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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • Page 2

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILYKSIZUTE CITY OPDAV.KSPORT. ALFBBO SANDERS, April Very'few persons correct idea of the proportions the rebellion would assumed when South Carolina jntentipn of throwing off'al- leeiauce -to Government; At 'first- it- was not credited tfcat she dare! uiiilerlwte. so' rasli a meas- i ttre. When-her threats began sume sEane aiid'ifc-was seen tbat her de- terminiationjwas fixed, that she had fully resolved to cast herself into the see tiling -cauldron of civil discord, it was thought she would go or possibly, one or two of the more Southern States might accompany her in her treason. It was little thought at the time that the slave States'almost in a body' would unite'in a grand effort to orerthrow the Government; That no-idea was entertained the rebellion, would reach the size it did, even by the Federal Executive, is apparent by his first official military act in calling number seventy-five thousand troops to suppress it.

Had he known that for years the plan had been concocted, and during all the previous Administration Its infamous leaders, high in office and sworn to protect our Government, were 1 plotting its over- throw, he would have formed more enlarged of'its extent. But ARMT OOBRKSPONDBWCK. The Killed Woimded Ja 19Ut Iowa RoglmeutA OFFICIAL REPORT, BfJuuih J. Bon, Tenneweo.Bl.ver, on tht)." wiiy to'EvauAViUe. 'S v.

Aprll'lS, 3882." ERJEND SAHP.ERS; TheYtetribie work of. Geo.M Doty; Al- transporting tho wounded from Pittshurg OoB--Lieut :Sorgt.N Landiug to going on. Several Wm Hart; II Kuapp; large atcamefs 1 'before this have goue down Brierly; Geo MclCeever; A ARRIVAL! AMD -y? Post Office nt Itdveaport, Iowa. Uni Estate, TIJL CL Clotefl at 8 o'clock feL do, do 10 do m- do P.M* JSundayy 9S East Side of Brady Street. LATEST the.river; ao wo havo-620, taking as yet "duly-those severely wounded.

At least one more load as largo as this is still behind, Aud a largo multitude of ihosb slightly'wduude'd are pectivo regimcutsi boats at the lauding. No adequate provision was made foreucli great-hucubers of wounded Wnj there being at the time of the battle only two boats at thO'Landing, 'besides' commissary and-; and one' of those two was.Gen. Grant's Ti cad quarters, while the other was kept in-reserve for the CoO--CorpFB-Hoiuies; A Malone; Poolevj Jesso Go DTMGeq Sfckey. A Co E--CorplJbhn Melton; Silas Allen. Co (T--Samuel Martin, Co lieut Co I--Jos Parker: Ail worth.

Co K--David Kua'us. KJILBOAD, Clooes at Arrives 6 do 'A M. wcepJferf- NOKTUBBN MAIL TU, 1-lfOMft A5D CAWAHORtt, Oloeefl at 9 o'clock 1L Arrtveu do M. NOHTHBRN MAIL Ttl AKD Sunday, atfltfolock Arrives Tuesday, Ttmrtday'aad Saturday at 6 BOUTfi Nd.I097T TIA BLVC GRAM, ETC, rpHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PITTED J. bp the store No.

P8 Brady Btrect, are now opeu- log a froth and bo too wsaortmeut of Field Flower anil Garden Seeds, Which thoy can' recommend as freeh arid pure. Their itock of Flower tfeodi thay Iroporttd direct Germany, and include of the standard aorta, OB maay rare excellence and beauty of our thrcti hundred vfrtctlcf. A few ttie new aua rare lortfl will bo propagated in and offered for They hate lined up conveyance of troops. Upon the commis- Watsony JT Hampton, Cuofc, JD Field Officers--Lieut Col MMurat Price; BJ John Sbane Jos WcKee, Capt JJ Miller Licuts Jrio Monday, WcOiieaduy and Friday o'clock For the exhibition and Bale of Flowers and Flower- lug which, together with ihuir green give them ample facilities for impplyiag all Their i large aud Garden Lots for Sale Cheap IVE GARDENLOTSNOKTHOF 10CCST street, good BoH fifty dollars each, coat 1200. Alio lois, third block from Court'llotiio, nt 18-dtf A.


CASH CAPITAL RKPRESESTKP, sary boats--loaded down, cabins all, with boxes, barrels, wounded'were placed in every' conceivable -And Shtirman j. Corpls McLarkcyi -John 0 tMasson, JasS Brooks, Tansanti Ucn- ry'J Kussoll; Sergts M'Tinccnt, Wesley whew teots wore raised, awnings Huff, JEd Essex; Oorpl Milncr, Sergts stretched upon polesiaodever3'eflortmade tta tbo Kandall, Oorpl A French; Sergts Niece and many evendl. the next day aud through McAllister, I Tyengenfered, Jacob Bom- Arrive. Monday, a a tbrday fc AND RARE PLANTS, -I I Their wpply of ri Foreign and American Grapes IB large, and of the most deiirallo eorttt. Closes Sunday.

U'utJB(Uy and at 9 o'clock I FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES TLf- and Friday at 7 o'olk Will their eapeciftl attention. Stock large I a i to have not five (5) more BOTJTK KO. VIA Tlf Gloies Tneaday and Friday at 13 If. Arrives Tuesday ond Friday IS BIVEK MAIL BUfiMKQTOM AJfD preferred, not ihu32tl50 feet of ground, twoon and Iowa nnd Third and Xhirtoemh Will pay one-fourth 7(wA, balance in payments of Two Hundred every 8tm moDtha, Or, I trial) to roat a place similar to abovoj for a term of ono or more years. containing fall dMcriiitionfl, price, A Pavenport P.

Iowa. apS another dismal, 'rainy night. lay. in Wood, the mud, with not even a blanket under or Newell. Rejs; Sergt I over them.

Large were brought Beatty Watkins; James Coates, in on -were wounded on the Hawthorn, J' 11 Bu Sabbath; ana ou aad evcu cham, Bullington, llamp- Thursday, men were still fouud alivo -but too, Hopper, 0 Harmon, Sar- helnless on the battle field. Tins waut of geant. 0 A Myers, A Norris, Ncale, preparation for the wounded 'is evidence A Smith, II Shaver, A Vernor, tbatnosuch battle was expected at the Munslea, Wm- Hinkley, Aveneutral, Landing. The broken condition of the Jos Bonkerd. Angus Frc-nch, 'S Hughes, country, and the dense timber and brnsh Silas Oj.y.Wen^ the whole of the great, battle- Wolfe, Win A Waukius, Young, field, not only rendered the onset of the Kattcler, Hall, Mar- A.

11. ROtJTK NO. 10M7 VIA BUFFALO. ta Closes Fridiiy JIL 8 o'clock Saturday itt 6 o'clock P. JttOUTB 10950 VIA AKAMOSA AUD FOKV3.

Clones ThursUay at 12 o'clock M. Arrives Thursday at, 13.6*oiock. OFFICE IIOUKB, Office open at 8 o'clock A. M. Office closed ai-9 o'clfc.

P. ML open-op Sudday from 10 iho priocjpal niaile are carried by Railroad, time an stated in thisbotice will bo Railroad clock in tho and reliable. SWALL rKUlTS In great abundance, arid of valuable kinds. Their stock of KDSES, DMLIAS, U1AC1NT11S, AJSJ BEDDING OUT PLAHTS uneqtialed in tho "WceUrn Siates. A loll supply of tables their seasons) be offered at their No.

OS Brady St, Side. To Rent. HE LARGE STORE ROOM AT THE corner of Third and Perry streets, uodcr tbo Gazette Jtiico. ALSO A room In the second story, etriut for office. Apply at tbe C.oizntinp Room 0.

EBNT. JAUBB GOLDSB0HT. KENT St CO. A rebels more effective and tcrritie, but also caused great suffering and -loss. of Jifo among thoso who were wounded and could.

not be Al Wawloff, Bount.L Carter, tin; W'M Alexander, 0 JDeral, Cuparey, Jj Ford, A Ed- BLDRIDQE, P. 1L Tho abovi) takes effect on Monday, found. So great a. battle in tbc woods was -N V-Curtis, Deltou, Fleming, A perhaps never fought lo juany in- Johnson, AV Johnson, staocts the-enemy planted their, batteries Mclntosb Mi tier, within forky rods of our linos without being discovered until they opened fire. The fierceness of the.onset was, perhaps, scarcc- Special Kobinson, A Galiger, McRin- eter, Oliver, Price, A Thompson, Work, Coveter, 0 Ageas, Jack- evcr equaled.

The 15th Ohio battery son, OoQey, Bmckman, Cline, that -was known only to the initiated, post 56 horses out of 117, almost at the Nace, Lumice, Duncan, Deertb, Their idea was a separate Government first iire; and in other cases the loss of men Merchant, 0 Martin, 0 Schoonan, Geo The Gonfcsstous and Experience an for tbc benefit and as a warning and a caution to youujr men tvlio feufler from Nervooa Debllliy, Decay, supplying at the name time tbo of Self-Cure- By one who yy m. I Jtfji Black, Hanna, A Meh cnrqdWmMlfaftor being put to groat based upon the inalienable right of man ou may be assured that DO stateuieuta Keen, Adams, Little, Blener, to hold Ms Mow mail in bondage or, in the papers cooceroiiig tbe losses OP both Elder, TO Foy John McCall Jas Belong C7 I i nnnn n- I I I (J I A IJ Mi in other words, the establishment of an oligarchy, the corner-stone of which, according to Stephens, was to be slavery fo Growing out of, based upon and sustain- sides will exceed, perhaps none will reach, -S Havtyier, Nickolds; Pollard, tbe truth. The brigade of which the llth Case, Jtt Benton, Elrod, Farley, Iowa was a part Killed and .505 Qgden, J. Thompson, F- Gheslcy, Ityler, Dresser, Piereon, HoweIl MKoily, 0 -McCreatb, JM Snyder, Beek, Brow Dj 0 0 Moses, through medical imposition and qucctery. By en- a pobt-paid ad dree-Bed envelope, SIKGLV moybehad of tho nothor, KATHANIEL Bedford, Ktnga N.

T- mchl4-divly A very large stock of vogeUblo plunte, euch Cabbago, OaoJifiower, Plant, Tomatoes, pers, Calory, will rery Boon bo ready for sale In pott-. SWEET POTATO PLANTS On and after lira! of Kay In large qualities. FX.OWJCK, POTS, Fanoy and plain, of all sizes for salo at D3- Orders foronytbtnginoor lino loft at 93 will be promptly attended to. "Wo deal In all prodoctions of tbe farm generally, aud we cordially invite ALL to give our siock of SEEDS, TREES, VINES, FLOWEliS, Flowering Plants and Vegetables A full examination Low prices and prompt pay-will govern oar trade, and we trust that through the liberality of agenor- PAVENPOKT, IOWA. AEMS, FARMING LANDS AND CITT properly of every description for enle lower than ever, JtareoiiB who coutcmpluto inreBtiiiff JD cstato -will find FOIUO bargaiijH In our Dwollf fthops and HtorcA for rout.

mulodeons for Bale ae usual at Bofltoa Continental Fire IBS. Co, of N. T. CASH AND 8UKPLTJB Metropolitan Fire Ins. K.

CASH CAPITAL AND 8Uni 065" Security Fire. Insurance CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Lorillard Fire Insurance CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 9996,899. Enplund Fire and Iflariiie Insurance Hartford. CABH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $240,409 Life Insurance W- V. AccurouhitoJi coah AcsoU, tho property.

of tho 17,287,989 Ilf DAVCVPORT! U. ileapre. Meawrfl. Ocmtes 4t County KecorJer; Hon. Lanu, 'J'hoe.

Orr, comer Brady aod Bocoad tip-glairs. mart TO LET! wOuuded--656jnnlL They thc 52 brigades would fire 34,112 OQ one 1 Many are. slightly wpuuded, aud one public, our aucceBB sany! our apl8-dlmw3m CUA0. F. CO.

ed by an institution of Southern growth, will soon recover, but it is safe to say that I Lamb, John Law, Gorgown, A Lane. fancied -to be interwoven pros- 10,000 of our uieii are either killed or permanently disabled. It is believed that ihe periiy and even vitality, the sympathies I enemy's Joss in killed aud severely wounded of the South were at once enlisted and ifc is much greater than ours. fired low i i aud wounded large numbers of our men in required no very specious arguments to tfae lcg Jn tbi8fe thoy excelled, disabling cause unprincipled men who governed large numbers in sucii manner as to require Albert Sidney Johnjtom Gen. Jobnstoo, the bogus report ofwhose capture at Fort JJooelson gavo him a bio- you Injured PROPERTY HOLDERS AND OTHERS JL interested will tuko notice that the trapbical fame two months ago.

is now cer-. IB ho aod Authorized ngeut of the disposed of at Ia5tj as hia dead body is in our handa. He was one of the five rch- these- States by virtue of their offices, to to the field, whereas onr men cl Generals tbe other four bcog Beaure- aimed to kill. How many were killed by precipitate them into the vortex of disso- our firc wo do not know, but rebels who lution, So soon as the size of the rebellion was gardj Lee, Cooper and.Joe, Johnston. He was for half a year commander of the rebut Arctic IDS.

of Ni City, CASH assisted in buryins their dead and after- department of Kentucky, with his head-1 rar pj re I fa pfcjl fl uttentlon: wards fell into our hands, say that we kill-1 quarters at Bowling Green, which famous JE I A I DtPQBTAWT TO J.LL WHO OOLTITATK Vegetables and Flowers. ARDENERS AND OTHERS WHO B1HK FRESH AND GENUIfVK SEEDS, Have now an opportunity of botng supplied direct from tbe OEOWER. 20 papers of Vegetable Beedfl will be tire-paid for ono dollar, or 10 papers choice Vegetable Heeds fiir the Baroo aum. FLOWED BBKDS BT HAIL. Tho following choice assortments aro Tvorthy.of DELIGHTFUL Cottage ITH EIGHT ROOMS, SMOKE HOUSE, burn, poultry ynrd, pnrden fall of grapes, currants, orchard with 200 boarinjr fruit, trees, 25 acres of Jand under cultivation, purk of JO ncrefl, good paiture, nil under board and picket fence; well and cistern water, full view of tbe rfver, ndjoining Le Cluiro, and wiil bo rented low to a aultablo ciwh paying tenaDt for one or more yeare.

JLpuly noon to H. KKNT Or T. KATS, marl-d Lo Clairo Houno. cd two to tbeir ouc. Uuion moa.

living in stronghold-ho evacuated six weeks ago. ascertained, and it was seon to be of no the neighborhood, who over the ground mushroom growll), but that its roots ex- immcdiai.uly altur the battle corroborate -i A this statement. It is also stated that our tended back through the previous Ad-1 liBTn QVCr rebel( 6incu miuistration, the President began to en- the battle. is CO years of age, a native of Kentucky, and graduated at West Point in 182G. He was engaged iu thc Black Hawk war, in the Texan war ut independence, and the Mexican war, and'in the war against the Mor- CASS Pi re las.

Peori PAID UJP CAPITAL, i Life actual, vigorous war. His worst enemies he found to be of his own house- the horrible scenes ot Sabbath and Monday, mand of the Military his operations aud to prepare for Tllt: lieiirt sickens at the remembrance of uioas. He was a Brigadier-General in com-1 $100,000 dapoBtiod for the security of nil policy i 1 I Qilil.i* Ji I mtinrl nf i i a i I gf Utah flfld I holders--II claes Llftj CotDpUDy OQ thocnfltl pj-l 1 ciplo. JAMK8 G. CKANK, Office ID Nickoll'a Block, oulranco on Brady st 34-dtf aud on the boats since.

Although wo are comparatively comfortable on this large at tho opening ol this rebellion, wns in command of the department of the Pacific. hold not the onPn ones with irms in I boa still there is a vast amount of BUfler- I Shortly after the rebellion got under way, noia not tne open ones witb anns Sjx djed 6Jucc tbc land hif oyalty waa euspectcdi and Sum their hands contending against the GOT- rj ant i many moro ill die soon. We ernment that had ever fostered and pro- have not half help enough cither as-eurgeons or'uursen, and very few comforts or hospi- tected them bat secret ones who came tal 6torcs Jf not bccn fyr tUe pr i proffered assistance in one hand encc of an agent of tho Sanitary Coinmis- ner was Bent out to supersede hinK Before Gen. Sumner reacbed Jobostou bad Iclt tojom tbe rubds. For fear of being caught, lie took.tbc overland routc 3 with tbreo or four companies on mules, and pass- MIUE, Mirror of Genteel of Rooms RE HALF AN ACRE ENCLOSURE ivith plenty of Apple nnd other frait treea, nnd Kerry and Currant imahes In tibundaocu.

Bam and nil iu good t-rdsr. Cull on apiG.2t U- KKKT fc CO. o- m. JHU Y. SLAYJT1AKJEK, no.I--2» Cbolco Annuals, free oloomerfi, 00 0 i oo I Land Agent and Notary No.

3--12 Now and 1 00 No, 4-- 20 varieties Jforgreenhonae culture 2 00 No. C--JOO vnrieLicH, Including many New and Rare Boria--i 5 00 All tho aboro nccortmentB will be eent, bj remitting the nmooot to rujdreem. A. DKttEK, andFlomt, 327 Chofitnnt street. rhUivdelpbm, 1'a, mcb ITAS FOR SALE ACRES OF UL Pralrio in Iowa at $LOO per ncre, acres in ScoU county.

A Karoi near Hickory Grovo. Also, A Farm In Cedar county. Theco farme will bo aold low ftnd ou cafly payment. OFFICE AT i i a (Formerly W. C.

No. 37 Bast Second Street, Company, Capital $1.500.000. IRSDRMCB COMPAKI. Capital Merchants 5 Insurance Company, Capital $300,000. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL i I a jaal-dtf HENRY B.

HOKFJVLAN, Agent INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, Cnili Capital $1,000,000. W. F. A grout, METKOFOLITAN BUILDING, DAVENPORT, i rlw IQWA. TATEMENT OF TUE CONDITION OF tbo I A Fire and Mariuc Insurance OK TOS aifiT DAT OF Tklitdo to tho Auditor of tbo Slate of In cora- linaco wltli na Act entitled An Act in relation to uBUranco Conipanloe.

approvod January IftflT, and February 9, IMS. NAMS AND LOCATION. Tlin name of tho Cooipnoy in the "GirardFire and Marlnu Insurance Company," and IB located in tbe city of Philadelphia, of PencBylvauia. The amount, of Ha Capital Stock IB Two Hundred ThoDftond Tho umoimt or the Capital Block paid up Is Two Hundred 11 -GOODS daffffer iu'the Other. Men aiou from Ohicago, with tuch tilings aa were cd through Arizoua and Tcxim, and thence 6b at hand, we'ahouM havu beeo destitute of to Richmond, At first ho was appointed While they swore tealty to (rovern BQmo article5 absoluiclj necessary, to a command ou tliu Potomac; but upon mentj were covertly seeking its destruc- 1 April 14tb---PADVCMI TO the great importance of the Western Depart- SPRING NUMBER CONTAINS JL ihreo LAKGK AKJ BPt.ENDID FASHION PLATKd, three the lalowt Par in of 8louvi) child'8 and iho Ladlwa' Now Hpring jilklnip Coat, together with nuiirly 100 engravings of all tho novelties fur i I BltSKKTB, CLOAKti, TlUJfMUrOd, COIL- DOWN PPTWTfl 19 20 For Sale.

ACRES OF FIRST RATE UNIMPROVED Land in WliltOHlde county UU noils, will be-nold nt a bargain, or oichangod forcity, property. ICnqutro for imrtictiltirH at tbu npi 18-dwtf OAJSKll'K OFFICE. 80 tion. Affainst these inSlduous foes there I Additional supplies of. articlcy were uieiit being by Jeff.

bo was ap- I procured at Faducab, but of 29 volunteer pointed take chief couiiuaod a Bowling was no guarding 1 and at every step they sureeong aml multitudes of nurses found Green. He did: every thing to strengthen that position, and bring as large a force as could be got for its defence. But on being outflanked by our advance-up tho Cumber- lundj'he incontinently stronghold, lied to Nashville, Irutu thence to Uo- caiur, and from thence to Corinth, and now has traitor to hie native State and I have not time to write more, 1 must I to him country. Johnston was a little seemed to thwart Ms plans for the sup- pressioii of the rebellion, until the most vigorous measures were adopted. only ono of each could be induced to on board.

All were bent on going to Pittsburg Landing, and this Jiltcr they wore assured by tbc surgeon in charge that no The splendid diplomacy of the Secre- wounded would be lound there ou their ar- Jrt 4l i a PossibJy curiunity iuiluuaccd them tary of State settled Uie question that than buu anity WQ had DO foreign power to fear, and tbat our avowed enemies were confined I I can in dressing wounds I bare I ftet high, of a large bony, sinewy frame wntteu mostly in the night, being Irequent- with a grave 3 gaunt aua facej or to the slave States, The plans of the hy interrupted by calls fur help from men quiet, uuassuuuug manners--terming in all. Executive were taken accordingly, and of my own and other reguuuutsu Yours, CHAPLAIN, llth I'owa. PdnKtirs, inoLnorn ana JHQiod gencr- tht) largenL nnd btigt Fashion iTaga- ziifu ui iho worJO. Publihhod ut473 Broadway, and nold ovorjwliuro nt 26 orBuut by pent frue on receipt of umotinL ToarJy with the following valuable premium Kac yoarly bo entitled to tho ao- leciloii of 60 ctp. worth of plain paitortm, from the dcfiignft In tbo bjulf, or from tlio rooms, or thoy may be ordoicd and by mail uny Umo during tlio year, by puying tbo Itko proportion.

Wo wlnh takeaccounf of fltockiii a low allgooAa will by Regardless of Cost, At A. W. Bailey's old Btand 2d fltroot, Btata Bank. fob2U-Lf I), qo band nnd la Iho bimdRof 88 jtito uulncnmborod None. duo tho Company, cured by on wa- roul worth per cwnt.

rnoru than tho humo 10 gud for, UB por vouchora BCO nobu'liile) duo iho company, oth- par vouch- on in jf. duo tho company for OF THE Splendid to SPUING NO. NOW REAPY. up! 14-dtf Boots Sljocs. Arctic Fire Insurance Company the Federal arms have since rapidly asserted their supremacy.

God lias seemed to smile upon our efforts though or a soldier of very imposing appearance. He was considered by military men to bo tho ablest General lor command, in the rebel service, and his loss will bu a Revere blow Tho Pittsbupff correspondent of tho Gin- lo thc rebellion. attacked by superior force aud under I cinnati thus gives tbo manner in every disadvantage, yet victory has ever! wll i ch a cou of distinguished rebel accompanied our standard. The Government is bound to be sustained; de-" A DISASTER TI11C "Johnstons" were Soldiers Browned by the Swaniplnjj of SIDNEY JOHNSTON WAS A i Albert Sidney Johnston's body was not feated at every point, the rebels must tm Monday eveniog, vas first recog- -j April 17, Yesterday a large boat, containing a number of men and ullicers of the 75th Soon see tbe hopelessness of their cause, mzed by Brigadier-General Nelson, who regiment, swamped at Castleipan'tf Ferry 3 and yield to the superior skill and num-. had known him when the one was an honored officer in the old army and the other on tbeSbcnandoabj drowning between forty and fifty uien and several olUccrs.

Among orca ollicer in tne oia army ana tuc ottier ana iilty men anu several Auion( bers ot those contending for rights, from a lieutenant of thc navy. Prisoners bad latter iuVAdjt. Tealiuan, Capt. Wilson which their leaders so vainlv souirht to been telling of his death, and describing him of 3d brigade, Commissary, and Cantaii their leaders so disfranchise us. The New Democratic Pa.rtjr* EDITOR you a or your as dressed in a velvet uud wbcn sucb of 3d brigade, Oomoaissary, and Captain VVard, Tbe regiment was formerly com- sent fur.

He at once declared indeed tbo dead Cointuaudcr-in-Cjiief, arid of the gives Jtis'a little I had the body removed to his own tent, It-is proposed to reorganize or res- Gen. Kousseau was subsequently sent for, a corpse was found inquiries were naturally niandcd by Colonel JJohler, now acting made as to who knew Johnson. Gen. Nel- Brigadier General of the 3d brigade, GCD. urrect-tho old Democratic Now what we want to know is, on what plat- two recognized the of the regular army did tbe saioej enough there was a wagon- form is it gomp; to be built 7 What is to master there who had been one of John- be the doctrine of tlie party? is well Eton's teamsters in the famous Utah expe- known that in the last Presidential contest ditibn) Jikewise remembered the ap- A pearance of the he had followed on far as the mam issue, slavery, was con- hat disastrous march thc Kocky Moan- earned--there were three distinct platforms tains.

--the slavery-ex tension party 3 tbe iet-sla- FINDING GEORGE w. JOHNSTON. very-go-where-it-pletae party, and tbe A 8 a party our officers were riding very-restriction party, tfow on 'of OTer ficld on Toesday, they found a I will tbe reconstructed party Mlf GOODS I DM GOODS! LOST George Worthing 434, istii ST. WASHINGTON, D. Hovlng mottled nearly evory claim of thifl tind that bun boon paid by iho U.

8. for eifilit or utno pauL vilJ aLLtnd to Lneo or any other OA pensions, bounty, ar- rcatb oi pay. etc. WELL ACQUAINTED WITH WorLliiuK on, and ctiodrfolly teatlfy that know no in Wmrtifnpton on -whnm clalm- Cttn Tfiioru cunfideutly thftn on him to conduct their buatutftm with integrity, capacity ami zuul, Hon.JNO.D-MopnEHSOIT, 1 Afiflt- Solicitor of IK 9. Court of Clalma.

I lion. UH A8. B. CALVJCRT, liouso of iteprufidutatlvea. llev.

SMITH PYNiC, 0. Uoi. WM. KANDOLPH, i Chief Ulerk U. a-TreiiMuror'd I folly ondoruo tho ubove lefttimoniiil, and cheerfully and recommend Wr.

Worthiayton to my brother nnd tiolilicra in Kentncfcy and utid to nil others having clutroa ixgainAl iho Government. TmbAbly no man hae nmro thorough knowledgo of WAR.CLAIMS than Mr. mid for iaul and iategrity he had ntnafcuporion apI8.dlm Cuptftin, Jidjt. GcneraPa SEW AN SEW GOODS York City. 0RDWAY, Wholoaalo and Bo tail Dealer la BOOTS SHOJES A.T THE CITY BOOT AKD S1IOK STORE, BTa.

3G Lc Claire Tlio and Htootn owned hy tliL-'-oompiiJiiy per voucli- ura now cured and tlio rat of Inly r- oflt tiKircon, Wit: 292 fiharuft tilnirU innuranoo Co, (pn.r) $100 00 18 aharoH Amur-lean Tula- ifrnph Co. diaOQU'U 1,300 00 ny (purjdSO 8881 Bfl THE AUDITOR OF THE STATE OP Oamrayroiul Bank Iowa, on uf IcMniber, 1SGI; (w 1.000 00 Tho immn mid locality of Company--AUOTIC 18 itmron Utmu- a Joculedin Now frcturtng Oo. (par) JW 4 GOO 00 10 HlmroB Mc- Jjiin-I ABH'H- (par) 8,000 00 1GO Orcy'fl flongor It. Co. (imr) $25 1,200 00 250 flUnrOH LOCUHL M.U nud 1.0o.

(pur) 8,700 00 2000 JJet. K. K. Oo. cont Join 1,600 00 8000 tlmrufl 8.

7 tf-10 3 OOU OU 1000 fthnroK No. Pcnu. It. It, Oo, 6 por cont. loan CCO 00 lOOBhuronU.

tJ, Treoa. Note 6 per cent, 100 00 securities as echo- dulo 76.65T 89 Theamountof Oapltnl Block- $250,000 00 ThoamountofCupitaiatofckpatd up 2M.OOO 00 Tbe Hsiwe of the Company, irtcludinp cueh on hand iiad in tlio ImndB of or other pernone 4,033 85 ThGrcoleflltttoumiicnmbcr'iI. 8,257 21 Tho bonds omiBd by iho Company and )iow they nro with ihernto of in- tarcritlliGrcon Unltud BintoB 8 ycaraTrcafl- ury Notes nt 7.80 2,000 00 Dolitfl of tho Company BOCUT- ed by mortffiUfe 218,182 00 i Debte otherwise acurod, Btact 4 C50 00 SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECT- Dobt- for premluma MS 44 -L KULLY call the attention'of tho ciiizunn of All other Bccurilltia 18,07036 $256,751 36 All other Duvcnport and vicinity to hln LAUGK and EX- TWN81VB Block of Koode of every duHfiriptiOfl Uttu- Tho amount of Mablllttofl duo ally found in a fmt Class Boot and Stoe all or not duo to biuiksoroihur creJltors by tho Company- nono Tola! $120,840 3ft 54,500 00 of which -will be ollered uL tbo Lowest CiisH Prices. TO OlTTAffD COUNTUY MBHCHANTS; I fttn prepared to olfer to tho trade goods of a qaahiy not tttirpaMtiil and At PRICKS MOKE; FAVORABLE tbun can ba obtained ut Chicago or othor Ettetern points ti. OKDWAY, Kx Le Claire Kow.

and duo 00 adjusted nnd not due- none 66 in tmdpuiiBO waiting for further proof 1 2,50000 All Olhtsr claim a gain at tho Company none 4,771 26 The greatest amount innured by any one risk, 115,000. ThA groatCBt amount allowed in tlio lulcof tha Company to he injured in any ono city, town or in any Total aftfteU of the Company $300,280 70 L1ABILITJH3. Tli9 amount of liabilities duo and not dua to haukftnd otlior JLoBHCA aojuaied and VVI do do do not do do unadiufitfd 4,000 00 do in eu8ionso waiting for further proof -All othur not against thu company Kono 300 00 Taint $4,100 CO STATE OP PJCNNLYLVANIA, Bounty and Pensions. Iowa Claim BOOTS AWJD SHOES. COUKTY- or efl tf.

OHlett mid IS. Alvord, rcUiry, of iho Oirard Fire nnd Marine Influranco 6 TO OK or Fall and Winter JP JK PAltlCfclt ATTORHElfS AT LAW, HAVENPOBT, IOWA, ILL GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION to procnrine: bounty pensions and arrears of pay, duo Goldiorfl of tho United tit (tied to GOODS AT alo The rcst and ba established Will it be tbe Breckin- plain citizens''clotbes, but there seemed no ridge platform? That party is everywhere reason to doubt tbat he Lad bctoa actively in rebeliion against the Union. Will it be en a eii in tfae battle, and tbat ia all prob- tho r.utrAiTM i rt TM ability be was an officer of some The toe JLJonPTias piatiorm UomDroniise with I it -j i a witu fg ccrs wero called up to see if he could be the tbe Government into identified. Singling out Gem Mc- the hands of traitors, that the last spark of Cook from tbe party, the wounded irian liberty may be extiDgnisfaecl Or will they I asked might bo permitted to see attempted crowd-the and i i. -u i I sation lasting baild-OD their platform? This silence on between the doctrinal points in the- proposed party is Gee.

McCook explained that the weun'ded Tho people wrat to I man was George W. Johnstooj "Provincial know what is to be the watchword of the! Governor of Kentucky," who had set io new party before they join i motion at JRussellvillc the bogus Cenfedera- Some of our Tankeeff, who-are good at cy 3 and serving as "Aid; I on the guessing, have guessed-the following three Generals Staff. He bad made some person- plaoks, which they suppbae will be put into al requests. The 1 was severely the platform; Mob-law, death to Abolition- wounded in two place, He received every Ufa; arit the canonizmg 'of Jeff! snrgical attention, but the next day died. There may be a new party culling- itself DemoCiaUC, bQt It idle to talk of raising I Another Baltic Expected.

the Old VDetoocratic more (Special to the Chic oJonrnaL Bxi Louia, Abril ia its count out the Officers arriving here frbm Pittsbum 0 A' mfMt Landin tbis eveni re rt quiet there! tne JNorto, Will drivnn frnm tViA I i UST RECEIVED. BY or soldiorft who have bean cUnabled, from ckDewi contracted, or voanJn rooL-Ivod in thd HQQ of their duty while in (Service, are entitled to pen duriogsuctt TP I STo 8 I.eClaIr« Row, Bounty of The of may die or be killed in tho service aro emitted to ihe bounty of One drtd Pollatfl. Blank applictioue und InfltrnctloM farniehed by mall, Add TOM fe EDWARDS, Maroti 1,1862 dim Iowa. Furlenghed and Discharged CHILD 1 BOSTON BRANCH STORE, Wo, A3 1st and 3d, VEB1 LOWEST PRICES par mkt amt A value value loan'd. 1- 8 Bimreii Amorican Ercbango Back Stoct 800 640 450 2.

95eluu-cii Manhattan G-usLigbt Co.tiiock 4.750 8650 3,600 3. 2S ehariui North Ulcer Inen- ranee Co. Block 700 805 COO amount allowed to bfc ono black--no limit. Tho Ace of Corporation IB already filed with tho otherwise secured, ElockHoang on demand Oumpany, being novoraUy ewprn, depose nay, 7 an or himself uoya, that tbo foregoing IB a a and correct Btatement of tlio uHiUrg of astia company; that, the auid injuranoo in tbobona lido owner oi at lyoat OLD Iltindnid and Fifty Thousand Dollars ofuctnal cnpttul Invedtod In fltockfl and or In on nniucuujbcr- -worth (soe schedule) per cent, moro than iho id mortgngud for; that tho above doecrlhed menu, tior aiiy part thereof, are not made for thu bermtitof any Individual iirercifiingituLhority In the of corapniiy, nor for any oth- Total amount Ipanod above- STITG CITV AUD Coustr OF NEW TORE er person or porsoim wlmttivar; tbat the 7 abovo have not boon nor in any Albert Wurd, rrcuident, And Vincunt Pllyort, niivnnyr reloaaea or Impnirod by fluid company, nnd Secretary of thg Arctic Fire Inflnranco btsinif hnt they are iho nbuve doar.rlbed oflictfrs of the nworn, and auy the foregoing Glrard Fire and Marine Insurance Company; IB a fall, triioand corrccufllateinftnt of tho of and that tho mild company has not on THE BEST ASSOKTMENT IN I the said Company; that tho wild Influranoo Co, dtspoait in any State or Territory any portion of lie the city, all of -which mual be at the tbebona fidu owmrof one hundred ibon- capital or aa a guarantee or for any eand dollum of actual caah valua In etocktf I otlier purpose whatever. and tu mortgagftn on roal eetaU worth (3ipnodJ ALFREDS.

double tbe amount for which the fiflme ifl raort-1 B. AI.TOSD, Secretary, gaged; 1 that the above described InveflTmejitB, nor part thereof, are mado for the boneSl of any I Subscribed and iworn to before mo, an Alderman individual exercising autfaorJty the maoacomaut and Jumicenf Peacn in and for county of I'hll- vi. f-- I i A --AT-- Block ot STAPLE FAHCY DRY-GOODS, Notions 9 have KVEB IN THIS STATE. to carry at A A all fnrlooghed and dlicharged and tbote who have been wounded in. battle A Wholesale and ALL WORK WARRANTED.

Manufacturing and Repairing done Promptly i Sa CHILD fc C0. a3 BRADY ST. O. CHILD Davenport of eaid Company, either ae 1'roflident, Secretary. Trftaaurer, Director or otherwise; that no part of tho cftpital utocKof said Company is depoiitod In any other State or Tm-ritory that tbe nbove acBcribod have not iuaigned nor in any released or impaired by gatd Company; are the above described officers oi State of Pennsylvania, tblfl and day of January, 3862.

JAKES McCALUN, Alderman. O. C. CEILS, Boaton, apll2-tf WELTOS ALBKAT "WARD, President, PiLYos Subscribed and sworn tobofore me this 9th day of January, 1862. WM.

If. DEHUIRE, Commfaaiouer ol Doedc AUDITORS TO i MpiHES, Feb-Sd 3S62- Jtii bereby ceniBod tbat on the flratday of AUDITOR'S OFyiCE, DJES MOIKKS, Feb. 6th, 1862, It Is hereby ccrtltted, that oo tho flftJi day of February, 3SC2, A sworn titntemont was Sled in this ofHco Bhowiu the condition of tbe Girard Plroand Marine Insurance Company, located at PhlUdel- phia in thc btato of on the first day of Januaryi A. IX 1S62, tn ncrtrdauco with a pro- vialcm of an Act of the General -Aaaembly of the Btateof Iowa An In relation to la- fltirauco CompaDicft, 17 approved January 2Sth, 1857, and an Aist amendfitory ihercto, approved ary fith, that tald Atatoment showa that aala company la TxttnoaBed of the roqolbite uxnouni of and tnToatedflfl required bylaw. be drzven from tbe but active preparations are zaakiug for'an' wuntry or huog before otUer battle, whicli was thought 5 be im- flftl Vrtr, fa IIU' till yoo will find but a remnant left, and that compoaedt of --pro- slavery swell-heads, April 18,1862.

PLEASANT VALLEY. Glory to de Lord a SBOW-beaded African the other Glopj to do Lord! neb- ber apocted toJibio day. De white a man gp whtr he.plftaw none to do LordP Flcaw call and aod cheap good goodfl, and got yonr WONKAS Ho Trouble to Show Cwds at oetiaatf Academy of the IramacDlate ConctptioD, "DAVJENPQKI, lOWAV SISTERS CHARITY By order of marfr-dif GeberaV A CO. and DuUen in dnvof' jSnim. accordance with tho lawa thereof, until -A uu January, A.D.1863.

ry, A. D. 3862. tu accordance -with a proTiBion of' act of the General Awerably of the State of Iowa, entitled AiiAot and Best Crystal BOOTS AW1 SHOBS, miuent. It was supposed that tho enemy Vi VMiUfc were preparing to make a dashing I attack upon the Federal forces, as a larco public wr- portion of his army was betwceb Corinth Ubwe named ladieit.

thftt lor tbe CTAVING PUT UP A LARGER AMOUNT ro-ojioned tho of BRAD! ST, DAVENPORT, IOWA, WBST DOOR ABOVJC THB POBT-OFFICK. and only a few miles distant The ofinstrnotion vill.odinpriae'an that from 1 our outposts. So close indeed weTM from OUr outposts. So close indfpd good English French and tbp r0rt1inQHlAtiABf i Vi, i 'naeea Were German iMWiiifiXW a tBe two Hostile posts that skirmishing and Drawing -Painting. Ja oil and water picket fighting were continually eblnc'on an plttinaiid 1 oiminonial needle My informant thinks that a second great a to battle aannot bo' far and that it tain 1 bninnvmAntii APA DattlO aanilot-DO far Off, and that it will uke cii'tbc field of the fint CRYSTAL.

ICK and at an low ratOB as it cn bo TarnUhed by Contracts for the neason roay now mmdo, Offlco-- Suithotn floTir and feed more, oppoiita Lo Claire noQfte. JA8. fl. to Insurance approved Jaaiaiy 23th. 1857, and an Mt amcDdfttory approved Febrnory 9th, that sold ataiement BDOWB that Bald Company IB poueflacdof the requisite amount of capital, ad Invented required by-law.

Authority therefore elvon to the above named Company to traneact bueinefla of Insurance In this RtAtoiaoccordanoewltli tbo lawa thereof, until tho day of January, A- D. 1363, testimony whereot I have hereunto my hand and affixed my ail of this 3d day of February, J. CATTKUL, Auditor of State, KLLTSOK, Deputy. In -whereof, I have horonnto eel my hand and affiied my aeal of office, thlg fitlt day of Fab ISSit- J. W- CATTKLL, Auditor of Etate.

of the CRANE, Agent for Davenport. Clairvoyance. R. AND MRS; T. PRICE, EOLKCTIO ASP CLAIRVOYANT PUTbl- CIANS.

Hra. Price will pay apeclal attention to id Wotice to tho praotlooof Obatetrlca and healing dlaeaaM pe- culiartohersox. claw Stock Company having com- Le Olalro Houid, botween Main and La oitttled to a diea ontranco. Second on the dollar bu The above piled with tho of of ths bntloeJiBof JAUB8 O. CKANK, Agunt.

and Corinth. tul are required lq ad- E0Llt TH EB wai; I70E SALE NEAR WEST LIBERTY ON i. UA a M. Rallrwd, one firw rote tt JwU cSity, DATBngEt lMfc An additional tar of two I.S." tTim pro. Office In KickolU'i Block, entrance rty in Boott ooanty, thown by book of and the Mtme reqnired to bo paid oa or bo- Horse UNDERSIGNED "ffS i.

and ielli At place, on IXar- between Hacbncl and 1 dU I JOHN BBOW ..1.

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