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The Waco Daily Examiner from Waco, Texas • Page 1

Waco, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IA i J31 i 1 3 xffi I la i iiTTB HAYES fi 1VACO au Successor tp HAVES tc HAItRIS ROCEIl AND COMMISSION MERCHANT IIoganBalldlne A sttm Avcnoe if i jTexo 1 Keeps constantly on hind Urge and well aolocted stock of Stable and Fancy Groceries KSfi Imported and Domcatlc WINJ8 AND JTJOnHTOBACCO AND CIGARS Goods delivered freed eharge Will per the hlshest inarket price In CASH for Country Produce Cotton Woolltldee tie PIERSON HEWS DEALERS IN Tine Clothing and rurntshlnc GrOOD M13 4 15 CampStroet opposite City Hotel NKW OKLBANS Suit at 10 12 15 20 to tin Overcoat 10 1218 20 30 to Ii0 Quality warranted to be as reprosenteo hno rices as low any Call and Kxaulno WMswlYiO cOLKLLAND HOTEL WACO TEXAS This yillhT CLASS HOTKL Is now opened for Uie a imaodattou of tho trancl nt pub Omntus at the doport on the arriy it Jf EW HOOK FOR AGENTS want Agcnta everywhere for a new and bean tllolly lllutuatid wore the authors own ad lectures ealltled Wllil liro Ju the nir Weal Comprlalng Incident of nearly Ihlrtyyeara of booting and tr plug captivity ainone tho Comanchee intltn le invir iii filer with Apacbc Usu lly Rears iliillu luterestlrg Sent for IlnutrstcdClrctllar antitbemot liberal tinDifr fin baste to begin work send 1 00 for compete oillUt to IT AilUTCIUNSoN PO New Origans La A CLEQQ Importers ana Wholesile Pealars in Heavy and Shelf Hardware Cutlery Etc CO 0 0 SI HAND GALVESTON TEXAS A fall upi lr of Cntkrv Oanf ItiHea Powder Shot Nail Aice Chalue Wlntu All llase Hope 1af mMaterialaudCinentera Tools constatlloahand AI AGENTS FOR 15 AVERY SON IlOWS AND EXTRA PARTS SY BALDWIN CO Jj Maysvillo Ky CALHOUN PLOWS RUBBER BliLT 1NG JsTUDEBAKER WAGONS AND HERRINGS SAFES dccOti WALLACE Commissioa Merchant Ami nealar in MiY GOODS A OROChltJJtb JBoolt Shoe JTatt Clothing And Agricultural Implemouts of ail Lindt Irompt attention given to consignments Goods of all kinds sold at lowest roton live him a call at Mb new stand in the Lusk jlldlngjcorner of 2d treet and Broadway I wsw1t WACO TKXA8 WASHNGTON HOTEL Qnlvpston a xa John Summers Late of the Eichaote Hotel orSDtf Proprietor HANDAL DBNTXST Itlmball Xoxiih All work guaranteed In the laest and best style auaiawiy 1 MOOKK CO importers ana ioalers in Doors Windows Blmds TVWow 3Uss Bulldern Hardware Market street ie Troon 21 tb and 13th Galveston To an raarHwlr CONRAD WATCH1IAKEH AND JEWELER 1 Ualn street Van Alslynes Building HOVTON TKXAB TDAYMOND IVPITIS BANKEUS A3VI 3QacoliCxaS XJoalorsi ApdTJN TEXAS ColjccUcms made at ail aeccialUe points In 1 exas aild ds 1 roinptlyrnniUed orresooiicl iiU in Cu New York Swinson 1 eiwlua Jt Id I QOLDEN EAGLE tsALOON Next to Waco House Bridge Street JESSK BLAIR ProyOtor Thoroughly renovated and newly and ele aanboq ipppd Tje best ot Tl uora Wine Mtlv ll i M4 GALVESTON 0 Loo Weber EK IRON WORKS COTTON IACTOUS AHU COMMISSION MERCHANTS Strand Galrcslou Texuf umWIr A USTIN HOUaE Opposite McClellandillouse Austin Atenne tVaro Toxan MIJS KIRkPATRICK Prepflclresa Good accommodations ftv both permanent and traideut boardere oa moderate terms lanlOd wtf EDWAIU A DiMOK OJIAnLES SAXOH Henri Mortltcal of Texas with DAMON 4 CO EK Established 18531 Importers Wholesale Lipr Dealers FINE KENTO0KY WIIIbKEYS 4 AC 110 ELM STREET ST LOUIS MO lancJIDWlv JA8 BUCIUNAV 1IA1IUTOH BUDHAKIH UAMlLTDHj i DEALERS IN Drugs and Groceries PATENT MEDKHiES faints anil OU COMANOI1E TEXAS 8lns of Mother and Father I VpiSa sin to hoard up roouey and roluse JL to eupply the uatural wants and demands of a mOorlng Ud riddm wife Tis a sin for a motlu to bci ovi a cuuch ol a beautiful yet fading diughler aud rl ua to si end a few dollars for htr booertt aud relief ilow thousands of mothers aud fathers many are today cursed wilt the above Sickly pale emaciated careworn suffering fomales can fauud In all parts of our countrr A remedy cm be had and ret they refuse to tpend a little for The remedy that will cure Dr Promgooles Knglish Females Biti tera Sold by druggists fenldlwlm Jliarles RoUp ATTOltNtV AND tOHNShLOU Al LAW Auslln Teias WILL praclU In all the courts nt Austin aud district courts of surrounding counties Lands bought and sold Lauds bca ted Land cortiticatei bought aud sold Land titles examined and perfected Special atteat on given to land litigation Collections made in shortest possible time and proceeds romitted Prompt attention given to all bus neis entrusted ts hjs euro Qfilco cm Ufn gresa Avenue iaUswly The Fourth MillifCoiHerf vt roa tub BBXarrr or ihb ff PUBLIC LIBHARY OF NTttoKY I JB 8 A FULL AS UlljB I DRAWING os CKTAIN Turdny tlio Slat lllarch Next In order to moot the general wish tod ex pactAtiot ot tho publio and the ticket holder tor tho lull payment of the magnificent announce lor tho Fourth Grand Gilt of tho Publio Library of Kentucky the lerirln egement hero determined to postpone tho Concert and Drawing until Tncsiaay the 31st or March 1874 No Further Po stu onmont I No doubt la cnterlatned of tho sale of evory ticket bolbro the drawing but whether all are sold or not the Concret will positively and unequivocally take place oh the day now fixed and if any remain unsold they will be cancelled and tho prica will reduced in proportion to the uiiaold tlckols Only COOOO tickets havo been cold Will bo distributed among the ticket holdors Tim lickcU Rro printed in coupons ot tenths and nil fractional parts will bo represented in the drawing just us uholo tickM arc LIST OF GIFTS One Grand CaU Oift SA0000 UaeUraud Casn lift looooo One Oriud Cash lift 60000 One Grand Lath Gift li eel One Urantl Cash Gift 17 Olio 10 CailiGiltsf 10000 each looooo SDLashOlfls 4 ooo each 1SO0OO OCashUlfu 1000 each i toooo eocaihuirts joo each ooi loo Laahlifts oo each 40000 lSOCashUllia soo each 43000 JWcaihOins soo each 50000 S23 Cosh lifts WO each ttooo llpoo Cash Ollta io each 30000 Total 12000 Gifts all cash amounting 10 1600000 The chances for a gift are as one to five Price orTickclsi Whole tickets 50 Halves 25 Tenths or each coupon 5 Kloven whole tickets 500 22 tickets 1000 lid wludo tickets 5000 211 whole tickta 10000 XodU unt on less than 500 nurtli nt tickets Tho Fourth Gtlt Concort will bo conducted nil respeeki like the tbroo which havo already been given and full partlculafiTmay be oarnod frorr circulars which wilt bo sent free from this offlco to all who apply lor them Orders for tickeis and applications for ugencics will be attended to lu the order they are received and it is hoped that they will be sent In promptly that thero may be no disup polntmoator delay In tilling all Llbora teims given to those who buy to sell again All agents aro peroraptvity required ta aetllo up their accolinta nod return all unsold tickets by tko 20th ol Ma ch TnO BKAMLBTTK Agent Public Library Kentucky and Manager Gift Concert Publio Xibrary Building Louisville Ky dcclIDUwAWtnovl TTELLEYS FOUNDlU A KELLEY Proprietor JEFFERSON TEXAS SUPPLY DKPOT LCbK BUIID1S0 WA0D TEXAS HANUVACTDHaaOr lOOKINO AND IIKAING to Us CAST TURNING TLOWS HIIOVEL9 AND fiCOUTERS WABHKKT TLBS COUNTUT HOLLOWWARE UOO IRONS XTP tnducementa OITecdto tho rnde Send for Plcellat PEfCounty Dealers and the Trad Generally sop plied on Ito most Favorable Terms gJ novUDlf ITVISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The Arm of Scdwlck Elliott lumber dealers Waco as disserved by roatual cousent on 3Stb Instant 1 illlott retiring and Jabn cd tlckcootuialng the bualnees at the tamo stand All personi having claims against the lsto firm are reqdeated to present bent for payment aad those indebedvtlll 1 lease come piomptly forward aad sittis BCDU1CK ITKLLItiTT Waco dap 911871 loMJlwlm TONUS ORANO Sacce sor to WUev Tornw1 KUfKIETOItS Uksbb Sax IIocstoh Uaix on Tmao STKEETi Are prepared to do everything apperulnln to a firsi data UVKHY VEttD and SALE Stable DQuncss Will furnish pamages at the shortest notice fo funerals parties balls Ac LtngRtea aad saddle horaea to hire Horses boardetf on the most reasonable terms In the care of the most attentive grooms the moat comfortable stalle Ae Ac Basses and baintaie waeuns In atundanco tne anlval and depart are of railroad train dally lviry business aa well aathe raialng of horse atoc are prepared to treat alck horse In the most eclant He manner The stable butlttng la made ol brick two starts hbih and the arwa uf the stable room comprises 40 Sy luu fut KaViUsruM BOUC1TKD USD JACK60N UkO A JJUOWM JACKSON fc BROWN Fire Insurance Agonts WACO TKXAS REPIIESBNTINQ THE FOLLOW ING KBMA I1LBFI1IU COMPANIES Texas Ranklai and Insurance Co Calverton Tux 1h ula lauraTiCcto llroollju American CeaLral Ht Loula AViulslanaMatnal NewOtleaur Sest Texas rira and Marine ban Anlosto Tex Old Domlaion lllchmond Va Richmond Ranking aad Insurance Co RJchmrmd Chronica at tort Jaekaous liauk aco Texas au l7Sdly plIAItl LES GAIIItER SUCCESSOR TO OAltUEll MEISXEII FASIlIOtAULE HOOT 1IAKEH Cor 3rd art Franhlln bl Waco A lull stock of best material worktnvr nl etpe teuce and sUUa Bt cuarantecd lilt WAGO TEXks THURSDAY 0 MARCkV 1874 PROFESSIONAL CARn THE JOHN iTrOGEHsXCO Cotton Factors AND OKSRIi COMMISSION MERCHANT Ininranee Bcdlnir NO 61 RTIIAND OALTESTON TEXAS PT Afentator Orajs Cotton Preis octlewiy TD03 A OARV A OLIIIIANT QARY OLIPHANT Cotton Faotoro MOS 1C3 1C4 1C6 STRAND Gnl vestnn Tents I tbcral Cash advances made on conshmmcuts bOKslnff and Tlca farnlshed at lowest Kates dixJOWCm Joshua Miller USE CO IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Manufacturers of Btcam Engines Saw Mills Bollors Mill and Gin Gearing Shalt tin Pullers Brats andIron Pumps etc Particulal attention given to orders foi Iron Fronts and Castings for bulldlngi All kinds of Job work solioltod and satisfaction guaranteed Oornarof Church and 32dStreots ap2bolT GALVESTON TEXAS BOiTO a uno MAMPACTaitERS OP BTItKIIOCK i AND FANCV CANDIC8 XXD WBOLBSiUI TIRALIBRIH JFRUITS NUTS 4c XUU HAHKET STREET 13C OALVESTON TKXA8 WE QUOTE A sortod slick candy rnaranttd pare 17c Assorted stickcandysamc as Ntw OrlcansmaLe Faucy candy assorUtt 3fr Kock I Tic lull wlv RINNAN DUVAL Cotton TnctorN and General Commission 3rerchaiUn Office over Teias Ranking and Iniuranco Co Strantl Oultestoii Teias aaWlv A LLEN LEWItf WOiC8 VP ERAMUrtT vV Over Peterson A Blaffors A A BEVILLK WILKJGS Ot IIAMLETT PHYSICIANS ft SUROEONS Waco Texas OVPICEC tn Womack ti Kelletta Drag Store Dr Wilkes reeldenee next iloor to the Cumberland Presbyterian btirch on Waibington street between Third sndFotrth strceia Dr Uamletta residence oppoeliaFemale College on Clay street bttwsaa Second and Third streets fcbltOWlm rTl CLIFTON DENTIST AUSTIN AVENUE WAOO 1ST Office hours A to 0 it OFFICEIn llogan ti Slaughter Balldlng JanJlwly NO I DYER ATTOBNETqAT LAW Waco Texas SearsPatt Streetjiri groadwav TEXA8 Office la CokeSearsPattareon Bjlldlag corner fobMdewtf fsMle AUSTIN AVKNUB JOUS VLIKT CRAatBIBUI KIJNT CHAMBERIiIN BANKEK8 FLINT GRAHAM Attorney at Haw Waco Texas aviDWtf 1 pLOURNOY TAYLOR ATTORNBYB AT LAW AND HEAL EITATB AOKHTII WACO TEXAS OFFICE Front room up stairs over Fo 4 Jacksons Bank ocl9 DAVIS 1 ATTORNEY ATLAV tWaco Texaa will attend promptly to tmslnt trusted to his care Offlco with Messrs ltunlca Fraxler in Utureia bulldlnp talMwlv 1 A OAT1TT RraDTexaa Mcksburg atlas ptAVlTT FAWt Xtttorxxoyisi nt Xiaxv WACO TEXAS Will practice tn the Conrta of the Thirty third Judicial District Office in the Slurgia Iialldln on Austin strsi auirtSDAWly I DURHAM Respectfully tenders hla proreastorul servlcea to theeiuxenaofVac andvlimtty office at Ulvleroa Uug Store ComoeVclAl Row andwlm AV PARK Offers hla professional services to the citizen of Waco and vicinity tar Offlce at Eastland Co Drug Store Bail side of Pobtle Square JyUDt ReJ GOODE ATTORNEY AT LAW Wcco Texas Wbl attend to bnslneu entmsted to hla car ttT OFWOU In Ooodj Jlalldlng corwrrnMlo sjiiare noVlTDl 1 avAtra i uavu VA JS DAVI8 Attorneys and Counaellori at Law WACO TEXAS Have in connection again reeuoed the prwi 1 oj of the Law 111 all ita depnrtmetts apiAwswtf itlurgeon IDuntmc Offlco tn second atoryof llogaBallding Anstfa streetWacoTexas Office hoursfronv Ax to 6 Teein extracted without pain novlt oua WEST W1I raATUEB WEST PRATUER ATTOMMLYS AT LAW Waco Texas OiBee tx Sturgls Building Ia23betv1i 1 WILLIA31S 1L PRYSICIAN AND SUROEON Ft Qrauax Texas 1 Will practlco bnty For CaatL IfeblSwtf vy A HEWLETT ATTORNEY AT LAW AVnco Texas OFFICE Io street Johnsons BiLlding Bridge feb27diwlT ALLEN SUROEON DENTI8T JUSTIN AVENUE jVAOO IlavlBg peimanently touted In Waco teadera his professional semcea to the pabllc All work warranted In the latest and best style Office hoars from 8 a to 6 Office for the present with Dr 8 Smith lull wfiM TJtt GA KUi OCCVEIST AND AVRIST WACO TEXAS Treat all diseases and perfcrms all Sorcccl Op aratlooa nj 011 tie bye and Ear exdaalvely Can treated from all parts of the etate Satisfaction gtienlnali cases omcota the liogan liallllai martin Avenue hhliW ly UNHKltWOOD tltystclan ami 8nra WACO TEXAS OFriOV With Dr SHAHS north side of Publio Square where he mar bs fouud day or bight when tipt prolesrionally en tA ga ed 1 vUva sAc feL5d w3m VS Waco Examiner 0B0AS OP TM 1 BI TXI GXluaarOCtM TKJTCIVIS IN ADVANCE Sv V8S 00 a year MASTERS OP OltANOFS ARE AUTHOBJIKD AGENTS XST All Comuanlcatlons should bo adlressed to Jt IV DOWNS alitor an Proprtator THE GRANGE VTniTB Halt QuAKOk No 27Rcgular monthly meotlngat two oclock JM first Monday In each month Call Uoetings every Thusrdoy evening at soyen oclock Visiting and sojourning Brotbrett are Invited to attend 0 Hobby Secretary Ti03 Conn Master A Qranqk The Austin Grange was organized in tho city of Austin last Saturday night The organization was effected by Col NNorton ot Salado assisted by Mr 3 Downs of tho Examiner Farther particulars will appear when officially furnished by tho Sees rotary which tto tako occasion to re quest just here may bo promptly dono in all cases rrom iBouiuo County Bosquis County March 1 Ed Kiamlner IWo havo a proeporous Qrango of Patrons of Husbandry at this point Tho Order is rapidly spreading tn this count and tho larmcrs and thoir Granges appreciate your efforts in our behalf Very highly NJ King is Master of our Grange and a right down good farmer ho is at that Yours Granobr rrom Fulls Count Eden Grangejlatrons of Husbandry was organized atW ChrlsjvoUs Falls county February SOth 1871 by Judge Ratclifl Deputy OFFICERS ELECT Master Ta Caldwell Oveweer A 1 Daughorty Lecturer Brown StowardG 151ftlr Assistant Stewaid A Bree land Chaplain Erstine Secretary II Crlswell Treasurer Oriswcll Gate Kcopcr Clusuin Ceres Mrs Monroe Pomona yttrs 0 Criswell Frora Mrs Blatr Lady Assistant Steward Mrs Brown MB1IDKRS II Criswell Erstino Durham ChasThoman Watcrj II Csnslcr Mituroe jtrs Erskine Mrs Erbkine Mrs A Criswell Mrs A DtUgh erty Miss Wntcrn Mrs A Breclard Post Office KoseeToxas Ilaon and time of meeting Crii wolls school house last Saturday in March at 11 ocloLka Please announce tho organization olJlennett Grange at Bennett Falls county Texas on tho 2 of February 1874 Master MBarclay Secretary John Dickenson Post Office Reagan Texas sis I i rrom THcEcnnaii Cpiiiiiv I orgarjlzcdShacklcfordOronge on tho 3d inst with the following list of oQicers ilastcr yj Ff Butk Overseer John Shaektcford icctureriAlbcr Frasrilc 4 Steward Maurice Assistant Steward A Snow Jen Chaplain Gamble Treasurer A Jtt er Secretary Wright Gato Keeper Turner Ceres Mrs Wauiiee Pomona Mrs A Frasslc Flora Mrs Ashbtirn Lady1 Assistant Bluward Mrtv KucV I II Eablk I organized a lull Grange i ant Hill Church in il Chamberlin at Pleas McLennan county on tho 2d iust with the fol lowing list ofbflicerst i Master Rico Overseyj Thompson Lecturer A115 Klrkland Steward Allen Assistant Sthward A Hartfield Gjte Keeper Cj Shcppard Ceres Mrs Harrison Pomona Mrs MollieShcppard Flora Mrs Warwick Lady Aaatsinnt Steward AlrsA j41 Facts Al sTkanihsK Tito followiog xtrtwU wereW 1 piled froa an IntereHifif oharaing read WjMrL ArooU Secretary of the Amriww Dairy menrAMoehitlon The prinolplot tii chrtiBcr I be liere aro not gOareriUyf reUtnnder AU stbod ven by tkerc mostjfunihar wtqi the OTjtptioe TJiera an two ways ot doing Iiincj andof aoquir Kf tog knowledRu One in by vpraStieo whole digestivo andmilkproducing process Maay experiments have been made to deteratse the nature a of onimat odor I claim this isthe 1 and cxpenmentjthe other is to go back of practice and atody thB na turo of things a Croam consists of a great maayfl Elobules of fttty matter enclosed pelliolo of albumlous matter The globlucs are suspended In railk not sa ohcmically but mbohanlcallr1 as aaw fV dust must be suspended fa water Milk contains also several oils wMoh i havo effect onthebttter Tho ptcul i tar fiayorof batter made In aum erX7 when cows feed on certain orasseeJXj 6vrlng to tbe oil coritalicd ltiSf those grassee the peculiar oils of peppermint wlutergreen or onions If ptP taken into the atomaoh off the cow hi will remain the same thrqegh the able toff i separate this oil from milkin a defin Ij jI Ite degree fW Tho butter of creamS wmposed fr Vi mainly of two substances oallediM if oleino and margarine Oleiiso is tho i Vk oily porlibn of butter and contains Vl tii thei yellow color whtle margarine ia i whitoand heavier Butter globules An vatygreatly iu mo In milk from poor cows thoy aro small whilo cows ft that aro well fed and in good condi tton producp larg crlglobules Those 4 iv butter globules are enveloped lais A racmbraae aud my tdvestlgationa Vwv would tend to establish itas a fact jt that they aro compound being cemi posed ot many smaller globules 4 Offl At any rato I have found that were clearly of thatchataoter 7 Churning should takeoff this nTel a one and leave tho globule Bound cj iJr Churns haying much Inside maohln iS imw cry wear off these envelopes by fnotlon Thisftends Wow hsjaj butter knd dimmislitho quality TheV i largot globules breaVfSt If th churning is done by fnctipn small globules float among the larger fVyS ones as would hulletsjand shotjj MA 1 among cannon balls in ailquid of SSV Jff sullioient specific gravity ito float ytf them Consequently the buttermilk contains not only tho skina tW rlob ulcs but rnn smaljs tt Very should be thinned by adding milklibelbre cb tfralng to many globtilea unbrokon In soui1 cream tho skins k1 taro weakened by shrinking conse quent upon the separation ot portionB of tho water or whey th contain Tho souring process must no bo cap ricd too far lor other changes wouliL occur which would dofeat the object sought IfcontiriUbd too lono the ti fatty mattordlfatipears tlt was for mtry a ppoB ditbet aotdseat oream Mt late JifH tyyealigajuona show lhat adds sr do not corabino vithfat The sourf 4 Ipg process contint4ed atcohol leV 4 m1 formed which fscababla 5ft of eating the f1itiofbutterUj li fciiijr WfjkMl uK Tho first orpam thatrbe wHI makejf Imtter otabettecflavor and hiqlwrjir OT color but it wiU notkeop as woll as if vjl a the creamhad riscii Liam The besttiin fch urn is tho firHs approach of aciaity FW It Uiowhold mllkHbe oirtirned It should bo a litildrsonr tjltiVouUl akotoo JongtocharnjsWW mllk Ncvor keep creamTulitho wheyi mllkvr scpsratcg fromh6 atiff bream ixi bricgit into proper consjattpoy tobe i aotedoaby ihochnrn 1Jurte keep btittajr Ji churned at a jV i lowtcmp rature At85 it should I coVo sSlia and lW llt Cream shonldtiol bekept vtry Iong Mif iA milk camboYBtwdJfonithJaning the cream flfoo clwningiMiiujpeoesBiry Af 7Thebcat xcsult JrOffl chnrnwg era obtained when tlie cream is pressed rather thairground Avlish chur wltha dasher oVerlngabout three fourths of thuyaurfacorjolt the cream12 audhav i8fewjUKnj JQe4 is bestf faucU adashfjr as jt gpea dowm through tho ctoam brings abeavy prcssuro to bear bnlt aad tboglob ltf tills are driven rapidly TiriUythe side elaitioglobe encased ajale unclastio membrane Bjitt jrchurijd by lno tlonissalveyv Silt ilota color butteP as maybe i easily proved bys forlfing it une1 i qualiy when ihe lignt stmis will be lound fresh i4 i i Water is betterthan mi for wasj jiVa A ing butter it should to washed ist tho churn while the fcrumbs are boV a larger than peas Heating sonrcreoam to 80 andthea cooljnjf makes I Earlr bul oUyt ytrw.

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