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Weekly Independent from Elko, Nevada • 3

Elko, Nevada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MtttmtT. LOCAL WIISTMl JfWJ, From Satorday's Daily- 1 1 Ib-galar meeting of Odd Fellowi, to? tUAHO liigui. Spiritual outdraw tbo burdy Iiimum in just now. Oeorg? rey ular Mrrim at Fiwotu Hall. luornitfj and to-morrow, as Jarnm here lJodie Hie etreulutf.

Ho mill HntMiis raucb ia-fliWrtley Ktoltz is closing out bis busi iu Twaaifora rapidly removal to MulUi lie rlprctl to atart lor tbat place in a few- days. Montgomery who bna lor aeveraVmot-tlisp tsl been down al Latbrop witU ranch. re. turned hern bjr the traiu lust evening, lie will have charga otatock iu Idaho tbia acaaou. Heveretvl A.

J. Corupton will bfld aefVft-ea dUbe Church uf the" uarfal "hoiifin the tlyi subject of his discourse ti- 1114 "Th" Suuduy School Idcn, KII. I "its" "Possibilities." The ih-me to mmni'MSih I lea iu A. Matt advertises that nh? flM?" from the a'-unlint crop bald. heads iu lie rs in this country.

it be inferred that Ibe (eiiiiuiiu thirst for capillary covering, iiii'l wholly confined toZion. Instances art recoil wAona tliia ba? come so mi go vendible tbnt whole been summarily gathered lo the very roots by delicate fingers, tbo proeea o( a fur too slow lo meet eiiHTjjMicy. the cruul. long ninco boon JeVautiti'J, impunity with which tlio AcrvAtiaui trK kuiwU'i yj'I 1 Mr. 8.

E. Benson iuforms lb it the water ditch is now iu ct rep iir; the leading from lb all in order and reijteata to uotify con aumc rs thai the cullailiuu til will from in lay ill I iust. Tba aopply id w.ilrr I ditch mil and will be l'i all pr during I lie pres-nt m-i-O'i. I'lie only l'i b- in th Illy of anler iu liie iu iy nil i ll- "I aa to carry naav Sbuiill llial sup tli- be im pomtible, ao lli I llie water tbua cut oil' it will only for a very l.ri-1 M-aara. ll Mni ll ley aont out from li-iw.

Ihia tbirle.iu m-ir to rod- and li lie Ilia moved from tbia couiity I 'n'l'i, 1 tall. 1 ill li 'li II w. re aUi of 1 lie pirty; ili-y lo look the itr ini locality, at t'nii llra iby i-? How onl Snake rivr alock od, and Mr II will in a day 01 two, out tbia morgan. il? Will by ru.l lo Ueiloiw thence the couutry by liil 'isy. I overtaking III- parly on the The design ia to drive tbat portion of th ntock niiniliefiiix two thniliiiilid betid, an Cheyenne, (or shipment to an market.

Ksfirrta ifulleck eorreipoiVilinif aenda the (r nil under dat? of the 181 Klk.i w.n ibe at 1'iial, iu the pcfaoiiH of, IMek Doraey, IkrfOatreiclier, A. nud fllie'a, Ika ah lna. borne sense in the inner of bid ding; Jo muT ku iw ahull a ninle isn't iilioniiiK. We fell nurry for Hick. poM fellow, lie 'was evidently out of liis i lfliin tit; you man to llioronxhty enjoy horse a do must be of a icky, lull he dnl bgjtyf Ihn aiiRliouepr enmo to llie shirts.

Now, wheu il rooii'? to abirta, Dick knows what he is nliniit, and if our meinorj serres rlnht, fifty aliirls were knocked down lp him. Kither foe spirif of was upon biiri 6f4(1ltaVof the I'osf Trader's corn jiiiw III TUe. of interest nfwKHlJrtwIe wWf openltij of III. fUUlfAclorA luuiiahinx the 1'ost with eonls of WO. Ml.

As yo'lr correnpoileot was not inlotuM, bo did not wnit lo rvsult. Hotel Mil es Dawlny, llodie, J. II. A. LiebMor, C.

A. WllUy, Willow Oreek. H. Wenban, Cortes. 11.

T. Han II. 11. 1 do in mo1' X- Huiith, Hall W. Woodruff, Wells.

il AdvfHNrH Is ft lint of letli ID niaiiilnit in llie Klko odlco, iiliclainied, for the week rutting Hnlnr.Uy, May IHdO: Jewell McDonald i I'bllbrooka Mrs Jlanaome II Q. W. Uuix. M. en niiin by slnH" from the Xofth H.

Ilom I' ll, John llow aud one Chinaman. 1 fly fur the North thia tnornjng: LeioliUr. Tbo Board of Cooaly Commieaionera At I lie Elyl? last StturltT, a grey ahawl. TH Aitder will plraae leave the Miaa from the Eut ku ptxed Ibo Winter The '(Mini at the Ilot a highly enjoyable affair; the attendance Mdk Itrnt, auil all bent ot? making the moat of the auspicious iftlftfcbM. till 'Kiln Oakland and Dr.

F. C. -linkup. the i-qually known Kau ilfUMg united IrrrtiarHflrt, by evruitig'? truiu from the 1 "Dunham haa secured old office adjoining llmt vl the BVi if llrtJfit. fceeliey 3c the Dftctor oMUpyiug rounia in the ansie.

Tbey will be fully to. ji Iha Store is bvw in rrcctpt ul Wye lu of ntSf ol i choice variety of dry-goode, clothing, M.C., which to evil at Sower ever. Tin-He ive Wen Mr. stock ill pertou, ill thu market, and comprise Ibe Intent siybs of Spring and Itwyl "IHLV nudar lieai I ut Tun anil: we.itjker Jlto Ihte uol.l cm -ing lu yoBng bulge nji iu gri-enueax nud buds t'i pr. iniliir.

lv II upoy tbe 'fh i getltlii are a I no pro Iticiug tli- ir upon the huuian, as welln? the Vejjetifblo family, by wuriuiiig into activity the dormant pjJgiiiClty. Aaj, i inn 1 1 of lla inhaling coml lions, lj Spring ewrt'ijfii opttn-l this moruiug with a brief but spirilud engagement lis weeu a (* ly resulting iu but tntling damage to either. Strang- ly tbo party jm sailed it tot illy ignorant of thu enre of 1- for (be of our time vitizous, who )i worried throigb the Winter iu mii of the hiiImi ball Our fot of has got back to town again. was familiarly known in former limes ilt Ibt: In id a prosper jim family, it ud Ireaacd im Mr. McAd.tma.

lit r'ply to.our impiir; as to how long lie proposi to main with iih 1 1 1 tiiuc, bit htuonio but etu pb itic answer was, Tin gap torn iu the social circles by Mr. Mr A dip ill 14 rdu lined opeu until uow. no pvrnou hnviug bo? fnuu.l competent to tbo aeh. "Ilarv" the family will along aooti. a treat to hear 'tippling l.nij of Harv'." once more.

in Htar Valley. A Star dley 1'lie triii throughout this valley are as a.s and deapiltl the wardiKKS of I be kcihoii will have their Crops IU aoolier lhali 'Mm liuiu of cultivated is far great- III WI I Vcr before. ( alone will ni 1 1 all' ittt Hfl acres, moatly barby. Kli-1 ll. whose ranch has In i ii idle tbc I three mis, is putting in a 'urge crop.

Tbu activity warrants predicting a in pmspi roiia ami piotitulile aeuHou. At lb lb life mid Activity are particularly uoticeal le. Your for iyi towns.ii ail, IC I Seiix, is building til a large wingtotbc callle corral lor i til" of shippers. Aikinsnn to Smiley bay laud mclikcj (urli wire1 fence, ainf Seil Mi Mulbn A Morse tire fencing four mib a mora. Ki'ont It Mill ley.

A. W. alnf s-di are in Iowii to ir. from Ibi Ir homo iu llnby Valb y. Mr.

Qcdtiey inloruis ns that everything is prj-p -Vtili o'll tfi it Uffaiid the tan eli. ra aroj iifdtliliJ large! r-MrV-" ngo Uiis. lAlboti tlMtfi lilt atafe.t that our old Irii lid, A. J. olio of ike early hi-IIIcih in the valley, has sold bis flue place iu the valley Tom Hhotl, proposing to remove with Ins farliily tip Northward.

This may pisaibly he a judicious but both JiiMKcIf and wife lire bi ciuiiitig a.lriiil'otfa Hi when the breaking of oi ties ami the forming of new otien. cXIroniely ilidliMilt, Tf not and wo are aorry to of the old gcullt man's dctcrmiua lielel I'ayoe, Merlden, Conn. V. M.C. ftilva, Utah.

J. Hanmgarlner, Hnn Dr. F. d. Jump, do Mnrny Dnidtani, OaklnM.

Wi C. Price, Toaearorn. Unhert UoberU, Cherry Or nek. IVter Ito. in do V.

K. Drown, Month Fork. (Jeo. II. Ssaford, U.

H. A. Uourko, Jo l'liorrsion i. 'T. llnnvKR hasoponad a Hnliool of Vine Arts, south ol Ihn Depot where penmanship, drawing and painting will bo laughl in lliorougli and Old and (IPeil pbritngrsphs enlarged to any and made elenr and diatinot.

Mr. Ilnrner the painliiiK of portraits a specialty. This morning? J. Baumgartner and C. Price.

ArHllls. By stage from tbo north ovmlng: R. H. OonUy, E. Slolls J.

lf. Ctuiok. Uoanl u(' tn iu Mrtiuu Coinoiiauoutr A. tipJCouley tit Tutetruu in Major Miller fotwiuencvd the work Of uaciaiug J. J.

Campbell, Haul McCain and M. wt are ff Samuel Liukton, Preaident of the Compauy, arrived here from 8au Fraaciae laat evening. and departed foe the north hjr atago thia morning. W. II.

Wintcra under the bead -new to-day" 5w lor aale at a bargain at what ia known the HjMtnixh ranch near Tuacarora. litre ia a chance fur hcraemeu. Iu agent for Wiluierdiug 4 wholeaale liquor uierehauta el 8hu notice that he will he iu Elko every ultimata uiouth coiuuieuciug with Mmv first. Wiu.

Id, a brother of Urn. Van Drnlt keej Jtlii hia in Jitliimlu ibia luoruing. Ho will flo to morrow night accompanied by Ciiptaiu lloaaiter of Tho Captniu'a family will follow aoou. i i'r- F. C.

Jt DMip, the will knowu Kranciaco deiitiat, eatabliabed floor, at the wt dtfiiil of iho building aud ia now prepared to do all or any kind of work in hia liue. iu the beat biautur. Our former young townsman. Kugrue Stoltz, Lo iu as in Tuxcnroru for the paat year, h. re laAfcteuiug.

Ho will remain ill hlko nlinw two weeka, and then proceed to llulte City. where be cut. uipUtca going If euefpy uuil p. rxaveraace, coaiMin il with Rfiud huicineaa are that country, Jean auccriBti already The Rnpplrt grurf.1 iftllitnry bull luat night at the Gem lUalunraut. artd up to tlio Walk iu being plenty of the cboiceHt ol every thing served Up iu very xnp rior atjle.

We have aeldom ao taiefullv, iik well uh luxuriant iv xprcfttl, or arranged iu anch artia ic atyle. Thu proprietors were evidently ruiiu. to give a.itiafatiou ll they didn't make a cent. Hon. Gabriel Cohu and family will leave Kilo for perui.

in. nt rmideuce iu San i-raucii'co by tho traiu to morrow Wo regret exceedingly the that have brought tbia eh which ua of a good rilizt-u. uu ynergclia. live iaan. ever oii alert to further Iho iuteft-sta of the comiuuuity and identifying hiiua? If with every movement calculated for the public weal.

We that iu tilhr lie luny conclude to caat hia lot ouce with us. Coliu would hare been ptonaed to have made farewell call among her ornuy frieoda here, but owing to aud tho attentiou required by an apeedy a removal alio been uuablu to gratify her iu li Hpeit. 1 lie milit.iry ball giveu night at Freeman II II proved a grand social tunny conplc.4 werojireacnt could Comfortable move about iu tho ball, and all aeeiued well pleased with tliemaelvca nud everybody elne. The ball wan very handsomely decorated brilliantly lighted, ami thronged It bv fiiHliioiiuhlv attired ladiea gentlemen, pre senled a really luflgniltreut mce. The mimic under the direction Volley Hetuar.l, wim excellent, mid nothing appeared have been omitted whieh ei.Uld in any ive added either lo the comfort or the pleasure of those present.

Dancing btgah at 9 o'clock and continued until morning tinged All app. nred to enjoy themaelrea vaatly, and Iho gr.nloiit good feeling prevailed from flrxt to last. f. rauciaco the celebrated Htalliou I'lilTr; rmw nn fthlWtlnn hln MnMrn here. Thla m.iKnillo?|il animal a reputation aeeoml lo'uone iu and mid Cilifornia.

The following letter to Mr. through whom Mr. BniStb made the purehtae, from G. II. JefT.raon tlie trainer of Union, regarding pedigree, will he read wiih Inter eat: Jornc.

April IU, I8H0. Mb. Ai.i.k* I have juat received your letter of The tlmt Sawyer had watf aired (ii? iln in Wing Wan Join Damael; Han Joao Dunmel wna aired by Kasteru llljck Hawk, and her Hmii (be runniug Dailirtwiiy by that won 21 lacea out of Tho. old mare'a pedigree never ascertained but from all wn? a Diiiixel.tho dnm of Union, trotted in a raoe for two in the luat half In 1 winning a purae. Mfonkhridgo ChWf wan a brought here from New York by Mr.

Vlbert. I think the I'niou, good Bflrw wa? aver AWnod In 1 any' other country. Keapeclfully, Oro. It Jarranaox. Hetel R.

Linkton, Ran Franciaco. II. K. Conley, W. U.

do H. II. Il illeek J. '('ampbell, do Ham MoCain, do VtdMnhy'i Daily. 3 0t2 V.

II. Hargia and C. W. Qrom etat down (rum Foil. llalleck I and returned morning by the train, "the loontjily Elko IkkUUibf A'tuory tliiS evening.

beginning at'T o'clock. Cotiuaisfivatier B. Couley who was down at the meeting of the lloar yenterday, returned to Tuscarora the Lieutennut with a porlm of the troops which were ordered to Sau Fraucisco from Fort Halleck several The Ut? O. E. will a social at Masonic Ilall, on Thnrsduy eveuinp.

May Ctb, to whi? nil Uiuud) in good MttuJIujj, accouipaii I I' their wi'fi ible to (ucuiberfibip re iuviletlntO r. M. No children. George F. Ditismore.

one of the ear. lit-st and most Ulen of Ullfr county, dicjiu city, day evening. nfter nu illiu-st of ouly j'onr MAwWim Writ known 'to most of tbe old tiino Eastern Sii.l ucwi of his dentb iawi (wivtil itb veryjjetieral regret. Tbe Enri'la rs report tbnt tbe Ibis place was entered Mond niiil foljbeJ of over it $100. This is uews to every bixly in Elko, including tlie'Vipress apent, wlio emcalculate!) to disturb itio equanimity of the office has occurred.

We It-urn (bis evening ib'it it was tbe Carhu office tbat wjh robbed. Jlrrtlne. Tbe lloard of County in regular session at tbe' Court Houko present, llolihes, Cdtrtiy nflfT'S. ara. I coinpliancs witlC petition from citizens "Ruby," roi.1 district iluirncini; tbe territory uitbiu tbe present boundaries of North lluby School District, was ordered to bo Separ.ited from Ruby Valley Iload District, and mv District No.

Ii. It wus further ordered Hint tbe ronte through the U'lby tnowu al Si I'jmi, leading liuifi Fort Halleck to Ruby Valley I.e. niiil is hereby doeland, public county The Board was itUo asked by the p-titioncra to rortl-vit wen, and to Appropriate frota tbo ooiinty fund, luoucy to assist in 'the 'construction of saj.l Srecct Fans. lu compliance with a petition in citizens ol Fort Halleck W. (Srover was appointed to' Ibv of Justice of the I't iirj (or uu Township, to fill the vncaney tbe removal from tiro of tbe former Justice, Il-ed.

Tbo ulHcial botid (trover aa usflce wis' approve clr and ord red filed. A. petition from of und Unilroad District, praying-Hint public road an highway be declared and established, iH nt Klko rnnniug I thfiice aoiith-westerly, using between Dorsey utid iluluby'a ranches of Klko on tbo lluiuboldt river, crossing said and continuing to the South Fork of (ho same, toiutersect the preset road from Railroad District to Elko was presented, and in answer to said prayer, i( was Ordered iHat tfio route designated by the petitioners be, and lliu same declared county road mid public highway. A special tax or otto dollar and twenty. five eottM oh one valualiou th? property in I'jrldJ all thfr 'iihl liir era of tald school district Laving nt an electiou held on Jlii 'fifteenth day of April, IBSO, voted ill favor gt such levy, and (be Omnty ordotad lu collect the nbovo special tax at the sumo tiiueautlip jutuiiia Uiat UmI Stato and tfotiiily are collected.

Tbe following bills were then acted upon nud alio W. Dorsey t'O 8. Y. ntes 25 00 Dudley Hnle 1'J 2S W. I'rton 3HS 27 A.

Ii S3 I 30 8. Oohley 70 James Clark 55 25 W. W. IlattRh fiH 00 Jsrnea Nicholkeii 00 John tin 53 35 8. M.

Henley 20 (SJ J.J.Meigs 10J 50 ii K. Crawford. i.w> 3100 W. II. Weaver 12 50 M.

Mounhin. 05 00 John A. I'nltnerW 0 25 Dorsey llros 8 00 F. H. 8m i lb-.

Mat S3 H. H. Scars 178 50. II. Cliaso 24 91 Elko.Qnard V.

to 00 Jolltt 05 00 The Hoard then ftdjotwnod until tbo 1 first Tuns Uy in noil, the first day of tlifl montli. lUtel 0. W. WhtUker, Virginia (Mty. II.

M. Abbot and wtfe, Tnacnrora. (leo. V. do Win.

Kills, do Chns. Ailnyio, San Francisco. J. Solomon, do C. W.

(trover, Fort llalleck. F. M. Harris, do Jns. Watson, Pittsburg.

J. (). Doyle, White l'ina. 8. II.

8. D. er. Clucinatl. W.

J. Vnii itnee, Wells. W. K. Doty, Carlto.

2 iWtPaa'r Wt 3 Btnixi paUldjr.uiMtMod held by Diabop Wiukw at tncaia IWtt. oviainf. 11- took put in tH? Marry Danbam to day completed bia lil'ihalti gallery, and ia now ready (or action. Kverylxjdy fn town, or oat of it. who a style of pictnrw that cannot Jb'rlMUi) lb any ofit of the it at A (urea by iotlf.j at once to wi' R.

McCdlloch accompanied by hia daughter froui their I protracted tbe BmI V) fbe train Tuesday (Toning. Mr. SieCulbx-h remaiua here for a time, at leant, bat Mary continued throngh to haf old home frf thjo" JO tat I)tt health, which impaired when ah? IWt. is, affords na the 'jfOtttig looking heartier than at any time ptvviiiu, mt Kwav bur. wa dially groeted by tuauy of tnirm aha h.Ul secured auiong onr cltl Bells, during her brief atay iu and uu4 followed, by, many God apt-ad, aa tbe kit- tfct setting una.

Wells yest? rday informs us that tbe reported buaiucM boom fur in about to be old limo Kirer acqaaialano Hue) itud Joo Furritn, interested in tba-sMstrtel some time HWW authentically number ol tbo principal mines have been purchus by an Rjiitera compuuy, aiid that gu itrvporty are about to be inunghmted. Duel at WeU? and 1 intended to Aatt rfWe for dfet. lien ill no furnished usau. item or two gleaned fro'tn the debris at the concfu.niuu of a "aoirea" at SheilT tbe night ho in but oily. Tbe likfc'a large majority of of the tangible feat urea of the of fragmentary natnre, and gutbered has through all the graceful figure of llob Ttuuiill, who.

in I Up interesting Chief Devil, nearly poisoifeil the entire company' by accident i ally upscttiug the tbo water cooler, ftnH spilling tbo coal oil In the coffee pot, in conniiicious. EITi(le4 a i'aplurr. WiUiam Hmiter short employed a boy tramp, tu herd small baudtyf airqt Uirt ranch! niufe Suites West 0( to'wh, and' on JTonilay discovered tbu ypuug. together with one of the horses aui 'k valuable dog assisted iu herding tbe band, wife missing. Tbe "tarU laiing eo-ubmutcatsd to Hherllf Fitch, the officer succeeded iu getting npon'bU awl trnin, csptumd liatlo rascal with both borne and 'Jog, inter yijf Is yesterday.

The young trnrnp 'appeared to tired of boofinq it, aud to cuntiuuu bia on horseback. Having rucoveryd. tbe purloiued property; and finding prit to be but a mere boy the most appropriate punishment of whom would mi Admonitory thrashing, the Sheriff after warming liis jarknt well with gave the youth a dose of wholesome fatherly advico aud suffered liini to pursue fcia perigrinutiuns foot. Th.l HI nekniMttb'ri Siawa. mecliAnical combination now ou exhibition at tbe tent on Kailroad street is aUy lunrvol of.

invontiva geuiua aud skill. Mr. W. H. Itoberson, an old 'time blacksmith; inventor and conslruotqr ot tbo etitireantonintic still accompanies and "hia hpqdrwork jy- after liavbj; exoit with tbe thn admirat ion of tbr pevpla ia i vory quart sr tb a globe.

Tho study apJ labor of yeArs was reqnifedto perfect the presenting autoijiali9 tiros, tho wbioh att eaay and natural in coutpntisiou with ot tho UMUitl Automaton. Tlu favorable mention oft ho by tbe. press of Jbo'Conrik, wit' aomcthiug worth soeiug, and we not disappointed. Practice with tho KdisoU Phonograph and tbe humorous performance of l'nncb and Judy were also features of (lio entertainment and are worth the price of adiuissoti 12 cents. The I'lrsl Maiir Under tho bend of "now day" it will lie R.

Conley, of Tutcnrora is a candtdaU before the County Democratic Convention for Htmiff of Elko connty. Mr. Conley is ona of tho old time of the connty, and well known to a large If not Ml that ho is nn upright aud ca-pablo man, is ration of a fscl generally known, anil bis fealty to the undying principles of genrtino Deinorrncy cannot bo Hhonld ho obtaiu tho nominilion tie nt tbe band of tho Convention bo can reasonably expect to rreelve tho united support of the party In the eleoHon, and wo feel VMrdhted ill snylng that should tho cbotre of the convention fall another member of party, his heart and hand will he as warmly enlisted iu tbe C'liiae of Democratic aucccsa lit behnlf of fbat inab." For Inme back, aide or ehest nao Rbi lob's INirons Plaster. PHro. H'd by F.

F. Mnller, Druggist, F.lko, Nevada. Arrl evening -John Walters II Aide and wife, llisliop Whitn ker and O. F. Hcibcrt.

BqrMoa oijO. arriv.d Inbi the train Ibis returned Situ Franciaco. Bamiif fieri by stage from Tumcirorn tveuioe n.fc* to look at the country In view of ultimately to that section. Tbs Jeffrey troope passed tbri'tlghfus train yesterday morning; C. d.

(/oodw.n wan also a pasacnger by theaame train Hie Comity publican delegate I ntti feated cnndldiite tpr matrimonial bun 8olu? Samaritan should taki Jitui lu.ry i 1 0. Smith, I. O. O. F.

Oran Mas left Virginia Wednesdsy will, I he design at vl.iUug the various Lodge, few Divine services the Cbnrch Huiuls, morning And evenfug. 8ab'bath School The subject of the discours. the morning will "Christ Seekirn the Lost Sheep;" tb. tor sccon.T Leclure ill aro cordially invited. I Van Dr.iWn, Btago Agwt here, who was taken suddenly ill Wednesday evening.

Is now in a very serious. if no'i erudition. IB attending biin Mates that it is chH, ol genuine ppeumonia. Tbo Ordtr ol Odd Fellows, of wfcieb be- ia a member, is paying strict attention to biin. Washington Department has jiisi elevated the Fostpffice at Fort flailed to the dignity tif-n tnouay order institu E.

official, having Hied a bond hi the am, ax a guaranteo that ho wit refrain from cubbu-lng any portiou "the collateral iutrasttd to bis keeping I'sptnin, it boieUWj compass frnbninglEVI old craft stern-foremost among the ice of arctic Winter. The last forty, eight hoars htve beln phenoiniuail) diversified with showers of snow, bail. moiesnow. rain. idL anwfp ohf More j's appwW.

f.iW.ib* poundk to tf sijuuro inch, and at tha meanest temperature possible. Tbo distorte.l poetical effusiSbi of bymmst? that "December's am pleasant this favored region. An inviting for lha cele ration of the coming Fourth of July, at Ibis place, ia being arranged, and me ting of our citizens wll sopp L. cullpd. ml Wbioh di? pluu bo submitted for utneudiueut and subs.

fyuce the perfecting of tbo Military orgxMzntitlu, a protni nent factor in a successful cetebralioi. of this untnre, ia now sirpplltd, and lb. present is agaitui the continual) Wr( lb cf epiUhy ivhivL for yen rs pant bas patriotic action in hdnor of the recut(ence of Iu leptq, lance li.y, ib mko' i Lot this oue bo a rouser. 1 K. O.

Weston tbe parties the Hie at Merriaiao Dis trict, rttnfuod from a visit to which, eiubraces the above district, few' day ago, bringing number of fine specimens of copper ano (Faleiin ores froin coiipte of the pripcipal 6f that locality. The satnplea, which are I Hi au average ol the Ore obtained, are rich In tbo tuetaU uiiniioued, and Mr. Westou informs Ligb iu silver. The nro latp, at.d largo inutilities of gooilj Is tiow in sight, which can bo easilt eitrsotml. Tha of aoow at tbsl elevation, will proveut opera tions iu the district pcihkjto'atnoutb i i L.

K. Morgan bait now at jiis black smith shop saiuplea of an ingeuionidevicn supplying to lii. hoof of a' b'irso, tliua prevetili'ng crackititfaiu! lamptiesa from coiitraollon, so coibinon among koraes. The feet is ki-pt damp, and the frog protected, by means of a wet sponge which is held fAifition by tha eontrivirteo tha same being securely adjusted or re moved by simply springing It under the inner edge of shoo and bf taking it off by lbs roverse weight Ik so triMflg aa not to Interfere with the the animal, and at the same lime is a valualdo protection to the fnrtt, lis nnilenlood by horsemen. (I Is welt going to look mi Unlet H.

Mrrkktu. H-ib Kratitisfi. Mark Manley, Tuscarors. J. W.

dor M. Mojfirtaofr. Ualfw. C. Mayer, fltJR JP H.

1). llolwrts, WisoiMikln. 1'. Itrvynton, do K. i.

Jones, I'leMMinl. vS-iii; ArriisU evening -J. W. IlieVe'rson, I I'arkvr m.d M. Mauley im njwtuii tfxaci im? 1 .3 mk 3 jiim 1.150 Cop.

890a 195a 275 1 14 -80c i-? ion II. ilt- a ii. I Nwreme-i, 215 I'viut. iyi 37 0 CIO UOo rt, 17 5, Krutui k. XKIlijj I 110 L-Jclfir.

jtlpq i lUl CoUtUfiicv, 'j, 010 N'. tt I 100 Ut-W. 0 llnllioii. 'v 530 Ovi 200 ItMe; I 1 80 4 loo Uuion. iqy, HI 450 Alia, liM'c 60 Ud( i 75 Julia.

Jftc Li 1 Ml Calnjouia, 3fo(l I 80 I'hullrugr, Il'ie 1841 Silv. llili; ill. 115 OCiiiKut l( 'Jilt; in( LniI)' 3'e An.l.a, 7 2541 Wuf.l.i cM. 135 Sh- ri.Uii, 'J JO Scorpion, ll5o 1 10c 150 Tmfaiii. I0cfc C'JO lt.iit.iii, I'f lf 8'JO Xorlii Flfvt'ijf, 5o 110 Oou.

I Ofm 100 XO-) L)nn. 25o 1250 KiiuU' 500 tiraii.l C6c 150 J'ii; t. 290 100 Slur. IH20 VrolrrJ.iy'i IHrrjon 100 liay-tuotid A- 3V Mrt.ilel.' 65 Kyii'U IU'( 30 Jiicksou. 350.

IX, Belli? uS llll) Mil till. Ill III, I 25 ISO i-Vj DrluKiutr, 10 Albion, 45c lie 100 Hllbiiif, Mt 120 30, 1 200 Muilut Polimi, 7 m) 5 I'M) E. hi lit Diablo, 55o 2 "ill Holm 15c i 5 llo.lif, GO 5 ll. I 10 Tiogf, Kit imia it. 1 I 125 5 1 5(1 Kyu.lic 1 1 5lH) GoihIhIkiw, 600 McCliiilnll.

4 .0 150 Couct.rdiu, 'Jr'c 1 180 Champion. 85c 8t)o 700 Unoker, 10c 1 10 Mouo, 170 Cnn. 150 Uuivormlv, 3i'c 400 Duill. y. 3ive 330 4 npitrr, 155c I 100 Ifi 90 N.

215 Tip Caltxliiiiit. H. 210 S. Hula- r. I 2lKl Duiiblf Sluiidiinl.

ITm i A I lu Uor. George u. Tt iy o'uT ol.l of tbi? viciuitjr to uuo in A rnont inflauutiiil oiliiMii, hii.1 metnbfr of the M. E. ('Iiurrli iunt bin moment il fctKAfio loiiBiitcrtlfnt tf.ifll mJ.4fl^'iihT?fir6 own liven to ShiluUV CudiiuiAi'iioii 'aro." It it ir.nn in loin Rain ver onr un is yi'iiirf pxrftct oitinfiwtitfa in nil c.iian of such ii'itliuig rUo U.i? BoaiBut, I ml.

M.iy 15, Dim. MATctiKTr iobMiy P. F. Mnlltrr, Blkoi" Th i ua. I.a U.M ik-i or if -t? tho iji ikinj yaiif girueutn.

Tbo til' mt Mtytinii an I putfrct i a iirgo 8 living in by tlie 'Doofcatui K.i-iUiom. imilnj to ituy ml. Ir nu on of in pott at.i iipi. Sdm.1 or to i. W.

"Domettio" FwUin furlnra, Hhu Fftincirtoo i Thf lllnrUHinlth'M llrrmii -ombiuiUiuti will vi. n. o4 rateritinrapnlM in t)i? lenf f. on fbu loin Hi'lwcen tbc cmIhob iim) 'Oitrpvnlur abop. M.itin?r< or Indies and cbil.l'nn, nl 3 n'olock I a rtl nl I' and rflKnlarly for Kcncrnl attrudandn In only 15 or I'wo" ticWitta cents It ia alrnngo an innny peopln will to iHiffi-r day after day with' liaprpain, lircr jinpl iiiil, atmnnoh, senprnl wUvu tboy they can at my atore loh'a Vitnlid-r, frim of nut if it riix-it not euro or relii-vr fontfl, Hold by V.

V. Miillur, ilat. K. Hale A pbnetiiir al'iiitlfl nraa, both aaailf brrti in afeiirt rutin, rn led to tlin I Hidy of ihn vi-lii. 4 for Wilier Tim nillrii onirtl off ti'd fur tho mini of 25 Apply to at CaiIIu.

hi Wo will furnUb. Inr mdlr.wl.r. I unit tbo Irado, (J. Ht. I.iniia 1 1 tv I ia II' r.

in' containing 0 Imtilm, nfl $19 50 per barr. I. tf IlM'IHMlti Funmii if. FMMii ahell reroWe.l dailr I tho Oom by.

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