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The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri • 2

Kansas City, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AN EVENING NEWSPAPER. A Long Felt Want at Lt Supplied by Th Evening Mar. kuwi City Tiuite, to-diy To-day an evening ueu spr, per will be launched upon tbe seh of journalism in Kansu City. We refer to Thb E'ivixo St xs, which hereafter will make its appearance to three editions at noon, at 3 otjH-k and 5 o'clock every afternoon. Mewrs.

Nelson Mors are the proprietors, tbe former having busine control of the paper, and the la' ter the editorial management. Both of these gentlemen are experienced ioamalist. Thx Evxxiho Stis wdl be a si: column foUo; subscribers being served for iO cents a week by carrier, and single copies retailing at 2 cent eat h. The paper will be set in miuion and nonpareil, and filled with the latest telegraphic and local news and carefully elected r. print.

The subscription to tbe paper already exceeds 3,000, at once establishing it upon a sound basis. The husi-off snd editorial rooms are totaled at Nos. to7 -Id 09 Delaware struct. Th Dsar Old Ulrl. Susan was born' at South Adama.

Feb, 15, 18 JO. Her father wa a Quaker, and a cotton manufacturer In 1826 be removed to xshiugton iouii-tv, N. and in I8tj to Rochester 'Mien AntbotiV was educated in email s-lcft School to her father's nnd nt a boarding ichoo in Philadelphia For fifteen years she tauglu whoul New York, at ont-third the salary paid to men, is said, site hs lunglit the lesson of woman's rights. Nince h', Mies Anthony bas been oneof the leader in the movement. Ml) was also prominently identified with the temperance cause a far back as 1848, and in 1851 called a convention in Albany in that inUrcst.

With Mr. E. C. Stanton he succeeded in obtaining the admission of women to educational and other conventions, ith the right to speak and vote, and to be mem-ben of committee. From 1857 to I6ud she was sn agent nnd a faithful worker in the anti-slavery cause.

Of recent years Mis Anthony hes been untiring in her efforts to secure the recognition of women in tbe gTeat national political conventions. She had been a lift-loLg champioo of freedom, is sn able riter and speaker, aud has aliays sustained the (rigbc1 pula uon. all men and all partiee impartiality and faimasa, exprraiir.g its view at all timet with entire freedom cd fearlessness. In tbs department of city and suhurhan newt, telegrnphic new a and commercial reports, Evxxiho St will spare no labor or expense to take and keep a place in the front rank.of afternoon journalism, Selected miaellany will he made a leading feat me, tendering Tut St especially welcome in the family circle. Tut Evtki.vo ftr a will labor with especial zeal nnd earnestness in behalf of all measure tending to advance the interests of Kansas City, and develop tbe resources of the great Missouri Valley.

Io local matte ft it expect to support tbe beet men for office, utterly regardless of party consideration and to do all that lie in it power in behalf of Loneet, economical and efficient government With this statement of their aims and purposes lb publishers of Te Ev ansa Srsa present it to ths consideration of the people of Kansas City and the surrounding country. Tut Eeixivo St takes tom pride in calling attention to its- typographical appearance. Ar neat and genteel dress adds gmtly to the appearance of a lady or gentleman, so doe it odd to th attiao-tiveoess of a newspaper. In selecting tbe type for Ths Evzvivo Ste the publishera were not only governed by regard for beauty, but for practical utility a well. The type on which Th Evivivo Stas is printed was cast especially for this paper.

Its chief merit, aside from its beauty, con-, sists in the fact that, while it has a clear and distinct face, and is perfectly legible to all, it allows of a very large amount of reading matter belt set up in a small amount of space. The amount of reading matter contained in every issue of Ten Etbxus St a will be, notwithstanding the size of tbe paper, very rrat, and at tbe lame time all of the type used it perfectly plain and distinct. Tbe agitated democracy co now settle down to business with a perfect understanding of bow tbe congressional fight stands. D. C.

Alls yesterday returned an answer to Csiar'a nroDoaal to refer the whole thing back to tbe people, by refer-ing him to the Mibtik committee. Allzv, with supreme egotism, say: I know of but one person entitled to the nomination and that is vuy.elf, which yon easily discover by reading Tha Turut." list settles it. This may be the audacity of genius, but it founds grand, unapproachable cheek. The two factions Trill fight ziow with tk ardor which generally characterises a family quarrel, nnd wind up In Ttowmber with tha dour eld-vS mni a Republican inside. THE EVENING STAB.

A Paper for the People. Independent, Enterprising. Spicy, Readable. Truthful. Entertaining ThtKzvtu Out Dvshihu Sf i cS-red fa the (onplt of tbs Mbuoarl Vall-v, iii urri-f fa neetadoruoud, which evidently tiitia for a cheap afternoon nepapv, of Hie fi iglisat ulss itooluiely foikpeodcot id poUiloa, entirely diacooowied fra is rtngt and clique of all dvaertplioof.

and wholly fr io IsUur far tha fa far oats ol th pple, aud ti XuJj warfare opus ourropt and exiravant tax Mters, of all partiw Tux Lvzhjso frrza ts altuuar lit kni svyfa tb chap evening rrrriq which have prated so remarkably tuecrarfa) la moei ofdht cilia of the country, ft will contalo, In a pdtdtnad Iona, all (ho DOW I of Ufa dr, presented fa ua readers la so Impartial sod irc.bfal toner, without exaggeration ar part Hon coloring. Arvuigrmenii ha-e bass bade fini-Ua fairy; jphic reports, in.ludicg the kadirg markru. sod thus aJ Ufa Important eraoit of tha day bm recorded to the culumat ol Tac tvzM fcTta oo the day of their occurrence or developiMaW Urf sod elBcwnt corps of reporters be a has sogsgsd, sod tha Ur St ol Kootat City, tffyan dotfa aud neighboring Uieoe will be ranted fully aod fa, i hf oily ia Tax l.ttHtvu trtea. Accural reports will be pruwoied dztiy of Ufa Kansu City Backets, the purpose being to tut, the cun mere ltd of Tiir tvtjLH frrl trustworthy a that ol any of tu ocas lemptraws. a ate family journal Tux ESihiho Srxa will be strictly drtKlaa, every itrut erm taming so or rf ore then etona, etib alerted taiecclUaj, tic.

In lit tt.tonl d.ptruntut, as well a to Its oeet columns, Thx tv xhiso Seal will nut fa deal IffipurtaUy and fairly by all. While ii win he entirely independent, politically, It til by oo meant bt beulral, but will exprea iMatt fully nod freely concerning ell x.stfart ef penile Interest, and wUl support such bob sod measures a am, fa its judgment, beet calculated In advene the popular wetfarw. sea As rtyri will 0 mads tested trary usees Tub Lvbhiho ffrza thorooghly tsfarsweng and iwdnbis fa people ol all c'tsta, hsoos Jong STAff BEAMS Modjetka is fond of onions. Sothsrn't health is improving The English wheat crop Is poor. The momlitr in London is only 20 in 1,000.

New York wants it cat riup exterminated. Mrs. Oou Cameron warts Hancock elected. Garfield's cousin is in the fudiana penitent mry. Mrs.

Langtry, the Jersey lily, will go on the stage. Texas baa begun to export black walnut lumber. Delaware uai fifty -colored school and 2r54 pupil. baby is sung to sleep with thousand dollar long. President Haves visited a Ro Franco tbeutre ths other Bight.

Red, blue and even peacock paint para-aols ar worn in London. Berks county. is making 2,000 loos of anthracite iron a week. Tba Chicago common council bas forbidden cobble-stone paving. Senator McDonald is tbe real manager of tbe democratic cam paign.

New Zealand has a popu'ation of and a debt of 8100,000,000. The reward for the Indian Victoria's head bas been increased to 83,000. Ex-Gov. Ames baa abandoned politics and gone into the practice of law. Mrs.

Irish, Secretary Schurps fiancee, ii professor at a Wooster (O.) college. Martin Luthers own copy of tbe Vulgate baa been discovered in Bohemia. Preeident Hayee has been selected vice-president of the American Bible Society. The Continental Colette lays that the American colony ia Paris is rapidly diminishing. This year's yield of tea in India is estimated at 70,000,000 pounds, nearly double that of 1878.

In tbe poorhouse, at Milwaukee is one Joseph Daws, wbo before the war, was reputed worth 83,000,000. A Colorado girl lost her leg and her gallant lover had a pocket-book made of a piece of tanned skin from tbe amputated part. Rome is said to be the mast English qf continental cities, so far as the manneri nnd custom of the upper ten are concerned. A young lady who ho studied oil the Oiogie wr, ftiQw it iu crack of a nfle where you put the powder in. Romantic people watch the bathers playing in water with their "Block-Crook" dreeses and wonder what the wild waves are saying.

A California woman wearing A 820 comb fell dead on tb street Mt other day and the coroner's jury decided that nil block combs above -82 were dan-gtrouc. At a Ksukak picnic a dead t.ioke nai laid acraefTs sloping maa neck just for fun. The fright woo all that oouid have been expected, for laid half a day io coavulaions. During storm lost month at Norance in Switzeritnd, lightning struck one two little gir.t sleeping in the same bed, and instantly killed her, without ev.o touching or the olhcr Two little boy at Whitewater, Win, were incited to fight fo ute amuse tr.ent of a street crowd. Tbe show delighted the spectators, until one of the pugilists fell dead from heart disease.

An Enoch Arden, at Mount Vernon, is likely to get hit wife hark, for he returns with a fortune of 830,000, while the Phillip Ray is a shiftless fellow, and has led the Annie Lee a miserable life for fourteen year. The owner of a pair of bright eyes says that the prettiest compliment she ever received came from a child of four year. Tbe little fellow, after looking intently at her eyes a moment, inquired naively, Are your eye new one7' The following it an extract from a theatrical advertisement in Leodville: "Uninterrupted success 1 Appearance of 16 beautiful dizzy blondes. Scale of price To the near-sighted, II. At an altitude.

50 cents. To tbe far oat, 23 cents. Bald-beaded association, 75crais. Camming Ctos io) a 40i oeum imir, KANSAS CITV, MO. B.

MOMN. E. I rwriuicTou. ltd PMUfct0 TtTT rrHft fe -) tr Cllf. Wf- 4m Ml krM' M-Mt rM fi (Vf mi fcMW Wife Uw SEPTEMBER 18, 1880.

CVJNINO STAR. Amouj tb most successful product of recent Jourualiam in th United States is tbchp afternoon newspaper. Expert-oc ha demonstrated that the greet morning journal printed in our Urge title, admirable end enterprinpg as the are. do not meet the wants of the great masse of th people. Their broad pages, filled with elaborate detail of all oems matters, with lengthy, ponderous editorials, with long pros sermons and other matter of the same class, which occupy a Urge amount of space, and demand much time for their perooei, hiU they malt these jonrnslsirrralnable to many, at the some time render them unattractive to tbs great majority of dwellers in cities.

The hour at which they are published and the price at which they are furnished, combine to deter thoumnds from Uking them, who, however, feel the need of a daily newspa, per of some kind. They have neither the (time nor the inclination to read these Urge papers, nor do they feel that they can afford to pay for them. But some kind of daily newspaper has become, in our modern civilization, a- necessity to every intelligent person, wbo desire to keep posted as to the current events of fit day with the minimum expenditure of time and money. To meet this want toe cheap afternoon journal was devisad, and the qualified success which all wpU managed enterprises of this dam have Achieved, whenever they have had a proper field, proves beyond cavil the existence of a demand for thr- In almost every city and Urge town country cheap afternoon are printed, which enjoy very large circaUUr and prontamo advertising patronage. hew York, Boston, Baltimore, rhiUdelph.a, Pitts, burgh, Rochester, LOnAgo, Cincinnati, St.

Louis. Detroit, Indian-apolia, Cleveland. Toledo, Peoria, Minneapolis, Son Francisoo, and many other American citie. which named, contain able, prosperous journals Of this class. The newspapers OfTEts type are small in bnt present in a condensed form the oewt of the day.

The padding" to wich bulky and unwieldy newspapers are compelled to resort to fill up," it entirely unnecessary in these papers. The reader is not compelled to wade through columns of surplusage in order to get at a kernel of news, and the writers are not obliged to cover reams of white paper with words, in conveying a few ideas, which might better be stated in one-quarter of tbe space. Everything is told in terse, concise, direct language. There is no occasion for or temptation to vcrboseocaa exaggeration or surplusage of nay kind. Tbe price at which such a newspaper can be (applied places it within the reach of every one, and tbe hour of its jniblkfttioa makhndt especially desirable to that very large aomber who must postpone their newspaper reading until they hare completed their dky'a Ubor.

Given a proper field, and a cheap afternoon newspaper founded on substantia basis, is absolutely certain to succeed I it bas good management. The publishers of Ths Evxxiso Ste, after a careful survey of tbe country, came to the conclusion that Kansas City offers as inviting a field for an enterpnse of this character as any city in the United State. At the present time Kansas City is large enough and partakes sufiScaeetiy of a mctropolitAO character, to reader afire-clue, cheap afterwmo newspaper to abaca lute necessity. In addition, however, it is the eoihinercia! center of the great M. sonri valley, and no city In the country retains within or otter brighter prospects for the future.

Jvo city in tbe land is growing more rapidly, or attracting more attention in all quarters. It is universally conceded that Kansas City, in a very few years, will bt one of tbe largest and mpst important cities in America, lluvicg entire confidence in tbe future of this city. Ths Evsmxo St a enters the field, without a doubt ih the minds of the proprietors that it will achieve unqualified success, and in a very short time become one of recognised institution of Kansas City. Ths enterprise Is eetnblhcd ou a firm baj, and will be to conducted as merit the approval end patronage of tbe people of the rity and surrounding country, At the publisher! prefir to let Tss ErtHiso Stb tpeak for itself. It is due, howerer, to ihod who desire to know something of the character and purpose of a newspaper which wli tbor support' to state thst Ttn Etta-iso STS absolutely inde- gopdest to aiming to.

deal. by TERRIBLE DISASTER. Nin Bfen Killed by the' Breaktwg of ruble In the Consolidated Imperial Mine at Vlrgjula City, Dev. accident ouenraed 1 ju today nigtn in the Consolidated Imperial Mine at Virgnio, Nev. The three oclock shift were turning off.

and the cage, with ten men upon it, had started for tbe surface when the cstde broke, proripitating them the shaft some 300 feet. Fourteen hundred feet of rope pilled upon them. Tbe following are tbe lames of those kill. "I John Roach, Patrick Murphy, Dick Thomas Meagher, Mat Winnie, J.wph Haonaitan, William Corbett, George rarnham and Jerry Sullivan. Most of the bodies ars terribly mangled; the men were taken out at 4 a.

tn. Roach ta.ked rationally when found, but died when coating up the shaft. Frank Smith, ths only man saved, is resting easily, ha no external injuries. Tb cable broke at tbe reel, and for soma reason the safeties did not catch. Tbe cable wu of the best English make, four and by one-half inch, and ia use only three months.

The nft ws in charge of Ryder, pumpman, and the pump shift wu changing at same time with the other shift. Ryder til on under tbe cage, on which was found an ax with th helve broken eight Inches from the poll. The only explanation of tbe accident is that this ox hoodie caught the timber, canting tbe strain which broke the cable. The engineer on duty says, however, everythin? tt h- running smoothie th- mil-broke. Josh BUll ago.

The philosophers bav no in mate. In dealing with human natur they are obliged to step on everybody. Poverty will show the strength ov a man's karakter, riches tha weakness ov it A grate pedigree iz an unprofitable thing to hav left ua, wa are entitled to no kredit for it, and are held responsible for its safe keeping. df virtew iz its own reward, wickrtloeas jtnfot its own pawiebmeoL Opportunity ar gome bird, sad if they got, they must be got on the wing. I never hav teen a spendthrift yet, wo wax not at times a mixer.

It ir. better to studdy one book than to read menny. If there it no hereafter, reaaon a fraud, and instinkt a failure. Tbe bottom round ov tlie ladder, if it iz well filled, iz just as honorable ax the top out, and iz a heap safer. He who is allwusa sticking his nose into fnturity, must not be surprised if faa snubbed often.

No one luvs a traitor, least ov all those who profit by the treason. To work ix the greatest ov blessings. If ood snd raiment and shelter oouid be had without labor, the human roc would run out Is ten generaehun. Neither a mans money nor hi reputo-shun ken be akuratelj summed up until he is ded and buned. Th less brane a mao hex, provided they art ths right kind, the better be iz adapted for (mines.

Tbs coicomb, dandy and fcp are one and tkc same thing, and about tbe only thing you kan say ov them is that they are gt tbe maskulin gender. Thots who hav the most pride are the first to diskover pride in others. If we should enable the prayers we offer op to hraven, we would find that vanity, and self interest predominates in them. Habits are good, bad and indifferent, and in most men the indifferent iz the most plenty. A Batch of Truisms The world is a masked hall.

When pride begins, love ends. Love makes time pass and time makes )o pass. La is Sometime the kuell of a d-ad hope. Every man has in hi heart slumbering hog. Tbe alstird mao is the man who never changes.

Men arc the women's playthings, women are tbe deTil's. Ood created the coquette as toon as lie had man the fool. A year in the lift of a can is sometimea a severe lesson. Better to have never loved than to have loved unhappiiy. The more honest a man is tbe lew he affects the air of a saint.

In most men there is a dead poet whom the man survives. Experience is tbe name men give to their foUiea, or their sorrow Tbe aliaiomeot of our greatest desire is often the source of our greatest sorrow. Women give themselves to God when the devil mil have nothing more to do with them. It does not take twenty years for men change their opinions of things width (v-emrd to them tbe truest and most certain ben women love us they forgive us everything even our crime when they do not lore us they giv us credit for nothing, not even our virtue. -THE MIRACLE SEASON ftfondarf u) Curaa Pirfniwcd at tbs Grotto of LaunUc York Herald.) Tlie miracle season at Lourdes, France, sets in about August IS, and lasts five or sn weeks, toward the end of September, Miracles muy be achieved at other time, bnt th-y are of secondary quality.

Miraculous center vary with fashion. Formerly La Nalette and Paray le Mon ial were in favor, but noWLounle is ail the rage. A paper lately complained bitterly that France has almost th monopoly of miraeea, and that Spaniards go to the shrine of Lourdes, wherezs native taintv St. James of Composiello, Lady of the Black Virgin 'of Pilar amply sufficed during centuries for their fathera. Lourdes, however, has a smalt rival in St.

Betrand de Com-mlnguoa, and lost Sunday a party of Toulouse pi'grims at the Montryeon station cam into collision with tbe populace from word proceeding to blow M. de Lacroix leader of the pilgrimage, snd several of his companions were kxked up all night. A letter from Lourdes in The 1'nwrri give the following additional details of the miracle said to have been operated at the shrine: "We sre now at Lourdes, tb city of Miracle, the citadel of the supernatural. which deals the free-tbi'Aers such rude blows The station is be-ooung crowded sod train after tram i arriving. That from Lorraine, which will shortly have the greatest natnber of cure to show, comes in the first.

A dying woman is lying in one of the van she set ms n-ar the last gasp, and she is carried off while it yet remain uncertain whether or not she wilt help to carry tunge of the sick on the return journerfor we tram with the grands mala lades after a short in. lerval, and a number of men of rank, arm-irons ts and other commence transporting th litter a wort which r-qbiraa a good deal of -tone. Before with question of food and lodging a visit was paid to the grotto. here the are laid one after another. Tbe communion is commenced, and shortly afterwtrd the miracles begin.

Pere Picord leads bi hearer to pray fervently, and just a the mas is finished nine maiade quro, followed by a tenth, ascend the winding path in the rear of the holy sacrament, which is being conveyed to the Basilica, sod from this moment fresh cures are announced. Limb which bad remained paralyzed for ten year become living again; a blind man recover bj sight; a deaf and dumb person begin to talk; wounds clo-a upc stomachs which could not digest food resume the full possesion of their function sad consumptive patients declared incurable announce themselves perfertly well. None of tbe sick members of the pilgrimage hav euccambed, though see. eral were in a critical condition, but God has inscrutably pleased to take to himself a person who Went to take port ia tbe pilgrimage with his family. Bicycle Whmli for Carriages.

Hartford Cournot That the elantic, springy hnl of tbe bicycle pattern ray fro advantageously used on camagrt i a orw lies, and is likely to be accepted tu a good one. Ex-Presideut Bishop, of the consolidated road, is the first to test the idea practically, and yesterday drove around Bridg'port with a full ecl of these wheels. They were light, strong, and on rough pavement, or eten on ordinary roads, proved to be superior to the ordinary wooden wheel. The wheels were of thc ordinary bicycle style, of a lew of course, and having a hollow hi6 fitted to slip on on ordinary carnage a.Fle. Made of eieel.

nickel ofaud, and ith rubber tire, ir tost i. rwt a ihcrj more than the best wooden wkeel, and are more durable and easier for riding. Business la bw York. lad. News letter Business is really better than I ever remember to have seen it in New York before.

it recalls the busiest of the war years to walk up Broadway. Lost night the sidewalks wer literally blocked for milts by the bale and packing cues. In the dry goods stores no one think of going borne before midnight. Real eetaia is rising every day. and we hear of very few suiko in tbe trades because demands for advanced wuge are acceded to at once in nine case out of ten.

A Terrible Explosion. A farnble explosion occurred yesterday afternoon in a amaU wooden building owned by the Union 1'. falhc Cartridge Company, at Bridgeport, C. Fivo per-nos were at work tn the building and all are supposed to have been killed, as non have been Ken since and four bodies bav been found. Tbe building wa completely bkran to atom and tb debna blown a great dixtanca.

A small lake, some distance from tbe building, wa strewn with fragment. Two bodies were found in tha lake, with bead and arm gona Tbs cause is nrn known. Tea party organs are all publishing ponderous dissertations upon the result in Maine. From a careful perusal of a number of them it appears that tbe green-backere have gained a splendid victory, that the democrats have won a magnificent triumph; and that th republicans have completely routed tbe enemy. Ths Etxvivg Stab, with that devotion to truth which will always characterize it, must prouoanoe the result of tbe contest a draw." Inasmuch, however, as the republicans expected a handsome majority and ths democrats expected nothing, tbe moral affect ia with tb latter, and must help them materielljrjn Ohio and Indiana.

Tbs corner stone of tbe new Indiana stata house will be laid at Indianapolis ou the 28th itfati, with appropriate ceremonies. Gen. T. A. Motets, one of the board of state bouse commissioners, will deliver the introductory addresa, and ex-Governor KtxDttcu will pronounce an oration.

The building will be the handsomest edifice of the kind in the United State, and will reflect credit upon the slate of Indiana. tea republican nootinee for governor of M.ssouri ia a strong mao. Pat Dviaa record in the prosecution of the whisky thieves at Louis given him a strong claim upon public confidence. Buauc and Barvi art both charging fraud on the opposite party in tbe Maine canvass. No doubt that for once both are telling the truth.

Tttff congressional squabble ought to call out a good deal of Crisp editorial writing in this district Tsa Eviviao Stas begins publication with over 3,000 Kansas City alone Ts mors "harmony' 1 called for by jha democrat) of this district, the let of it appear? Th St bas tome to stay Sukld at Topeka H. Petty of Lawrence, committed suicide in Topeka yesterday morning by shooting himself io tbe head. Financial distress and dissipation mused tbe rash art Petty died at midnight. He was engaged to be mimed to a young lady in Lawrence on tbe 1 7th inn. pesetas and ssrmont, poodsrous sdltorinls, nog praty, fathom dlsrerfations epos dry nbjaefa will he excluded from Its columns na foreign fa Ua scops end plan.

As the erjran of the people, lbs columns ot Tax Eviwiho 6tsx will alwsys bo opo fa litem for abort coujQjuolrittopi upon topics of ganeral Interest, regsntlM of ths views u-prastrd In such communictUont Thx Evixino Stax toll dsvofa It brat onstw gist to siding tbs work of bulNing up fan material snd moral Internals of Kaneaa City, and developing the gratt Missouri VaJIvy, of which this is th mvlropolu. so TuxEvihihs Btxi esters the field of Journalism sufficiently equipped with newspaper experience and ooptul to render It, from th beginning, an assured tuocH. It Is established upon Inn basis, sod Its peimansacy la not manor fir question. Thi Evihiho ftrsa ha delivered bp carriers la Kansu City, Wyaadotu and nMgb boring towns at fan rent week. By mail, pxtag prepaid, rents a All sobw K'ripUoaa banded to L.

'OTUtxLL, dtp circulator, or Mt at fat otfic of Tin Evttin Btab, 497 sod 401 Delaware street', wll rscwre' prompt ttieoUug- MEWS OF THE DA T. A ministerial crisis is imminent in France. The soldiers' monument in Aeteitam cemetery was unveiled yesterday. Senator Conkling delivered hi opening speech of the campaign at New York last night. Mnlbe H'inter won great )iwfoig ma'ch at Chicago yeeterdav, best time, 2.15 George Mitchell, colored, was hanged at Troy, yesterday for the murder of bis mhtress.

Heavy storms of rain and hail bare done great damage to the unharvested crops in England. Boston celebrated it 250th birthday yesterdey with an imposing demonstration. About 100,000 people participated. A blacksmith named Hoffmn, was arrested yesterday at Burden, for counterfeiting. Tools, were found io his possession.

At Chicago yesterdsy Bonesetter won the sullion rare; best time, 2:22. Georg Sprague, a five year old colt, weighing nearly 1,300 pounds woe tent full milt id 2.28. A duel is expected to take place to-day near AtitnlA, between a ion of United State Senator Brown, and Dr. John C. Westmoreland.

Th trouble i political in its nature. A Bad Opening. Philadelphia CUunlcle-llerald Grant savi be will do anything mfii wer to help the republican cause. Good. him keep hi son Fred's mouth shut.


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