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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • Page 4

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BBOOXLTN Tba public hare WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1889. LOCAL COOD Hawi-Km TBB ltma-0' MO 11 stfQOfferiug their enure si" 1 01 goods and Cupels at rednew l' rlcts THE DAVWf'' OBT CHICAGO. EXPUKBB I BTSKUKO fc KOCH LAM). wlfhWaiwolthoWeaUra Union B. JL for all polntu on ihertver.


7 OOA. 1UTI110, OKASB, UILTIUX 18D aUTtrtXAl ABRIVEB Monday, and Bator. DlaPAKTB 1 rl" AM1TT, USakTl" ARB1YKB Monday andTlnmdaj 4 00 uidFridy.ftt BIXOK.BlOftOCIAalDHAJSlCOriTH ABB.lVE8Frld* 32 Mir P.KFAH15 nl i TO bo CIZEI-TB JO m.a..ncu""» a Sen, medium (broach cli ni-Jte ihrtr known of BmTMtporl, and lo law rraidlue public oTVmlrol aar Tlie circulation ot 'be larjfat lu tbla aud ml» Uw or any oilier lu tuU cllr. JH TIiU circulation Hf Advrrtulnr raM fambbcd on ap- plleaUou.

far All bo paid lor before Uunrtlon cllbrrlu Dall) ar WccKly will be charted for all biMlueM uollee. lu Shu eolumu. No notice will be cliarcod IB" 'bail One NotlcMOt, oxeeedlnefour llnct In leoclb, will luonedat Ofly cenU For each additional line, or I ruction, ten cenu will be cbarged CITY TICKET. DAVENPORT BUSINESS W- Ke- tMll JOtaJcf lu duW Mimdtwj Bed IV o. 40 heeuiitl btreot.

StencUtuttlusr- ClWd. SUoi-- 15 ata Trade iiMU- Brady. OAltStKTT 1 M.uiaf«c«iror.Wliole- JJtalcr Aboc-H No. Second KU ttilweCD JCriu.r«uit malu. A ttbmre ot UALtV, DetJer lu livou UO Ui-Hdy Mrcct.

Keady-BlttUe Uio Aitoutlun 1'ald CO l-wditS' mujrjy done, TEIOMLPiiON Oc CA.tITi.VU.VJBL. FOR 3. McNEIL. FOR JOHN KA.UFFAIAKN. FOR CLBRK TUERK.

REASURER, W. A. FOB ASSlTSgQB, FHAITCJS OCH3. from (too to time Lad whisporings of a Brooklyn ilajsziie something tut gtncrit II has atliinglh tusde Us appearance. It comes to? us in a bright blue cover with mat purple title and monogram within, in 80 pages of letter press are rather taste" ful.

modeled somewhat alter the style and about tbe size of those of the Galaxy. Its iiiui insert lue independence of Brooklyn, and the ability of Brooklyn heads and Brooklyn hands to produce an organ for the conservation of its own culture. The contents are Henry Ward Beecher (with portrait History of Education in pon ATTOIUTET, J). CAMI'UELL, TOJt STBEET COilMISSIOKZK C. S.


'LwiGB AEBotlment of Ladies' Goat, urge, Blippcre and Bnskina a hUd Iftwd Ac FttiviUUt V- BUCKI.K.iai.u.iJHac«U)C«sr» mud JDaaJor IIL bluudarO. IU.ii dci Ordi COI.K.AM3BR J-ew. Hum and. No. tJU-KISAII.

pKLTON.TliIrd.trr-ol, KLardn wre i irroui strotu MAVXINS it OLAXfiK, OS Brndr bu 4Cli and 5tti, nlde. Akcal en in Vvgutublev, fitutior, uu (Joodndeliver vt B. JONE8, Ho. Ftratjy-trrol Wuttor, abJttR in tltclr Ullod. CUA.S.

83 Second Street. ln.lcr lu every varlct or IncludlniE lUv ul aud. up- EH jH CMUIATIT are now boil Oatpela, Oil Clolbi, o. They hav aUo rtceiveii a new Blyle of Cormeta, which they call Iho allcnlion of their cu lomeifl. SOLDIER'S Let all soldier who drafre toftl up a rcspcctabla delega lion to ollund the Monuuioiit dedication Koct Island, remember tlio meeeling to morrow, at 2 o'clock, at tlio Court House.

A FEW of thoie Bleacbed HuBlina (bough before tbo recent rise) loft at Catter JAJOTES BT. DUMOIVT Mll.1 the over- popalux KujToka nnd cordon OIij- Ooolc HtOTctt. and tlio icrllllanc J'arlui- HTou-x) work nitd Jottbtuy til reduced 16 main A A I NOB. 2 4 Secoud All 'TUTanlvd oi rujjriieiitbJ. kOSXB iCELLEr.

(Snccc-Mora to KELET WOOI,) IQELKllS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, CmieiT, Palms, Otis, Olaas, Cordtge, Twines, Belling, Ac. AVING from )(ei RECKKTLT P0BOff48ED Shelf and Hardiraiy, dMtre to Inform the pnblln that bn at A'l to cappl; WILL la oar Urn, at tuu lowoat Du-ktt Ordf a Acm Coontry Korcbanta aollelud and fllJad at a Milan adTaiioa over Bnatutn Prtcra ill 111 AIBB ANK'S BO AL1IB BU- PLOWB. i- JHACK, Wm. Uhdett Son, A KAKB the pateuli issued during tho week ending March 22 was one to Ur. J.

8. Fowler, of this city, for a Harvester Kske. It is said, by Ihoso who hare seen it operate, to be perfect its work. It is likely to prove a good thing or its inventor. noticed while on the street yesterday, hat everybody seemed of about the same urn of mind, and dropped isto tho "old place," merely, as we supposed, to exammo Iho styles anil prices; but, to our surprise all returned "With a package.

Child 43.Brady, is tha place we mean. OuTTsn UAiiisnn have juBt opened a flue assortment ol" Ladies', HUMS', and Ohil dreu'a Gloves for Spring wear. DEUTBCH 27 East Second street, have now on hand a very Jargo slock of Ladies' undcrvvarc of all kinds; Fine White Linen Skirls, eight tucks, for $2 80. Also, a large stock of Children mid Minsca Cot- seta, Fancy Goods, c. Great Inducements in low prices.

SUDDEN boy about fifteen yean of age, employed on the farm oi Ur. James Qelch, on the old Grove road, ten miles from this city, fell dead, as he was bedding some cattle in a barn, ou Jtlcmday evening last. He was au orphan' and had no relatives living that he knew of. His name was not known by oar informant. THE latest styles of Hoop Skirts at Gutter Marten's.

BUI IBIH, rner JfuulavotDnriaDd Doelenln Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, ai' ntUBtlon paid to roalrint lrj-. til iCazraTing iMUSIC: H. BEANCH, I A TTBMSCIAL ATTESTION OrfSS TO aKfAiaxMa. i.llan rtiUataa.aloatiod.and iooorarei. Ham- raaappaa, Hotn eatea.

elotti jfpalrtd ar I3C MUSIC Emerson's Piuu, RIDOE martial band from Jeiacy Ridge, Kdmund Fluke leader, visited our city last evening, and marched through tho principal streets, with the stars and stripes waving over the crowd of boys which them, and treated our cui- ccns to music of the old kind. The land is composed oi youth who do credit to themselves as ufers and drummers. liult aa hour anear the winga to tUe mo- menta as the Davenport String Band, under the leadership or Mr. Charles Knell, sales nun of Strauss' "jTarnllure, treated us to their Orphean strains. Messrs.

R. H. A. and Joseph NMlf, J. R.

Wmmpler and O. jybe ably' supported their leader. The free concert was excellent. Conuty; Be Knew He Was Right; The Blighted Life; A Ride with the Devil; Kewspapering in Gotham a Quarter Century Ago; Chronicles in Qranville; Hymns tho Middle ages Tho Lost Battle of the WAT, and some half dozsn other poetry and prose. The subject matter is pretty fair, highly creditable to the project ors and contributors of the Utgacme.

Published by Horace W. Love Co. Brooklyn. month by some sight this vigorous and somcwh at tropical Magazine was accidentally omitted. The April number comss to band with a good melange of original matter.

The rials are: The Lost Sister, The Three Clerks, out! The Yellow Chief. The short sketches: Parhelion, The Vultures of America, A Dead Man (Poc) Defended, A Kide for Heat, aod the poems are good. Of its class we think Meyne Keid's the best periodical claiming public favor. Although he aims to excllj and thrill--the scenes into which the Captain's readets are led, tend ml to stimulate to a daring manhood not itlcrly reckless. Published by Csrlelon, ftw York TnK HIVBBSIDB MAGAZINE for April with a spirited engraving of boys playing horse, and closes with a velocipede idu.

Porte Crayon resumes his pictures stories of Virginia. The Judge's Pets! re continued. Ur. Abbot tells a big flali Btory; UMIB AixdcrauiL han a Special grilling lor his young friends in America. Then, there aru Uambles in the city of the Graud Turk; A Legend from Lake Superior Bible story entitled Silting in the midst of the Doctors, and other good things.

Published by Hurd Boiguton, New "Fork. THE HKBALD OP HEALTH for April contains, other articles, Disease fit tho Heart, by Dr. E. Miller. Health or aVacers, Lr.

M. liui brook. Homes for tho Oily, by Dr. Dio Common Sense Tight Lacing, by Mrs. Dr.

Gladden. What Shall We Diiuk5 by ReT. OharlesH Bnghatn. The conclusion of tlio serial on tho Early Care of the Lungs, and a continuation of Kitty Howard's Journal. Tho Editorial Depart' msnl and Answers to Correspondents, are varied and interesting as usual.

Published by Miller, Wood New York. TILTON'S JOOHMAL OF Trie-readers of ibis journal will find pleas, ure in the horticultural notes of a tour through most of tbe Southern States by Marshall P. Wilder. A very full and instructive essay on plum culture may be read with profit; illustrations of biz of the choicest varicftes are given. 8 Rand, treats us Io a more intimate acquaintance with the Allamanda, of Brazil, and a host of parlor plants.

The Notes and Qlcanlngs gather up a boat of excellent bines, ou all matters horticultural, whetbe seful especially, or ornamental; the most tartlmg suggestion is a long article on the warfing of palm trees for conservatory ilanls. 'Published by Tillon Boston las. GAI.AXT --The most absorbingly intcrcst- DR feature of this Magazine is perhaps "Put yourself in his Place," by Charles Beadc me there are at lease a dozen quieter articles hat will win us more satisfaction in tbo perusal of the number at hand, for instance: Marry or not lo Marry, The Exile-World London, Astor Library, Animal Food. )ur Great Farmers, and The "Drift Wood' ud Miscellany oi Literature aud Art. 01- aor is brought lo a close a supplement ttacLcd.

Not only well-established, the oldxy is suadiiy gaining ground. Addresg heldon Co. Publishers, New York. OOB FOLKS for April Is an eicel- cnt number, Mr. Aidrich's remarkable Story of a Bad Boy," which has attracted much attention, Is still continued.

Th 'ubllshers stale that this story has largely noreasad the circulation of the Magszine- The Publishers also repeat their willingness sand the firsl four numbers for this year rtc to any one who wishes to examine the lagazine, and will aend his address 'Iclde, Osgood Boston, THE CHILDBED'S Houn, Is one of T. S. publications--a magazine for the tile ones, somewhat eimliar Ju style and bject In the Nursery. It Is profusely iilns- ated, and printed in bold type. Bishop wvens, of Pennsylvania, said of this little onthly: I Its Introduction to every household would prove blcss- ig la young and old." T.

S. Arthur Ware aU.eBANT'8 BLOCK, nartUmlaJAtuuUonPald to JMpalrlmg, SPHISO Cloakiugs, just recaived at Cut. ter J. Mansen'a. TH BaW at the 1 Express office, yesteroay, about ton's of goods from O.

Wadaworth A' Co'a wholesale dry good's Irouse, con aigrjcd to different parties West and southwest. That looks well, doesn't it!" said a bystander. Tea," answered the Ex- pressman, but when they send this way by express, what must their freight-train shipmenta be!" 'The fact is, Daveuport'a wholesale trade has attained a very respectable magnitude fast reaching a point at which It nil eclipse any other-city wett.of tha lakes. EOUSBLBSS.AKD frame of a one-story dwelling, 1 being erecteaby John Sbanghnessy, one being roofed, was Htted ott its tills by the wind, daybtfore yesterday, and to the ground, useless except foi kindiing Mr. 8.

was at on the building at the time, and was taken out of the rubbish with his right arm broken in two places above the elbow, and evcrely braised about the body. His escape ram death was a narrow one. The lots lis house, and his bodily taisfortuneare ca hnalties to him." Ha Is an Industrious, del 'ing citizen, and was worthy of batter luck. TDK largest assortment or Black Silk in lot city can be found at Cutter Marnwn's. Jj MUSIC A.I PI ANO TUN INCI Edward Wilkins, TJr Right before lait there was a flra at I ow city, which bnmtd out the hardware flna ot Bcydal Milltr.

with a millinery a fmniwre aura aid a harness ahop, four bnlWlnga in all, betides, one whiea was torn down. The National of this city had atl.wOO interest laSn. del 4 Miller's store, and yeatertay'foienoon Jeffriai wenl ont to attend to it. In the afternoon be ant word lo Sacretan otldge that the store was burned, th.good, wnd and thing iqoared bythi 'Prompt be ia owA: Jgre WM iunred for in what jawfur wt wiw BepubUcaB Ward Let the Republicans in the different Wards reuieuiuer the meeting at the utv places to-night at 7J o'clock for the nomination of Aldermen. To Tax-rnycr.

or tbe Clt The undersigned, appointed by tbe City Council to obtain subscription for tha payment of the city debt, find it Impossible to call on every tsi payer for that purpose be" fore the next council meeting, at which time they have to mako their report. They, therefore, moil earnestly request all tax-payers who have not yet subscribed, to do so Uy calling upon any ot the undersigned ou or before the Gth of'April next. 0. KBDSB, H. A.

KOSOK 3. P. BHTAHT. The church. The Annual faster Meeting of the Parish of the Bishop's Church, in this city, took plsco on Monday last, when tbe following arsons were duly elected vestrymen for the ensuing year: Benjamin R.

Phelps, James Armstrong, D. Sheldon, J. L. Daymude, W. P.

ttTHVtt's HOUK MAGAZINE, for April, ontatns an original piece of music, "Grandma's Polka;" aa interesting story by 8. Arthur; Valuable hints loHonse- ktepen, (among other tbings regard to cooking in nfly rGnt uaefal inMtraaLIon ia ezard to the fashions, the toilet and the work table, c. Arthur's Is one of he best ladies' magazines now published 8- Arthur Philadelphia. Ones A HONTB: thia genial little period- cat sustains its character as one of the neatest of the monthlies; its very form, a small uarto, is unique and pleasing and tbe wood cut Illustrations are capital. Tbe ketch of the fnfate bird with tho tranU.

on from Michelict's charming book is alone worth tbe price of the number. Wo oan LUdidly recommsnd thla magazine to tho public. T. S. Arthur hiladelpbia.

1st LlTTLX COEPOHii. This little riend of all the young Western juveniles is ving its usual readable table of good lings--prose, sketches, poems, picture sto- es, etc. A very interesting chapter from a orthcomlng niw book it given under the tie of Dakota Life. Tbe stoiy of Biver. do Farm continues--a proof that Miss mily still well sustains her laracur ota charming writer for children.

IM If you want tt, send to Ifred Chicago, 111; $1.00 per last excellent montb- mafszine, devoted to Masonic nlfonnity and progress, is edited by P. 6. Gnllbtrl, of Dnboque, asaisted by an ble corps of 1 In addition to and Mliable masonic intelligence, he Evergreen continues to present its read- re with a scries of admirably written arti- les by Dr. Bob Morris, bstng his Journal Bible Lands, Wecor- ially command- It to the craft It is an owa majanui, aondocted by a brother of acknowledged ability; hatstronj claims the support' of In Iowa. Tag NDBSIBV, tkal motH dslightful of juvenile publications, makes Its appear once for April la a bran new cover, awt Dd baauUlul as th.

toaWe lualf. is Kltd of It. very little to Uw land to it. Publlahtd by Sfcorwy, Boston, peraoaurn. BaUlMAatD'l Tain- bit moBttly puUloaUoa.

TtM April nam- apptara In a BSW dreai, and baildal tbe u.ual amouat ol iaUmllag iMdlBf nitUr, contains atraral tleca, of mnalo. der, A. H. Oronkhite. Kdwin W.

Baker, Wm. K. Gould, Wm. Van Tuyl, George B. Earlo, J.

r. Barnard. Tbe vestry elected Benjamin R. Phelps md James Armstrong as Wardens. W.

F. bidder was appointed Clerk, and B. B. Phclps, Treasurer. Waltlism Wntcliea.

The superior value of American watches above all others is too well understood, in this country at least, to need further illustration. Foreign watches being conceded on all-hands to hvo been fairly beaten, not only in the market, but in tbe pocket, tbe question now is, which of tbe Americau- msde watches Is best and really cheapest! The Wallham manufacture has deservedly mode its au immense business, in he face of violent add persistent opposi- lon. 1 hrough a period of fiftccen years it has sleidily nud regillarly advanced, the asl year's sale being considerably larger than those if any preceding year. The sc- tUm io thMi bo.VQ fclnod the test of cuduriag aod general trial; tht-y aru found to bo good in the loni; lunas well as tha short, aod to bu generally, as well as exceptionally good. No other ts- Ishibenl in the world ever sold in tbe fifteenth, or any year of its existence, seventy-five thousand watches, as this has donr, during the year just closed.

The truth is, the Waltbam company began by to mskf. a first class Article, and spared no pains or expense to keep that fact before tho public, for further information in this subject, we refer the reader to tbu business card of tho Company in another column. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS FOR ALTJEU- evening was the lime for tho Democrats of tho several Wards to assemble and nominate their candidates for Aldermen. They did so meet. In the First Ward about seventy persons met in Littig's Brewery, and put Mr.

Bdward Jennings in nomination. In the Second Ward four Dsmocrnts met at the Wm Tell Bouse, on Second street, and enjoyed themselves until naif past nino waiting for others to come. Otbcrs did not arrive, however, and to tho few faithful ones, disgusted with tbe conduct ol the ab sentces, adpurned without making any nomination. Bight or ten Democratic Third Warders (no more)mclat the Court House, and nominated Mr. J.

Jamison for Aldarman. In tho Fourth the Democratic Candida to for Alderman is--nobody. Tho City Hall was brilliantly lighted for the Fourth Ward Democracy. But the gas was burned In vain. John Monaih, City Sealer of Weights and Measures, and Michael McKerney were the only persons there to enjoy it.

Mpl another Democratic soul made his appearance, although Hgc went out several times to drum up a quorum, for tbey thought two didn't make it. Tbo plucky duett waited till after nine o'clock, but no quorum eror appeared. then adjourned without day, Honath being convinced that his fate is scaled tor tho next municipal ysar, and -Mac as jovial as tbough election had been held and he chosen Alderman. In the Fifth Ward there was bettor luck. Seventy or eighty of tho Democracy gathered at tho Pennsylvania House, end cast 146 votes tor Uiuir candidates.

Of these Charles Whiutker had 61 voles and John N. Daviu 45 votes, and so they were declared nominated, the former lor long term, and the latter to fill vacancy. Thero was coa siderablo enthusiasm at the meeting, as may be inferred from the number of voice cant. The Sixth Ward Democrats hold thiir meeting to morrow evening. BTWKBOAT CokUHtoHiac AJTO OrUlR seems that shippers north of this are complaining bitterly of the rates ot grain agreed upon in the "compact" between the Northern Line and While Collar Line Packet Companies.

We have heard no complaint here, however. are low In 81. Louin, and shippers are holding back, though every southward (learner takes liberal allowance of grain. The grain rate from this port is eighteen cents. But north of us there is a breeze.

The Dubuque limes says the two great steamboat com. paniea have put an embargo ou nil further operations Irom the granary of Thai's pretty strong. Hot there is eaongh of sensation In these complaints to reach St. Louis and alarm tbe press of that city. St.

Louis democrat notices the excitement, calls upon its merchants lo do something, and gives advice generally. Ita article is interesting, and we give it in full: Tho compact entered into between the Northern Lino Packets and the While Collar Line Packets is allractlng the attention of our consignees and others interested in tbe grain and produce to be shipped from points above the rapids. The packet companies claim that tbe rate is as low a one as they can stand until the rapids are euffl- DAVENPORT. OUR NEW BOXES, Half and Half, tad SCIIOOL EXAMINATIONS --Tue exumina. union at Grammar School No.

8, corner of SixtU and Warren streets, took yesterday. The attendance, as usual on cuch occasions, was not so large as it ought to have been. Still tho Committee, and the visitors who wero present, were well pleased with what they saw and heard. The pupils gave evidence of faithful care on tho sart of touchers, and close examination convinced all present that instruction at this school IB ot the durable kind. Tbero is probably no belter fichool lu tbo city than No.

8. Htiru, aa in No. 2, the aflec- tion and mutual interest manifested among teachers and scholars was not the least pleasing feature of the examination. TO DAT Grammar school No. 4 on Locnst street, will ba examined.

The Committee aro 3. L. Crawford, tfrg- rjfndcnztaD, Six. Jos Dalzell, Mr. W.

F. Ross. Tbe following is the order of exercise: Forenoon. 9.00 to 8.10--Opening Exercises. 9:10 to Class Arithmetic.

9.40 to 1030--0 1045101130--A Grammar. 11.30 to 1200--C Geogrspby- Aftemoon. 1 80 to 2 20--A Class History. 2 20 to Geography. 3:15 to SO--Beading Kierciso- S.30 to 4.10--A Class, Arithmetic.

FnoM THE PniBnies --The Clintcn Ser- old of Saturday last says. 1 Tbe news from tbe pineries is generally of a favorable nature. Logging is atlll being vigorously prosecuted, with plenty of snow to facilitate operations and insure high water in due time; indeed, a general freshet is predicted by the lumbermen, the amount of snow on" the upper rivers being such as to warrant executions of an nnusnal flDod, probably in May." The several saw mill owners in this city are mostly in readiness for tho season's work. Probably the greatest quantity of lumber ever turned out in Davenport will be sawed this season. RIVER Addie Johnson arrived yesterday forenoon Irom St.

Lonis, with considerable merchandize, and left in the afternoon for Dubuque--the first boat northward. The New Boston leaves for Fort Madison at 0 o'clock this morning. The Davenport is exported from below en route for upper river. The Savanna was expected last night from Pittsburgh direct with heavy freight. She will proceed-northward.

River ruing at St. Paul, and ice wearing away. A great rise is tearing things' In the Minnesota and Blno Earth--county and railroad bridge! being wept away. So a dispatch furnished by Mr. Leary, of the Mississippi Valley Lino, informs us.

Fixu rt ht before last there WM a Bra al lewa which burned out the hardware firm of Miller The Katlonal of this oily bad a la'. tarts! in that Ire, ud yeturday forenoon Ben went out to attend It. in the afternoon he tent word lo Secretary Sl- drldge that the store WM burned, tha saved and UM ihlog squared by the payment of Prompt and Reliable," as they uy they will in the malttx uciently Improved as to necessitate.) no transhipment. We presume this Is true, but still there is a way to help the matter this season, and if- the merchants will cordially co operaic with the packet lines, we think Si. Louis may lor once nuke Chicago fully understand the difference between water navigation and railroad navigation.

Tho plnrufl simply this: Let (50,000 bo subscribed as a contingent margin sgaintt loss, and then let a few of our leading grain men send sharp buyers up into the upper river and purchase all the wheat concentrated at river townsi Let the birce compsnv and tho two packet companies furnish a a of barges to be towed up to these pomls of concentration and left to be filled--as soon us tilled to bo ropljccd with empty once to be filled agnio. These barges can be towed up aid down at special rates and two or threo millions bushels of gram can thus be brought down during high water which we will not otherwise get. We have seen teltgrara from a large (train ownc of Dn- buquu, who says. "Our are full ot wheat, but we can utTord to Bay 21e and insure to St. Louis.

It can't go to BO it Is all alonR tbe river." If tbe grain of the upper Uisslasippl must pay thu "oompact rate." or go to corjo, rely upon It, merchants, it will go lo Chicago. Fur our own good as a body of river business men, we urge you to move this matter Call a meeting of the Eichtngo and see what can be done. Apply to the Board of Trade and see what can be done. It 13 all well enough tor u.amboatmen to say the Eapids must be improved, and we earnestly hope our Board of Traclo will effectually memorialize Con- cntial men of tho city will go to worfc 'and do all tky oanpcrsonatty to urge Congress lor such annual appropriations as shall keep the work going forward until It is completed. Another thing to be done is to alter the present model of steamboats throughout.

They arc not built for Ibe economical hand, ling ana transportation of freights, and until wo have perfect economy this matlcr- wc shall not bo giving to St. Louis tbo commercial pre-eminence due her by her adtui- mirahle position. That there is much to accomplish, we fully realizs, but we believe this progressive movement wul take no backward step, and that comparative perfection will ultimately be attained. Turn for tho future for the present, immediate action upon the matter under considers tion is ccmsndcd. French Fancy Papers; witcr-llno with SuvQlopH, JtUbur it-atcrKj with lultlnU GRlfiGS, WATSON DAY'S.

SCHOOL BOOKS, Latest Editions, LOWEST PRICES. AT Griggs, Watson Day's, 55 Peny Ftreif, Near Post Otfe. CENSUS os LINCOLN following is the ccnua of Lincoln Township as roccDtly taken by the Townthlp Assessor: Population--males 482 females 406-No. of dwelling houses 158 do 159 do entitled to vote 189 do foreigners not 21 do militia lit do deaf and dumb do acres of laud enclosed 19,444 do do in cultivation 19.278 do do in winter wheat do do fu spring 7,408 do do in corn 3,955 do do inoatE 1,314 do do in barley 2,927 do do in rye. do do io potatoes 208 do do in onions.

do do in tamo grass 891 do do in sorghum 2 do do in i ops do do in planted do rods of hedging planted 7,190 do of fruit trees bearing 2205 do of fruit trees not bonring 6,393 do of grape vires in bearing. 257 do ol grape vines not 1.S15 do of of all ages 707 do of cuttle of all ages 1,009 do of hogs ot all ages 3,117 do of sheep of all agefl 404 do ot mules and asses of all ages 87 do of milch cows 034 do of work oxen 2 do of dogs 198 do of hives of bees 10 do of bushels of spring wheat. 105,416 do do corn 6G7.6TC do do oals 42.906 do do S3 do do barley 61,917 do do Irish palatocs 14.337 do do grass 8 do do apples 48 do of pounds of grapes do of gallons ot syrup troin sorghum 138 do pounds ol honey 2a do pounds of butter made 27,797 do cheese 170" do pounds of wool shorn in 1868 1,651 do Ions of hay from wild grass 985 do tons of hay from tame grass 803 do pounds of hops raised Value farm produco, 186S 068 Value of stock sold io Voluti of agricultural implomunu, machinery anil (34,488 Value of manufacture, 1868 vvtf Auction Commission MERCHANTS, 21 BRADY STREET. HAVE NOW ON HAND A GOOD Una of SHELF GOODS AND FURNITURE. 3 Spring Wagons, 1 Team Wagon, 1 Set Wheels and Springs for a Peddling Wagon, 1 Open Buggy.

ALSO, 15 Building Lots, on Lc Claire and Locnst Streets. sm ITU co. CARPETS NO. 14 EAST SECOND STREET. The Largest Stock the Westl Saw Oonalitlni of UruHAli two Bad throe ply Qradua, VoneJlan i and CARPETS, ICviiry.hlaBliithoO*rpot Uno on band MATS, Hrroa.

vnsoow SDADSB, OOB- OOUDB AwO, a aplcndid lino ol FLOOR OIL CaLOTflft, TASLS AND SNASfBLJSD OLOTEB, 8TAIU nODB, WM. F. ROSS, METROPOLITAN UDILDINjG, KDEUWRITBKS' AGENCY, ABLK Ufo Society, MivaCatlUi VITQ YOB ermna New York Oi- febn dtf OF EVERT VARIETY, Parlor in iiKir Crlmttou Ob umber tu All A moat splendid BauiDrtmeiit and wax ranted toaulv. ETEK7THTNQ 117 TUB MNE OF Common Furniture, Cane Scat OSGOOD'S PATENT fULDING Extension (The marvel of tha fcifu.) fttattrasses, Lounges, Feathers, Mirrors, of all kioda, Marble aad Wood Top Center Tables, c. flre-ytody In of find Furniture, tra luvitod GUILD'S, Do will mmjc.

PAY, every tljaa tioptlQ dfcwl; JOHN B. LINDSAY, CtwfS STEslM FITTER. BURR SKILES, FANC1T I Choice TCOB, Susan. Coffeei, Pickles, Dried and Canned Frnlta, a COKNEHCOMMBBCIAL All.EV. Lindsay fc Phelps, Kliinanicfurers mnd IB CANC SAWED LUMBER, Office Third Opp.

GiS Works, AND AT Sew Gang Hill, East DAVENPORT, IOWA. GOLD AND SILVER. WARE! ANDREWS, HARRAH 74i IBrady Street, DAVENPORT, IOWA, Jobbar. aid Xantifutaran' la Ghld and Silver Watches. KEY AND STEM WINDERS, Untied COOK'S, and PITTINO9 far GAS, STEAM, and WATER PUMPS, and Cast Iron Sinks of all sizes.

Hanging- and Bif. work done. No. 114 Brady Street, DAVENPORT. IOWA.

gabroory IH. Established 1856. J. M. WARWICK, Hair Dresner Perlnmer, IBHTS.

WIQSAND TOU- xjT PKEB. ALSO, I "Wile Braids Sprite Pu.fT« aad CurlB. Xadftto ordar Ion rataa. JvCoruitaobes, "Wl8ra4 fox Tbaatnoal parpoaaa. AUo, Bali Besuratlns Hall's Barrstt's Tto hliheit prlco paid for Human flair.

promptl; attoidafi 39 Brad; street. Merchant Tailoring and Renovating. JOHN C. MAHRLE. A SO.

WB3T THIRD BTEBT-- too aoora rroal ho DaMafon national Bank atteau omptly ta tad RcMTatiaif jf alt kinds: tor id t.fcndCIotLJ..tb*oght»i.da,old; ui4 Tailoring fmtnlly. HftTliig ft good titotk ofgoodaoa liivxl, tollvltj rdori ID utaDafMtarlDf to ordtir. gauraoloed In UIo.bM Rborf nctiM.i A Carriage Manufacturers. H. and HOOK ISLAND BTaV ALL KINDS OF Opeii Top Baggies, Carriages and Sleighs, KKl'T OH HASII) AHI Made to Order- A Q.

J. JON ESS, Davenport, Iowa, prepared to take for lee erovtlonolt A IRTIUI apoaial attention to hit lalFKOTKOI Revolving Spent for Electors, Sntiafoction G-uanmtowi Washington Macbice Works Foundry JOHN S. DAVIS, afanufaettirGr of the Premium 2:14 DEXTER THRESHING MACHINES A -Horse Power, "Dexlcr'n Mftto," Farm Wagons, Scotch Harrows, and Farm implements Generally. Jnnctlon Tlilrdand Vrotit IOWA. 1LOKOV.


I jlealer in I 8ETH.P. BRYANT Itt ANVPA CTI7 It 8 AVD WHOZ.E8AX.B DEALKKB IB Boots and Shoes, as EAST SECOND STREET DKTWIKH BBADY AMD TKBUTBTB. rrt. tt loin at Wbol.tal. onli.

Al Ooodi of oav own Mauufactnro Warranlod. M. DONAHUE. Manufacturer of Threshing Machines Horse Stezun efearing and General Mil ery. La Olalra JTanndrr and Kaehlct Bbop, Front itnfl Beott Rtrnat.

FURNITURE A A AH1 Wholeialo and Botall Wareroom Daniel Gould, NO. 14 EAST SECOND STRKET. TailargaatBlaaklnthafJaiuitry, Parlor and ChamborSotat And Kitchen Furniture. EUTEJNBEOK 00,, No. 28 Welt Si.

Street, 8 I) Watches, Watru Material Tools. c-, A rleb aiaomacnt of Mated Jewelry, tc. MACHINERY Hodea IPIants, i.c. rnor Front a Brady DAVENPORT. WHOLESALE CLOTHING BOUSK WM.

RENWICK, 8TEAM SAW MILL, Lumber Shingles Lath Pickets, Baonlbciurcd and SoMi Lowest Cash. Prices. li a a a Tnard on Front Kallroad Bridge. Lumber Tarflon HarrlaoD Gttreatjbe twwn ronrUtotk and FlRatatb Btraata. Mueller" STEAM SAW AND A I MILLS- Sash, Blind XOOK FACTORY, Davenport, MANUFACTURER OF CLOTHING, -4XD Wholesale Dealer in Cloths, Cassimeres.

Vestings, fROlO. EUROPEAN, EAHTKltN, AND ivnuTiinrr pAoroRiitic. A ffOLL LINE Off Davenport Woolen Mill AKB ROCK ISL4ND WOOLEN MILL I ofTtir at Factory Prices A OOMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Tailors' Trimmings, AND FUBNISHIflfi GOODS. PIANIKO DOSE ON SHOET NOTICE. laO.

AHC VAED.Oor.ld, and 8OOTT BT8 EAFF, GOGS Founders Machinists, MANUFACTURED KEAPEB8. MOWEBS, StallcOuttaro. Con Man all Haaa orOaitlo, J.bblsg on fl i aDddoB.palrla Dice, 8. W. Cor.

Fourth Fanutm sts. Alwajo on 2 will not bo undersold by any talc Soutt in th West. Merchants will find it to thnir advantage to examine my stock and prices purcbssing, B. KKAKSE S8 Opposite FlrstBfutlonnl BanK. Man dlr.

WHIM CkailM, OaM Jewelrr, of BBMI (Ml. M4 runt, 8ta4 and Octal Oooda. aad Silver Platted Worn, la Tartaty. AUiMdictibtbut 4 i JUBS01 FSOX TBX fAOJOSOK, u.ig...*»*.»*. FAN PATTEN AND HARES, Alrardk Vai Wholesale Grocers.

Demur 1 AfelU, Ollt, PalttU, So. 9 Brady Davenport, Iowa. GOOD GERMAN HELP- A3fTX IPBMAl-aC, A RE TO BB F00ND ATTHB WT1L tabs dlfl Crescent Mills, DOW. OILMAN nouurxeiuror. And Wholssals Eetail Dealers.

Winter and Soring WHEAT FLOUB, Dellveret A Hard and Soft Coal OOHBTANTLT OH HAND. Orders Promptly Filled If Uftat tbe Yard, aoraer of Vlftb and Wairon atcoata Vront andFarry JA8. K.DAL2E1I.. ae. less--d it.

NEW LIST or Real Estate, To be Sold by K2OT GOLDSBUBY, Land Agents, Post Office. LOTS. ANY ONE iVISBING A FIHBT- Uf finai- i A83 Boaldooco, Imnr 1 on (rood etlvei atil in cit turn. TO TRADE FOR DRY GOODS ojrw. 125 am oJ3 125 am lct oI.Ju_)_1So_.

or Oroi for mea MALL IIOCSK AAD TJtALLY lucated below tlij off GOOIy' HOUSE OTSFOHS110, UPWARDS well locatod. wl'l bo Kid on time oV per dlBiountlptoach. A Aln UB REJS VERY A FINE Kotltttv ol SALB oi end Iowa i). J.ormsl aa room i lH l.ce Iro 'uitt ii from 1 A GOOD Bousa, LARGE elo TOIUC OIUC OK BRADT (lotine nnd lot for nalo, $750 rioanoaii(i lot tvr fl.M Ilooofj lot for I.M Coact niiri lot for 1 1 UouttO two MILL ros TOEKNTH-- below Illitll. i -i A A 1 GOOD BITUAXBD lloiiao romiifl, full lut on Brady LIOUSEsVo K1.ATII--PINK HOTJRB Mfll tM "out 0 --A LOT OnSffiAKDLOT WASTfiDll-- HOUM aad lot J.WI» or S.C110 to good truct ottaoil on fc IS.

u. UOU8B-CBNTIULLY to. 2 lIOMfi-HOnSi, HOOUB, Good atoUo, SJ- ly L.rije Mop 1J? ftal't at lYolow Pll5 A Bl'LENDID HESIDENOK OH BBA XL iV 8 true 14 roGfcii--au in fl.g oriltir--)OL)ii ctiUnr, Xhlfl It VOTJ rtciirnltlc will Ira cold ftbargnir IXpurtliciitd within OOK AT 1HIS GHEAT UAllQAIH A33O Atrafurm low prlu of $il per acre Turiuv.oan-bairsuli, at ID per Intorott. A fl CJIlEti SBAlt GiLEEKT, W1TA Ilcy ycarl! vttj Itw, If OP AS IlANDSOliS LYINa JL4 lana a tlie aun avar nboafi Inal ontatda ally HialU far loaprlc. of rnf OT6 OF 10.

20, dO, OB 80 AOEK8 JUST above GUhttrttoivufo? cole An tafna 1 -pplledJToraovn, MAT HOUSE AND LOT WITH KIT. JLlI KKvlawand i solattorbood FOB RQANB AND BELODKOHB rcnl.oraalo, Oboap fcr i TTOMJB FOK A IUIL KOA2 MAN JIJ, Small wltli jUol SlkjfiO wolliowtfld, low prlto. juat OLA8B JFARM i I--O? 190 ACHI8. loaaied Iaveui.ort,on tfc. UlTri? cood onlldlusa, Tljntor WaU'.

A Dae acil aUolcfam, nd crerVafi. dMlrabla. WllHnllMawholeorin i--nUrgt HKtbarlfe ( moat 6 b'aad aj Una LOTS or 10 Irmoro.aiid to tbcao vkowlan to ralaerrEi kayo a plena: Blvtr vlow roaldenci w. ..1,1 ahanee.

iitf BtsUoDeil aoylhJnewaat of tna with all in oojiir and toil lr Him at jo while commaTM of tbe S-alher oat beata tLo la al wSloHoaaonljte eioall.d o.t.a teet i HEAL ESTATE. Pnlrle Laad MPrairie Acres of Choice Prairie Ijmd for Sale. Money-to JOmV OCH8 8O1V, c. Brad; ud ud W. Bucond Warobooaa.

HATfi FOR SALE 200,000 AOBE8 TV BVBBT eOOXTYia THIS STATS, wbiab w. win Mil al pr laa.a TfLtoe ton OTSEB paoptiiTT. food MawUaent of Impr fitHaan3 adjoining SO Aero Fas-is Citoaplt OR POH in 3 Itrra, all rencod and I 5TO Pououlon (ilvcn at onoo. AOBNTS WANTED II A VV Few A.OHI. Wanted to tor" ablaebjoot.

AOBE FARM TO TBADK FOH J1200 lo TN SHALL LOTS OF FROM 10 To .20 JL or 10 aatei, to anil al very loir OTOKK FOK SALB-- A GOOD BKJOK loeaud.fpjinleon taimata.alt IRST-OLAS3 'LOD151Ha MILL FOB ehoap, or wliltrado for wild land, 60 oi leu of Uialt.v aplendtdly loiaUd for grape raUla. leu 16Oacrc.thBafral*,i6nero.inplow, plefity luab.r.wallwatorod.abRlonablo an aboa.4 danae ol aoal, alarffo lot af tb. very ot baa riir UuT lain! a BI.D WMO VBdMataDda tta coal fcualfieM. A Oood Dome 11 aeltar, cUucn, teal j. wutnmogB.

OaOaUMn, tMWMaUaMM, FBEHCHDAVIE8, MILL, LUMBER, LATH, Irldf Md Tfaber. ON HAND OR SAWED TO ORDEi. JOHH eorrss A A Iowa, UU 10,000 AOBI8 01 aTI, OLXaaFanalanLandalm Wdlrrar. (nm 19KWjous UnMUiuw. laafarah,l«.

Tl." aaMuim. ABjrp. thl TenancatoaaUti mr Fine t.alar«altutBIU aalaU at 111 wrWof tk ofa lcm 'l and cx aUa limblt tele.U.Jji Myfttl.sva nlratesij a laaBaak.rt.t-Otloa', Da.o«,, Read Read I IB THB TIKS TO BUT A ORCArOR MELODION, oet. Piano'Caued OBiyalll. aIDt.1 OblnieprlltJlMj o. OtHafo oa.IlMkW ldo.OaM12o. iode. r.170. OMnto Crist Ooltafo pnct ttO,.

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