Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa • Page 4
- Publication:
- Quad-City Timesi
- Location:
- Davenport, Iowa
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Sunday MORNinb THE DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT AND LEADER January 20, 1929 ned to open Club and Social Announcements unclaimed estates, and 1223.55 in unclaimed court costs to the county treasurer's office as part of the year's business. $21,110 FINES PAID IN 1928 MONDAY Mrs. If. M. Kailsback of Moline, member Tri City Garden club.
Mucsse issued four permits calling for expenditures totaling Permits calling for completion of to cost $500 or more were issued as follows: I. W. Sears, new store front at 312 Brady street. Sailer Construction Co, Oscar Bluemer, 2428 North Division street, repair of fire damage. 1,200: ttoy A.
I.indberg, apartment at 2030 34 West Fourth street, 11. CONSTRUCTION OF COMMUNITY CENTER URGED speaks before homo department Flower borders for Color Effect," Auditorium. 2:30 p. iu. Garden auxiliary sponsors the program.
Unitarian Church Drama club reads "The King's Henchman." Miss Freda Schricker as leader, Mrs. Louis Wunschel and Kent Gannett, soloists; Mrs. Ross Lee. reader. SEEK ELECTION LEGALIZING BILL Tics Moines.
Jan. IS. (AD A hill to legalize a special election held In Ogden. Iowa. Dec.
1 1 to ex (cud the municipal waterworks system and to issue bonds to finance the project, was introduced in the state senate yesterday. A bond issue is imolvcd. In the election only 81 votes were cast with or, for the proiwsition and 14 against it. This was not sufficient number of votes cast, compared with the last regular municipal election, to constitute a valid election, and a legalizing act of the legislature is required to give the special election validttj'. BUILDING FOR WEEK IS FAIR; Music Students club study meeting wun mrs.
Clellan boulevard. Camp McOellan. 2:30 p. m. Clerk of District Court Files Report of Fees, Fines for Year.
Kines and bond forfeitures collected thru the district court in VJ2S totaled $21,110. according to a 'repoit compiled Saturday by Emil 'P. Sclnoder. clerk of the court. Fines and hail forfeiture for the last six months of the ear totaled "S12.4C0 District court fees exclusive of fines aud bond forfeited, collected by Mi.
Schroder's office for the Period ending Dec. TUESDAY. Tuesday club meets with Mrs. G. F.
Marshall of Main street. Clionian club meets with Mrs. George Inncs, Mrs. Henry Kellogg having paper of afternoon. Miss Virginia Fredericks.
Boston. field secretary Young Peoples work the Unitarian church, speaks at church. Mrs. J. H.
Ells has review of Kmil Ludwig's "Genius and Charac at meeting S. L. A. club. 2:30 p.
at home Mrs. Fred Finch. Hernion More speakrs on "Art" at Art Gallery, 2:30 p. before members Club of Eighty Nine, the ladies go later to home of Mrs. C.
Waterman on Kirkwood boulevard for tea. WEDNESDAY. Outing club has mid weekly informal dinner dance. Miss Marjone Moses becomes bride Lawrence Flaherty. THURSDAY.
Friendly House Players present "Laff That Off' at Friendly House evening 'performance. Mrs. S. E. Kemler speakrs on "Shopping in Ceylon at Quota club TOTAL $32,700 Ml.ll.
Miiii m'slnM. where tlic young pen plo could gather to dance or and (lieir parents would know the; line. With such an auditorium Davenport could secure many large conventions, and it would be splendid advertising for the city. But It was particularly meant to be a center where community spirit, could be developed, and where the people could study and discuss the topics of vital interest. At this time, for example, there should be discussions on the water rate situa tion but there is no place where the people could assemble without Mr.
Petersen contemplated building the Community Center on the corner of First and Main streets, the location of the mnnlcipal swimming pool. The river front committee then had control of the property but it was induced to turn over the property to the city. Then when the Socialist party was in control the swimming pool was built. Now the legical place for such a center is on the river front west of LeClalre park, if it could be placed sufficiently far from the railroad tracks that the noise would not in The writer believes that it is not only the duty but should be the delight of the citizens of Davenport to honor not only the war veterans, but also those who have contributed so greatlv to the city's welfare. As the city owes its beautiful river front largely to the business ability, untiring enterprise and artistic Instinct of the late William D.
Petersen this Community Center should be erected as a memorial to him. this appeal to the sense of justice and fair play of the citi zens of Davenport, altho the carrying out of the plan should be in the bands of the mayor. The various committees should be appointed from the best and most able citizens of the city, and left to no small coterie, organization or group of organizations. Respectfully submitted to the citizens of Davenport. (Signed.) Ella G.
Bushnell Hamlin. luncheon meeting. Hotel Blackballs. Mrs. Frank Meyer gives postnuptial for her niece, Mrs.
Gilbert Levetzoe, nee Bernice Brunninjr. Zeta chapter gives sorority dance at Fort Armstrong hotel, Rock Mrs. Hugo Wulf gives party for Mr. Ella Bushnell Ham lin Believes Building Should be Erected. In a communication to The Dem ocrat.
Mrs. Ella G. Bushnell Hamlin urges the need for a Community Center in Davenport. Her letter To the Editor: Several years ago the writer presented the subject, "What Davenport Needs." thru the columns of The Democrat, whose approval it received. It was also presented to L.
J. Dougherty, then mayor of Davenport, and he called a meeting to consider the matter. A committee was appointed, one member of which was Charles Shuler, as I remember, and the committee de cided favorably on the subject, but interfered with In; tm clng of the project. The writer also talked over the plan with the late W. D.
Petersen, the city's friend and benefactor, long before the present park at the river front was completed. The plan was for a great Community Service building. It was to contain a large public hall with a seating capacity of from 5,000 to 7,000, gymnasium, running track. swimming pool, kitchen, small halls for group meetings and where instruction could be given in domestic science and other subjects. The top floor could be used for an art gallery.
(The present art gallery had not then materialized, but as it has already outgrown its Quar ters the plan could still be carried out) The building was to have been available for the use of county as well as city residents a place where the various organizations of the county could feel free to meet where the families of the farm ing community would rest and en joy themselves while on visits in the city. Nominal sums, sufficient to care for the upkeep, could be charged for various balls. It was SATURDAY. St. Katharine's students swimming class at Lend a Hand club Be Photographed! in that new frock Never have you looked better than ca do right now.
Isn't this the rery time for that so long planned photograph? Telephone us today for an appointment, Kenwood U37 W. The Free Studio Up on the hill Photographs Ample Parking It's time now to Make Your Building: Plans for Spring The thoroughnei and foresight with which you plan your building program will det.rmlno your aatiffaction with the final remit. That why you ehould be CHARLES First Nation! Buk Bldg. Ken. 75 of Woman's club uu "Rearranging the meeting to be at Peoples light Quail of Mc Miss Jessie Hall Jack Foley and Jerry Hawes, singing comedians, and little Jane Myers, Mnging and dancing protege.
Specialties in the opening include aong by Jimmy Powers, a "Doll Dance" by members of the chorus, violin numbers by Tom Faulhauber. and a song number by Catherine Swift, assisted by members of the chorus. The advance sale of tickets Indi cates a capacity attendance at both performances. The complete program follows: PART ONE "Trials of a Theatrical Producer" Producer Tom Ixnf rsan. Stage hand Lester Vol.
Applicants Tmogene liolliday. Helen Johnson, Catherine Swift. Tom Faulhauber. nuhl and Jimmy Powers. Chorus toys and itlrls.
(Scene: Back Dunne first and specialities win 1m Inlro Openinc chorus Entire chorus. "Me Faw Down and Go Boom" Jimmv Powers. "Doll Dance" Members of the Violm oTo Tom Faulhauber. PAP.T TWO. ftthalu Moses in "Dance Accompanied I'ART THREE.
in "Selects Soloists Barney Keating. Martin M. a.il,,. MeKlllignn. nick.
Art Whalen. Dun ell Dovle a. O'Connor. Bes Shields. 'France Hermann.
Barney Keating. Ism rke Barron. Bill firown KHI.san K. 1 an.ff. Uc' irreii uoyle, John Klj nn MBit Mr" "Thar! eakness Now" HI By Darrell lWe.
ine 4 un Ooes Down" WIDOW WILLED LIFE INTEREST JURGENS ESTATE Mrs. Marcarelh Jurg ns. wMnn the la'e IVier whn dil Jan. 3 at his home In McCaoland. is rxMiurathed a lift intcr st In Hi talf.
according in the will for roha, In irirx Jo.iann Jurc ns is nanjej TnlT W'ir the MARSONI WINS ACQUITTAL AT COURT HEARING rharss r7 aJ rnis.d in ttitWiA Judt" W. R. si" oorurt Saturday MJowing heartua; jJw rtw nf wiiirl the. n'T unfituid' d. Am apjvwj jwrrtl av ij M.
rot, of Tool Jiaj' US. xnonxj. ihv JACKSON COUNTY PETIT JURY HAS BEEN DISMISSED IsHTnVlfi. In. Jls jkKH jtnTy lhar, Swim Hm AH inif chorus Acnes O'Cn r.
O'Connor. Margaret Im Helen Hl rnahue. Lester Voir 1 wrgan. Martin McCarthv. John oaers.
Jo, Hfwr Volt. ''en. Jimmy riutil. Oitli enn sarifi. Bill Brown.
Accompanist 'nor; director. Or ening K'a'tlng1 Barney 'JTh. Bees Akti.j O'Connor. About Me" Martin Me I Baptists to I Meet All Day I 1 at the Church The mid year meeting of the Davenport liaptist association will be held Monday at the Calvary Baptist church. It will be an all day session, and wUI be conducted by Dr.
Frank Anderson of l)es Moines and Dr. Agar of NVw ork Camp of Osaka, Japan, wi be one of the speakers Delegates are expected from Mu catine. Clinton. Maquolieta. C.
manclie. Iowa City and Downin The ses ion will begin at 10 a. and continue thru the day and ev nfng. Plan's are under way for banquet in the evening. P.
WOLF Second street and Davenport, Iowa BH i I i I I I I i K. Kerns, builder. 115,000: Llnd berg. Inc. new garage and sales i roo mat 028 West Fourtli street.
E. Kerns, builder, $15,000. We Announce the Opening of the QUALITY CAFE 216 WEST FOURTH ST. Genigus, Par mer Cafeteria Welcome for a Real Meal. TRY OUR BUSINESS UNCH SHORT ORDERS.
We buy the very Bt milts fron Savings Bank nfl puts on program oi evem ANNOUNCE CAST FOR ST. MARY'S MINSTREL SHOW Capacity Attendance Ex pected at rertormance Tonight and The complete program for the vaudeville minstrel show to be presented tonight and Monday night at St. Man 's school ball, under the auspices of the Holy Name society and the Celts basketball team, was announced Saturday by Art Whalen, director of the entertain Catchy melodies, sparkling comedy and nimble feet have gone to make up one of the finest amateur theatrical performances ever staged in St. Mary's parish. Included in the cast of 40 men and girls are such well known entertainers as Betty and Athalia Moses, whose dancing has added color to many shows here; John Gerwe.
baritone; Main I i I I Said Ben Franklin The Used Key Is Always Bright" Anything that is not used deteriorates. Money that is not planted will not grow No matter if it is only a dollar a week. Determine NOW to save. For dollars saved grow, and bring you more ultimately than the dollar spent Wrings immediately. Let Us Talk Over Your Savings Problems.
Open a Savings Account Today Have You Considered This? In accumulating the estate that is to furnish an income for tho; you will leave you have met countless problems solved some, found others baffling. It has at all times taken your keenest application and most experienced ability. To entrust its management to less experienced hands is to risk the benefits it has taken your lifetime to build. Our Trust Department will be pleased to assist you to solve your estate problems in confidence and without obligation, of course. So imjKirtant a matter urges your immediate action.
RitNatkmalBank The Associated Banks of Davenport American Commercial Savings Bank Union Savings Bank Ttvst Co. Citizen Trmt Savings Bank Ftf sl National BanV Home Savmtr Bank Northwest Davenport Saving Bank People Trust 1V Jiaiirnun Ittti. "har lirc yn on ji mTi1 of 1tn tiafl Tlfl Jlth'T HlT Oflf or nv" ir Trrr 1na1. I'Hr Tirl frt orarfl ,1 1 Mr Htnr ilvflxf 1. of i mirt ill.
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