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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 7

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iw WARKIHOO IN PORTl i i I A Bio Sale of Gloves Mmmrly afvaf. nmmm PACiftC To St. Paul. Minneapolis, ri iluth, Fa. Grand Forks, Crookstos.

Winnipeg, Helena. Butte, Chicago, Philadelphia, Wash'ngton. New Vork, Boston and si! points east and sooth. PULLMAN SLFEP'NO US ELEGANT UINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CAR pkiys after dinner when Mrs. entertains.

The room is tilled with huge pains of ieat height and value, aom of thorn befog worth $150 each; (hi room ootttaina knick knacks and bric a brso of all kinds, and some rax old china and old silver worth any amount of money, and in one onrner of the room i beautiful old silver whip. Riij are laid about the room, snd the slectrio light i mat artistically in distributing a gentle glow ever the whale room. Mrs. Lang try's bedroom and bathroom are models of perfect ttstt snd dn oraton. The bath is made of marble, snd the bed is raised or crimson dais; glimpse seca of the dressing bvble, which is laden with tilver gilt toilet necessaries.

05 Of Dry Goods These good are now, and have juit arrived. They axe tiia nest niatwuj end embody all ol the latent requirement! of gc 4 twt. Mate ed wtti JM no goortt are new stylus and prices, wfoh bleed hartuon ioul th ptsjduwm moit pleasant effect to our alieioHiars, are showing this week: Sew. Jackets and Mantles Sewx Capes and Shawl Wraps Sew Waterproofs and Umbrellas Sew Wrappers and 5 louses Sew Whltewear Sew Knitted L'nderweai Sew flannels Sew flannelettes Sew Dress Goods Sew Linings and Trimmings A full line of "Rough Rider" Hats at $1.50 up Her'a A glove lino that must attract appreciative ihnppers. Three hundred pairs of nue Suede Gloves two clasp sit 34 to 7 in three ifaadee of tun, aud grey and black.

These are stlsitory gloves, thu ume kind and quality never being sold less than 1.35. For Sn'ur only Wo'll 80 'em at 78 conta What rrakea the offer ail the more Infcereatlng is the time right on tbe edge if a new seatou, wheu you want new gloves. iovi'U ee 'em on the oouuter to the right oa entering. Be there early. Jackets and Cepes sflffif Nturoomarm.

Thais' a charm to the co'tt at thl store the mak st them highly Interesting. They're spick ant span new every on of them. Neirus, stv1lnn" vet light economy withal. We've very pretty coats. newi at and to.

The finest la .18.50. Children's and Miss Reefers aud I'later. rhH are ne and correct In Hiyle, fit and tiuiah Com he yuu Wvuid what Is correct for women Weur. 1 1 i .1 WE ARE NOTED FOR Kit Civ Trading Jtmmftm. 410 Hastlnns EVERY DAY LOW PPICES lilts Pass and Yiilofi Route The Pacific Arctic Railway and Navigation Co.

fcrlMsh Columbia r'irkon Railway Co Our tracks ar now completed from Sk.iguay to Lake Bennett. Shipments rooeive prompt desritoh. (Enlarged and Remodeled) 30 and 32 Cordova Vancouver We are Authorized United 5tates and Canadian Bonded Carriers SLag iay is the Gateway to Vckon, Klondike and Ailin For rates apple to A. H. It SHi Ca pbie ''treat, Vancouver, B.

or M. HlWl.v, Ttafllc Manager, Li.itar Hortou Building, Seattle, Bend two cants lu stuir.p to any our agents for our new map of Aflin. ai, Soo Pacific Line Days across Ihe Continent Imperii)! by the The fastcit and best equipped train cross. Ing tbe oi.tlnei.t.

tialns the Pa. iHe coast Tuesi'avs, Thurndiv and Saturday connect at Fort William lib tho palatini lake steamer "Alberta" and "Athabasca" ueron tho Great Lake. Fo; ft. II as to time, rate and for copies of C. P.

It. publica lou. apply to JAMI SCI Ticket A ut, Vancouver, or to K. 3 COVLE. Asslslaat General Pnssenffer Agent, Vancouver.

C. Atlantic SUainshio I'UOM MONTR JAL. A I lu ii 'Bavarian" (uewl 7 14 6 IS 7 19 3 "Calif "TslliM i Reutur l.u.e Ilun i ''Lake Cntniio" Hvipt, i i an i ci "i'oMiUloll" "Ca FROM NEW 1'OltK. Anchor "Ciiy yf Rauie'' "Ar.i'bofl "Furrow in" 9 10 Sept. Z'i li 13 i) it pi.

12 PI le.O. II Sept. id 1 Aaeraiin "St. "St. i'unl" 1 orli" "Si I.ocU" Cuiiurd "Syr lu "Utnbrla" Wuite ieuioiilc" "(e.

ninnlo" "Oceanic fnew) Coliin ,) mi iipwnrOH. Inierine'liat" nr. cl upward, diet rag an 1 i npwards. Tbkfs id to and frin all 1'iTis of Gf'at Ilrllaln, Ireland and the 1'uropean ionl et sp, ch, lcAv rates. Apply ,1.

SCI.ATMK. Ticket Agent, 1'. Depot. Vain oiiwr. II.

C. ciSc Ll.MI'1'KD. Ucs (r o'ept. 1, iv.i. TIMi: TJltl.E NO.

VANCOL'VEK IIOLTE. Victoria to Vancouver Dally, except Monday at 1 o'clock a.UL Sunday at 11 p.m. Vancouver tu Victoria Daily at 1 o'ciuck p.m., or on arrival of C. V. K.

No. 1 nam. NEW WKSTMINSTER ROUTE. Leave Victoria fur New WestmlnsterJ Lad. ner anil Lnlu Island Sundays at 11 Weill.

iia and Fridnis at 7 u.iu. For I'linnper Cass Weiliies'taye and Fridays ut 7 a.m. 'or vesby and Pender Islands Friday ut 7 o'clock a.m. Leave New eVostiuinster for Vlctorln Mondays at 1:15 p.m.; Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 o'clock. For Plumper Pins Thursdays ajid Saturdays at 7 a.m.

Fur Perder and Moresby liuuds TUurduy ut 7 o'duck a.m. FKA.SEIt RIVER ROUTE. Steamers leaviSew Westminster for Chll iiwack and vvjy landings every Tuesday, Thursday und Saturday ut a a.m. during river uavlicatloo. NORTHERN ROL'TE.

Steiiiiii of tills company will leave fmiii Lvitns. 1'varih' wii.irf. Vniicuu. yer, lei itiiM and InienneiHate jiolnls. the iud and l'jcii ot ea Uionth at 12 noun.

ALASKA ROLTE. Sieani.Oiips of this company will li Iroin F.vatis, I'deuiaii leans' ulnr, Wraiigul, Juueau, Dyea and fcuingw ay. ilAni'LAV SOUND IIOlTK. Srcnnier "Wlllsna" leaves (t Albenti and Srnad pons tlie Ut. Tin.

end SWtb: yualslno and Cape ott on the lth. Tie company reserves the right of ehniii lug this time Die at any time. uotllicatlon. ti. A.

Oeueral I 'reight Agent. C. S. BAXTER. Passenger Agent.

STEAMER NORTH PACIFIC Fcr Puzct Sound Points. Now have Lsaus, Cuieuiuu Sc. Lvana' wharf at p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays for Seattle mid Tacomn DIRECT, arriving at Seattle 9 the following morning atitl Tacoma ac 1 so p.m. Hemming leases Seattle nt 11:30 p.m.

Monday, Wcdnenl.iy and Friday, arriving at Vancouver 00 ni. frillowlng day. THIS ARRANGEMENT AFFORDS PAH SEMIEHS AN CPPOUTFNITY TO TRANSACT PUHIXFPS AT SEATTLE AND KB TI'RN SAME DAY. Leuvet 'aucoaver Saturdny night for Seattle and Tacoma via Whatcom, Fair hiven and Anacortet, arriving at Seattle p.m. Sunday.

For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHNSON BURNETT, MeKlnnon Block ALASIIA AND ATLIM DIRECT SERVICE TO Three trips each month no call. S.S. Cutch NEXT SAILING: September 11th Connecting wltb steamers Nora, Ora, Flora and Oiive May, leaving Bennett every day. Freight and passengers billed through to Dawson. IM0N STEAMSHIP WHARF EMON SltAilSIilP CO.

CF B.C.,ltl Bead oOic and wharf, Vancouver, B. C. SKAGWAT SS. Oirch sails direct for itayvvay' times a month. Next sailing September 11th.

COAST SEI TLEML.VIS SS. Ccmox sail every Tuesday and Saturday at 7 a. in. for 'i'exadu. Luud and Shoal Ray peinw; leave hoal Ray every WtdLrs Iay and Sunday at 7 a.

in. Everv Thursday at lo a. m. for Seclielt. lexada and Lund: returning, louving Luu'i ut 7 a.m.

Friday. SS CoyLliLAM sails eve.y Monday nt p.m. for Port Neville, alert. Itav and si, port" aud entry Friday at a in. for Shoal Bry and war port.

AND NOKTII VANCOf. VEK FERRY Leavin Vancouver dul.y, except Sunaayt at iu, a. ui. 1 IE. J'li.

t5. and Sutur 4aH only 7:110 p.m. Letin dai'y except Souday, 7. 3:15. a ii i 4.

6 5 aud Siiv.iro iy only 7. calling' st S'orh Vanc iuve'i crcept trip from Moody. Tlii. Sonda.r. tenves Vaoccu iDijf in 11'.

3:15. 6 L'l. 7:30 p.m. Lns 8. lu, 11:15 a.m., 4.

7 p.m. FrHsbt earner, SS Capi' ino. ton h. caparaty. Also tugt and cows aiwaya available for olng and 1elghting oul XeiepLone 'A.

D. DiRLINO. Mtna. cr. ZL Fast Passage by Australian Liner.

Many Passengers Arrive by th Staamer Last Nigfct Plbl Sale of the Utopia Departure of the Empress. K. M. S. Warrimoo, CTiarlan W.

Hay, communiier, came in kt uifht at ii o'clock atr uneventful voyajc from the Colonic. Bnalwne, Suva aud Hono' lulu wfia her ports of call, the Fijian capi ta! having time received Its last visit fur tome tune, as it baa now been dtuppej from the list. R. M. 8.

Miowtra waa sighted at 2:30 p.m. on the 3rd init reporting "all well:" the German bark Carl and another Hark with fore and main topgallant musts lost bain seen at the same time. The passage lasted 25 Her rxuueDger list ioo.uued about 80 persona. The Worritnoo'a cargo of 1,350 tons is made np at follows: I'ive caso yania, 10 barilla molaMWs, 10.1KK) saclia augur for the Ui 'fish Uolumbia limry, one paek2 cigars, cases Hint, 1IKI sacks cocoamit oil cake. 3fli caea of preserved meats, Lasea honey, 37ti b.ifs hides, four cases 67 htilea of furs, 1,000 sacks bananaa, 45 bnlcs marsupial skins, 46 ratee pines, 44 b.iLs katigiroo kins, 3u7 empty l.e 123 biiles skins, one crate dos, one ituoed kauijaroo, live pnlni nuts.

(iemauiy in tka Pacific. Aworling t.i the leiiding AuHtralasian papera, the ol the Caroline It' and other Xlicioniiun groui i from Spain to the German Km plre means a marked uctivily in the trmie of thoe islands. One of tlie tiit developnienta is an annomicen rMit that tin German steamship lines will Up the new possesions by en extension of the operation of foine eriating lines. The North German Lloyd will extend its two lines, SnKdlote to Kaiser Wilhelinaland, and to the Bismarck Arch pelago, to tbe Caroline Islands, and will from there bout to Micron further, the Jaluit Co. Archipelajiol intend to establish a rrou sprvice to the East Carolines at Pon ape, thence to the Ladronea and the Palao IslanHs.

and hnallv in an easterly direc tion, ria Ponape, to the Mnrchalls. Utopia Jfay Change Hnndi. Xairotiationt are on foot and likely to result in the early closing of a deal, looking to the purchase of the much abused steamer Ctopia by a company composed oliieliy of Northern British Columbia (miners. It is understood that Captain Meyer, late of the Danube, it alto identified with the project, and in the event of a batyain being struck will take command of the L'to ia in her new employment. Although an unsatisfactory vessel for such passenger btwinrxs as she has latterly been handling, (he I'topia it regarded as well suited to the work of northern coaating.

Marin The Empress of China sails on Monday for the Orient. Bhe bn a full passenger Cnmnt Mt mornne fnf port, among her passenger being O. T. Legg and A. i.

1 nynue freighting business Is now being aone on scows on me luaon rivur irum White llnrse to Dawson The wooden harniie passed on Thursday Inst by U. M. S. Warrimoo off the coast if Vancouver md is probablr the latest ap. peamnee of the sea ghost which for some weeks past has been haunting the witter north of iituery.

From the Australian liner It was learned, however, that though siitTerlna it loft she was not derelict and the fair weather now ruling should give l'r chance to come In and account for nerse i. A man may dress as well at his own good judgment and the assistance of au artistic tailor nmy elect. Ho may take his "tubs" but if his digestive organs are out of order, be will buvo an unwholesome appear auce. His complexion and the white of his erea will have a yellowish cast. His tongue will coated, appetite poor, bia teeth rusty, his breath alionilnuhle.

He la one big. unmistakable Hlpn of constipation. The quickest, surest, easiest way to cure tin trouble is to take Dr. Pierce' Pleas act Pellet. They are made of reBned.

concentrated vegetable extract. Nothing in the least harmful enters Into their com Dosltlon. Thev hunt down all Imntirltles. and "make them move on." They are the product of many years' study and practice. Dr.

Pierce cannot afford to put forth worthless article. Address with SI cents In on cent starnus. to cover cost of mailing only, World's Dis pensary Medical Association. Burralo, N.Y., and (jet a free copy of the "Medical Ad LAXGIRVS GRAND HOME. The Jersev Lily's Domestic Limine Uniijue Furnishings.

As instructed by the Dispatch, say the London correspondent of that Pittsburg journal, I called a few day ago at the house of Mrs. Langtry, No. 2 Cadogan Place, and found thnt erstwhile favorite of American playgoers very willing to show me over the artistic mansion, concerning whoso beauties visitors have been going into ecstasies. They bare not exaggerated its attractions. The entrance hall is large ami spacious, and contains many beau tifuJ pieces of Dutch furniture, curious hanging lamps, old armor and several very old famous picture.

A huge bear, which serves as a card tray, was shot by one of Mre. Lungtry's brothers in the Rockies some few years ago, as were The Sporting Trophies that adorn the walls. From the ball, one passes into Mrs. Langtry 's morning room, which is one of tbe most delightful rooms in the house; it it papered with a beautiful uurk ponder blue paper; nearly all the chairs and settees are up holstered in crimson red brocaded ink. which lurmoniresi so pleasantly with the blue, while the mantelpiece ib very old, and the tilte with which it it decorated are old Dufch, All being painted with birds of fjifferent sorts.

These tile Mrs. Langtry bai been some years in getting together, and ber collection is a very fine one. Ia one comer of the room can be seen Frank Miles' picture of Mrt. Langtry, which is well known, three different positions of her head being taken in one picture. The writing table is always decorated with the most beautiful flowers.

In the adjoining room leading out from this are fitted the telephone and the tape, which give "Mr. Jersey" the result of the various race meetings she is more or less interested in. On a little table may be cen one of the latest portraits of Mr. Langtry, while pretty portrait of her daughter. Miss Jeanne Langtry, are also dotted about th? room.

Pasting up the atairoase which i very broad and beautifully decorated witk Valuable Rugs and Draperies, and old chests heavily laden with brats one reaches the drawing room, which in ere senee of the word i a "room beautiful." It is upholstered in dull heliotrope brocaded silk, snd tbe wiling i a very banutonu one. At one erd of the room in tho centre large "thmoe" it erected, making a very pleasant lonnga, beibg plentifully supplied with old brocaded silk cushions. Over thit throne it crjiopy of lovtly old silken hangings, kept up by bog, o' ushioned lUff plies. Close by th cinopy nay be seen a. ltttis minstrel geHery, here on different eo sasiofe iibaII erekesua if suttoneii, and Saturday Sti ebl Wast 10 D.m.

on Ootaber 6th, when tljs exliibiifa'i will bo oihcinlly closed. No removals will, under any oircumstiuwjn, bn allowed before p.m. on Friday, October 3th, for stock, and 10 p.m. on the mime dniy for other articles. These are important announcements, and should receive attention.

1 Palpitation of the Heart, Nervousness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hapds aud feet, pain In the back, and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter Iron Pills, made specially for tbe blood, nervst aud complexion. for Klondike and at S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE Will leave SUNDAY. SFirT. 10th, for Nans and way ports of B.

C. S.S. TEES Will lenve WEDNESDAY. KErT. 1.1th, fur Dyea, Hb.gway and Wrangol.

S.S. DANUBE Will leave WKDNI'SDAT. SF.PT. fur Dyea, Skagnay and Wrangel. For freight and passage apply to EVANS, COLEMAN EVANS Columbia Avenul Wharf Afenla torC.

P. N. Ce. Victoria. Mo Irving Navigation Ltd.

Thm only rellmbtm line lo Attln Operating th tpamway botjween Tnkn and Atlln lakes, the only niuahs of transport between the two lake. Bbip your goods via White Pass railway care of th tflMV lti vri Vinci. in BEN VETT, A VD PAVK MONEY. AiCJE.trS: Evint, Coleman vans Tancouver. B.

C. Canadian Pacific Navigation Co. Victoria. B. C.

Klondike For Dyea, Stkagway, Juneau and Wrangel a. S.S. DIRIGO W1U on Tuesday, September 19th S.S. ROSALIE Thursday, September 21st For freight and passage apply at Columbia Avtm Whfl'pf to 1 EVANS. COLEMAN EVANS Pacific Coast S.samship Co.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Lenve Vancouver. B. a.m. Spt.

a. 1 a. 2S; Oct. i. fj 13, 1.

i3, Nov. 2. and every lifth day thereafter. Victoria, B.C., at p. three days later than above date.

FOR ALASKA. Leave Seattle 9 a.m. Sent. 2. 7.

12. 17. E. Oct. 2, 7.

li 17. 27; Xov. 1. eVerv fifth day thereafter. For further Information obtain folder.

Th company reserve right to change vfithout notice, steauicrs, sailing dat anil hours of saliluf. Aaacts Lt. T. Lewi, snconver. B.

JR. V. Eithet Victoria. B. J.

F. Tuwuridk'c. Puget Sound Sent, tie: Gubdail, Perkin A Co. Oca. Agts.

8. F. Esqnlmalt 5: Ry. Co STEAMER JOAN. Joe.

Ritchie. Master. M.akes dally trips, etiept Sundays, be tM3 Naqalmo and Vancouver, leaving Xa atimo at a. m. and Vanccaver after the arrival of tbe C.

P. R. train. For Informa tto: regarding firslgUt and ysstvnger r't applv to purser uc board. A.

Irsldat Cjoo L. Casrtaar, General Frajght Paaaar Aeat. mm VARIOUS NOTES. CsTi.iai For tbo Kaehol4 A Pretty Cosiame. Papered walls may be cleaned with It! French bread that Is, bread rbich contains grease, care being Uken that It is not dry enough to scratch tLe paper.

Tbe bread must be cut io thick lice" and rubt dowrward from top to bottom ef the wall, the crust being held in the bund. In liting eo elaborate dinner, a new Idea Is to hare two menus, one for the dinner proper, tbe other for the deiaert. aiRL'l COBTCMS. She latter menu ia presented Just before the appearance of the dessert. There are all sorts of devices and designs for the decoration of menus, hand painted ones beiug the most elegant.

Lace, so lavishly employed throughout the wardrobe, now composes entire hats. Tbe lace thus used Is heavy and ia stretched ever a frame of fine. Invisible wire, the trimming chosen being of the lightest and airiest descriptions. The Illustration given today shows a rerj pretty costume for a girl Vi years old. It is of lavender veiling, the skirt being gathered a little at the waist and trimmed with three narrow bias bauds of dark blue surab, forming a point in front.

Tbe bodice, also gathered at the waist, has a bertha of white batiste embroidered in open designs and edged with lace, which frames a yoke of dark blue surah. The yoke is cut square at the nock. The cravat of blue surnh has luce ends, and the half length sleeves are finished wltb a frill of lace. The sash belt is of blue surah. The lavender straw hat is trimmed with a knot of blue surab and a white plume.

Jvoio Cbollet. SUMMER FABRICS. Ltaat and Cllnalnai Good Ia th Front of Favor. This season is a season of triumph for soft, clinging fabrics. Fleiible silks, crepes de chine, gauzes and mouasclines de soie are seen in immense varieties of weave and color and compose exquisite gowna as light as a cobweb aud exceed VEILING GOWH.

Ingljr cool. Then there are albntrow cloths, veiling and crcpons to add to the list, while among wash fabrics the range of choice is bewilderingly large. Among tbe prettiest designs are fine nainsooks in mixed plaids of tbe most delicate tones rose, turquoise, lemon, pale green and lavender which could not be surpassed In dainty coloring. It ribbons are used in these plaid costumes, plain ribbons are preferable to plaid ones, plaid ribbons, on tbe contrary, appearing te better advantage witk plain goods. Printed cotton muslins and batistes show attractive floral designs, usually of a rambling character, covering tbe ground rather than dotting it.

An illustration is given which shows gowa ef violet veiling. It is cut in the prlnoess style, with a slight train, and crosses over to the left side, where it close. Around tbe foot ef the skirt is bsad of white cloth witk violet applica tions, tbe band mounting half way np th left side. There la a large plastron of gtflpur de venlae which is surronnded by a fi hu drapery of violet mousteline de oie trimmed with a double plaiting. The II sited collar ti of violet veiling.

A goid kuiile fastens tbe fichu at tie waist, and tbe sleeves are plain. The hat ef white trw. ia trimmed with viol ribbin. Jeweled buckle and yellow Sower. JCBIC CalOLUX.

THE MlfiER'S POPUIaR ROUTE ROSSLAND and A.LL KOOfENAY POINTS Tbrouiih tleiett to Japaa snd Chin via the Nor.horn Pacltk nteanifnlp Coinpany an American lln. For full li formation, tin imps, call on or ddve. DOD if ELL 4: City Pas. Lnll.Hug. A.

D. CHaRLro.V. Asat. Oia. Pass Asit.

Marrlsoa St. Portland, Ore. A FEW INTERESTING When people are contW'ot'nr a 'p. whelaer on bUs.ness or Pi thry unturul'y want the bait crvi. option able so fur at speed.

Mi.l snf. ty concerned. Kn.ployeet IL Wis. ui' siu Cviitinl Lines are pa i scr the puL.ic om tr tliis are a i male tlosv connection vvi'h diverging Mnei at all junction point! Pullmun Palace Hieeplug uiu chair Cars oil th. ough trrlaa.

Dlnlna Vrj Sen ice onercell' Meals seri'co a la t'l rte. In order to obtain tnis nr.i iss service ask the ticket agent to II a Ickn I over in mm cet iHL nm and you lll make d.rect at tit. Paul fcr Chicago, Milwaukee and ail point East. For further Information can 'in am ticket agent, or corrcsp md with JAS. C.

I'ON'D. Puis. Agent. MIllv iiiliee, Wis. or JAS.

A. CLOCK. General Avnt, Rtnrk Street. Partial' I. Ote.

fllE SHORT LINK TO CTTIfAGO AN ALL POINTS EAST. I THE NORTH' WESTERN LINE' Trains Daily BUTWELX Minneapolis, St. Pau and Chicago. Tho North' Western Limited Pa Private Couiparticoot Car. p' Se' tinn Sleeper, Redlining Chair Cur I freei.

i Modern Day Coach. Uuffei Library and i Smoking Cir. Llglitcd with both elvrtrlcliv I and sua. and steam boated. I "THE IKFtit TRAIN IX TtJiC WQRJ.I' Pot rate, apply to jour local ajrent I or F.

W. PARICKR, Oneral Aant. (iuti First Seattle. ti. Tickets must be purchase! at CITY TICKET OFFICE.

Arcade building, cor. eatable aud Bastings Streets. Lesve. C. P.


AKD ALL HUNTS SOL'Ttl AND EAST. Trains leave Vancouver d.ii.v at 9:2 a arriving at Sinttle at p.m. I.ejvii Saottle at a.m., arrlvirg at Vancouvr at p.m. H. DANZ.

I Gcn'l Tassenger Agent. Seattle, Wash. Spokane Fails Northern Kelson Fort ShepparJ Red Mountain Railways The only all rail route without charge of cars between Spokane, Rossland an! Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rosa lend. DAILY TOAINS.

Leave. 50 a. 11:25 a. a. Arrive.

6 p. u. Uossland Nelson p. .5 Jd p. Close connections at ti'b steamer for Iiaslo and all Kootenay Lake points.

Pasaengers for Kettle River and Boundary Creek connect at Marcus with stage dally. H. A. JACKSON, p. T.

uiie. Wash. Klondike and Atlln GOLDHELDS. Express Service to Direct in 55 Hours Leaving Stimson's harf at 8 a.m. Every 5 Lavs.

NEXT SAILING: S.S. Humboldt Wednesday, Sept. 13th Humboldt. at. .13 ..23 3 Out ..13 Oct ..23 Oct Sept.

....19 ZX Spt. 8 ....18 2 SPEED PUNCTUALITY COMFORT The City of Seattle hat et ried cv. 20 non pasenge'e lo sud from AJ a during tne lart season, with pt SiuCturUty sad atmfort.asd th Humboldt, one of the fasten Mix oa the Pacloe Cahtt, oj built especially for t2U tied. For freisht and eeaeeoaei mte. apply DODWBU.

CO. LiMTED. OaaoTtUe Boreet. I I w. '4 iJr'fcr'Jr' iJ, 'fc' ft COMMERCIAL fc.

ii 'fc'' RETAIL. PRICES. VEGETABLES Potatoes (local) 75c per onions, 2c per It. pineapples, 5e per It. asparagas.

10c per green beans, lSc per cauliflower, 10c en, 3 (or 36o: onions, 3 bunches for 5c: rndlahea, 3 bum ben for 5c: lettuce, 3 bunches for 6a; tomatoes. I the. for 25c; rhubarb, 8 lbs. for 23C; young turnlpa, 8 bunches for 6c. RI IT Laruona.

Jo per apples. 5 Its. for 2Je: plnesplet, 20 to 26 aach; qluins I Iht. for 28c: apricot. 2 rba.

for 15a; eher. rlea, iWc per oranges, 15 to 40c; bananas. 30 to ioo; peaobe, 3 to 4 rba. for Jie. FISH Salmon, cod and halibut, 10c; Bounder, smells, 5c: tomcod.

8c; amok ad salmon, 15c; oysters, par tin, 50c per tloi. oolachans, per mackerel, 10c i per lb. POl'LTRY Sprlug chickens. 85 to 96c each: bens. A3 to ner doa drnssed fowl.

doc eacn; broilers, ai.oo per pair. Mi: AT Beef, hlndquartera. 10 to ISa per pork, 1 21 2e pir umtton. lea, We, boulder, 12 1 tv par lamb. $1.75 per quarter; Australian chilled mutton, 10 to 12 2c per rt.

KLOl'R OgilTle'i Lake of the Woods. othVr I Hungarian, per aack; Lrumls, $1.05 to $1.25. Baking powder. 26c to 45c per brooms, lac to ac io ton eacn: cnocoiate, aue to ibi each: chocolate, 80c to 46c per 1 IO to. cocoa, flic to sue per coffee.

1 4 5c per lb. crackers, 10c to 25c pi maioes, i 2c to zvc par can; can' is. Be to 25c per can; canned peas. per can: canned beana. 15c to 2." t.ij coltish.

0e to Uc per lb: sago aim i loe per postuiu eereal, 25c. per ack aije; dried fruits, 6c 1 per honey (combl 25e per rb. lar ic to 60c per IS th. pall; hauls, 12 io to He per breakfast i'mcuii, i in isc Der in. nlcnlc hums.

10e per sail nacop, tuc per macaroni, per lti. nuts, 15c to 'c per lb. pearl oil, kl.45 per can: bulk oil. 25c pur gallon; pickles. 20c to 30c per quart; rice.

10e per lb. laundry soap, 4c to 10c pur Liverpool nit, C5c per BO lb. aack; syrups. 40c to 75e per gallon: molnaaea. (Wo ti) Wc per gallon; granulated sugar, p'tM per sack: teas.

BOo to per tobaccos. to 75c per vinegar, 3Sc to 60c per gallon. Sugar The following are the quotations furnished by the nrillsh Columbia Sugar Hefinlng In their weekly price list: I'owdered, icing or bar. 6 3 4c. per Paris lumps, 6 1 granulated.

5 14: extra I 5 fancy yellow. 4 1J: vellow, 4 s. Above prices are for barrels and l' lb. Jugs: haif barrelt. luO lb.

kers and 601b. Bags. 8c. more; boxes, 4c. more.

Syrups, finest golden. In 80 gul. 2 4c. per 10 gal. kegs, 2 3 5 gal.

kegs, 11.75 each; 2 gul. pulls. $1.15 each: 1 gal. tins. 4,50 per case of 10; gal.

tins. SS5.25 per case of 20; 2 tb. tins, $5.25 per case of 111. All prices cover delivery f.o.b. Vancouver or Victoria, and are subject to change without notice.

NEW WESTMINSTER MARKETS. The following quotations have been fur Dished by the market clerk for the weekly market: MEAT Beef, hindquarters, 8 1 2 to 10c per fore'iuarter 12 to 6 2o, cuts, 7 to 12c: mutton, whole. 10e per cuts, none; pork, whole, Kc per cuts, none; veal, dressed. 10c to lie per lambs, whole, $3.50 each. DRAIN Wheat, $30 per ton; pease, oats.

$.10 to 32. PRODUCE Butter, 35 to 50c per 2 lb. roll; egg. 23 to 25c per doien. FOWLS Llve.

$8 per chickens. $3.50 to $4: duck, young, 17 to isJ; pigs, young, $2.25 to $3 each. FISH Cod, 8c per salmon, 8c; small fish. 8c; smoked salmon, 15c; oolacban, 8c; oysteri, 60c 75c tin. VEGETABLES Lettuce, 30c per dot.

hnnchen; radishes, 30c: onions, 3u; spin nach. 8c per cabbage, 4'tc per doz; cucumber, 8 to lor each: rhubarb, 1 to 1 13 per Tit. gooseberries, 3 to 6c per potatoes. 1.75 to $2 per sack, 35 pr ton lon. turnlpa, parsnips and carrots, none; nuiugolds, $3 par ron.

I I THE STOCK MARKET. ON 'CHANGE. York. Sent msrket nnened Irregular. Atch.

nfd. 64 6 Burlington 134 34: Con. Tob. 4c 1.1; Fed. Steel.

7 Leather 10 1 LouUvlll 80 3 Manhattan 116 1 Missouri Pac. 4s; Brooklyn Trans. 104 8 K. I. 118 3 Suaar 156; St.

Paul 134 8: Sonthern pfd. 56; Tenn. Coal 119 I I tills; Tobacco 17 1 TJ. P. 44 6 pfd.

7s 8. Money on call, 3(34; last loan. 3 per prime mercantile paper, 4 144(5: sterling exchange teady with actual buslnes In 1 banker? bills. Wl 1 41 2 for demand, and i 4 for 60 days; ooited rates. 4yat57 12; commercial bill.

42: ellvtr certlneatmi 511434; bar llvar, 69: Mexican dollars, 47 1 Government bonds Irregular: atate liond Inaotlv; railroad bond weak; lead areatiy. Duiiion. 440, exctiange. Woo42 1 2. Chicago, Sept.

Opening: Wheat Sept. vwt i'ec. i msv ivai H. orn uee. si aiay 0 1 4: uct.

1 4: Sent. 21 1 HV.Wf KViLiV of dlcoiint In the onen' market for short bltl 3 1 B.C.. and for I month' bill 3 11 don. Lena, Miss Notfle, Mrs Appleby. J.

J. Bouthcott, H. Honbrook, Mrs. Mnrtln, A. C.

Martlu, Miss luiurmulr, J. Thump, aou, Cul. Prior, E. W. MoOluuls and B.

Archibald. NERVES PARALYZED. Nervous ProstTstlou So Severe, Lost Power of Hand Side and tlmbs. But South Aaierlctm Nervine Beat Oil Disease and Saved Her. Minnie Stevena.

daughter of T. A. Htev ens, of the Stevens Manufacturing; of Loudon, was stricken down wltb a very severe attack of nervous prostration, which resulted In ber losing tbe power of bar limbs. She eoubl nut lift or bold anything (n ber bunds, and other complications show. 4d themselves.

Her parents bad lost bona of her She began taking South American Nervine, and after tnktug twelve bottle she was perfectly restored, and en Joys good health to. day. Sold by The McDowell, Aikius. Watson and the Nelson Imig Storaa Ltd. Something to Read LADY BARHARITY.

by J. C. Bnaltb pnb. liahvd by D. Appleton New lork; cloth, $1.

paper, 50c. This Is Indeed a bright and eihlllarutlng ,1.,,,, thnt li, ilits 1 ftMio tlie rime Lildv Harborltv JlltrO' ducal herself, right through her rescue of the rebel ami ber wooing to the end. It Is placed lb. the romantic days of the Hth centnry and while there is exciting adventure In It there Is also nun bright com. edy.

The only rogret any reader will have Is that be cannot meet the beautiful, during and witty Lady Barbarity in person. XF.W i WEALTH AND PRfKjRKSS OP SOUTH WALES, by T. A. ui Coghlan, Government statistician, published by tbe Government printer. Iu this book the compiler cj.1utly claim to have fairly met the chief diiriciu'y exper lenced lu nrh compilations that Is to make the work 'neiestiug to outsider and lit ihe same lime useful to those engaged lu the active life of tbe colony.

The book 1 opens with an Interesting historical sketch and then proceeds to ileal Willi all the tiro. ducts, formal ions, shipping, lelslatlou and eoi'iologlcul conditions of the eoiuny. Noted. A literary announcement of far more than the usual irenernl Interest Is that lust nunle bv D. Aiifiieton Co.

or their Iweuto'lh Century Text Book. 1 bey oiler a coin plete and correlated aeries of text books, numbering nearly 100 olivines, fully embodying the latest advances iu our education. Tbe editors and the respective authors of hooks have been chosen with reference to their iiuallncatlona for tlie ape clal work assigned to them. The general editorial rmperviaion of the series It In tbe hands of Dr. A.

F. Mgutlugine. Superlu 1 tlil. il. XJmt If'iiucul ui sie" Miv.itu, nm, ri'i, Charles H.

Thurber. of th I nlverslty of Chicago, men thoroughly conversant with every ohnse of educational work. This really seems to be, as the publishers any, "an event worthy of the twentieth cen tury, and a good omen for tbe educational welfare 01 tue iuture. Oom Paul People i the expressive title of an exceedingly interesting torthcomlng book, presenting clearly for the first time In this country the Boers' side of the Transvaal qucsrion. The author is Howard C.

HilJegus. a New York newspaper niau, who spent nearly two years In studying the South African question, en loving special facilities at the band of President Kruger and other Boer officials, as well as from Sir Alfred Mllner and other representatives of Great Britain, Anioug the noteworrhy feature of this book are an important Interview with Oom Paul and a special study of Cecil Rhodes. The author believes that war is the ni ob ilile bual outcome. There I one chanter t'l voted to American interests in South Africa. Thla book it to be published by IX and It will probably be ready during tbe early part of September.

The Canadian Maguiine for September keep up to a high standard. Tbe fiction I excellent and the historical sketches entertaining as well a instructive. The Forum for September deals at with the Mvest topics of the lar. Among the articles are one by Wm, f. St ud, tdl tor of the Review of Reviews, on The Con.

ference at The Hague, and one by Tbo. R. Dodd, secretary of the Soirh African League, on Recent Eventa in thi Transvaal. 1 1 AT THE HOTELS. Vancouver: 8.W.

McMlchael. F.S. Bolton. Toronto: J. Thomson.

Victoria; 8. Bruce Archibald. London: E. W. MoClnnls, Seattle; T.

Earle, Mrs. Earle and Mies Nellie Earlej Victoria; A. Bell, Winnipeg. 0 Victoria; Oarrett, Iceland: John and Mrs Graham, C. It.

as. riant, Kamioop; Calgary; Geo. E. Ewlng, Spokane. Badminton: J.

H. Adam. Victoria; J. K. and Mrs.

Strachan. Nelson: Harry and Mrs. Coinpton, Tacoma; C. A. Steele, Victoria.

Commercial: C. Loualy. Agasiii; H. Mirt r.r raton, uik.b H.ferrj:PerrV; New Metropole: Alex. MrDermotf, Victoria A.

Loudon. Montreal: j. i. niacs lor. J.

H. Rlckaby. Mctoria. POLICE COURT. Ah ing wr gathered in this morning by Officer Preston, wearing a pair of H.

J. Paiater' shoe. Sing works at Mr. Painter' and bad a rubber cape conceled about him when arrested. He wa ten tenecd to six month' iinprieonnient.

The Scnrry Dooly case proved a boomerang day. Dooley drew a knile, bat Sourry had provoked quarrel. Each wu fined 510 or 20 days. Herb Kci.t and James llunro came up a rag and were given two end thrse months with hard labor ref ecttvely. lames Mocker lie forfeited his Sid bail as a cornnon drunk.

All casea of weak ur me back, bachaeho. rheumatism, will find relief by wearing on of Carter Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache PUsiets. trice A sent. lit thUB. A NEW SEA SEPPENT.

A Blooa CupdUry Sljrlit Reported by An Australian Official It Is Known as the Sea 3erpent of Huon River. Advice received by the Warrimoo last night gire etartllng particulars of the alleg. aeelng of a seu.seruent in Ti uuniu. It drst chased a Osheruian, und the huge uake hat since' bean reported by other ves. sei.

The Sydney Telegraph says: A curious experience Is related bv Rotit. Rotvujau, a ti. uje rmuu, resoling at Garden Island Creek, lie stales that ubout 4 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2jih he was ru tiirniiig to Garden Island Creuk from Huon Inland In a small punt, nud when off the north point of Charlotte Cove, about a mile below the Garden laliiud Creek Jetty, be heard a ap'a. hliig noise lu the waier ahead of him.

I pon looking round, tie saw tome creature lu the water uhlch wns null unknown to hliu. It bail, when first teen, elevated a lomr neck nlmiit aifi nut of the water, with a trlaiigular shuiied flat head bent at right anleo to the neck, and eeiuel, from It actions, to have been letulug upon something. Tbe long neck was very hluck, and rather shiny on tho back part, but Hghter underneath, and np. fnareil to swell out rather suddenly where I roaclieil the water. Mr.

llowman savs that he did not notice bow long the head was. as bis whole attention wss concentrated upon getting away a fast as be could, bin be thought It was about 3ft. broad. Watching the creature while rowing away from it, he noticed It bend dowu Ha neck, uml protrude a small portion of a tall from tho water, nud then "bend It body Into a bow," ns he describes. Prom tin head to the eud of the tail he esll.

mates (he creature as about Soft, long at a rough guess, hut thinks It might have been more. A noon a4 the creature caught sight of the punt It started to follow It, but Mr. Bowman states that at Ihe time he was close to land, and Immediately puU led Inside the heavy frine of kelp that ex. tends along the rockv shore, wltb a view r. I 1 1 A luieuufi.

jn ituuu, uuwevfc, mm trip "beast." a be enlls It. witttld xtnt Ventura through the kelp. It tried several times, and dived, but alivajs returned to the outside of the belt. It followed him for a quarter of a mil before giving up the chase. Mr.

Bowman ttntes that when swimming lifter him It carried Its lomd about 4ft. or Eft. above the water, and made at times bursts of sjieod that sent the water living from it neck like that from the bown nf fsst ftLenmer. tie does i not think It Was capable of keenlnn un high speed for any length of lima. Sir.

ftuwmau Wat shown the pictures of soni aucleut saurian In the Century Magazine ot Noveuiner, ik'i, wnicn a resident hap ponefl to pease and) Immediately lighted on tne representntion or a piesiosaurut. with the remark, "That' the beast right." He states, however, that lie did not notice any paddles or nils, as the hod waa under watAr. but thinks that the neci and head, shown In the picture, aluioet exactly represent ths nook and head o( th creature he saw. Having bon a tUbi'muM for many years. Mr.

llowman ay that be Is familiar with all tbe whuie. stiariti ani seal found in these water, aud conld not have mistaken one of them for a sea serpent. While swimming after him, says the Hohart Mercury, It moved It head from tide to sldo. with a serpentine mo. tlon.

With a companion, he went on the following dny t. try if he could sec It again, but failed to do so. OUR BIO SHOW. The prize list for the Provincial Exhibition, at New Westminster, on October 3rd, 4th. 5th and 6th, Is now out, and copies thereof, as well a forms of Sntry for competition, can had at The world office.

Intending exhibitors would do well to apply early for these, iu order to give them ample time for studying the regulations. It should be bofne in mind that positively no entries will be received after Friday, September 29th, and that on So urday and Monday. September 30th, and October 1st, the ground and buildings will be open to exhibitors and their aft sistants from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. These are preparation days.

All exhibits requite to be on the grounds the full term of the exhibition, and must be placed and ready for exhibition by noon on Montfay, Oct ober 2nd. The exhibition will open to the public on Tuesday, Cctober 3rd, at a.m., and will continue open from 9 a.m. till Manitoba and Spokane Gold Drop Headquarters for Wheat Manna and all kinds of Feel UI Tel. 382. 607 Westminster Ave.

Columbia Brewery la now turning oat a magnlfiseDt sample of Culmbacher Lager Experience, good material a id a ootnptet. plant combine to make rN the est beer In British Columbia. IT AJFD BE COXTIMCXQ. I fa3 5 8 e. Gold to tht amount of 34,000 onto; L.

Parry lleveinmi; v. J. K.r waa taken Into the Bank of Enaland to. 1 ertton, Honolulu; F. M.

Muidoon, Seattle; day nd lu0.t10 withdrawn for ahipment to th Cap. Thlt 1 A holiday on the nock exchange. Liverpool, Sept. 9. Closing: Wheat Spot dull.

No. 1 red winter, 6s. 9 No. 1 Northern spring, 6s No. 1 California.

6. ld'ati. Id. Corn Spot nnlat; Ameri ran nil Ted Dew and old. 3s.

od. Future quiet: Sept, 3a. 4 Oct. 4s. 3 Not.

3a. 7 8d. Cloe: Wbat SeDt. 70 Dee. 71 1 May.

74 4rtj a. Corn Oct. 30 1 8: Pec. 28 V.uj, 14. Oate Spt.

21 1 Dec. 20 i l.y. laai g. THE GCUT FEEBY. The following were the passenger from Victoria by the lalander this morning: T.

H. Bovd. G. endennlng. Ml.

aud Mi. Langel, A. hoolev. Mls BrockJe, 3. D.

Brack. W. J. Frlta. t.

E. Campboli. Ne.1 Wilmer, J. K. ftracbsn, Mr.

Strachaa, Harry CoUipton, Mrs. CeaiptuD, Thoa. Furl, Mr, and Mis Etrl. K. Doo.l.r, D.

B. Wlil Mck. S. Michael. 1.

fielton. A. Iiermott. Jno. Bryden.

J. w. Bryden. A. D.

Miekay, Mr. Mackay, ftnhun Jones, F. E'worthT. C. F.

M'r. C. C. Langel. famtvaf.

T. M. Fiett her. Suia Smitii arat. 4i.

Will. J. AUB. EiuitL J. A.


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