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Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts • Page 8

Fitchburg, Massachusetts
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FITCHBTTTIG DAILY SENTINEL. THTTtSPAY. MARCH 13. BOSTON LETTER if Kill Rlv.r STATE NAY TEST mpoved or men Htn poduImi vtile, th who much pWfii t. ium'1 in allowing it Fm Fht i-f a iur- om lal- ii v.ilc ter of totes uk mui hk thi miundneBg nf the American Army Casualties On Liberty's Battlefield or a proposition atlfkatlon of tho amendment bv the t-unMideiM unanimous udi ipoil fiom committee on coimtltutlonal urn people rail onsen tlon against the soundness of the proposition.

There uio membeis who say that thoy have not favored biennials. Rrma the judgment of the i tlonal convention turn such an uuwor(i bodv to decide tlie fate of the pubht. Labor interests aic foremost this ear, with social improvement and uplift problems. Thus far there has been nothing of ajmpathy with Russian radicalism and no led flag dcmonstia-tlons on the part ol any membcis. buch as iere aeen lrom a lew members' of tho constitutional convention.

But tho end Is a long way off and wo uie not out of the woods jet. as well to tiy them. Tl, Cnnt, lefllsed tO DttSS bill dent 3, mlsnlriK In action 2. wounded to permit the retention in hcrvlcc of valuable public employes after they have reached tho age of 70 years. Senator Hastings of Berkshire urged the Senate to support it for tho good of tho severely 36, wounded degreo undetermined 47, and "ounded slightly Th( Now England.names are Killed in Action Privates Herman Kasklhem, "Worcester; John.

Mayer, Maiden. Died of Wound Corp. Joo Ciserllla, Sagamore Died from Aeroplane Accident There Is a bit of politics being played about tho League of Nations. Renre- njnnhln of dnlne COod DeatbaJfrom accident and other cau-ci are bccortlng very numerous In tho official casualty Hats lrnicil by the war department recently and now tho total under that Jieadlnff is likely to exceed any total "except tho died of dla-easo Which ia always Msli. Tho list Issued today contalrm TI9 names of which 37 are of New EnsUnders.

None of the names are of Fltchburg or vicinity critics or towps. The list Is divided as follows: Dledi of disease 144, Wiled In action 12, died of wounds 13, died of accident or oth-tr causes 30, died In airplane acci sexitatlvo Mai tin Hvs of Boston has A Guilty Judge at Large? Mr. Wilson's bisti Ionic refusal moot Justice Daniel C. Cohalun cm Tuesday night needs some additional explanation. When the piesldqnt ol the United States publicly administers a stinging rebuke of this character to a Judge of.

-tho supiemc couit ol NevV York, he must picsumablv base his action on exact knowledge. If thi assumption Is correct, vvhv has pohal-an been allowed to lemain at largo' What influence Is it that has protected lilm fiom punishment up to the prea-ent time' Providence Journal. Make good tho W. S. S.

pledges put in an oraer mat. senator oe invited to address the House, at his "BONE DRY" ACT Bill Introduced in Rhod (aland Astembly Atkmg for Supreme Court Ruling PROVIDENCE, March 12 An immediate tilling by the supreme court of the United States upon the constltu-tlacallty of tho federal amendment for prohibition is asked for In a resolution Introduced in the General Assembly today by Representative Jacob A- Caton, Republican. It Is understood that It will havo tho support ot the leaders of the floor. The resolution iccites that two auc-ccsslve legislatures of the state have refused to ratify the measure and directs the attorney general to take-bteps at once to secure a final determl-, nation of the constitutionality of the action Qf Congress In proposing the amendment to the states. Tho resolution follows In part: "Whereas the State of Rhode Island from the earliest days of its history has fought the battle of human freedom, declaring by legislative acta its independence of Great Britain two months before the action taken by the National Congress and compelling tne inclusion "In the constitution of the United States of the first 10 amendments constituting the National Bill of Rights, and has never failed to take its convenience, on the League of Nations.

work after that age. But Senator Beck of Chelsea was against It on the ground that it would tend to bring politics into the service and would permit these old employes, whom It is the purpose of the law to get out of office when they are 70 years old, to stand In tho way of promotions by younger persons who are waiting for their posU tions. In vain Senator Hastings cited Ueut. Raymond llesscr, Lowell, Died from Accident end Other Cause Tma seemea to De a move tor tne publicity of our senior senator. It was leferred, under the rule, to the committee on rules, on motion of Mr.

Knee-land of Winchester, who la the ofne.lal Corp Gordon Warren, St. Albans, VL, Privates VIncenzo BrandoUni. New whip of the House and Is supposed to Hften i lUvmon.i SI. vy. Vm Dril Did of Disaas Lieutenants lleniv.

Hoston: Norton, Northampton Scipt Louis Short, Calais, Corp Charles Roberts, Stafford SpnnM, Conn PrlvaU-s Wlllard Pike. Wil-llamstown, John V. Potter Eafit Hartford, Conn Laonard W. Wands, Boston, Walter Poherty, Boston, Clai-pneo B. Huntlov Rockland, Charley B.

Kendall, Camhildgc. Milking in Action Prlv Carmine D'Aloi, South Nor-walk, Conn. Wounded Severely Ivteut. Clarence Scarborough, Windsor, Jesse Fein, Let-inglon. Wounded Slightly Privates Joseph P.

Golden, Allston; Waller Connelly, Boston: Stanton A New comb, East Weymouth CORRECTIONS Wounded. Degree Undetermined, Previously Reported Killed Prlv. Frank Sylvia, New Bedford. Killed in Action, Previously Reported Died Prlv. Harry Fast, New Haven, Conn.

Died from Wounda, Previously Reported Died Prlv William. J. Brallsford, Providence, R. I Mismg in Action, Previously Reported Wounded Severely Prlv. Felix Lereau, Warren Wounded, Degree Undetermined, Previously Reported Missing in Action Prhates Jan Burse, Worcester; Albert Contl, Derby, Arvid L.

Klndstedt, Auburn, R. Alexander Wlrvvas, Lynn. Sick In Hospital, Previously -Reported Missing in Action Privates Wesley Burton, Clinton; Corrado Corradlno, Portland, Me Niles Ctmnmsham, Croton, Jonathan Jacobs, New Britain, Conn. Returned to Duty, Previously Reported Missing in Action 'Privates James Butler Hartford, Joseph Butterfield, Holyoke. LOOK TO AMERICA or marsnai rocn to prove- and in order.

But none the less, the Introduction of the order might have political bearings undeT the present nhHlnad nnsltlnn. Ha vs. hv the wftv. Is said by some of his colleagues to be of "Children Love Cascaret weorew extraction. Therefore there" Is double interest in fhn Intrnrlnetlon of another order in the House this afternoon, bv Mr.

Stone or tfoston, wno is also a Kepumican and a Hebrew, that Speaker Warner be Tart to address tne House on tne sud-leet of the Teaeue of Nations Stone Keep your little Pets healthy, strong and full oi Iplay by giving a harmless candy Cascaret at the first Sign of a white tongue, feverish breath, sour stomach or a cold. Nothing else straightens up a bilious, or constipated youngster like these delight; ful cathartic tablets Only ten cents a box. ernment and in the safeguarding of American UDeriy: ana, "Whereas, it believes that this at- La nf the constitu Is the member on whose initiative the House adopted a resolution in favor of making Palestine a homeland for the-Jews He is a new memfber this year but he has shown such fighting stuff and a disposition to make himself tion by Congress baa created the fol fife SAFE7 'DRUG STOW Formerly RJKER. -J A YNES The utmost courtesy' and consideration towards every customer. No transaction is satisfactory to us that is not satisfactory to the customer.

We are grateful to customers who are interested enough in good serwjc to tell us when they find our service faulty. neara, tnougn ne aoes not noia a candle to Hays In this matter, "who is eas-Hv the most forthDuttlne all the House. Kneeland had the Stone rules, the 'same as Hays'. Doubtless ho end will he that the committee will hold both -till alter the Lodge-Lowell aeDate in sympnony nan next weunes-day evening and then will report that neither of them ought to be adopted That will let everybody down easily and of-course there has been no call to put in the orders anyway, as long as Tjodffe la eolne to sneak in nublic He Inhabitant of Gottschee Would CANDY! could not be expected to make a special speech to the House on the same form neutral Kepuonc unaer a Protectorate. subject.

3 SPECIAL MARCH FEATURES Tomorrow comes the annual recep the Associated Press) Tho inhabitants tion by the Republican state committee to the Republican members of the Legislature bv a dinner at the American tschee. 1.1 Carruola, consisting of one fair sized town and lil Ullages have presented the American commission House. Business dress is the order and the invitation is given on a tasteful card signed by Frank B. Hall of which is in this city studying Austro-i lowing among omer of constitutional rights, to wit: In that it does not amend the system of government erected by said constitution, but cotnplctelv alters and transforms said system; in that the amendment invests Congress with police powers in the1 states hitherto exclusively exercised hy them, and thus constitutes a revolutionary transformation of the government by reason of the extension of the power of the United States, and a compulsory acceptance by the states of a national police rule to be enforced within their borders; and in that such an amendment is contrary to the spirit and system of the dual form ot government erected by the constitution, and instead or being a proper amendment io the constitution, Is destructive of It: and "Whereas, two successive leffis-latuies of the state of Rhode Island havo refused to ratify said lstn amendment, and, "Whereas, it is of incalculable benefit alike to the state and the nation, as well as to everv citizen, regardless of his individual opinion concerning the subject of prohibition, that there should be a prompt, definite and conclusive determination by the highest couits of the Issues Involved that public sentiment thus directed into order channels may patiently await the judicial outcome of these proceedings, ana sane submission to legal processes be substituted for dangerous unrest; therefore, be it "Resolved, that the attorney general of the State of Rhode Island be and is herei.v authorized and directed In the nam. of the state oi otherwise, to comnunce such suit- oi pnn "pdinjrs, Or to talsc such othci Mrps may be neces-Ai In the premises, for the purpose fseounng as m.mptly as possible i di termination of the Supreme Couit ol the United States upon the iiuestiun el the constlt ullonalitv of the mittee.

These functions aie useful holding the party together and making the legislature and the ommittce which elects them reel as it tnev acquainted with each other The committee on constitutional Chocolate Covered Raisin Clusters A wonderfully wholesome, delicious confection. Clusters of large, selected raisins covered with a liberal coat of smooth rich chocolate. Reduced from 59c, during March only 49C Chocolate Covered Almonds A heavy coating of pure, sweet chocolate covering. A fine grade of carefully selected roasted almonds. During March only, Pound 79c amendments has repoi ted against the petition tor restoiacion or annual state elections There ha been a laige num her of signers In favoi of the pioposl- TO MOTHERS! While all ch'ldren detest castor oil," calomel, pill and laxatives, they really love to take Cascarets because they taste like candy.

Cascarets "work" the nasty bile, sour fermentations and constipation poison from the child's tender stomach, liver and bowels ithout pain or griping. Cascaret-? never disappoint the worried mother. Each ten tent box of Cascarets contains directions for children aged one ole anJ r-. ndi'lts ibso'utely safe and harmless! men Some of "hi nrmbeis nr the Senate and hav rvpifurrt their1 Hungarian problems, a memuraiiuum foi Uansmission to Fans and Wdsn- i ington asking permission for the foi- I rnatlon of a neutral republic under the protectorate the American people The memorandum embodies a complaint of oppression bv the Slovene au- tliontiei. It points out that half the population of the Gottsthee district i consists of former emigrants fiom it to the United States, mam of them mer- can citizens, and that the pre-war re-liHons between Gotf-chee and the United States were such that the dollar circulated nearly mu li is the iirmwi and accept, ewtyonc WORLD-WIDE PLAN Russian Soviet Government Plot-ting to Spread Communist I Revolution Everywhere.

I LONDON, Mai eh 11 The Russian I soviet government, with view to promoting a plan fm a wild -wide communist revolution, has i jointed i new Tl-tllU- ol Congreyi in pio intendment to 1h tl Unitt-d States." Assorted Cream and Nut Wrapped Carmels Fresh, right from our own factory. Some are piain vanilla, others chocolate; some with a layer of marshmallow, and then some with chopped nuts ground in. Reduced from 59c, during March only ACkg pound '-I UK, The preMuenu is to oe for his refusal 'to confer with an Insn al commissaiy" according to a Hoi-slngfois dispatch to the Mall quoting advices from Moscow. The new minister is a Swiss nameu. Moor who was a fnend of Lenlne and delegation inai niumcu uuu6o lan of Nc York.

Cohalan was mixed Verification of Savings Bank Books I he attention of the DEPOSITORS in the following SAV-BWlo i luuln i-jllcd tn the provision of Section 4 of Chapter nf tin" Ut- of l'X)8, requiring VERIFICATION Ol- THE BOOKS OK DEPOSI during the present year, and they are respectfully requested to hand or bend in their books, for this, purpose during the months of MARCH and APRIL, 119 Worcester North Savings Institution, Eitchburg, Mss. Leominster Savings Bank. Orange Savings Bank. KiUhhurg Savings Bank Xoith Middlesex Saving- B.iuk of Aver, Mass. Athul Savings Bank Kraiiklin Savings Institution, Greenfield, Mass.

Go where you will, you will find no bet-w ier'siand-bu" food than QrapeNuts Delicious and economical up entiiely too aoep wun vun ocu-Lstorff. He is tho type of citizen whose Tiotzkv when they lived in Mnnr Is said to have been given ordinate lo his hatred for Gi Br'- unlimited finahciaL and political powers at Moscow. His undei -secretary Is ieporiel to be a foimcr French my rajitain named Sadoul, who went to Russia with the Kicnch Socialist lead lenemv nf Ins country New Mdfonl POPULAR TOILET NEEDS er Albert during me log aim attnhiited to a "Bri- Cooperative stoics me urgetl as a menus nf meeting the coM of living. md" of TL-lntclierin, the Bol- Good idea, but nnihpr they am foreign minister. Arnolin Powder 48c La Blache Powder 59c Bathasweet 45c.

85c Colgate's 18c, 25c Comfort Powder 23c, 45c Djer Kiss Powder 65c, 1 10 Freeman's Fate Powder 25c Java Rice Face Powder 40c Mennen' Talcum 18c Getting Norway' Trade. CHK1STTANIA, Wednesday Maieh i2 Tli' impoi tation of Amci ican-made D. 4 Cold Cream (tubes) 10c. 20c, 45c Gouraud's Oriental Cream 11-35 Hind's Honey 4 Almond Cream 45c, 98c Hudnut Marvelous Cream SOs, $100 Malvma Cream. SOe 439443 MAIN STREET 439-443 MAIN STREET 439-443 MAIN STREET GIRLS! MOISTEN A CLOTH AND DRAW ii ns foi the home factones aie is declared as Nonvegian Viprririn i nmpany witli i cTpital no nfiil Wi in in i lids to i stH.Nl-.utMK-, in Vorw.n om i lie Ameiua: "0Md IT THROUGH HAIR FITCHBURG Dress ffflLW" I 6001XS ST01 becomca beautifully toft, wavy, Daiaitw MLZTRADINO 1 S9i Paftavnc abundant and glouy at once.

Europe Not Bankrupt, A dispatch fiom Paris avoii that 'an American financier connecteti with the peace miion said it should lie admitted that Kurope is vutnally bank-lupt and she might as well hang out the red flag" (piesumably the emblem). After the voidest and wildest allowance for the plav of sui-face conditions it is safe to sav Europe neither is bankrupt nor could become 30 Her condition fundamentally haid-iv rednre.R heT to the alternatives ot AT THE AskforCopy Now Ready Save your hair! All dandruff goe and hair stop coming out. confiscation of capital or a. prostrating Surely try a uanoermc Cleanse" if you wish to immediately Jonteel Face Powdet 50c Jonteel Combination Cream 50c Colgate's C. Soap 10c, 25c Cuticura Soap 23c Jergen's Violet Glycerine Palmolive Soap 10c Packer's Tar Soap 22c Pear's Glycerine (scented) Poslam Soap 25c Resuiol Soap 23c Woodbury's Facial Soap.

-2U Jonteel Odor 123 Jonteel Talc Powder. 25c Pond's Cream 50c Palmolive Cream, 4Ac Pompeian Night Cream 70c Packer's Charm 25c. 501 bempia i.iovlne KPc Saxolite 05. Jtmteel Cream 50c Bibcock's Corylopsis Talcum L'Oc 40c double tne Deauty oi yuui moisten a cloth with Dandenno and lncjceae in taxation, Tvhicn wouta dc the' same thing. Red flag1? hav been freelv waved In Europe They aie popularly the accredited standard of what Is called Bolshevism.

They are also the insignia of a propaganda, both economic and diplomatic, uhlch no longer can appeal to military force Yet the familiar emblem of the auctioneer will wave over the capitals Of Our 1919 Ginghams and Chambrays IS THE PERFECT WASH FABRIC It is unexcelled for such purposes as House and Outing Dresses, Children's School Clothes, Boys' Wash Suits, Rompers and Creepers. It comes in beautiful plaids, in plain colors and in neat, artistic stripes and checks. Colors are absolutely fast. surpassed in wearing qual" ity, color and finish. Special Values at 29c, 39c and 49c yard taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil in a few minutes you will be amazed.

Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an Incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderme dissolves every Europe. It is conservative to say the Chocolate Pudding particle of danaruir, invigorates mo scalp, stopping itching1 and falling hair Coffee Fresh roasted high-grade Breakfast Coffee, regu productive oevciopnitsm. nun tion of the United States in tho past 50 yeais has unearthed, wasted, distributed and expended more wealth than has been produced and organized from the continent of Europe in a century. The war-devastated area Is a rela-Uvcly small though intenslvo portion Of tho whole- continent, grievous and nlmost Irreparable as has been the is-Hoion tn the Individual and to local larly sold showeis of rain and sunshine are to vegetation It goes right to the roots, invigorates and sti engthena them Ita exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. a pouna.

rnoay pOMC3Esl and Saturday only pkga. 1 -for Tea districts. Tire continent is a.uie lui lustrous hair, ind lots of it, if you will spend a few cents for a bottle of Knowlton's Danderme at any drug feed herself from the products of her own soli. Were it a case of dire mlirht even make shift to clothe lietself. There is not the least Unsweetened Chocolate For booking and baking.

Regular, per cake, 30c, Liggett! Opeka COCOa Tea i noted for Regular price, it delightful half 30c. Fn- flor "nd P1'-j ant aroma Reg. day and Saturday price hM lb 2.31 Kicp It lnokir New Spring Wash Goods The Voiles are colored as the Rainbow beautiful in their fresh Newness, plain colors and very odd patterns stamp them one of the favorite fabrics this season. Per yard 50c, 75c and $1.00 probability that anv European iraue ur economic ledcue will be formed to un dertake such an extreme and medieval thing as self-sustenance independent of the markets of the world. But the undeveloped preponderating potential wealth of the continent In minerals, in foodstuffs, construction moterini nlarps he.r.

as Divine Provi dence has with its own vast and ma TO INSTANTLY RtLIIVt STOMACH GAS AND INDtOMTION- OR YOUR. Of course, you'll want to fashion your Garments according to the most correct designs, and to that end, we suggest the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns I hrse Patterns are the favorite of nearly all dressmakers, and easy to use Home Journal Patterns do not materials. jestic economies placed all continental groups, beyond actual want. A tremendous task of financial and credit reorganization awaits the bankers of the world, a mission comparable to any to which the energies of men have been dedicated. The task will be accomplished.

In its accomplishment Europe may need renewals and extensions. But faith In her future, knowledge of her real resources, will lighten the task of rcmobilizlng her industries and distributing the burden of her liabilities. Little will be achieved in this field by "Americnn financiers" who throw up their hands and cry out "Europe is bankrupt." Wall Street Journal, Corner Main and Pritchard Sta. NERVES taMrtlT iffM that KAt-PHO rdb.iwi Sale of Dress Fabrics, Black and Colored, on Special Table Yd. 69 Buy Thrift Stamp Every One Sold Helpt Uncle Sam.

The March Nufnber Home Journal the Beat Ever, 15f copy. A wonderful book for the prico. Try I Klph It (old bv Brooki' fhartnacr..

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