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The Hillsborough Recorder from Hillsborough, North Carolina • Page 3

Hillsborough, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1L. 7 57" $1,050,000. Thrs is gohW deep into thi An NEfW ARTICLE. Several of tHe Confederate! were wounded, Iloge, of the Navy, Va rioui trophies were, secured from the eao- 9 nnil lR0S HBEL Lim great Yankee exchequer, but Jonathan still con tinues to "shell out Slavishly. ")vuv BlooiaJe InatitaUan per doxaa-paira, 60 centa aiagla pair.

tured vcsvels. About siity prisoners ar ii ja aaiu imi me sneu wnicn are Drea ayfat Riehmond, iacludiwgtinto, the-aawd bankaof batterf-Wagnee-ara iiitinj dftbout 500 men, were all drown-f(j except thirty. The Klridian aavs one 'thing' lin to matt ihe tcto-YcuMptttg iqcceiirT'tretttwn 5m. Wilkes wae not on board the Yander bill when she sunk, he- bavin hm the.cemmtnA aom liMe.prejQUi,T Bd conaeqeentle V'iwt drowned V' Hie a a Ca pt. Robin ion, of lh Si (ell i ttT Each" '10- September 1 aenaeijf pscked, inu only lerveloilfengtB en me wares the wore.

the captured boats in ou a ted twogttjns; with i.crew Smr ten Cant, Walters, of the NOTICE. V- Reliance, waa danrerauily wounded. HAmuanfiaJ Aoguai Or--V anga Coanty Coort, aa adininiatrator on the A VmdfrUiii ai TnrieSTtirsntr raosr" reroui veel of- hec deicriptloa io DiJ, at the JJ N. G. lloipilal, fn PetarAarf on ettata of JAMES 8.

WATSON; deceaaed, I offer for aala to the bighaat in the tawa af litaboroagbj-wa Bataraay tba IS th day af -8e wi was- Fro Arkansas. A apecial telegram to lOih, saye 40,000 Federal troops are con-centrating at Helena, to march on Little Rock, in. fe ajr n'de com and of Richmond, 31. Perfect tiutel ba late, connating ol ona none, Hog, Cattle, ana boo Gold Watch and Chain, a lot of Smoking Tobacco, orevailed here for. the last twt da ys.

TheJ General Dnidn. A gentleman from He- W.bihlnam, company (D, MihN. C. aittca iU inixjtion, aiul ha proved himtetflo a 6od companion and a Vfj irict obdienet to atJara, hat won thtom of both officart and awa Hp haa been a woinbtf of -tha Bipiirt hurTh fredericUbuyrg correspondent the Et iminer itili the nuii nljr of Meade's ar T. irf" lmr- J.

imt a lot of Cloth and Trunmliiga, a Wagon, Baggy, Houaebeld and Kitchen Furniture, tvro Sewing Ma cbinea, and other article ootfenaaaeratad. 1 ait yntha crtditwiih band and aacartty. rena reports the death of Gen. Italriies. uenv rrtcej in again mm, retigneu All paraona Incehted to aaiJ eetale are leqaoatad ta.

and left the ervKa td take -iy-ttaiiunjEil at ana A foe a nqmber of jeaia and a feet ur, oo be iiwke imaUiUaie payBMnU ani lho AavingLiW cenauiand of the Missouri State troips. Atlanta. us. Sr. A auecial ileinatch gainst it will present the a within the time prescribed by law, qr thi notioe will plead in bar of thai r' recovery.

I CM. LATIMER, Ad m'r. Anguat ST. l- 10 Id accoaot at bu aUict adharanc lp religion pitj and morality, that a iohriu a balUr and hap. piej mioaion above, 7 Ha ieatai a aod (wo coil-dran to aaoora hia loa.

Wo landorpar heart-folt aympatbia to bia baraaad (aiaily aad friand. B. liBCtwn and Uenjrev tile. Ktlteeri thousand infantry of thU array were lately Bent tttGiImr at Chatlealon. The correpon-deut reiterates, op -poailive confirmation, that the Yankee arm; thj( Potomac Wr in i werte eoditun at tli time than since 'the first inivance opn thia line ater the liufl Run Battle.

It it reported that the wharves at Aquia Creek are bemj rbuilt. AMrbv wtdea successful dh a wagon to the Vlppeal from Cantdn, 25th, ajr that the Yankee are reported to have been defeated irk Arkantas, oh White River, bj Gen. Price. Reinforcement have been sent from 'Yicbur Grant haV(one to Natchez. Executiva Department North Carolina, Adjutant Genaral'a OfBca, NOTICE.

WILL be ebld to the bighaat bidder, an Tfcora' day the 17th of September. 1863, at th lata-residence of JAMES B. WILKINSOI, oceaaadf. the perishable estate, conaisting of Household and: Kitchen Furniture, stockf CaUle, Hog aad Horaee, one Two-horse Wagon end Gear, Farmlag Taala, -lUlafgb, Aug Slat, 1863, I truo, near Annatuuie, imi ftioiiuay mni, Tmi Fiowt La.The Bran- (iplurina a portion of the panl att tarty I BU MUCH of GBrl Order, No. (iaaued iu Ifitk lBfiS ti I- dort the: 20th, ivea tome par.

and man. other articles too tediaua to tirular nf'lh hvht at Jkiorl. 'atfi ne warajui end teaoie Oa- rutadajr tjht qqq tt itu bljvic Yankeea nrwed in seeerhy oi a negimcnt- iroia iiam itek-nce here -1 gooA gooA Mabj. With efght hundred men, attacked Bjht. kil)d baatjOOrmo nTN All persons indebted to th estate of the said: JAMES E.

WII.KERSON, will pleaaa call and t-tfe immediately and hoe having taima tgilnat tha-etate wilf present then Within tha'tiaM aieecribed; ey remf a. By orJer of Coternor Vei i JAMES 11. FO0TE, AtiUnt Adjatant Oenenf. i ttaia- i lori ir aaueta W-' n'sfwiTajidcaptttreKabt 6fijprioner, tfenrtientrevllei RirRuM Xirt rifieJ tniVa flag, anil line aiitaariUd Jir-KedfirAL Utu'i ca -T-ftaaberM flw fby la w( orHnis Jtice wiU jkna in Jjr.oftbeir Land and TownXot for isale. 1 recovarr, LEMUEL WILKERSONTAdm'r-; JgtMi3ijfy.J r-.

16-tar bridzea around buni-il all tjprirrii inc wnmr i tnr niiniitH' ValTV have ami Hietr-a tM IT -Uieavafi cm im eapturedaliU'roegroer G.ivnMMrt.i h.i;n Washington, ht werewaVwg their ng a large nuiuorr ther iet astsM 4va(eiudiidiU rHBEE Caset of Fin Old FRENCH BRANDY for Medicinal puruWs, MATCHED, GROUND MUSTARD, TUOI Jl AMFHQR, TOILET e. Ac. At tba iravr a in A UA ururt7o fin g7 Ifii; lih day ot September, at the Court Houao I will for tale to tUfe bigbtat West half uf Lot Ho. 12 lbc tvwn ef HiJJatHuoug-h, an klingHireet and running back Margaret Laae on the South, anj aJjinnitig StrwJ'i Hold. Abwr TRACT OP LAS between hwn V.

Citta, Pottf C'iaik and aibera, and eoiiiaining about STCltlltublTdieicrl-lent land. Sn muatha credit will be given, bond and Jl4l tU4t sthe xiuir gun ciimi of the "cropXpf wheat becunieoi me crop i4t to tin ii 1 ti ii Til i neji- 0i Auguat 36. thi enurmn piece trt alter: a wheat are tttingaw aVwd (elling holding UK b-i fe accdrii rf, breaking aecofity required. 4- Jutlaayixe, Uwernmeat uf ab ia "THOMAS4VEBB, -r tde Bit ntf detred t'e aiftf'aer "I LSeptwbetd, jSaftii IjVrwVI i Rftw'i, pro pi to Settle water-bf i w. MY'WOflL CARDlNff llACmX at Nsd' for buMnas.

ila, i -ieiia DeruaioTTor wjuia? aitfl 15 faf'lftlisd WOfflV wjt card ar tb- am He 'a fire, but redaceil Hi r2h. aw, gxuiak.ttjj me fitxateajumpfl! -T I RTY-DOLL ARS-R A and a lulf. fh at aiiwiir gan. -rtTOn-wf iT-famtfrthfira Hitef -wiH Unth part of the wooLlbs kftbeat cash pnae will ftr ibe delivetj of. Me i.

lh I WILL py the aboe icwird Pntmie Wm. Fowlet (now rial calibre, can be no 'elU can be lhrn ititu t'hiiettoa. gel UOM nc. i bepaid.for FLAXSEED. 1.YON& WHITAKERi abeent with -at leave ab milteraXad vertie that Vht RiihuiMiul 09-41 Auust 9 wtu Dd Ti.n-rnment nncea tor wheat i '1 fren my company) at Camp Malmeo, Ratlaigh.N.

or oia tonfinement iHfberooth jaii tfaid fowler ia bo upKJ in tbe neigbborbood of Cain Creek factory. I1ERUVIAN GUANO for tumipa. for site bjL I TL'RRE'TISE it SON. A. GRAHAM.

Caot. Aogast 12th. 871, YM. PrpltmMr t. AWJa.

Ca. C.Calry. io kw ORDER No. 1. 0 ICE.

Headqyartara, Department of Eaa WE offer for sale for fia day.a, (provided ws can get a few barrela of Corn.) Rio anJ TDreen TEA. Crushed Brown SUGAR, A Af. ecial f1pvc1ii' oF it'n'' fnr' ta the Appeal fi Hoi riaclin av It grinde the Cifederaie Government. i repiirtrd that the Federal re badlj tVy, refde, aj. t- pay mre7 ftir wheat xhitped 4n Weal lMAitia bv Oea, Kitby the fiil hv it Mmnh'i force a few dj a io 1lier cheiue of ratf f.r the isiaje ol trftjwrtCitjr ith amiHunilinb (or eipedilioo aaitl to receiving very imll quant it iet.

1 tavrfririir are Informed that Keen Kuuiaiaoa. a bloo Up on iVejlnedv Wjtler, whowo miHa It thi place, make by the iploion of a but of powderjn herjjhe-aame propoiiin with the Richmond, iiald, anl aeailv 20J perx killed. Siatjr vu i to paj Goverometkt bdie were recovered on Tharaday. i price fr heat ad tell the flour to coo-Agrrat dralnf icknei pitaiU al Vicia- utnerat coat. No duubt the proprietor burg.4 Ilea itt apoiated the Mhf mill here would consent lo Yankee Pwvtmatter, is dead.

a i n. i a a Thi i II 0 1 how Rinka, who ii in New t)rVan, ha been rver, bring the gra'n. we have stated, iriUrcJ to nav ir irt Vaiikev tiuvrrn- t.ri nVVair i) ai'iIv nemon' whn SODA, PEPPER, SPICE, RICK, SOAP, CAN DLES, and M0LA8SES "4-fcL laaiswi'y haee1 bogghT ffitft' or atrfif'td 'ft W. Forresteraay tebacre oy other articles of trade or merchandise, in the ome of Freeman Forraater, ar earneily requetie to furnish J. W.

Norwood, Hillfhoiougb. with repTes of their bills as earjy as possible. Anl, all perwns are hereby cautioned not to deliver to the aattl U. W. Forrester any rtirle or money due said Fret man For-rettef, without the order of Myself or my attorney.

a UEORUElC.FKtlEMAN HilUboraOgh. Aug. 24. a 10 Iwp II. N.

BROWN CO. OS -August 19th. WAN ED rpO Rent ar Purchase, a Judge Nash'. Apply at Mrs. 5 Julv 89.

meat all nineya belngiog to regiatered (an get hold of auv of thif new, crop and EXEt'UTOR'S N(TICd. roemiet u.ilis ttuvrrnment. a tielTHTVnffTliefed, hp i having prct- (iurrrjila are ann mg lrnport i much his own wat in lh matter. M- 9t, OraoghCnanty Coort.y rxrcutm the eetata of E. GKAHAM MOKItOW, deceased.

on the iter below -4rteniHe, Mit. I hereby gieea notice ia alt persona bsvingclatma ap- WOOL-CAR pHE WOOL-CARDING Machin well known A a Wm.Murraya,narthCroaRoadaChorch, is now in good order and prepared to do good worl. wftr eard for 5 cnts per peond far whita aa4.49rr centa per Wund for miid wool. PINCKNEY TATE. Ion aaid astat lo prreent them within th lime ly law alkweJ.

or this pUd in bsr of their Xwnt Sfcl "WrcftonMo ihtViHitnn nf THE MIXING OF MORRIS ISLANDr- Persjns indebted will please makeVneedy MiuUtippi. In psaainx alony; the atreet this mornine; jrwevary Jackson, Aotuat 2t. -iffant aa taken a my attention wa attracted the leie- Ol-Jwp AuRUt 5. payment. 8AMUEL September t.

PHILLIPS, EjVv -A. 1041 force (rum yicJkVboirg1 up White if graph' deapatrhe's on the board in front of tr (iert. Prire, why ha latetj gitejtt the; vour office, it wa there stated that the Tankers a UuiKl lhrliintr in ikil nnari nam r.n..rKiin he min- AliMINIsTRlTOR'3 'NOTICE. tfr. i ttr Vii I lA.

ul tvii in lilil hut CONFEDERATE TAX. 17E will attend at lb following; lime and place Tl for the purpose or taking a liat, and aaseesing tbaaxea under Confederata Tl Act, paaaed lh J4th April, 1.8S3: A' At Jaira W. MUea'sAonTueeday th 18th Aagwst. rtti.eo fyrren and Il.nd counties to is all sand on the surface, and wafrat the eaute of T. vV.JOH.N'sro.N, ifafeseed.heie- rejyrrt to tliere limrs aol resume their uui depth of, from four inilit fret.

Sli.ning is he give notice to all persons baring cUima uponenid Atl)ett0eWiJaaaly thawa: ATWfrr-Tttraday-ha Wtbr aeannn, iOHiiaing that l1ty all 1 ouf oT The 'cjUPitt present thtm Within the lime by law allowed, -protected, in all' VojtcrJi, eicept such a' worsts ferfy takeir brihe innj shall brdatfbu iKeo resulri t. -U auiii In fsilnre h.i iii ll annniaclie wnulil thasid bliJLomnijimihed olBcera and oafd TTrlfefidf es ivd, or open io.lhe moat iivrouodtiigVVaR-I; fCaWwetti off Friday rta 1 1 At HilUborougb, on Monday and Tiesday tha S4th and 85th. it Red Mountalni Oft WefKeay lh 8t. At Mangum'a Btora, on Thrdy th S7h, At I.iiecomb'a, on Friday tba th. At Durham'a, an datotdsy Hie tth.

At hdntar'aAnifi MsnJar (he Jlsf. A I) IN 1 3 TR A TOR'H NO lltJE. where there is from six-to eight feet Iter the. people be at case en of water, that score. fPHE vnderaignad hiving qualified at Aucuat term, AL863jiflliaue County Courii as administrator of lb estate of JAM Ed McADAMS, (of Hogh.) 4(Caaad, hereby givea notice to all paraona bating claims upon aaid eslale to present Jbem within the At Chapel Hillon ToJy aid4VVdneadf lh 1st' 'ave a tree, anu contrac with them lor -JaboMir Jd ispe nsejjfith theiryeyv)ce.

I he srder was to go into ctTect ynxthy t5th. Federal officers condemn the pillsgiag bv their troops east ol the Bif Black, but say if yor cavalry ia not withdrawn the wit advance with" a larce force and ia waste nd Xd of September, At Tnoina Long Tburaday th 3d. At Whrf. CnkLun Tridav th 4tJ. time by Jaw allowed, of thia uvtic will be plad in birof their recoTery.

Parsoas tVdabtod to aaid estate a waste of Shells. Accosts from Charleston (the Augusts CostiluboaaUt savsi staty-tbat iac ii I LAI Ttvamaa 1 CaleaX ia SajwJ -th Sth. wiii aleaaa makaeoaadt S.ri5 Tba 4 -m'CftevP rA ii-iATin-r it a lit ta tef iut At ihty SI ie vyTth'o -t-se 1 i West l8 Kaiat. Ji.y wnftica. ana NEGROES FOIVSALE JJdi Au tS! In form at ion Awa a a Ill JL.

i t- a ar aerienltursV product held araw aid" ao.Iba trat reraTBretrdurtne thy lime "pecifled, rThe i 1 1 i A t2.TZ.i 'at A DurbatD'l)etot. an Saiarday lb Sth of 8ep. 4af oLJaJfilsi: all money; Batik Sole ather" currenet hand ar atdepoaii aa tbalriat day tamlferinsia'iit, wilt sett le ft bJfyfr is il, Th cist of ti pvr technic display would therefore amount to FigSb Vrddif, (Wi Nrart ffiid four-vary tiiaty yoang Negroes, belonging to the estate af Sarah Al- uo looatn oi me Rappahannock, Saturday July, 1863; ana ail wun wwes ms taieresi ass aot bean aiid.and. aat aplevd jo a laaiaaaa the' Uncom of which i Uid I by th Ttx Act; aadafl -gni, uj man party marines, under the command of Col. "Wood, the Presi- sloai detaaaed, an credit sit montaa, with bead and good aecariiy.

rnrr atAtA RSO LXTTA StalT, The lanhnat lihr nTr 100.0(10, in reaqd nunbers Individual rs-timates of the. number of projectiles throws but, withith almtj4cit.firtnir;jMd the terrible bombardih ef the 18th of ul; and other day sthat might be named, we think it safe to put itat 75,000 value I i Commttttontr. September A 10 twp il'er. anU capturcil after a alihi re-tanct, brthe Conftderales; who ap. poached them ia bar boatai Several of the wewg were killed tod a number wounded.

11 pronta maue pj anj (wmniip vi eerrau liaa daring tha yat.lB6f?lhrwUy tkan ia the A oeoree of a rsgulat retail busineea, aa araiHuc, II. M. C. jf. A 11.

ANQIIR, AagMla-. -x BLANKS for Sale at this Office. luLT AJAAi..

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