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The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas • Page 4

Topeka, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1892. LUTHER. SERIOUS RUNAWAY. NEBRASKA'S SCALP IF YOU C0HE DOWN TOWN H0NDAY DON'T FAIL IN OUR NORTH R00H, TO SEE BELT ON KANSAS IFFEIf! PI 111 BREATEST BAR8AIH HAVE I A 36 inch Double Fold Cheviot Tweed, part wool, for 15c per yard. If you see yourself and some of your friends, they are so very cheap.

Just about half price. DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY GLOVES and MIENS. FOSTER'S KID GLOVES We have always with na in quantities. You can find all the fashionable shades heie.

tuow we are the agents for Topeka in this line and no one else carries them. ONYX FAST BLACK HOSIERY Is a feature in this department. Every time you see this brand on any goods you may be sure the color is fast. "We are showing a 38-inch Camel's Hair Stripe Diagonal, all wool, that is very cheap At 42 Cents. Remember the 46-inch Colored Serge we used to lell at 88c, we now sell At "75 Cents, The 46-inch French Croise At $1.00 we have in all the latest shades.

If you have never seen it, ask for it and it will be shown you. "We have yet some very desirable fabrics in late autumn novelties, and almest an endless line of desirable stuffs and shades in Poplins, Whipcords, Croises, Serges, Taffata Velante, Diagonals, and all the most popular weaves. i OUR STOCK OF MITTENS I large and varied. Those we show for 25, 38 and 50o are Great UNDERWEAR. BLANKETS AND COMFORTS.

Don't pass our 11-4 all wool Red Blankets, AT $2. SO. It's great. And 11-4 all wool Butternut, AT $3.25 is very cheap. We want you to know we are sellers of blankets and comforts at prices lower than ever before, for first class goods.

Other merchandise all over the store is sold on the same low margin. You have Been by our window how we are selling Mens, Womeni and Children's Underwear. Never had so large a line to show and never so low prices. We are closing some lines in all wool at the prices we generally sell cotton goods for. See our all wool in children's At IGc, 19c, 29c.

and 39c. CLOAKS AND FURS. New goods in these lines arriving every day. If we can't suit you today we probably can tomorrow. Never since we started in business have we sold so many CLOAKS AND FURS CL0AKIN6S AND CLOTHS.

Our line of Cloakings is large and we have them all the way from $1.00 to $3.75. See our 54-inch Ladies' Cloths 50c and 75c They are record breakers, both of them. A great bargain in Broadcloth, 46 inches wide, at 98c All the fashionable shades. SiiSPA mysteries never before witnessed in this the directors found that to cut up aa oity. He will produce materialization artistically satisfactory building of a of faoes, hands and full forms by gas size suitable for future growth of th light.

Come early to secure Beat. An contents, and with a hall for an art gal-admission fee will be charged. lery, it would take about 16,000 to To the Editor ox the In the Lutheran churches of the world, this Sabbath day is called Luther day, on account of Its being the Sabbath nearest the anniversary of the birthday of that illustrious reformer, vis November 10, 1483. It is a beautiful custom of the churches of the present day, and becoming more and more common, to recognize and celebrate their "fore-father's Not for their praise and renown, for they have long since passed into spheres, where our opinion of them is of no interest, but that we may recognize and set forth the course of events set in motion and wrought out by their work. Of the great uninspired men of the past, no one stands higher in the far-reaching results of his work, than Luther.

After more than four centuries, his fame is still of such prominence as to easily place him in the front rank of those men, the mention of whose names is sufficient to fully designate them to the world without descriptive or honorary title. Following so shortly after our election it is easy to appreciate the value of the name of Senator or Honorable or Senator, but what title so touches the American heart as the simple name of Washington or Linooln or Grant? What letters attached would carry additional dignity to the name of Gladstone or Bencon field? Such men stand alone as beaconlights on the Bea of humanity that surges at their feet. Such is Luther none greater than whom, sicce Paul. The reformation achieved by Luther is the most momentous revolution of society since the foundation of christian history. lie was the chosen instrument to bring about a radical change in the world, using as his only weapon the double-edged sword of truth in the bat- ties with error and ecclesiastical corrup tion.

There was an eminent fitness for his work in the remarkable combination of elements that qualified him for his great undertaking. His intense convictions became a part of himself, rendering him more willing to die than sacrifice his conscienca ''Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise, God help me," was an expression of allegiance to conscience. He could not be moulded by prevailing opinions or adverse circumstances. He was not a lump of clay, but granite. Obstinate it mav be, but an obsticancy which we rejoice an obBtanacy of which martyrs are made.

He was a man of the people, deeply in sympathy with youth and humble life. In one of his sermons he said: "When I preach, I sink myself deep down. I regard neither dootors nor magistrates, of wbcm I have above forty in this churcb, but I have an eye to the multitude of young people, children and servants, of whom there are more than 2,000. I preach to these. Will not the rest hear me? The door stands open to them.

They may be gone." Lnther had his faults. It requires no microscope to detect them. They are manifest. But terrible as were his rebukes and unrefined to us as is his language, yet his life work has elicited the commendations alike of Protestants and intelligent Catholics. James Freem.u Clarke, one of the most refined and intellectual men of our age, says: "The character of Luther had a mountainous grandeur.

When near Mount Blano you perceive the ragged precipices and shapeless ravines which deform it, but as you recede from it into the distance it appears to tower higher above its neighboring summits, and its features are softened by the intervening atmosphere and melted into strange tints and beautiful shadows, and it stands the objeot of reverence and wonder one of the most sublime objects in nature and most beautiful creations of God. So stands Luther, growing more and more the mark of reverence through succeeding centuries the real author of modern liberty and action, the giant founder of modern civilization, pure religion and a more widespread virtue than those which earlier ages were capable of producing." Thomas Carlisle says: "The whole world and its history waited for the birth of Luther. It is strange. It is great. It leads us baok to another birth-hour in a still meaner environment of which it is a fit that we say nothing that, we think only in silence.

I will call Luther a great man. Great in intellect, in courage, affection and integrity. One of our most lovable and precious men. Ureat, not as a hewn obelisk, but as an Alpine mountain. So simple, so honest, so spontaneous not setting up to be a great at all there for quite another purpose than to be great.

Ah yesl unsubduable granite, piercing far and wide into the heavens vet in the clefts of its fountains irreen and beautiful valleys with flowera A right spiritual hero and prophet! onoe more true son of nature, for whom these centuries and manv that are vet to come, will be thankful to heaven." Luther belongs to no one denomina tion, but to all protestant Christendom. He is the hero of the world and almost all nations and tongues honor him and his work, and his praise will increase as the years come and go and the world becomes better. May the Lord quicken the world in its love for the word, whioh Luther un bound and establish it in the Christian faith which he proclaimed and speedily become toe Kingdoms or (Jbrist, whose power alone made Luther and the reformation possible. F. M.

Porch. Our $6.50 piano lamp is a splen did value. Farnsworth Brins- maid, 603 Kansas ave. RALLYING FORCES. Programme For the Union Endeavor Meeting at the Christian Charoh ednesdav 11 ine iouowmg is we proposed pro gramme for the union rally of all the Epworth leagues and Christian Endeavor societies of the city to be held Wednesday evening, November 16, 7:30 sharp, in the First Christian church in stead of at the First Presbyterian church as heretofore announced: How Rally," Rev.

A. 8. Embree, pastor First ai. cnurcn. Rallying the Children," Miss Burgess, secretary Y.

W. C. A. Motives Tor Rallying," Rev. Byers, pastor North aopeka Congregational ciiurch.

Fidelity and Fellowship In Our Union Rallying," Mrs. Margaret HiU McCarter. 'Results From Kaiiying, one ol our United Presbyterian menas. Talk. W.

B. Swan. First to. K. church, Keeping God With Mrs.

Helen E. Moses. North Tooeka Christian church. Two minutes report from the big Sew York Y. f.

e. u. E. midsummer raiiyxrom Rev. L.

Blakeslev. Jno. McDonald. Mr. Thomas.

Misses Etephenson. Mitchell and others. Music under the leadership ot Prof. Tracy 01 North Topeka. Let this indeed be a rally of Christian young people.

Notice change ia place of meeting to irst Christian church. "Red Cross Oaks" are the best. Shel doa 4 Sheldon. KY20H CHILD TStdHtJVLLT IirjUfilD 1AIT XYSftlXG. Her Scalp Be Badly Tera That It Eeonirel Tifty to Hold It Togstasr Dragged by a Frightened Horse Mrs.

Myron Child met with a serious accident at 6 o'clock last evening as she was driving with some children in the family carriage from her residence on East Hill to meet her husband, who is employed in the car department of the Santa Fe road. When near the corner of Fourth and Liberty streets, about two blocks east of the coal hole, the horse took fright at boy on stilts and ran away. Mrs. Child was thrown out near the Liberty school house and received very dangerous injuries. None of the other occupants of the carriage were hurt.

Mrs. Child's scalp was split open from the back of the head clear over the head to the edge of the forehead, where the split divided and ran down into each eye. She was dragged some distance on her face and the dirt was ground into the wounds. Dr. Iserman, who lives near by, was called and he telephoned for Dr.

Roby to assist in dressing the wounds. It waB necessary to put about fifty stitches in the scalp before the wounds were closed. Other wounds were found on Mrs. Child and she was unoonsious two or three hours after the accident. The doctors say that if there are no serious internal injuries she may get well, although she is likely to be very slow in recovering.

OFFICIAL FIGURES. Shawnee County's Vote on All the Candidates Accnratelr Shown. Theoanvass of the Shawnee county vote yesterday diaolosed the following totals for the Beveral oand idates: Republican electors 6759 I'opuiist electors 42U4 IToblbltlon electors 149 Republican plurality 8555 Anthony 6698 Harris 4340 Monroe Hi Close 1 Anthony's plurality 2453 8m 1th 6760 Lewelllng 41W Pickering 148 Smlt hs plurality 2571 Moore 6800 anlels 4174 139 Moore's plurality 2526 Edwards 6830 Osborn 4141 Btone 142 Edwards' 2639 Bruce 6247 Frather 4359 Hewlett xso Scattering Bruce' plurality 1838 Lynch 6802 Blddle 4137 Miller i4i Scattering 1 Lynch's plurality 2665 Garver 6822 4152 141 2670 6S15 4145 141 2670 6634 4138 140 2696 1947 4006 135 3 2941 6533 4391 ISO 1 2142 1634 1190 12 L.ttle Davidson Garver's plurality Davis Gaines Henderson. Davis' plurality Valentine Allen Stevens Valentine's plurality. Curtis Wharton Sliver Scattering Curtis' Sterne.

Co Iran Kemp. Scattering Sterne's plurality. Sherman. Kimball Sherman's Swan Heery Wells Scattering plurality Swan's plurality. Troutman Campbell Theakston scattering Troutman's plurality Hazen Taylor Scattering, Hazen'splurallty Elliott Kldrldge Elliott's plurality Curtis Ensmlnger scattering a Curtis plurality.

Gardenhlre McConnell Maftatt Gardenhlre 's plurality 11 a a tt Howard Scattering. Wright's plurality Campbell Berry scattering Campbell's plurality For constitutional convention Against constitutional convention Majority for. 190 PERSON Ak A. Henley was up from Lawrence yes terday. G.

A. Collett ot Ellsworth ia in the city. Flora was over from Leavenworth yesterday. I W. Scott of Stafford ia in the city.

J. Coesett of Wichita waa a visitor in the oity yesterday. James 1L Reeder of Hays City is in Topeka. George B. Satson ot Kansas City, is in AopeJta.

Misses Lou and Mable Crawford leave today for Chicago. L)t. Al. 13. Ward leaves today for Liouisville, for hia health.

F. Wilkins left for Detroit yeeter day. lw Moore of the state treasurer's ornoe leave for Ltoa Angeles, CaL, today. Mrs. U.

E. Rogers has gone to Dover to visit her parent for a week. F. J. Locke ol McFarland is in town.

John Welsh of Hutchinson was in the city yesterday. W. Allen, assistant general manager of the Rock Island, waa in the oity yes terday on his way to tot. Joseph. W.

S. Page has gone to Omaha oa rail road businea. Ij. E. Cola ox Harper ia in in city, I it you will buy a dress of more than the 125,000.

Alter caret ui consideration it was unanimously deoided to assume th debt rather than erect in so prominent location an unsatisfactory and insufficient structure, which would nrovok 1 perpetual criticism. it waa oeiteved tnat som means e. -a would be devised for psying of th debt and endowing the library and art gallery in a few years. Fortunately no on realized that an annual interest charg of 1,000, and th responsibility ot finding friends who would lend 916,000 to 1 18,000 ot money to th library for nin or ten years would develop upon them, or Topeka might still be without a library. The entir cost ot th building and furnishing, not including book, but including interest on th debt to January 1, 1634, waa and th purchase ot books from January, 1884, not covered by special book funds, has cost 12 d0 12e In addition to th railroad gift of 125,000, th building fund shows donations ot 1500 each from Messrs.

J. D. Burr, a a Wheeler C. W. Potwin, and 8.

A. Kent, and of $503 from Barney La try, and of smaller sums from T. Burr, CLO. Burr, Hay Gammon, W. L.

Maloolm, J. Clugston, A. E. Sexton, R. L.

Cofran, George H. llilL Geonre IL Etim Klli. S. Thomas snd -Babr Hunt," which with interest earned aggregated S3J273.75, or a total of or deficit on construction of tl6 47L78. From Msy, 18S3, to November, 1892; th hall has been rented for an aggregate of and th profits of th "Library Course" of entertainment ight seasona has been 13,630.79, a total income of 17,64036, against an interest charged to date ot 13,212.20.

It has been no light task for th management to carry th debt ot 117,000 for nine years, and to mak th interest payment regularly so that no trouble ahould come to the library and no interaction in the good work it doing. While th times hsv not been favorable for any successful effort to pay off th debt, ther ia no doubt that our people who speak so frequently and so highly of th library and it influence, will continue to give to the management th time cordial support and encourage-ment, in their effort to provid for th annual interest that baa mad theit past auooeaa poaaibl. SNAP 8HOT8. Professor Hall GrlSn, of Queen's col lege, in London, will photograph all th place mentioned by Brownin In hia works, and he ha recently returned froxa third visit to Iuly for that purpose. Another new photographic developer has appeared which 1 described a having eo-caixie for baaia.

It la known a crlstalloa, and is eald to be the most powerful oi agenta, being three time th strength of pyro. A photographic developer made with water which ha been freshly boiled wU keep much longer than that made of di tilled water, and photographic print aoV ed in auch water before toning tree) from blisters. PhiHp Thome. aecreUry of the Chet tenbam Amateur society of England, sag Reete en affiliation scheme for amateurs) by which dark rooms and photographic fe dUtlea shall be offered by societies to strangers and visitors. At the exhibition of the Photographic society of Great Britain there Is a photo praph of Mont Blanc taken at a diatanosof fifty-six milt.

Dallmeyer's telephoto graphic lena waa need with smallest stop. extension of cameraatxty Laches, 6:19 p. Ang. 27, seven minute' exposure. TLit gave a perfect view.


ADDS THE HOHE TEAM SHUT OUT. A SuMtuU Tussle With Chancellor Caafiell's Boys of tli JTehraska State I Uaivorsitr-Tne Jayhawksrs Outplay Their Vertaevn Veignbors. padal to th Oaktal. Lhcooln, November 12. Kan-lu 12, Nebraska a The Kansas foot bill team mat the Nebraska team on the latter'a grounds and gained one more viotory after a hard fight.

Nebraska played a plucky game, but lacked the soientifio plays that distinguished the Kanaans. The day was windy and the ground soft. The sharp tackling on both sides prerented any long rnns, but Kansas greatly excelled in interfering for the runners. It was the greatest game ever played in Lincoln, and everyone freely admitted that the Nebraska boys learned something. There was no "dirty" playing, and good humor prevailed.

For the Nebraska boys Flippen the oolored halfback was the star player, while the Kansas team, as usual, played as one man. The Nebraska linemen nlnvarl a nt. rnn rr tram a nnr? Kansas had hard work holding them until the latter part of the game when their superior eo durance told, but there was no scoring in the last half. FIKST HALF. Kansas won the toes and chose the south side with the wind at their backs.

Nebraska had the ball and by means of the and line rushes gained 20 yardB, when the ball was lost on a fumble. For Kansas Matieson, with the aid of good blocking made 30 yards, then Kin-zie, Shepard and Piatt advanced the ball 37 yards in several tries, when the ball was lost to Nebraska on a fumble. Nebraska, however, soon fumbles and Kansas rushes the ball over the line just fifteen minutes after the playing began. Piatt kicks goal. Score, Kansas, Nebraska, 0.

Nebraska then forms the and gains 6 yards, and on successive rushes gains 3 yards then 1 yard, 1 yard and after four downs Kansas gets the ball and Shepard, by good blocking, gains twenty yards, Mend all eleven and Springer three. After three downs Piatt punts twenty yards and Nebraska gets the ball and advances it seventeen yards in six downs. Here Kansas gets the ball after a hard struggle, but soon loses on a poor run, Mendall being forced baok. It was the same hard struggle until Piatt punts the ball down the field and the ever watchful Kinzie, atoning the ball from the Nebraska fullback, makes a run, touching the ball down between the Nebraskan's goal poBts. Piatt kicks goal.

Score: Kansas 12, Nebraska nothing. But three minutes remain to Slay, and the ball is finally left on the ansae forty-yard line. SECOND HALF. The second half was distinguished by the desperate struggles of both teams and the leek of long runs. The ball went back and forth over the middle line, but was kept in the Nebraska territory moat of the time by the hardy Jayhawkers.

No score was made this half, and when time was called the ball was on the Nebraska forty-yard line. VANDKRBUILT UNIVERSITY DEFEATED. November 12. The University of the South defeated Van-derbiit university in a football game here today by the score of 28 to 14. PUKDTJJE ELEVEN SHUT OUT.

Lafatette, November 12. In the football game here today between Indiana university and Purdue teams the latter won by the score of 68 to 0. YALE DEFEATS PENNSYLVANIA. New York, November 12. Yale won at football today from the University of Pennsylvania by a score of 23 to 0.

Fifteen thousand people saw the game. Lawrence Elsie," Yale's left half back, was so badly hurt in a scrimmage that he had to give way to a substitute. Captain Schoff and Knife of the Pennsylvania team were also crippled. IOWA DEFEATS WASHINGTON St. Louis, November 12.

The eleven from the Iowa university that holds the Iowa championship defeated the Missouri champions, the Washington university eleven in a game of football here this afternoon by a Bcore of 30 toO. "The Twentieth A synopsis of story begun Sunday evening, November 6, at the Central Congregational church: Time The close of the nineteenth century in America. Place A western etook farm. Characters Mrs. Sydney, an invalid widow.

Her three children: David, aged 20; Paul, 18: Ruth, 15. At the time the story opena Paul is described as very much dissatisfied with the farm life and longing to go to school and col lege. The fact that the farm is heavily mortgaged ana the family very poor is the great obstaole to the boy a desire. ihe nm chapter ends with a prayer on the part of the mother that her son may be permitted in some way to leave the farm and get an education. Note This story will continue Sunday evenings until further notice.

The prelude on great men and events of the day will be given before the reading. The service will begin promptly at uenirai church, Topeka, leyti Ladies' hand sewed fair stitch $4 shoes go at r2.35. Boston Shoe 516 Kan as avenne. A DOLL FROM MR. NYE.

He lays He Will Bay One for the Orphan! Home Fair. The following letter has been received from "Bill Nye by Mrs. Baker: "Akdejt, N. October 23. Dear Madam: We will try, Mrs.

Nye and to rig you up a doll for the orphans by December. We are very busy moving into a new house, but my wife says she will dress it if I will buy it, and the more I think of it the more I think it will be better to do that way than to let her buy it ana me dress it. lours, truly, i. w. Nyk." Ladies' Paris kid IL75 and t2 shoes go at Boston Shoe Co.

516 Kan sas areaua 1 9 v-r 7 I as we have so far this season, prices. The OL Danlnp returned yeeterdaj from the southwest. George R. Peck returned from Chicago yeeterdaj. Colonel E.

H. Brown, president ot the Midway Railway oompany, was in the oity yesterday. C. W. Miller of HajB City was in town yesterday.

F. W. Freeborn of McPherson waa in the oity yesterday. C. W.

Higginbotbam waa down from RoBSTille yesterday. Commissioner Kerr was down from Rosarille yesterday and the day before. Q. A. Collett ot Ellsworth waa a visi tor in town yesterday.

F. E. Grant of Ottawa was one of yesterday's visitors in town. A. F.

Marsh waa in from BelleTille yesterday. L. D. Skinner ot Wichita Is in the city. Winfield Freeman was up from Kan sas City, yesterday.

T. A. Butler of Lyon was in the oity yesterday. Mont Gregg came up from Lawrence yesterday to spend Sunday with his parents. Mrs.

W. B. Gilfilen is Tisiting with relatives in Chicago. H. B.

Tasks and Frank Merrick were in Kansas City last Friday. F. J. Guernsey went to Osage City to spend the Sabbath. E.

B. Good was up from Lawrenoe yesterday. B. F. Martin was In from Alma yes terday.

Frank W. Eaton of Ness Citr waa in town yesterday. James Laurence ot Valley Falls is in town. Daniel Jones of Eskndge was in the oity yesterday. W.

H. Sharp went to Musoatine. yesterday. W. L.

Carney departed Denver. CoL, yesterday. Marsa Harry Orerholt's Contrabani. wif dem good ole plantation songs in de drama. "Amerika," will tickle you moa todef.

"Peninsular" cook stoves, ranges. heaters and furnaces. Culver Bailer. MINUTE WITH THE SMALL NEWS OF THE CITT. New pineapples are on the market.

The oity council meets tomorrow vemng. Summer weather in November is what Kansas ia enjoying now. Tbfere are fiv contractors figuring on the new tire station for Na 4. The estimated cost of the new fir station in district No. 4 is $1,564.

Despite the recent oold weather the grass is quit green yet in th oity park. William Bradbury xpcts to finish the Lincoln street bridge across the Shunganunga Tuesday. Mrs. E. T.

Harkrader of St. Louis will sing a solo at the First Congregational cnurch this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew are the parent of a ten pound girl who arrived yetrday afternoon.

George W. Jones of Mound City, past grand master of the O. O. ia in th oity on Odd Fellow business. Another interesting session of th Sunday school instituu washld yesterday afternoon at th First Baptist church.

Contractor Fellows' carpenter and workmen have all returned from Chicago Kansas building is under lock and key. Don't forget th biff Y. P. 8. E.

and Epworth lagu rally at th First 1 A In reason is we have the goods at right Presbyterisn church Wednesday ren iugf ixonmMi AO. The funeral of Mrs. Governor Osborn will take place at 2:30 o'clock p. m. on Monday, the 14th from th family residence, 909 Quincy street.

Rev. A. 8. Embree, pastor of the First M. E.

ohurcb, will lead the gospel meeting at the Y. 1L A. gymnasium hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Visitors at tha ntnta hino MtriT oompiaineci mat it was rery chilly in th buildincr. notwithstanding th fnt tht i there was a full pressor of steam on.

Yesterd av the Alaotria fttn war rnn over the bridge to North Topeka, and the workmen commenced tearing up th avenue north of the river to lay traok. At the reform school aervieaa at 3 o'clook this afternoon Dr. Archibald. Dastor of the Second Proahvt artsn church, will preach and conduct th services. Th conntv eommisaionera annt all day yesterday on the canvass of the county vote, concluding their duties as a board of canvassers at 5 o'alock vester.

day afternoon. Property owners on Trier street be tween Ninth and Tenth streets have filed a remonstrance to the petition for paving that block presented at th last council meeting. Colonel Jack Downintr said vesterdar he would get shaved before he left for bom and when he landed in Have City he would go up a side street to his horn. He didn't ear about talking to th boys. P.

A. Hilderbran of Ottawa has been elected general agent of the O. F. B. tne insurance department of the I.

O. O. F. The erand master is. by vir tue of office, president of the association, and the grand treasurer is treasurer.

The Eunice Goodrioh company played to a crowded house Saturday afternoon. They presented "Humpty Dumpty" and seemed to please th audience immensely. Prof. Otte in his musical specialties was especially well received and many encores were given him. Read the article about th Topeka public library.

A good way to assist in raising the debt, and one that will return the money expended several times in the pleasure received, is to buy a couple of tickets to the Library course. It include some splendid entertainments. Th Kansas and Southwestern Immigration, Brokerage and Railway Excursion company waa chartered yesterday. Capital stock, 1 25,000. Directors: John -rr Tt Vt ward Haren, G.

J. Bishop, all of Kansas Uity, naxu, ana u. u. mes oi nansa City, Mo. William Banfleld waa arrested yesterday on complaint of Poor Commissioner had been hansinj? around the commissioner's office for some time.

and getting ooai ior ma ramuy. xie told a pitiable story, which Mr. Hal found to untrue. A charge of disturbing th peace was preferred against him. The funeral et Mrs.

Mary C. Yoang, who waa formerly a member of Linooln circle No. 1, Ladie of th G. A. will be held at 2 o'clock p.

m. today from th Christian church, oa Topeka avenne, between Sixth and Seventh streets. Members ot th oirol are requested to attend. For injuries received about one year Mmr A. fliffht veaterdar com menced suit for 110,000 da maze against th city, bbe allege tnat an ieii on Jackson street, sear Twelfth, and received Injuries from which she ha never recovered.

8h ha presented her claim to the city ooaadl number of times, but it has been refused each time. Tnnifftit Rlimrrr Gnernella. th soldier wirarrl and 0TMtat XTOnnt ef spiritualism living, will give aoeanc at Crawford opera house, producing many marvelous miracle and bidden Last year Rer. J. S.

Bright occupied th dual position of grand secretary of the O. O. F. and secretary of the Odd Fellows' Fraternal Benefit association. Th last grand lodg separated these offices and now W.

II Waason, who waa aasistant secretsry under Mr. Bright, is secretary of the O. F. B. A.

He has been bookkeeper for the association for the last two years and the work will not be new to him. Indeed his election to the position is due mainly to the way the books were kept in the past. Resident Engineer J. M. Meade left here yesterday to represent the Santa re at the tenth annual convention or the Roadmaaters association ot Amerioa, bich meets in Chattanooga and At lanta this week.

They hold a one day's session on Lookout mountain Tuesday, November 15, and a two days' session in Atlanta, Wednesday and Thursday, November 16 and 17. After the adjourn ment at Atlanta, they go by a special excursion train to St. Augustine, Fla. Old folks and young folks, th gravo and the gay, the teaoher and pupiL should Be the drsma "America." Hardware. Culver Bailey.

"Red Cross" base burners best. Sheldon Sheldon. are tho OUR PUBLIC LIBRARY. A Erisf History ef the Institution aad Its Handsome Home-While many Topeka people were familiar with the effort which secured the Library building and the library hall in which so much ot pleaaure and inapiration for better things have been enjoyed, it ia doubtless true that man have not realized that securing th building was really a small part of th work. There are many, also, who have never known much of th matter, beyond the part that a beautiful building and a well selected library are freely enjoyed without any apparent struggle.

Perhaps a little retrospection will not be uninteresting to the friends, both new and many of whom have given substantial aid and encouragement in the work. After the reorganization of th Ladiea Library association in 1871, so as to permit the male sex to struggle on equal terms, of $3 per year, tor a polite education, the library was accommodated in rented quarters on Kansas avenue, and after an existence, dependent largely upon the consumption at frequent periods, ot oysters, ioe cream and other delicacies, it became a free library supported by annual appropriations by the city council. A general law authorizing cities to establish and maintain public libraries was secured in February, 1886, tinder which a vote ot th people established an annual library tax, which, though at first iacufficicnt to pay even operating expense is now, by increase ot valuations sufficient tor tnat purpose and for the printing of a catalogue, which is bow under way. In April, 1S3L th Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Railroad company and th Union Pacific Railroad oompany contributed 11200 each towards the erection ot a suitable library building, conditioned upon th legislature granting the right to erect the building on the Bute House square, so that it might remain a memorial of the desire of th corporations and th stat to foster th development of the higher qualities of humanity the artistic and intellectual growth of the people, in harmony with the wonderful material development which ha resulted from the building ot these two great systems of railroad. The legislature having granted the perpetual use ot 200 feet aquar of th northeast eorar ot th stat grouada.

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