The Sun from New York, New York • Page 1
- Publication:
- The Suni
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- New York, New York
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
(Bur- Sun. THE WEATHER FOI Cloudy and cooler to-dajC piHbly ftir to Derailed weather repoi I be foggd sTja.e 13. VOL. 4. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1913.
ommni. Mnmtf od rNMmf Amuumn. CENTS. ECAST PltlCE TWO GAYNORACCEPTS; HITS AT MURPHY Hrong of at fit.v Hull Hears Charge of City's Betrayal. sjHOVia KASSCALS OUT" We Will Send All rafters id the Dump HVap," savs Mayor.
HOT RKI'LY FROM HA WOOD shvs Ftaynor ttrkel Tammany Only Whan RefUttd Nomination. The rntic or VeateXayi Mayor Oaynor'i hai feu unequrvo- rally in Hie centre of the ring yesterday, With no provisos and no iuallfl-ratloni be accepted the offer of an indenend-nt nomination for aecond term at a remarkable gathering in City Hall Park." He attacked Tammany for It upstair method of selecting a Mayor, and contrasted It with the open nit demonstration in hi own Interest. Norman Hepgood. in turn, pitched into the Mayor, saying thai he had a nomination at the h.ind of the men whom he criticised. Francis W.
Bird. Progressive chair- matt, said that John Purroy Mitehel liaa no Intention of retiring, and that no I one has my Intention of asking him! to do so. John J. Lyons, Republican leader In I the Thirty-first Aasemnly district, aatd that such returns as he ha had from hie post card canass show Mr. (lay nor a favorite among Republican voters by 6 to 1 over Mr.
Mltchel. He didn kv how manv answers he had receded, i William R. Hearst has until mld- rctober to decide whether he will take an Independence League nomination lur Mayor. GAYN0R CHEERED BY 8,000. Remarkable serif Attend Mn or'.
Mayor Oa nor sat in the portico of the! Pity Hall In the noon hour yesieiaav and heard from the lips or o.miu or nis, (llow rltlsatis that he la their chosen rsndidata again for the office or or ol New He agreed to run. Mr Oaynor was not well. The dla- tretslnf throat trouble which kept him svvay from his office all of last week! is still upon him. Most of the time that the ceremony of notification was going on he sat amoog the leader of his i auas. Hi secretary, Robert Adamson, read li speech of acceptance while the Mayor looKed on But when Mr.
Adamson leached the end of the address it waa very short and full of barbed shafts id read the aentence concluding "The people of this city arc going to shovel all of these miserable little political grafters into one common dump heap" the Mayor temped forward and aald: 'Tee, that Is what we arc going to do ShOV all the miserable grafters into the rontmon dump." And fitting his action to the words he M-iieu a workman's spade and went through the motions of shovelling the politicians out. It was rst the glided pad with the red. white and blue handle that he used, but one of the homely tools that laborer will use to-day, parhapa, in d.gging for the city' new subway stem The crowd clapped the Mayor, and then he and hll leader R. Ross Appleton, Jacob gchhf, Herman Bidder. Fire 4' onunJeeioaer Johnson and the rest retired to the recesses of the City Hall.
ack In the Ol Day. 1'- si a celebration without precedent uniet ince the daya of Now Amatardam. PeUtteeJ giayheada who gathered In City Hull Tark yesterday had never before seen town meeting of this metropolis, a town netinf whinh had as Its purpose th re-nomlngUon of a Mayor. There have been tlOUBOMton meetings without end. perfunctory affairs at which the nominee smkes his keynote and all the political drejafbi hoi sea stand by and applaud.
But not withm the memory of the oldeat have we publicly nominated a Mayer in town meeting 1 Mayor made no sonorous promises. He that the Incident waa unique, that the nomination waa mad in the open air ad not in upstairs conferences of the He added in three short sen-tMeaj that hi choaen emblem of the novel means not only the conatruollon cf the city's new subway system, but elimination of graft. Th Mayor's speech had no word for fu.lonist It was aimed directly at Timnuiny Hall, and he mentioned the hms of the Tammany leader who refused hjm a i Mayor (iaynor'a Baecek. Th.s Is what he aald through Mr. Adam- sfter Jacob H.
Hohiff. Herman Rldder "'l Hons Appleton had finished telling B'm he was the choice of a large "nipany of Htw Yorkers for a aecond em Mayor of New Tork: "I aereut. 'Tl'u 1 is int. tiny Mian iiiw ihiip biomor-able. y0u are teaching the intelh-Iwt neopl of th city how they may nominate, their candidal for offioe.
If ece fit and have the spirit, and not aibmlt to Iiav4ng oandldatcs linpoeed upon hy a litUe coterie of men who Wlow politics as a dishonest trsde and re no other visible mean of support. "Haw different thin vast and Impressive ffeaefnuee) fifth rmg. 8150 SING "LIFER" MISSING. Kllhrldr Killed Brooklyn Woman! other tonvlrl I'beer. I OastMNU.
Sept. John Kilbride, 3 I yoeri old. a life artaoner at sing sing for murder. rMipad late this afternoon. He hj In hi place at 4 in oriwli.
hut when the ptioners were aligned prepare-tory to their retuin 10 their ells nt 4 lit o'clock he mitttng. All the keepers who hud been Of) duty to-day were present and at the direction of Warden Clancy they assisted In a search of the boxeK ready for shipment and other place In whlrh he might have hidden. Kilbride wm under the charge of Keeper Hugh lesVSTy In the shipping department. The prison officials said they wete sure Kilbride coud not have got outalde the prison wall. The eOVIVleti yelled and hun.ihed when through cell windows they saw the crowd on the outalde attracted the blowing of the big whistle, and there was considerable excitement among, them for an hour or more.
Kilbride came to the piison from Klnas county on July IS. ID0S. He had been convicted of murder In the second degree At a party given In Brooklyn on the night oC June 8. 10, John Kilbride paid I marked attention to a certain Mis. I John Kelly, the wife of an employee of the Crescent Athletic Club.
Kelly Balled nt the reception for hit wife and when he found her with Kilbride he began a heated argument Kilbride drew a gun and Bred at Kellv. hut the bullet struck Mis Kelly, killing her. Kilbride then made a dash for- the door anil escaped. in June ti Kilbride surrendered himself to the police at fort Hamilton nation and after a quick trial got a life sentence Recently at Sing Sing be confessed to having murdered a young man named Hardy, whose body was found in New York Bay, MOORE, THE ALIMONY DODGER, DIES SUDDENLY 0weJ HN tyfffl AlTested Many "Hackinsack. N.
Sept 3 lletuy K. Moore, tiie wealthy Philadelphia alinioiiv idcdgei. died in the Hack en Sack Hospital atP to-nlgbt. He undr IIO.OM ball pending his wlfe suit to icrover W.0C0 back alimony. Vice-chancellor Btevene recently sp-; pointed a commission to Inquire into Moore' sandy on September la.
Heath Is thought to have been due to ucut Bright dlaca and parels. Moore had succeeded for over ten yea's In defying the court by dodging payment on alimony awarded to hi wife, Oertrude Moore, In 102 by a Philadelphia Judge, wno granted ner a mi. or mpara- tlon. The alimony wa hxeil at 33 a month Moore got out of the Jurisdiction of th pgnneplvanla courts and i anie to New jforw He lred at West Ninety. nventll street.
In the following year Mool)f waJ gnotlMd by Jam' Ketgun. Nw York teamster, of stealing hi wif Keegan attacked him and was sent to Jail for lxty days for afsault In 1101 Mrs Moore had her former husband arrested on a cliarse of living with a woman known as Mrs. Vinia Bel mont. She also began action in New York to enforce the psymsnl of 'the Philadelphia alimon Judgment. Moore was held In contempt of court here and again Bed from his trouble lie next turned up In ttiltherford.
where a niece of Mrs. Moore found him in 1MI living the life of an idle gentleman II was arrested In contempt proceeding, Mr. Moore alleging that she had reason to believe that he Intended to leave the State. Moore wa sent to the Ha kensaek Hospital Instead of to the county Jail on the idea that he was sick. Four months later ex-Mayor H.
Otto Wittpen of Jersey City interested himself in Moore's behalf and he was released In $30,000 ball, furnished by William Sherwood. ex-City Clerk John H. Morris. John Prout and County Judge oeorge ti Tennant, all of Jersey City. Moore again disappeared, but the bondsmen found him In New Haven, In the middle of July last, and he was returned to the county Jail In Hackensack.
He waa released from Jail on August 19 under a 110.001 surely bond l.ste VIce-Chancellor Steven appointed a com mission to exsmlne Into his sanity He was then In the Hsrkensack Hospital where he remained until he died ODDS lVg to 1 AGAINST OAYNOR Drop From II la I In Week Mr all nl Kvrns. Betting odd in Wall Street yesterday were IV to 1 aeraincl Mayor (iaynor. week ago they were 3 to 1. In certain quarter the betting was 2 to 1 against Mltohel and 3 to 2 against Oaynor. while the betting on McCall was even he opening of the betting last week the mtdjg were to fi against Mitchel a to 1 atinat Major Oaynor and even on McCall.
Ona bet of li'Hl waa registered at even money on McCall yesterday, and It Is asserted that there Is plenty of money to be staked on the same basic. One man said yeaterday that If Hearst was nominated he had 500 to bet ajralnal $300 that be would be elected while in another quarter 1100 to 200 was wagered that McCall geU S0.000 plurality A bet of 300 even money was also rc corded that Prendergast beats Metx. THREE WOKEN IN AIR FLIGHT. Ml Hnlh Law May Have F.stah Hiked a Ne Mernrd. Oasobn Ctrr, Bept.
3 It Is be lieved that Miss rtuth Law, sister of Taw the aeronaut, 'established a world a recora tor women carry Ing here to-day. She made a flight of 00 feet in alrt-tude about ten minutes In duration, in a biplane, carrying Mrs. Hichsrd It. Minx clalr and Miss Pearl McOralb. The latter at on Ihs lower wing.
She Is a New York debutante of last winter. Mrs Blnclelr as Mies Helen Msrts wss a Bslllmnrs girl. She resides st Nssssu Boulevard, I THAW IS FREE FOR I has, 1 since Heptember. 1912, according to the oount made by the Ralaatad by, Miglitrate, TbmS Arrested by Offleiali of immigration Bureau. HI SH KM TO THK FB0NT11 Held nt t'ontieonk Pending an Appeal to Minister of Justice.
Rhrhrkookk. Hept. I. Harry Thaw was discharged from the Hher- brooke Jail this afternoon at 2 45 o'clock, session of the Zionist Congress here to-when Magistrate Matthew Hutchinson "ay following the receipt of a telegrsm su.ta.ned a writ of habeas corpus which Df. Mx from Awto ac-, cuslng Ihe leaders of the movement of said he w.s being Illegally detained.
I havlng forMktn Thaw was Immediately rearrerted by Bomf of hotly oppoaeO Canadian Immigration officers and rushed th- proposal to send a reply to the tele- irr an automobile under heavy guard to Coattcook. twenty-two mllea from her. A bom-. I of Inquire, resisting of three i immigration officer, ronvened :30 1 to-night to determine whether he was guilty of entering Canada by stealth. Had they found him an to-night he prob- ably would have been deported forthwith.
But they did not because the two at torney representing Thaw pleaded for adjournment until :30 to-morrow morn ing on the ground that all of his counsel were not present. The plea wna granted. Thaw suffered a nervous bieakdown at mldnljtht. Thl Is more than I can tand." he hysterically tola Attorney n. Keown.
who went to consult hia client. wlh It were true that I had been shot attempting to escape from jdierorouae Jail," added Thaw. "An evil fate seem 10 pursue me. I would rather die than turn to that hell hole. Matteawau The Government lias a number of physicians on hsnd In case the question Thaw, hanity i.
raised. however, it ha been agreed among attorney, for both that the insanity lu I to be temporarily dropped BO that an appeal to th Minister of the Interior nuj be made. His attorneys ma foic the case back Into the court by further habeas corpus proceeding, and there test the constitutionality of the Immigration art. At least trtist 1 whst one of them Indicated to-night. Should Thaw be deported in the morning the New Tork officers are prepared to rush him acros States and Into New York without delay.
In Vermont the New York forces are thoroughly organised to aid such an attempt, while Thaw has as yet retained no counsel there. The events of the day were but im-nerfecllv forecasted at 1 o'clock. Shortlv before that hour Magistrate Hutchinson ent wtird to the Thaw attorney and to the New Tork State officers that he might render Judgment thl sfternoon. but thst on the other hand he might be unprepared to decide as much of Thaw fate a wa In hi hand until to-morrow morning Scarcely, however, had this announcement been made when Hutchinson sent out a second message Thl one wa a call lo all the Canadian attorney connected with the case lo come at once to the Magistrate' chambers. A was Ihe case ei.rda the New Yolk attorneys were left out In the cold.
und lectures he has fought the project. There was no excitement Kvervthlng I The hill in Cong real grunt lo the mu-had been planned by HulchliiKn With I nlclpal corporation of Nan Francisco all of such complete secrecy thut the lawjcis the rights in perpetuity. themselvea were not definitely told that the Judgment was lo be delivered forthwith. Thaw, pacing the Boor of the hospital ward In Sherhrooke Jail, wa left completely In the dark. la Prepared.
When Ihe lawyers for New York Slate. us well as thoe for Thaw, had arrived at Hutchinann'a chamber and found uneasy I seats for themselves, the court drew a bulky package of legal foolscap from a table drawer and said that the Judgment wa prepared I Charles D. While. K. C.
of counsel fori Thaw, sprang to his feel, but before lie I could sneak the privilege was peremptorily denied to him. The Sheriff will please send directly for Harry K. Thaw and have him brought to this place said the court. Half an hour elapsed before Thsw arrived. Lafo'ce of ths Jail, notified by telephone, had round Thaw In nervous state that threatened Instsnt explosion.
"You've to go to court Immediately," said he. "What, to court? I can't." Thaw banged hi right flat Into the palm of hls left hand as he spoke. "What do I rived from Liverpool yesterday. He Is a you mean by saying I've got to go to retired soldier, H5 years old and uninsr-court? 1 didn't expect to go until to- rled. He Is on hi way tn Cobalt, Canada, morrow." i where he owns three mines.
It was tsn minutes before I force could He classed Viscount Hsldsne. who re- eonvlnce Thaw thai he meant what he aid. Then Thaw, seised by a fore- boding hat was to prove correct, insisted on packing his few clothes In a steamer trunk whlrh he had bought and had had sent to the Jail. At last the prisoner left the building with Deforce and stepped Into an open carriage drawn by two horses, two nussy immmion i TmZ policemen was on the box with the driver. Tliaw himself eat as straight as a stick.
The entire manutuvro had been kept so completely In the dark that not one of Sherhrooke' cltlxens knew what wa on foot. The ride of half a mile waa un- marked by any notable Incident. Than Hears Opinion Read. In Magistrate Hutchinson's chambers Thaw was seated at one corner or long table at the head of which the Magis trate held forth. Hutchinson began Immediately the fading of hi.
opinion, a 2.600 words in length. Hs read slowly snd deliberately. It was Ave minutes before he reached the first words Indicating thst the writ was to be sustained At thai Instant an action charactarlallc of Thaw was seen by all. for nil hsd st that moment turned their eyes on Ihe prisoner. Thaw turned half way around in hli chair and.
stretching nut hla hand Continued en teoend J'see, CHICAGO GAINS 82,100. il, Director, enia Made In "how a.Sfta.BOQ Population. C'Hiosan, Hept. 3. Chicago's population l.ssi year It waa MM, 400.
The new lilt directory mad It appearance to-day. The bouk contain nearly 1,000,000 name, not counting duplicate In the business nd home sec-tlons of the volume. The Increase of 62,100 I baaed on a cemue taken by the publishing company In which canvassers go over the city three time to make sure they have not missed any name. ZIONIST CONGRESS IN UPROAR. trriulorr Telegram From Mat Nordaa an IMatnrfcanew.
A'peel ruble Vnpatch to Taa BUR. Vienna, Sept. There was a breeay gram und In the medley of proposals and OOtBller prune sale shouted fiom sll part hall President vtoiiisonti coutu klnana Id) 1 ara IJ i in raalnraH lent th HfMimi Wll Btl having been in regard to the Nordau tels- gram. HETCH-HETCHY WATER BILL PASSED BY HOUSE for l.flke ill ReHlltiflll Valley litis Been Denounced as a Oral). Washington, Hepl -The House by a vote of ls3 to 43 passed to-dav the water project bill prowling for the giant of an extensive tract of land in the Helch-Hetchy Valley, a part of the Voiemkte Valley National Park Thl project ha been before.
Congress for- Be Vera 7 yeurs and has been a mattei of bitter contro versy. It was opK)sed by a gioup of legislator who Insist that the creation of a 35.000 acre lake In the lletch-Hetchj Valley destroy a Discs of natural beauty second only to the wonderful Yoemlte Valley The Hetch-HetOhy Valley is more than 4. "00 fet aln the level of the s. a. It Is about 140 miles coutheust of Ban Kran-CiSCO The creation of the Hetch-Hetehy Valley lake is projected prrtnarllj to supply pure WStei for drinking und other purposes to San Francisco.
The water sup-ply is expected incidentally to be utilized by isjwer plants San FrsnClsOQ has bonded itself to provide for the construction of the lake and the aqueduct. The cost of the scheme w-lll epproatmste Hngtnesn have estimated that the water poaer obtainable through the downward steps of the ague duct from the lletrh-Hetchy Valley to Sail W'lll prove of great profit to the projectors of the scheme nnd the lessees of the water i 1 'lie of the tanOhS! opponents of the HOtCh lake project for many year has been John Mull the naturalist, who has expressed the opinion that the Hetch- lietcliv Valley is the most beautiful WOOil- I land spot in the world. In Ills writings ANNIVERSARY OF SEDAN. Kdonard Reply tn t.erman Wku Wnnled Hnlllr Painted. faerfgl I'ablt ftttpatrh to Ts Si Paiiis, Sept.
3 The anniversary of the disaster to the French amis at Sedan in the Franco-Prussian war recall Ihe glory of the late BdOUSrd Detallts'a retort to the Herman liuprersai lo who asked the famous painter of buttle scenes to paint a panorama of Incident in Hie battles around Sedan und offered him 1,000 franc (). Delallle refused "fcjow much, men" asked the Herman "Five mlllinrds." replied Peta.lle. re. ferrrng to the Indcmntl) 'Oh billion dollars. 1 which Fram was obliged 10 pa to Prus- i the war.
COL. FITZGE0RGE HERE. brldae Haldane. Col. Sir Augustus Kltxgeorge.
K. v. younger on of the late Duke of Cambridge, wa a passenger I on the teamhlp Carmsnla. which ar- cenlly visited New York, ss a good poll tlclan and lawyer, but a had soldier. Col.
Fitsgeorge, who wa formerly an officer In the citadel at Quebec, auid that Viscount Haldane antagonized military men Kngland while Secretary of State war by his effort to abolish the mwtia eystem. GERMANY SEEKS OWN WIRELESS H.l. Trying to Kslabll.h Inde- I pendent of Ihr British, I Sptrtml Vablt Itttpatcfi to Tin Bus., Sept. Recent experiments wuh new method of wireless telegraphy, especially thoe conducted by tloldachmldt at Hanover and Tuckerton, N.
have I dermaiic lo try lo perfect a arheme which would make It Independent uf British wireless system An effort Is now being made to establish a wireless system between Naueu and Togoltind, Houthwest Africa, and the Cameroon. II I proposed alio to establish an Independent Herman wireless system In tho South Pacific A large station Is to be hulll at Samoa with a range of 1,8,0 miles, with stations in New tlulace and Marshall Islands, all Interconnected and In direct communication with Ruiope by means of Ihe Dutch cable from Yap, one of the Islands in the Caroline group. BBAT BRA SPMINO WATBB, OH, ear sfjo el (Itst Mspaared RAILR0ADSLAU6HTER MUST END M'CHORD Wants Power to Order Safe Intervals Between Trains of Wooden Cars. MOID FKDERAL 1N0TIRY Data Asked of Pullman Company Secret Investigation Prevented. Washinotom.
8pt. Evidence became stronger to-day thst the Wslling-ford wreck on the New Haven will result In legislation for the protection of passengers of the railroads of the I'nlted States. "This slaughter by the railroad must slop and we sre going to see that something comes out of this wreck besides wss Ihe comment of Interstate Commerce Commlloner McChord. who ha charge of the Inquiry Into the New Haven disaster. As one of the flrt lep in this general inquiry the Interstate Commerce Commission to-dsy called on the Pullman company to submit a statement showing Ihe number of car of wooden and steel construction In Its entire service.
Assurances were given by the commission that the Investigation to be conducted Into the New Haven wreck which will begin on Friday morning will be most thorough. The commission announced late this afternoon that the cars In the wreck were not destroyed until the commission's Inspector had made an examination. Hear of Secret I estis; Ion. Ksrly tO-dsy the oinniisslon. however, had received an intimation that a secret Investigation was being made In the Coroner at New Haven anil the i ummlsaloneiH iuunediatclj, took step to head It off.
Commissioner McChord directed Chief Inspector Belknap, who was on the scene of the wreck, to inlt upon being preKent at all session of tire Coroner Inquest The Inspector wa. In structed further to wire Immediately to IWaNhlngtoii If any obstacles were placed In hi way. He was assured that Ihe commission would back him with all its power. Belknsp wss instructed also to have inspector, present at any investigation which the railroad might make. Apparently the commission I stisplclou that any secret Investigation by the railroads may Include a coaching of the witnesses preparatory to the formal Inflllr to be held by the Federal authorities.
Chairman McChord carl) to-day re- eelved this message Iroin Mayor Fitzgerald or Boston "in view of to-dav accident on the New Haven load, I there not some way In which the Pullman compaD) can Ue compelled to build tteel care? Crrtalnli this company cannot plead poverty ofl resources. Millions of 11 present capital I gift to stockholders last twenty years. I Am sending same telegram to Massachu- sett Public service Commission, but tii usiniich us Pullman business largel. m-terstate business, think your board proper authorlt) to suggest legislation." Asks for I'nllmnn Data. be received tnis telegram Cum- I inlsaioner McChord had wired to the gen-I eial manager of the Pullman company at Chicago as follows: "Commission desires your company to furnish statement at the egrllest possible date showing number of cars used passenger train service, number of such iair of wooden construction, of nil consrtuotton and of teei underframe Doyle Ulng the license In the morn-oonetructlon; alio number of car now ln helped iii the search for the Al-under construction and proportion 0 derman, After the marriage the couple same of wood, steel and ateel under- hurried away in a taxicub and Merkle frame.
Thi Information imperatively lo Arthur shaf. needed for use New Haven wreck investi P'syed Second Doyle's place, gatiou now in progress" Commissioner McChord ent a reply to BRYAN'S ONE NIGHT STANDS. Mayor Pltagereld Informing him of hs had already done. Th Tins i the message which Commie-1 loner McChord ent to inspector Bel-j OOlBe1 knat al New Haven: VVASHINOTON, Bept, .1 The dally 'Have man at all meeting of Coroner I lecture of gee ret a r) Bryan was delivered or lallrond regarding wreck lo get Beaton, Md to-night. The Secretary i said and done Our reports indicate f' the Maryland tow early In the secret 'Investigation being held.
i aflei noon, but hoped to be at his OmC In speaking of what may be done to morrow morning He Is going safeguard ths life of passengers as a re-1 to-morrow Sfternoon to l.eesburg. Va Hull of this wreck Commissioner Me- I here he will speak from the judge' Chord Maid: stand at the Uoudon ootintv fair "I think that legislation should be modelled after the afetv appliance law passed a number of year ago. That law required that all road should completely equip themselves with certain appliance bv a fixed date: but authority wss left to the coeiinission on proper showing, and with certain restriction, to extend the time tor particular roada. That law proved very satlafactorv in operation. Munovesis Federal Control.
"In the esse of road operating wooden cars there should be authority for the commission to impose necessary re- atrirtlons on Us train operation. We could say to Ihe New Haven, for Instance: You are running Very fast, heavy tin his with intervals of seven or eight minutes between them. That la too dan gerou when wooden car are used Trains, of this cl mut be run further npiirt. perhaps at twelve or fifteen or twenty I ISte congress was occupied to-day mainly minute Intervals, II we should de i In discussing a proposal made by vv. termine necesssi utter Investigation.
I Harvey, etlllng the attention of Also the speed of these trains must lie tho representative of organized laiior to brought down lo a safe iioint, long as! 'Ihe vital importance of the ballot now wooden cars remain In the being taken under the trade union act "We will before this I ended investi-1 of 1011 which will determine whether po-gate the entire question of comparative lltlcal activities shall form part of the cost of steel and Wooden car, their re- i funotlonl of trade societies" iiml strongly pective lives In the service, the capacity I recommending that nil trade unionists of the country 's manufacturers to turn vole in favor of the unions having tho them out and other details. 1 understand right to act politically in defence of the that the coal of the steel car is about right! of labor. one-third more than of a wooden cur of. The syndicalist tec I ton of Ihe dolOgStel like capacity, but we have no detailed I keenly criticised thl l.aUu pail.v in Par-ouia. I llgment, The lyndleallStl -aid they have "Neither do we know how Jong cars no use for Parliamentary action.
The) of each type will last or which is the asserted that the Labor menmSII of ri- heapcr In the long run. My understand ing ie that the ateel cars have not been in vogue long enough to give tn accurate gnavsr to ths question of their lifetime of service. Of) the New Haven, though we C'ealtaasd ea srroad Pag. DEMOCRACY AT HER BEST. Uaaahlera of Uaalsk 4 anlaet Mini.
Icrs Servant In London. fiptcial Cable tunpatch lo Tns 9tm. I.onpon. Sept. S.
It ha Jnt become generally known that a daughter of Minister of Agriculture Pedersen of Denmark Is working In London a. a domestic servant in a family which was astonished when her Identity became known accidentally. The daughter of Minister of Kducatlon Nielsen 1s also in lamdon looking for a similar position. The object of the young women Is to learn the Bngllsk language and domestic life. Their psrents approve of the method they have adopted.
HONOR CONVICTS LEAVE J0LIET. 4.1 Men Into Tama lo Benin Work oa Stale Hoada. Dixon, 111., Sept. 3 A now chapter In tlio prison history of Illinois was begun near this city this afternoon when forty-five convicts from the State penitentiary at went Into camp near the hlntotio village of Orand Detour, prepared to begin work In connection with ''word of honor" contract with the State of Illinois. A consignment of pick ami spades had been Shipped on in advance nml were on hand when the convict laboreri arrived, but actual work upon the road will not begin until tomorrow.
Tenia were pitched at the foot of the bill and rations were served to the men Shortly thereafter for the Hist meal as "free men." The road to be hullt bv the I honor men' had out of tjrand D.tour, and the amateur toad butldcis will rut i through hillside and a patch of timber I to miiUe a milt, new I 01 kSntl rl lend, in n.iitt and Charles Hardy are In charge of the party. Neither Is nrined. Ilardv will stand guard at night hile the men sleep, I $87,500 FOR ORAM OF RADIUM. I'rnaslnn liovernmrnl Bns It fur Hospital and SclnitlHc Ilea. '0' i.ahl Hrtttatch to Tin: Scv
Sept The Prussian Govern- msnl lus boughl a gram of radium fur for hospital and scientific uee. Prof, Hy is making an appeal to the nation to subscribe lo ths fund for ths purchase of rsdlum, vvhlch ha already leached $100,000. WOMAN WINS IN $2,000,000 CASE. Coroner rind state official Itefuse Irish Claimants Beaten In 4 onlest to OIVO lint Testimony. for MrKruwn K.atntr.
NSW IIavkk. Sept. 3. The Inquiiv he- WaSHINOTON, P.c, Sept. 3 Judge $, I gun yeaterday morning by the New Haven A.
Mollvalne handed down decree to- railroad officials, the Public Utilities OonV day sustaining Mr. Anna Braden of thi mission of Connecticut and Coroner Bll place in her claim to the property left MlaNptO the wreck at North Haven c-ner bv her mother. Mrs. Sara King Mr- nersons Keown, wife of John McKeown, who died three yen re ago. The decision Hettb-d aii international contest foi the estate of 12.000.000 left by John McKeown, who for years was a adiim oil producer- of wester ii Pennsylvania, The contention was made that McKeown mver was married legslly.
Mrs Braden's three brothers. William ami Scott McKeown of Washington, and James H. McKeown if Franklin, several weeks ago effected a settlement by pay- lug ITS. 000 to Irish claimants of the sstSte, Mrs Braden. the only 'laughter, refused to settle gnd has won in her long tight, the Irish claimants having failed to nle exceptions ithin the time LARRY DOYLE IS MARRIED, Miss liertrmle KJ, Met oiiibs and Blasts' Captain Wed at 4 III Hall.
Lsrry Doyle, captstn and base. man of the and Miss Gertrude I EUlaabeth McCombs of Florida were mar- ied yesterday in the City Hall by Alder- man Nathan Lleberman. It took some uric lo find the Alderman after the licence tvua obtained. Fred Merkle, Mist hasctnuu of the Qlanta, aided 1 rUtUrS apearancei of the HecrotSry of Slate on the Chautauqua circuit for one night stands Hem Washington are announced a follows: Woodbury, N. .1 geptember i.
Charlestown, w. and Woodstock. W. September IS. Staunton, Sept id.
Charlottesville, sptsbmber II; Culpepper, September Hi, and Warrenton. Va September P. S. These dates may be added to or reduced according to rlrcumslsncec. aii appearances are to big tent with seating capacity of 1,100, Mr.
Bryan receive lUftO for each lectur und nalr all the gate receipts above S0. UNIONISTS DISCUSS BALLOT. I MlgjIM to set Politically I Defence i ii nor i rgrli. Spmal iblr PsaSSfd! m'hkstks, The trade Union- 1 Uamont hSVS mver done antnin- roi in worker! ltd nbleeted to the hcmml of the fund maintained for the expenses, of the ightir mambcrg, Notw ithitandlna Ihli Itlclsm, Mr I4.ii vi v's resolution was ud large uiajuniy. WRECK INQUIRY HELD IHSECRET Coroner and State Officials Refuse to Give Out Testimony.
NKW HAVEN WILLING Interstate I om mission Conduct a Separate Hearing-. to 2t DEAD IDENTIFIED Railroad Shows Enjdneer of Wiwker Had Not Bpen Overworked. The Inquiry Into the wreck of the. Bkt Harbor Rxprecg of the New Haven Itailroad St North Haven Tuesday morning. In which twenty-one were killed.
Is being conducted In secret at The rallf'IMIll ffli lals were willinc to have full publicity, but Coroner Mis and the Public I'lililles Commission were nbt. The Inquest, which will begin to-day, also will a secret affair. Interstate Commerce commissioner McChord Skid Hint the on railroad must stop, and that the Federal inquiry would he rigid. Washington legislators are planning to Introduce bill compelling railroads lo use only all Stee passenger cars. INQUIRY GOES ON IN SECRET.
killed, wa continued this morning In the i a ilroad's office. As on the preceding day the Inquirj was I secret and little moie than the names of i the Wltnessei wa msjlc public. The po'c- v- of secrecy which Is being followed fwas sttrlbutsd by the railroad ottlcial to the desire of Coroner Mix of Chief Kngineer C. C. BlWell of the Public Utilities Commission, Ths question whether this policy should I be pursued fuither In the faie the criticism It was evoking was I practically all this afternoon by railroad and bv other official! Involved, The I matter finally w.n pul up to M.x and Blwell witii complete powei to do as they saw tit Hoth declined to alter- the position inch the) had taken yesterday und ine testl-tnony me wltneeses remained in ihe hands of the officials mentioned and of th- railroad.
Rtllntt for Publicity. idenl Howard Klliott. who assumed I'r. I hi dutl few minutes before the accl- ident. reoested to-dav What he nl, end' (said yesterday! that Hie railroad courted full publicity and ttuit no effort would he i made to keep any Information regarding the wreck ol Its causes flolll the public, or the press, inn asKe.i if thi egeleel waj of carry, ib out hi declaration would not ie to make public the testimony taken in th Inquiry President Elliott at once assented on behalf of the railroad Al Mr.
FI lion request Vice-President BJ. Bucklend called Coroner Mix nn the telephone, and the Coroner assented to making public the testimony. Coroner Mix asked Mr Bucklend if he miaiu have a cops of the nt.tiutes taken for his own use The vice-president told him Ii" isiud snd hung up the receiver. Mi. Bucklend then got in touch with Mr.
F.lwell In Mix's office Mr Jewell s. id that he did Object la the pun-llclty of the statement, made hv the train crews and other railroad employees He thai ho would explain reasons to the newspaper men If thev would call on him at the Coroners office. The chief enntneet of the commission cam, out Into the narrow- hall leading to the Coroner' office, which is upstaira over a restaurant after lepea-ed knocking at the door He suid that he and th Coroner and State's Attorney Amort Ailing agreed that it would te unwise to allow the statements made at th inquiry to full Into the band of possible defendant In case ii-lminsl prosecution should follow the tnquto. oroner I hsnges Mind. The Coroner through ersck in ths door Saul that under no circumstance would he allow the pioceedtngs a.
th Inquiry 10 bs made public. citinK ho same reason a that given by Mr. Hlwcll Coroner Mix said that the hSSrlnl WSi entirely lu the hand of the railroad offl clnls, unJ he hud been present i a gliest, allhuugli he had asked quest nm His own inquiry, the Inquest, wiii htgin to-morrow morning and the COfOliei an nounesd thut It would be etrletly private Mr. Mix wa aakrd why, If the present inquiry entirely I railroad met let tailroRd ofllclal ahiiuld not he permitted to muke public the teotlmony. Hr pen ted that te would nev er allow to be done.
When questioned further 111 began lo lone patience and sent Into hlg office winie state Attorney Aliini shouted "llet out of More lied TgJM, The various oonvsrs 'ti wsrs ported back to rresldent Rll otl end In other railroad official, immediately ihere. I were confeience und ull ih. t'opiei or wg minutes of th lettlmonj In wmhcr lea vl its ie I ir IBS ran i lie Coroner'e use were sen i. rn' nustis, WW mM.
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