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The People's Press from Winston-Salem, North Carolina • Page 1

Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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I i VTHE PEOPLES FEBHSHED WEEKLY ftK TEIUIS OF ADVERT1SIX0. Oa iUrt, (tJUtn Use ct in ni U. lioa Oa DclW, aai Imtj ln rrtU eicty reUcoartl itmiiw. Dltkr tri ta f. vfstislisg adTcniscsrs, ftr a UArt it Fcr tirr tatls, 13 For aix cstJji, IS L.

V. BLtJM. 7 PRICE Two Dollars a Year I 'VAYABLk 1N ADVANCE SF" "NV paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the editor. V' -V t3KLTJBBiN0.Six copies will be mailed to one Post Office for $10 and ten copies foi $16. All payments invariably in advance.

Any person procuring five new subscribers and remitting Ten. Dollars, will be entitled to a copy gratis. Jleootci. to politics, Jbmgti anb Domestic gtitulturc, tlje illarkcls, cmb cnerai Information i VOL: V. SALEM, N.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1856. SO. .49. i) et a 'God blesi you for that, I'm mista tcr twelve 4 ProfcucosAl or Ut.wa Crd, tct rxrtdlt itt Uor ia Irsrlh, Tue rH'rt a et can ia jrcpartiaa. To itrare rrrjr attrrtica, all and lcttrr co I dtcf csjlU to th Elitfr, rat U.

cltc5 SO crsi tie fvretr SI ao-1 it cots to Vw-p FUtfm Stilj, tit frtd lirg 1-1 is lit ulico Kjura frrrs tt 1 19 fcd tct Lit. tin 1', acd eowi i-tLil (sr vhit tlty i iailt buie ef Ycrk. Bat tie Utt lirce raillf, tk cf liU ti ti'j the fore-leg, and use their rifle more effectively. The corps JPot McMurda in-fortned roe, could be readily marched seventy miles- in any direction in twelre hours. 6-6 miles per hour,) and rendered 5 dent throughout tbo caapaim tr.wH Thd Expedition for Camels.

We have been favored with a copy of a very interesting letter indeed, from Major Jyne, U. S. the oCccr in charge of the expedition of this Government to pro-care camels to be brought bithcr. with the view of experimenting for their foture employment in the United States military transportation, especially on our great Western It as follows C0S5T.NTCOPLE, OcU SI. lSSS.

Dying Advice of Hon, Or. Smirk. Simon Smirk was on his death bedi His son Samuel was standing by his sicle and while he was holding his father's hand, his father spoke to him as follows "Sammy, I am dying at the age of fifty-five. I wish you to pay strict attention to service. Gen.

Slnpon stated that ia the same campaign he found the cartel so terviceable i never found it to fail." a subscription "Read the paper, praise the object, but say that you have just subscribed for more than you could afford for another object of a similar nature. If the applicant believes by this that you are in the charitable line, he will let you off, whereas, if you refused out and out, without an explanation, he might abuse you behind your back. I have made r.iyclf a great reputation for benevolence merely by 'refusing to subscribe in this way. This is a queer world, Sam." Here the old man was seized with a violent fit of coughing, which nearly took him COXJEECTIONERY AND AN CY TOY STO E. MAIN OPPOSITE OfiD FELLOW'S nAlL attE suljscriber respectfully announces to the public, that he has on hand I an assortment of articles in his line, which he offers on reasonable terms: CANDIES, Wholesale and Retail, OTSTEBS, LOBSTERS, -FBUITS, PICKLES, CHEESE, Cli A CKEltS, JELLIES, dec, tc, Cc, FANCY ARTICLES AND TOYS -in great variety, suitable forj presents, among which are glass and crjxa wake, ladies' work, soxes, and baskets; "and a great variety of articles too tedious to innumerate.

Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes to merit a continuance of the F. MELLER. Salem, Not. 30, 1855. 40-3m iri -tr xzi "ts t'ul r-tr ttat be nrocuitd ure or ir Tar hit rt-rnn vr.

ilvicire ii my dying advice mr use, and that with thera hcv frequently went I Ktirg huxc lie zr inp. seventy miles between sniirt and unri. nk thtra cp tcrv fxit, i ihcrc To a direct' qctftion by Msjr DehfieM cott rohg etcrtle le (ho we pet in the Crist.) ctlrr lit VT r- t2 'In accordance with my report of Licot. Torter and rat- "Father, I will." -j. "And I wish you to follow-my.

advice after I am i "I will, father." th scl 1C Ir uui oi uus queer worm. "I fear, father, that Ulkinir so much will tht 17th. Calling on Aiior Uos'C'tha Dew I be, fatal to you said Samuel. hi bt-arn epen then in lif-bt Isidrrfct "Sammy, the neighbors and, all my friends tell me I haven't an enemy in the world, and I believe I haven't. I want you tor understand why I haven't.

It's all owing to policy, Sam; policy, and nothing shorter, When I was of your age, my boy, I was as poor as a broken down villatre "iso, no, resumed his father. "I'm de oalcalrr a cf i3irrS d.CUrs. A Splenidd Assortment of puty viaartennaster Ocneral at Balaklava, and, further to the front, on Gen. Simpson, the commander of the British force, we re- termined not to die till I get through. As I was saying, Sammy, this is a queer world v.

Tie re are yrtbsilj vine ictr.d f.ii irri kef at lirtry, ia i3 ir -Itr fr could move raor6 quicMy asd continucuilr. In relation to our visaing 'Persia, the inquiries we have made lead tu to the cnda-sioa that, though wo ciht reaiilr get there, our return, owing to the Ihxkfng up and ou can get along in it without reh-gnd crery facility for the prosecution of our all kinds, qualities, I $00 ta ia ilae. A tf horse, turned out to die. Ace has at last ii I) duty was promptly afforded to ni. 1 wa Vand prices, lust recceiv 3fe ed and for sale by terns cent $2,000 a pir io 2,05 cr 3,10, SZfrO.

The dWtltni.u ia further fortunate receiring an introduc O. A. KEEHLN CO. orosen me down, but 1 am poor, thank policy Follow my example, and you will become richer by far, than your father, Sammy, and die without an enemy! as I do." Tilue L-cic ts4 trctUtr lu of the roads by mow, would be impossible until nxt spnng. As this would detain much beyond the tine fixed for oar return to the United State, and ennecemrily delay tho experiment we are engaged in, we "Without what exclaimcl his son, in amazement.

He had never mentioned religion before in his life. "Without religion. Hire a pew by all means. Talk religion occasionally," you can soon get the hang of it. Profess, and tion to Colonel Murdo, in charge under the Quartermaster General, General Eyre, of the land transport service in the Crimea, and who as Quartermaster General to General Napier in tho expedition acainst Sinde January 11,1856.

45 Orders will be filled and promptly forwarded by mail, free of postage. great as with yea. A pi" Lcrva ese fssrth as trsch a tf peed. The titiit CI.fcn.: lcr, saII, are Irolta t-a iircm, Samuel wept, as 'in duty boundl but grief and his handkerchief choked his ut practice when you arc obliged to. But, at any rate, profess it.

helps a fellow along in had used camels extensively for military purposes. He gave me much interesting information in relation to the military use art be isj cntea ta wi-ot aM lrt ut- hate reluctantly abandoned the journey, though Wc desired much to see the varieties of the Penman camel, and particularly the Lcurbourck or dromelary artillery. A journey into Persia, wiih the intention of returning its mediate I v. must be com- business. I got some of the most profitabl WE WANT MONEY, AND offer for cash" all or any part of our stock of Goods, at cost and carriage, rTho stock is fresh, and comprises as great a 'variety as can be found in any establishment of the terance, so he said nothing.

"It has always been ray policy," resumed the dying Smirk, "to avoid" giving offence to any one No matter what people ts a fwt eaotrv txUie it- -t customers and best friends by professing it acl etrryrce Itre xcai 19 lr 1 religion, rew rent is no ooiect wncn you igion ot the camel and from Ocneral Simpson also, who had served in the same- expedi- 1 i i i come to think of that. size in this market. We wish distinctly said or did to me or any one elseright racneed, we hnd, about Mar. Our course f- ion unucr vjcncrai rapier, we nau auui-ional accounts of the valuo of the animal. from this will be, I think, to Syria or or wrong I have always endeavored to forbear and submit, wherever I could to ca rxi c.i in jcaVe jc-ss-, hr ta and of the favorable opinion entertained of otuuu mat, uiis is no iricK in traue, Dut, a oonajidc proposition.

Our thanks are due and hereby tendered for past favors; and those indebted to us will dd another to the many obligations we are under to them by paying np. it by the army for the services it was capable of rendering. The enraccments of Col onel McMurdo were such that I could occu- Trosble with tho Izilizi SW Interest will be claimed on accounts after the 1st "But if you belong to a church you will have to defend its doctrines and religious controversies create enmity, don't they "Sometimes. But wheneer I found that I was getting into troublo on account of my religion, I was a)ways careful to yield a point or two, smile in a Christianlike way and then back out of the -scrape. That the way to do it, Sammy, that's the way to do it." "It is best, I suppose, to be some kind ifcrih tte Ibiuri Lre tolL'f f.

i of January, 1X5G. SULLIVAN" A EELL. py but little of his time, and in consequence obtained from him only a few material facts Winston, Dec. 20th, 1855. jan.ll.45:t Ulr grartie fcr enufciefctii Egypt, for dromedaries, and then tack to Smyrna for burden the expectation of commencing our return soue time in February.

The inquiries ia relation to dromedaries for the French army, reported ia my letter of the 11th of OctoLcr, prolucc no result. Very respectfully, your obl serv't, HENHY C. WAYNE, Major U. S. Army.

Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War. without going into details. My thanks arc due to him for the moments he devoted to eaxi ctttr, it wot! 4 n-eta iht iby act ia ecoctrt io tte wctk ef At st LIPINCOTT'S PRONOUNCING GAZETTEER OF THE WOuLD, or GeorapSilcal Dictionary, Comprising nearly 220Q pages; me, pressed as he was with the many and various duties of his position. TTKtt lice it rre Kra ta a ir be calm and cautious on all occasions, and to avoid the exhibition of anyrsign of resentment.

Byllong experience in this course, I have found that by persevering to agree with everybody, skillfully, is a sure eventual guide to universal popularity." "But have you never had' any difficulty with any one?" "Not since I was twenty-one," said the dying man, gasping for" breath. "Reach me a little more water, and wet my lips. they are too parched to speak plain. There there," he added as his son. obeyed him "that will do, and you shall be initiated into my invariable, and- invaluable policy.

Be Sam, deferential, and control your temper, and flatter whenever you get a chance, have a bow, and a smile, and a itrosrttui all tteiatsp u. found in the Crimea both the Bactri- an two-humped camel, and the Arabian, or in tc riteTa ascrctt cf tte rets tt etc i Including a greater amount of matter than any otherjsingle rolnme in the English Language; one-humped but the latter alone seemed to Life and Business ia bo used for the purposes of military trans-' tcttulitss ia Flnida. AK.t tte srs, x't tn mm 'mm giving description of nearly OneIIundred Thousand Places, witlr the correct lironunciation poriauon. xno lortncr were xoumi in the A rapT cm enroll lent cf the New Yotk Timr taJ cf KteraJ of a politician i inquired the eon. "By all means but take care and always be on the strongest side.

You can, though, be rabid as a dog in your views when nobody but your side ia present affect to be very liberal in your sentiments when you talk with thoso of an opposite political creed. Mankind love a liberal man and if you flatter your foes, you disarm them." Crimea at the commencement of the war; vwrt iV. of their names, being above .0,000 more raphical notices than are found in anT other ith the ia Orrrctj, xv ta ite iroavh Weicra ax I i mm 4mm the latter were earned there since from I Ai 1 inftr I Kmc rnrmur wrn liltlA i vjjiiuueer in me ona' For sale by O. A. KEEHLN CO.

Jan. 11. f451m Salem, N. C. itat irontle is ia nr .1 IVIMIK.

inougnt ot, tne latter were highly esteemed; In the waj cf politics ttt tiscs are pre gzxtl the only objection to them wc heard of being winter with the Iclbt.t wt tr I m-mre t-r word, -and- a shake of the hand for everybody, mark for everybody, and then you "There's a good deal in that," observed Leather Belting, or 1q room they occupied in the nairow t.iar ail Sammy, musinglyi reflecting upon the aaxy SU-eets, and their frightening the how. UttW- XL rans art lile a let tf asd aotfjixce ef etiUr, existing instances of its truth. The" two arc very distinct species cf the That thcro is, responded tho.sick man ci staj at heat jrcteet ttejr tct i same cenus uillenng Irom each other as should say, as the buffalo cf our jii j.nomasvme ueppzy jjaviafon MANUFACTURED the either single or douljle; made1 from the best Northern Belt Leather stretched piece by piece by improved Machiuery, cemented and copper rivited, at New York prices. CIIAS. M.

LINES. Davidson N. C. nearly exhausted, and his lips as pale as fusHict. At tte Itiii-i are W.

I the Killer, tte tjc asnes. "Double dealing docs well, will fix western prancs docs from the common ox. the flints of everybody. When I lived in Doubly humped, tho Bactrian is a strongly to tle ttclr ri rid ttts-n'tti Snuealbury. hoirirish set there, Sam, I orders promptly attended to, and Belts built, powerful animal, standing not quite so high as the Arabian, of coarser and more will get-abm'! "But I mustn't be friendly to villains, must i-f "Friendly humph be friendly to nobody, seem so.

Villains: they compose two-thirds of the community, and are most influential, As for the other third, tliough it is well enttugh to keep their good opinion they are only subordinate agents in the building up of a man. But don't get affronted with I them. Oh, no, Sam never do that Never kick a dog unless you are sure he hasn't any owner, then kick away, if you was a great gun. 1 was a general favorite forwarded according to directions. that kite jot er as out ef a grntral txnm-mage, aal ail got whipped, as! art ratter reluctant to taka hall agaia 1 ttty ait all a-rosul ia a ring showing itcir teeth at tach other.

a rxtzrxx rca debt. I noliecd ia its timet, ncntka ef tte caul rials of a taUJicg havisg been atslca froa a vaeaat lot up town ia your city, aad co eiue obtaioed to their herratcaU. We do tbce thiogt up tetter ia Sao Fraacisco. Tte pepri-ctor cf a sew hgvr beer nlxsa at tte teal cf trsJcra. By laie frt ta Tcrt we learo that tte IodUct tste brca Jan: 2, 1856.

owing to my management, and I had mon 44-lj- shaggy coat, slower, in motion, but capable of carrying immense burdens From the ey They were going to baud town house. There were two parties each Favor zzen tssrien ta U.l ticituj. i trto, rmm mm mm School Books NEW York, Eclectic, and N. C. Readers; Env erson's and.

Davies' Arithmetics and Keys; Da' lormauon oi lis oacr ib iwo numps; mere is difficulty ia adjusting to it a pack saddle ing a different site. They sent committees vtc4 cactt tte wtuiesua tuaixrJ t4 to ask my opinion. As the parties were tears, west cst, as wxj ttir ectifsa. in r- vies Algebra, Davies' Practical Mathematics; Johnston's Natural Philosophy, Guy's Astronomy, stcul ix fnc ta cf about equal in numbers and influence, I hes itatcd at first which to favor." Though his father was dying. Samuel could not help smiling at this language.

"And how did you overcome this difficul titer, rear wtich Van Ii.Iii tluv'ed White ergst to tt'ir wrtk ttej wtre aititl ty Uiga wtirf, hatiog fsiled to py his gross rent, taipcctcd tit landlord woald litcly to lay claim to tte buildiog vtkh was cf cocr; lublo fcr tte grouod rent. So dark, and without one there is always more or less perplexity in loading and securing the load. This I rather think is the principal source of objection to its use, thAcgh I believe the opinion adtanccd to us to be correct, that it is not as serviceable an animal as the Arabian. Its use in the Crimea before the war we understand to be chiefly for draught, and on one occasion wc saw "That's right," said the elder Smirk; "I told the committees that if they would ty tsl cf Iciiiss tfl Cnd jn tl a.i Jtttv-o and coe cf tte "I like that. Smile bam, smile a call a meeting of both parties, I would give gain.

By smiling I have gained many a as! weutwb- tte ctbtr to tte 1c ted -1 cocctceort epcratisct, aad atiucrie ttrre vn them my opinion. Tliat meeting was call friend. But be careful you don't smile at noltiar left tat tte riles ca wtich cd. and I went, 'btnirk btnirk bmirk tte tui'd. He i tt Mtcrtly turt, tcwtti I iLit the wrong' time A smile is a powerful they all cried, and I arose, and after com two yoked to a Tartar wagon, as oxen are.

iog stool tte etcaicg yrttioca. The te cczl ttith ti Uit wtkh rt weapon, but it must be used with judge plimenting the rowdies generally, the town but guided by rope reins. The result of down io tho curoisgla attach the toll J. by, sricK 1 by tto tc i t- ment. its character, and so-forth, disclaimed my our examination determined us not to pro ii a L.i to tat a til IrvJ trstTi.

II "Do you know, Sara, why I was always Botany for Beginners, Michels Geographies, Jlur-ray's Grammar aud Exercises, Worcester's and Webster's Dictionaries, Bullion's glish Grammar; Bullion's Latin Grammar, Ollendorff's French Grammar. Davnport's History of the Rob-biu's Outlines of Ilistory, Rollins Ancient History, Turner's Chemistry and Dwight'sMy th-ology; Anthon'sCi- ero, Johnson's Cicero, Anhon's Greek Grammar, Kuehner's Greek Grammar, An-thon's Greek Reader, Anthon's Latin Prose Compositions, Anthon's Latin Lessons. Webster's Spel; ler8, Root's and Strong's Copy Books, 1 For sale by O. A KEEHLN CO. i WACHOVIA STEAM MILLS, SALEM, N.

C. THE Undersigned, proprietors of the abore Mills, begleave to announce that they are prepared to grind both WHEAT AND CORN a right either to the distinguished honor con acctcca ta rtrt i cure one, as it would oUy complicate our experiment without producing such results such a favorite with the women "No, father." ferred on me, or to deliver my opinion on the subject, I was a native of Squealbury r.a as ti ry wai a ivjty i ed asd set cut ia cf tic r.i.r?v- "I was always careful, in the first place, iog (a two story cce,) but was ecsii Jcrsllj a-toouted tot to tied a stick cf it left, as! tc tas found it cr the ewner to this day. TUC MATCJ0N1AL MARKET Ts abundantly supplied, and etea yoasg and tcnJer canlilates go eff sbwlj tte caste maia-ly being tte dreaJful extratagancc ia drtaa ia to feel my way with women took care to I said, and no meddler. 1 would not express my preference or opinion. I had Nigtt tvl esse cn, towrter, ari as we anticipate from the Arabian stock.

At some future day, should the camel become domesticated "with us, it may then be worth while to import a few males for crost, ing upon the Arabian females, as it is said is done with advantage in Persia, the isuc understand their characters, their sentiments, their particular vanities and hobbies tte Indians ell Oa Jfth TO tses wet. at, irriilrg at tte sctcc cf tte tacrd-r, I confidence that the intelligence of the Squcalburians would enable them to choose for themselves, and, with great affected modesty, I bowed and withdrew, in the keeping my own ideas in the back ground, until I could coincide with theirs. I al two cse cf wtuh Lid Ua w- A uaigea ia Dy iu tcmtaise iitt perfectly awfal. Thty taTc cottisg ta da but spend mosey, drrw, running about frca miasi oi me cueer oi doiu panics. ways care never to speak, disrespectfully of the sex.

I never, in the presence of a woman, called a woman a "woman" or party frcsa tte Fcri tsd brca "That was well done, father, said Sam, in any' quantity and in the shortest possible time ecustry far a fc.rtaitf, tut Lad i admiringly "and was that the reason you a had but one name, ladies, for They can sateiy say mat tneir iUiiis win iura oui such flour and meal as cannot be surpassed, if equaled by iy Mill in this section of the State. in tte Isilass. always taking after the mother that is, being onc-humped. Sketches of the Bactrian camel were made by Mr. Heap, which will convey very clear ideas of the anima 1 and of its difference from the McMurdo informed rac, that in the expedition against Sinde, he had ia service about twenty-fire thousand camels, and that from his experience he esteemed them high-lv so much so.

that he had then at Sinonc all the feminine gender. A man who tad lived aba-t at II'sIt- tcuse to house, gijing and talking Of all placet that eter were teard cf, Saa Fraa-Cisco takes the lead fcr scandal. No cse escape. No wonder the young men shudder at tte ttcugtt of tacking ttesxlret to such ttoughllekJ, tztraTgsst, yenvlcsa candidates were elected to the Legislature i "Yes," said the senior Smirk; faintly "I made a hit. "My noble mindedncss became proverbial.

I was compared to Cin- "How did you do when they differed, and sstst fiy tsi.cSsSp tte e-xl -ft l. asked your opinion tad arrited al ttt Fort, tM dectair it "I would iacrree with one. and at the lhese Aims nave just Deen umu 01 me trj best material and in the most man ner, And the whole machinery' is constructed after the most approved plans. The proprietors are prepared to give the highest market price for Wheat, and to grind- for others, both Corn and Wheat, at the usual They also carry on the Cotton Spinning business cinnatus and Washington, and put up for representative, and elected by both parties. same time wink at.

the others slily, as. much txv mm Ml mm JTW traiUclisg with ttt lUrn fcr tte sitoalica cf witet and mcttcra. Society in California, at tte pretest spcakicg, Is in Do as I did, Sam, and you will prosper three thousand of them, in addition to the few now in use In the Crimea, in readiness qucrt, tic. He rrpcrtcd ttal a -ly cr to as to say' tis all a humbug, what 1 am saying." If a woman was ugly, Td praise ner intellect. If she didn't know anything, I'd oh trtticoj to tis arriral at tte Fwrt, a t't VGod bless you, my dear father I what's for the campaign next spring.

The loads a dreadful stale, tte chief occupation ef ttt female portioa of it being aj afjreiald, asd ia Indus caseto tis Lcue, end at nraise her virtue. In this way 1 seldom the matter? they will carry depend much, be said, upon turning up ttcir ncsca at each citcr. At ttej were leaticg coe cf tttta tur: 1 I ti "I am going, Sam, I shall be off a min missed the mark for it is very seldom that you find a woman that 3 ugly, immoral, asd said ttt trader, that as Kc l.kt i en, I. ute Call in the ministers ana otner pores i i i i IfVli -Wi the service ia which they arc employed rapid movements naturally require light burdens but their average load, under fa-yorable circumstance, he stated to be about SSTW HOTEL YALCK CF RtJtL t-STATC, Tte Union Hotel, formerly tte hcadqssrtcrs weald adflaeKia to "tatbt," mm quick but remember policy, Sam, policy And with the unfinished word, which cf genteel IVtaocracv, tut laltctly, like Tara's and a tool in tne Dargain. xn iaci, hard to find anybody who hasn't some good point, or isn't susceptible to flattery in someway or other; and a man must be a it, Ur it wcalJ do lesser be safe fr "a ls re oalo wltre te was.

and keep constantly on hand a large stock of excellent' I COTTON YARNS. The building occupied, by these Mills has been commonly known heretofore as the "Salem Cotton Factory." The patronage of the public is respectfully eoltcUed. i SHELLY PATTERSON. Saleja, Dec 7, 1855... 41-3m 1 New Books I MEMOIRS of S.

S. Prentiss, byr his brother; Benton's 30 years in theU.S.Senate; Abbott's Napoleon; Travels in Europeand the East by Prime; fine's China: India, China and Jananlbv Bavard six hundred pounds, and these they will been his guiding star through life, upon bis lips, Hon, Simon Smirk expired. Hails, dejerted, is about ta bt crscd agJa. It will never be atuitacloboUl fr ladies vtly TteWiT.aa asd Jut InvgU dc-pkulti carry easily, without pushing, twenty-five to thirty miles a day. He mentioned this intercatmc fact, which I do not remember ting Act, fool, who, determined to flatter, and make his flattery acceptable, can't seize hold of art.firt!i!i mrnt9 Tt ti -tr tr rvct tte GofcrstscaU We art rlcacd tears tUl tU War I the difTcrence between times at ttey "cttd to intelligence oi ms ueaiu was icivrupuvu all over the Union, and a great many editorial obituary notices were written upon him ending with some merit, in mum, ucan, iviu to have heard before, that during tho expedition against Sinde, General Napier cr- was" and timet ai the rest cf this toUl io Us rcv.x-t'j asihriif IS52 and 1SS3 was tS.OCO per tl-orcos td sfexute teass Ur tte the person he wishes to please, and, ieign-ing to admire it, make that person friendly" "None knew thee but to lore thee.

None named thee but to ganizea a most emcieni corps oi one inous-and men, mounted upon five hundred drom uw per annum ireougv oeisg net ctcr izi ilomeof the New World, by MissBremer; Sidney Smith's Lady Blessington; Prescott's Philip IL Ferdinand and Isabella, and Mexico, be stingy, or uoerau fect, iu depth about 100 ttrtt stcrica high, cf tte Iuuucs and tsst I are tr-ganlscd sad ia tte fell to t.Wae asdd'itt ti f-ittcr frcm tie edariestwo men to each dromedary the the men sitting back to back; one facing the "Oh. he liberal be liberal, by all means, The Cherokee belle. Miss Jeanie nicks, was Jf or sale by J. a. tsuxtiijn tu.

Now, it hat a very tight scratch to get aa ccca- head, the other the tail, and boili armed said the dying with a ghastly smile, pant at $1,000 per month, or per an-1 married on the 10th of December, at the residence of Ctief John Boss, at Tah-le-quab, in the Cherokee nation, to Mr. wth rifles and sabres. The man facing the that ia in Rontiment. nenever a ceucr- nuia, and it extremely douttful atcst its ecu- rto Aia i ATalt it to the skies. Al- head was the animal's groom and driver, Dealer in Produce and Groceries, high point; NJ tisuation at that price.

Heal estate slow and the manner of using the corps was as law to the Chief. Her pretty face and brilliant wit. it is stated created manv.adinirera in our of a JcMrmyrr. Io Ctrficitg tte La 1 7 scdst TtjtTUAj atte'rid 'to receiving and forwarding ways praise generous people. Clap "your hands for philanthropy, and then clapthem in your pocket, and keep them there.

follows: Upon arriring at the scene of ope ly at lot price for hocse and 1st than tte baild-iog cost, cr abcat out fjurih cost two years the Hc4a Ivcr ilaclr.a4, ti lctk GQODS; also tojBhipping i'roduce northern cities and watering placea during her vacations from school in Now Jersey. Miss II. Hxprrsa tm) Jan. 18, 1856.. the dromedaries were made to kneel, in a square, under charrro of their go.

is a daughter of Judge Hicks. "Mr. Join tte ceiKitr cf 'Suppose a beggar asks alms of me, or I am called on to contribute to some charita five hundred drivers, forming, as it were, a DattercM Cj. Attercaa t.trc, ata- It i BIBLES, Sunday School Books, Methodist, Baptist. Union and Mfiravian Hymn Books; also a new-supplyf Harbaugh WrV nmeB Notes.

A Life hid with Christ in ble object?" base of operations, from which the other five hundred operated as infantry. At tho cos icjar.c lie aa s-tTercit irwisi, Lit Pusiso Machinis. Borne ooe calculates that there are now over thirty thousand plan atu'e d'llocatrd, std cse ef tte ai'. "If any person begssay 'certainly mjr noor -woman or 'my. man or 'my child advanced body moved, the square, or bis leg was t-rokta.

He tad ia cjiarc TTtK FASJ4C3LS CT CAlJrOXMA-Tte enly cdua cf people wto maj be said to be thoroughly sound and yrosperwu, art ttt firmer. Ttey Lata Lad a bstd struggle, but hare come out trigtt at lait, asd ttcrt Is icurt-ly cot ia ttt country that is cot makicg ccae j. Great attention is being paid to ttt dairy tu ing machines in operation ia the United States, God, for sale by O. A. KEEJILN ffl MOUEY-WANTED! squares, if more than one was formed, if a EJiiiioa ci cut, required, were also moved and in case of severe isjari, te rrfoMd to Jcatc its ta; fTlTTTS rint.HV nil nersons that have been in and icmainei to tiie cars et en ln ia tie extremity, the squire offered a cover under and then quickly feel in your pockets.

You will find no money, of course but you must say, with a sigh, and a tear in your eye, if you can scare up one, I'm really ashamed i to own it, but unfortunately, 1 each doing soiso sixty men's wcrk. Tf tby should all be discontinued, it require eighteen hundred thousand men to perform the same labor a number" nearly equalling three I a fwplvA manths.tliat all such claims which the one thousand men could find com VV mmm 4 eoursgt asd ssdsraset like tils tu ctcr ttj' oesj. Ttcrt sever haa been a Use that fresh not paid by the 25th of "December next, will be found in the hands of the Sheriff -or some other parative shelter behind the animals, who were prevented from rijiog by a hobble on ca rtcctd butter wcmld set trisf 75 teats ptr pwnJ, times tbt population ox iuq city io haven't a cent About xne. If you don A. ZVJ6lI SaJjas, Kov.

14, 1I5,.

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