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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 20

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VANCOUVER DAILY WOULD The Sewspaper of the Home SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922 AUSTRIAN DIES FROM POISONING EFFECTS FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TITANIC WAR WITH ALLIES PLEDGE CO OPERATION TO DECORATE STORES EXHIBITION WEEK Vancouver Stocks ders In each case were based upon the same pUiia and specifications which wtre prepared by the Wallace Shlp ulldlng and Drydock Ltd. This firm's tender was for approximately 1250,000, while that of the Scotch firm, including the cojt of bringing the boat 10,000 miles ncross the ocean on her own power was for approximately $200,000. Sines then, with the con snt of the council, these tenders hnvc been reduced to $229,500 and $193,600, the latter price being $36,000 lower. A public meeting Is to be called shortly when both sides of the case will be put before the ratepayers. localIlotsare JOINT CONVENTION National Liberal and Conservative Party and British Columbia Conservative Association MASS MEETINGS Meetings for the election of Vancouver delegates to the forthcoming Joint convention to be held In Vancouver are hereby called for the 8th day of August, at 8 p.m., at the places designated below.

No other notices will be given. All persons, both men and women, supporters of the Federal National Liberal and Conservative Party and the Provincial Conservative Party or opposed to the present Provincial and Dominion administrations and who sign the following pledge, are eligible and urged to attend: the undersigned, being a duly oualtfled voter In thl Constituency, hereby pledge myself to support the Lib erai Conservative Party in the Federal and Provincial Elections. will b. eligible for eleo SS. thoy la wrttlnr the above pledge aaa (tat their willingness, if elected, to act aa delegate.

DISTRICT Wo. 1. BOUNDARIES: Glen Drive en the east: Stanley FM.0hnn Inlet on the north: False Creek and Met'nK t0 be held at Hamilton Hall, corner Hamilton and Dunsmulr Streets, at 8 p.m., August 8. DISTRICT Wo. 2TBOUNDARIES: Olen Drive on the west; Boundary rV the.

North; Fifteenth Avenue, between Glen Drive and Nanalmo Street, and Twenty ninth Mtetlng i bs hem "Orange HaVhcorne? Gore and Hastings Streets, at 8 p.m., August 8 DISTRICT So. 3 BOUNDARIES: Granville St. on the west; Glen ftme F.u1S. Crpelt 1 Avenu nd Knight Road from JhifteentH Avenue to Twenty fifth Avenue on the east; itCr.en Ave" from Gamble to Main Street, and Twenty fifth Avenue from Main Street to Knight Road on the south. Meeting to be held at Odd Fellows' Hail Main Street and Sixth Avenue, at 8 p.m., August 8.

DISTRICT Wo. 4 BOUNDARIES: Alma Road on the west; Granville Street on the east; False Creek on the north; and Sixteenth t.V th MetinS t0 be held at Orange Hall, corner Eighth Avenue and Pine Street, at 8 p.m., August 8. As thla la probably the meet Important convention of the supporters of the Party held for some time, at whioh many Important Inattera Affecting the welfare and prosperity of the Dominion and the Provlnoe will come np for disousoion and decision, your attendance, help and tvdTloe la requested. COMPLETING MERGER Confirmation of the report that an amalgamation of the two lecal pilotage organization had been arranged has been made by the Canadian MeiN chants' Servlcs Guild. The amalgamation takes place cn Oct.

1, subjee: to a favorabla vote of tho guild. It has bn decided that the new system shall be under the sole management and direction of a committee of seven, composed of one appointee from each of ths Vancouver, Victoria pnd Nanalmo Boards of Tmde. (this rppolntee to be an owner, manager or nrent of on ocean steamship line): three pilots, of whom one shall bs from tho Vancouver Pilots Limlied and two from the B. C. Pilotage As.

soclatlon, the seventh member of this board to be the presldont of the guild, providing that he Is not a pilot, In which event the vice president will act. The board shall known us the Pilotage Management Board nnd will select a chairman from amongst themselves. AUSTRALIA and BANK OF NEW Mining Bid Cork Province 14 Douglas Channel .0314 International Coal .18 Nugget 0H Nhet Crek Cons. .01, Silversmith 3ii Oils Boundary Bay Empire Oil 01 Asked 17V4 .04 .21 .0614 .014 .03 40.00 .40 I Spartan Oil Trojan Oil I Miscellaneous Allen Theatre tprf.) B. C.

Rerining 1'aclfie Coast 4.00 Bonds War Loan, No. 1 97.10 M.10 98 80 100.30 100.00 100.40 ino.on 101.00 103.35 100. 85 105.85 No. 2 97.JU No. 99.

to Victory Bonds, 1922 99.40 1923 99.40 1D24 95.00 1927 100.00 1938 102.35 1934 99.86 1937 104.85 Bales p.m., Aug. 4 45,000 Boundary Bav lMuO do. 9000 do. 16.600 Kmptre 9000 do. 15.000 Sheep Creek .014 10:30 a.m., Aug.

5 3d. 000 Umpire .01 lo.OOO do. 15,000 do. 6000 do. .02.

63.500 Boundary Bay 23,000 do. 10,000 ro. 70u0 Spartan 250 Inter. C. and C.

6000 Trojan 5000 Nugget 2000 do. .044. Live Stock CHICAGO, Aug. 5 Cattle receipts. 1000; compartd with a week ngo, beef steers ind yearliugs 2.5c to 50c higher; pots up more; in between giade flowing most gains; top yearlings for week 10.75; best matured steers 10.70; better grades butcher cows and heifers and canners and cutters 15o to higher; In between grades fat she stock slow; uneven; bulls "5o to 40o lower; veal calves mostly T5o higher; stockeri and feeders strong: spots hlgheri week's bulk prices bsef steers 8.90 to 10.40; stockers and feeders, 5.60 to C.60; butcher she stock, 8.25 to 5.75: canners and cutters, 8.1s to 3.90; veal calvas, 10.00 to 10.75.

Hogs, receipts 6500; light hogi fully Ifc to 40c lower; others weak to 26c lower; top 10.70; bulk desirable light mound 10.50; spots 2.25 to 2.50; pound butchers, 10.00 to 10.25; bulk medium weight and heavy butchers, 8.75 to 9.50; bulk packing sows 8.50; pigs quiet; desinble kinds 10.25 to 10.10; holdover moderately liberal; heavy weight 9.10 nnd 10.00; medium 9.75 to 10.50; light. 10.35 to 10.60; light lights, 10.2.1 to 10.60; racking sows, smooth, 7.60 to 8.35; packing sows, rough, 7.10 to 7.60; killing pigs, 9.50 to 10.40. Sheen, receipts 3000; market steady; compared with week killing and feeding clasjes steady to 15c higher; mostly cull nitives average 25c lower western lambs comprised bulk of supply; week bulk price native lambs, 12.25 to 12.60; western 12.05 to 12.S5; fat ew3j, 3.50 to 7.25; feeder Inmbs, 12.15 to 12.50; cull natives, K.OQ and .00. WAR BONDS (XST4BLISBBD 1S1TK r4 Psld up Capital fund a Bmrre Liability at Proprietor. eOl Af rtegste Amu lOta lill BARGAINS Business Properties We have several business and semi business buys which will mtura good Interest on present Investment with prospeot of large profit In the appreciation of values which will follow a revival of business.

Prudent buyers are Invited to consult our Business Properties Department and reoelve fuUy the benefit of our many years' experience. Ceperley, Rounsefell Co. OaOAR LIN IS, Osnsrml Mana S59 BRANCHES a AOENCIES in the Au.irhn Sums, Ewlsaa, FIJI, Pspne iNw Ouidu), and London. Th Bank truMcu iwij dsicnpuon of Auitrtlutu Banking Buiinou. Wool and otau Prodaoe Cndra arrsnod.

Offlo.l tondon ODIoil OSOROS STREET, BYDNEV. It, TMBEAONEEOLB STREET, B.O. t. Agendas. BAKK OX JttOWTB! BOYAJb BAHX OP CANADA CANTALOUPES REACH WHOLESALE ROW A car cf cantaloupes from California arrlvtd on Water Street this morn In? and sold at $3.60 per crate for standards.

Flats were unchanged at Field tomatoes from the Oanasan were unchanged at $1.50 for good etock. Loganberries sold at $2 50 per orate and rasps were unchanged at $2.50 and $2.25. Cooking apples sold at $1.75 per box. They were of tha yellow Transparent variety. Produce was unchanged.

NEW YORK STOCKS Storks Allls Chalmers Atlantic ilf Amcr. Car Fdy. Amer. Int. Can Amer.

Sum. Amer. Loco Amer. S. and 11.

Amer. F.eet Sugar Amcr. T. and T. An'icomla Atchison Amer.

Steel Fdy. Baldwin Loco. Beth. Steel Bait, and Ohio Chesa. nnrt Ohio Cruc.

Steel Chile Copper Canadian l'ac High. Low. Close. 53H 32 172 40 55 4 50 '4 41, 11 9 '4 1194 61 61 47 4 K2 122 122 '4 69 120 C1'4 122 'i 101 101 Vi 10Ht 3S'4 120 120 120 67 '4 67 '4 73'i 73 67 Ti 93 9 4 22 4 22 22 51415i 141 141 38 1114 1104 1114 Cent. I.eathor Colo.

Fuel Corn Prod Cane Bug. C. M. and St. Erie Do.

1st pfd Goodrich real North, Great North. icneral Motors Inter. Mar. cunt Do. pfd Indus.

Alcohol Insptr. Cop Intern. Nickel Intern. Paper Kan. City South.

Lehigh Valley Lac ka. Steel Mldvale Missouri Faclflo Missouri Pac. pfd. Mexican Pet Maxwell Motors New York Central. New Haven Norfolk and West.

Northern Pan. Amn Pierce Arrow Pacific OH Penna. Ry Beading Hock Island Royal Dutch Rep. Iron and Steel Southern Southern Studehaker Sinclair Oil Tobacco Texas Co Vanadium S. Rubber V.

S. Steel 1'nlted Retail Stores L'tah Copper Vnlon Pacific V. Food Prod Westinghouse Villys Overlsnd Wabash Allied Chem Calif. Packing Chandler Motors Chicago Northwest. Cosden Oil Famous Players Davidson Chem.

Consolidated Closing sales: Railway, 1413 U. S. S. Hit 1 2. 16 4 1 314 26 4 84 40 4 134 154 604 3U 'I 17 4 26 4 314 174 26 4 36 4 4 40 4 13 4 154 66 4 62 4 40 4 174 644 26 4 65 i 77 84 234 67 1724 19H 97 4 314 8 4 40 134 15 4 66 174 1714 8814 5V4 234 674 175 974 31 44 117 79 75 '4 104 644 78 4 48 53 4 22 4 66 74 1724 974 814 1164 117 784 78J '5 4 104 644 104 644 464 764 45 4 53 714 26 4 914 44 53 26 25i 914 914 1314 1304 1314 304 304 30; 79 4 47 4 664 1014 ,4 79 464 47 494 66 66 4 1004 1014 63 4 63 4 1434 1434 1434 4 5 'j 61 4 8314 734 794 69 4 80 4 414 84 4 49 614 61 4 84 33 4 73 4 794 69 4 SOI 73 794 69 4 79V4 44 844 48 4 84 4 48 124 1244 1244 Canadian Pacific 8.

8., 101 14; U. MONEY AND EXCHANGE Prices in Vancouver. Hongkong 58 25 Shanghai 66.60 Jup Yen 49.25 Manila 48 25 Franc 8 32 Lire 4.74 Lupce 29.00 Bterlln? Kuvlng 4.444 Sellinpr 4.4SA V. 13. funds 7 32 of 1 per cent.

NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Foreign ex chnnge firm. Great lirltaln 4.45 5 cables, 4.43 7 sixty day hills on banks. 4.43 3 4.

France Demand 8.19 1 2, cables 8.20. Italy Demand 4 62 1 2, cables 4 63. F.elKium Demand 7.75, cables 7.76. Germany Demand .13, cables .13 1 8. Montreal 90 3 4.

WINNIPEG GRAIN tVJNNIPECl. Ar.ii. 6 Trade was of lU'ht volume ncn'n today on the local rinrroHile and export business to fill Immediate requirements, there was Inspections totalled 1S6 cars, of which 112 were whent. i I Bstablishid la 1888 846 KASTXWOS STREET WEST TEA. SHY.

7830 The Ideal Tourist Resort Empire Oil and Natural Gas Company Limited (Non Personal Liability) Now drilling in Jumbo, expect to get bigger body of both oil and gas underneath. E. H. WRIGHT, President. Bowen Island One Hour from Vanooaver by Steamer.

SAILINGS: Dally, 9:15 a.m. Sunday. 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY CRUISE SQUAMISH AND RETURN ailing 10:30 fl.BO BETTOtW. MEALS ON BOAHD.

Bid Asked ...1094 109'4 ...1094 1094 ...1044 144 78 78 4 92 4 93 ...61 63 73 75 70 73 74 77 Union Steamship Union Dock, Ft. Oarrall St. Stoneite Bricks IQ E0ICTF.D Russian Refugee Foresees Union of Soviet With the German Forces WAR IN FOUR YEARS British Officers in Far East Claim Outbreak Will Come Before That That there Is a growing feeling among the better class of Russian refugees that an offensive alliance will shortly mature between the Soviet Russians and the German republic, and that within four or five years at latest the Allies will be again engaged in a titanic struggle that will make the world war pale Into Insignificance Is the statement of Paul Mollkoff, now of Harbin, Manchuria, former Russian army officer, and now en gaged In fur trading and importing In Manchuria. "It may sound strange to you people, but there Is an understanding already existing between former high officials of the German army and leaders of the Russian soviet," he said, "and the next war will see the Allies engaged In a struggle with a Russian and German army led by the most brilliant members of the former imperial general staff of Germany." Mollkoff, who Is In Vancouver on his way back to Harbin, stated that this feeling was general among all the Russians of the higher classes to whom he had spoken In the past few months. "It Is common talk In a number of places among the revolutionary Russians," he said.

"Soldiers of the Red armies believe It They look upon It a foregone conclusion, and they believe that the Germans will Join them sooner than submit to paying the reparations demanded of them." Mollkoff also stated that several British army and naval officers stationed in the Far East, with whom he had discussed the matter were of a similar opinion, and predicted war within even shorter space of time than four of five years. To Come Suddenly. "It sounds fantastic," he said, "but so did a world war In July 1914. When It does come It will come Just as suddenly as the last struggle and It will be even more deadly." Russians at present In Vladivostok and other places who are opposed to the Red rule, he stated, would line up with the Allied forces. Mollkoff also expressed the opinion that the British foreign office was fully cognizant of the situation, and that this was the cause of the British prime minister and his colleagues In temporizing with Germany over the reparations instead of forcing the Issue.

"They do not want to precipitate a catastrophe." he said, "but that it Is only a question of time is tne opinion of those of us in the Far East who are on the fringe of Sovlot Russia, an! who are In a position to know Just whnt the Red army Is saying and doing." ASK MUNICIPALITIES TO SEND DELEGATES TO WORKLESS PARLEY CA I.GARY. Am. B. Representatives of municipalities, provincial governments and labor organizations In Western Canada, gathered here Friday to discuss the unemployment sit nation as pffecting the western prov. Inces.

at the eveninar session decide! to petition both Dominion and pro vincial governments to have Invitations sent to the municipal governments of Canada to attend the big Dominion wide unemployment conference which Is being arranged to be held at Ottawa on Kept. and to which representatives from the nine different provinces have been Invited to attend. CALGARY SENDS DOPE PEDDLER TO JAIL CALGARY, Aug. 6. The first conviction In Calgary under the amended Opium and Drug Act was recorded In police court yesterday when Sam Wing was sentenced to nine months In Jail for having opium In his pos session.

When he Is freed the poller will Bf.k that he be deported. Sam admitted ho had smoked opium for 20 years. MAJOR BLAKE IS IN CITY OF DELHI DELHI, India, Aug. 6. Major W.

T. Blake has completed another lan of his airplane flight around the world, arriving at this city today. TRALEE IS CAPTURED DUBLIN, Aug. 5. National troops have captured the town of Tralee.

They have also seized Tarbet and Ballylong Ford and are now advancing on Llstowell. FAVOKS NEOIAfO FOR FARM PRINCE RUPERT, n. Aug. 5 (Canadian Press) The federal minister of agriculture is Inclined to favor Nechaco, In the Omlneca district, as a location for a new government experimental farm In Central British Columbia. This Is the Information brought bark by Fred Htork.

who accompanied Hon. W. R. Motherwell east us far as Burns Tike. VANCOUVER EXHIBITION Aug nst 19th to 36th $80,000 ATTRACTION 3 Entries close on August 13th.

Write for prlie list end Information. Open evenlnca. H. S. Rolstott, Kg.

130 Hastings West, Vancouver N. G. GUTHRIE Brrttr. Solicitor rABLIAMENTABY AND DEPARTMENTAL AGENT Supreme end Exchequer Court ana Board of Railway Commissioners CITIZEN BU1LDINO. OTTAWA AUSTRALIA NlAGAR i swameri Believed to be suffering from pols rai'sea tnrouxh drinking water which had seeped from the garbuge dump ut the east end of the False Creek reclamation area, Georse Zapurarilnk, SO, Austrian, was tuken to the General Hospital on Friday afternoon.

The man, who was In a critical condition when found In a shack on Ray mur Avenue, near the city dump, by inspector Hynes of the city health department, died shortly after admission to the Institution. Coroner Jeffs was notified, and an inquest will be held. William JCerko. another Austrian, who was also In tho shack, was taken Into custody on a charge of vagrancy. According to his atory, Zaparanlnk nnd ha had lived by picking Junk from the gnrbnge pile, which they sold to Junk dealers.

So far as could be lenrned, they had both drunk the polluted water. NEW YORK. Aug. 6. Robert Doo ley, 53, vaudeville actor and head of he Dooiev family of variety head liners, died yesterday of wood alcohol poisoning.

had of the leading i Stationers In TELEPHONE fit 0278. NEW ZEALAND. SOUTH WALES. $35,000,000.00 17.500.000.00 85,000,000.00 187.500 0 1350,336,760.00 mMimmMtHMMnnMttitnumMMHMttMniiiiMitmmiinft The special committee appointed from the Retail Merchants' Association to arrange for the decoration of the stores and streets during Exhibition Week has almost completed Its preliminary work, It was stated by Mr. J.

T. Crowder today. In expressing appreciation for the enthusiastic response being received from the retail trade generally In that connection. Speakers have appeared before the Rotary, Klwanls. Gyro, Lions and Hundred Per Cent clubs, urging the members to give their Individual sup port to displaying In their stores or offices or warehouses, some kind of banner or poster or display which will draw attention to the fact that the Vancouver Exhibition Is on and what It means to the people of Vancouver, Mr.

Crowder said. "The fullest co operation has been pledged and no doubt there will be greiter Individual effort In boosting the exhibition this year than ever before," he said. "It Is becoming more apparent that the exhibition belongs to the Vancouver citizens and the more Interest they take in It Individually the better for the exhibition and the city generally. SAYS PEOPLE SHOULD THINK IN EMPIRE WAY "The time has apparently arrived In the affair of this port when those temporarily In power must think In an Empire way, rather than In the lines of narrow provincialism where the Interests of the ratepayers, those who foot the bills, are concerned." This statement was Issued by the L. McDonald agents for the Napier Miller which Is one of the firms tendering for the construction of the new ferry.

The people of North Voncouer will take a vote on August 13 on whether the ferry will be built by Wallaia'a or th Old Country firm and as to whether they want a ferry boat or not. The statement saya further: Ten GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SUMMER The summer months are the most dangerous to children. The complaints of that season, which are cholera Infantum, colio diarrhoea and dysentery, come on so quickly that often a little one Is beyond aid before the mother realizes he is ill. The mother must be on her guard to prevent thes'e troubles, or if they do come on suddenly to banish them. No other medicine Is of such aid to mothers during hot weather as Is Baby's Own Tablets.

They regulate the stomach and bowels and are absolutely safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bov from The Dr. Williams Medicine Brock ville, Ont. adv. CAWADIAW SERVICE TKOM MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Albania Aug.

19 Sept. 23 Aiibonia Sept. 16 Tyrrhenla Sept. 2 Sept. 30 TO PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG LONDON Antonla Andania Aug.

6 Sept. Oct. 12 Aug. 26 Sept. 28 Nov.

4 TO GLASGOW Aug. 11 Sept. Oct. 6 Aug. 81 Sept.

29 Oct. 27 Saturnla Cassandra PROM SIW YORK TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON Berengarla Aug. 8 Aug. 29 Aqullanla. 22 Mauretanla.

Aug. la TO QUBENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Carmsnla Aug. 17 Samaria (from Boston) Aug. 23 TO PLYMOUTH AND HAMBURG aronla. 31 fciaxonia.

9 TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW Ansyna Aug. 11 Klysla I from Boston) Aug. 8 Columbia. 19 Algeria. 25 Money Orders and Drafts at Lowest Rates.

Full Information from Agents or Company's Office 622 HASTINGS ST. VANCOUVER Phone Sey. 3848 General Accident, Fire Life Assurance Corporation, Limited, of Perth, Scotland. Established 1888 Total Resources 23, 150,000 Desire Agents in British Columbia Write to Superintendent of Agencies ALFRED W. McLEOD ALPRED W.

McLEOD, Ltd. 824 HASTINGS STREET W. Vancouver, B. C. We Own and Offer Subject $25fi00 East Kootenay Power Co.

Limited 7 First Mortgage Bonds Company operates In the rich zinc, lead and coal field of British Columbia. A valuable contract was recently closed with Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company. Now supplying power to the cities of Cranbrook and Fer nle, B. and a number of Coal Companies. Earnings from these contracts alone will show substantial earned on common stock after payment of bond Interest.

A most desirable long term security. Price 87 and Accnwxl Yielding 7.25 With a Ronus of 2H Slutros Common Stock. British American Bond Corporation Ltd. BAXK OF MONTREAL BLDG. 640 Pender West Vnncoutor, B.C.

Scy. 7020 1 2 .1 Showing a crushing strength of 1,941 pounds per square inch, now on the market. Send in your order to the company's sale rooms 449 PENDER STREET WEST 449 POINT GREY Building Lots IT IS TIME TO DECIDE where you are going to spend that vacation The Pacific Great Eastern Railway will take you to the Switzerland of North America A few hours ride by boat and ran from Vancouver. The country of beautiful lakes and rippling mountain streams, abounding with "gamey" fish we suggest the following resorts: Return Hare from Vancouver Good for Thirty Days: Alta Lake Hotel, Rainbow Lodge (Mons) e.20 Anderson Lake Lodge 10.60 Simpson's Lodge (McGllllvray Falls, P.G.E.Ry.) 11.80 Craig Lodge, Excelsior Hotel. Victoria Hotel (Llllooet) 13.75 Illustrated Folder and Timetables Mailed on Application to Pacific Great Eastern Railway.

Vancouver Block Vancouver, B. C. The owners of a fine subdivision close to Angus Road Station and Municipal Hall, have instructed us to dispose of the remaining lots immediately. Prices have been materially reduced and we are confident all of the lots will be disposed of in the very near future. Inside lots range from $300 to $400.

Easy terms. Waghorn, Gwynn Lid. Members of Vancouver Real Estate Exchange 300 Fender Street West. Vancouver, B. C.

Co. of 0. C. Ltd. Phone Sey.

306 8 TORONTO, $11325 NEW YORK. $147.40 QUEBEC, $141:1 HALIFAX, $16615 Canada Limited POINTS ON APPLICATION from any agant af th a 300 iiii Wheat Open. H'Ch. T.nw Clcse Oct Ill '4 109 110 lc 10T' 10; 1U4 Oats Oct 42 424 42', Lec 11U 4'ii, 40H n.irley Ort 56 50 55 'j Z3 Flax Oct 20114 2051, 2014 20514 l'er. 107 200 1S6 199 Vi "3'4 73i 724 72', Uec 70 V.

K. 6 4s ext. 1923 V. K. 64s ext.

1929 II. K. 6 4 ext. 1937 japan 4s Japan 4 4s French Int. 6s 1931 French Int.

6s preui. Belgium 6s rest. Belgium 6s prem. BANK CLEARINGS. August 6, 1922 82,180,144 RAILWAYS LOWER EXCESS BAGGAGE RATE Canadian National Railways an nounce the following decreases In ex cess baggage rates, effective August J.

1 ne rates quoieu ncreunuer are ior one hundred pounds of excess bag giige: Vnnrouver to T)ld New Deer's 2.5r 8 .60 Jasper 8 3.05 F.dmonton 4. JO Winnipeg 7.70 Toronto 13 20 Montreal 14.40 Halifax 17.05' 1.60 .70 CM 11.00 12.00 14.20 1.80 2.20 2.40 2.8i LAST DAY OF SOUTH VANCOUVER CARNIVAL SOUTH VANCOUVER. Aug. B. A big crowd Is expected at the Carnival srounds today.

A number of new concessions have gone up and the bazaar In the market hall has re I ceived donations to enable the con I veners to make the Inst day the end I of a perfect carnival. The feature of tcday's programme Is the procession cars, whic leaving Kingsway and Kichth Avenue, is expected to arrive nt Forty fifth nnd Fraser Street at 3 30 p. m. Frizes amounting to J4000 wPI be given away by a committee of Judges. There will also be a hasehall pnme In the evening between the Elks and the Hanburys.

COALITION GOVERNMENT FORMED IN BAVARIA r.KRLIN'. Auir. 5' A new govern ment coalition in Bavaria, composed or the various liisntest parties, has been formed. Bavaria Is the first state to have a purely bourgeois cabinet. MANY BISII FIRES.

SOl'TH VANCOUVER. Aue. 5. The bush fires have, ever since they aianea in given the fire depart ment very nara work, as a total of 216 calls have been made to the scenes of the fires. In this work the fire department laid out 41.000 feet of hose during the month of July only or double as much as the Point Grey fire department experienced.

"As a whole the fires In my district have not been of very danacrous rharac iter." Fire Chief Clarke stated this morning. The new dress of Blue, Red, White, Black and Gold uill be on exhibition at your Grocer'sTuesday, August the 8th. I Canadian Pacific Railway EASTBOOND SUMMER EXCURSIONS1 FROM It's No Trouble to Place An Order With Campbell's for MOVING Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster Cash Prices Wheat No. 1 hard, 133'j; No. 1 northern 133i; No.

northern No. 3 northern U6Vi; No. 4, 101; No. I 6, 89; No, 82; feed, 72; track. 120.

Oats No. 2 C.W. 4H. No a 1 41V; extra No. 1 feed 441.

1 ieed 4014; No. 2 feed 38; rejected uavR i V4 Hurley No. 3 C.W. 61 14 No. 68 V4 rejected and feed 62 68 V.

4 C.W. track Hax No. 1 N.W.C. No C.W 21H: No. 3 C.W.

and rejected track, 220 ii. Rye No. 2 C.W. 744. CHICAGO GRAIN I Ticket an Sal front May 25 to August 31 Final Return Umlt October 31, 1922 KOL'KD TK1P HATES: MM! SfG fy IJ WINNIPEG ST.

PAUL MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, $86: KANSAS CITY. $78.00 MONTREAL, $13215 ST. JOHN, $1601 Travel by ths Trans i RATES TO OTHER EASTERN Purthsr particulars 1 Wheat Open High Low Close Sept 1'iSVi 1d8 10vi 106 Iec 1084 lo'ji 1117 107 llay 113Va 111 111 Corn Sept 62 1, 62 Vi 61 61H Dec 6SVi 68 62 i 67 4 May 61 Va 61V 60 60 Oats Sept 33 33 82 32 Dec. 36 Vi 36 4 35 35 Way 89 39S 38 38 Jit A telephone chat with us will do. iet us know the day you want to make the move and we will book your order and be there promptly on the hour set.

Any further instructions you can give to our men on the job and rest assured they will give you the utmost in intelligent service. "WE KNOW HOW!" MONTREAL STOCKS MONTREAL. Auir. 5. Owing to aj recent decision of the members of the Montreal stock exchange there was no session of the local market this morn lng.

BAB SILVER. LONDON. Aug. 6. Bar silver.

35 Sd per ounce. Money, 1 1 2 pcrj S. el JSSQK. PHONE SEY. 7360 Est.

1893 7 86 BEATTY ST. cent. Discount rates: tnorc diiib, 18 per three months bills, 2 3 per cent. NEW YORK. Ausr.

5 Foreign bar liver, it i t. Mexican dollars, 63 1 4. illllliy.illiillliilaliMlllilllihliiililili.llllllh.llil! A.

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