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North Carolina Argus from Wadesboro, North Carolina • Page 2

Wadesboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SaWortpttoM IW tee Asset ftM4 a Mf Urn Vat ft No doubt our readers did not overlook ALMOST A SERIOUS A CCIDE.Vr. Oo Ktiday eight. tbr, Dr. Thus, C. Smith was filling a lamp at his father-hi law's residence VIUOl.VIACUNSEUmiYE CONVENTMN.

Tbe Conaetvalive Convention which lus jut met and adjourned in Richmond was without fiarallel in the political history Viiginis, either point of nuivleis or ability, runner psry Ssvsral tnvvieUl bills wtrs rsrarrsd, and eftar E-scott trisinn, ll ft ljmrntd la WatjJay. lltHH. Aftaf the lranactloa ef soma unlmpArMot baalotM the If oum wnf late OoalttM of ths ffhola and ajourneJ aalil Mood Dig Id. fA Snali Lad ap lbs eottnn tax rapes! bill Mr, Morrl'l rf ntJ adverarly, oootastlni Com mlsalonsr Wall's poaliioas, and offared aa amaadMeat irmptinf from daty Importad eottai afttr April, 10A8. ila rldiealed lbs Idas of foreign eorapetitloa, and proceeded to ahow from itatlstica that ths aaaiU cropa brought lbs highest pries.

Mr. Sherman ir(itd fur lbs rrpal, mslntnlatiis; thai tha sr provtd that lb United fitatsa hd moaop. oly la eotton. lis read latter from army effiaers sad other Northern mca ahovlng that ths cotton sutlure bad rtsaltsd la an absolute loa, aad a ceatlauaufce -of lha las matt destroy eotton collars. Mr.

'itodo oppoaad Immsilate aclloa npoa Mr. Jobnaon's smroilramt sppljrinx the sxamptloo this III ee eaiara apna our eaaa aasMtnfaalia UM oa uc aar aigair rwmwiMW, All eahaarlb ia' am miftaitn the time paid plrr 1 en SmIc tn im faW all Boat Inta-rrapiMM la IU SSu mhM eear HiW la nil'. 4 ra Ha ew.mui.loail.ia anr lt aj Be Sublbbfi esWat aHal-1 br lit bum af laa wrttee. ha as aankilua, rtaiin la artre'e orMial saa'ter. pub' IMm4 aa'aaa sUne1 st Ik writer, 14 lael anl as aa adrartlae- a la aa aaM at far.

1 aa saline raaerre ta almwll lha f'- la r)ri aa Irar-ttaMi ilul mar be oSVrt, be at avHul lar barUUl ar Mf aTlmta -tal B'li( AiMMtxnrou i'aa-lt'U'M Air aaf oSVe to ba aid at ras.iar tlnNa ra aail all aisoBwiawlita Biaal be paid lr a waa ftaaaaj la to avcara publLaUoav THE '-ARGUS. PRANK PARLEY, Edito. 19, 1SC7. A FEW PLAIN WORDS, After tie first of January next we stop yrar, and amandtd by mskiox tba sssoiptioa appljea bis oly le the stock in tbe baad of ths prod net rs. and tli at no eUima fur Uxta alrsady paid ahall be ea trtalard by lbs anuria.

Sir jaaoea aecypird tba Brat amendment, nai rs k. i. rr.i....Tr iri.i 'll not ve narrs'i. Mr. ConVlinf gave Botloa af anaiant, that re pat should apply only to tbe erop J8S3, aad there lbs raattrr waa poatpons.

Tba Senate tbta went into eiteatirs aesaloa aad ad- J9ord. In lUJotm, nothle(alfftat oecurriM. -V. SEW YORK, r. 18 Cotloa nrmsfy aad ad." v.neetl a.

ovtr mora ag'e trsnsaetiona: salt a at 151s. Oold 81 CM ARLE1TOK, Dee. 18 Cotton In rood Jemaed wiihnat ebanj; aalva ef asiddlinga at WILMINOrON. I 18 Toiloa-Markti raihar Irmar. Pairs at 12o ar linary, 121(Tila.

for Uw middliog, aad 1 8fe. mblJIlaj. in this plsce. Another lump wss burning on the tabid a foot and f- hT or two feet from tli one ho WjS filling, sod yet (be beat from th bornins Uum was comr.Anicatcd iostantrvto tli oil In boththe catrsuu the lamp the Doctor wan Cl ing, csuiing 1it might be called a aim ultaniHius cipKioo, Ind tlituwing the burning fluid oa to Mr, fiuitb, ho was stsndtng ner by, burning her srtj yly on the shoulder and act iiniF fire to her dnr and fcr tiuie si endan co ting the bocsa. promptly the fire on Mrs.

drena was put out by ber husband, aa alao the Ore to the rooin. 3. is not son tolv hurt, but she suffers wo eh from her wcunds The oil the IHtttcrr waa. using purported to be AVroarne. The try tu.ii kerosene is not expl aive.

no morosalhsD lata oil. Rut were ivclined TditrtnMuli vti tions that are put oil upon our unsuspecting dealers by rsscaify panics at the North as kero eoe, and which are ufrqJoeed iuto some sections under non exphmive, fancy names, suoh as An rora liiztit, osnnv iiamona Hgnt, A a a ft a. a a ar arlii-iYrT" 3- eaueot bo sold iat this market at a i ijalion, ana lcvs a profir to the dealer for bis trouble and outlay, and con sumers should made aware of this fact. That pore kerosene tiot explosive, let any one of our readers get apare article, pour it in an open a a vessel and app'y a match very little Isrger bloxe will result loan i already on the mstch. Rut let soy of thcisney, cheap srticles be tried by the same means sod it poos off like spirit turpentine.

It wonlj be well, before any one unci oil purporting to be kerusne, to give it this lest we hsve deemed it nccsary to give these details fur tbe benefit of onr readers because we learn that several so called lamp explosion have occurred but none with the alarming eonserpecer sod sjmost aerious rtsulu as at Mr. tUcyt flaetlee. t.Sl'ltBUGS. Some time since we received an advertisement, headed $100 for ten cents." and signed Stu art New York Prert, 61 Brosdway, New city," calling for a few aore suberibers'' to ennre the puyfTtion of the and profoii)g to distribute sov amount of creei.bicks sud pianos, jewtr, vith tbe firat edition. Many of oar exbsnges, we perceive, are publish.

ft ft ing mis sjvorUM-ment. jne aarcrtiyeaieni smacked aomewhitif the humbug and swindle u. and beforiT aliowinz our columns to be used for its publication and made use of to gull the unwary, we wrte to a friend in, New York, who ia wtll potej, for information as to the character th parties, 4o. ThefjIiouing is his answer: Aa we know rojn Stuart 4 New York Press, excel Uhst it appears to be loca'ed st a noted eTthe focus of a monstrous swindle thst (Tirlt. Webster Co we can 9nlvwadvie Vt it atone at least send no uvwadvie It alone at least send BO I our books a subscribers ami who then, mat be in arrears.

1 And after that date our rule will be most ri-f'd'j enforced, bat all subscription, must I rales usy-Yew-rate sgaint tracy ld sab fViiU-iVwlIrr3Jaj but wo canaot help it. Circumstances are against our giving further in-- dolgenee. r.7 Christmas Oiling io Beit week, we shall inue no piper a mil two weeks from this dale, is order to allow the hinds employed io the office to participate iu the festivities. THE END OF THE VOLUME. This number of the Aigx will be the last we sl all hsue until January, 1SG8, and of coarse this odj the Ninth Volume.

We might be expected, just here, to launch into reminiscences of the pat and make numerous promises for the fjjturvPift circumstances with which we are too depressing, sod we feel si to tie taslL We can uly offer that, who wish Jo continue, or to become sub the ArjM will be as proiupt with ll the expect us to be in the tbi paper -if (tbose who bateyrow-. 4 MiUtfuUj Lrfp aod perform tbir "tall ct.iniioue to tndeiror to Rite flV BrJ of whibb, as ibaJI kot bate reasoo to be bare pireo ns theif aJtertb-inp i't jrottptlj paid our arm-' antrt Is our if -iTptJaji rmfoC ottnf places. yiaxMvZ cf -fi I SceAwtVei fercUfore lo cal! 1 work tarocd out at lb 4 Committee, wt'h was reeuacitated by yestardiy's ae-J aid tnJt p- ent le eni-t Jtetcai HtII, Bin a.i-T aui ttaf .4, I a 'I the statement, made in the re ort of the Trei d-nt of the Wil Char, and Kuth. Railroad, which we published a fuw Veils i nee, relative to the Hoop Hirer coal drpotir extending into this county, Lr sihifh stateuitut the I'reMdont taa indrbted to feohyicsl survey conducted by acientifio men a few years sioce. That coal can be found in this county, and profitably worked, the veriest tyro io geological knowledge baa ncv er douoted.

lto question nuzni be a.iea wny a a Sana 1 I. no effort has ever 'brrn made to reach the coal and work it. It can be easily answered. In the first blace, want of transportation. Next, the prea'er part ef the citixena of the county were slaveholders; andjheir whole attention has been given to snake this species of property (he most speedily fSTine and to do this cotton bss afford ed the rtadica 'means.

Now matters have fall of this mighty "King" wets" reason to look and hope for better things. Agriculture must become more dtversiuid; snd more atten tion must be and will be paid to developing our 1 fi ineril and other advantages. This coal deposit it r'un 00 reacoea aomewcero ana wonru. ana wheu the Cbur. JL Ruth.

Co'e. track is aid to this side of the river, which we hope mill beat no distant Jay. will Sow in with additions to our population, and them) new comers will bring energy, and infuso ucw life to our people. Brsidea coal, we hsve rcs.ion to believe that other valuable minerals ruight be found, one in particular that will be oi more Iatiog and bene ficial effect to hnds tbsn any other that might be named Lime, or, the next thing to it, gyp. a a a a sum.

nave lying i dure us some mineral specimenf, which the gentleinsn who sends them Links is cTpeutn, but which some who have ex amined them ray are crystaliied culcsreous ime. hatever may be, we hsve no doubt they possess a large per centsgo of fertilising qualities. The gentleroso who sends them tells us that large quaotitiea are lying exped on bia and, and that in one place he could, in a very abort while, fill a lare wagon." We over the cold snd silver ladiettions. and even nek salt, eperimrns of which we saw daring the wsr, which were found within a short diatane of this place, and call attention io the elay for trifle. We have no donbt Out no better clay for this purr can be fouid in North Carolina.

At prrcent there is very demand for this article hcrralouta. Giv us the railroad and we doubt not thre who miht be'ergsged in the boine5 w.Tvd be astonished at the demand that would sptjn-up. SUDDEX LEA Our community, pa Mondsj'night of this weik, Was shocked to bear of tbe sadden death of Mr. Jar. Griuisley, a citixen of this place, and for several years proprietor of the Anson Hotel In the.

afternoon, about four o'clock, we were eoa rc i. bm-i-aav, 0J he seem, ed in better (tii half an hour after wd wore with him he was at tacked, acd phyickns sent for they pra- Dounced it apoplexr. lie bad every attotno of Drs. Glass, Ramsar and Iloule, about 10 clock he died. Mr Grimsley was a bo it forty-six jcara of age.

He leaves a widow, foa children, and a large circle of relatione and friends to mourn bis loss. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. Agaio on Tuesdajr, night, our little community wss pained and shocked to learn of the accidental drowning, on Monday right, io Rocky River, at what is koown as Carpenter's Old Ford, of Thomas Tomlj'oRon, aged about sixteen, son of Mr. Tbcs. H.

Tomlinson. of this town. The particulars; scrfarss wrcarrgsther themrsre these: Yoong Tomlinson was returning from Htanly county, riding in a sulky, snd leading a loose horse. He reached, the neighborhood of the river, about noon, aod learning that the river wasj3ptaJiiJyernniilidaightjjd started to croa alone. Alter rcacbvng tins point all is conieetnre.

it is sOpposeJ that bavmg tfoubts of the depth of tbe wafer, he tried tbe ford with the loose br.ree, and croesed safely, and returned in a canoe for the other horse and in Iky. Refore crossing he bad taken horse from the sulky and left the vehicle on the sloping side of th bank, In attempting to move it to bitch op the horse- the- aula Sta- own wait slatted down bill, earning him with it into the liver. nd being of weak constitution snd in very bad health he was unable to contend sgainst the cur rent to reach the bank, and was drowced. This event has cast a sad gloom over the com munity, swakening the liveliest sympathies for tbe distress of tbe bereaved parents. un for TWA re: occvrrek'ce'.

Oo Saturday last, a party of citizens fro-a this coanfy who "had been- to Charlotte, Vrossed Lane's Creek, at Lancsboro', and turned out st tbe forks of the road, just this sido thaycreet, In roat. t.iAr and (stra a ana1r t.9 m.n. Aux IJ. liicnsrdson. Uetweco these two, while Mr.

P. yn putting something on the fire to CGKjk, a playful duicusston commenced, ending in anger and a fight between them, and ultimate ly in Mr. R. subbing Mr. several times in thejieighbdrhood of the beart.

At last accounts Mr. Pj. was lying in critical condition. Mr. Richardson wss arrested or Saturday1 afternoon and held to bail in the sum of $1 000 for a hearing ou Monday.

-'ivST have in Washington coram itfea of Radical Congressmen who are chatted with tha duty of running their part juggernaut Id the Southern They, hire speakers, circulate political documents and do whstever is necessary to stir up strife between the whites and blacks, and to ensure success for tbeir psrty. It spptars, frim one of their reports, that they have employe! one hundred aod seventy orators and disorgaeixers, lovcJvicg sa immensa money. K3u An stiily us of the. Virginia Recoosf ruo-Uon UoovetiticiB shews Hanover couoty, tbe birth bf Clay and Henry, Orange county, the Urtb place of Mad isoa snd Zsch Tsvlor, Alamarle Icouoij, ii. e- una piaoe ot ieccron, arua wiry i Couoty, the Lirth place of Ilariisoa aod Tylr, all it lines having been entirely I rot on down, tery flower of the old Whlir and IXtmomihipar.

ties met for ihe firat time iax council for the w. fsre of the Old Dominion Kvery county In tho State was represented, and almost every Virgin iaa who has been conspicuous for talent was Statesmen, sol Jiers, lawyers, duinra, uierchsnts and farmers the leading from all sections, in all branches of business, were in attendance, lending their aid to this effort to wrest the proud old Commonwealth from the social frrcbooVr and politico) pirates who have gotten possession of her. Tbe proceedings of the Convention wore opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Iloge, of the l'rcs- byterian Lnuroh Hon.

iTiuil. A iJun Tip Ihd ii.T i iVpTafTTorlhn orusiniiiiToiroT lb fi was perfected, a platform adopted, a committue appointed to prepare and publish an address to the peorle of the Stste. The session lusted two days. With little or oo speaking, without divi sions or diwentiora, thao men. forjMtins the Unes which formerly srpnattd thm but hLh died amid the terible throes of retoljtion, 10 save their Stale from the iirending dangers to woiiiti Brgro domination bss brought her, CONGRESSIONAL.

i Psc. 10. Si-nnf Tba Trrsidrnl was eatlel an for the errspnrdne ra'alis to tba rreopniUoa of ttl arret H'its by Great Drilaia la the Conffdcraev. Mr. itnn IiitioJurrd hif bill removing lbs puliu en uisatiiiiiira from 319 Alabanilans Mr.

loiiiila cava notice that be woold lalro.loo sa amandmeat t- the recunsirueiion acts, providin that all prrsoof bfferipg to vol on the adoptioa of lbs Conflituiii'Bt, whodoBot poasaai Ihe qualincations rs- quirsd by IUa Stata priuMa tba rtbtliloB, sbill nua aa cas of thrre oql firation-: First, ftarvict in tha army ef tba I'bitrd 8tatea at lost one yrar Srcoo.J, Ahilitr Io read and ooarmtinJ tat nature of an oath Third. Tha posses of -0 free hold In bis owa or air a rifLI. Tbia wa efferl aa aa amendment to Mr. Wilson a bill, nasking a maj rity of tha vnirrs, lostaaJ of a ro. jority of tboae registered, aecesitr ti carry tha Coo- stiiuliun.

Mr. VVitsoa said that ba did not know thst it would ba eceary to press bis biil. sir IHvi snld that this waa a white man a raeern meot aud er would ba1. Tba frrrmea tbia efuniry would aevt-r ejnei.t to htee a President fjierj oa tuem by negro electoral votes He waalrd Ibit l-sua to eoiae qui.kly, sa ioHJ la press ca wiia bia lil'a 1 a Mr. Steaatt said tbnt nrrf suRraza wool 1 not tba issue aeit t.W, and proceeded to difiaa tbt reeoo tract loft acta.

Mr. Dool.tilt'a ameudment was referred to tha Ja- eisry Committee. Mr. Drake a etnearreat resolalion, eenturiBjr ths President for the waed towards la Iks irsfe, fimi ap, aod Drake, ia aa eUborate peecb aaailf lie PrttMent bitterly. Ia the eour of bia reatarks, loo nejra vrtera, be said tbnt they era bow as much eaf-erior to tha white tra-b aroocd then, aa tba white trash was suparior ta lb aerro when be wss ia alavery.

Tb matter was ntada tha special order for Tbarsdsy. uslm. Tbe Speaker aaooaoced Ibe Reeoasti eetioa Mr.6tevaa'eeaae4ti0ft billef UHsamloa tame a a. There were ee'verat apeeabe ia eprositbiB and tbe metier was poatpeoed te the 21 st of Janatry. A eorKnrreat rerolutloa waa.adnpied, te adjwra from tbe lOlh last, to the.6th of Jsausry.

Dko. 11. Smalt Amorg nuiaeroaa pa'itiiins aad memorlsl introdaced was one by Mr. Romper frowt General Brisom, end thirty Iboasand Kiotueky contatalajr allegatiooa, which Mr. Divia pre.

Dounce-i a foul and meadaeVaa libel oa Keutsch. Tbe memorial ws referred. Mr. Morrill's bill, to rnlae legal tendera to par, tame ap. Mr.

blarrill delieet el aa elaborate speech. Alter aa executive eeaatoa tba Eeaate aljjarned. Several mambere rote te peraona! etrlsaa riioas, eipUiniDg llieir voOr in favor af irapaaobmtBt, in wSiica Ibe Preident was aoandlv abaaad. The Judiciary eomraittee reverted back a will ia re lation to tbe c-oerament of the rebel Purrs, and it wa referred Io Ihe BansfrocnoSXnnj'BUtt ea Claim reported adversely en the petition cr tba eitueav cf taafabrrrbarf ror eompen aatioa ff-r dsmsffes done by McCauslaad's iiJers'. The flonse then went into committee of tba whole en the state cf tha Onion.

Mr. ashburB opposed Mr. Fewsrd'a territorial por-ejiase, wLea a tjeaeral debata eosued, and ibe Uoaie acljourned. Dac. 1 2.

Mr. Shenaao reported tbe House Bill repeallnf the eottoa tax. Tbe the bill proposing te oovsr the proceed ef tbe sates of captarcd and abaedoned property Into the Treasury, Waa Mr. FA aendea sai it involved $.15,000,000, but orposed tbe of tbe bill 00 tbe ground thst there arc now peadinj cUlma in tbe Court ef Claiosa to the amoent of J20 ,000,000 on the part of. persona to whom this bill would work bill waa postponed.

Tbe resolution eenauring tbe President waa resume I The Senatercfused to eonenr in the resobijion of tbe If ouce, proposing to ailj'tnra from tbe 20th in stant te tbe Cth of January, uulaa tbt bill ta strike the word white" from the laws and orllaancea of tbe Dris'riet of Colombia first been actext upon. After aa executive segsioa tat Senate adjonrnd. J7om. "Tte. Committet 1 cf Fjra and- M-ins.

waa directed to enqsire into Ihe pilienoy of taiing Crests and emits of arm wora on hoo'ebold furniture. Mr. A-hJer. cf Ohio, offered a hi 1 lo relation to the FreIcaen'a Euro. which was referred.

Also, a bill to facilitate tb reioffMructi ju of the gotitherr ritstef. A re'ln Mon deferring the pavuieet of (he bends of 1817 and 1848, due in 18(i, until tba financps have be en cuftli iedtwavjferrc wars and Maans. Mr. Maynard fiffered a resolution, providing that representatives to iiaytt and etner Africa a uoTrrn- menu aboM be selected from nefcroea. Kererred.

A reatttntmn to rdnoa tbe artsy to the smallest possible liraita was adopted. 7 Tba I'ommictce of tvara and Mean waa oirecte to enquire into the ef pedianey of-destroying spirits which bave beea si-d for irand on Ihe reveutia, ana also 01 r-movinir tbe income tax from kcomes not exoeedloi xecative documents' were presented. Tbe uoase went into Committee of tbe Whole. Mr. Msynsrd made i speech dafeadins: the coarse of Tennnesses, af.

ter which the lloote adjourned- Dec. 18. Sio-far-Mr. Wilaon pmtrtted a memorial from John. Wairen, aa American ekiieo ia Crlttih jail, charged with renioiln.

Tha petition stits thst warren was la ficw York when tba crime charr ed waa committed. Mr. Fnainer presented the waqai of peti- liofca, amona them oo from thirty thousand Kentucky Besrro aWidlers, praying for eqialiistloa of bouatits. A bill ws prcarnted, praventios poligaiay and otber abuses fa Utb. A memoriil from ths new Tork Chamber of Com merce relative to the reKunption of specie piymeut- was erdered ba printed.

A bill renaUes the cotton tax came up. Mr Inr- r-11 ttf ojlit It was a great tuUlnke to act on Ibis bill now. The whole tax question sbnald ecne urt once. Mr. Johnson cave aotics cf aa amen i'oenl applying tbe til to lUia year's erop.

Tbe biU possponti A resolution adjournioKfropt ths 2ftb icrtaet to tbe prrtijno, Married, At the residenca ef the bride's mother, (a thtsesun-tv. en tbe 24th November, by L. L. Polk, Em Mr. UEOK0E r.

POND ta- A NX MOURE. Ob theSS of April, 1807, near Mt Croggaa, 8. Mra. MA KIT, wife cf Mr Jobs M. 8lb, ia the sluy.

yea of her age, and far wort than thirty tears a member cr Ihe I'le-fcyfrrUo tliertb. More thaa a passing tnhott ia doe lbs deceased; but though Intimately acquainted with bar the writer fitli liiadrnuaie Io do ja-tiee ta her Piaoy virtuea. As a wifi, mother, and Beirhtor, she faithfully ful filled ber coarse. wiaaiog maaoriaea- JearedLerto all who tame wlibia Ike Itifiaence ef that charily the sabetBtifallyesrmplilUdaB'i "which tbinktlb Be evil;" fur if the ever spoke at a't of aa-other'a faalla it an with b-pietil fortraraee. Hat il waa wbea Ireublea astaitad bar, sb-n the tide ef of furtant lots adversely aa ber huabaad's affana.

that ber character ahohe forth 1b all Ila beeety and lustre, latetmty aod rrpmiojs ahe diaJalned aa aa-woriuy an lati lliiit being, ttba straw eaeowrace aad assist ber hutbaa aad, with wuiirlag ladasiry, eadeavorcd to npair, aa beat she esuid, llteit luaaet. She beat ber raierctea ta rear aad edunate ber eblU dreo Many toefcut aa ttk wonder, sad ita' tftvy, test ci bach Could be tcected wiib ber slealer meana. How falthfo'ly ahe worked, aad beW well aba aueeeled. thee kaew best who know bar ebil- dreo. She saffert-i nearly Iwe years with Can op tion, been ate eaiirely aeseral saeUa befure.bcf death, aad eodared the Bwt lataate aatrariegt tut na manner escaped ber lip.

SLt eiftrcaeed bersvT rv to death, aad "alUusly awaited tie auc-vajne wr-pted ifa eaa mass a ojriag 04 xri acnaa es.wcy jm.imws are, and 1 ahall moaat abA tha sky." Te eaa who at o-J by wblla dying be said, bea Ibe last breath leasee say bedy yea bbb fceew where 1 am gone." Bleated are tbe dead aba die ia the Lord. -'Her Bp aad call ber ate bar husband and he praistta her," AixirsD. Ia UuioB eouBty, la tba H'h Ojfober, 1W7, HEX.N1K, iafM daughter of JianireTh ina and Mattia Lockbart, late Aowa eoasty, S. C. 'A tender limb we bad baiew, v.

Aa heir of sin aa death and wa; Tbe Shepherd beard il atgh, And love stone nJldly Ms lis laid it softly to Ms breast; Aad soothed ita little woes to hash la be grntlv And lirsalbed a Utnlug co Its head. Ile wiib il passed through dcalL't cold flaed -AB'l purifldl it with bia blood, Then bore it ta bis Fathsr'e throaa, Where Grfd now keepa it aa lliaWH. A babe la dea as eng-Ps bora, Aod baa in tha aurrciWn aoro.J-L The loved and parted saett again, You'll dad it With the eerarh train. Li TRrECTJE OF RLSrECT. fullowiog preamble and resolutiona were nnan-Imoosly adopted by a rialng vote at Ibe Quarter' Conference for Bennettsville Circuit I Where, it balb pleased Ibe Great tleaJ of ibe Church in bik wiadom Jo remove from among us, ia tbe midst af hla iabuts, eur beloved Pastor and Setter-able fiieBd, Rev.

TUACY R. WALSH, man wb striking illustrated 4a bia fife Ibe graeee of ifurhoJy CbriatUutty, la Lfa ireath ita sustaining pjwer -and where is, we feel' Is mt we abouJd giv som etpmatos to Ihe prohior grief with wbiob our hearts ere eniitten by this aQiellve 4 Tl.refore be it reoIvedn' i 1- That, io ibe death of Rev, Ta ACT B. truth bua lost one pf its moat consistent anil aloet advoesHa the Church ofClirUt one of it pareit and ableVt ml'eMsrs nl Jhe" BcjtM-vllle tlrroll ot ofv the must dwetei Ifiiif hwa ever rved i. -i i 3. that wa tfow dcssedbrtber our s)fVlfned tltWgrata and invoke for tbem la 'their beTeaeineiit Ute spb elnl auardisnsllio of lliw abo bath rsid 1 at 1 ba cV Mer.r: WU-.

j-fj; who re wdTeUiaiBj- la thu is left iu oataral color til vatiiiAsed. Tfce boy, while presot-ittf a light appearance, is jret tery airon. exl oric 7 di uo.ica, is suDitaniui, ati easj rwscin wag for two bone or tuules for piiLU'ion oe. As theso svoilcoeo bite turn ed oat several tf thoe winoj recently, it would seem as tf their work ts appreciated and is io demand. THE MeCASKILL PLOW.

A few wetks since, one of oar correspondents, Agricola," expressed a preference for this plow over nao others now, attracting the notice of oar farmers, and desired at the same time to if the SIcCplow was iowmanufacturei, wuniif so, where it could be procured. In an svrtr Mr. W. L. J.

Rail, of Cheraw, sends us -an-fidvertisemcnt, aud, io a cote accompanying it, tells that he was the original azent for the MeCaskill plow before the war, that be is agent now, and that riml ths pitfera North, and is now having the plow raids to ordsr, aod that he cm supply all r. either one or two house plows. See Mr. advertisement io this weekViune. Alsi, iu answer to Aericola's" questions, Mr.

J.F. Led better, of Richmond couoty, gives the folbwioj inform jtion "The plow, (the if have been correctly Was late ii. J. Steel, of Rockingham, Richmond County, but was put ia'operatiou by Mr. McCaskilL- I will etata, for the infonutiou of your oorrespon-dent and others that that is culled the McCaskiil plow, caa be had of T.

R. Led better, of Richmond. Those who have tried theia are highly pleased." aYftRiahop returned from Europe and fs sojoUfnitig for a short time in New Tork. CSP The National Republican Convention has been fixed to meet ia Chicago, co the 20vb of May. Worth wss in Wsshington last week, snd paid his respects ta the President.

THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. The December number of this ereel'ltnt gontbern agricultural la before us, cootaiDtnglU aaual amaautf inUresting readioc matter. From' it we learn tbat St haa been purchaeed by Mr. Vim. Jonea aod Dr.

W. L. Jones, the latter Professor of Ag icul-tur la tbe Cnirersity of Georgia. Tbe new proprie-tjw proawe to spare neither labor or cxpenae to make tao Culiit-tier meet tbe present peculiar and passiag waul of the agricultural public. Persons isbing te subscribe, vriil addrwa "Sonthtr Cultivator," Athens, G.M 4 Terma $3.00 a year, r.1' NErT ADTFETISEMENTS 1 Tfa fcuva barely rO083 to index the Mar WJeota tha week.

Jaoa U. llevrjj at-tcl for bovtu4 1 Ft. M.iry'a Rehol Dr. ma tes Baldgh. If.

C. IUMaUtoa i Meil'Jn, Traveling Ajoot Life Iimaraace Ciipni.T. L. J. i CLersw.

McCa.kUIl Plowa. Far Ikat l.e9f- A hoa in Ibis two. i K. II. Caba.iatf, Dealer and -Ma-tuf-ctftrer niV'tf Mill Machinery.

MaLaasliilu ii I Lots 'f dra-i Ue faity tvaoerka. W. Id. PiiketL Aa pHcs J. fi.

Hrfra, U. ABeva oBufy nt oe 'vnj lie 'Wwr pemcul-rljr War! of 'M2- ct rs 'trl. i- It Is Yon arr, the box for the seaL which is io- i lit aft biA enterprifes of ull i ncibiog-to do alao with Dr. J. Skillio Chapmsn, Rev.

their project A mixv North aod Ho' ion, J. B. Ogden, Tbos. "Jftti A. Wilson, or any ef They are hoaabogs al.

lslegation from Virginia, and 'jarolina viahctl Thad. Ficvens oo tbe loih. blowing conrtrsatija is ra-ported to have 0.ored: Mr. Srevebs Sj 4 that "he regarded the impeecb meot unursj an lionce of the fickleoess of pub lie opinion. The Virginia A.Uzuiet aaid tbe -failure to ira.

peach the Presi-i 3i m0nld work seticuIj against reconsiraciici, MfStefeus. Utslt at could noi be other wise, and mu-ul. 'regrets were exenanged. Ihe rottli olina negro, lisrm, said tbey wouia get aiony orthero whites were more Inghtcte i j.bout nesro suffrage than South ernwbites. ll'TOid that ex-Governor UoJden w2s the life a', blood of the Republican party in ixvna varoiiui 1 The Virginia delgates represented the condition of things Si that unless Concree came to tbeir the aUfJt.riBgs of tho colored people aod wbve nnionista would be terrible.

Mr. fctevens orej ihe repeal pf the clause requiring a jv of the re2iatered voters. ibe deiegat'u thoo'-ht that would do. but suggested a liV ciDjwwirtBg' the- Convention al Teaay caiicaf'' euablisb provisional govern mcuta tmmcti. (U.

Then if the Conatituttons mwM hve at lw loval State ofliocrs. i Mr. StetefJ jaij tfcat je dMwn till with two or ihr beneficial DrovUions 1 one was to leave tba ma t() Bniira or Coosti tatiouiJin the orcKnt Coo motions 6iii.ll,- asfej. octSits, esaUhh' govern ments, In lk-a 'tiriijt soon Cou'e ti lot iaua 5e rdy" for. au bJwvaio i'to a- Kf lr.

Suven cricjuirei hither their old tnas ters' Would vb to soJueo the neuroc froio rs-fe that item oiws ware-dcpeirdt ent oa their i meters for daily bread. There was danger, Harris hotted tbe nctrocs were capable of i ing great privnns. ads UooS.t colored,) said that icbarks applied bis district. Eight buut fed persons ia Riehtaoud has lost piece places. -1 (.,: the whoT Uoutbcru 1 would be for'tlie Republican party; vote tbia I a iLi-puuiicn auu asauie i 11: r.

4 tnoiiipujt of old Tlnd. shows "what's ll i Ord has issued an ordenUatinstliat the Con has beeo ccrried ia Miitirri and A ifi, bud orders the Conventions to con- vine nnu juu xioc ou tun iu v. order eajs that there aresuolt ir of the precincts as to make a 1 1 give the total jte in each Slate -auif 4 (y'onvcniioi. .,1 t.i. anus iaj for AM icjb Reoonstruction Convention wotk and adjourned.

The vote pj of Coovebtion and the 1 T.oera fci'l lal place on tbe '1 11C.3. Tlni lt nery en the IS tli of Msrgb. ra a fitber unto the fatherless, and judge -tbs: 1 widow." 8. Tint a blank pace in'tha Record Book this Qitar- terly Confereooe be apprpprmtaly itiseris ly It. cording Steward, and (be memory of our deptrud brother.

5: 4. That a cop the foveeomg Preamble snT Re- soluUuBN be furnished to the. family of the deetaeed, 4 and repeoiiely to the S. C. Advotatt, DeBneltavitta Jeumtii nod Wadcipboro' for Bigasd iu behalf of tbe Quarterly Conference.

F. MILTON KENSEpr P. Ev L. BassocB, See'y. The Pi es Tan bo Cured.

MY FELLOr CITIZF.JiSt BT TUB FIR3T.07 I will have fradinesa a preparation ton will CORE TtlE PILES FOR ALL TlMi! TO COME. Up to this trrae this most painful i.f all iis. enses baa baffled tba skill of Ihe ablest Physicians iu tbe world. I am hy no meant a profession i gf-Mie- .1 I 1 11 man rniosr a nan-nanoeu itrrner, ona a crest lor. 1 i 01 usn-oooxB, uoge ana kubsvm 11 my rained will not give relittf.

in three and sure, in 14 dy 1 am ua. willipg to retain a eopper of tie people's money for my trouble'. I think; I ahall in a abort lime be ablaTi-to abew aertifScatea froui tba ablest mg in North Carolina that my Ointment ia an cure for i Pllfcs; for my remady, iikeebarl'y, ibajl begin at bemie, I In my native county, A ca-mj and if deserving wierit let it spread, otherwise "let htr tlidt." ihia i you will bear front me al along, dj'esa Wades bore'. K. C.

f. M. PICKETT. Dee 17, 1867-4G7-tf ttJ Rolsinh Sntitl and Wiljulastoa JWaai copy It snd ssad bill adrartlen i I.

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