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The Hillsborough Recorder from Hillsborough, North Carolina • Page 4

Hillsborough, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

m-T 1 cccr. Liver ccortir.r In t-yj. 8. M. hi Tin- rli-rk "Oi'iic (if the Onun for the ro PUtrict of Ancther Scientific WosierJ GREAT OURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! Db.

j. uouciiTori's S5QD CHilLLEilGiT WHATEVER coDcen.u health and happiness of a people in at ivll iipe of the niot valuable importance. take it for granted hat every iiersoii all in power to save Jhe live of their children, and that cveiy person svill endeavor to promote their own health at ull irridres. I feel it my duty to solemnly assure and Retail Vt- KILLSBOROIGH, C. iiUriberis now receivuig Lis Spring Siaik of Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Bye StulVs, Perfu- niet Fancy Articles; Cowbs and Brushes, and all the root po- pular Patent Mediciues the dajr Old Otard and Cogniac Brandies, and Madeira, Pot fciherrv.

and Teue-ri8' "Wines, (for Medicinal purposes otJy.) Having selected the aluive aik in the Northern Cities bj personal inspection, be feels wai-ran'M in commending the articles to hi friends and the public as equal in quality to any offered them, and will sell the same small profits ir iW WDKMS. accordina lo the oniuion of the most celebrated Physicians, are the primary -cause of largo majority of disease to which ehildieniOid adulU are liable. Uyou have anap- petite continually changing from one kind of food to another, bad breath, pain in the slcynach, pick-1 jog the noee.hnrdncssand fullness of the belly. Jry cough, alow feve. pu! irregular re me inter that all these denote you shoi)d at once apply the remedy HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP.

An article founded upon scientific principle, com- pounded with pure vegetable substances, being Perfectly ife'whei taken, and can he given to tlie most lender infant With decided Wneficjal ef fect. Where p'oiuel Complaints and Diurrhna have nvide iheiu weali and dchilitatei', the toni: nrnnerties of mv YVorro Syrun are men that it utand without an equal in the catalogue of me- l- MiciiicsAii giving iojir rmB.u mach, which make it an infallible i.emedy for Ihose ufflicted with Dyspepsia. The astonishing cure performed by this Sprup afier Physicians have failediif jhe le4 evideuce of it superior efficacy over all (ghers. THE TAPE Worm to destroy of .11 that inftwt lh system, Jt gro. to en the United tHules as the eures allest.

tn nd "flee nkdful physiwmhud in the IntesJiites e4 Stomach, alTcctitjg Theae Bittern are orhf the attention of In-tre health so sadly as to can St. Vitus' Dartre, vids. PosKewlng great virtues in the rectification File, that those afflicted seldom if rei auay of diseases of the Diver and lesser glands, exer-pecf that Tape Ytorm bastHWrfC hfrn f9 ciwng the moat searching powf rs in weakness and arly Inordec to destroy thia Worm, a affections of the digestive oiguna, they are witb-very eugrglicjreatment must be It al, safe, certain and pleasant, wotlld, therefore, propet to take six or eight RKAD AND BK CONUNrED. rf my Liver Pilk so as to remove all obstruo hf BmU)n tions, that the VVonn Syrup, which murt be ta- Th mM jj. JAUNDICE, DYMT.P64A.

CUROMC OK NFRvnrs DF.rn.rrY. diseases oFi THE KIDNEYS, AND All Diseases I arisirg from a dis- Liver or frian- ach.Kurlt aa Constipation, In- ard Piles. Fullness of DIood to jhe Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, IJeart Burn' Disgust fox Food-, fit Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the nt oi me oicyn- cli.Sinmrmft.heHrMl,Hiirrifdand DuTicult Breaihing, Fluiiering ai the Heart, Choking or Suffo- eating fciensiUion when y.

in. b'in 1 DiiJtficssnf Vi- aion.Dota T- jorWeJvi before ttie Sight, Fever and duH Pain in the Head, Deficit vy or Perspiration; Yellowness of the Skin, and Ev. Pain in the Side, Back, CrwaU l.inibs, cVc, bUul-den Flushe of Heat, Burning in the FIfshi Coiir stant Jmauininga of Evil and Oieat Depr'esHOfi of Spirits, can be i ffectully cured bp DR. HOOFLANU'S CELEBRATED UEBMaN BITTERS. PKKPARD BY DR.

C. M. JACKSON AT THE (JRRMAN MEDICINfTOKE, eU0 Anh Street, Pliitadrlplin. Thtir pouttr orer the above dittautt is not ex- telle, if tqwilM'-by any oilier preparation lionland's Celebrated German Dittos for the cure of Ljycr Complaint, lapndice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervoue Deliility. is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the thy.

These Billers have been us'd bythousaink and a friend at our elbow any a he haa himself received an effectual and permanent cute of Liver Complaint from, the na of this remedy. We aie convipcod that, in (he use of these Bittern the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a -fact worthy of great rnljoK. They are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be used by persons with the tpost delicate stomach" with safety, under any rircuuistanre. We are apeaking from experience, and lo the afflicted wc ajvue their use.7 5 one of the' best Literary pnprra pplilisheil. saiit," A ug.

u- Dit lloofjand's tierman Bitteis. miinufactui ed Dr. Jackson, are now recnmniendrd by some of the most prominent members of the faculty as air article of aicch eflicacyin cam a of femule weakners. As such is the rase, we would advise all mol 'ns to obtain a btrtlle, and thus save them selves sickness. Persons of debilitated con eiitutions will find these Bitters advantageous their health, as we know from expericiue the sn.

lutary efjccHhey have upon wec MORE EVIDEXt'Ej Mm I A I lie I'tlimuelpnia oaioniay uajeue. the best family newapaprt published in the United The editor say of OR. HOOFLANuV OERBAN BITTERS. i "It is seldom that we recommend whnt are termed Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patronage of our readers and therefore when we recommend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, we wish it lo be distinctly understood that wc are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that aie noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a 'medicine long establisheij, universally prized, and which ha met the hearty approval of the faculty ilsef lvidpnce flpon evldeirce has been received (like the foregoing) from all section of the Union, the lot three years, and the stiongest tes- tiuiony in its fuvJr, is, that there is more of it used in the piactice of the ir J1ijsiciari of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums a lact that can easily be established; and fully pfovinj thai a scientific preparalioii; will meet with their qujet anpwvul whw, Jeaeptc4 even in this form.

Tfc.t lli'ia ni0.lii.,n wilt l.ivli Cnmi.l.'i.,! and Dy no one can doubt after using it as tirprtr.t. Il nctn NiHirifirnltv II IHlh flip ltiinjki.h ml directed. It acts sjiecifieolly 0xm. the atmrweh and liver, it i.f prcfi'Mlile to calomeliii alt bilious dis- eiws--the ell'ccl is immediaie. They can I ad- tVtwalo or iifant with aafcti and ic- BEWARE f)K COtT.ITEHKErrS.

This medieine has attained thai high character wl(ich is necessary for all rmHliriues to attain to induce counterfeiter lo put forth spuriim article the rui. of the lives ot those who are innocent deceived, i I I ken (n dose of two lablepooniitta uirea nine-, (liy, may act direct upon the Worm. These lullowed. have never been known to fail in curing the mpslobatiiiatecaseof tape Warm. ir H()BENSACk LIVER PILLS.

No part of the sysltm in more liable to disease han the LIVER, it seiving as a filterer puii-fy the blooii.V giving the proier secretion to the hiln so'lhat any wrong action of the Liver effects the other important parts of the system, am) Tfttulta variously, iu Liver Complaint, Jaundice, IKsitcihiia, We should, therefore, watch fyery syir.ptoin fhat might indicate, a Ikm rf the Liver. Tnrse) Pills are ct lg c- itver. Trie Pills are composed of PLANTS 'furnished, jiy future to Namely, 1st, An xiikftoiiast, ROOTS 4nd lieal the aid wlijcb augment ttja secrtni riorn itje uiipq-uary mucus tuembfuite, nr rromutcs the diachaige of secreted, matter, Sd. Au ALTKRAtiTt, which changre, in some inex plicable anil iusennible per, the certain morbid action of the syatein. 3d.

A "lic, which gives tone and strength to the, nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of thc body. 4lh. A Ci HA htic, which act it) perfect harm my with the other ingredi; enta, ami operating on the Bowels, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which destroys disease au'l tptlore health. 1 Yoq will find (hese Pils an invalmMp mfdj-cine mqnj ta you are sub- ject la obstrecKn etthei! total or partial, they luve been, found of toestimalile benefit, restoring the functional arrangements to a houlthy action, purvfvinj the llo and other fluids so elteutually as Ui put to flight all complaints which may arise from female irregulai ities, na headaches, giddiness, (Jiiqnesi of eight, pain in the side, bai None genuine uriloa sjncil J. N.

Iiobensack, all others Iteing haae Imitation. Agents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becoming Ageiits, must aiU dross the Proprietor, J. N. Hohcnk, Philade- Ph''5 Jnta. Dp.

S.D. Schonlfield, Hitfsr koroogh, N. Cn Wholesale and Retail Agent D. P. Weir, Greensborough W.

II. Britton, Sum-jner6ed; J. Piggott. Penntii-ld; of whom can be jiad pamphlets of cures performed, mce. cacn cetta.

Au-nist 23. 50- ly BRVNORETirS PILLS Aneurism, orEnlirgrmeni of the lkut '-ries; files. i the pills two or three time a week I I-- I 4. iuie e'OR remove, oficrs or (tv. 0 i iu the itu-jt' dwelling at-bscriler wtd.i sale "ouse a'J own of 1M; jrimgh, v.

House iul out-b'iiklii'cs, sod a with n.l necessiiry i-failing well of uUr kiithen. within a ftl oft Also thre tiiclsf Land. Two nsll tracts within two tuile of town; a Dr. Hooker and Imuel I.vnch, and tlie otber ad joining the lands of Wbitted and others. The third tract contains seen or eigui uunu acres, all wood land, lying adjoining Samuel P.

Moore and others. The subscriber being determined (o reni'" to the Booth west, ill aell any of the above proper ty on accommodating feims. 4 AU persona indebted to him will please call and settle, and those hiving claim will present them for December 2. ilow an cl Cheap drug store; ''JS now Veceiving laige and choice Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, VARNISH-ES. PAINT BRUSHES, SURGICAL A DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTI CLES, which were aelected by himself in the Northern cities, with special "regard to their purity and freshness.

Physician's and Ihe Public are requested to call and examiue hie Slpck, consisting in'part of the following MED1CINEB. Chrome Green- BestEnA Calomel. Blue Mass, russian Venetian Red, Spanish Rhubaib, Ipecacuanha, Jalap, Fla. Manns. l.iverOil.f Rushton Varnishea, Clark's.) pin Brushee, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, CHOICE 'FARCY ARTICLES.

i. Tooth Brushes, Flush Brushes, Perfumery, ec. -Lubin's Extract, i' Toilet Bottles, French Cologne, German do. Soaps of every variety, Black Pepper Oil, Lemon Oil, Burgamot Oil, Oil Pepperrtiint, Qninine, Iodine, Sulp. Act.

Morphia, Nitrate of Silver, Iodide Iron, Opium, Cit Todiile Quiuia, Prot.Imlide Mercury, Sulphur, Epsom etc. etc. PAINTS AND Linseed Oil, Pure White Lead, Lamp Black, Pomade Oils for the hair, Letter and Cap Paper, Note Paper Envelopes, Port Monies, Paper-lie, Port Folioa, etc. etc. y.

Besides other articles too numerous to mention. A he is determined to aell as low a any House in North Carolina, he think he can make to the interest of Physicians to buy. He would ay further, that he bus made arrangements to receive all the New Chemicals aa soon as announced, and any article not on hand can be ordered in a few day. Order respectfully solicited. i Hillsborough, April 2Tth, 1852 8J Clear the Track! 1 000 LA ERAOKANC1A CIGARS.

VVV 1.000 Regalia Semiramii. d. 1,000 La Norma do. 600 Coraui 3,000 Half Spanish do. Honey Dew TOBACCO.

Gold Leaf do. Fine Virginia do. To be had at THE DRUG STORE. February 9. JO Look Here! HPHE uhscrihera would inform tbcpubliclhal they still continue to do business at the old Stand, (Walnut Grove.) eight nulea North ol Hillsborough, assortment of Hillsborough, where they keep oirhund a good and some Dry (aiioci; Some and W-gons; also Saddles, and llarncu of diffcrrnt kinds, PINE LUMBER, AND SHINGLES.

The undersigned will attend to repair of sorts in heii line with neatness and disnalcb In for the above mentioned aitkles willbe Corn, Wheat. Flaxseed, Feather, or gooj orses, at market prices. HURDLE HURDLE. October 6. 03 Land for Sale.

I OFFER fw iale large Tract of Land in Person county, just over the northern Orange liue. A a body of is in fori 01 to none l0 the mnLJle part of thia tate. The open land are well enclosed, and id good heart; the forest lands aie heavily timbered all well watered. tlie Inil ate a variety ef uludaritial im. proveinents Dwelling Hou.w.

Wheal and To 1 lirvt Mill in perfect rc pair. It will be ola in parcels to suit any purchaser. PAUL CAMERON. ii2HeP.a..OranBe,Ko,v.. llTll Ircn A New Lot.

OOXSISTIMJ of Bat Iron for Tires. Hotae Shoes, miuare, round, ol aiut half ti AUo, Cast Steel, Blwter, German aud Shear Sleel. Am, a fresh lot of Molasses and IUii. LONG fiuWEim. March 23d, 1852.

MUSIC! 'VI, oi line lor riaun. Uuitar. xm. is ollereJ WIUU Ultlir, I Jruu Store. Il win lie sow at one bait useal price.

Iridic Wt invited to call and exaitiiuc the pieces. Jl 80. 1 WANTED, 1,000 YAK Us Voltcn Clotlw. of all kind. Also a quantity of VI XX I.f 8epteml'rr H(.

p. WEBB. JCST ALE, 1 HI.ACL I piece Ipie.eHu.K I nirr Julj ii LONG Kitilwn. VIEBR. I I "T'lu: prti.r- Li en pprsons intel'l' I concern of E.

W. H. Carrigf settled. They sons ic lclitrd to 1 II' o. 1 1(i, MhattUUs'ra I i u.

o. as well at fcinjs's Mi! tl ut niurfi, tnereioie rt quest all in ilher of Hie up. to seine vtiinoiu ueiay, as the buiniw of r- i'v, closed. HOLT 1 June 12,1852 THE WONDER AND Blessinc cf the Age! T11K world! This Extract is put tip in Quart bottles Si S. times cheaper, vorrentti 'tig superior wavy sow, il turet uitkout wiling, purging, tithning, or debilitating the patietit, WE HAVE MANL'FACTrrfkl) 1,500,000 Bolllcs of this Sflrsnparilla during the past year, and are now putline of least 500O DOTTLES PER DAY, I'SINO MORE OF THE SARSAPARILLA ROOT IN OS MONTH THAN AU, T1IK jW WAM'FACTt'RKHR OF SARSAFARIL-" i LjlJX 1 NE YK.AK." Dr: S.P.ToWnscnd'KSnrftnparliin IS WARXAMED TO KEEP FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIMS IS ALL CLIMATE, This extract has ci Moaxof the followin disease tiuk all thi ot mm adtshtiikb mi.

oiciBxs To'ukTaica have don, SC IIOI 1 LA, OR KliCG'iuLV OBSTINATE CDTAN tpUB ESirTIt''8 Fhnplti or Piatulet'on the Fuct, BLOTCHES, BILES, CHRONIC rfORE EYES, RI-1G MOR1I OR TtTTER; 4 SCALD Enlartemeul and Pain of the Bones anil Joint STUBBilW SYPHILITIC DISORDERS, LL'MBACO and all diseaso arising fiom an injudicious uti 5 of Mercury, Eiposure Of Imprudence in Life. invariably cureij-. JNDIGESTION OR DYSPEPSIA, Meuralgia, General and iV roti's Debility, PALVITATIOK OF THE HEAkT, LWer of tbeKidpryV Ladies of jale complex ion and Vonsumpliw habits, and such as are debilitated bj tbo oW truclioti hich females are liable to, are the use of a hottieor tw oj to bloom an Prinrin I flffl. f'tn Jl. .1 i mmtt $4, Vwl.

a IrrT lot sale by D. Heartl, HilUbb- Cabinet rtlalung.v I' HE subscriber would respectfully inlotm 1. cilixeua of.lliilsLorough aud the public nerally he ha on band, al hi shop on Cliur ton street due wet from the court-bcute, a vti-ety of excellent Furniture, and that he is prcjsi. ed to manufacture, iu the best sty le, ill article in hi line, such a KE A IU, oi Wild lierry and Val. nut.

SIDEBOARDS, of Wild Cherry, AV(. nut, and SOFASof evtrj Stjle, BEDS'l EAD'S, of ISinfU and Gum. TABLES, of all Vintla. -WAHDUOiiES, Portable and Station- COFFINS, from Common to the Beit He promise that hi work shall he faithfully executed, aud at very low prices, and hopes tbal be will receive due eucourageoiiiil from a gene rous public. AM kind of Timber used in Cabinet Work, such as Walnut, Cherry, PoplarrLir and Maple, will be taken in exchange Cor work.

Ordeis from a distance will be thankfully ri ceived and promptly attended to. lUClIAUD MAYO, April l.j 7 Is Death ftoiU 0( struct ion tQ, Hut; 4t I ONG WEBB fox the destruction 'of v. RATS, KICE, BUGS, and ROACHES, warranted poisououon.totba boeiianeil(lii vermin. I rice ou cents a Jul) 30. i box, with direction foi osr.

if Clot Vesting. 1 GOOD Supply 'some very fine, for ml 4. lower thanlhey can be bad ehe lure thi market. LONG October7. 63 THE HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER.

rraLtsHKii wttitit DENNIS HEARTT A. SON. i ei lUM, Two Dollars a year, if paid in dj vauccfTwo DolWrs and fifty'Centa, if not paid ithin three" months; or Three Dollar, if delayed until after the espiratiort of the year. Ap jiajier will be discontinued until all arrears-(jv we paid, unless al the option of the publisher'-. Heivafvrr no p)iei will Je ent to a new ul' evi'ier out ol thisstate unless pay nietit made in advance, or some person in the state will become responsible the editors; and in no ease will the papei lie sent to a subscriber out of the state for more than two yers without payment.

A iiv ts not exceeding sixteen lines, dine dollai for the' first, and twenty-five cent for each subseijavot insertion! longer ones iu pro" portion. Court ndveTtWinent twfiity-fie Jft cent, higher. A deduction of one-third will be nutde to advertisers-by the year. Ailvr rlisiug Rntri for tlie Recorder. One dollar per square (16 lines) for the frrt insertion, and 25 cents for conliuuance.

Deduction mud in favor yf Unding td''' 39- A DIGESTIVE FLUID, ois, Jiicn. flREPARED from Rentw. or the fourth 8o- mai of the Ox, after diteclmns of Baron Liebig, the great Physiologicnl Chemist, by J. 8 Haughton, M. Philadelphia, Pa.

This is a truly wonuVrful remedy for Indige- Jaundice. Liver Complaint. Con-stiparliin and Del ilily Curing aflerlValurea's own Nature's own Agent.theGastricJBice. tr Half a teappoonful ot Pxpsik, infused in water, willdigest or dissolve Fire Pounds ofKoast Beef in about two mir, out of the stomach. PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great Diges ting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent g- i oi meji ooo, tne ruriiying, rresermg, ami oif mutating Agent of the Stomnch and Intestines.

It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thua forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natornlfiastric Juice in its Che mical, powers, and furnishing a Complete and Perfect Substitute for it. By the aid of this preparation, the pains and evils of ludieslon anj Dyspepsia are removed, just as they would be by a healthy Stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics; curing raxes of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed lo be on the Verge of the grave. The Scientific Evidence upon which it is based, is in the highest degree Curious end Remarkable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! Baron Lir.Hio in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, syt An Artificial Digestive Muid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane nf the stomach of the Call, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, wiH uwl in lite same maimer as thty would be iu the human stomach." Vti Com in his valuable writings on the "Physiology of observes that a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and ull-prevuiling cause of Dyspepsia; and he states that a distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted, with this eompjuint, finding everything ehe lo fail, bad recourse to tha Gastric Juice, obtained fiom the stomachs of living aiti-ipn Is, hich firareit cbmpHely Dr.

Gu ah am author of the famous tvoiki on "Vegetable says; "It is a remarkoble fact in physiology, that the storf. relies of animals ma' eerated in water, impart to the fluid the property oi utssoivina various articles oi inou, and ol effecting a kind ofartijieiul digestion ef them in no wise different from.tht natural XJ Call on the Agent, and get a Descriptive Circular, gratis, giving a large amount of Scientific Evidence, similar to the above, together with Reports of Remarkable Cures, from nil part of the Uuiifft KUle. a' AS A DYSPEPSIA Ct'RER, Dr. Houghton' Pepsin ha produced the most marv'llotts tjjieis, in curing cases of Debility, Emaewtion, Aerrous Veeline, and Dusneniie Consumption. It is impossible to give the details of cnxea in the Iinhts or this Tadveriisenient; hut authenticated certificates have been given of more thanTwo Hundred Remarkable Cures, in Pliila-dctphta, New York and Boston alone.

These were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma nent. It is great Nervous Antidote, and particularly for tendency lo Hilios disorder, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, othadly treated Fe- wu-nme, rcuri' he Digestive Or- nft" A sO, fof eXCCS. ill aiiioin sn.l the Iini fwe use of nnlKiil It I Hi There is almost reconciles Heuttlt with Intemperance. rOMACH COMPLAINTS. no 1'orni of Old Stomach Complaints which it doc not seem to reach and remove at once, No m.itter how bad they may be, it gives Instant Ki liet A single ie remove all the unpleasant simplwiisi and it only needs to be re.

peated for a slioit time to make these good effect iiermanent. Purity of Uluotl, and Vijroi of B.hIv fi)lbrw at once. It is particularly excellent in ruses of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the lenuency to Insaiitiy, Suicide, Mdli., throughout the United Males. It is in I Pli.l i Private (Jin ul irs for the use of Physician may be ot lineil of Dr.

Houghton or his Agrnls, the authorities uiion whkh the claims of tliufne lemeily are As it i not a Secret Remedy, pa objecihni can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectable standing and gjilar practice jJrre, te Dollar per bottle. (rOlirve This Eiery lioitle of the treu nine repn tiews Hie written signaliite nf 8, ii. Ii Cimv-riirbl and Trade Mark Sold by all UruiaUs and Deak-is in Medi- cinss. ST For sale by I), boroujjh- J.iuury fl. HeArtt, Hills 10 i House ran Lot nrar lUllnlioroosh, FOR SALE OR UK NT, Pr'y II.

Mantfum resided, hear illcborouBh. on mi i i i IM Tr.i-r 'S U'0U' within the eorporli.ii.L sufficiently joy the advaoiage of the town. The lot bason it all the necessary nut houses, a good wt U. and a garden. A lot dilHiiniaii.

conlaininB ahMiti three acres, wUlalse be sold iib the other vk Dorougn. IIORTON'8 OEMS. 4 FE Conir. ol III Poems. ton, the colored Bard of Chapel UilL eon yn'U Hill.

COII Iainjin also a aket.h of written bi.y had at thi. Office. Price 25 cent. March Utii. ".25 BLANKS for Sale it this O.Ticcv to for He be he all 1 i .1 I cash, or od six months time "to punctual cus tomer.

Thankful for past favors he hopes lo mctit a continuance of the S. 1). SCHOOLFIELD. April 20. 31 Tin and Copper Notiec Tliii while you arc rf ailing.

THE subscriber has opened a Tin and Copper Factory in the Town of HilUhoioogh, and he will try to conduct il in the best manlier. hat procured one of. the best of Northern workmen, and his work will be made of the besl( material and in the befit style. After trying the work, and it should prove not to be may returned and more got in its place. Tin will sold at Northern Price with costs and All bills to the amount of fifty dollars, at any place in the State, all to the amount of twenty five dollar, within fifty mile of this place, and bills of any amount, within twenty-five miles, will bo filled and delivered free of charge for transportation.

He avnuld say to his customers, that hp wilksell oik as low a any house id the Stale. The subscriber returns bis thanks for past fit vors, and he hope he will receive a liberal share ofpatronage, aa he pledge himself to do justice and to endeavor to give fult'aattsfactioa in hi work. All order will he thankfully received, and the work done with neatness and despatch. d3 Hi shop will be found at this time one door below Mai. Palmer's Store.

W. 8. CHEEK. November 18. 10 SHOES! Black and Colored GAITERS and HALF GAITERS, from Mile 4ks4P Son, Philadelphia.

Cloth Gaitersand Half Gaiters.from Robinson Philadelphia. Bootees for Ladies, Misses and Child, i. Also a good assortment nt Boots, Lined and Bound Shoes, and Brogans. Just received at LONG "WEBB'S. October 2.

04 A -Nervous Antidote and Fhysical HESTOK ATIVE. THE MEDICAL WONDER OF THE AGE. 'IM1E most powerful and wonderful medicine ever discovered. Guaranteed lo cure every Nervous or Spasmodic Disease, such as INeu-ralgia, Tic Dolorcux, Convulsions, Fits, Rheumatism, For sale at the DRUG STORE. May 11.

34 JUST RECEIVED, CMGARS, all qualities; another lot of Extra Cheese one chest imperial Tea. I AUo, Uardotle's Sugar Drops, for 'Worms; Gray's Ointment Renovating Liquid for cleansing Metals; Woodward's Favetteville Blacking. LONG WEBB. June 20. 1 41 "CARPETING.

.4 FULL' supply or Thompson's Carpel LONG WEBB, October 04 Just Received, at the Drug Store, Dr. B. It V'arniitiiira Snn-ir 1 Wt net ujAernnf. uaiuuiii i mill' ed without Mercury. They have proved in alt esse a quick and certain remedy fur Worms.

June 29. 41 WOOL CARDING. TUIE suWrilK-r' Machine, at Enoe Mills: Or, anne tin, ready for business. He is now al Ilia post. and are resjiectfui- ly teiiuesled lo bring on their Wool I well prepar- ed.

so that he may be enabled lo do work of 'that character which will not fail to please. Flax Seed will lie received in payment for fjaftlina arwi lor Vt col Uolla. M.I A. IjA I 1 UK Enoe Mills, June 15, 3jif- SIIOES ire receiving, and will keep a good us-sofiineiil of iMidiet' Slippers, Walking Shoes, and SUoctees. AUo Aliases and C'hil- deu'a Shoes oJ the best make.

LONG WE BR. 32 WALL PAPER SCREENS m. .1 wanuun sonicuiing pretiy in me 1. iVull IMuer l'lrs. -J mm Screen, would do well call al the Druj April 1 9.

31 iZ. Orvis'sComytarcli! lANUFACTURED fin Culinary '111 ami MielXw I I I or Hale at ii DRUG STORE. July Sf 33S. S.L.t.. I t.w.HOK.'S, Plain Straw, fancy Straw, Bii1.

wd Silk Uotfnel. and Straw A- "jw'ine of Bonnet, Sash, and Neck Riband. WE11B. April 27. it cm ou.

ic inyo, ''liable l-m fll ftt any time. Jjok welt la the marks of the ",coi.l m. state of the Ii bl. Heaviness. nfSi.Irou uey nave tne written signattirp ol u.

jn, JACKSON upon the wrapper, and hi name blown in the buttle, wifinul which thry arespw For sele Wholes Jf end Ketal at the i wr.n.n.s No 130 Arch at reel, one door- Philadelphia; and by respectable I tws general thiouyh tlie countiy. PRICKS REDUCED. Tn enable all erases of mvnlkls loei.jty jheadt vantage of their gieal restorative power. Single Dank 75 Cents. Also fr Sale bv D.

SCIMOLFIELT), Duxist, Hillfibtirouj'h, N. O. Wholesale Agents for North and Houlh Ciiro- m. tf irruil 4' Chat teuton. S.

C. Jan. 21. 13 SALE AT TIIR DIMJG STORE, (Pur tliciiial Prpof Only,) BAKU El, French Lr.imly, pure. I Madeira, Wine, 1 IVtt (Wv 1 Nlirrrf do.

I do. i Tenerirf do. do. Old Rve Whisker. Nrtvetnjier os HISTORY OF 'PHIS eal by Col.

Warna. il le ready for delivery iu a few dav. The uj eriber, hvii) contracted, with the author, for the sale and delivery or the said, work, tW all the tV. 1 I 1 a. I UlU oe ni.tqr; uowtf vt ni i little while re rieat the doiw; do this until tlwi bowels are on 1 pwrgi'4.

This e'Clcdj the ganger is over for that alt ick. Angina pectoris in gall-bl idder are treated in the sauie nMnuci and alttiou jll consideied im ura- Vie by t'ie mediAil t4ki94uat, are curpl by the bv Vse of lrch Pills." Pim are cure Bra Pills. In severe uttucks the doses mu4 Be full; six or eight for a few night to. ee her Vill cure the eases. Whenever this diiuse comerf on in thetreitinent ef other die i- it is a I sign use nothing but the pills, I an an outward cold rream or rd.

ike frequent uieof cold water locally. 't lere thjre ive been pectoral tfffctimis, aa ro i-iu iiti in. Ac. will bo' rc i.reJ the pill to effect a perniAent cure. 11 ii 4'iy wrill avuiredly bring on the.

pe aflriiun. I nf Dfii'Ay, WttkilC'i, Wasting, Den dow.implio appronehint', it will lel Necessary Id co nm- wih sm ill do-ws. Vi'hona pill g'in to bed; next night lwi piils; do, this aheriMlebr fur three ot four days, or 1 if mi alter iti nt Uie place, hen increase i a pill each alibi uo il five or sii i.ills are used. ti then decrease by one pill, down to one pill. i ceou.reu.

wire I It 1st dsirul thai 1 IJ rtl iti-aa ,1 t.t i ttu'ir ewn ju Ig nent sh ill tlVnruiie leiii ir te, kr-p, fMj the impure iu a aie renkived, sii will he ilie to sound health. Ur. Bfinlretii'l Prijicijul Cll Croid-fty Ne Vk. Zf.KxsnU fbr the Brandreth's Pills: 1). J.

B. D.i-k Chapel A. VlHMiie, HjII; A.Micklo BiiiipWs -f bwmv! f-a utuu unii nut 1 Oftf! VARD. Totr nnd Ctfoii lVfi Cloth wanted! LONti SepVefcher IS. OJ RA.CON VriXB lot, of Xorili, Carolma fi.

rov sale Tiiil DKl'C SPOKE. Ajrfd27 32 IN tfvTE AND jkr SALE, Li-it SerJ Oil :4 Train Oil. I iSinrit furiH-nline. 4 -VP THE DJiyu STORE. at ly 1 i U7 ,7 3,1, 4'h and tkth Judicml-Cucuji frwept Ka.

For apply tcStephen Moore.eso,. HUk- mice umh roil in ICS me otu rir cutt.) woiiLl inform his friend mid suluerUH.r.. that the disiribulion ol the work will coasincnce this mcntiv. Any person wishina the yfork can procdre il frm the suWiiher. Price luiubscri-' bers $3:00, non-subscribers (2:25.

Utorary, rnnfei.nce anJ ScUool, ai Vr Alsn. General Collectinf Agency. I SAMUEL PBARCE, AgenK I Ifill.brou5h, Nc.lIl..

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