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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 5

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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THE VANCOUVER WORLD Tuesday, February 11. 1913. Music and Drama ft Children Cry for Fletcher's FOR YOUNG BUSINESSWOMEN SPECIA City Telephones Seymour 514 2855 Walsh's Prices Evaporated Fruits ON SALE TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) 11.30 TILL 2 O'CLOCK P.M. This cut illustrates our line of stylish young women's boots. Best American makes; they are beauties, cannot be beat for style, fit and wear.

All sizes 2'2 to 7. Button and laced. TAN CALF The Kind Yoa Have Always Boiisht lias borne tlie signature of Clias. If. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision fop over years.

Allow no one to deceive yon la this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just as prood are but experiments, and emlaiiRcr the health of Children Experience against Uxperlment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Alorphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys AVornis and allays Feverishness.

For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AVInd Co lie, all Teethintr Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regnlates the Stomach and iiowcls, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought I I Bears the i mm amW PATENT COLT GUNMETAL CALF In Use For Over 30 Years TM CINTAUR COM PAN i VOKK CITY, PEACHES Per lb 10 APRICOTS Per lb 15 APPLES 2 lbs. for 25 LARGE SOFT PRUNES 2 lbs.

for 25 SMALL PRUNES 6 lbs. for 25 COOKING FIGS 3 lbs. for 25 AND VALl'ES FOR lira rpA i SH0W5HjUlJljfil OP" lJLNliM HSHOV5 OS. St? "9V, 4f 6 Clearance Sale EMPRESS The Empress players scored a distinct success last night In their production of "Handfl Acrose the yea," which had ft phenomenal run at Drury I ati Theatre In London. Tho stirring drama, which is laid In Enpland, Tarls and Australia, was stacd with complete success, uml the high class of the Sanfurd players marked the Initial performance at the Empress Theatre last niKht.

Mr. t'harl, Ayres. Mr. V. T.

Henderson and Miss Isabelle Fletcher are sen at their best in the play this week. Mr. Ayres takes the part of Dudley, a young English farmer working for Joseph Stillwood. a scheming rascal having the guardianship of Lillian Melford. tile part playcit ny Fletcher.

She having a fortune from her father, who disappeared to Australia. Stillwood has eyes upon her as the husband of his son Robert, which Mr. Henderson plays. She has bein kept In Ignorance of the money until her father appears on the scene In time, to fcive her hand to John Dudley. The irecotid act opens In Pari, where young Stillwood Is craftily scheming to Kct rid of Dudley and getting his and his wife's money.

Tracing an insulter of his wife to a gambling den, Dudley causes a At the same time, Stillwood kills the nun Dudley Is after for hifl money, and causes tho blame to be placel upon his rival. After a in the French courts the death penalty Is Imposed on Dudley, but a nnril'in is obtained through his wife and friend. Turn Has selt. hut Dudley is sent to New Caledonia to serve a term of iie. The deck of ie A ust r.ilaf ia, for Sydney, is seen in the fourth with Mrs.

Dudley, Robert and others on board. It runs Into boat lth two French convicts on Intnl. one of whom turns out to be Dudley. French marines board the finl a dramatic scene occurs, where 'no sailors of tho ship oppose the id of the marines under the. British flag I' ut trouble Is not over for Dudley, for Stillwood tries to do his oi st and Dudley 'Is arrested at Sydney.

The confessions of an accomplice of Stillwood however, clears matters up. and two ten pound notes stolen off the stabbed man and found in Stillwood's possession clinch the matter. Charles Ayres' portrayal of John Dudley, the young farmer, is exrellent, and Is only equalled by the ability with which Ml Fletcher acts the part of Lillian Melford. Harold Nelson In the role of Joseph Stillwood obtains much applause, and the heavy pirt of tho son, by Mr. V.

T. Henderson. Is excellently taken. Throughout the whole drama, bobbing up at unexpected moments, is Tom Bassett, a friend of Dudley's, and tho part could not be bettor handled by Chauncey Southern. Mins Meta Marsky as Lucy Nettle lield, Stillwood's stepdaughter, and a necessary party to tho whole party, is een at her best this week.

Certainly tha play would lack much were it not for the admirable manner In which Frank McQuurrle acts do Lussao, gaming house tout in Paris, who later eimnarea Sllllivood. Eleven scenes are given In all, in five acts, and some excellent and artistic effects are obtained. AVENUE Thnt laiiLThter ladrn Jura loo. Grill i Quirk W'jillingford, presf nted at tlw Avrnun lat ninht, comrs about aa near beini? the one hem bet ifl the entertainment line that the pew purchasers that tlu'atre have bad for many moons nnd then some. The combination of t'ohanesriue humor on the hih prar and Iawrence and Sundusky versatility and perfection of detail is one that bids fair to create a new box office record 'ere Saturday arrives.

Like the majority of t'ohan comedies there is a wraith of cha racier types presented and laughter prevails In even the most tragic lines. As an example of typical American frenzied finance. Get Rich Quick AVallingford stands out by itself and the clever and natural manner in which several love stories aro so charmingly interwoven the warp and woof of this dainty fabric of mirth stamps it as one of the best adaptations of George M. Cohan. But underlying It all Is the varied xamplps of the outward demonstrations of the basic passion that possesses so many of old Adam's descendantsthe love of wealth the power of money.

Knacting the leading male rules are the lvn most popular members of the company Mr. lcl S. Lawrence as .1. Itufus Wallingford, nd Mr. Howard Ttusvell as "Black fe" Daw, ailing ford's pal.

Mr. Russell fits the role of "Blnekic" Daw as if i had been specially written for him. Together they make a great team a rair such as some Vancouver realty dealers might long to have as salesmen just now. Of Miss Maude Leone it is safe to say that she heightened the pood impression she made in her initial appearance in last week's offering. For this week's attractive offering the Layrenc company has been aug ented until the programme looks like a voters' list.

Chief among the several fine character types is that of Andy D. mpsT. landlord of the Palace hotel, artistically given by Alf. T. I.aync.

Kd ward Iawrence shows artistic but clever evolution as I.anib, ihe hot 1 clerk who afterwards Incomes the general manager of the tack factory. Touis Anrkep fills a dual role very nicely as the town capitalist and afterwards a detective. Krman Heavy made a very lifelike retired judge and Harry Cornell also showed his versatility in a dual role. Clifford Alexander as Clint Hark inn, editor of the Battlesburg Blade, made an impossible sort of newspaperman, but like many of that profession, made good as a theatrical magnate. Miss Minnie Townshcnrl and Miss Dim pit Kelton had very light, but charming parts and ma.le the most of their little love scenes.

Miss Kthel Corley as the supercilious head waitress gave a very faithful presentation of a familiar country pe, and the other supporting characters, not forgetting Miss Daisy d'Avra as Dernpsey, were All true to life and helped out the extensive variety of tvis which this comedy drama presents. NATIONAL OwlnK to 1hf non arrival of quantity of nei'pesary wardrobe and srfnlc arrcsRorlf s. the Marry Dramatic Company, which were scheduled to open at the National In that westery comedy drama, "On the I'oad to 'Frisco." were unable to do so yesterday. PANTAKES Quite up to Its usual standard, the Pantages bill "scored several hits with the usual large Monday afternon audience. The star net is Billy liecves.

In hill new pantomime, "Too Full for and tlie act does not belle the title in the least. Judging by tho applause from the masculine eletrn nt. Mr. Keeves i. the act to perfection.

A unique feature is that everything the late comer home sees after his night of Jollity Is presented to the audience. Snakes, arms waving in the air, tables that whirl round and round, spectres, and all the vH'ons of a man "too full for wards wer and 141 Hastings South T'akota liivorce," are a strong and pleasing feature of tlie programme. Mr. Knnnett sings many old favorites, ome of which were, composed by his distinguished father, including by," "I'mkoo." "Swc et Violets," etc. Mis Crane delights tiie audience with her grace and clever acting.

"The Irish Wizard." as Lawrence Crane styles himself, shows himself to be one of the cleverest masters of magic In the profession. Ills "Pen of Mystery" is well named and he mystifies the audience with tho lightning rapidity with which he performs hi tricks and feats. Morrissey and llaiilon, two most original young men, sing some very eccentric songs and kei tho audience in fits of laughter with their play of wit. Their act is a splendid one and is much appreciated as indicated by tho generous applause accorded them. A quartette of singers, including Tod rlek, Goodwin, ortmuir and Price, all well known on the I'aolfic coast, Is another pleasing feature.

They all possess strong, clear voices, which blend beautifully in every number. Their selections, abounding In rare humor with perfect harmony, earn for them an enviable and will deserved applause. Possessed of a strong, clear contralto voice and charming personality, Miss Mamie Fleming wins her audience from the start. Her selections are decidedly humorous and her cliai'inlng manner stamps her as a comedienne of excep Do you feel all Signature of CLEAR MUSICAL COMEDY Shorn at 8:00, 7:30 anil 0:00. OMMKNC IXO TI KSDAY, 1KB.

1ITH. A II II 0 A I) DRAMATIC CO. THF, CiRKAT WF.HTBRV DRAMA, "ON THE ROAD TO FRISCO" I'rlre Entire I.nirrr floor, 25c. Balcony, J.V. Bin Splits, SOc, Panama Theatre WHKK COMMKXCI.N'G FEBRUARY 10 The Hilarious Faro Comedy Princess Nicotine Presented by THE PANAMA MUSICAL STOCK CO.

Showi at 3 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 8:13 p.m. PRICES: ISo, 35o an! 3So. Box Seat, GOo. Big Bill Haywood Will Lecture on Industrial Unionism at DOMINION HALL February 13, at 8 p.

and at LABOR TEMPLE, February 15, at 8 p.m. ADMISSION, 3So What's the Matter With My Coat did you say? Oh, nothing much, only it needs pressing, and those ink spots should be obliterated. If you let the Pan Co Vesta Club do it, your will be as sood as new, ann la.vt six iihmhuih yet. i'hone us ajid we will our new ra i i er a.u to i 1 aro nd LIQUOR TOBACCO HABIT A. McTAGGART, M.D., C.M., 75 Yonge Toronto, Can.

Ttfrenc? an to tr. McT.iKKart' profp flonl Handing and perianal integrity permitted hy: Sir W. IV Meredith. Chief Justle. Hlr Ueo.

Ros, of Ontario Rev. N. Burwah, Jj. Pre. Victoria College.

Rev. J. G. Shearer, D. Secretary Hoard of Morai Tf Toronto.

KlK'ht Rev. J. F. Sweeny, D. Bmhop of Toronto.

Hon. Thnt. Coffey, Penator, Catholic Record, Ixmdon, Ontario. Dr. McTasrgart'i vHetWa remedies for the II uor hp tonaci na bits are healthful, safe.

Inexpensive honie treatmenia. No hypodermic Inject mi. no publicity, no lnn of time from busincia. and a certain cure. Conauitatlon or correaponde.nce invited.


Just half, for this week only. It is an Electrical Wonder. Multiplies sound waves so the deafest person can hear. Gives instant assistance. Batteries for sale.

Free demonstration daily. TEMPLE BUILDING 139 very well done almost too realistic to he enjoyed. Tlie Four Itcsals prccitiiiK the'r stronK man act are unique. Jt is ro bably tlie best act of th nature oyer put on the st ige. Four men do almost impossible feats that cause the.

audience to paip. Due of the men holds a thiee hundred pound husre Iron ball suspended hy his teeth iud hencls a out hundred and twenty pmnd Iron rod acioss It. of one man suspend el by his leeth while he holds two other men, hey do as calmly and easily as they would walk across tho stage. A verv melodramatic sketch. "The riiono Uirl," Is Riven.

Telephone Kil'ls nnd chorus tfirls are pictured with a vengeance. Th'i act is very clever and produces ro'iri Is of applause. Marie llardlieka. the Hoheinian lyric soprano, sins very well and chansos her costumes with a rapidity astounding to mere man. Kert WIrkIus Jussles and draws cartoons.

His a 't while not overly clever is very well received by the specteators. Brown Foster are eccentric comedians who do the usual stunts of knockabout funinakers, and round out a clever and rather out of the ordinary performance. ORIMIEUM .1. K. Kmniett and Miss Vista I'rane, who are appcariiis; at the Orphenm this week presenting a one act playlet, Fee! JEfflgBCllES BREAKFAST CEREALS CARNATION WHEAT FLAKES Per package 35 CREAM OF WHEAT Fer package 20 SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT 2 packages for 25 WALSH'S BEST TEA Per lb 50 Have you tried this tea? If riot, why not? It is guaranteed to give satisfaction.

UPTON'S JELLY TABLETS Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Oranee, Madeira, Champagne, Pistachio and CRlfsfoot 3 packages for 25 CANADIAN SARDINES 8 tins for 25 CANADIAN CHEESE Per lb 20 DUTCH CHEESE Per lb 35 1000 TINS PHEASANT MILK Must be cleared out at, per tin 5 B. C. CREAM Per tin 10 CHOICE NAVEL ORANGES 15 for 25 LARGE WHITE CELERY Per head 15 CAULIFLOWERS Each 20 EXTRA FANCY SPITZ APPLES Per box $1.75 DRY ONIONS 10 lbs. for 25 SPANISH ONIONS 4 lbs. for 25 GENUINE FRENCH PEAS Extra fine 2 35 QUAKER FRENCH PEAS Per tin 15 TICKLER'S MARMALADE Per jar 15 SMALL'S MAPLE FLAVOR SYRUP Per bottle 25 ONTARIO HONEY 5 lb.

tins 81.10 SEALSHIPT OYSTERS Per pint 50 HOLBROOK'S MIXED PICKLES 2 bottles for 25 HOLBROOK'S GHERKINS 2 bottles for 25 Fresh Meat Dept FRESH BEEF DRIPPING 2 lbs. for 25 FRESH BEEF BRAINS Per lb 25 SPARE RIBS 2 lbs. for 35 STEWING MUTTON Per lb 10 AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb 30 PICKLED PORK Per lb i 18 HOME MADE SAUSAGE Per lb 15 W. H. WALSH Grocer and Butcher Cor.

Seymollr and Davie Streets See Window salesmen to hand during above houi 4 4 hours. No wait Street West tional high order. win to illness of one of their company, the "Three, t'lelrs" were unable to appear today. However, a upcoial act replaced them last evening and they will be aide to appear today. PANAMA Anotiier delightful farce comedy with musical trimmings occupies the st.tge at the I'auania Theatre this week, i'l'incess is the name of thn offering, which abounds with mirth produelng situations and fun of thn sirle sp lilting' variety.

The mere semblance of a plot revolves around th eccentricities of a curious old character who has acquired thn nbrlquet of thn "Tobaeeo King." having made a large fortune out of the sale of tho "soothing the charming vagaries or his niece, l'rince Nicotine, who is obsessed with a to go on tho stage; tlie ludicrous antics of a. tailor who is mistaken for a Parisian banker by some strange mischance, the experiences of a would be David Mansfield, who in love with thn stage struck maiden. Tlie principal comedy role is that of the tailor, taken with great success by Mr. J. Hoy tialre.

Miss Huhy Lang Is most captivating as the Princos Nicotine, giving a capital interpretation of thn character and Interpolating some classy musical numbers, and Mr. Nat Wenl worth Is equally successful In his delineation ol' tin rom intically Inclined untlniied en I'affe 0.) tired out? it TTP TO DATE VAUDEVILLE Show at 3:15, 3:30, 7:00, 8:15, 9:30 MONOAV, TCKSIIAY AM) WKItNESltAY. The Thrr Klnir, of Harmony HI I'KIOK BIIWKIJ, MIHIHIN l.OKIKIV TIM RSIH1, I IIIDAV AMI STI RIY. Jhe BelKrave'n feature XylnnhoniKts. VU Lottl Srmnlon MiirlnneHrii.

'urnin ft Milton. PBIf'BS. MATINKK. ANY SKAT. Iflr.

Evenings, 10c anil jrr. Box A 1,1, THIS WEBK LEWIS WALLER In "A Marriage of Convenience" A Notable English Company, Including MADGE TITHERADGE Prloea 2Sc li ft. urtain 8:30 Carriage! EMPRESS Hartlnari Core Ay. Plion Say. 3907 Best Reserved Seats 25S 50 Tonight 8:15, Matinee Saturday 3:15 Another Stupendous Drory Las Drama, 11 Masai ve Scenes Ifands Across he Sea" Hext: "Oet Blch Qulck WalUng ford." AVENUE Main and Harris, Phone Seymour 7013 WKKK OF KRBRUARY 10 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday GEO.

St COHAN'S GREATEST SUCCESS PRICES 33o, 35o, SOo MATINEES 350 ART SEAT Uneqoalbd Vandevillt Unequalled Vaudeville Means Pan tages Vaudeville. Week Commencing Feb. 10th. Engagement Extraordinary BILLY REEVES The Ortplnal Drunk, of "A NIGHT IX A MUSIC HALL." 5 Other Pantages Acts 5 vvkks Bar.vxixq kbbruary 10 "THE DEN OF MYSTERY" Presented by Ltwrinot Cran, the Wliard J. K.

EMMET on of tha Famoui Actor MAMIE rLEMlNO M0BEIS9ET It HANLON THETKBEECI.EIB.S AII.OS COMEDT FOUB Til Orlglumi ramooi Qourtstt Do you sometimes think you just can't work away at your profession or trade any longer? Do you have a poor appetite, and lie awake at night unable to sleep? Are your nerves all gone, and your stomach too? Has ambition to forge ahead in the world left you? TMsWay If so, yon might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it if you will. Br. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver to work.

It will set things right in your stomach, and your appetite will come back. It wiM purify your blood. It is a remedy originally prepared by Doctor R. V. Pierce.

Medical advice is given free to all who wish to write for same. Great success has come from a wide experience and varied practice. Pierce's medicines are of known composition. Dr. Pierce says: "This tonic contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles; but, on the other hand, it increases their number nd they become round and healthy.

The experience of many is that it helps the human system in the constant manulacture of rich, ted blood. It helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food, thereby assisting digestion nd curing dyspepsia, heart bum and many uncomfortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers; for the run down, anaemic, thin blooded people, 'Discovery' is refreshing end vitalizing. Slick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all 'just as good' medicines. Nothing but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do you half as much good." It has been sold by druggists for over 40 years, In fluid form, at $1.00 per bottle, giving general satisfaction.

It can cow be had in tablet form, as modified by R. V. Pierce, M. D. Sold by medicine dealers or sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents in 1 cent aumps.

Questions of Life Ar tally And properly anewomd In Tbi Poopjp'g Common SenM Medical AdTli er by R. V. Pierre, M. P. An a result of knowlnf thn Uwaof bealth and natar, bappr marriages are sure to follow.

Ig rjomncr lead to misery and Ill health. All tlio knowledge a ynung man or woman, wife or daughter should bare, la contained In this big Home Doctor Book containing lOOti pages with aueraTlnffa and color plates, and bound in cloth, (nnarljr 700,000 copies formerly eold for $1,60 each) Is tnt Free to any ona send Ing ftOone ctmt stamps to prepay cost of wrapping and postage. Address R. V.Pierce's Invalids Hotel Buffalo. N.

Y. An Invitation Is extended br Dr. Pierce to every lick and llln woman to con ialtthn Family the Invalids' Bote! at Buffalo, ti. bj letter, entirely wlthaat coat. 513 Pender Room 2.

Office hours: 9:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday evening, 7 to 8.

J. A. FLAGG, Mgr. Stolz Electrophone Co. Chicago; Vancouver, B.

C. i.

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