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Pasadena Independent from Pasadena, California • Page 27

Pasadena, California
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POLITICAL NOTES 3,459 IV TRAINING Youth, 20, Wounded in Frat House Fight County to Work Welfare Clients Big Money Sought by 2 Parties Price of 'Dinner Plates' $1,000 By LU SPEHR i Political campaigns cost J'asadcna Police Jail money, lals of it, and bolh ma- jar parties as well as sponsors! n.d opponents of controversial1 propositions on the Nov. 3 bal lot are in the throes of fund- raising efforts. The time honored S100 plate dinner is being upped to 00(1 a-platc for a real donaiii A lot of rond improveinenl will be done by welfare recipients In a county integrate public works projects Willi Presidoni Johnson's war on- poverty. A report by L. ij.

llolliiiger, the county's chief adminis-tralive officer, points out that 3,159 persons were assigned to the Community Work and Training Program during July. Hnilinger.sald that was the latest month for which complete figures have been drawn up. The ohject ol the program is not merely to put people lo work hut to train as many as possible in new skills. Three new projects are under study wilh this in view. "One of these," Hollliiger's report states, "Is of particular interest to the Board of Supervisors.

It would use public assistance clients as crossing guards at school intersections." Also under consideration are enlistment of those on Bureau of Public Assistance rolls -as nursing aids and for mare complicated Jobs In road improvement. Initial projects involve street repair and cement svork, painting ol strccl and barricade signs, washing cars, flagman traffic control and fork lift operation. The crossing guard program is in the pilot stage. Two-other agencies are cooperating the California Highway Pa-ti-ol and the County Crossing Guard Activity Committee. That could save taxpayers dollars.

"This program," tlallingor said, "will allow qualified recipients to supplement and reduce aid payments with actual earnings." The nurses' aid project gets under way Sept. 15 In Los Angeles Caunly General Hospital. This also will be a pilot program, bill it is different from must others in Uiat women will he used. "They will be trained," Hallinger announced, "for a period of eight weeks, after which they may be hired by County Hospital or other employers. If successful, the project will be expanded by which the Rcinibli- cans hope to raise from $2 to million for the 1 ater- Miller campaign, according Henry SalvatDri, state GOP finance co ordinator.

The gold- plaled dinners are lo be held Oct. 1 in 30 or 40 cities throughout the country and al- ready at least 200 tickets have been sold for the affair to be held in Los Angeles, Salvalori One youth was shot and another held far investigation of al-teiripled murder Thursday following an early morning dispute cigarettes at a Pasadena "'fraternity iln St. Luke Hospital with 3. caliber bullet wound in his left" shoulder is Monfe -Ray Edgci'-tun, 20, of 4S3 Wickliffe Drive, an unempl'bye electronics in Pasadena jail is-'I'lwmas Henry 25, also flti electronJcs'warker, wild gave his' address as H10 l-os Roblos Ave. The 1:15 a.m.

shooting occurred at the Los Robles Avenue address, listed 'as the home Sigma. Epiilon. Chi, reported by police to he a "reriogade" fra. icrniry with no official standing. jt'ired Twice told.

-Pasadena detectives R. H. -Smith and Rus-sell Hill that he fired rwo shots yyhen Edge'rton threatened him With a crowbar' in the living room of. the fraternity house. One shot was fired into the ceiling as a warning, Ranczuch the other when came at him with the crowbar, 'i Police said Edgerfrm was struck in the-back of Hie lefti said.

f)e Snbepenbent C-l PASADINA. CALIFORNIA, fKIDAT, SEPT, 4, 144 $3 Million Tab Put on Vnlunleers from more than aOO Democratic dubs in Southern California are planning a door- to-door canvass Oct. 3 and 4 to get small con tribj liens id Is Democrats. Tom B. Airport Carvcy president of the California Democratic Council, By BILL MAYER said that 15,000 volunteers are exacted to ti'riioipuit In Education in State Making Sharp Turn, "Says Rafferty If the county is goine lo buy i two-day program to set a dollar Monte Airport, the SHOOTING SUSPECT Thomas H.

Ranciuch; le'ft, strong that the 76.32 acres which it sits won't come ir lso fruui every Democrat very block and precinct in the Pasadena deletliv i for questioning Southland. Half the total collect- cheap. ling was moved from- a smaMcrprimary goal of education slwuld By WANDA TUCKER of Monte Edqorlo deno' "frai houn during On.ri will be retained in the local ndependenl learned Hill. Detective Rus: all he colored the same watm, districts for I heir campaign Thursday that the facility has Californians, "for good or fori The enthusiastic 'audience at friendly, harmless, gutless shadn iivitics ana the other half will hnen appraised at a wliopping ill, have hilclied their wagons deeping i thoulder. land '-'let's go find a Iln awaken The bullet broke a rib which; Edecrtou was.

reouesled tola cnuch. the meetine sponsored hy the of gray, the state superintcn- bp used in the campaign fo eleel philosophy of educa million. icic were rumors, dent declared. Alliance for a Betler Con the Humphrey ticket in turn partially punctured a hve, as he had heen manyl Hanmii'h said he followed tion in depth," rather than lo Today, he said, there is a rev- ty made it plain' that llicy liked wl ile, llial the i and: in supper! ol Pierre Sahn gri's. Kenaie race.

Carvey an- lung, hospital-spokesmen told times in the past. RanczuchEdgcrlnii downstairs, tellln? police. sajri. to" "gel uul nf here." olulion in education "against bold up action, possibly to lake the controversial superintendent and agree with many of his nnunced. ttns gray flannel tastelessness condition was re-; ilsead, the victim went to "Monte came at me wilh the the old "pragmatic, permissive philosophy," Dr.

Maxwell Rafferty, state superintendent ot public instruction, said Tlnu-s-day night at Monrovia High look. appraisal of Pasrl jviews. iibrted as serious but not criti Sailing into one of his favorite another room to "hum dps- crowbar raised over liis head," al. The slug was removed by Robcrl Wanamaknr's private! themes, Dr. Kafferty stressed llabcrl II.

Welch founder rettcs, and picked up (lie crow-; reported ltnnr7iier as Education, said Dr. Rafferty now undergoing a "piiouom bar from a shelf on the saving. "I fired over his head, iportance of pinnies in and president of the John Birch1 hclinnl. flying field in El Monte was dei-ed hv the board of supc surgery I nursoay. Asked fo Leave il ISO-degree change from the It was then, Ranamvli said, thai he turned around and called llio Inllr mi "R.lHPallno 1llP Society and one ol the most con- Yniill.

nf nalifnmia" broiipht- a i former era of the "lite adjust-! he not his Clin out of a drawer) for belli, then came at leaching of reading and spelling, Iplus the importance of reading" jin all phases of school work I figuies on the Ameri ois Auj. 4 to prevent sale ot tlie land fur ral estate. and stuffed under' his belt, the crnwbar." standing ovation from can political scene today, is to! Wana maker had annnunced1 Finding no one upstairs who Ranezuch told lichee lie might renewed at p.m. iiun- II the .700 persons in the main Seliool administrators who be- Ranczueh told detectives the fight started when Edgcrlon came to his room at the frat house, on the 'edge, of 'his id preventing dropouts. a revival of the field of Ishorlly bclore tliat he was pre auditorium, lo which tlie mcct-'lieve that life adjustment is the day en I he Meet the Press tele pared to give up the airixirt but erton went, flown, lo Hie vliir I thil remnmuer tor sure, uuiy phonics in the lower trades is vision urogram, Lrannel bed, and invited him to gel up' room still carrying Hie two empty sliells wore round.

sweeping thc sclsools, and I.hupe Questioning him will he Frank Stanford ttoscarcli Institute reported-it served a vital commu McGee of NBU News, Kowland Evans of the New York Herald- nity r.scd il is, 11. lias nothing to do with politics at all," the superintendent said as he. decried effort lo Jink stress on phonics wilh po At thai point Supervisor Frank Dr. Bower, Altadena Astronomer, Dies at 74 Tribune, Elnlmes Alexander of Bonelli slepped in and painted McNaught Syndicate, Opponents of Pasadena's Urban Renewal Code Map New Strategy litical elements. out thai federal funds could be obtained tor part ot the cosl il ji Spivak, perman- euI member of the Meel-the- tlie county bought thc held.

But Dr. Ernest Clare Bower, 14. noled Altadena astromomer and N' R'8llt nr Mi Press panel. Edwin Newman! appraisal was required. The cosl estimate is lo be pre.

research engineer, died Tuesday alter heart surgery in i Los "ln education, there is no will be moderalnr. advised the city clerk's ol- Thursday by opponents of Pasa- elly genera irin, April 2, Angeles hospital, such thing as right or left. sentcd lo supcr'isors Tuesdhy. II tins week nal to spend dena's urban renewal and hous- laK' Born in Leonidas, Aug. 21, Dr.

Bower attended here's only right or wrong," 1 il Clive Graham, former ol Ihe California Real Es- Pomona College from IEH17 lo lime or money validating the Bisnalures on the peltilions No Validnlioi 1909 and received his rte- slated that small, private airports in liOs Angeles Counly are used by businessmen and indus-! 3 added. Dr. Ralferty said that aeadem-: freedom "cuts belli wavs." ing code enforcement programs. The strategy was. aimed at preventing the approval of an ordinance adopting the i'epner laic Association bid now, as tiled by representatives of 11 City Attorney Wendell tqren in aslrononiv Irnm 1 1 TVoyes Parents Plan Meeting of Ihe fair Employ- Oaks Businessmen's audimembe on an initiative petition calling lUnivcrsiiy of California, Berk Irialists rluetly, and alien tigurci Property Owners' Assneiaf: iment i vote on-urban renewal and Urban Renewed Project and get eley, in 1912.

ractice Commission, ipponenl of Proposif Teachers, he added, should identify their personal beliefs as such and give both sides of is the next I'1 rIlc Home Owners' Protec closing lucrative deals, con-luently, they promote pros code enforcement ting the city to. check signatui tive endeavor (HUlJK). In Ohservafory A get-acquainted coffee hour for parents of Arthur Amos 14 which the CREA is sponsoring, will discuss the proposition I sues and not "promote a certain per jy ano emplDyment. lionelli believes it may be pos Thompson said the wording of '2 HOLIDAYS ON TAP He was associated with the Noyes School pupils will be held the petition was not entirely ideology instead of seeking truth." KNA radio siaoon hl j.jj Sunday. His talk will be U.S.

Naval Observatory in Wash legal and advised that no signa in the school pergolia at today. sible for tltc eminty lo buy andj run three small flying fields 'without tapping the general It takes more than money and carried on 10 other radio sta tures should be validated ington, D.C. for 13 years, after which he taught astronomy and Californians to Get the question was settled by good buildings to make good schools, he said. tions throughout the state at different times on Sunday. fund.

The others are Campton Airport and Wbilcman Airpark. court at Ohio Wesleyan University. He was research as Mrs. H. M.

Bird, PTA hospitality chairman and other members of Ihe organization will host Ihe event. Schools which stress' life ad- Takes Dim View sociate at Lick Observatory Al. three were headed tor sate arlier in the year for subdivi-l justment, competi- Extra Long Weekend Glen l.inscamb. H-24tli from Itm to 133R, during which Weston, PTA president, will sion or industrial development. Howe James n.

n.siric:. has paired Clemen 1. iid disparage report cards blasted by Rafferty, who troduce board members and s'iowj lime he was awarder! his dnc-loralp. in astronomy by thc Uni to ra1c-nresidMl to cole- present the hndgel for approval. California's working mail will have many reasons he''x'1 iomona civn.

iuuci, i lumped them in the progressive thai 54 per cent of Ihe cost could came from (lie Federal Aviation hi ersity of California. iTaVlCHUsr two holidays fall during thai Thompson's opinion and an-. my 0f San Marino, of his icaticn category. It doesn't matter what you He was astronomer-lecturer Aeency. For the rem! nounced he had ordered cimin tii for re-election, inns- I Day.

day is Labor Day and Wednesday suggested a new law to im-. comh is chairman oi me t-au- Program Priiiicr! call II," he sajd, "It's progressive education and progressivi Education is bad education." nose a Ux on aviation fuel users. For many workers il will mean a long weekend, Sa tin-day Renublican delegation Rnsh Hashanah is the hegin attorney, Floyd H. Norris, Tis Angeles, lo seek injunctions to prevenl adoption uf an ordinance approving the Pcnpcr Proiecl Angeles from IMS to JIH2. Later he served as research an-alvst in encineering and aern- nine of 10 davs of penitence and Brochures describing the 20: Congress and is seeking re-elec- Sunday and Monday, County Coimsel Harold Kennedy is arranging now for presentation el a gas lax bill lo Ihe nroerams In be offered prayer and ends 1fi with Him tn his seven in in Search ur Truth dynamicist for Douglas Aircraft and lo Inrce the (rily lo honor Ihe! Tuesday Evening Forum (or Ihe firn.

Neibel is a member of the. (lie observance id roni mppur, and consultant in matnema- The real purpose of educa ISM-ua season are now avail e' Ifinuihlican State Central the solemn Day of the Atone lepsialiire when it convenes January. tics and astronomy for KANLi able. tion, the superintendent said, is day Tuesday and another day off; Wednesday. The observance, of Admission1 Day, Ihe date California was admitted to the uninn.

will be Ihe 114th anniversary of (lie historic date. WanamaHer now is waning Corporation and Nnrlh Aniericanj He said one of the poinls. hisjn smi linsnce chairman attorney would investigale Je Rcpublican Coordinating ment. Brace fur Visitors tlie search for truth. Forum programs begin Ocl.

6 for the county's next move. Aviation. with thc documentary turn "I believe," he said, "and he said he was fed up with His work included visual and "Italy" to be narrated by Carl hali adoption ot Ihe I'epper ouncil Pomona Valley, ng-lby tlie Hoard of City Dire dors isl fad lhal federal funds might tl- uj there's pretty good evidence the Thomsen. nhotoeranhlc eauatonal observ Meanwhile, U.S. forest ers braced llicmsclves for expected visitors harassment hy the El Monle Cily Counci" and others who want his airport operation Season tickets for the forum ations: orbits of asteroids and people believe It too, that oiif schools exist (o leach Ihe good, beautiful, the true." Sail 0 also are now availahle and sell comets.

He was the first to work the Labor Day weekend ir hulled. V0f be cut off for the project If. No. 1, United 1hE on lhe California, has Cahternia ballot passes. Jw 5 am The proposition seeks Id nul.ify nn bj nn9H -However, there is for S2 for Ihe entire series.

Ihe orbit nf Pluto when it Dr. ftafferly added that "ed- Angeles National forest. mark Anyone interested in ol nnte, Ihe holiday; was discovered and extended Forest supervisor William the brochures may obtain tn his compulations to thi ucation has a mnral obligation and a positive charge laid upon her lo reaffirm the principles of Ihe P.nmford Fair Housing Act Arcad; Gor(ion nrownine mli Dresser snid most large camp close ot summer vacation i school youngsters, who return In classes Mondav. Sent. 14.

2000. Si ii dent Ends Hospital Study by calling the Pasadena City iCollogo SYcamore ex- sneak iEiation. Sibbet noled that al- decensy, morality and life n( grounds will he filled laic Fh day afternoon but many small back country campgrounds will ac Politics. Larry Papp is Jfih u'- bv vlsitins Koom Labor Day will be a generalj Altadtman torneys for the federal Housing country, taught to 10 genera chairman of thc committee i 1fjt in the main huilding of Ihe David El. Lehman, 20, son of tions of Americans.

He had lived for 11 years in be available for the weekend. harec of Ihe evenl. On lh and Home Finance Agency have indicated that if the proposi college campus. He sueffcsted campers contact committee arc Dr. Fordyce Altadena where his address 2116 Lavlon St, He Irxik an Dr.

Lester Lehman and Mrs. Ruth F. Lehman, both ot Pasadena, has completed a siimmer rinsing day fur federal, state, county and city bodies. This includes, courts, department of mutor vehicles, libraries, banks, post office, city offices, department stores and most markets. U.K.

forest ranger stafiuns in the Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. tion passes California might be- enme inelispblc for federal urban "For Education '64, nolliing lore than this is necessary, but lining less will do." During a question and answer riod following his Dr. five Dart In civic affairs mere forest for information and maps Frahm, Mrs.

David Goode, Dick Motorists Urged to Turn on Lights renewal aid. and as an outdoor emnusiast to these areas. probing into the worm ol mot-oev 'at Mt. Sinai Hospital. Slirens, Mr.

and Mrs. George Sibbcl said he felt that the sec- Dresser also asked everyone Workman and Harold Commemorating Admission contributed greatly to conserva linn affairs. Rafferty touched on aspect of Supervisor Kenneth Haitn urg- to be careful of fire in Ihe for riav hv closine will be banks. Reservations may be made lion of his initiative that Thomp son feels is illegal is really legal He won me opportunny iludy with Dr. William Bach-I ach of Mt.

Sinai with a $750 Dr. Bower is survived by his education ranging from mod- motorists Thursday to turn est, reminding visitors, open city offices, libraries and de calling Papp at 44E-5ib'J. widow. Lois Gertrude; a daugb' math, which he favors in on their headlights dayti fires are prohtbitcd and smciK-Th(, yltrA prohihit partment of motor vehicles. Ttemainine onen will he post of with traditional meth ter, Mary Dean Spelling of Ma as well as night over Ihe long permitted In approved I I.awrcnro W.

9t-var. gran; from Ihe Los Angeles County Heart Association. A graduate of Pasadena High dison, and a son, Mart; Labor Day weekend. fice, and markets and depart areas only. i ni hki i od cdiDr of the usc ods, lo overcrowding in Califor jnia schools, which he called Bower, a student at

ment stores. School ana i'asaaena ury joi. He said the lights arc minder that highways riena residents couio not pro- bibil" state redevelopment IwlJ'' "disgrace," Funeral services will he pri ileee. he is a sludenl at the Uni A majority of the department Stores will remain open Tues jcrowded and careful driving is vate. Interment will be in versity of California at Berke Urge More Stale Atd Newspaper Circulation essential.

family cemetery ir. Michigan. from doing anythmft. but acdedi lhal the word "prohibit" Is rot lB Commit tee in this initiative California, according Mrs. Carmen H- Warsehaw.

ley, majnnng in cnemisiry. Dr. Rafferty urged his listen-rs to work for more financial id for schools from the Slata day night until 9 for tie venience of shoppers. Jewish Holiday Next week also will find The initiative declares ins chflirmim n( rommiltce. Thc Phones Open 'Cll icommillee will coordinate to relieve thc heavy Offices of the liutrpendent rrmtnrfprf.

"is. kev efforts of the local andj Morris Ankrum, Veteran Director of Pasadena Playhouse, Dies at 67 burden on local taxpayers. state organizations with thai of 1.400 San Gabriel Valley wnr-shiriDcrs ioinins: Jews through and Star-News will he closed ihe wlwle thing." 'what we need, he said, lie said that fedora! and si a lei out the world lo mark the observance of Rosh llas- ithe adoption of a whole new concept aboul financing public law says that a city must pass I in 'We Were Strangers," "Colora iof California at Berkeley, Morris Antrum, a director ofl ordinance saying that a rc- saId hanah, the Jewish New Year. Devout Jews do not creel education, one in which the state local districts are tandem do Territory," "My Favorite He made his Rroadwav dehut the Pasadena Playhouse for ralopment agency "is Fisher has been director of pub Spy," "Tennessee's Partner" any years and later a film for such a program to move with George Arliss in "The Green Goddess." After several partners." and "Earth vs. the Flying Sauc new year with wild revelry.

It Is an occasion for prayer, and a rededlcatlon! d. lie affairs of Ihe State Cenlra! (or the past three jyears. He resides in Manhattan! ers." character actor tn Hollywood, died Wednesday in Huntington Memorial Hospital after a Conversely, he said, if the other plays he foundpd a thea-Irieal slock company in Taeoma Mr. Ankrum leaves his widow. to the service of God and man.

oniy Ainnoay. Commercial advertisers are reminded thai the deadline fo place an ad which will appear in thc Saturday through Tuesday editions must be placed by 4 p.m. today. Ads-. from private parlies will be accepted until 5:30 p.m.

today and Ihe latest p.m. Saturday. Those ads, too, will appear in the Saturday through Tuesday editions, Circulation telephones will he manned Monday from 7 to 10 a.m. and from 4 to 7 p.m. voters of Pasadena approve Ihe initiative saying Ihe CUA is "not Beach.

week's illness. He was S7. Wash. Joan; two sons, David, 17, and' Carey, 14, and a sister, Mrs. Charlotte Bertutci, Cedar Pines.

His connection with Pasadena doctor said Mr. Ankrum Locally the High Holyday season will begin with a special sacred worship service at 8:30 needed," then it can he disband ed without violating slate law. Courl action lo force Secre succnmlied in his sleep to Playhouse began in 1330. Hi: work there led lo film roles. He slressed that he opposes fetleral aid to education, which he believes would lead lo federal control of education.

The slate school superintendent also went on record as being strongly opposed to proposition No. 16, the lottery proposal, which he said would intmdura "a new form of gambling into California." Funeral services will be con- tary ol Slate Frank Jordan to! hearl attack while hospitalized Further, he conl ended fi.m. Sunday at rnsai.cna jew sli Temnle and Center. Anions his nielures were dueled al 2 p.m. Saturday in in intestinal ailment.

He had Pasadena Board of Dirrclors identify Pierre Salinger as the chapel of turner and btc bad a previous heart attack. never passed an ordinancCiCunVjenl on Ihe Nov. ballot "Talcs of Manhattan," "Buck Bennv Rides Aeain," "Reunion! yens, 35 N. Marengo with Sow In Danville, he came Other special rites during Ihe! vcek will include a young pen-: Tile's service at 10-30 a.m. Mon a redevelopment agency has been promised hy Hnger the Ttev.

Edward W. Mills in Vienna," "nesire Me," "The' lo California as a child and was is needed. Thc hoard only passed Kent, Democratic stale chair-a resolution, he said. irnan. Harvey Girls," "Joan of Arc," graduated (roni Ihe University day.".

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