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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • Page 1

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PUBLISHER. THIRD AND PEHHY 1 i i i i mf TERMS-SIX PEK "StTEArRi- VOL, VIII. DAVENPORT, IOWA, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH TiJE DAILY GAZETTE. Tuesday Marcli 4, 18O3. Waa thy firsthand until quite recently, tho only pa- par in UieSiAto of Iowa, priuted on uBUmin Tower and its circulation the largest of any iji Hip Btaio.

Advurtisera appreciate ub our columiiB amply testify, FOR UA1I.T, AKD YK1C.CLT1 New Yorfc-G. M. PottongtllJt 119 Boatoru-- S. PctUngill fc o. State' at.

C.It. Sorivdn, No. 63 Deartom street A MATTERS. JOST BECfiivSD atPlummer 50 Brady street, a fine lot of letter and note paper. 4 insialcbfiht of clocks jast received and for sale low for cash, at Billon's, 10 Le Claire Row.

Yesterday was a miserable day. A fine snow and driving wind wag llio order. The country people very wisely utayed al home and looked after their stock. PDBLIC call attention to the notice in another column for a meeting of contribntorn to the relief fuud. Tho commit- tee desires a foil attendance.

MR. D. late local of the GAZETTE, is ia town for a few days. are pleased to hear he has obtained a good berth tim ore, in tho employ of'tho Indiana Central E. lie will leave for that city la a day or two.

We wish him success and advance- ment in this his favorite callinp. SOLDIERS' AID members this Society are reminded tliat to-day is the first Tuesday of the mouth, and as the Society is much in need of funds with wbich to prosecute its business, it is requested that 11 bo in attendance and pay their monthly does, at 2 o'clock tbis afternoon at the usual 'place of meeting. S. A. S.

No WBBTBBtr to tho great quantities of snow on Iho road, no train left here yesterday mornios for the West, and it Ss doubtful if auy will go to-day. The train on the braucii, on Saturday, failed to connect at tho Junction cither morning or even- ing. A locomotive wr-nt out Sunday morning to assist another which had bccoran cm- banked in the ynonr, and couldn't get oat. OFF goods at Par ker Tun Toyl'a are going off cheap as dirt, aod perhaps a litt-lo cheaper. It will be remembered ihey arc a part of Lho eitensive stock which Mr, TVillard Barrows, as assignee, lias hocn aclliiie for several days.

It is one the best chances for bargain's which has turned up lately. Stop iu there, either morning or afternoon, ot botb. Sale commences at 10 a. m. and 2 p.

m. i i -Alii. A. II, CLABK; a private in company soo of Mr. Palmer this will bo remembered, was one tbe of wounded at Fort Ponelson.

Wo flee, iti a list published in au Illinois pfiper.that lie is at Mound city.and his has boon omputalod. This latter report are disposed to doubt, as his father has liite accounts from be was much "better, and might bo expected home last night or this morniog. ri TURK AND the 1st day of March 'last year tho ice in the Mississippi commenced lo break up, nnd by tho 3d the river was clear. On the 5th tbo Northerner from St. Jjouis arrived, and the 1 same day tbo Fred Xorenz came down from Lo Claire.

Now the aco is as solid apparently ns it baa been this heavily laden teams are crossing, aud ice and snow several inches deep cover the surface of the ground. IOWA PHYSICIANS AT H. White, of Iowa City, passed through this city yesterday on hia return home from Cairo, whither ho had been at his own expense to alleviate the sufferings of tho wounded. Ho Bays that lie met with t.he following phjsiciacs. from oar State at Cairo engaged in 'the praiseworthy work, viz: Drs.

Maztvell and Me- of Davenport, Bell, of Wapello, BarU lett, of Mareugo, Chaosbera and Turner, of TEipton, and Hoof of Oskalooaa. A SHORT HONBTMQON. The gossips in the western part of the county have been $up- plied duriog the past mouth with an excellent foundation for sensation stories in a wedding occurred ft fexv weeks ago, the parties residents of that part Of the Hawkey State. 3 appears the gentleman came to the county 3 oflice, obtained his certificate, and started back homo, with of course fond anticipations of the blias of wbich tho document he bore was the forerunner. Arrived at the residence of the lady, they determined to go to the magistrate and finish the business at ooce, (though, perhaps, with some moutal reservation on.

her part), which was probably accelerated by tho. absence from fair opposed the Thome of 'the parental who, it is said, match. That night wore made Oa the way home tbeVride encountered it grew on her, and she' mhst coin- it to -her hosband. She did It he should allow her to go home that i i as she had left the children alone, he might call former next day, "Well y-e-s guoss so. and bridegroom I i I of coarse gave a willing consent: Next day, and early, 'be was around to aeo bis wife, bnt lo! the bird had mizzled-- disappeared, and he hadn't jseen her yet at last accounts: She baa since returned home, however, white he is 4 Slfeas much as possible, attending all the parties in his neighborhood, and getting well as if nothing had ever happened A Public MR.

EDITOR There is hot a citizen of any tolerable information in Davenport, who, if inquired of, would not earnestly say, that, of all the social needs "Of a public character, that which oar citizens roost require, is a public library. Knowledge'arid a desire for it, are not confined to'-families who are able to provide an exUnsive private Tho humblest boy or girl may possess a mind as aspiring, a fancy as poetic, a genius lofty, and hopes as as tho most favored in the No private library adorns the shelves of his bumble, home lo wliich ho may go for tbdt mbolat attwiei irhlcli'a thirsting soul desires novolumosbf historic lore stand invitingly before him when great thoughts leap into being, in that raindj ready to be molded into the statesman, the historian or the poet and to appease thafc thirst, more ignoble occupation is resorted to aa a relief, and thus the embryo of a great man may bo irretrievably rained when, if a public library were accessible, uo such dangers would ensue. How many young persons are kept at the parental the charms of attractive books, and thus avoid tho temptations and snares which beset unoccupied minds of youth- This lad, instead of traversing streets with unprincipled boys, stealing signs, doing mischief, and sowing the seeds of which may become crimes, would -bang over the pages of prescott's Conquest of Mexico, or ftf Peru, his eyo kindling at the brilliant exploits narrated, aud his memory fed with historic traditions and recitals, requisite for every scholar, and the foundations of that boy's future greatness aud usefulness is being laid deep and strong. A public library at once becomes the en- 1 cyclopedia of every boy and girl in our midst, resorted to to settle questions of disputed history, sought for to enlighten the composition of the student, examined to Lest the accuracy of tho public lecturer or tbe political orator, without which presumptuous iguoraoce niifjbt impose its pretensions upon public credulity, and counterfeit greatness be held in equal veneration with genuine scholarship. Ours is especially a country -where "Honor and shame from no condition rlM and where upstart pretentious based upon lineage or wealth find tio general favor, but where true merit Is justly honored and reseed.

Ko elevation is so great that Iho humblest may not aspire to itH attainments; and our form of- government Is one iu which the cultivation of tho'mind becomes essential to the.preservation of the public Take the publication of a newspaper, Mr. Suppose that but a numerical fraction of onr citizens could read, how long, think you, would the daily journal continue to be published 7 And in it not true, that tho greater the auaioraeuts of a man, the greater 13 his demand for publications, aud his library table everyday covered witirat least half a dozen dailies and as many magazines? You, then, more than any others have a direct interest in the topic I am discussing. Tour very prosperity, nay, existence, depends upon it. What then shall we do 7 This is easily answered. Already there is the nucleus of a public library in our midst; belojining to tho nearly defunct Yonnp Men'a Literary hundred volumes.

Unorganized tiUbrLs have been made by few persons to preserve its existciica, and to keep library from being scattered, and they made many aacrilices to HUB end. They desire thai the public aliall take the matter in charso, shall come generously forward aud place thid Library upon safe and anro foundations. A joint fttock company iy proposed, hi wtiich citizens can subscribe for shares, cither in money or books, and thus reacuc a library in tho Greatest danger of shipwreck, convert it iuto a public and endurable institution, and secure for the present and future generations a ceaseless fountain of public kuowledgc, wboao blessings can be nomoro. estimated than tho stars be num- bornd. Nowspapers can secure tho desired object by porhialontly encouraging and tma- Laing every effort for the establishment and success of such a valuable institution.

To them it will be broad oast upon the waters it will return after many daytt.iu. increased subscription list, and enlarged G. E. IL Proceed Bourd of Ed cat 1 BOARD OF EPUCATION March 3, 1802- The Board met as per adjournment. Prescut Messrs.

Coilius, Cook, Frcucb, and Peck. Miijules of Jau. llLh read and approved. Committee on petition of S. Crane asked for further time.

Ou motion, committee, consisting of Colliu3 a Peck uod Cook, was appoiot- ed to examine the Treasurer's books and accounts. The bill of French Daviea, of was referred Lo W. L. Cook witb power to act. The following bilJa were ordered paid: Goo.

W. Co ftUtioncry $27 60 J. M. nnal fl5 CO Qeo. li.

Wood, lumbar 40 Connolly, No, 4 2 00 Co uiircrLitiinff----'- 11 00' -Alfred ndvoriiulng 12 25 fc. F. Otterflon 75' A. tX Billon, ropuir of clock---- 1 On motion, Board adjourned to Saturday the 8tb iosL, at 1 o'clock E- PECK, Secretary. --Jaatfts the churches wore misled Sunday noon ibe cily bell SID alarm of Gre, which and: cUixeus down to tbo^couflagra*? tiori, which was on Second-street, near Warren.

lire originated in-ihe of Sir. Haerliug, aud extended to a story duelling house which, with tho wagon-shop, were soon enveloped in Jiml the eacertioas of the I not them from destruction. They snc- cecdedj howeter, in preventing iU spread to buildiugg; these were two small, Ufo-story dwelling by colored the windows bouses were needlessly removed or destroyed in tbe beginning of the dwelling of Mr. was only saved by the moat persistent esertifrus-of tbose present' The firo is supposed to have originated from a stove- i pipe, which projected from tliodwelling-houae toward sbop tbo beat is supposed to bave set fire to tbe latter. -Air Haerliug lost all'hfe loola and the tho shop'; his loss is abont he was not inaurfid.

Yesterday; with coriimenda- ble energy, he aod-his son were preparing the timbers for. a nexv shop, determined lose acy time. The other, building was owned by ibe Davenport. Mutual Paving and and Loan Association, whoso: probable loss is about $600, covered to tho amount of $500 by It was occupied by a Mra. Bniory, and-its destrnction was no serioos 'loss 'to comauiuity.

DON'T TAKE THR tako the papers these times? We did snp- poso that every man who coqld read took the papers now, bnVsuch' Is uot.tho fact! Of coarse they, nil'do jo if they don't, take their own they take somebody else's; as it is a fact; they all'read them- Batup learn from iho Stn- I 1 there are men iu business who don't take their own county paper. -Of course they are punfehedfor it, publishers of newspapers it "comes home to And thus it happened to tbem bao-cbap sold oat his cotton goods rapidly, and when he caiuo to buy had to pay an a'dvauc'e'of flvb cents on old retail price. Another covey emptied his tea boxes at 50 cents; per pound-and- ordered a fresh supply, for which he.had to pay 75 cents for precisely the' same- article. Yerdict of the people, served 'em-right! A expresily for the THE WAR NEWS. A woolen mill, owned fay a wan named a i i 1 Davis, which liad been manufacturing confederate cloth, was also seized wUh cori- fiiuerablo stock.

Richard Washington, brothcr.of the lato JofcnVA. Washington, Harper's Ferry. is now confined at THE iBEBELS TOWARDS Uullroatl FOR THS VtlXX. MiROil 1, DATF" I sta of Water." Mercury Above te. Above w.

mark. below. Feb. 23.. 6 feet 8 Inches 6 6 25 6 6 27 I 6 (l C.

Marah 6 A.Si. 85 7 23 84 20 121 87 12 38 20 '25 2T P.M 35 17 SB 22 24 24 Expected Attack at Centerriile. News from Southern Sources. TERRIBLE EXPLOSION IN DETROIT. The number of footmen that crossed the dtulflg tho week: J.

II. Brldgo Master. Meteorological (Under tbedireotlon of tho Hado at Griswold Collnge; Davenport, JJr DuKwoofiT. 1 Latitude 41. SO, North-- "Wcat-- Height above th ftea 737 feet; D1TE.

2 31 9P.M. 26--i8 Mur 29,21 2S3G 29. SS 20.88 2tU3 29.03 2D.05 28.80 11870 TBEBHOUKTER. 7 A.M. 2P.M.

KM, 4 24 19 2-1 li 85 23 22, 25 29 32' 8 19 22' 25 SHOW. Inch. 0.3 3 Mean of Buromotor 29.22 delicti; tneiib Tomperuturo, 19 cleprooft; muan Amount of clouds From Tribune Correspondence. WASHINGTON, March Tbo House judiciary comaiittoo will tomorrow report favorably on the Senate bill, making tho final awards of the coraiaission- crs appointed to audit claims against the government, Incurred in tho Western Tbo President nominate as Major Generals, Brig; Gens. Grant, McCIernand, and Wallace, who commanded divisions at the battle of Fort Donclson, anil as Brigadier Generals tbe Colonels commanding brigades there.

Subordinate officers will'also receive proper promotion. President, through the Secretary of seooral direction of diffaoo Hghtniiig were during tbo lit, I S.and E. COMMERCIAL; IA I 'M A I 07 A JpfivoutDg March 3, 18G2. Wo are literally Bnowed up hore, EO that Ihoro is doing iii ntarkotrt, und according to proeerit appearances nolliiiig bu dobo for eonm iiuie, no farmere cnnnot got Into town, Qudtatluaa of course romain unchnnged. Firm OATS-- CnrOAQO, ulorcli JProvIelpn market very quiet.

8'iouldorii hams, porfc, nummul at $1150, city ed. bard, at Tc. DmcaSED JIoos--Qulot nnd anchftngoil 3 05, dividini: ou 2GO iDj. L-ivo in Jiniltod ply market qalot "WHEAT--Advancod Xc. No.

1 New York By ToIogrnpli.I NBVT YORK. March G. FLOCR--Dull and drooping. 00 cup. ntuto; oxtra etatu; J5 wi-utont; mtJtL extru woatoru; bnvnda ez 1C- IL O- und lovror.

No of nioniciit, HcJivy. infxud wosturti in ptoro; Quiwt. for murH. for prme. hogd, yc.K Flaatioa of war, i i his order of tho day, accotnpan- the announcement of tbese deserved rewards of valor, strive to pay tbe just tribute to every man; high or low in rank', who contributed to tho glorious Flag officer and his bravo sailors will doubtless not be forgotten.

Special to tlio World, The policy of the governmcat is energetically directed toward supporting tbe loval feeling in the attitude of resistance- Abundant evidence is afforded tbat tho truly loyal fuclirigextsts which, although for some time overpowered and silenced, is now ready to avail itself of tbe presence of tho U. forces for its manifestation, in meeting the enemy in battle. Timc Gen- Buoll telegraphed to Gen. McCIel- lan last that tho rebels have abandoned Murfreesboro and are in full retreat towards rhc Tennessee river. Crossing this river will place them in Alabama and free Middle Tennessee of every an-ncd rebel force.

Inasmuch as the enemy retreat along a railroad line, tearing up tho rails as they puss, it will be difficult for Gen. Buell to catch them. It is announced the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers will bo opened this week to free aud unrestricted commerce, under tlio order of the Secretary of the Treasury. 'WASHINGTON, March Tho Secretary of tho Navy received a letter to-day, dated Cairo, Feb. 27tlij from Flag Officer Foote a who says, I have tho honor to forward a communication from commanding Bryant, the substance From Fort Jttonrobl Four MpjNROE, The steamer Express leftiOld Point yesterday; morning for James river, to receive the Union; prisoners who wore expected on They were not met, however, according to She accordingly caine back about 3.p.

m. Yesterday the rebel steamer Jamestown, which, witb. tho Yorbstown, i stationed off Hog Island, steamed toward the Express, with a flag of 'truce, to ascertain cause of her appearance in tho river on two days. She stopped abreast of the Express at a few rods distance, and lowered a boat with a Lieutenant on board, to communicate. He was informed errand ol the Express, that she was acting under information furnished by Gen.

Huger, when hu explained that his commander had no knowledge of auy expected prisoners, and from seeing days in succession, came down to learn the occasion. He expressed himself satisfied and returned to the Jamestown, which wtnt back to her station. 'She has been armed with a gun at her bows and another at her stern, and has a sharp iron some three.feet from XTXVIItli 8JS55IOK. -s WASHINGTON, March 3. Dawes, from committee on elections, made a report on the'potition of S.

Fergusoib Beacb, asking to "be Admitted to a'ee'at as Representative'from'" the 7tli Railroads; 1 strong naturally, expected. Official, information 'ttrttie district, of- Virginia. append, to it. a resolution tbat Department the miliCary Mr.Beactiis not entitled a Tbe work in aoji-jt sutject was laid oven v-im irte A lfi Mr. Steveris, from' the ways and means, reported a bill providing internal revenue (or tho the government and to pay the interest on the public debt.

Referred to the committee of the whole, and made the special order one week from next Tuesday. Air. Stevens said as. considerable impatience been expressed by the public at I Johhsbh the delay in reporting the bill, ho proceeds tpTennessee to-mprrpW' taopen to say that the comtnitteo on ways arid I military provisipnaLgovernuienC for Teonea- Tn A a nzs rlt ft I tin i i Irt rt 1 Pti ri' trt I paly'remaias tp effect a civil re-organizatipn of tHe'Statc It States'for- occupy;: Cotton to tbe' value' of his fal- len'ihto'oup 1 ment' has brdngtit toA designated' Hon. means'did not obtain possession of the until the' recdhstructida 'of "tl'Q 1 cvil estimates facts, to enable them to I overnme nt BriadierVGen: Buell wtlll tie nominated to-morrow as 'Major A dispatch was to Foote, saying tliat seri't-'with a flag'of -truce to returned and reports Columbus being evacuated.

He aw the rcLi-ls burning 'their winter 'q judge how revenue was nucessary ad til the first. week in committee then had before them all tbat woro passed ten'days ago, beiogearlier than usual in the session. The committee were also engaged some, time on the the treasury notebilf. The tax subjecc was referred to a special com- I alum's, but icaying tbose in water; mttteoj'which worked as assiduously as pos- teri 1 1 1 indications were, that the- town eible during every hour they wore not togcthcrwith lailitary'atbrea, gaged in-the Uouse. He believed they had Torfced.inore Lours every day since that than any laborer in the S.

When the suU-comuiittee completed its labors the fire iii i iLofi over All March A most disastrous lire this morning de- tb'e GAXETTK Please announce my name aft oandlclato for Iho oflio'o of City far Lho enBuinjf yoar, mid obllgo W- B. announce-my nnme cundiUuto for tho ofllco of City ut tho coming election, BubjecUo thodocirilon thu Itopublloan nominating Convtmtioii. TAr LO iu MESSRS. announce tbe namoof JonW JU, UCKH, anacaiidldiiLoforClty Mat- eluJ at tbo coming election, Bcbjuct to the decision of tho Kupitblicnn nominating 1 OonvootioiK Clairvoyance. R.

AND MRS. PRICE, HTDRO- JC JCOLKOTIO JLKD.OLA1UVOYAKT OlANS, MFH. IMoo will pay Hpecml tLttcntiou to tbe of ObatoLrics and hfluUog Uiaouatta to hor Boxl Oillco in TJG jOiaire HOQao, bctwoca MtUn and viurancu, Huooiid Btroot. fubn-dLf Iowa Wr Claim (ISO. U.

PARHllIi J.I.F. SO WARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAVENPORP, IOWA, ILL GIVE PAHTICULAE ATTENTION pay Entitled to to procuring bounty paueionft arrears of due noldiurd of lUti Unitod ODlcerj or soldtorn who IIAVO boon diuablod, from wounds rocelvGd'in tha liuo of ttioir dmy whilo inacrs-ico, uro ontiiled to during Bounty of t0O, Tbe logalhatrdof buck dmay dtoor be killed in tha HftrvLceuro on titled to the 'bounty of Onu lien- drtd liUnt furuiehodby mail. Address PAUKEKEDWAKDS, Mutch 1, 1802 dim Davenport, Iowa. PRINTING PRINTING! THE JOXHCIODS UBK O3T nis WHKMT It fthould Sbarpened by Adrertisiug And by other suitable of tiieplug your before tUo piilHo; IF YOU WANT ANT.

KIND I W- I BONK Cbeaper, Better, and Quicker Thaiu anywhere etie la tlie city, go tho DAVENPORT DULY GAZETTE B-ICO o.m ATTACHMENTS, NOTHJK8. BEAltOU WARIIANTS, SUlil'CEHIKS, Whlcb. tbgotbor with aLotlior kindi bt be had low, at tho OJ.IKTTB counting room, oorner of Third And Perry sireou. i 3 of -which. I have just telegraphed.

captain of the steamer who brings the dispatch says, tbat six miles below Nashville there was- -a battery which mounted 15 guns, but several of them were thrown into the river before tbo Cairo arrived. Ho also reports a strong Union feeling manifested in and near Nashville, and tbat Guy. Harris, after vainly attempting to rally tho citizens and others, left un Sunday for Memphis. He also reports that tbo gunboats were welcomed by tbo people at yille and other points on tbe Cumberland river, and that on hearing of ray arrivaI 3 supposing tbe gunboats would proceed immediately to Nashvillc 3 the enemy retreated panic stricken. The unusually high water of the river enabling the boats to ascend tho river, is providential, The following is tho enclosure -in Flag officer Foote's letter NASHVILLE, Feb- 28.

To Flag-officer FOOTE, commanding, Uncertain that my letter of tbe 23d reached you, I repeat that departed from Chirksvillc for this point by tbo request of Brig, Sruith, commanding at ClarkGVille, and arrived here this morning, preceded by several steamboats ccmvcying an army commanded by Brig. Geo. Nelson. The troops landed without opposition. The banks of the river are free from hostile forces.

The railroad and suspension bridges are all destroyed. Very respectfully, A. C- BRYANT, Lieut. Com- her bows at tbe water She is committee of-ways and means had posed-to be commanded by Capt. Barnard, gone over the bill carefully, article by arti- Baying been twice relation until they unanimously adopted to expected prisoners, it is not known He did wbea they will bo sent down the It is uncertain whether Col.

Corcoran will Iject came be among the number. benevolent indulgence may be extended to cocsm -seed-store, and Tfibsestocks interview took place 'yesterday them. He desired the extra copies of tbe wem.mostly second oft" Craney Island, between Gen. Wool aud bill 'ordered to be printed to distributed occupied by the law uffices of Finch, Lynde Gen. Ho well Cufab, in reference to a gen- for the consideration of tbe people who are Qgdun, Cory Pratt, eral exchange of prisoners.

to sustain the burdens, and that tboy may I and wvcral Others. Their buoks Wo hear, via Norfolk-, that the steamer have the benefit of thoir suggestions. Nashville arrived at Wilmington, Mr. Sedgwick offered a resolution; whicb Iar concert and opera haU covered yesterday, having run the blockade at that was adopted, requesting tbe President, if I which was'tmtirely destroj 1 placc. not Jncwnpat'ble with the public quantity of telegraphic cable has ar- to furnish copies of the correspondence rived here for the completion of the line relative to the present condition of Mexico.

ur across the bay. and tho allied powers in invading Mexico There is satisfactory authority for stating to establish a that a newspaper announcement in jester- day's 'Mercttry, that Gen. Hooker's division had crossed the lower Potomac, is entirely false. buildings is fk '-T From St. L.otii«, ST.

Lours, March 3' A special to the Missouri Democrat, from Cairo, 2d Bays a great light was seen in tho'dircction of Columbus last Is generally believed that tbo rebels there have burned everything of an inflammable nature. The Memphis Appeal of the 28th ult. has tbe following; Wo have information from BLOOJWINGTOX, March 3. The Nicols was entirely destroyed; by tire "on Sunday morning. No furniture! ('tween thu AHioil Buffers saved.

Loss 35,000 tlollars. Insurance bts the rcsuJt of the present iqvaaion OOOdolIare. i 1 From vyAfiEiiNGTON, March It'is said to be clearly moriafchy A S. BY THE From Washington. WASHINGTON, March There is nothing in the official telegrams o- of.

"Mexico, gtvbb'thb United States that-' thdjf flcok any.pon.tical lieved they will say tiie uiuoarcby will be TM I established by "the freu'will of the Mexican -r tho empire -was-cfttablishcd in -t -r c- i Msj. Hitchcock declined pointment oh the ground thatbViH'lleaich. will not: permit hiui.toiperfurm tbe duties last received, to ebow tbat the rebels are fi If i Nashville up to "Wednesday uooiu Gen. levacunting Columbus, nor has any informa- AA A JT I j.s I Oen. ateu, at raw Western (rum debilitating cSccts' df the wound received at.

Shields succeeds him. and 1 Uom: i'oote arrived and occupied I tion been received from Gen. Bnull since tbo place- The U. S. flag'was raised over the announcurnent of the taking of Nash- tho dome of tho capttot and floats there villc, when he was four miles from that city, now.

But one Federal flag was exhibited, Ifcncc tbe newspapcc reports of rcbcia be- ahd that from the shop of a Yankee jewel- ing surrounded at Murlreesboro are not. had long been suspected of disloy- reliable. alty. Tho feeling is Nashville is strongly Dispatches were received at tho Navy Southern. Deep gloom tho community.

Citizens of any kind with the invaders ish flags have been raised by property 1 23d after having gone up the Twines'. I soldier and, noble 't 1 A I i i tT 11 ttl "Otatli of Gen. Lund or. Cfen. Fred holders, thus evincing their intention to see river in tho guubuat TyU-r as high as claim the protection of that government.

Eastport, Miss. Ho is happy to state that. The sicfc are being removed from he has met with an increased Union Benti- bus ment in Southern Tennessee and Northern arc to learn that Bcaurcgard I Alabama, lie saw few Mississippians. In is making prompt and energetic preparations Hardin, McNary, Way no, Dccatur aud a to oppose tho which' now- seems' so portion of Hardeman counties, all 'of which imminent on Columbus. border upon the river, tho'TJiuoa sentiment The reported capture of B.

K. Johnson: is strong, thoae not express at Ft. Donelson is incorrect. He arrived at themselves openly loyal, arc only preveot- Nashvillo Saturday, having escaped from led by thuir fears of. the military tyranny the enemy.

arid coercion which is practiced by the Tho following is an abstract of the tax bill reported to-day. It provides for the appointment by the President of a commissioner of internal revenue, with a salary of $5,000 per annum; his olfico to be iu the Treasury Department, with-a suitable num- ber'of The couutry is to bo divided as the President may direct, into convenient collection districts, with an assessor arid collector appointed by the President, for each district, who shall Lave power to appoint such deputies as may be necessary. The bill provides for a duty on spirituous liquors of 15 cents per gallon. The Baltimore- Ohio U.K. is being rapidly rebuilt, and will soon be in running About-iO miles iron and cross ties have been carried off by the'rebels.

From Gen. Division. CHARLESTOWV, March 2. The main body of Gen. Bank's division rests in tho vicinity of No disaster or accident has occurred since their concentration at and departure from Sandy Hook, to cause any anxiety to the friends at home.

Three.inches of snow fell to-day. -Th'e hitherto rancorous secessionists now pay marked respect to the Federal uniform. The citizens who liavo been compelled to saccnmb to the rebel force are elated with the prospects for the ft is gratifying-to perceive tbat the country through which the army marched bears marks of the usual agricultural industry. It is apparent that tbo future cereal crops of this prolific region have not been neglected as tuay be. supposed.

Towti'and country arc destitute of imported articles of cousump- tipa. There is no lack of bread, meat, and coarse.clothes! Hundreds of contrabands are hourly seeking refuge wiihin'our Hoes, but they are allowed to roam at large, without espionage or care; fact, bus little notice is taken of them, except, to prevent thfiir re- 'turn beyond our outposts. 1 The general reports from Wmchesterare and but can be placed on them, coming refugees and contrabands. Tho commanders are undoubtedly better informed than tho public, and are consequently prepared for any emergency: which may arise. Considerable flour, anereditetTto the secession has been property has been strictly respected.

MartinsUurg has been occupied by Union; troops, approved by Gen. McClellan. eptf.tb 1,000 of flour to the" Confederates, have been seized and Jeff. Thompson loft bis old'headquarters marauding bands of guorilla companies of day before a secret expedition, cavalry. Ho will turn'up soniewbere.

Learning that a large quantity of wheat Both houses of the Tenn. Legislature ract and flour was stored in Clifton, Taiin in- on the 27 tb, and adjourned lor want of attended, of course, to bo shipped South, quorum. largo portion of it having buen bought for Concerning the President's message the a firm in Mumphis, on hiy down trip be Appeal says: "lie is free to confess the or- landed there and took on board about ror of his past policy, and the extent of 1,000 sacks and 100 brls. of flour and some disasters which have followed from It. We GjOOO bushels of wheat.

He considered it tbinK vigorous war will soon be made on the his duty to' take possession of tho above to advancing columns of the enemy; that we prevent its buing seized by tbe rebels or will attack, pursue, and destroy, instead of disposed of in the rebel country, being attacked, pursued and The glorious success of our armies at The spade will be dropped, and the bayonet Forts Henry and. Doiielson, be nays, has resumed; iu other words, the policy'of been most benelicia'I to tho Union cause- bian Davis will yield to that of tbe Nnpo- throughout South Tennessee Iconic Eeaurecard. In view of these facts The Union men can now again daru to ex- brouEUt down under arrest a roan we can see light gleaming through the dark press their loyal sentiments without fear of clouds that at presentcrivironus, which will being mobbed, especially along tho banks of burst forth in less than sixty days full tbe river. and resplendent lustre." r( The rebels are said to be fortifying island named Wui. II.

Pool, who has buen active' No. 10, thirty-five miles below Columbus, in. oppressing Union men in his which plaeo'thcy will fall back High He has warned the inhabitants of the diifer- ground is found on'the island, which is well cnt town's along the banks of the river that adapted lor planting batteries to command he would hold tlu secessionists and their tbe river; respousibtc for any outrages in Prominent officers believe that Columbus their community on Unionists, and had en- I was burnt last night. Kipectlnc u-n Attack at Ceittrc- vllle. March 3..

listed seventeen men aud brought down portion of tho refugees. A dispatch from Com. Goldsborougli to Secretary dated U. S. steamer Philadelphia, off Roanoke lalund, Feb.

23, says The Lyuchburg Virginian publishes the 1 the recorifioitering party sent up the following: A private letter received from! Chpwau river has returned. It did not'go Centreville last night, states that pur forces up be'jbnd Winton. There tbo enemy in had received orders to send their sick to considerable force opened a heavy tire upon the rear, and put themselves in marching the vessel (the Delaware) in advance, with order. By passengers who arrived in last a battery of artillery and musketry, which night's train the above'report'is confirmed, induced our force attack it in return, and they also atate that tho women and both'by landing tlie New York 9 tb Zouaves 'children'were ordered to leave yesterday and with the guns of the vessels that could understand that the Yankees be Brought to bear upon the enemy. Tho have succeeded in cutting another road enemy 1 soon took to Hight, and tbe houses throush the woods to Fairfax.

they occupied'as quarters were burned. Not a man was injured on our side. From Kentucky, atad Tennessee. I LOUISVIU.K, March 3. Railroad communication between here and Nashville, except ovcra-creek ten miles north of Nashville, damaged the rising fi rm entered and took pos- water on Saturday, be resumed to army can supply Uis.

place. a i i t-rt t-llrt i a i i nrhAWi victim to this'Ball's 'Bluff blunder, where tie was neriously wuuadcd, which. hu has. never His has kupt liui field when bo have 'been 1 0 tW-hospJtfal, a he 1 his. A dispatch was received: Kennedy; Assistant Secretary pfjState, rescinding order requiring persons leav- -iiig the country-to pfoctiro.

passports, and stating that foreign passports not hereafter require countera i i i '0 's PILLS AND OINTMENT i i 4 1 Vi' a-, Tic Tho doctriue "ihftt quU oaly remedies nlaoaud carbooatooC iron for tto doloroux and nenrouff diaorderaiB cow dcd. liolloway'a Ointment will procure tho ioflt alleviation of pain, and a Tew 'applications suffice for per manont, wHohave er- porlonccd a' radical bdntitlt from nee are prepared to Touch for tho correctnesB of tbia etatoment, In lumbago, nod flcifttica- ltU ly onicncloiitf, Sold by nil drugglflta.ut 250,620, and pot; sr tlio Relief of Soldiers A LL CONTRIBUTORS TO KttLrfiF-FONP uro earnestly to mental ibu LeClairo 10 o'clock a. m. Ho usehokl -furniture 'AT Weflaesdaj, Mariib 10 a. HOUSEEfOLD FURNTTURB at tbo Adi At public ftaotio Maroh 6lh, nt 10 oloot.

coroprifiea fall Speoiul lo the Cairo. Tribune. The occupation of Nashville fully con-. morrow The election at Nashville yesterday for municipal officers passed off quietly. The retiring Mayor issued a proclamation assuring the people of protection by the JPederal troops ii they quietly pursued their 1 Twenty-five rebel prisoners have been brought to -Nashville, and twenty-five ne- ptoes, seized by the rebels in tho vicinity of Green, have beea recovered at -Nashville and sent back.

Mail comuumication is established to Bowling Greenland-for, military to Nashville. J. mail agent for Kentucky, is making: energetic exertions to facilities to every part of Kentucky. DETROIT, March 3: An cxplosion'-tbok'placo to-day "at the oil rofincry'of ir: IIarmon demol-: ishing the building and killing several persons'; Four dead bodies have been recovered, among them Kobt. Highaci and Chas.

L. Dibbles, two of the'prqpVietoniJ Others are Buppowd to be bdriedja the roina, 1 session on Tacsday last. The Union reeling being strong among the citizens are unfounded. They express themselves in bitter terms'against tho "Yaii- 1 kecs." Store keepers will not sell anything to our soldiers and prefer taking secession shmplasters" to United States goIdJ-- The report that Governor Harris' burned tha State Library, is probably a Our forces are endeavoring by kind treat- 1 ment 'and proper representations to conciliate civilians, but thus far without avail. Many of "them confidently expect the retain of Jblmston and his rebel-forces.

Before tho advent of onr troops a complete reign of terror existed in Nashviile. TOG rebel troops endeavored to' impress. civilians into their ranks. The latter resisted, and outbreaks occurred in consequence between the civilians and" soldiery, during which" sbmpof the latter wrakiUcd. The Texas rangers, 5 in the cityjand one pr: twb' aitcrapts were mado in that bat failed.

It is now cofideritiy'f'espected 1 that tho rebels will mafeo a stand at Chattanooga or Stovensbh," about'prio hundred miles below the junction of tho Nashville and the Charleston and i i 4 Parlor CliamUer Furwilure, TKRfltS i J. a la-good will be SOLD. 1'laco afjaloatithares oa -Etghtti 'atreetY Periy and" fiook bland uLraeta, PAKKSU B0J8E TO a li- i VV ITn tf -giMLUVE ttV.Uor*, bdarinff fruit rt onltfvApUoa 1 park of 16 good paitrnre, -all board-and picket feaoo; welt and thte rlrtir, adjoining Claire, and win b- rented low to a BOttablo cashTaying tcnaht'' fttf" oatT'or 'mom Applvaoouto -O. IT. KENT OrT.

"marl'dff Le Hedge Iowa. Now ifl'yonr If iKo 'vtx will bo DO -1-will ooauraot set out and warrant UTUvo at. is cBSfea I will alAO warrant fonce ut 40 opnU; For farther addroaa dt.

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