charles Donohue, J. P.

Dent, Mrs. Lena Donald, Miss Edmunds, Miss Daisy FergUSOtl, Mr. Ferris, Mrs. Anna Fish, Mrs. C.

Fennes.s.-y, Mr. W. Fenton, Forhls, Mrs. L. Farmer, Mrs.

M. M. Ferguson, Mrs. A. E.

Fltzpatrlck, Mr. P. (lunn, Mrs. Scott Cray, Mr. Iliiv Oalleghcr, Mrs.

K. J. Hulling.r, Theodore llunziker, Karl Mrs. E. C.

Hughes. Mrs. T. lorn. Mrs.

Mandy llo.l.Jer, Mrs. Hill Jennie Hltt. Mr. Jacob Huff. L.

C. Holland, Mr. William Hamlin, Mr. b. s.

11 ail en, Mr. O. It. Jackson, Mrs. John Jones, C.

Warren Kroskev. Mr. Leach, Miss Ella Lowell, a. J. Lausier, Mr.

ciovls Lyons, Elve I.altiichc. Mr. Frank Larson, Miss Anna Lewis. Professor F. S.

List. Adam Morgptn, Dock Morrison, Mr. Orley McCrustan, D. li. M.

Morris. Mr. C. S. Mr.

D. A. Myers, 0, H. Malay, Miss Miller, Mr. Perl Macalllster.

Miss Moss. Mr. Elmer Norman, Mr. H. Porter, Mrs.

Belle lVrnpirv. Mr. Bert Peralt, Mrs. j. ir.

Pollard, Mrs. M. A. Ppinner, Johann Prince, Mrs. W.

T. Pulram, Mrs. L. E. Reed, Mr.

Allan E. Reed, Mr. A. C. Bee.l.

Mr. C. Mrs. fl. 11.

Bee.l, Miss Ella Richardson, Mr. Albert Smith. Mr, J. L. Stevens, Mrs.

Hebecca Spencer, Mr. c. Leland Stone. Mrs. S.

S. Sehierman. Johnnio Southard. Mr. Suuires.

Mrs. E. J. Mr. Shannon, A.

M. Shelton, Mr. Stanton, Mrs. Wm. Samlo, Mrs.

Rob Smith. Mrs. A. Scully, Andrew J. Taylor, Mrs.

Thomas Taylor, Mr, Richard Thompson, Mrs. Louis Wjnaendtps, o. Wulstcln Hi Daley Waddell. Mrs. W.

B. Wing, Miss D. R. Williams. Mrs.

W. W. Wnlden. Mrs. Robert Webber.

Clint R. Wilson. Mrs. A. V.

Wilson, Mr. Dave. W. LEMON, P. M.

"Consumption runs in our family, and through It I lost my mother," writes E. B. Reid of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest sign of a cough or cold I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss to Mr.

Reid, but he learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure It. Quickest relief and cure for coughs and colds. Price 60c and guaranteed at C. C. Case's Drug Store.

Trial bottle free. K-ll Grammar give me a sentence containing the word "despair." James goil give me dls pear. Journal. Come ln and see our beautiful assortment of cut glass. You can't help being pleased with both quality and price.

Red Cross Pharmacy. 42tt Linoleums, Carpets, lot Just in at Coffin Furniture Store. 4 3 HERALD WANT AOLETS WANTED. Chicago wholesale mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and epenses paid weekly; expense money advanced.

Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. THOMAS J. COOPER ft 132 Lake Chicago, 111.

FOR SALK. OR farm five miles from Zillah, three miles from Granger and three miles from Outlook; 20 acres, containing 1650 2, 3 and 4 year old trees; 5 acres In alfalfa; all under Irrigation. A legitimate cause for selling. A SNAP at $100 per acre. Inquire at Herald office.

44-tf FOR SALK and one-half acres near power house; one-half in bearing peach orchard; other fruit on place, also brick house, stone cellar, line barn, all well fenced. An Ideal suburban home place. For price and terms, call at place. T. W.

Berry. OR farm, hopyard, orchard, meadow, good dwelling house, hop house, fruit. Free water, all you can use. Inquire of Vestal Snyder, Sloan No. Yakima, Wash.

44-3t OB SALE No. 5 U. S. cream separator, $100; four 10-gallon cans, $11; one 25-gallon tank, total, $115. Will sell for $75.

Hecox ft Lavlgne, P. O. box 186, City. 44-tf to trade for work horses, about 150 head of aged ewes, suitable to run on farm for a year or two. Inquire at Coffin warehouse, west of track.

For 126 acres on Natchez; water right dates from 1878. Terms, one-half down, balance easy payments at 7 per cent Interest. Address R. W. 312 North Selah street.

For Sale block of 2000 shares of the Elizabeth Gold Hill Mining stock, at a bargain. Call at Room 7, Yakima National Bank Building. For Sale house and lot on Capital Hill; east front; good well, outbtiilindgs and some fruit. House built two years ago. Good location.

Here is a bargain; look it up. Inquire at this office. 43-tf For five-shot, repeating shotgun, 12 guage; very cheap. Inquire at Scott's Lumber yard. 43-tf For acres, with house, ln Nod Hill district, part in fruit, $200 per acre, one-half cash.

For' terms call at this office. FOR acres mile west of Sumrtfit View schools. Three acres alfalfa, IV. acres in berries, acres ln grapes; balance in growing fruit trees. An home place.

D. 1,. Druse, R. F. D.

No. 1 2, North Yakima. 39-tf LOST. miles east oil''Ellensburg, black work mare branded with coffin-shaped brand; tall bay work mare, same brand; working towurd old Heaven range. Suitable reward will he paid by Coffin North Yakima, or George Finn, Trinidad P.

0., Wash. 41-tf Lost Nov. Ist, between this city and the Cowychie, a lady's long brown Cravanette coat. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. 45-tf FOUND.

cow with white spots, branded double (XX) with bar over, on left shoulder. Can find at Walter Maxwell's, Wapato. hataa, Netherlands American Mortgage Company is prepared to make farm loans over flOOu: rate 7 per cent; no delay. Apply to C. Dameyer, Agent, No.

423 Alaska Seattle, Wash. North Yakima Camp No. 5530, M. W. A.

Meets second and 4th VVednes-' days in I. O. 0. F. Hall at I.

A. WAI.KKR, V. C. A. K.

McWAIN, Clerk SECRETARY WILL APPROVE. Tietan and Okanogan Projects Are Now Assured. Among the latest dispatches from Washington City relative to the irrigation projects in this state, is the following: The 'netan and Okanogan projects in Washington, have been recommended as feasible by the reclamation department, will be approved by Secretary Hitchcock some time this week. A high official of the interior department is authority for this statement. The Tietan is a subproject of the Yakima project, and will cover about 24,000 acres of land, while the Okanogan project means tbe reclamation of 10,000 acres.

The approval of these projects by the secretary will mean early construction work in Washington. Special sale of black dress goods and black silk Saturday only, Not. 4th. See window display. Coffin Bros.

It Anxious Moments. Some of the most anxious hours of a mother's life are those when the little ones of the household have the croup. There Is no other medicine so effective ln this terrible malady as Foley's Honey and Tar. It is a house-; hold favorite for throat and lung troubles, and as It contains no opt-1 ates or other poisons, It can be safely given. North Yakima Drug Store, i A.

D. Sloan, Prop. F-ll I SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in nnd for Yakima County. Sadie T.

Dlx. Plaintiff, vs. Charles A. Dlx, Defendant. State of Washington to Charles A.

Dlx. Defendant: Yon are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (601 days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within sixty; (60) days after the Ist day of No-! vember, 1905, and defend the above 1 entitled action in the above entitled court, answer the complaint of plaintiff, and servo a copy of your answer Upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff at their office below stated; and In case of your failure so to do, judgment will be taken against you according to the demand of the com-1 plaint, which has been Hied with the I clerk of said court. Said action is brought to obtain a decree of divorce, dissolving the I bonds of matrimony now existing be- tween Sadie T. Lix, the plaintiff, and Charles A. Dix, the defendant, on the ground that the plaintiff neglects and refuses to support and make suitable provision for the plain- tiff as his wife, or to provide her' with the common necessities of and for more than the three years last past, has so failed, neglected and refused lo support plaintiff and make! suitable provision for her ts bis wife, although amply able to do so, and for: the care, custody and control of Henry Milton Dlx, the minor child of said i plaintiff and defendant.

CULL DAVIS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, North Itakima, Yak-j ima Washington.

44-Tt NOTICE TO HIPDI'I In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, In and for Yakima! County (in probate). I In the Hatter of the Estate of Ralph W. Webber, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned. James W.

Webber, has bean heretofore appointed, and is now ths duly qualified and acting administrator of the estate of Ralpn W. Webber, deceased, and that all persons who hnve ctulrns against the said Ralph W. Webber, or his estate, are hereby notified to present the same, together with the in ssary vouchers, within one year after ths first publication of this notice, to-wlt: within one year from the! 25th day of October, 1905, to me undersigned at the office of Cull Davis, In the city of North Ynklma, Washington, In said county and state. If said claims not sn presented they will be forever barred. Dated this 25th day of October.

1805. JAMES W. WEBBER, As Administrator of the Estate of Ralph W. Webber, deceased. full Davis, Room 18 Sloan attorneys for ihe estate.

OotSC-novM-lt Final Proof Notice. raited smeii Land Office. North Yakima, Wai.ii., October 10. IPHIV I Notice Ih hereby dlven that LotUa of North Yakima. Wh.

tiled nottee of his Intention lo make proof on I. ilenertlaud claim No. for the Sec. Si. Twp.

II K.IK E. before the Kesloter ami Receiver at North Yakima, Wssblnstoo, on Bsrttldsy, the lKth day of November, IHO-V He names Tho following to prove tlie complete irrigation oud reclamation of snid Ittsd: Char-man, McNamarH, Clarence E. Zirkle, It. Botts, all of North Yakima. Wash.

OrlllSovl-V HENRY V. HINMAN, Rexlatvr. NOTICE TO Ml BOMI BUYERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY That tho City of North Yakima, Washington, offers for sale its bonds for the sum of forty-eight thousand dollars iJ.S,-/---000.04). In denominations of one Ihoiispiinl dollars Uiooo.ooj each, and to War the of their issue nnd to ut the expiration of twenty years thereafter, with Interest at the rate of four per cent (4 per cent) per annum, payabls semi-annuauv on the first dnys Hay and November of each year at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of North YuKlma, Washington, where satd principal is also niptde paypthle.

The proceeds of said bonds are to be used for the payment of a system of trunk sewers for said city, designated pis "Mutn Trunk Sewers for the City of North Yakima, Washington," and are Issued by virtue of Section 1077 of Balllnger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, as amended by Chanter tt of the Session Laws of the State of Washington for the yenr 1901, and also pursuant to Ordinances No. 458, 459 and of tlie City of North Yakima aforesaid. All bidders for sold bonds are requested to name the price nnd rate of Interest at which they will pi.rch.-ix.. said bonds and all of them. No bid for less than par will be considered.

All bids for said bonds should be sent to the Cltv Clerk of the City of North Yakima, Washington, and sold bids: will be opened and duly considered on i the 20th day of November, 1905, by tho City Council of said city at Its regular meeting to tie held at 7-30 o'clock p. m. on thnt day. bid must be accompanied by a certified check drawn on some solvent national teink. payable to the order of the City Treasurer of Grain I OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD Yakima Mill Co.

Office West of N. P. Depot. Phone 321. rj i i out ror L-ly 1 DUCI) I i SPACfi NPXT WF.EK 1 IQ3 3.

ST. PHOjSfHI 8861 the ctiv of North Yakima, Wp.shlngton. in a rum equal to live cent the amount Hit for said bonds, md Si id check chilli be forfeited to City of North Yakima In case the p-id accompanying said check shall be ii-crptcd by the riiv and Spild bonds iwarded to said Milder, in case said kldder shall full to and for Mid bonds within ten dnvs after he been notiiicd that said bonds 'ipivc awarded to lilm on his bid as iforesaid. The ity of North Yakima reserves the right to reject any and all Dated October 17. I J.

ImnOKET. 4-1-it City Clark. Notice of Redemption of $110,000 ltofllmliiiK Bonds of the City ol' North Yukiuui, Washington. NOTICE IS IIEHKHY GIVEN That on the 2d day of December, 1905, at the banking house of N. W.

Harris in the rity of New York, state pif New York, the city of North Yakima. Washington, will redeem and pay- In full its. issue of 130.0U0 of refunding bonds issued pursuant to Ordinance No. Kit of the ordinances of said city, entitled: "An ordinance providing for the Issuance of (30,000 of bonds to fund the city indebtedness of the city of Nortu Yakima, Washington," said bonds being sixty In number, and numbered from one to sixty, inclusive, each of the denomination of jr.n.i, nnd dated December 1, 1890, on the face thereof made payab.e to bearer. All holders of said bonds are required to present them at the above named place of payment on said December 190 5.

If said bonds are not surrendered for redemption within two weeks after said 2d day of December, 1905, then interest upon all bonds not so surrendered shall cease, as provided by the terms of said bonds. Dated at North Yakima, Washington, this 2d day oj November, 1905. C. R. DONOVAN, 4 City Treasurer.

Notice of Special School Election. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That pursuant to a resolution of the hoard of directors of School District No, 54, passed on the 26t.h day of October, 1905, as follows: "Whereas, The Indebtedness of School District No. 54, Yakima county, Washington, now is 7,098.41 dollars, which indebtedness Is evidenced Ijv warrants against said district now piiNitanding, and "Wiereas, said amount of Indebtedness is in excess on one and onehalf peY centum of the assessed valuation oflthe taxable property In said was incurred without, the three-fifths vote of the electors Of said dfctrict at an election iicld for purnose, as Is renti'ied by law, "Therefore, lie it resolved. That the board of directors of said district deem It advisable to validate and ratify said Indebtedness to the five per cent of the asi eased Valuation of the taxable arty Ist said district, to-wit: Five of 149.718 Dollars, being 7,449.15 dollars; thnt a special be called for November IS, 1905, tit which election the question of validating and ratifying said Indebtedness to the amount of 7,489.18 dol- Pecember, a. d.

1.08, in the Yuklinn Herald, a newspaper published in said Yakima county, and of general circulation therein, lars shall be submitted to the fled electors of said district; that tho Ik of the board of directors shall public notice of the time, place purpose of such election In the iner provided by law." special election will be held on irdny, tlie lSlh day of 5, from One o'clock, p. ni. to Five pick, p. at the school house in district for the purpose of voton the question of validating and tying the indebtedness of said he board of directors of said dlst have adopted the following form BALLOT. pistructions: If you wish to vote validating and ratifying, make- in the square Opposlto the words lldnllng and ratifying the lntedness.

Yes." If you wish to against validating nnd ratifying indebtedness, put an ln the ire opposite the words "Valldatand ratifying the indebtedness. allduting nnd ratifying tho I I btedness. Yes. alidatliig nnd ratifying tho I I No. I I order tt he board of directors.

W. LEWIS, Clerk District No. 51. OrdiT for Notice of Hearing of Final Account, mill to Khow Cause Why Distribution Should Not lie Made, ami for Final Discharge. In the Court of the Stato of Washington, for Yakima county, in Probate.

In the matter of the estate of Sarah H. Wool man, deceased. C. Parker, the administrator with will annexed, In the above entitled matter, having filed herein his final account, and petition for distribution, and for final discharge, as administrator with will annexed, of the estate of the above named decedent, It Is now by the court ordered that tne hearing of said final account, and the settlement thereof, and the bearing or said petition for distribution, and for the discharge of administrator with will annexed, be, I and tbe same berebv Is, set for the '11th day of December, A. 1905, at in o'clock In the forenoon, at the courtroom of this court, at the courthouse of Yakima county, in the city of North Yakima, Yakima county, stnto of Washington, and all persons desiring to object to said account or to the settlement thereof, or to tho distribution of said estate as prayed for In said petition, are required to be and appear nt time and place for the purpose.

It Is further ordered thnt a copy of this order bo published once a week for four consecutive weeks before the 11th day of Dotls in open court this 7th dnjr of November, A. D. 1905. H. B.

RIQO, Judge. note of first publication November S. A. n. 1905.

45-4t on in.h to snow CAtnaa IN THJB SUPERIOR COURT op TUT. Fon Charles Longmlre and J. p. Cornett. it nlnlstrators of Me William 1 nn, deceased, having tiled lit this Court their petition alleging thnt It la necessary to sell a certain'portion of he real estate of the deceased, William to provide funds for payment of the debts.

taxes. Inheriting 5 to IK" of Washington, and SStats? ndmlnlstrutlon of said It Is now therefore hereby ordered hat said petition be brought on for YnklnVf NoJfh Washington, on Saturday, the 18th day of December, at 2 o'clock a certified copy of this order to be published for at least four success ye weeks prior to the data of said hearing In the Yakima Herald! ii-h Panted and pubv Ynklma Washington, and of general circulation in said county and slate; and all arsons Interested In said estate ar" -reby ordered and directed to appear it said tin place and show cause. any they have, why an order should not be granted to administrators to I much of the real estate of s. Id ceased shall be necessary for the purposes aforesaid. H.

11. moo. Judge. 77' 0f i.iiirt of Yakima state of that tho Is a true, full and correct "PI or order lo show cause In tho on 'iiV if, 1 l. now hi my office, and all persons lnereste.l in MJd are hereby tliied appear nt house worth Yakima.

Yakima County, the 1,1,1, day of December, ISOS, it clock p. and show cause. If jnj they have, why prayer of sad )t JSStog and an order granted to the said adm directing them to much the res) estate of sold decedent as may he neccesary for the purpose of paying the debts, taxes. Inheritance tax to the state Washington. and expenses of ad in tnlst ration of the said decedent Witness hand and the sent of said of or, DAT, Clerk of the Court of tha Washington, for Yakima 46-Dt Order Kiting Tlmr l-nr lleurlua Final teeoiuH f(ir (r lion Ir, the Superior Court of tbe Btato of Washington, In and for the County or Probate, In the matter of the estate of Mlnnlo Carlveau, deceased.

Richard Carlveau, us administrator of Minnie deceased, having this day tiled with tho of this court iinal account nt his administration said estate. and also having i 11,,1 therewith a pctltion for distribution of said estate Ml parties thereto. It la now, on motion of said Carlveau. by his attorney, Delle, ordered that Saturday, the 10th day of December, A. in o'clock in tin- forenoon, or ns soon thereafter counsel can be heard, at the curt room In the court house in the cltv of North Yakima, county of Yakima.

Stato Washington, be, and hereby are time and place for tba hearing settlement by and before said court of said iinal account, and the bearing ami determination of said petition for distribution; And It is further ordered that tho 'terk of this court nnd the administrator of said estate give notice of sucll hearing, settlement and determination by causing notice thereof, in duo form of law, to be posted for' tbe period of consecutive weeks next preceding Said tune, lo three of tho most publlo places in spiid Yakima county, by Sanatag a similar notice to published for consecutive we. ks in the Ynklma Herald, weekly newspaper printed and published In said Itv of North Yakima, and or general circulation la sold county and state. Done in court this 9th day of A. It. IDOD.

11. It. num. It dgo. koticb.

Notice Is hereby given, pursuant lo the above entitled Older by said court, thnt the final account of Richard Oarniveau, as administrator of tbs estate Minnie Carnlveau. deceased, baa been rendered and Bled in tbe abovq entitled court for settlement, and a potltlon for final distribution of eald estale h.PS been fb-11l Wll Slid HCCOUnt, and thai Saturday. Ihe 18th day of December, A 1 Nt ten o'clock, in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as counsel be heard, nt tho Court Room, In the Courthouse in the City of North Yakima, County of Yakima, gtats of Washington, has been duly ap. pointed by tbe above court as the tlmo and place for the settlement of said and heptring of said petition, at win. time and place any person Interested In "old estate may and or exceptions In writingto said Seconal and petition, and may contest ihe same.

WIXfr'EHK WHEREOF, each of the do hereby set their bauds and on this day of November, a. v. itm. J. W.

DAY. Conrnty Clerk of Yakima County, and ex-offlclo clerk or the Superior Court of the state of Washington, in and for tha County of Yakima. of Kupeilor Court.) RICHARD I'ARNrVEAIT, Administrator of the Estate ef Minnie Carnlveau, deceused. It-it.

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