The Centralia Enterprise and Tribune from Centralia, Wisconsin • Page 12
- Publication:
- The Centralia Enterprise and Tribunei
- Location:
- Centralia, Wisconsin
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- 12
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DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1945 four NAUGATUCK "Page WHAT PUNISHMENT FOR GERMANY? HANG KAISER! AGAIN HAPPEN THEY CANTDO CRIMES AGAINST OUTRAGED 7. TO 1918 HANG LITLER! LETIT AGAIN HAPPEN THEY CANT DO CRIMES AGAINST THIS 7 TO ME OUTRAGED 1945 "Your Mind And Body' (Note--These articles were prepared by Dr. Logan Clendening to his denth. Dr. Herprevious man Bundensan, health authority, will :852210 the drily bralth entenn in THE NEWS in the near future.) Eve Exercises And VisionDo They llolp Or Hinder? A YEAR Cr 50 Mr.
Aldous turned from the writing of Huxicy almost flawless modern novels to boost the methods of a Mr. Butes for the improvement of vision. In his youth Mr. Huxley suffered on attack of which left one eye just capable of light perception and the other with per cent of normal vision. He undoubtedly the best of medical advice which evidently was discouraging ax to any helpful treatment.
But it sooms to n1u A lesson which doctors should take to heart, that this highly incolligen: man never satisfied i with so discouraging IL verdict. even though he appreciated the reasonnbleness of it. Not Me There is something in every hunature, somehow, which there is some where method that is going lo cure mo of this horrible disability. It WILS not destined that this should pen to me." Those of us on the outside can be more calm and detached about it but wo must recognize that humun urge to' try anything that even suckests relict. Eve Exercises Mr.
Huxicy met ct woman dis. I ciple of the late Mr. Bales wha introduced him LO set of cyr exercises which includes "wink ing," "nose readng," "palming. and "sunning." Within IL mont or more he had learned 10 r'ot: without the use of lenses and coul lend without fatigue and strul for he had learned to avoid the co ditions making for strain. Ho emits his visual acuity has not creased.
but says he has learn to use what he las to greater vantage, The act of seeing is not entin confined to the eyes. There brain part of it, 100, and if I derstand w'hat is meant by Huxley the exercises taught him and control the brain can ters For vision. Ile published his experiences in book called "The Art of Seeing.y which caused considerable com-1 ment al the time among oculists most of it unfavorable. I will ndmit na I retic the book it seemed very foolish and confused, hut then I was never in the position ur being afflicted with poor vision. Recently the discussion has come up again in the medical maguzines.
Dr. W. B. Lanenster, DE Boston, points out that one al' the fundamental laws of biology is that reputition 'of nn ac: facilitates its per-! farmance. The first Lime one i makes A billiard shot.
ho does it awkwardly, Che hundredth time dexterously and with case. Thus he thinks eve exercises arc vuluobic for treatment of color blindness, to increase acuity of periphenal vision, and for speed and cility in doing typing and keeping even if some ocular detect is present. methods of eye exercises developed up to. the prosent are clumsy, but with scientific oculists giving, attention to this field it may be made very useful. Substitution Harmful It should be stressed and stressed hard, however, that it does real harm substitute these methods eye exercises for other treat- WALTER Coast-to-Coast Trade Mark Registered.
Copyright, 1014. Doily Mirror MEMOS OF A GIRL FRIDAY Dear Mr. henr the big coin for the Yankees came from Sonja Jenic (CapL D. Topping's. bride) One renson H.
Bogurt stopped over to see Louis Bromfeld at the latter's Ohio farm was "to wy and convert him into :3 Democrat" A hopeless tusk, 1d We're getting oodles of mail from soldiers about the treatment" accorded Nazi prisoners of war over here. Who'll send them to for action? Some of our boys, frinstance, are put guardhouse for minor infractions of rules. while the Nazis laff and get away with almost everything. Makes me fee-yoo-ree-uss: The Blue Network officials think it's so near they are rushing their aCeS Lo Paris with the possibility they will broadcast the cessution of hostilities from Berlin! BROADWAY ciggic gals are getting $100 tips from a tipsy Swedish i sca captain who pays that fee hear them echo a nawty Swedish word. The word is around town, wait for him and the girls this sign in the cigar store at 16th and Broadway: "We don't even have the cigarettes you don't like!" fenture yarn in this: Arthus Stern is a post office clerk at the Grand Central post, office.
He gives his first concert Carnegie Hall on the 11th. A lyric tenor Render's Scope has hit the 000 mark already, and Collier's zolls me your air plug for W. Davenport's Jan. 27th article on the President and the Press probably contributed greatly LO the record newsstand sale. Prob'ly? I HERE'S A LADY THAT rates a salute.
Her name is Mrs. H. H. Pigott of Pittsburgh. She sells war bonds and specializes in racetrack bookies.
They keep buying them, too, even with the tracks shuttered Jeanne Rice phoned to say she sure does pity those poor night club owners. First the Mayor turns the heat on them and then off Sunday Inquirer song col'm saVe cozens of song historians can't find out who wrote the song. "She's Not a Lady. She's Just a Cow," which Jimmy Duramie used to sing. Durante's agent, it seems.
can't recall who wrote the lyrics, Has Jimmy forgotten that they first inn as Rerei in: the col'm in The Vaudeville News in the curly and: the author was Retlaw Chellwyn? WALTER BISHOP. who wrote! the song. "The Devil Sat and Cried." was in. Said your mention of that oldie of his started a bunch of phone calls and tha1. the song mAy get a now lease on life, for which thanks.
he yelled Duke Ridgley, ye sports ed of The Huntington. W. Hernid, to be sure his wife (now hero) sees the town right. She's nice people. She says be doesn't smoke, chew or drink and has never been Light Goodness! What does he do for exercise? has a piece on Fritz Mandl American Merk) which your expose of several months ago apologists for diplomatic appeasers claim there's no use planning 10 punish Nazi criminal leaders until they are caught.
0.1 S'eah? Then why hasn't Hess been put on trial? RAY JOSEPHS in Town and Country 1clis of Dictator Peron (Argentina) squelching incipient grumbling about his friendship (his huh?) with Duarte. actress. Peron told nssembled stan' oflicers (who have swish con: panions): "How much better than if. as some militaries I know, it Was said that 1 was being seen with The St. Louis PostDispatch sent an editorial broadside against newscasts boing interrupted by commershills.
It hat-Lip D. Metcalie of Sioux Falls sent me this: "A number of people do not. like the Russians. claiming the Russians do not be. lieve in God.
Seems 1o me God beiieves 3 lot in the And Don Tannen says the RusSky's are Rotting so close the Nazis are learning to dance the Kozzot-! Listening :0 the radio and reading the headlines about the Germans (who are now the panicky refunces clogging up the roads leading out of Berlin and other German burgs) 1 can't fool sorry A1. all. I remember the refugOoS in France and Holland. ote. These German refugees are 201- ting break.
There are no Allied planes surfing them with machine Aun bullets ackchelly met hoy today named Conde Ginsburg. VAL VALENTINOFF has invented tittle gadget which can be carried very handily in any woman's purse. He calls it A lycanthrometer. Says it can spot 2 lycanthrope at ten feet S. A lycanthrope.
according to Webster's dicksh, is a man "who imagines a 1 I The Daily Netos Evening (Excopt Sunday) by THE Published NAUGATUCK Evory NEWS CORPORATION NAUGATUCK, CONNECTICUT Telephones 2228 and 2229-All Departments nt the post office in Entored as Hucond class matter Naugatuck, Conn, SUBSCRIPTION RATES .75 6 montlia $4.50 Payablo In Advancu month $2.25 1 Your $9.00 mO montha. has tho exclusive right to u9o Tho United republication Prugg in uny form, all nows dispatches for It Is also exclusively untitled credited to this republication pupor. all the local and undated Lo LINO tor nowa published horeln, PLEDGE TO THE FLAG- pledge allothe Flag of the United States of glance to the Republic for which it nation Indivisible, with Liborty America and to atinda. One and Juntico for nit." FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1945 A THRILLING RESCUE That was 4t thrilling, daring and very successful tent which the American Rangers and Filipino guerillas permade a surprise visit formed when they prisoner of war camp in 10 8t Japanese C.nzon nud freed 310 Allied war prisonL' I'S, 'The story ol' the remarkable achievemelt will umlonbtedly be given a promiwhen the history ol' World neut place War (I is written.
The raid on the camp woll and carefully planned and was was heroically and in a most dracarried out matic nunor. The Japs were taken so by surprise that all of the completoly guards wore killed and most of prison the Japanese soldiers who intercepted retreating Americans and their liberthe ated companions, suffered il similar fate. American losses for the entire operation wore only 27 mop killed and three The liberated men hunt long hoped that stich resour would be attempted. No words can mloquatoly express the joy that riled their hearts as they left the canto for the trip which eventually will tuko them back to their homes whore will receive that treatment which thee will restore them to health and give them the peace and comfort they so richly deNOTTI, The whole incident was striking exomplification ol' the loynlty, comradeship and courage ol' our fighting men. It was just anotifor revelation ol' that strengths of character and line spirit which makes America the greatest nation in all the world.
RUSSIAN ATHLETICS You've got to hand it to those Russinus, oven it you don't tike their idoology. Whatever they do they do with will. And right now. when they are 21 lighting for their country and their existence like the rest ol' us, nurl are 1'0- portal US losing 20,000,000 men. they manage to korp their athloties going.
All-Soviet. Union winter sports are reported from many parts ol' the empire. There have been more than 11 million entries for the ski championship. These 2110 not fancy vity contests: they represent more than 60.000 collective farms, This deration to outdoor sport is all the more notaito because competitive sports in Russia have developed only in the last low years, and it has boon complished with the interest bud approval of' the government. There is so much enthusiasm.
oven in war time. that There were 38 Soviet records established last year. Curthor evidence of the Russians' athletic prowess, consider :1 news report published just the other day, that in 11 days of' winter al'lousive the Russians land taken from the enemy 133,000 townS ntul gained 170 miles, C'ollectively they scum to compare with: Torentos, the logoulary all-round athlete ol' antiquity. LIQUID AMMUNITION (1 was finally decided that this war could not be won by having one large group ol' citizons in fox holes and R11- other large group at horse races. So that problom was handled by eliminating the horse races, But it didn't 'ntly solve the basic problom.
For there still romain some other expensive and wasteful indulgences not doing much more good than the racing. C'ocktail parties, for example. Some 8111- thorities say that the spocial form of liquid ammunition used at such parties would be more ellective for war purposes it' turned into explosives. It's 21L interesting speculation, when whether this poor old world will ever or got. itsolf untangled.
DO YOU REMEMBER? From The Files Of The News 20 Years Ago Mrs. Manfred Johnson returned home after being patient in Waterbury hospital. 0-0-0 The town of Naugntuck contributed over $4,000 the Near East Relief Fund in their. drive. to 0-0--0 30 Years Ago James Butler and Michael Kourney returned Lo Enltimore to resume their studios al St.
Mary's seminary. 0-0-0 Mrs. Robert Loomis was 'confined lo her home by Iliness for two weeks. Around The Clock "PLEASE MR. GROUND- Ground-hog.
Ground-hog, keep your eyes shut, When you come out today, Our coal and oll are rationed Sir! And it's tor the Spring I pray, You are such a little fellow, But I suppose it's up to you, So please don't see your shadow, Or I don't know what I'll do. My oil coupons are nearly gone. The kitchen pump is frozen over, Please! Little Ground-hog do your bit, Bring on the Spring and the clover. I shouldn't be complaining, About such a little thing. But Ground-hog! Ground-hog! What I wouldn't give tor Spring.
I used to love the winter. When I was EL little child, But I'm not as young as I used to be, This cold weather ty driving me I might even say that I'm dying. But it's not from the cold and the wet, It you want the truth, Mr. Ground-hog. It's Just for Cigarette! Our enr won't go, I walk to town, So Please, Mr.
Ground-hog. Please! Don't make me walk all those three miles, In the snow that's up to my knces. Now it you should see your shadow, Six more weeks of winter is in store, So I ask kind Sir. keep your peepers shut, And I'll be sane again once more. VIRGINIA BREWER, lloar ve! 1lear ye! Today is the annual observance of Candlemas Day or to some it is only known as "Groundhog antl we wouldn't be at all surprised it a number of Naugatuck residents are vitally interested in whether the old woodchuck is going to see his shadow or not! One good thing about this fellow he sleeps late, so we didn't have to gut up) bright and curly to sec Mr.
Groundhog. Official records state that he makes his appearance 011 the second of February to decide the future of winter. every year His official rising time is at 12 o'clock noon, which will surely suit a number of our follow citizons. fu going to the home of the long distanice forecaster this morning we were aried with picks, shovels, and even :1 little dynamite to clear away the heavy snowfall and sleet in front of Mr. Groundhog's home.
One thing sure, we were dressed in stork' pants and cellophane nightgowns because there was some fear that we might rocct one of thost: "wouds The groundhog legend has it that ill he sees his shadow, winter will continue for six more weeks, and if he doesn't soo his shadow spring will come carly. Down in the hills of Punxsutawney, Pounsylvania, they mako quite a time over the rodent prognosticator. "Tis said that members of the Gobbler's Knob Association for Winter's Forecast dress in high silk hats and long tail coats, and with it party of close 10 100 make their way buck into the hills to pay Mr. Groundhog a Formal visit at dinner time. For close on to 75 years the association tias handed down this tradition from futhor to SIll and they haven't missed year in the past 74.
Through hail, sleet, and rain this association of the Faithful Devotees of the Seer of Seers predicts the weather for the public. Now what we would like 10 know is how does Mr. Groundhog know when it is the 2nd of Pohruary. He has no calendar, or if he did he must have been out before the first of the year to ohtain one. And another thing how does Mr.
Grounding know the time of day? We are sure there are a great, great number ol' Naugatuck residents who do lot want Mr. Groundhoy to see his shadow toriay not after the type of wintor we have been having to date. Armed with my "brownie" my hoss sent me out this morning to get "snapshot: of Mr. Groundhog's appearance but without any sunshine how in h--- am I going to got a picture of that old woodchuck! P. S.
The groundhog has seen his shadow! -By "AL" BREWER. himself wolr" likker store in Los Angeles la called "Angel's Corner," and the customers enter the place by walking 3 capcured Jay Cleve ridea tors from people at the Times are written 011 waste paper salvaged from the Times press 00m. Howz about others will printing do the that same? and mehbe Mari Bell Shurbutt is only "stand. by" in radio who gets paid ting. She was picked from 14 girls to standby for Joan Edwards for the CBS Hit Parade and has been siting for 18 weeks.
REMEMBER CHARLES 8. CO, the people who dealt in exclusive and fancy fruits and other swank Lon voyage packages? The trade name has been bought by Gristede. the grocers, and they will start 2 chain of Charles stores. Already have taken many leases on best locations, etc Anita Colby, who got a recent. Time front cover toland a long story like that She read fine, I thawt, didn't it.
wrote 3 friend: "But what can you do with those kerrickters?" Lt. Comdr. Fred Storm, once correspondent at the White House, will soon go on the inactive list. lie will enter 3 big public relations Arm. He's now aide to Gov.
Harwood of the Virgin Islands Gale was in. Said the Repubs and Southern Demmys nahting Wallace comer under the heading of cooperating with the Commander-in-Chief in time of Inside WASHINGTON Eastern, Western Attention, Hirohito! Assaults Are More Giant Bombers Co-crdinated Offensives Are On Way! Special to Central P'ress WASHINGTON Secretary of, War Henry L. Stimson has given the hrs: onlicial word that the Russian winter offensive in the and the Allied assaults in the east west nre in fact planned, co-ordinated offensives against Germany. Military observers for over 2 year have been unable to get any confirmation that the threepower assault 011 Germany its, in fact, A combined military lion. At Chu big three mecting in Teheran, in December of 1943.
it was announced that plans for coordinated attack on Hitler's fortres5 had been worked out. Since that date, however, there has been no military netivity to indicate the Liming drives. that this coordination extended to Until barely week ago. in fact, i the view prevailed generally that Moscow was following the course of prosecuting an independent military operation from the east. Some Washinglon sources 'privately concern over the I I I I fail ure of Stalin to launch his offensive during the recent through on the western front.
All doubt of the nature of the Allied operations seems to he clis- polled by Stimson's remark at his most recent press conference that "all these Soviet offensives reflect the constancy of the Russian effort, in co-operation with that of the United States. Great Britain and other Allies. to bring about the I en navel been a closely guarded secret but Army sources gave An inkling of the strength -of intial striking forces over Tokyo when it was publicly revealed that-superfortresses took part in the first raid over the Inpanese capital. War Production Bonrd Chairman J. A.
Isra; parries all queries nhout overall production by saying that ment that has proved successful in helping vision in chronic eVe conditions. This is where the faddist nnd enthusiast like Mr. Huxley is likely to do lurm. He is ridiculous, 38 Dr. Stewart Duke-Eider, i one of the most eminent living oculists, say's when he says these methods result in relief or cure of such serious diseases of the eye 08 glaucoma catarnct.
irritis or detachment of the retina because they "reduce nervous muscular tension." It is good rule to be sure any treatment one is giving. is not doing barm, and especially is not ruplacing' a tried and truc method. The eye is no part of the anatomy to monkcy with. There is no field of medicine more scientific and exact Chan that dealing with the eye. Be sure you have exhausted all really tested methods of cure before you start in on 0.11 untried I one.
THE HOOPERATINGS for 1944 were published in Billboard. The favorite programs included 14 humov shows, one humor-mystery, TWO dramas and one news commentator. Ahem The Army Times (at Jacksonville) has some nifty stuff. Such FIN: "I took her auto-riding. She was little angel and walked back, I took her boat riding.
She was little angel and swam back. I took her airplaneriding--the little big. gOAL 1p-getter in all night club history they tell me. is Joe Lopez at the Copacabana. He started as page boy for John Christo in the Emerson now knows that it.
is no fun to be Roosevelt. But this is delicious: 1n: the Him. "The Very Thought of You." Faye 10. character: "W'oof al mo like :3 "a when ho puts up his paws and K00S "Gram: the audience rocks and vocky: YOUR GIRI. FRIDAY.
"We don't want to give the enemy any information." While Boeing's Wichitn. nircraft plant has been the ribbon bomber producer, onicials are constantly keeping weather eye cocked at Omaha, Ronton, and Marietta, plants to make sure that manpower shortages, lack of materials and Inbor turnover are not permitted to hamper output. WHILE THE OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION wishdevoutly that clothes rationing hnd been initinted long ago when les there were ampio stocks on hand, the agency feels now that it is too late to start 10 ration Despite stock shortages, therefore. civilians can expect to buy without resorting to ration coupons. The War Production Board and the Oilice of Price Administration are now concentrating on trying discover some al incrensing civilian clothes production cutting down clothing costs which have risen through the drop in production of less expensive clothing.
To balance the discouragement caused by low clothing supplies the hosiery industry predicts that nylon stockings will be more plentiful and better in quality after the war than they were at the time or Pearl Harbor. Furhermore, they insist that hosiery will be more popular than before the war because of the development of better, hightenacity rayon yarn which will be turned into peace-time full-fash. ioned hose. Silk stockings are not expected to be very popular in the period. It is estimated that they will be worn by only about 20 per cent of the women in the United States after the downfall of the Axis.
You're Telling Me! By WILLIAM RITT (Central Press Writer) LATEST REPORT has Hiller quite deaf. This may explain. points out Zadok Dumkopf. why Der Fitrious hasn't fired gabby Onkel Choe Goebbels long ere this. Now that all those little arrows on the war maps ngain aim towand Berlin even the dumbest Nazi must see the point.
Hirohito, we read. may flee Tokyo for Korea. Life these days for the Son of Heaven has become a perfect Hades. When the shooting stops it will be easy to identify an item as strictly prewar. If it isn't made of soybeans it'll be the genuine article.
The way those Russians soldiers can move through snow and ice you'd think they invented the stuff. Two more months, Grandpappy Jenkins, and it should be warm enough for Grandma to start wearing her fur neckpiece. Many large American cities are already talking about building postwar subways. That's one underground movement that will begin, not end. with the cessation of hostilities.
Scotland is about the same size 08 South Carolina: JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED FOR YOUR "AILING" WATCH SCHPERO WATCH REPAIR: SERVICE PRE-WAR WORKMANSHIP. PROMPT SERVICE William Schpero IS CHURCH ST. Flietut T'u Coon. Largo Size Silver .95 Plated Serving Trays SCHNEER' CREDIT. JEWELERS 162.
South Mali, St. 4.2204 RECORD the Positive" tins Tim: late 39 It Dream or Beginning co poo the Bicht" G. C. MURPHY CO. BUY WAR BONDS ENRICHED BUTTER A Buy.
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