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The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio • Page 3

East Liverpool, Ohio
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EAST LIVE ft POOL REVIEW. EAST LIVERPOOL OHIO PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 194. Humps on camels are composed chiefly of fat. II. S.

CHIEFS ASKHeadOf Ohio EaglesToSpeak HOUSE GROUP BACKS CITY RESIDENTS TO RECEIVE FREE MILITARY UNITY At Wellsville Lodge Initiation DILLON DAM PROJECT be one of the apeakefs for the clasa Initiation planned Sunday after FOR HEMISPHERE nrnn at 1 rnttimhtana aarte) 171 of WeUnv He In rolehratinn ihkm ronmn rnnimuiPB nm tta 43nd anniversary. jcided Tuesday to let the Dillon I I )t hr nakr will hm Mivnr ftarino If Peter Jiwttra i 1 1 1 vn t. i nhi. Cope of juvenile court and District ElSenhOWer, NimitZ AdVISe Director Tnomsa Hogan. The ini tiatory work will he exemplifies stand as authorised by Congress in 11.

Some local Interests have requested the committee, the army engineers and President Trumsn TB RAYAGAIN Health Board Told League's Portable Equipment To Be Here June 21 22 Anotker campaign of free ray laminations will be conducted in Kant Liverpool, probwbly on June by the Wellsvllle degree team That Arms Be Given To Nations Of Americas der the direction of R. O. Malone, past worthy president. Following the ceremony a supper tKill mmrwmA Pari Hall. to change the program.

They contend construction of ilk. Sffitz the llft.AOo.OOO dam would require flooding of rich farm lands and WASHINGTON. May roronittf an Retants, broad program of Inter American ftmUel lawton and Walter L. relocation of many families. They suggested several smaller dams rather than the larger one.

The ITSfl.OOfl.OOfl flood control "military co Including Cairns. Muxlc will be furnished by transfer of war goods to other: wJ'r orrhasnm. thm Tn whoso fiscal year nations of th western henilsphrt, 1 nd Prt(Uv nrcR. previous waa recommended Tuesday by 'records in membership under the bill was approved by the House! 'Mil Ul i committee yesterday. It covers scores of projects in most of the Gen.

Dwight Eisenhower and, direction of Homer H. Hlggins. country's great river basins. Fleet Adm. Chester W.

Mmlts. I president, who reported to the or 1 aanltliw 1 asrvss ft mm si The heads of the army and navy Tht rrfTioUR rord for urged congressional approval UU (Villi ww uiniri IHU iTTmui and 22. by the Columbiana County Public Hh League, Dr. Charles A. Gera(.

city health rom mi dinner, informed the board of health Tuesday night at City hall. The ray pictures will taken with portable cruipment set up in one of the down town churches or schools, i It will be open to everybody and efforts will he made to organise factory workers, clerks, office employees and other large groups to Ukt advantage of this service. 1.000 Examined Earlier In an ray examination last fall, more than l.Oflo East Liverpool persons appeared for the test 1 to determine if they were free of a a i.u me neewpary ifgiaiaiiow. of j. Brlgge, past They said It would insure "item president.

Chairman Whittlngton of Mississippi withheld the project list, but It became available through other sources. The flood control measure would make no appropriations of money. It merely authorizes the projects and makes them eligible for construction by the army engineers as funds are provided by Congress. Activities for the term were un Isphere solidarity and by doing so would promote world peace. They made their appeal to the House foreign affairs committee.

der the direction of Fred Boughey. steering committee chairman, assisted by the following tesm csp HAROLD E. 8NELL He'll be guest of Wsllsvllla ledge. It is considering a bil proposed tains Nuell h. Msson, Robert May by President Tnxtnan which; Iogsn, M.

A. Moore and Norman Brstt. There She Goett Another Beautiful Car Rebuilt And Painted by Vinal's fKpsrtst VINAL would authorize the chief executive to arrange the arms transfers. The measure also would authorize the President to make agree menta to help train the fighting Columbns 'where they received In tract ions for the coming term in regards to campaigns to be conducted during the year. Officers for the ensuing term Msster producers for the term were: Mr.

Msson. Mr. Bratt. Mr. Ixtgan.

Mr. Higgins. Felo i. Puch. Fred Boughey, D.

A. Beaver, R. forces of the other Aiaericas and R. Dixon. John T.

Puch. who se will be installed June by R. G. NO KICK FROM DEMOCRATIC MULE. Adopted as th Demo, cratic symbol of the gubernatorial campaign in Pennsylvania Bud a Sicilian donkey shows up for duty after John S.

Rice had won the party nomination in the primaries. While Mayor David La wren cj) (left) of Pittsburgh gives Bud a welcome pat. County Commissioner John Kane makes it plain that the Democrats will have to shake a leg before next Election Day, to repair their military equipment. I cured five or more members each, Mslone, past worthy president, and Some committee mem tiers exj A special committee comprised delegates to the stste aerie conven pressed fear that ths program of Mr, Hlggins. Mr.

Rrstt, Karl ion at Columbus also will he se Warns Constipated Folks About Lazy Bile Many doctors ssy constipation with It headarhes, mental dullnemi. that half altv feeling often rmult if bile dwn Now freely ran Hay into your intentine so taka Dr. hdwarda' Olivs Tableta to inmire 9ntU ymt thorough bowel movement. Olivs TableU am limply wonder ful to pep up isay bile flow to hlp diffeat fatty food. Follow label dirsctions.

to. 30. All drufitnrm I tuberculosis. The rays are taken on miniature film. The picture is returned to the patient by mail with a report of the medical examination by chest specialists.

In his monthly report, Dr. Ger are said that six cases of scsrlet fever and six of measles were reported to the department during the Sixteen visits were made to the homes of the scarlet fever patients by health department representatives. Five new cases were admitted to the venereal disease clinic and might cause European nationa to Stanley, Yed Leughmyer Jr. andilected. Mr.

Puch, secretary, an enter an armaments raee with the; Karl Klavuhn hs returned fromj nounced. I nlted States. 1 1 'iri PACKARD 8 ALES A 8ERVICE Broadway at Third Phone 4980 iJ The military official said they post 25, sponsors of the day's oh servance. announced. CITY doubt this would happen because FRENCH HISTORY TOLD BY KIWANIS SPEAKER J.

Homer Browne, past county will be no over nil increase; commsnder. will be marshal, with 1 the armaments strength of the (Continued from Page One) the line of march forming on West''tern Hemisphere it treatments were given. There Gen. Eisenhfwer Msserted It Lincoln way, headed by the colors. m.r 41

m.H tn the homes! union inkistry agreement, a manu of tuberculosis patients by Mrs. facturera spokesman said. Jeannette Carpenter, public health) Business houses, banks and say ARCHBISHOP ASSAILS AIM OF COMMUNISTS TH AwMctatN PrM. CLEVELAND, May 2 The Cnited States should not deceive itself concerning the aims of Russia, says Archbishop John T. Mc Nlcholss of the archdiocese of Cinclnnstl, for "Russia never can have either a true or universal love for mankind until it bows color guard and firing squad.

The high school band will be next, followed by marching Legionnaires would be "up to the state depart rernaIld tesmalson of East Llv menr whether any wr goods re rD(N1. for the Edwin transferred to "an aagrssive na KnuW hina traced the tion in the Americas) He added of and outlined iiiirae. lings and loan institutions win oe ia i AM 11 in ana eieransi 01 or win. nuin i i Hnieir. iricixiritr ill riimni.

mm 7i i bbsb amis c' vital statistics, reported 31 deaths. the municipal building, including star mothers, Woman's a here during the four week period draft and price control boards. corps ana "''H 1 RIWn, inm from April 30 to May 28. Of thishe Veterans Administration con trterana will occupy places of, were would be no III fl Prhyterian church Tuesdsy nonor in sutomoone in me 1 inigni. number.

were males. Eighteen tact center and the Columbiana Mr. Desmaison said the French rade. with women of the auxiliary! were residents of East county election board. ins nik.

a 1 1 .01 me American teaion next, ine i'l 11 us 1 um miiaiLii sovernmeni waa aimuar 10 Amen uuw unui wi iria rwwrw 1 iriH nil mttw mi 1 rvi iniiriiieni mm mm mmi mm mmr mm wmm mm mm WITH SAVINGS GALORE ON QUAUTY ROOFING i ml. MiuiainH mv 111 iniiiina 11 ar mmw amai 7 but that the president of France rifu fiingf win nit tutiv Www I Iw I UIUI 1 saBalVkikay va "Ws in the United States must not deceive ourselves. Atheistic 2 Scouts. Girl Scouts and school chll Is a figurehead. He added that the During the same period, there service office Market st.

and were 103 births of which 62 were the state liquor store also will ob boya. Forty nine were born to par lgerve the dren. fIJ PfllllUTV 17 A II IliD French people want freedom and Communists are found every where," aaid Archbishop McNich olas. principal speaker at a ban The Internal revenue office, the Carnegie Public library also are Rev. Paul T.

Gerrard. pastor of Ull UUUI1I I UUMU JUU that he doesn't believe they will the Presbyterian church, will give accept communism. the address of the day. The pro foad PfJ B. Joslin.

president of the closing tomorrow, and Postmaster Ralph Benedum said the holiday 4 to New Cumberland, 3 to Industry, 1 to Georgetown, and one schedule will be followed at the quet last night in honor of Auxiliary Bishop John R. Hagan following his consecration as titular bishop of Llmata and auxiliary bishop of the Clevelsnd diocese. Communists have a "long range Archbishon McNicholaa each to Irondale. Hookstown. Kast offir9 with Uy9ry school band; decorating of the ctjf ot duced 20 members of bla ub, trvar Rev Thednre wnn tn iUt hlf.hway depart guests at last nights meeting "Gettysburg Address Earl D.

fj'JJi ft Mt, were ww 'u BUmp widows open only Richardson: General Logan Or ov(r WM The Invocation was given by asld. "Thev are nstlent. neraever. ujr nUgn m.r7, Besver creek Hi the vicinity Rev. A.

F. Wanes, psstor of the tag, forbearing and crusading in from to 10 a. m. There will be no rural or city deliveries. The courthouse and all offices of county government at Lisbon will be closed.

With sunny skies' promised. ll iioiiivtb 1I fkUiU iiiiMiirin, WeSt Point Septimus Cook, sanitary Inspector, reported 37 restaurants, 32 grocery and meat market, tavern, 7 alley, 4 dump. 3 bakery, 3 confectionery. 2 club, 2 basement. I dairy and one Industrial inspec Firat Chriatian church.

their ilMntiin in nrtr mn memorial aoaress; selection, legionnaires, prayer, Rev. Cord; plac The state highwuy office said W. T. Parsons, president, wss In trench themselves In every posl G. F.

Howard C4 instruction Co. icharce of the buslneas seasion tion whU will mivm thm a i we mg or me wremn ay ir, Younastown msile the in. hid. a a crowds are expected at district re tual control of our government. tions during the month.

Fifty complslnts were answered creation centers, including Thomp salute to the dead, firing aquad.iThe state estimates! the work at Brunt, taps, and "The Star Spangled Ban $44,500. There were two bidders.) the structure of which they utterly would Don't wait until that leaking roof damages interior walls, valuable furnishings and causes framework to rot. We'll have experts put on a new roof and guarantee both materials and labor. It'll weather any storm, improve looks of your property, too. PROTECT That Valuable HOME With ROOFING And SIDING ANDERSON REALITY CONSTRUCTION CO.

and 25 general complaints were re Pr. wni Pns Its reived. He aaid he nhtainarf iwimming pool tomorrow, and ner men school nsna. I The section ia la. Marti.

mt part of Ik run towfnships between UnLO I tn UlnL NAmtU, fle Gilmores crossing and the Madi DDOllir 1IAV micrkl rrceZCS Un rOIICe Oiren samples of milk from distributors Springs park at Chester. SteubeflVille Judae during the month, all of which Jen :3 nd a close son church. Thai Job calls for BnUKlfllit I WUt tiSi INDIANAPOLIS within thai rasni1atiniiai nf ik Am. the day with fireworks will Speak At Irondale George If. Hester Chandler will be crowned k.

nd 4krrawford siMay Queen of Brownie troop 2 Corners by re locstint the rosd on Spatial Ta Tea Ravtaar. IRONDALE. May 29 A Mem or partment with regard to bacteria 2 I 3' m' Tna Rmk and butter fat content Springs pool will not be open this Dr. K. C.

Willis, chairman. pre.jBUmmr' sided, and members James D. Ben WpuPll And Phpcter nett and I. A. Hoffman attended ''evveil MilQ UneSter ial Day service will be held In the; a more direct route.

A new so TT 1 r4VrL L' 1 t''u Poske's woes started when he stepped on a button while disembarking from the police car of his friend. Inspector Audrey Jacobs. The button operated the officer's siren. Poske wss so dumfounded as the siren screeched and down kl.k i in iir Birrr mnuiuuiRl il ll nil Her attendants will be Eleanor uuhuiiuih uuiirauiBiir 1'iuaiii a i win He necesssry ior ly following the parade at 9: 30: the connection of route 45. Hayward and Cynthia McHenry.

the meeting. Observances Arranged a. m. Thursday. The state received 31 bids under gh.

will be crowned by the 1945 yponsorea ty tne irionuaie as projects in 49! queen. Janet Johnson. Ruth Dot Rsv. C. T.

Weimer, pastor of the town traffic pulled to the curb that 1 III a i I i Am I'iu A klild cmif, ine win leaiure i miiih wrrn oyer ine ann 1 1 aH v.ln.waiiin ni kik. be the prin K' orial Day aervice. for V' h. gl? th pri" bWs were a 1. heralds will be Suella Katienmeyer button.

Finally Inspector Jacobs widen and and Uin Cosgrove. The scepter reached over and lifted Poske iintrm t'l If 1 f7 k.a (ll 1.. 1 A 111 Newe ThuraHutf l. i foot off. win iw inill 4 null AlliaifU IJlfUl route 82 in Cuyaiioga county.

of the G. A. Arner American Le and crown bearer will be Natallia The remainder of the program includes a vocal solo by Miss Mar 420 MARKET STREET EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO Mass Ray Exams Planned At Palestine Serial Ta Thr Hrwirw, BAST PALESTINE, May 29 A mass ray examination for industrial workers and the general public will he held here June 17 at the War Dad's home on Kast Tag xart st. Sponsored by the Columbiana County Public Health League, with the assistance of the Kiwania gion home on Fourth Chester, PHONE 4861 One quart of miljt weigha 2.15 pounds. ion Wright and selections by the The progrsm will include invo ODD AND INTERESTING GORDO Shsw.

The program will feature selections by a chorus. Others participating will be Linda Boyce. Sue Ridinger, Dolorea Staley, Jackie cation.vRev A Hanes nastor of mn Bchlwl bnrt nd ir, trl anes, pastor or T.n w. ,,1.,.. fiDni.

Taps will be played by Stanley me cnrtstian church; the national anthem. Miss Dorothy Glouver of Morgantown; musical selections, Frampton. Veterans of both wars, the hsnd. Rebekah lodge. Odd Fellows lodge and school children will be in the Mme.

Marietta Mexarin Is Schleiter, Jean aidrad i h. Moore and Mary Ann Pipea. uin couts or troop 27, accompan riub and the Red Cross, the clinic I by Mrs. Theodore Martin, and iiiv III SI, I el tv 1 1 1 far i to he heard Ledrs of the troop are Mar i47 parade, which will form at the will be open from 10 a. m.

to 12 (American Legion exercises, inclnd. tnited States. In not she broad i1 high school building mnj Aiuaua ana Irondal veterans the chorus are! ng volley by the firing squad and the playing of "Taps'. In Jhe event of rain, the exercises will be held in the high school auditorium. tie and Hammondsville CMt from Ivietropolitan tower AllllftII will take part in this pro Msdison New" York Earl Lowry will lead distinctly heard In UorI War I veterans, and Mr.

Newark, New Betty lynch' i no uniini iti Allen, Mary George. gram. World Sandra Greenlee. ipk.u. ii l.

in win rtiuinrirn, u. i Uini san of South Amertica did about half v7nl" ll aa iiif ySI "I AST It, their trading with Europe and one noon, 1 p. m. to 6 and 7 to I p. m.

ASCENSION THURSDAY CHURCH SERVICES SET Special services In observance of Ascension Thursday 40 days sfrer Easterwill be held in East Liverpool Catholic churches tomorrow. Memorial Day. Masses will be held In St. Aloy sius church at 1:30, 7 and 9:30 a. the final one a High Mass.

In St Ann's mission in East End. there will be one Mass at 7:30 a. m. Carolyn if filer, Sally Davidson. me parade will form at Sixth at.

and Indiana ave. at 1:30 a. m. and move at 10 a. m.

The route will be down Sixth st, to Carolina then to First st. and return by the way of Penn and Indiana eves, to Fourth st. and the Legion third with the Cnited States Jessie Haney. Ann Brown. Nancy Call I 1h.

11 The term'ofessor" Is merely v. iv to go to COLLEGE, TRADE, or BUSINESS SCHOOL with a Frampton will be in charge of servicemen of World War II. HOUSEHOLD HINTS ROBRRTA I.ER Floor Finish An excellent finish for the floors can be made as follows: Add four ounces of finely cut beeswax to a quart of turpentine, put this into a mason self sealing jar. adtust the lid, and set in the sunshine. a title, and nofc a college degree.

ann ErlUli HiUy Jm (Jraham i rstr.i Mary Lou Welsh, Shirley McCau: LEGION eVVVARDS GIVEN Sue Householder. your tuition and living uome. The order of the parade is: Color guard, gold star mothers, fir ing squad, soldiers. Newell Drum nd Bugle corps, Newell fire de partment. Chester Girl Scouts.

Boy PUPILS AT PALESTINE Hm i1 Ta TS Stw. A 8T Pif L'STIVlf Helping Key. Fr. Homer G. Oil allowance Legion Cards Twin Bill American Legion post 4 will meet Georgetown In a twin bill ver, assistant pastor, in the spe bcouib or troops anl 27, Boos nuann lino llllAiuifj mi IIIltfrTBIM I ui clal services will be Rev.

Fr ters' iviwanis club. Junior Peter, a Passionist Order priest; WomenT cluh and i. from Pittsburgh. The Very Rev. ChMter Krsncis Lavery, pastor of St.

Aloy I u. until It is dissolved and ha. theihlin 'wr. Iw yffnh consistency of whipped cream. G.

jr. McBwne American legion i aTond th! fim Then, with a small rag, apply tojawftr( for cholarship at eighth I p' A ram Sunday after the floors, rubbing it In grade eommni ement exerriaea in noon orJnK together George and polish with a soft cloth after the junior gh school auditorium I town n1 Nlev Itters Evtry Quolified Young Mon Who Enlists in tho Regular Army Btfort October 6, 1946, Rtceivtt Btnefits of tht G. I. Bill of Rights field. Tuesday nigf it sius, is a patient in St.

Elisabeth i. 7u mn "pon" hospital In Youngstown. where heion byno! is undergoing treatment 1 121 nd the city ot Confessions at St Aloysius! hurch will be held this afternoon Pflrarfo Tn Progeria from 3:30 to and tonight Lf IWrieceae it has dried. This is also very good for linoleum. Yellow Linen Miss Martin is the daughter of Mr.

and Mis. William H. Martin of North Mi rket and McGahan from 7:30 to 9. Confessions In St. ODSCrVanCeS At Lkhftn I at mm wiw This Is great opportunity for every young man who wonts a good education ond the training for a successful career.

Get all the focts ot your nearest U.S. Army Recruiting Station. Ann's mission will be held preced PSORIASIS LEG ULCERS ECZEMA ATHLETE'S FOOT Colusa Natural Oil and Capsules External ana internal IheuMndt report quick ictaata trom tkm mnary attar veera If the linen or white good's has is the eon if Mr. and Mrs. Harry turned yellow, try putting a few McGahan ol' East Taggart st.

drops of turpentine in the rinse; Kld McHitosb and Glenn Young water, then laying the article on were awanted honorable mention. ing the 7:30 a. m. Mass tomorrow. "sW Ta Taa Htwhw.

LISBON. May 29 "ibuivi sees observance here will be launched the grass in a hot sun. The result! Approximately 7a0 attended the ot ovxturinff and ether medicine tailed exercises which Loren Decker. SS will be gratifying. i cirmer ie gion commander, pre ramitt aaraataas aMaav, kaak.

SaM my jsented the awards. RAND'S, INC. Judging Meat Meat will have more flavor if specks of white fat show through the fiber of the meat when it is raw. It also will be tenderer. 9:30 a.

m. Thursday with a parade to the village cemetery, followed by the decoration of the graves of veterans of all wars and program of speaking in the cemetery park. In the event of rain there will be no parade and tht program will be moved to the high school auditorium. Merle Burson, commander of John Welsh American Legion SV PC MONTH SMLISTSO StKM Flue Seatf. Leaeine.

Cietttee ana Staeteal Care MfvttHr HwifWMNw Starti na Ineama Aftart Sm Say YMfS SS Vara ear Slants Sarvtae eerviee Matter eareeant ar Sirat Sereaan StSS.OS SSS.TS S1S9 2S TeaMkeal SareeeM 74 IS 12S.2S staff Sanaa nt lea se seeseairt se re st.ts Cereeral S.SS 4SSS 74. 2S Snvata, rirat Claas S4.SS SS.IS SS TS erivase sees seas Plus Soa Inaraaae far earviae Ovaraaa. a eiie seSa ssamaar at riyiee Crawa. (a) eiua ss tnrwm in Pay far taaJt Vaars mi Sarvtaa. PLASTIC COVERED EES Americans consume 50,000.000 quarts of fresh milk and cream a day.

I 1 1 1 I O.I If you've given up the Idea of going to college or trode or business school because of the cost, now's the time to reconsider. Because you CAN go with your tuition fees and incidentals paid ond 0 generous living ollow ence poid by the Governnwnt If you enlist In the new peacetime Regular Army before October 6, 1946. You may enlist if you ore 1 7 to 34 yeors old, for I Hi 2, or 3 years. A Full Celleee Ceurse ee Yeer Inlirtmee? Under the G. I.

Bill of Rights, if you enlist for 3 yeors you may hove 48 months of education In your fovorite college or trode or business school for which you eon qualify eftsr you ore discharged. The Government wilt pay your tuition up to $500 per ordinary school year ond will pre vide $65 month living allowance for single men, $90 month for morrttd men. Your education eon continue the whole time you ore in the Army, too. In Army Training Schools you eon study ony of 200 skills, trodet, ond technicol subjects. You'll get good pay, your food, clothing, quarters, ond medical ond dental core.

You'll be entitled to a 30 day paid furlough every yeor. A 3 year enlistment enables you to choose your branch of service and overseas theater. I'dVJ'AMUl 'l OFFICIAL AUTO LITE SERVICE STATION if ir itsiii Hnjf LINES Your worn shoes made new again by eur expert repair. Rubber hesls sturdy soles shoe rebuilding lew prices. WHILE WAIT WerfarfSeasssaseiWrfsaiief A SPRING TUNE UP And Adjustment en the Following Units Will Keep Yeur Car In Condition.

Stop In New And Prepare Yeur Car For Inexpensive Per 100 Feet Coil Vacation Driving. DISTRIBUTOR GENERATOR CARBURETOR FUEL PUMP WIPER CHOKE PLUGS CABLES STARTER LIGHTS BATTERY Smith Hardware Co. WILSON 730 DRESDEN Enlist Now At Your Nearest V. S. Army Recruiting Station POST OFFICE EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO Battery And Ignition Co.

PMONE 127 644 St. Clair. Phone 333 Cti THE DIAMOND.

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