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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 16

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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16 THE VANCOUVER DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1920. CAMPAIGN WILL Night Raid By German Destroyers Position slio rode out two gales of wind, but eventually was brougnt Into Dover. The Zulu about this tune had been mined aud had lost her stern Ihe bow of the Zulu was Joined to the stern of the, Nubian and a sound to 21st engaged by the large de 8 Swift and Droe. The affair, from the point of view protect'n of the Straits of the enemy did, or CHARLES SAVAGE GAVE UP HOP! START APRIL 12 Synopsis of Chapter XII Pure matter of" fuck" "Tf tChad'Sot anS8 love bombardment ofCalal, Vnti Ver woula have Produced a ha h0ra Pblic. which would dama Ut of Proportion to the tne our material Mi.uyer, cnnsieneu the Zublan.

resulted: 'l'j'8 next raid was on November 3rd, when six enemy boats were seeu near the Downs. At 10.45 pm the German flotilla tried to pass in side tho south entrance of the Downs. These destroyers, each armed withl "Attack of Enemy During Which Destroyer Flirt Was Sunk Described by Admiral Bacon. CHAPTEH XII (Continued) THE patrol for the night placed the Fhrt, a 30 knottcr, with the drifters, In the eastern area of the channel, as an assistance to them should a submarine be sighted or get Thought Wife Would Never Re cover She Gains Twenty Pounds by Taking Tanlac "I never dreamt that mv wif vnnM Canadian Jewish Relief Commit tee Will Appeal for Aid to Help Check Typhus in Near East. "What Is this oigaiilzauon doing "Changing the entire disposition of thl undoubtedly kept 'b" enemy ignorant that we had a western patrol.

i hava use thBlr boaU ru'ft an 'snont public on Inac ThJt accounta of futile operations, fheir veesels, have been assigned I'lIE INCOMPABABLE SIXTH FLOTILLA rvlre for "hostilities only" The eiaetlng routine of the stro.vers Joo few bum Lneuiyn ailvuDUKe Id gun fire nl speed "Tip and run" ruliis Taclr Influence on (er nil offlcer uua men Ill fniaieil criticism fti.apklou eparutlou at ostein! A lmot ami scout" r.ild An officii uiniinruuduui lue etomtlon of tile Zublan Kneiuy out The raid of 1st, HUT, and lta lesaous Horn of liuuiagute aud a daQ luto tbe The vift and llroke iu acilon A Onuuii wreutb aud lta liiel disunities and ilielr causes A final tribute to and men of tbe I'lolDla. with the money it gets? asked an ex mi guna, opened fire on the night patrol of the Kai.u.gate drifters, each armed with a 6 poundor. The drittors returned the tne destioyers made off. The drifter Acceptable wan hit; as was invariably the case, the drifters old not hesitate to etand up to the enemy destroyers, In' spite of the futility of their armament. Our des! troyers had not time to get on the spot, so hurriedly did the enemy run from our little drifters ti.

soiuier at the Jieauiiuarlurs ot the Canadian Jewish relief committee, Into the moored nets. No attempt was made to provide for a defence of the Straits against a raid, nor wmch are against sound hence they nave been tactlc8' The main 'actJ of futile raid Is to run away hnJ? 10 be caUKht; hence, their 'earned to run and not to in ADMIRAL SIR REGINALD BACON. could such defence be attempted with tho official version Is worth quoting to vessels I iiud tiien at my dis men were taken prisoners I nuv UO UUUUb IU lUAO 2ii Hastings Street West, this morning. "Feeding millions of women and children in the Near East and sending in medicines and clothing to check the typhus epidemic," waa the reply. "Typhus, eh? All right Here's all I can afford to give.

I saw some of those typhus trains in Siberia when I was over there with the expedition i.V an action so evei be a well woman again, but to day she seems to be In a perfectly strong healthy condition and In better health than I have known her for eighteen years past, and I've got to acknowledge that It was six bottles of Tanlac that wrought the change," said Mr. Charles Savage, of 2174 Gallagher Avenue, Winnipeg, to the Tanlac representative "The wife had been an Invalid for eighteen years and I had spent hundreds of dollars trying to get her ell. She had the best advice I could get and at one time spent four months In hospital but they all failed to do her much good. She had a continual pain across the small of her I i. 'uii mat six or tneir them as a boats ran from two of ours.

This inglorious lo naval power. had to be allowed to the officers and afterwards the Flirt heard men. To defend the Straits against gun firing and proceeded In the a raid, a considerable number mure Election of the tithes At Dover I is oouna to undermine tho morale of "Parts of our muiia. iSoon the Dover Tribals arrived, among which were the Amazon, Lieut. Guy Warren, the Nubian, Commander Montague Bernard; and the German boats made off.

Meanwhile the enoiiiy division that had stoered for Orisnez struck up the Folkestone Boulogne transport route our forces a he ene'liy' and a' the same time In nnotring exped tlon In the night crea 86 the confidence of our officers Ve 23rd and 24tl to to a degree that will admit raiuing lorce tlie fjnilK was also ieurd and I reroi betw or vvuiu uriiig Houm nave naa 10 tmi. were of no defeat in nv rotuary or ne i immes and the ary force. They're awful. I won't forget them In a hurry, you bet" The British Columbia campaign to told the bouts In the Downs to w. tio as to lie ready to meet an ultuck on the shipping, and also warned the commodore at Dunkirk.

and overhauled and sank by gunfire the Queen, an empty transport, first boarding and taking away her papers. A. all was unlet on the Fwnrh lil an outpost ship, which was sunk, no hostile naval rorces were seen. The fortified base of Hamsgate was bombarded by German artillery, but when no English fleet was still visible, our fleet return edto its base, where It arrived safe But I did nut move the Dunkirk di vision until 1 was certain that the French (oust whs not the real object I much regret the losses which our boats suffered, but they are, I am glad to say, slight In comparison with the result obtained. I have already forwarded a list of officers and men whom I desire specially to recommend for their conduct In this engagement.

Lieutenant Commander Arthur J. Landon, R.N., of H. M. S. Mentor, deserves commendation for Immediately taking his division (in reserve) to the position of the gunfire.

Had the enemy fought the action out, he would have been in a Kept continually at sea In order to cover successfully the area of approach and to be In reasonable force at any point where the enemy might turn up. Of course, thcoo numbers were not available. Four divisions of drifters were patrolling the net line between the Goodwin and the Huytllngen Buoy. The yacht Umbra ana uawler H. E.

Stroud, wireless ve. iilj, were attending on them. It Is always difficult to piece together the true facts of a nit 'ht raid; but, so far as could be gathered, the enemy sent two divisions of six boats each. They arrived round the east end of the net barrage which then raise funds for the relief work in Eastern Europe which begins on April 12 has already met with splendid encouragement from the Vancouver people. Many pathetic stories are being told to the relief workers by Vancouver residents who have relatives and friends In Eastern Europe.

The spread of typhus is so alarming, according to special reports sent to the Vancouver that it Is feared another world wide epidemic may result, unless Immediate steps are taken to check it The Ilam.xgatf Xot poinbarded. Ramsgate was not bombarded; no! was sunk; and six large destroyers ran away from six little fishing boats and the destrovers, which they momentarily expected would ho down upon them! or uttuck ami thiit tho channel Dual ness was not merely a diversion. Men imning In Water The Flirt oon met men floating In the water aud stopped to pick them up, putting on her searchlignt to do so. Tho first lieutenant and another hand went away In her boat to pick the men up and found thoy were part of tho crew of a drifter. As soon uacK mat drove her almost to dts traction; she used to say that it felt Just as though knives were being stuck into her.

Many a time I've been up all night attending to her and looking after her. She was put on a special diet which prohibited her from eating hardly anything except green vegetables and brown bread, and she had little or no appetite for such things. Frequently she had blinding headaches and would then have to go to bed for twd days. She was scarcely able to do any housework and if she did try to do any would have to knock off every little while and lie down. If she attempted to walk a bit fast or climb a flight of stairs, her breath started to come In gasps and her heart beat wlldlv.

north must, I called the Dunkirk division to the banned to try and cut off tlio raiders; but, as our ImhiIa IiiiiI nearly one hour's steaming to do tx fore they oouhl rriu the wene of action, they worv tK late to bo of any mt vice The Anuion as considerably danuigrri by sliell firc and the Nubian had her forepart almost severed by tlio explosion of a torjx do. The Nubian was taken In tow and brought close to the eastern entrance of Dover. But, meanwhile, it hnr! pqa to render material assist ance." The next adventure of the German destroyers was on March 1st, 1917, when the destroyer Laverock, on patrol in the Channel, was hit by a torpedo that did not explode, vhlle a wretched living conditions, lack of soap and clean clothing and the Inability of the starving people to bury their dead all go to make Idea conditions for the growth of the germ. I vuiy riiciiuou iu uie itu ii'iicu una as me runs searcnugni snowed up, divided, one lot steaming for Grlsnez, I she was attacked hv two enemv and the other for Dover. The latter i trovers, who sank her.

Not one soul second division of enemy boats made an attack on Uroadstairs. boats were sighted by the de.slrover Flirt, who at first took them in the (To be continued.) FACTVG BCTTER SHORTAGE. CALGARY, April 8. Calgary Is facing a butter shortage that may endure for three weeks at least. The retail price of the highest grade but ter in the market on Wednesday was 80 cents a pound, with No.

1 selling at 5 cents cheaper, while No. 2 was sold at 70 cents. The increased price of this household necessity did not seem to cause the housewives any come on to blow from the southwest, excepr inose in me Doat picking up the drifters crew was 6aved and, strange to relato, no flotsam from the wreck was ever afterwards seen. The enemv destroyers sank six drlft Dn March 23 a third attempt was made on the Channel Patrol Line BEWARE OF SQUAWKY HEN FRIENDLY ONE PRODUCES tne tow ropes tintortunately parted. I he Nuhlan went on the shoai chalk reef stretchln gout from the Sarkness for our Dunkirk boats returning to Dover.

She did not appreciate that movements of this nature by destroyers at night rarely took place near the patrol line In the Channel and that, If they had to be fnade. the pntrols were warned thnt nea Calais and about two hours after a lightning bombardment of Rifhis gate. The next raid proved to be the Inst the enemy made during the tenure oiners ana roiriand. Here she left her one trawler. lorty flve officers and how behind, and at high water the men were killed, four were recovered remainder of the vessel was driven Professor Talks to Veterans on worry, but the shortage of my command, as his raiding destroyers were this t'me April 20th 1 "I'm proved ofl umcvr aim nine i fni iip tinner the Iff real concern concern.

Poultry Raising II luinireni Poultry raising Is no soft Job these days, according to Professor E. A. of the university, who gave an 7 interesting talk on the subject to vet erans at the Uel Triangle uiuo oa Sometimes her ankles would swell up so that she could hardly get her shoes on. She got pitifully thin and weak and last New Year's day she was In stch a condition that. I thought I was going to lose her.

"And then when everything else had failed and her case seemed hopeless, a friend recommended Tanlac and I persuaded her to try It I can hardly believe my own eyes when I look at her now nd see the great change for the better. Why, the pains around her kidneys have disappeared. She has a splendid appetite, eats anything at all and It never hurts her. She no longer has headaches and In fact says she, has not an ache or a pain In her body. The swelling has left her ankles, which are now quite normal.

She has gained twenty pounds in weight and has got back all her strength and energy. She does every bit of her housework without any trouble and only the other day went In next door to help out a neighbor who was sick. Wednesday evening. I don't know how It is," he said, III SVFTPt llll 'but nearly everybody that engages In poultry raising is a crank." Ana I Rrw.WflwDMi YM with about three fourths of a hundred I III tyiumuuuuuunininiiuii. iuaiiumuuuiaiuimmiiiuirjg' gy III fMllllllllllilllllllllliiluUlM of potential "cranks" listening to him with the keenest Interest, he went over the various points to be kept In mind In the selection of stock, but warned his hearers: "Take all the qualities together; don't have any hobby along any one of these lines.

I HHfr I It I If you do, you 11 get Into trouble." I Hi rail IR I III UH I tZZXS33 I I III I The "old time religion" in poultry matters wasn't good enought for the Shetcan now walk any distance or up stairs without shortness of breath or heart palpitation and In fact she poultry farmer of todays he had got to know much more than his father knew in order to make the business seems a perfectly well woman. I simply Just can't express my grati tude for what Tanlac has done for pay. Ana the poultry department 01 in 3 ti i Jfiarai.iy5rfs54 ih he U. B. C.

had started out in real my wife and you can depend on me earnest to find out the many things I BH57Wfal Compos of the he ought to know. What with the high cost of feeding, and the keen to recommend. It to everybody." Tanlac la sold In Vancouver by the Owl Drug Company and by the lead competition of today, it was only by reducing the business to a science that ing druggists In every town. adv. they could hope to succeed.

With the help of a White Wyan A Pimply Face or dotte and a White Leghorn, the professor gave a very entertaining demonstration of the various points which formed the chief desiderata A Z' fcW ftoel covered with ittrac I tAVAVgTJ. 11. WTJ tivetickina. In! with a view to egg production. The feathered lady's general appearance and demeanour counted for a good Poor Complexion Quickly Restored Thousands of 'young men and deal; brightness and vigor were much In her favor, and a sociable manner and disposition counted in the same direction.

Beware of a hen which squaks at you when you take hold of her, and 11 LxrszmxmsmiEsn appears to want brains. me hen which kind of talks to you, and wants to be friendly, is the high producer. Does she look active and pert? Is she 11 1 win hi iiii 1 1 ill i taking In the scenery? Does she Beem to like the surroundings? Be ware of a hen that has got a sodden look about her and Isn't taking la the scenery all the time." VISITOR WAS DRUGGED AND ROBBED OF RING How Simmons Springs are Built for Sleep women would be handsome and attractive were It not for unsightly pimples, blackheads and rough uneven ekin. Custom seems to recommend lotions and salves, but unfortunately their effect Is but temporary. These disfiguring blemishes do not originate in the skin their birth In every case goes further ljack to the blood, which must be cleansed of humors before the pimples depart for good A physician who has made a careful studjt of such cases, says that the quickest cure comes from a blood building medicine like Ferrozone.

The minute Ferrozone strikes the blood its good work begins. Poisons and foul matter are expelled. Every trace of humor is driven out, and the whole life current Is supplied with nutriment and health giving qualities. You can always tell a Ferrozone complexion when you see It the cheeks are clear and rosy, no signs of sal lowncss the. eyes are bright and expressive because rich, red blood Is circulating through the whole Bystem carrying health, energy and strength with it Not only will all skin eruptions disappear, but an Increase In vital strength, an all round Improvement will be apparent.

No rebuilding tonic could be more efficient. Get Ferrozone today good for young and old, for well folks and sick ones, too. 50c per box, or six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or direct by mall from The Catarrhozone Kingston, Ont adv. Where your ordinary spring is made of tinned fabric, apt to rust and stain the bedding Simmons Springs are finished in rustproof qualities. See a Simmons Spring in with a group of various makes and your eye will pick it out immediately by the sturdy look.

You will note its smooth finish a corners or loose ends to tear the Simmons Springs are builffor sleep. This "Waldorf" Box Spring, for example: A good spring! Taut but elastic never slack. A spring so designed and constructed that it makes a Hat, resilient foundation for the mattress. A spring that gives to the contours of the body supports the spine and muscles in any sleeping position invites relaxation and promotes natural, restful sleep. A spring that fits four square and firm on the bed that docs not creak, knock or rattle.

A WOMAN has a very definite idea of the comfort she expects the springs of her beds to give herself and her family. She knows, too, how seldom her expectations are realized in half a dozen important points. Now the remarkable thing is that these Simmons Springs actually do what yoil have the right, to expect a spring to do And that they cost you little, if any more than the ordinary springs. You can see these remarkable bed springs in the stores of the merchants who are displaying the charming new Simmons designs in Steel Beds, Brass Beds and Cribs. QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY ALL the leading stores in the city carry Simmons' Beds, Springs, Mattresses and Pillows built for sleep by Simmons Limited.

If you have any trouble finding them, a post card to us will bring you the names of Simmons merchants near you. Take Tablespoonful of Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. 10NG ago, Simmons Limited realized that a good spring is quite as essential to sleep as a good bed. Alan Arrested in Calgary Allegedly Stole From Tourist About the middle of January Mr. C.

W. Shomo, a wealthy American tourist found himself newly arrived in Vancouver without a place to stop. He was befriended by a fellow traveller, who offered him the hospitality of his rooms at the Hotel Vancouver. The offer was accepted but next morning, according to Information given the police, the Mr. Shomo found that he had been drugged and a valuable diamond ring removed from a finger.

It was thought that the fellow guest at the hotel had gone to Seattle, but a telegram was received at police headquarters this morning from Calgary of the arrest of a man giving the name of Dennison, upon whom had been found a ring answering the description sent out rom this city. COAL DUST TRAIL WAS FOLLOWED FOR SIX BLOCKS Following a trail of coal dust for a distance of six blocks, Detectives KU leen and Raines on Tuesday arrested two returned men named Taggart and Poole on a charge of the theft of six sacks of coal. The arrest was made half an hour after a complaint reached police headquarters from Mrs. Kellogh, 845 Princess Avenue, that four sacks of "diamond dust" had vanished from a coal wagon left standing while the owner ate his breakfast MUST SUPPORT CHILDREN Tow Boat Captain Hcx dvcs Castration from tho Court. Magistrate South gave unstinted expression to his wrath In finding Alfred Anderson, a tow boat captain, guilty of "non support" Evidence was to the effect that Anderson, who earns $175 a month, had lived over seven years with a woman in one of the up coast settlements, and that he had had six children, the eldest of whom was seven years old and the youngest but four months.

"Why do you not support these children?" demanded his worship. "Because I married another girl about two months ago," replied Anderson with a bland smile. He re tained this attitude throughout the hearing, notwithstanding a terrific verbal chastisement by Magistrate South, who referred to him as "an Inhuman monster." Unless Anderson gives some sort of an undertaking to look after the children he will be sentenced on Thursday and the magistrate prorata, ed that the sentence would be a heavy one. WILL BOLD VACXT The Ford Motor Company of Cnads hav tako ont a permit to bnlld concrete vau oa their premises. 1100 Hamilton Simmons Springs are designed on scientific principles and built right.

SUtp is a big subject Write us for the booklet, "What Leading Medical Journals end Health Magazines Say About Separate Beds and Sound Sleep." Free of charge. SIMMONS LIMITED I MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG CALGARY VANCOUVER ITS We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with urio acid, says a well known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the elimlnatlve tissues clog and thus the waste Is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains In the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder Is irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning and In a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids In urine bo it Is no longer ft source Of irritation, thus ending, urinary and bladder disorders.

Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithla water drink and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidney clean and active. adv Juilt for Sleep.

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