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Pasadena Independent from Pasadena, California • Page 1

Pasadena, California
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Jnbepenoent WEATHER TODAY Sunny-860 Complete Weather News on Page 2 IN SPORTS Pirates Lead Dodgers Stlfi" In Third. Page. 23... San Gabriel Valley's Only Morning Newspaper PASADENA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1966 S. Brands President Would Get Added Power Senate Votes to End Air Strike for 30 Days Steel Boost Inflationary I (C) New York Tints' K(i Srtlr lj.

WASHINGTON The White House branded as ble'J" arid "mflaliuiiaiy" Thursday a steel price increase; but' the'increase spread across the industry anyway. i Alter 'he increase had become all but industry-wide by mid-afternoon, but only then, the' GARDNER ACKLEY talk request ignored White House termed it "lniia-tionary." increase is 53 a top on sheet a rise' ot bout 2. per cent on this major jteel product, The charge Plans Revealed For 'Black Power' C) New York Timei JS'twi Service- Food Probe Ordered eain'e at midday from Gardner chairman' of the Council ci' 5 enn'mic Advisors', who had consulted 'with the President. Trouble Foreseen In House (C) Nrw Yoik Tlraii J'ewi Errtlci WASHINGTON The Senate rHTHAnn A tibsitior, naber. written last winter bv dis-l Ackley complained that four companies, including TJnitcd States Steel had raised their prices without responding sldeht! members' of the 'Student Nonviolent Coordinating Com mittee (SNICK), and still considered confidential, shows.

that the organization's new "black power" philosophy -was the. NEW YORK fUPD-Aericul- iproauct or. months ot planning. lure Secretary Orville Freeman ordered a invesHgaui to, his telegraphed of Tijesday evening to talk' the matter over with the goverh-mehY first. He said "This is not an.

hour in -which this business leadership of America can take voted Thursday to send striking airline mechanics back to work Thursday of skyrocketing pri I for 30 days and gave the Presi ces of such food staples bread, milk, butter and v-v jcancept fo 'become available to. but' said nrice controls would dent power to keep them there for another 150 days. Bethlehem Falls In Line not be applied except as a last Tt was used bv the dissidents resort." The bipartisan measure, de-iribed as a compromise even as he was issuing his statement Bethlehem Steel to reverse' the student commit- "i "Jew nete 10 ieu tee, policy on the of whiles' 2mSon whereby Congress and the President would divide any political Approved in the.Cml Ilighls tn do aboul pi.k.ei company that did confer with Ackley Thursday blame lor breaking the strike, was passed by a vote of to 33. nm increases across the nation that. WASHINGTON (UPI) The announced its pnee in illause approved an amendment I have put a dent in the "It 'we-are to proceed towardihousewife's hudKet and helped1 crease.

And the last. two impor The bill was sent to. the tant producers, Republic ant Kaiser. their move Thurs liberation, we must cut our- boost -grocery chain profits 21 selves from the. white, peo-tier cent in the nastvear.

to' President civil rights bill Thursday make It Illegal for' real estate agents to try to. scare white. Owners into House, where there was less certainty that it would pass. IThe House Interstate and For- day long alter the document says. "We He.

said he had asked the must form our own institutions, Federal Trade Commission Ackley statement. Commerce Committee am sellmR their homes to Negroes. nounced it would hold hearings -The. lactic is known as' "block At the end of the day only Wheeling Steel a minor ercniL uiiiws, lAf-us, ijLiurtiM inant- a uiuiuur at 10 a.m. today.

write our own mstor- investleatlon with emphasis on busting." In general, thepartii iuincridmenl would make itties." a three cent a nound iumo tn Fifth Week producer, had ailed to announce nrice increase. Unlike the "eth The Senate acted as the strike Illegal for real estate operators would instinctively bread prices and a similar nine to use tactics "to induce or champion all-black teams if trieytm the price of a quart of milk, otiomht tn ItiiWd" lirimd1 Axmniui nv T.rfulmni. Hi said farm nrice increases er companies, Wheeling had not even received a telegram from th pnvemment- by members of the International Associaton of Mach- owners into-selling the nantly teams," the paper, could justify no more than a i-n mi i .1 might 1. 'savfc'tf'The samVhnrielhln-Nip- half cent Increase -for bread worfe'iriflatlonat'y'LiWa'S TEAfA WORK Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Eife, center, are flanked by Dr. Herherl Moffsee, left, and Dr. Oliver Thresher, right, al the christening ceremony for the Ei(e quadruplets who were jborn June 3 Ihe Philadelphiq- FrankfolS Hospilal, The physicians were in ititiW of-Thfe' delivery Vo'rJThe quarJfuple'bVe 'Teft, Gerard, Beth Anne and Colliy Anne. Their father is a detective sergeanl in the Philadelphia police department. The couple has four other children.

ists dragged-into its fifth week used after the price 'increase crates for the -(civil -rights) moving into the neignoornooa. amendment ap had become eencral bv Bill D. and a penny for milk, fiiVestljjfttlon T-aiinehed as agninsf Eastern, National, Northwest, Trans World and United airlines. The possihiliiy of legislation has all but any hope of negotiating an agree- a mystique. must he Negroes, can Iden In Washington, thVKTC said, proved by House cohtinued'ntSattf 'oil he hotly contested secretary, wno saia ACKiey naa "no question in his mind bu.t that It will contribute to inflationary tify with the it haa launcnen me invesiiga- Triivul Guide tion.

The members who' prepared ient in the meantime. The measure was passed af FTC Chairman Paul Rand section oi tnc civil ngnis oin. were, hopeful) of keeoine thoVhoiislrie- sectionl the paper also said they expect- Term Avoided Token $1,000 Paid On Playhouse Tax 1ri the bill after a onevote Dixon said the investigation would center on milk and bread prices. But he admitted that even though there were reports ed to be accused being "racist" birt were prepared to' give up -while' financial support because they felt such support victory Wednesday key The'' vole was' for the' price crease began to the White House had. avoided this ter the Senate voted, 51 to 36, to support it rather than a hill proposed hy the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee.

The commitee bill would have put most of the responsibility on Johnson hy authorizing, but not directing, him to end Hie strike for up to ISO days when of Increases in the two staples -ParaHonji pImvIwmw offlrialu made a token navment of Ould "entwine" them "ui the approval of a loophole' in ihe bill', that would exempt most Rodeos Top Old Spanish Days Fiesta By RUSS LEADABRAND term. tenlacles of the while from various parts the Thursday on their 530,000 debt fo Ihe Internal Revenue nation- there si ill was no! complex that controls tnis "I said Moyers, the received the1 news mdivuduauy owned, homes the ban oh discrimination in hriusine sales or try." enough "definith'e were optimistic during a OH-minule meeting in the witH considerable concern that lu iK.ii iiuw ii'uraiiiaiu office of the IRS that ever he saw lit. Paper Alternates the Dublin interest had been vi The anti-blockbusting amend .000 from the city last year. nises nai u.ii. jDmeraenev Drderams won Several senators Thursday i cnmTjiled bv Tlie secretary announced; mnnpv snnn and inrovide enonch money Meanwhile, lie Golden Anni- ment was olfered by Kep.

Rinpham. Three days of rodeo will hign- a mm'n-iitlPP with at least some plans for the FTC investigation ry Fund, to commemorate olated. He feels that one of (he prices you pay for the kind of free society we have is that from time to time a decision by criticized Johnson for not telling them whether he favored legislation to end te strike, and iprevEM the government lrum The House defeated, 139 to divercent views, the Daoer is id- a day after the Senate closing the lamed institution. Agriculture Committee submit terfiatcly conciliatory, and angryl has been established to accept Lainr rnnirihntinns. nlihoufrh nolhara this weekend.

Oilier fiesta While Pasadena IRS director business or labor is not in ted a resolution calling for such aid lie was trying to get Con-ress fo assume full responsi 96, an amendment by Rep. Harlan Hagen, would have eliminated all existing 23 million housing units David Iuie chose to release cordance with the national in an There highligfils include El Dcsfila de toward whites, but alt ot those who joined in writing, tt that whites should, have solicitation has begun as yet. bility. Secretary of Labor statement regarding future IRS bill before, the House which William A. Olson, trustee and Ninos, the parade of Ihe chil terest- as the government Willard Wirt7 said last week action, he listened patiently would, create a 15-member Idren.

at best only a minor role in civil covered by the antmiscrimina-tion section and- applied it only Playhouse officials outlined' the PLAYHOUSE: See Page House investigatory committee. lhal ihe administration neither favored nor disfavored a bill. SNICK: See Page plans to raise funds to clear the 'This investigation," -said to. housing built aHer enact-jmerit of the measure. debt.

Big Bear's Old Miners Days Freeman, "will determine ex Wirtz Denial American Killed By Terrorist Bomb These plans include a publi actly where and to wham the! will lie marked again this year Sen. Wavrie Morse. by -mile wild burro derby Erhard Back in Bonn campaign to be sponsored jointly by the Playhouse Association Five Opposition Leaders Seized By Kenya. Police Ad Rents House-On First- Day consumer pays his food dollar when he buys bread and milk and other food items that make1 around Big Bear Lake. Old timers will stage a Clementine fash BOGOTA, Colombia (UPI) A bomb believed to As Crisis Mounting id The Independent and falar- who Introduced the compromise bill Thursday, told the Senate shortly before it passed that Wirlz had told him by telephone less than an hour earlier that Ncws, offering the community ion show.

A parade is also on have been olanted bv Coremu- -v vrt ti-. sm-ice up the market basket. I have: some ideas, but I am going to' the bill of fare for this week cr.ance to help save the Play nists exploded late Thursdayl BONN Chancellor Ludwig end. house llirough emergency etin-j Itll rtf York Tirm-i News Service NAIROBI, Kenya Tn a ser- give the ideas to the investiga 1 the Senate was acmpr to act, tribulior.s. Details will he tors so the mvesligation will he afternoon in the crowded Erhard interrupted his vaca-j American-Colombian Institute, I ton Thursday and returned to kiilinz an American teacher Bonn to deal with the mounting of dawn swoops 'lliursday.

helped and not hindered. nnunced Sunday. Jnoiice arrested ve leaders of ti, iCC arrested ve leaders Of Tim flranun. he favored the compromise bin over the committee bill. Trnllpv They also include a network nnriu the 6 me jTeeman ruled out price and" three other persons.

Eight economic and political probles oppoiiuun pauy, Museum generally cranks Wirtz later issued a statement controls at the present time but telclhon to be held approxi- iKenva Peoples Union (KPU). one of the vintage trolley cars otJier persons, including two tnreaxenmg nis government. were fniured bv the! The Chancellor', who started denying that. "I rented my 3-bedroom home the first day and the phone continued to ring as late as midnight," 'states Mrs. A.

B. 9231 Rose Busemead. If you, have a home to rent, rent it fast with a quick action Independent, Star-News classified ad. To place a classified ad, phone 7M-0311, 681-4S71 or toll free 5-2434 from Monrovia, El' Mante and Covin a. 'exchanges.

did not rule th'jm out altogelh-lmately Aug. 27. Albert Mc- Tliev were out in detention on Sundav ard runs it back and Askcd the Johnson ecrv. Playhouse executive powerful, blast. hls holiday at his country home without trial under powers giv- forth on a short slrctcn ot administration was unalterably producer, said negotiations have! en by parliament recently lo ronce wentniea trie uavaria only last mm, Irack.

If yon are there on Sun started with network manage President jDmo Kenyatta. The Senate passen its conv promise bill after heeding tiie impassioned pleas of its Democratic and Republican leaders to turn aside a motion by Winston L. Prouty, R-Vt that day afternoon Ihore is no atl opposed to any kind price controls, he replied: Arnerican as Robert SmetekV 33' of Milwaukee. an' ments and unions for the bene The KPU leaders were taken1 mission chances are cood you wiL remain here for two days far" talks on the legislative program he will submit to the Bundestag when it reconvenes in "No, 1 didrvt say tnat. said from their beds and driven to English teacher at the Institute who was also the manager of go tor a ride, uozc-ns oi: old streetcars to admire here fit telethon.

It will be produced! through the 225-mcmber Playhouse Alumni Association, with price controls would he a last unknown destinations. el KPU's top three party presi resort' -September. the cafeteria there. STRIKE; See Page 6 in Ferris. seats lo be sold al Under option, meanwhile, Is! 90-minute television special! dent Ogmga Udinga, general secretary Denis Akuma and publicity secretary Aehierg Oneko were still free Thursday evening.

featuring the Playhouses his tory over the past 50 years, eh stars as William IIol- Those arrested included Od-lnra's orivate secretary Olu- den, Robert Preston and Ray Easy Does It-Column Sunday If your children come home Sloman is actually a wield- lande Koduol; general secretary mond Burr taking pari. ihe iJlayhouse also has an- d( Ihe powerful Kenya 1'etrol- Workers Union, Ochola iplled for $50,000 in financial as sistance from the City of Pasa Makanyengo; and general secretary of the East African Com dena. Action by the Board of mon Services Civil Servants! nilnvinj er ot a barbed a ions pty Directors Is expected Aug. Union, Pefer Oooko. lid.

ihe Playhouse received noon and ask what It means ick shaped something like a that "Easy Sloman's back," barbecue fork With it he you can reassure them and might prod the city fathers into providing drinking troughs INSIDE The Independent tell them not to fear. Easy Sloman is a very fun ny man. for horses on downtown Pasadena- slreels, he might pro-mole bikini bathing suits, and he might ask for more hills in town for skateboard riders. While he hates amateur poetry he is a great Shakespeare fan and is rumored to have He is going fn make the pages of the Sunday Independent Star-News a brighter place with his column. He is going (o come into your house and make you Russell Baker ......19 Classified 30-36 Comics 37 Mike Connolly .....15 Dear Abby 14 William A.

Doyle ...28 Editorial 18 Financial 27-28 Joe Hendrlckson ,.22 Virginia Kay lfl Russ Leadabrand .19 Lee Merriman 18 Hay McDonnell 21 Puzzle of Day 31 Walter T. Ridder ...19 Shelmvold 26 Society Sports 22-25 Dr, Stelncrohn 19 Theatres 15 TV-Radio .....26 Vital Statistics 30 Where to Dine Your Birthday 32 memorized long passages of laiiEh, If vou are thoughtful "Twelfth Niehl" which he you will tell your neighbors, chants in Ihe morning during and perhaps you can all gath- his Zen exercises, er around onco'a week and a thoroughly uncommon read Easy Sloman's new col- man, cue. with an eye to the 'umiv together and laugh in peephole the world, Sloman unison. -AP 'wltDl1o Telephones: Pasadena area (formerly SYcamore) 796-0311; East Valley (formerly ZKnlth) 445-2434; Los Angeles (formerly MUrray) 681-48TTI. will be here Sunday to tell; you how you'd better shap up before It's too late.

This is called Group Ther. apy. Notional' Guard carorj, left, after losing power and crashrpfl In San Jo Civic Center on oirpoit approach. 1 CENTER CRASH Cdr'dindl Air Liriti twin-engined. 115 tn pilci of dirt in back of th California 1 -te.

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