The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina • 12
- Publication:
- The News and Observeri
- Location:
- Raleigh, North Carolina
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- Page:
- 12
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
the the the the the the the the the 12 NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH. N. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1927. LINDY SEES HIS OLD INSTRUCTOR Bumps Into Bill Winston, Wake County Pilot, at Albany, and Has Long Chat Colonel Lindbergh doubtless is meeting many surprises on his tour of the country, but one of the greatest was his unexpected meeting with his old army flying instructor, William Winston, at Albany. The event was chronicled at length in the Albany papers.
Winston, native of Wake county, of late has been engaged in making an aerial survey of the Sacandaga reservoir basin at Glen Fails, New York. addition to being greeted warmly by the noted flyer at the field, Lindy spent an hour reminiseing with his former instructor at his hotel suite after the day's formal program was over. The Albany newspaper men who were on the scene described the event graphically--nor did they stop with next morning the Tar Heel's photograph that of his famous pupil were prominently displayed. Winston. had some difficulty in getting through police lines until Lieutenant P.
R. Love, a classmate of Winston's and now acting as escort for Lindbergh, alighted from his plane, He recognized the Tar Heel, and rushed for him. The "Knickerbocker Press" describes what followed: you doing a up "Hello there, old boy, what are greeted him. "The Southerner explained his mission and added hopefully, "Do you suppose I can get to see the Colonel?" 'Get to see the Lieutenant laughed easily. 'Well, I guess.
'Slim' will be tickled to death to see you. We've never forgotten you taught us down at Brooks Winston, according to the story, then became a member of the party, chatted and reminisced with young man he had taught army flying and had not seen in the three years followed. Winston's South was in a Curtiss airplane, speeding motion pictures of the Lindbergh flight to Southern distribution centers. He stopped in North Carolina at Pope Field, as the Raleigh landing field' had not been completed then. ANSWER IS FILED IN FALSE ARREST SUIT R.
B. Gamble Denies That J. B. Coburn Has Been Damaged In Any Sum Thomas W. Ruffin, counsel for R.
B. Gamble in the suit of J. B. Coburn against Gamble for ten thousand dollars for false arrest filed the answer of Mr. Gamble yesterday in Wake County Superior Court.
It denies all the allegations on the strength of which the plaintiff alleg's improper and unjustified arrest and denies that the plaintiff has been damaged in any sum. It avers on the other hand that the defendant has been caused weeks of worry on account of Coburn's aid and assistance given to J. K. Alexander in concealing the automobile of the defendant. The complaint recites in great detail the circumstances by which Coburn is said to have come into temporary possession of Gamble's automobile and to have exercised, according to the answer, remarkable ingenuity and perverseness in preventing ble from getting it again, the course followed by Coburn resulting in having him arrested.
The answer contends that Mr. Gamble has been ill used all around as the removal of his car from the garage by Alexander followed his going on Alexander's bond and keeping him from spending a night in jail. TANGLED THREADS END IN DOUBLE SUICIDE Jackson, August tangled threads of 8 sordid matrimonial mix up which led to the death of a man and his bride of four months after her later marriage to a third person were being The two found today in a unwound tonight. here, thicket several miles from Jackson. The girl wife was identified as Ella Taylor, 20.
The man, known here as E. L. Maderis, Lexington, Oklahoma, was described in a note found near them AS being Wade Smith, of Noble, Okla. A brother of the girl said that the two had married four months ago and had separated. After the separation, he said, Julius W.
Sirmon had married tue girl, leaving her the day after the wedding. Records showed that 8 marriage license had been issued for Sirmon and Ella Taylor Maderis. MONSIGNOR DENNEN INJURED IN ACCIDENT Wilmington, Aug. 11. (AP).
Monsignor Christopher, Dennen, pastor of St. Pro-Cathedral, here was injured when the priest's automobile overturned near here today. At the hospital this afternoon at was stated that an examination showed Monsignor Dennen was suffering from 8 fractured rib and other injuries but that his condition was not serious. Investigation of the accident by Deputy Sheriff Tindall showed, it was announced, that the automobile went off the pavement onto a sandy shoulder and skidded, a tire coming off a wheel and causing the car to overturn. Monsignor Dennen was pinned under the car until passing motorists could extricate him.
A Negro servant received a broken ankle in the accident. Monsignor Dennen was returning from Wrightsrille Beach when the accident occurred. Coolidge Makes Appointment. Rapid City, S. Aug.
Johnson, of Oklahoma, was appointed today by President Coolidge to be assistant Secretary of State. Blanche McCade, Terror Of Police, Dies in Jail Blanche McCade played in tough luck. She never was quite wicked to attain big headlines, but enough to spend many her days constantly she, was just, wicked in jail. She yesterday in Wake county jail. Her passing was an epoch in police circles, where Blanche has been known for years.
She was one of old vice East Raleighthe most notorious, residents of the constantly at war with other women who aspired to leadership in the crimson colony. She was known and she was feared by many a swarthy cop-and it used to be a saying about that no policeman singly would out to town, arrest Blanche McCade. True, they usually went in a squad when the burly woman was to be brought in. One of her favorite tricks was to open up the faucete in her cell and flood the jail. She bore constant surveillance.
Blanche had a weakness for strong drink. It worked to the extreme embarrassment of Governor Cameron Morrison on occasion. Local police were attempting to take Blanche, to the Yarborough house. she In balked--sat down upon the pavement and refused to move. A crowd gathered, enjoying the spectacle, and through it pushed His Excellency, just alighted from his limousine.
Blanche spied him and immediately turned her wrath from the police to the Governor, screaming unprintable epithets at him. Finally Blanche was lugged to jail and was given another sentence for disorderly conduct. On another occasion she refused SOY BEAN MEN END CONVENTION Meet Next Year at Lafayette, Given Fine Welcome at Elizabeth City Elizabeth City, Aug. of the Americai Soy Bean Association tonight concluded what delegates and officials termed the most suecessful field convention in the history of the organization. At the closing meeting, held in Christ Church parish house, officers and the convention place for the coming were chosen, subject to ratification at the executive session of the association at the International Live Stock show in Chicago in December.
The selections were: Taylor Fouts, Camden, president; Walter Goudchoux, New Orleans, vice president, and W. E. Ayres, Stoneville, Miss. The convention recommended that next year's field sessions be held at Purdue University, LaFayette, Ind. Lectures on various phases of soy bean culture and moving pictures on the bean and en the Japanese per simmon now being introduced in the gram tonight.
United States, concluded the The lecturers were: Dr. R. Y. Winters, of Raleigh, director of State Experiment stations in North Carolina, and Prof. K.
E. Beeson, agronomist at Purdue University. Arriving here in automobiles in the afternoon from Washington, N. over the Virginia Dare trail, the visitors were entertained at a luncheon at the Fair Grounds, at which F. P.
Latham. of Belhaven, president, presided. The association was welcomed by J. C. B.
Ehringhaus. of this city, whom Latham introduced as a "future Governor of Carolina." In the afternoon, the delegates toured lower Pasquotank county, visiting the principal soy bean farms. Many in the convention body expressed themselves as having been impressed by more the fact that universally the beans here than anywhere else in the United States. Mr. Latham declared tonight that on his trip through the northeastern counties today he had seen the best section in North Carolina, and probably in the entire southeast, from the standpoint of intelligent crop diversification.
also that he had observed abundant proof of He, the benefits derived from the soy bean in soil improvement in this section, and in increased prosper- ity. Former King George Attacked. Vienna, newspaper dispatch Theresiopel, JugoSlavia, states that the former King of Greece, George II, while en route from Bucharest WAS attacked at Nagy-Kikinda, Jugo-Slavia, by bandits, who fired several pistol shots at him but without hitting him. The Assailants are said to have been arrested. to mount steps to the jail.
Deputy Sheriff Stell and other officer assayed to carry her up, Stell holding her feet. Several steps up the woman doubled herself into a knot and let fly her feet at the pit of Bud's stomach. They that worthy officer tumbled down the stairs. But again Blanche went to jail and served her time. She was in jail when she died, but she was not serving time.
Destitute, she was a public charge and the jail her haven. Her last sentence was imposed July 5 for 30 days. While serving it she became so ill that she had to be moved to Rex Hospital. About three weeks ago she was sent back to jail after doctors, had shaken their heads. Hinnant and Mrs.
Hinnant administered to her and endeavored in every way to her last days comfortable. Death nt 9:10 o'clock yesterday Blanche, dying, was but a shadow of Blanche in her prime. Associates said she lost a hundred pounds during her last illness. Whatever opulence she acquired was lost in her declining years, and actual want stalked her months before her death. Jailor Hinnant said the woman apparently was forsaken by her old associates, but that she was visited by number of relatives and a spiritual adviser before the end.
Death was attributed to cancer. Her body lay at an undertaking establishment last night awaiting some relatives to claim it. If it is not claimed it will be buried at the County Hospital cemetery. THINK COOLIDGE MAY BE DRAFTED Secretary Work and Other Republican Leaders Visit President Rapid City, S. Aug.
-Whatever President Coolidge intends to do next year regarding the Republican nomination, a group of his friends, including a cabinet member, a Senator, a governor and several congressmen who were his guests today predicted that he would run if the convention nominates him. They all were convinced that Mr. Coolidge meant exactly, what he said in his statement that "I do not choose to run for President in 1928," but the opinion was held by some of them that the President would be drafted, and they all agreed that if he were, he would run. The group which visited at the summer White House today included Secretary Work, Senator Fess, of Ohio, Governor Fisher, of Pennsylvania, Representative William E. Hull, of Illinois, Knutson and Selvig, of Minnesota, and M.
C. Brush, president of the International Marine Association, old friend of Mr. Coolidge. William J. Donovan, assistant to the Attorney General, also WAS present but he declined to discuss politics.
of this group who expressed their sentiments to Mr. Coolidge regarding his choice not to run, the President replied substantially, it was said, that "this is not a one man country." "Ten years is a long time for any man to be President. There are several men who would make good Presidents." The most outspoken of the group were Senator Fess and Representative Hull. Both predicted that the convention would deadlock and that Mr. Coolidge would be named in spite of his statement.
likely," Mr. Hull added, "that Mr. Coolidge will be nominated for President in 1928, just a8 was nominated for Vice President in 1920." Amplifying this declaration he said that there possibly would be no concerted effort to nominate Mr. Coolidge but that out of 8 clear sky his name would be proposed and acclamation would result. Senator Fess declared that the President could not decline to run if the nomination were forced upon him, something he held likely.
Mr. Brush, the President's old friend, said this when asked his opinion of the statements: "In twenty-five years I have known Coolidge, he has althe, ways been right." Governor Fisher volunteered that the President, by his statement has not put up a definite bar to being drafted," and Secretary Work declared that no one can foretell "what will happen on March 4, 1929." A Few More DRESSES AND COATS AT $10 and $15 All Summer Hats $1.00 WEARING APPAREL WAKE HIGHWAY SUIT UP TODAY Restraining Order Returnable Before Judge Sinclair In Wake Superior Court The restraining order the Wake County Commissioners against the State Highway Commiesion to prevent the Commission from taking over three roads in Wake county, is returnable before Judge N. A. Sinclair in the Wake county Superior court at 12 o'clock today. Answer to the suit will be filed this morning, Charles Ross, assistant Attorney General, assigned to the State Highway Commission, stated.
The three roads which the county seeks to permanently restrain the State from taking over are the proposed Durham- Forest highway, proposed route from Raleigh to Creedmoor, and the road from Erwin to Cardenas. The Wake County Commissioners claim that the Highway Commission is not acting in accordance with the 1927 highway act which directs the commission to act in co-operation with road governing bodies of counties, but charges they are acting in direct opposton to the oounty commissioners. The complaint also charges favoritism to Durham, home of John Sprunt Hill, commissioner from this district. The Highway Commission is expected to take the position that the 1927 highway act did not take the power to locate roads from the Highway mission Commission, must locate and that roads the with Coma view to the welfare of the State at large, and of this section as well as that of the county. WEATHER HOLDING AIRPLANES IN PARIS Quarrel Between Levine and Drouhin Breaks Out Again Paris, August 11.
-(AP) -The local weather improved so much today that the aspiring trans-Atlantic fliers began to talk during the afternoon about the possibility of hopping morning. off Later for weather America ceived at Ie Bourget flying field, however dampened the ardor of the pilots with the exception of Leon Givon, who adhered to his purpose of taking the air early tomorrow in the "Blue if he finds the weather improved by then. Neither the "Blue Bird" nor the American plane Columbia can take off before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, it was stated, because their barogrophs have not been properly sealed by the Aero Surthermore, the Columbia's barograh was found to be broken today and will have to be replaced. Meantime the storm is said to have broken out again between Maurice Drouhin, French pilot of the Columbia, and Charles A. Levine, her owner, who is to be a passenger on the trans-Atlantic flight.
Drouhin, after a short visit today at Le Bourget, where he looked the machine over, returned to Paris for rest, but was got out of bed by a messenger from the airport who stated that Levine had had the contact points of the spark plugs removed from the Columbia. THIEVES BUSY HERE; THREE CARS STOLEN Automobile thieves were active in last night, and as result, Raleigh, cars were' reported missing to the police, all within a hour. All three owners had their car stolen while they were attending picture shows. There were two Chevrolet tourings and one Ford roadster missing. T.
C. Johnson, of Hertford, was the owner of the Ford. Walter H. 3136 Stanhope Avenue, and John B. Freeman, 2 Dixie Drive, each lost a Chevrolet touring car.
Negro Shot as Officers Were Taking Him to Jail John Rogers, Negro, is being held without bond on a charge of emptying a shot gun in Arthur Howard, another Negro, while two members of the police force had Howard arrest. The load of Raleich, shot lodged in Howard's back, just above the hips. The shooting occurred about 3 o'clock yesterday morning just after Howard had been arrested in Watson Field section. The load of shot barely missed Sergeant George Glover who had the man under arrest. Howard is in St.
Agnes Hospital in a dangerous condition. -The shooting of the prisoner was a sequel to a fight at the home of Mary Harris, Negress, in the Watson, Field section. Sergeant Glover and Captain J. A. Gargis were patroling that section when sounds of the dising quiet.
As they neared the house order distrubed the early morn- they heard a pistol shot. They found that the Harris had been shot. Howard was placed under arrest but other Negroes who had engaged in the brawl escaped. Sergeant Glover started to the police car with Howard while Captain Gargis gave pursuit to one of the departing combatants. Meanwhile, RUM RUNNER WAS AFTER COAST GUARD CUTTER Florida 'Pirate' Planned 'Walk The Plank' System For U.
S. Agents Fort Lauderdale, Aug. (AP)-Twentieth century revival of the pirate custom of forcing his prisoners to "walk the plank" had been planned by Horace Alderman, rum runner, if his sea battle with the Coast Guard cutter C. a few Robert days E. ago Weech, had been Alderman's successful, Companion, has disclosed in an affidavit.
Officials who made the document public, said Weech charged it was Aldreman's plan to capture the Coast Guardsmen, carry them far out to sea and make them the plank" in true pirate style, after which he was to return to sink the cutter. Robert K. Webster, secret service operator, and Sidney Sanderline, Coast Guardsmen, were killed instantly during the fight at sea which followed capture of Alderman's rum vessel by the Coast Guard cutter. Victor A. Lamby, motor machinist, died today as a result of injuries received in the fight, while Jodie L.
Holtinsworth, another Coast Guardsmen, is in a hospital here seriously wounded. The clash occurred 35 miles off the Southeastern coast of Florida. Thousands of opossum skins are being sent from Australia to this country this season. according to police, one of the Negroes had gone to a nearby house and obtained the shotgun. He returned and, unnoticed, entered the rear of the house.
He made his way to the front of the house and, taking aim, shot Howard. Captain Gargis, at the side of the house, saw the man, whom he identified as Rogers, run around the corner of the house. Gargis shot once at the prisoner's assailant ande chased him for some distance. officer fired but once at the Negro, he said, as several Negro women were standing nearby and he didn't wish to take any chances of injuring them. The man made good his escape but yesterday afternoon police were advised that Rogers could be found at C.
C. Jolly's store on Haywood street. He was soon placed under arrest but stoutly denied that he fired on Howard. Captain Gargis, however, identified him as the man he saw running from the house, gun in hand. Police are now on the trail of other participants in the brawl at the Harris woman's home and expect to have them in custody shortly.
The Harris woman was only slightly injured, the bullet barely grazing her neck. SHERIFFS WILL MEET NEXT IN RUTHERFORD E. D. Hunt, of Granville, Reelected President A. Glover Secretary Wilmington, Aug.
the invitation of Rutherfordton for the 1928 meeting place and electing officers for the ensuing year high sheriffs of some fifty-odd counties of North Carolina adjourned their annual meeting at Wrightsville Beach this afternoon and many turned to the gayety of the "Feast of Pirates" before starting on their return, home. The North Carolina Association of County Sheriffs convened its 1927 convention Wednesday morning and throughout the sessions, discussed problems of importance throughout the 'State especially in regard to the tax collecting systems being employed. Institution for wayward girls in each county was a lively topic discussed and several endorsements were recorded. Final disposition of the matter is expected to be made at the Rutherfordton meeting following investigation by a special committee. Hunt of Oxford was reelected president and O.
A. Glover of Wilson was re-elected secretary and treasurer. Other officials were also re-elected. The president of Argentina was recently asked to arbitrate a strike of sugar mill workers. Watch This Paper Sunday! For Announcement Of Our Formal Opening Mulligan Furniture Company 112 W.
Hargett Street Phone 571 "A WONDERFUL FLAVOR" Awarded Highest Honors Gold Medal Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition A GOOD delights grocer to Look at the package -yet Orange it Pekoe costs sell his customers Banquet Orange only a fraction of a cent a cup. There's Pekoe Tea because he knows its won- no economy in cheap tea. derful flavor will bring them back. If grocer cannot supply you, your Good tea is the cheapest. Ask for write for free sample and booklet, "A genuine Banquet Orange Pekoe.
You'll Wonderful Flavor." Give name and adget an orange canister full of the dress of dealer. selected hill -grown tea that brews Teapot coupon in all packages (exa sparkling, amber beverage with cept 10c size) explain how you can "A Wonderful secure the Banquet Percolator Teapot Orange Pekoe. The only Extra Fancy illustrated below. McCORMICK COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. EXTRA FANCY JET Orange TEA High Grade India Tea as Advertised." TAR HEEL HEADS NAVY RECRUITING Lieut.
George Mills Commands Local Station, Carolinas Headquarters The new assignment by Department gives the Navy Recruiting station in Raleigh a native Heel as its head. He is Lieutenant George H. Mills, who succeeds Lieutenant. B. H.
of the Colyear, Recruiting who has Station been for two years. Lieutenant Mills is a native of Rutherford county, and a 80n of John C. Mills, long Democratic leader and State Senator from Rutherford county. Lt. Mills entered the Naval in 1914, and served three Academy, the New.
Mexico, helping to put it in commission. His last tour of duty was as Flag Secretary to Admiral Irwin. Lt. Mills and wife arrived yesterday and are living at 14 N. Boylan avenue.
Lt. and Mrs. Colyear left Inst, Lt. night Colyear on a in visit Arkansas. to the He parents will leave shortly for Manila and will serve under Admiral Bristol, who is in command of the Pacific Fleet.
They have made many friends during their stay in Raleigh. "We leave Raleigh with pleasant memories and hope to return one of these days," said Lieutenant Colyear as he was leaving Raleigh. People here reciprocate the sentiment. More than 1,500,000,000 government postal cars were used in thin country in the past year. Children Cry For CA CASTORIA When Baby Complains.
There are many ways a baby has of expressing any pain or irregularity or digression from its normal condition of health and happiness. A short sharp cry, a prolonged irritated cry. Restlessness, a constant turning of the head or of whole body, fretful. In these and other ways a baby tells you there is something wrong. Most mothers know that a disordered stomach, or bowels that do not act naturally are the cause of most of baby's sufferings.
A call for the doctor is the first thought, but in the event of any delay there should be ready at hand a safe remedy such as Fletcher's Castoria. Castoria has been used for baby's ailments for over 30 years and has merited the good will of the family physician in a measure not equaled by any other baby's medicine because of its harmlessness and the good results achieved. And remember this: Castoria is essentially a baby's remedy and not a cure-all for every member of the family. What might help you is too often dangerous when given to a babe. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Tote here Proven directions on each package.
Physicians everywhere recommend it. Genuine Palm Beach and Mohair Suits Very Special at $9.75 each Sizes Up to 50 GI On the Corner--Wilmington and Exchange Streets--Out of the High Rent District. PIGGLY WIGGLY QUALITY PRICE PEANUT BUTTER 16-oz. Pail 22c MAYONNAISE ELGIN Quality, Jar. 10c 1,000 ISLAND DRESSING ELGIN Quality, Jar 26c KAY, Delicious For Salads And Sandwich Spread 26c BREAKFAST BLEND COFFEE The Good Kind, Per lb.
36c OLEOMARGARINE Elgin Nut, Just Like Butter, 27c SUGAR CURED HAM Cut in Half or Whole. Per lb. 28c PORK CHOPS Fresh and Lean. Per lb. 28c Too hot to cook! You will find in our Sanitary Markets in all our stores, Sliced Tongue, Minced Ham, Boiled Ham, Sliced Dried Beef, Meat Loaf, Summer Sausage, Potato Salad, Cabbage Slaw, Pickles and many other ready-to-serve food items..
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