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Weekly Independent from Elko, Nevada • 3

Elko, Nevada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


215 Gutild Ctirry, '215 llcxt IJclche'r, 10, tO, go bad, 12-25 California, CO. CO L5. 310 Hiivogo, iox, 10, '5200 Con. Virginia, 03, 0U J5, 51. 01 s30, 64 kOO.

120 Halo Xorcrosn, 805 Point, 11, lis i. 1175 Jacket, 33, 370 Imperial, h'JO. bj. Alpha, 13, IS 48 blO. 150 Kcntuclc, 13.

110 llelcher, 315 Sierra Nevada, I 14; -J, li30. 015 Utah, 22. 25 Conlldeuce, 30 50. 50 Kxchequcr, 17. 100 Ovcrinun, 75, Jnstico, b3.

035 Union, 15. 230 Succor, 1250 Liidy Hryan, 80e. 130 (ilia, 8X. 305 Caledonia, 8, 7 410 llaltimorc, 50 Silver Hill, 75 Ulmlt.j-Ajje, 1, 4, 20 Dayton, 10 Alia, 3. 30 New York 20 Occiduntid, 50 Wnodvillu, 50 Lmly Windiiutttoii, 00 Amies, 250 15c.

140 KoxkiiIIi, 75c. 15 Ward, 000 Cosmopolitan, 45e. Lciiatkan, Diic, 185 North Con. Yirginiu, 75ft. 150 Maryland, 02 300 Cromer, KOO Trojiiu, 05c, 00.

140 Valley, 10c. 00 Raymond 8. 85 Kurcka, 500 Jackxoti, 3 lielmoiit, 3, 185 I.copard, 11. 100 K. 100 Julfcrxon, 05c.

40 CSila, 75o. 130 Northern Hollo, 2.1, loo lliuaey, 75c. 150 General Thomas, 1300 Manhattan, 15, 100 Panther, '2140 t'two 00c, 50c, 05c, 70c. 100 Ilcct liclclier, 00 Point, 80 llelrher, 50 Chollnr, 01, 1(5. 200 Ophir, 80 tiiMihl Currv, 1 30 Jacket, 50 Union.

1370 Now Corio, 3. 150 IS. Cluttitit, 103o, lv 20l) Poormaii, 00c. 505 Con. Virginia, 1)5.

250 California, 50 blO. 305 Mexican, 503 Imperial, 175 Male Norcroxx, 10 Alpha, V. Al'lU'KT I'J I'J), 0H0 Ophir, 63, 5 U310 Mexican, blO. 110 Gould Curry, 15. 785 llext llelcher, 401.5, 825 California 5.1%, M0.

55 1505 Con. 1)5. 25 Ohollni. 01. 305 Hale Xoreross, 225 l'oltil, 005 Jacket, 33 UOO Imperial, 1.5.

500 Volley, 25c. 000 llaymond Kly, 250 iiittelfn Con, 1 1. 00 Keilttittk. 13, 250 Alpha, IS, 130 llelcher. 145 Hicria Net niln, h'JO.

10 Conthloinvv 10. 20 Utah, 22, 180 llulltoii, 50, 025 Ijxi bi'iinor, 17 70 Ovcrinun, 70. 805 Union, 275 Justice, 200 Succor, 00c, 02 tlMM) Itryuil, 75c, 70eii 35 Julia, 0 M0. 275 liiinia, 7 100 Knickerbocker, 75c, 110 llnltinioro, Trout Suiuhiy'a Tin: TvnAsx The HtrnhRrnt kml luorit niincoonnliiblo prrjinlico i-i that of lasto; While (ho Mongolian tliitoH on rat, the finitiilioilrt Saxon nbhor.i rat. A I'triklng IHiwlmlion of thU peculiar prejinlicn it tan lie nothlni; elxo occurred tho other in Iho following iniunier: A noted mixoloftlxt ill Ihiii city wlinHO phyxlcnl propoitionn nro only ('quitted by hiM popularity, killed a cat.

After dixvcnli lie the feline of its hido and a friend coveted Iho under Iho iniprcHxIoii Dial II won a rnhhil, ninl declined lieveral hints to extend invilnlioim to (ant with him. Tilled with plertH-iut onticipaliotiH of a luucioun reprint, Iho epienrian nuifi'eil Iho fragrant odor of Iho frylni; feline, At lli'ui Htago of llifi proceeding lie wa.i Informed of Iho joko practiced upon him, when limlaiitly liis joy wan changed lo k1'1''" wllh ft lihio and bitter nielnncholy painful to hcliohl, that rai'y ronntcd rahbit llowont through tho back door. Nono but Iho largest aiiU'd incli refer lo tahbilK In hix prosonoo now. I 'red l-'lnlt and doparted for Kurelta yenterday. Dall la up from I tat I lo Mountain, honrly an iiminl W.

1 lallock, a proiiihtout tcnohor of vocal iiHIhU', arrived In town from (ho Kant. VoMordiiy Iho holler at Iho CIiaho inhio oxploded, blowing Iho Iioiiho over the mine to at onto, but tho liouco of Iho fhiployou unhurt, Tuesday's Daily. Prwojuu Joseph II. Bind; arrived licro from Lis homo in lYnnsylvania yesterday. Mr.

lilucl: spent scute time in Nevada several veers nyo, ami is r.gain attracted hero bv a knowledge of tlie rich developments in the mines of this section. flo (joes out to viuvvTusenrora fc'l id viciuity toinorroNv Our ohl acquaintance, G. Armvr, of Mineral Hill, is Spending ft few days here on business. Evans, tli'o well known llumbohlt cattle man, passed through yesterday oh his way home from tho Centennial show John l'rdst and lied Frank Wheeler, a couplo of Massachusetts missionaries, on their way west to establish the older of "true inwardness," tarried here vebterdi.y. 1'hey wero extremely industrious in tho promulgation of their pcculiar creed, and so far as wo were able to judge, tho subject was by no means a dry one.

Tub Loweii Ititinaic. The liritlgo acrojs tho Humboldt, which tock a larch to leaward in eonseqilencc of a defective abutment, is now in trim, iiuil than fcver. A. Derkio, the old chief, took its reconstruction in hand and established tho entire institution on ft basis so that ull the bullion teams between hero and Eureka can't make her weaken. Xkv.xasi-s H-jfcr.

A dispatch from Vol. hiitccy, yesterday, to Dr. Fox, stated I bat fto rtiicidenl had bofallf-n Dr. Xewiends, of Camp Halleck, by which a Irg had been badly fipreiued or broken, and required tho Doctor's immediate attcudaneo. As Dr.

l'ov hap not yet returned, we have been tumble to ascertain the extent of Norland's injuries. Ciianoko Hands. Tho Lodging House on tlio corner o( l'ouith and streets, formerly conducted by Mrs. M. J.

Hurt, lots been purchased by our oM townsman, Leu. Wines. Tlio Honso will bo conducted us formerly unilcr the nmv management, amt a fair share of public patronage is solicited. Ir has been gleefully mentioned that thu IJrooklyn Argu which supported Tilden with strength and cffcct two years is now slashing him un'mercifully. 'J'iio Nc.v York Vimrs is following tho same course, and doubtless for tho Kruno reason thoy thin); there's muro money in supporting tho follow.

Tnooi'o roit thk Fitosr. A rpecial train giaSHi'il through hero Sunday night with live companies of thu 1th United Stales Artillery, from San Prancinco. i'hiro woro 250 men in all und destined for Cheyenne, having been detailed for the protection of tho I'uion Itailrond from Indian raids. A MoVKMKNT AT llALMSCK. CnptAill Carr'a company of tho United Slates Cavalry, Iim received orders to prepare for a march to th-j front, and to hold itself in for further orders.

A commvnii'A'Iion from Wells lies over awaiting the name of the correspondent, as it is contrary to our established rule' lo publish anything of all anonymous character. lli.rr ISui.i.iok. Two more burs of bullion from tho lSluo Jacket mill at lily tlio City arrived hero Sunday evening. They nvo valued at tf'JH 1 30. Bai.t ron Hi.ui: Jacket lion.

itoinhart Co. havo commenced tho shipment of a Iftrgo lu voice of salt lo IMytlie City for consumption id the Blue Jacket mill. MR. C. is now lemporarily in charge of Wells, Fargo express olllcc, in this place.

From WtdtiiNday'tf Tlio only child of Mr. And Mrs. Lew. Tashoiia, of Curlin, ilinl in Kllto Monday night from tho cITects of nleiiiugititi, a ilisoaso affecting bruin and spinal marrow. Thoy brought tho nick infant (about one yenr old) to Ibis piueo for treatment about a week ago, sineo which litno she hmi been under tho treatment of I T.

W. Huntingtoti, but so critical was tlio little ml (forer's condition, Hint from tho first, slight hopes were mtortiiined for a favtirabln termination of tho diHcnue, bovitig parents and kind ministered to his wants, and offered every relief in their power, but Ho "who doc-th nil Ihitigs well," claimed their darling lor Ills own. and boro her ipirit on high, leaving naught but I'orrow in tho hearts of her Tho remains wero taken to Carlln for interuuiiit yesleiday morning, and where buried in llio afternoon. Tho cnliro population of the (own attended, and nil in milking the great grief rest an lightly as possibly on tho nlllictcd mother and foOitn I'kiisonaIi. H.

H. Scars, of "us," look tho train for Minolta, Mineral Hill, yesterday morning. lied Frank Wheeler and John Frost l.ft town by tlio immo ImIii. i i.Inko llabn, of ltailroad, is in town. tleorgo leaves for 'iNwearora this morning.

Iligshy, of llnttlo Mountain, is in town, but will return to that placo in a day or mo. 13. (lernlil, auditor of the 0. H. catlio up from (ho west lant evening, and laid overt Ho is as tillable and portly an ever, and as usual has a nmilo (or all.

Hicks, of tho Ocorgia minstrels, passed east on the (rain last veiling, in quest of more talent for thai ttoupi). Tho jjcopard Milling Company, of Cornucopia, via Carlin, yesterday morning, four bars of bullion, valued at t'Jl. Gun LiEttcd. Wo received tetter from IkiHIu Mountain tlio other day.

It was mi able epistle, know. It comi.linced r.bout tlio uutlior'fc health, touched little ou theology, dished up a bit Ot -physics, worked out one or two built a big titone saloon in Africa, stepped oir a paity liko ft French dancing master, mui-dcrcd tlio English language, If it didn't do all of these it might have, ns we liavo yet to iitul the li rst writing sharp who can read three linos of the whole thing. And yet this author desires us to 'publish his worthy effusion. Sheriff llfown is Yemodeling'Seveilty-six liall and transforming it into private residence. Hibbets Halo have built subftantinl feneo arouml it, which is being artistically painted by Walter Chr.ftc.

The building will bo partioucd oil" into smull rooms, cud when finished will mako one of tlio most desirable residences in town. Dkmociiath! dou'l forget tlio nWting of the Tildeu and Hcndriclis Iteform Club, this evening, Kemember, that in unity there is strength; therefore, step up to tlio Court-house, sign the roll, and work with vim; thus assuring us an and coinpleto victory over the eircmy. Ha turns. A gentleman yesterday morning brought in from Uuntiiigton eight of his Spring crop of tame, pink-eyed rabbits, and readily disposed of them at oU per pair. They were about half grown, and a choice article of these favorites pets.

Tka. A special train, Ifopklns conductor, passed east Monday night at 1 o'clock, consisting' of twenty-fixa Can of tea; in consequence of which train No. 7 was atinullcd yesterday. This is the llrst shipment of a new cargo. K.voi.t:.

Uait. lias purchased an immense American Kagle, and the bird of freedom daily perched a box in front of Ihc "Gum." Ho is noble, but fierce looking bird, anil measures some six feet from tip to lIinvKSTiso. E. Phillips yesterday coinmcuccd the work of harvesting crop of wheat in Ihc Cnivcrnily grounds by thu hiring of a man to 'cradle tlio same. The wheat looks quit's well, and will yield good returns.

Gcorgo Klinriro's foiVa of men uro busily engaged in making a kiln of briok on the old yard just bnik of the soda works. The brick are partially laid in the kiln, which will be burnt ns soon as it can be got ready. The stone foundation for a brick building is laid on one of the lots east of this oftico on the same block. The edifice will not be very large, but will bo a good one, nevertheless. From Thuisdny'u Tiik Cknthnniai.

Mink. Tlio Oentetaiiial mine, Tiiccnrora District) just now attracting considerable comment in this vicinity, and anything from it will be of interest. On Tuesday evening lad, a meeting of the Mockholders as held in tlio ofHeo of tulgo Stafford, at which nearly the entire jnino was represented. tlcorgo Scitz, who officiates ns Superintendent) reported that 70 feet of shaft had been and 70 feet of drifts run, and that tlio last assessment paid off tlio entire iudubtcdners the mine-, but left the treasury empty-. fionio comment was had upon tlio course which could tin adopted to clear tho cloud hanging over the title to I claim, and it wn? finally agreed to make immediate npplicatioii for a patent to tho (same.

Ity unanimous consult another assessment of fifty cents per foot wf.H levied, V.ith Which to defray tho expenses of obtaining the patent and to work upon the vein. At present Mr. Setiz is working day and ntght shifts r.poli (Ho luiiie, and ill continue to do so until its value i.i determined. Tho prospect for e. m'Jst valuable piece of projierty are very Haltering, and its vnlno will be determined ns vooti as pOasiblo.

l)n. NKWt.AMvi' en From Dr. Vox, who was called upon to attend Dr. Newlfttids, of Camp Itallccki we Warn tho following regarding thu hitter's injuries: Dr. Newlunds was returning to the l'ost front Lamoille Valley, last Saturday night about o'clock, riding on the outside of tho nmhiilanco with tho driver.

They were going along i'l a sharp (rot, When tho vehicle ran into a rut, throwing tho driver to tho ground. Tho animals immedirttely ran away, and ns llio driver had droppud the lines upon the ground in his fall, the Doctor coil hi Hot reach them, lte, therefore, had nothing left to do but to jump from tho ambulance, which he diil, Kiistaiiiing a very iiovoi'o upraiu of tho left ankle and rupture of tlio tendons. Although painfully hint, the Doctor l'i in a fair way to bo up and doing ill ten or twelvo days. Deputy Assessor Taylor informs us that tho work of asscssiug tills county has been about completed and tho work of entering the statements upon the roll is being finished ns fast as it can possibly be dotioi Coin, Almost every express train east has a number of boxes of subsidiary silver coins, destined to tho various eastern sub-treasuries, tho principal part of which is coined at tho Carson Mint. Welirt, l'argn do.

yesterday shipped east Uvo bars of lilue bullion from Dull ltun, valued which arrived from tho north luto lact night. A.V 13IMKXSK MUUD12K. On Mor.duy last Charles I)yer camo Id Klko, and had considerable "to Lbout a murder which he claimed to havo been committed in this county. The stoVy teA'chtd the carj of District Attorney Street, who, in conjunction SvTtli Sheriff Rrown, instituted 1111 investigation into the ease. Dyer called into the office of Mr.

Street, and told, in a very straight-forward manner, the story of horrible crima. It was to tho f-ITcct that between tho Oth and lfcth Of uly, 1876, 'At t. poiut About tw'o miles east of Dceth Station, saw Daniel Urown, formerly 'if the Uosebml saloon, in Terrace, Utah; murder tho following persons, all rtftlcichts of Terrace: Samuel Cave, postmaster; Mr. ltowley, a butcher; Mrs. King, wife of a former partner of Cavfc'; -Mr.

"fright 6uerator for the A. Telegraph Company; the latter's wife and child, and four other pornous, consisting of two men, an old lady and a child, whoso names ho did not know. Dyer said that Win. McKcnzie, Mastermechanic at Terrace, also the Jailing. IIo said the murder was pro- meditated; thai he could And tho graves of tho dead persons, and ho was- ready swear to the truth of his -assertions.

Tho ofticeVti thought that there might be some truth in the report, and immediately opened telegraphic communication with parties in Terrace. The first telegram was to J. A. Jacobs, agent at that place, and Was an inquiry as to tho of tho persons liver claimed to havo been murdered, und elicited tho following replvi Tkhkack, August 15. Street and llrwn Sam.

Cave, ltowley, Murphy and his wife and child live here. Mrs. King lives at l'tomoutory, Utah. J. A.

Jacobs. Tli is sliesl some light upon tho subject, and Mr. Street thnb telegraphed to learn whatever ho could regarding Dyer, receiving 'the following answer Tkiuiack, August II. C. Street Charles Dyer was employed here as machinist from March 21st to Juno uUtli left here about.

July l'Jth. Wji. McKknkie. Further Ihnn this nothing 'could bo learned of him but he is evidently insane, or ho certainly would not tell such r. tale of bloodshed, founded upon puro imagination.

Upon a closer questioning he said that parties were hunting him with tho intention of killing hint also and that to avoid them ho had been forced to ily to the hills and there remain four days, food or drink. Dyer is working for iioino person in this vicinity, and, he i3 undoubtedly insane, ho should bo watched very carefully or he might inflict injury upon noma one. Marx passed west yesterday morning, having been summoned unexpectedly to San Francisco on important business E. F. Gernbl went to VAU'sndo yesterday morning, and in with Coddington, pirtecd east yesterday evening, on company busitios's.

Mr. Mon-y of Island went home yefiterday morning Itill Weed came in from Tusesrora Tuesday evening. Gciorgo Grayson and another San i'rftncisco capitalist caine tip lust night, r.nd took r. privuto conveyalico nt 0 m. for Tuscarora.

Tom. iianum, of Tusearoru, returned from tho Day on the cuino train. Elko llrnsn and String Hand is making great preparations for a dmiiH, to bu given at the Depot Hotel on Wednesday evening next, Atigdst A portion of the instruments of tho band is out of order, and tho performers have agreed on this method of replacing those which arc entirely Useless mid repairing thofie wliieh need it. Everybody outjht to go and give the boys good lienellt. They it, and will appreciate it.

liu.t.iAnn lUr.L.? James Clark; of the Depot Hotel, is again improving his house by tho putting up of two now tables. They arc v. lint is known ns tho "Xovelty" tables, lj; by 1) feet in size, ntul ere manufactured by the ,1. M. Diuuawick Make of Chicago.

They are of the best and will give all lovets of the gamo nil opportunity of enjoying themselves rtt the Depiit Milliard Iltlll. Nrw George Ildbler Jesloirday received for tho Young America Mining Company, of TuseArorn, ohn of the Make special mining pumps, together with llfteen lengths of pipo for convoying water. Tho lot will bo forwarded in a few days to its destination. Fiikioiit, George Holder yrsterdrty shipped twenty-fivo flasks of quicksilver to the Leopard Company, Cornucopia, and several thousand pounds of lo different pnititM. Today ho forward a lot of groceries and machinery to Tusealol'a.

WatKii Dr. M. W. 1'arfionn, the dentist, has purchased one-half of I'hillips' water ditch which supplies Elko with water from tho Humboldt, and will hereafter bo nnsociMed in tlio business. Doc.

has inado fi gooil Win, llernnrd is making arrangements to re-open the old Corner ltestaurant, and will, us booii ns the premises can ho re-papered and painted, have it ready for the reception of customers. Trout Our lown is how bountifully fmpplioit with fresh trout and game of all kinds, tile majority of which is supplied by tho Shosliones. TjUMIikii, Two inoro loads of hintber for Dtncn.itet' Kuhu's now at 'i'ltsenrorn, went out yesterday. Oi.n John Alnley wns yo.derday loading a car of old Iron for shipment to western foundry. Friday's TllKKILUMi Oi' HKMtV WEUCII.

The killing rf Ileftry AVeber John 11. Abel Kuir.o wcek'S since is still frcsli in the mindfe of our readers, alid, therefore, tlio following will need but littlo explanation. From wbat 'can gather WcbcV was from Switzerland, where hb loft a family. The hitter having of the killing lias made r.njflicatiosi through the Swiss Consftl -JA Washington f6r thoiinriitttlii'H'6'f the Wiling and for the It'ft, Vy deceased. The following letter Wan written to Dr.

1 Newlands, of Hullcck, by John llitS, Co iir.u l-Ci en (. of Switzerland, and by him turned over to'C. O. Melius, Coroner of this county': Washington, 1). July 2S, 1876.

J)r. Xachtiidt, Afirtant S'ur-' U. S. Army, I'utnji At request of the relatives of the late Henry Weber, this Consulate respectfully Solicits to ho informed on the following points: 1. Why John Abel shoot Henry Weber? Was.

there quarrel previous to the shooting, and eventually how did tlie same 6riginatc? Was Henry Weber 'conscious at any time after having bech shot, and if so, did he spdak, and especially did lie make any Communication in relation to his U. On what ground was Abel acquitted at the inquest? Finally, 1 would request that all papers, letters, photographs, left by Henry Weber be transmitted this Consulate, from wliero they will bo forwarded to his lutives in Switzerland. Coroner Melius, wlio ofiiciutcd -at the inquest, has caVcfully considered the matter, and we, therefore, will undertake the task of answering the litter above given, nnd from the evidence alone, taken by liiuV, Wo compeud the following vepliCs to the questions asked above: JulM Abel shot Henry Weber to prevent tho latter from inflicting injuries upon him (Abel) with dub which Weber held iii his and was 'threatening to ftso opdn Abel. cber and Abe! had a quarrel about three weeks beforo the shooting, over a settlement, but the affair was amicably arranged. On tbo day of the Shooting Weber becarao intoxicated and demanded another settlement, aboilt snudown, which Abel informed deceased could had in the morning when he had sobered up.

This angered NVcber, and lio declared bis intention of killing Abel, and procured a club for thit purpose, with which ho advauced upon Abel, using the vilet.t language in the presence of the latler's wife and daughter. Abel retreated from Weber, who continued to follow, wheii shot him through iho heart, indicting a wound from tho of which he died about half past 11 o'clock the Ucxl day. 2. Weber was conscious up to within a short time of hl4 diAth, And spoke frequently, but snhl holding as 16 his family; nor did Lfi IcArt 'any messago for anyone. Abel wfts acquiicd oh tile ghnind of "justifiable homicide." A photograph, somo legal doditiucnls, including ftvo discharges fr'dm iho U.

S. A iiny and some letters woro found in his possession, and will be forWarded to Mr. tho Consul General, this but no property of any other description belonging to him could lie found. From the documents found it isobarly established that ho was of good fanlily, alid had considerable money left liiiii, Wjd in tltu hdllils of mi agent in Tjii: Cii.utPioM.? Joliu Aliiloy yesterday had his "Champion lire extinguisher out on drill. Ho hauled into tho middle Of Commercial street mi ohl crockery crate and a hogshead, both filled with straw, and poured half a gallon or so of coal bil over tho two, and set them on tiro.

Aftnr thoy had become well ignited, and blazed up nicely, lie took his littlo "Champion" upon mi'l turned a fUroutn the fire. In about two minutes tho tlaiuoR wero subdued and the conflagration was under com pie to control. Tim machine worka admirably and gave entire satisfuctioh to thosJo who witnessed its behavior. 1'KnsosAb. -Dr.

Ti Kurd turned from a vifilfc to Wyoming yesterday morning Huntington also eame home by tho same train, Louis Kuhn camt) up from Kan Francisco hist and will go out to Tuscarora Monday moriiiiig O'llriter enino i as fur us llattlu oil tho same train, vliero ho stopped, and, in company with l)ow. Huntsman, will proceed to Tuscnroru to-day. Stanley Higsliy returned to Uattlo Mouutiiiu ycfiterday morning. JJ. F.

Gomld and Division Superintendent Codditigton passed on tho samo traliii Oris Ci.vd.*? 1 ho illicit Itcforin Club was organized on Monday the 7ih instant, with members, ntid on Wednesday, tho 10th instant, the clerk's toll showed a total membership of 110. As Klko Is not an overly litrga town wo Ihink this Is doing pretty well) and goes far to allow that the Democrats of Ihis section ate lip and doing. 'Jfhfrj menu I to walk off villi the haggago this time, and just filth enthusiasm and work as tliiti going to do tho bifsliicsi up brown. Wooii '1'lliKtKS. Somebody, wild Is Rilppoatjtl to be known, is In Iho habit of stealing wood fioin the yardit of perBona in our neighborhood, and they are hereby ri liubly informed that unload I bono deprcdulioti't censo, an old runty musket, well loaded, will bo railed in hi requisition, thereby hcccimltaliiig Iho employment of a physician or two for If 0 purpose of picking out Iho exlra bits of lead which may lltid lefugo beneath Iho hldo of tho monk thief in queMlciu Tub Casu Stouk.

W. T. Hilt now lias bis grocery store in (all iiiiil is prepared to A'ccomraodato nil who limy desire to purchase. His terms are cash only, ami ho'SAj'sLc glvo his patrons tbo fcefeefst'if the cftsh System bv furnislrtag '-them with tho best arti'cKs fA fta'tt at tho fiiitrt rensiinabh; prices. See hio advertisement else- where.

Wixtkf. Sui'i'LY. Numbefs "of persons in Elk'4 r.Ve s6xv baying their winter supply of weed, principally A good As wood is much cheapertbnn coal, and fully as cyhvciiiout wliilo at tho same tiaio it gives those' ho livo in this county tuV.l vicifiity who lutiiir foY 'their living a change to make in ho'noht penny. AiiKi.riii Yesterday tho Adeliilii Combination of this place ritceivcd an offer for A four week's on- gageinent froift a Vnan of YirgiftiA City; he hiving heard of tho true merit contained in the troop. Tho of fer had to bo declined, owing to the severe indisposition of one of tho "olidmen." "sir.

CfttciTES li. 13. Derrick, who wan of depopulating the chicken coop ct tlio "CJetn," And whose trial was mentioned ia on'v last issue, was acquitted by tli'6 JnVyi tvhidli was only out a few minutes before agreeing dpon verdict. Miss iiic7.

ilasoii," hefco of G. 21. llauks, has ucceptcd the position 61 music teachcr ill thu State University, wid will receive A touiv jiiano lor uso in that school, in the course of a few days.'E. By tho Carson A'pplal we are informed that E.

1). Pixloy, for merly of this place, is a candidate for tbo of Assessor of Orinsby county, on tho Kcpublican side of the house. BuROi.At.v.? Some person '6r persons, who nre unknown, entered 0110 of tlio rooms iu tho Gurrcclit's lodging-house, night beforo lust, ami got nwuy with trunk lull of clothes, ete. William 11. Taylor, a former proprietor of this paper, so wo arc informed by parties from Eurekn, is candidate for Constable of that township.

ii' i I Bullion. The Leopard Mining Company, of Cornucopia, yesterday shipped per Welts, l-'nrgO via Cnrlin, four burs tf bullion, valued at Law CarA. In another column will found tlio law card of J. II. Windlo, who lias an oflico iu the I Front Saturdaj's Jalco Engler, of Salt Lalio, brother to Louis, of this place, still ln towlk: John Ainley returti'cd flilnV cait Ibid freek Beinlnirt, of llelnhnrt returned fvoiu bfisiueus visit to Eureka last O.

L. Scott, of Eureka, who has I'esn 'loping r.t the springs A or 80. vent liouio yesterday morning. Russell and Bradley returned from the north yesterday noon, having taken in Tuacftrora, Cornucopia, Bull Mountain City iind their tattle ranch on Bock creek. They look hearty, and flvo pretty wcli peeled from the effects of the anil; Uoorgo A.

1 itch, tlio telegrapher, went east lust night. Mrs. Balaton was ft passengor on the same traiil. IUitvksri.Nd.? l'Artitts id from Lamoille ihfonu uu thill E. Odoll, of that alley, has already finished cutting his grain, and oil Thursday evening had about thirty tons thrashed and Backed.

The yield was heavy and tho grain of a superior quality. Ho has twelve acres of wheat, which will ho harvested also iu a few dayti; it being some two weeks later (hail bin bailey. Wo this Is tho first crop harvested in this county) but from this the harvesting season may he considered as opened. Tlitiradnjr nvciilug Mr. and Mrs.

Lin Wines rb- opened the loggings in A goodly number Of lUvitcd guests were in rttleUdniWo; niiiuio wan furnished, and Capitol repast spread upon the tublo for I ho onjoymout of tho assembled guests. Dancing, singing, were indulged iu, and upon the whole the now host and received substantial Glttimirn(faiiiont nn. I ntorU-it (lift new regime under tho most llalleiing p.i spccts. to them in tho fu lure. Tiiio new law to marks and brand), has afforded the public an oppoituiiily of learning the number of brands which are used upon animals in this county.

Boeordl-r HogCra inforniH that ho has received different brands, and about others hnvo slated that they would have theirs also plaecd on number Is greater titan nil tho.lo legally used in otir four adjoining eoiintita White l'inct Lntlttef ttnU Humboidt, Novr.t, C' rt iiOAt k. Tho other day wo were shown tho discharge given a soldier, who recently retired from the United States arnly, which aligned ns ft cause of dlr.mhvul a Vert i (lento of disability (chronic An exiiuttf way of putting It; lint maybe It would hnvo been better English had Hie paper read "for getting beastly drunk." lhith tlio Stale University niid put ilio ftchool will re-open oh the 1th of September, two wt rks from next Jtoltdiijf, 'rho yotingrflt rr. will have muko Miotl work of their IptTdnyrt of nmur.eniont ill hoot havo to give wpy to thor.e of labor. -Mi Mir "i MASlfltOTIl OA 1I1XK. From Dr.

Ilurd, oro of (he oilginal locators, wo learn the following iVjjfvrdiig the Mammoth coal mrae, in 'Wyoming Territory. The luino was located I ant Full, anil is situated Viiilrd north of Carter illation, on the U. R. 11., in Uintah coiinlv, Wyoming. Tho vein is traceable for a distancu nix miles, running nbout north mid South, nrul stands ou 'hbo'tA 22 degrees.

Sixteen distinct parnlM veins are opehed. varying iii width from 1G to 00 fcc-t, extending over ft formation "ot mile in width, l'ho vefii Is by tUnuels and ciits ftt ahdrt ItAmaH during its entire length, and show an exceedingly vftlnablo prtsp'tfch l'rof. Charles l'onlez, (to 'of Union Pacific llail road Company, ex' Umlried ft last Spring, fvtoA pronounced it be the finest deposit of coal in WesUVn America. Sonic of tho coal was itirftycd in Salt Lfiko un A showed 52.2 per cc'At. of cofci: artd oily pdf ceut.

of ftslr. The claim has been incorporated ih Salt I'jiite with a 'cbpitfA slock Of $1,000,000. OIvMtfd Intd 4,006,000 HllftlX'S of Cucll. VoftowTrig II tliu oIRccVh ot tho Mammoth Coal Corfipany: President, John sk. Thnyer, Vieo-Prcsident.

(i. A. J. J. llefterrien; Treasurer, R.

3. It i lit Attorney, J. It. lit Bride; Superintendent, O. II.

lie Veto; pit e'c tors, Dr. T. W. IIui'cl, 11. II.

Perkins, C. W. Feurose, Fred. Shielly, (5. Ai James Slater, K.

L. GnihaWr, E. Coltrin and 'J. Stoddard'. Dir.

liurd considerable of tho. xif tlio corporation, and fur hi 6 especial if nothing clr.o. it Is to bo hoped, that the company may tvalizu Its Vxpeetatious-. Ix. Willafi, copia, authorizes Vis to atato that Re will mutch his Kigaihsl "rtthcr Old Joo Or Med Uird, from COO yards, for ftom $i00 to VA'ro be hill ovelr the Cornucopia, Packers.

From parties just iA YtdrA tbu north, loavto thflt A largo pack train fronl Oregon tho llluo Jacket iiiinu to pack wood tho itaill'. Lodge 4. O. F. liaS procured a flag with 'd'esiguato its moiling nights.

Tho banner is a cat ohc; and Ouilo ail ornament'. A Il.WtVKST UlCALTli. u'10 IldfiVollev'a Stomach Hitters us a menus of iiVvicoralioM protection against disease, itavfiriablv ruiiji itu ample lirth'est of henUh nY gchtH ,1, excretion ami ard ruiiilcvcil ti'gnlnr nnd bv (Ma ruling tonic nml utternlive, nud tho ci seiitiiils of houlth being secured that blessing naturally follows. Norvoufl diseases, intermittent and remittent fevers, rheumatism, biliooshe? kidney or bidder trollWea arc Hpocdily relieved by tho bitterS, which rirVi nk tent ill proVeMtillc til 03b mrtlrtdies ns irt Spjsssa'-pirS sj, Si, prevail, and where resources of the 3 nrHctiic, bismuth, clc af.oid no adequate iafcjharj, af 1,10 nre nted highly hSilv0 61 nro bo? sL-gsss, ft? a lid who uses this superlative vepUrt bio, fihda in it I.OUK Ap Tills) hol? lima forward, sell their bttlirb Htock bf dry goods nt much figures tlinh over before, mid without nny regard for their original ctet. If any doubts nro enterallied as fo tho sincerity of tllltf can easily bo removed peMoiir.l npnl.ving jtjhjb yoodj establishment.

KI'UKKA InlrrrVOi lU 10 1 it made HitbHCj lilta lltled tip nufttfj, (he lMrelm Hot. near liia old phuo 111 I'alhinde, ntnl travelers ty and from l.urokli, alnl thn publlb noil; orally, ran rely upon getting tlrpt-elnsil incnlH and ltninlii jr ofl? bedn at nil timed by ring tho gcilllll host tlltj Jfolvli roit blitiiinbli in desirous of leasing his new mnl L-liinmd: ions Mable, Hitnatcdopposjtii (lib tipyof depot, to good tenant. I'osseHsliig it pod location nud convent iic. it is splendid chaucb flir nliva bu.uucsu limn. Applj ul0 premlnoll to piiiticulnrtti Vint Tiih vrr hnesl olinlliy 0f Sherry and l'ort Winfs, for incdichml P'ltpoiKH.

at tho Ocni BalduUi All parties t.tHihg icb of mo arc Hereby notified Mint 1 will nol deliver icy to any person vllo fails ty pay iilo for tho rrtnio on ft very Moiuliitf for (lie week preceding. And that price for lee ts two cents per pound, ex' ecpt lltodt. Vvitli tvhoni hliVu nhtaiiy conlr.uted f'jr dltTercill prlt'oi Uhokok Uanhs, TiU: clem Saldoh tlaed lllltly bnrrcld of ISiten Href during tho pintl Inouth, nil average of jo gallons per day. snyit (ho town is dull? to Faiimshs a sit OrMxr.Si^iifttlHj/ asf.uined enllrti Control of Iho blofckx suiilbiutfi wagoiMiinklil? ami maehlod now prepared to dd fUid rtlt klinlfl of Work in mf tieu nrly (ho repnlrlhg (If iigrltiitHimii on iho inOM fittufiiifH ternn. A.

iJklicBi -n Mil 1 J. H. WINDLE, NBlf. AT-Xi A.W, i liLKO, NEVADA, bi (lit Comt-hjuw, ilttri.

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