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The Hillsborough Recorder from Hillsborough, North Carolina • Page 4

Hillsborough, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Valuable Property, FOR SALE. XJ iowrAr) f) Art of w-tii, to th -u lr J. P. H'lCiillTHN. in ihr fork's Ollics the th.trict Court far iku im Dwtrt-t erf prnusyWsnis.

Another Scientific Wonder! GREAT CURE lQR DYSPEPSIA! Da. J. G. HOUGMTOrj'G Second Lust Notice. I HE partnerlip of E.M.

II. It. 4 o. I been dissolved, they wcold heitl-j i persons indebted lo ihem, tl at the is'n concern of E. M- Holt Co, as well VV.

H. Carrignn Co, ai finis's Mills, nllw settled. They would lliereloie n-quetl all jr. son indebted to them, in either ef the torn eras, to call and settle wiihoui delay at the Wiiius; of necessity, must lie closed. E- M.

HOLT fo. 'June It, 1852 39- S5Q0 CHALLEHGR IV ilATEVER the health and hnp- pwess of people is at Utue of the giwt valuable iuiKruiu-e. I tke ii fox. granted that vry person will do all id tlirir power 10 save the lues of their childie'n, and that eveiy person Till eiuVavor to promote their own henlib at all Mcriuce. 1 tec I it mr duty to solemnly assure Liver Complaint, AUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OB JSERYOLS DEBILITY, DISEASES OP THE KIDNEYS, AH Diseases erinirg from dis- Liver or Stomach, sueh as Constipation, lo-ward Piles, Fullness of Blood lo the Head, Acidity ofthe Stomach, Nausea, Heart Burn.

Disgust for. Food. Fullness, SlSfllLlllLA or Weight iu tke Stomacli, Soyr Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the I'M ol we torn. cb.SwimHiing ofthe Head. Hurried anrl Difficult Breathing.

Fettering a( the Heart, Choking or HuQ'o-cating Sensations wle in Kingpostiire, Dinmess of Vision. Dola nr Webs before the Siohl, Fer dull Pin in lb" Head.Deficuiey or Perspiration. Yellowws ol the Skin and Eyes, Pain in thu Side. Baek. Chaal.

Limbs. Sud den Flushea of Heat. Burning in the slant Imagining oCvil and (Jieal Depressioao'f Spirila, can be cflfcetuslly cured by T) R. 1 1 OOFL A 1)S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS. PRf.PARD BY DR.

C. M. JACKSOW AT THE CRRMAN JTOR'E, 1J0 irih Street, Their vowtr orer Ihe abort diteatet it ml rellrij eiii'iUrdby any Other preparation in the United me vuret uei, ma ny tw ufUr diiful had fatted. Thee BUler are worthy the attention of hi vulids. PoesiT)g rU virtues in the recUficalion ofdiapase of the Liver and hser glands, exer-rising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive nigana, tliey are with al, aafo, certain and pleasant.

READ AND HE CONVINCED. From the "Boston Bee." The said. Dos. 23d. Dr.

Hooflnnrfi Celebrated German Bitten for Ihe cure of Liver Coniphntit, lauiulicc, Dyiep- ain, Chronic or Nervous Debility, i deservedly one of the tfuost populiir medicines of Ihe day These Utltera have been useil by tiiousanUH, and friend at our elbow saya he hn himself received an effectual and permanent cute ol Liver Coinnlaint from lha Use of gun retnedw We are convtncod that, the use ot these uit- inrs. the natient constantlv Cains strength and visor a Inet worthy ot great eonRiucriniini. Thev artuleHsantin taste and smell, anqenn tie uaed by persona with the most 'delicate stornmhs wiih safety, under any eucumfltaucs. are speaking from exiicritjnce, and lo the afHicted we advise their use. ScoU Weekly," one of the best Literary papers published, said, Aug.

25 Dr. HiMiflaiid's German Bilteis. miinufuctui-ed Dr. 'Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of ihe faculty as an article of mcch efficacy in cast a of female weakness. As such is the rase, we would advise all mol to obtain a bottle, and thus save i uch sickness.

Persons of debilitated con slilutions will finfl these Bitters advatilsgenus to their health, aa we know from experience the salutary effect they havo upon week system." MORE EV1DENCK. The" SntWrday Gajr'tte." the best family published in ho United Stales. The editor says of DR. HOOKLAD's GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom thai we recommend: what are termed Patent Medicines, to the confidence arid patronage of our readers and therefore when we recommend Dr.

Germs Bitters, we wish it lo be ilisUm understood lhat we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, lhat ate nois ed about for a brief period and then forgotten af ter thev hs" done their guilty race of mischief, but of a long established, universally prized, aiid which has met the hearty approval of me fu-utn iiself Evidence upon evidence has been tensived '(like tire foregoing) from nil sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, lhat (here is more of it used in the practice of llie regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nlrums combined, a fact thnt cnii easily be esjlahlislied, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval wlien picscnVd evon in this form. That this medicine will Ciire Liver Cnh'i'plaint and Dy spepsia, rio one can doub'. aftpr using it as iliicrtrd. It aclssjiecifically upon the stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in nil bilious din-W4 the effect is immediate. They cdh te administered to female or infant twtb, safety and re-, liablp bi tielit al any lime.

BfcWARE OF fOtt.MKRrErfX. This medicine has attained thai hiuh character THE subscriber wishing to remove, oilers or ale his House and Lot (two acres,) in the own of Hillsborough, well situated, the dwelling House large and commodious, with all necessary oot-bnildings, wad a nevei-failing well ol water ithin a few feet of the kitchen. Also threa tf acta of Land. .1 wo amall tracts ithin two miles of towa one aitjoining nr. Hrv.ker snd Lemuel Lynch, and ihe other ad- joinii.g the lands of Nash Whittcd and others.

The third tract contains seven or eight hund ed acrea, all wood land, lying near Cedar Gioe, ad 1 1, ..,.1 joining aaaiviri siw I he sunscrsoer ntnijurwi" south west. Will sell any oi me anove propii-tv on accotftmodatiag (eiBis. 1 fll AH persons inuteuiwu v- nd sellle.end those hiving claims will present ihem fe payment STEPHEN MOORE. 12 Decembc- 6 tv a Cheap DRUG STORE. IS now receiving-a large anil choice Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, VARNISH-ES.

PAINT BRUSHES, SURGICAL DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTI CLES, which were selected by nimseii in Northern cities, with special egad fco their nnritv and freshness." Physifians and the Pub are requested to call and examine hia Stock, consisting in part ol ine iwiowing MKDICINES. Chrome Green, Yellow, Prussian Blue', -Venation Red, Spanish Brown, Best Eng. Calomel, Blua Mass, Pul.dt Rud.Rtiuhdth, Ipecacuanha, Jalap, Via' Manna. Vermillion, Cndl.iverOiJ fRuhtonVarnishea, A UrVA Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Black Pepper Oil, CHOICE FANCY ART1- CLES. Tootts Brushes Flesh Brushes, Perfumery, eie.

Luhin's Eilracla, -Toilet Bottles, French Cologne, German do. Soaps of every variety. Lemon Oil, Burgamot Oil, Oil Peppermint, Quinine, Iodine, ulp. Act. Morphia, Urate of llver, Iodide Iron, Opiunn Cit Iodide Qiiinia, Prot.Imlide Mercury, Pomades dc Oils for the Sulphur, Epsom Salts, hair, Letter and Cap Paper, etck PAIMT8 AKJ) Note Paper Envelopes, Linseed Oil, Pure While Lead, Pert Monies, Paper-ties, Pwt folios.

mp Black, etc. eta. Besides other articles too numerous td mention. 4- 1 As he la determined to sell aa low aa any House in North Carolina, he thinks ha can make to the interest of Physicians to buy. He would say further, that he has made arrangements to receive all the New Chemicals as soon as an nounced, and any article not on hand can be or dered ia a few days.

Orders respectfully solicit IflllsborwjRh, April 27th, 1852. --38 Clear the Tr ack! 1 Oftfe FRAORANCIA CIGARS. a vv (000 Regalia Sen.iramisdo. 1,000 La Norma do. 500 Coronis do.

3,000 Half Spanish do. Honey Dew TOBACCO. Gold Leaf do. Fine Virginia do. To be had at THE DRUG 8T0R1 Februarys.

Look Here! rpazT uhscrihers wouldinform the ublioat they still conti nue to do business at Ity ild Stand, (Walnut Grove,) eight miles Notlli el Hillsborough, where they keep on hand i -ood assortuicut of and Miute Dry awo. Somf Carryalls, id Wa-gens also SBiIdlri. and Ilarnru of different kinds, -r- PINE LUMBER, AND SlIINfLEN. The undersigned will attend torepirs of all serlsin theii me with neatness and Jipalch. In eic'iarige for the above mentioVd aiticlea willbe Com.

Wheat. Flaxseed Feather, or good orscs, at imirket prices. IIUKlJi.h IlClDI.E. October G. i og Laml for Sa'e.

f' OFFER foriale firgeTtacl of wiSVst I'nuu in Person cou flvjusl over the northern Orange tin i As a body of up-bjn1, it is inferior to none in the middle part of Lis atuta. The oien lands are well enclosed, in rood the loreat lands aie hcav4ljh.Atd,.,1d all well Waft(rto On the lands are a varietc' substantial iin. proveiiieiils Dwelling IIoumn Wheat and Tt biicco jirisl si Jf i tf uitan in perfect ri pair It will ba 3i.i in parcels 9 uit any purchaser- HAUL (fl'AM KKON. dtfcr-iHe ow Ircn A Xiaw Lot PDNSISTINO of liar fr Tires, Horse Shos, dr.c sqpar4 ound, oval and half 0iil. Also, CastSte BliMr, tionnan.

and Shear SlceU Also, a fresh lot of MrasHes arid Rid1. L)N(i March 53d, J7 LilT'nf fin fnr ia w. are lr ,0 call thfpiece, WANTED, so a (juai.r-.c 1 Hat rf. LQ-NU WEBB. S3Jr' 02 rr: JUST IlKctfvK!) FOIl SALE, 1 BLACK BtjlxEIrt, I piece Fi'irJjark 1 i.iec Bonilsniinv, I piece i 3 lack B.mnet Ribbon.

1 LONG UEBB. i I of )uu that WOK MS, aocojdilig to, lUr Opinion ol the mot celebrated i hvstciaus, are the prnrtary causce of a large tr.ijiirity of diseases to which rhil lira and adults are liable. If you have ao appetite Continually changing, from one kind of food lo another. had breath, pain in the stomach, pick ing at the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, drr couih, stow fever. pulse irregular remem ber that, all theae denote you should at once apply the remedy: HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP.

An article founded upon scieniile principle, com pounded with pare vegetable nubsuneei, being perfectly aaie wnen laxcn, ami can oe given the most tender infant with decided beneficial ef fect. Wheta Bowel CompbSnts and Diarrhoea luve mide thero Weak and debilitater1, the tonic nronertie of mv Worm Syrflb are such lhat aUutk w.Uho&f an equal in the catalogue of ino-du'iiica in giving tone and strength to the stomach, Vhich makes it an huVlil'li remedy lor thos fflLcteil with Dilpsia. 1 he astonishing cures rformi-d by this Sprnp after hysicians have tailed, la the beet evidence ol supenoi ellkacy over all others, THE TAPE ORM, Thin the rnort-dfliiculi Worm to destroy of all that infest the huhua systciiu It grow to an almost "indefinite length, becoming ao coiled and fjsto.ed in the lulesiine and Stoimicli. aflecting health ao sadly aa To. cauls 8l ViiKa' Usrice, Fits, lhat those afflicted seldom if evi stis-pect that it ia Tape Worm hastening tbeu'i to.

ai) early grave. Id order to destroy this orm, Very energetic treatment must be pursued. It would, tberelorc, be proiier to lake sit or eight of my Liver Pills, so as to remove all olwtruc-tiona, that the Worm Syrup, which mutt be taken in doses of two three times a J.y, may act direct upon Hie Worm. These Ti-t fi Mowed, hxve never been know to fail in curing the moat ohathiate case of Tapt Warm. EF-HOBEXSACK LIVER PILLS.

No pan of the system is more linl leto disease than the LJVIill, it serving as lilierer lo purify the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the bile so that any wrong action of the l.ier effect the other important oariatf the system, and results variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dysiicusia, Ac We should, therefore, watch very ayuiAjra that might indicate a wrong ao t(Dof the LiveK These JPillr composed ol SOOTS and PLANTS furnished by tatuie to heal the sick: Namely, 1st, Ait ExrucTOBAST, which augnirnfci the trereiiMt tSofft, the Pulmonary mucus membrane, of promote the discharge of aecretod matter. 3d An A.TsBaTitK.whk'h tliangca, in soma incii.U 'able and insensible man i-r, the certain mm bid action of the system. 3d. A Toxic, which gives tone and strength lo the Tiervous system, ne a iug health and vigor to 411 parts of ih body. 4th.

A Cathhtic, which acts in p-ifct harm ny with the other ingredi enis. and operating on I lie Bowrla, and eipeliing the wlicw iimx of comikjI and vitintd matter, and lha Uluod, which destroys disease and roUrca heailh. TOFLMALES. Yon witt immI these Pills an invaluiMa' medlt ciiM -in many complaints lo )nfl are aub-irrk. la oU-truclimts either total of inrtial, lhe iva tbiihil of ineatirtnMe hrn'Hif, restoring functional arrangements to hcilthy action, Tiunrfving the bio and olber fluids so ehvi ttially aa lo nut to flight all complaints which mav arise froui 6uiV i'regulaiilies, as headaches, giddiness, dimness of sight, pain in the side, bark, etc.

None genuine unless signed J. N. 11 others being. baae IniiUiiions, XjT Ageota, wiaiiinj new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becnining Agents, mnt ait. vjresa t'is PropTjpr, J.

Hobctifack, PhjUdel phis, Vi. Ajrents. DKS.D. School fieliL Hills wugh, Wh ilre arid Rr-tarl A'grnl P. Weir, Grcensborough; W.

II. Brillon. Sinn. spirfied 1, Pijjott. of whom can be "jj pamphlet uf cures Su-.

Price each cunt. 60 lv BRANURETIPS PILLS. Aneurism, or El inuuf tf tlm lletut, Arte-riff, Hil'i. Ac. SE the wills tVit nr ihree times week in dose su.Scieiil to freely and worn a paroxism com' a ferlrs use of the Pill nu4 he in-ide; down with six i'r eislit, and in a bitka while reoeat the d.we; do this t'hlil Uie beli are flunly purged.

effected, the da.iger is ov-r for tiiiil sit irk. Anuiua pectoris an 1 tJFie in enli-'d re trealed in the sjaine. u.i.'vr.f'r ami although inrura-h by t'le irieJijal jirofesi-ioti. are currd by the a' of Pills. sre rured by It t's Pills.

In severe attacks the doe mi A be full; six or eiht for a nights to-g itl cure thi woM eases. Whenever Ihi-rll com" on the treatment of other disei-ea, it i a go.M sin; use nothing but the pills rn I. a an outwird nplieatioti, cold cream or 1 rd, ioJ ii use of cold w.rer locally. vn tt mere n.ive heeii Meoral an. rliom.

s- ast In, eo mi in. perHekersnee will he le.j'i rel i'h the pills loeiTerl a per-ninenl cine a iv ot'ier will assuredly bring on the te affcdUn. liedtt nf Dtjiilif. Wi line's. Woitinz, Dr- or Cotvfitplion appro ckinq.

it will be Ti to win srnill diiVs. uj.Mu to bed; rsixtn'ujSt tw.i pills; da tail alteram! for three or four or linp-rjif no alter itti'i tj'tes ilrr.ihonincren p. II live or sit pills are owl therr dcrejse one pill, down ti one pill. Sjiwil irty tcvrrii.H syrnptt ns ari-c. 1'ien I ike rUa tj, cs until the lever i du'd, When 't'lis i iloun.

the piiieul ir drop to mi ete- i t'ir osrn ju.lg nf -t ibi-rmine Iwi eireful to keep. the dr.i pn the ihe ate reinSveil, so will be their jdnc nenl ta sJiiod health. Dr. Dr.ilret;iVPriii.!ipal OiTi-e, 111 Broid v4y N'esr i'ork. it lor the of nM-nlieth' Pills: D.

IlMrtt, J. 13. M'Uadc. A. A.

Mickle A J'S Bimharn, School. J.00.0. VARDt To it and Cotton ClOfla wanted nl LOXU WEBB'S. Psptr sal ar 31. 02 BAOX I BACON 1 1 fCSt 1 Jt Ca' jina Htm sl fric tr- 33- IN" STOHrE AND FO.1 SALE, Ti VElitfLs Hot Oil i Train Oil.

fi-vnf ritrpe-'ine. mix TUB TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, ore a i i 1 1 iv JfREPARED from Rennel. ot thefouith 8to- niach of the Ox, after dirccirtms ef Baron Liebig.the great Physiological Cherist, by J. 8 HauBhto, M.D.. PailaiWIphia, Pa.

i. Thisai a truly womlctlul remedy for rhdlges- tioB, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint. Constipation ud Debility afterNatareVs own method, bylvature sown Agent, iiieuastrrcJ ui. IT Half Waspoonful of Pkpsik, infused in Waier, will digest or Aiteolve Five Pounds of Rotut Beef in about two hours, out of th stomach. PEPSIN is the chief element.orureat Diges ting Principle of tht Gaslric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Freservhi'g, ami Sit mutating Agent of the Ptornach and Intestines.

It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like Ihe natural Gastric Juice in Us t. he-mionl powers, and furnishing a Complete and Perfect Substitute for it. By the aid of this preparation, the pains end evils of Indigeston and PvspepsUsre removed, jus! as ihey would be oy a healthy Stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption, supposed to be on the verge of the grave. The Scientific Evidence upon which it is based, is in the highest degree Curious and RemarVNlle.

SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! Baron Li aio in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, An Artificial Digestive fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, way lie readily prepared from ihe mucous membrane ofthe -tonwh of the Call, in which varions articles of food, as meat ami eggi. will Wsofti ned.ehwgtd, una digested, just in the same manner us they would be in the human stomach" Dr, Con be, in his valuable writings on ihe "Physiology of Digestion," observes thai "a liniitiution of the due qunutiiv ol the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-prevuiling cause of Dyspepsia; and be slates thiit." a distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was se verely Hlfticled with tins complaint, tinding eve rything else to fail, recourse to the Gastric Juice, oi'tameU fiom tw Hortiachs ol living am mule, which proved completely Dr. (Jiuh author of the famous woiks on Vegetable Diet," says It is remarkable fact in iihvsiolocv, tlinl tlie stofli relies orarihrnil ma cerated in water, impart In the the property of dissolvinn various articles ot rood, ami of ef. feeling a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise d'jjtrent from the natural procets," LH ihk Agent, arid get a Descriptive Circular; gratis," civS a large amount of Scientific Evidence, similar to the above, together with Repoits of Kenia liable Cures, frpiji all parU of Ihe United States; AS A DYSPEPSIA Dr. Houghton's Pepsin has produced the most marvtlluu effects, in curing, cases of Debility, Emaciation, Xerrous Decline, ami Dispeplic Caitsumpthm.

It is impossibla to give the details of cases in the this advertisement; but authrfbliealed certificates have been given of more hnnTwft" Hundred Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, frew York and Bostou alone. These were nearly air despernt i rases, hd the cures were not only rapid arid womlc'rful, but perma-nstif. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particular-Iv useful for tendency to llilious disorder, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive Organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eatinc, an I the loo free use of ardent spirits. It nlmost reconciles Health with Intemperance.

OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. --These ia no brrr.t of Old Stomach Complaints, which it docs not seem to reach aiid remove at once. No m.itter how bad they may be, it gives Instant Hi licl A single done retnot'S nil the uiildtfiK' iil symptom and it only needs lo he re. j- I I. I n.

Powder and in IMuidfr.W-a,,d in IWrin uu (tt( use 0, phvsii jvale Circulars for ihe use of Phyricians may be obtained of Dr. fought, or his' Agei.U. whole! prVparalion, and atilhonties'iiiion whirh the claims of tlai new leinedy are hased. As it is not a Se- crei Uemedy, no objection can lie raised against its use by Physicians in respectable standing and regular practice, fnce. One Hollar per hoitle, (fj Observe This Every bottle llie gen-nine Pepsin bears the written sinnaluie of I.

S. II. million. M. sole rironrietur.

Pa. Copy -right and 'fWe Mark secured. ir8old bv all UruaaisU and Vf.ti. Cincs. For sale bv D.

Hills- borough. inu iry 6. 16 Housc and Lots nMf FOR SALE OR KENT. 'JMJE Hnaati and Lot where Ihe Ute Priestly li. MrtiiRiab resided, near Hlsbss-ough, on Iho Oxford road, is ofiertd for sale or rrnl.

The si I. .1 I within the rotooraiion. i. i.u-. joy the advantage ol the town.

The lot has on luiscs. For terms, apply to Stephen Moore, esq. Hills-1 Durotign. DecemlMyr 13. 11' OR I ON'S OK 31 9.

4 FEW Copies ol the rorms of George Hor-j ton, Ihe colored Bard nf Chspel llrll.con- laininr; al a sketch of life written bt him self, may he had at tlm diT.ce. Trice 25 cents. March 9th, He, be live .11 of and for Di i Tin and Copper Notice This while yon are reading THE subscriber has otiened a Tin and Copper factory in the Town of HilUboiough, nl n. ill tr to conduct it in the best taanner. haa nrocured one of lha best of Northern workmen, and his work will be made ofthe best material and in the best style.

After trying the and it should orova not ba good, it may rtiirnil ami more cot in its Dlace. Tin will sold at Notherl Pricea with costs and car AW bills to the afnotaht oT fifty dollars, at any place in the Slate, all to the amount of twenty dollars, within fiRf miles of this place, and hills at nv amount, within twenty-five miles. will be filled and delivered free of chargt for transportation. He would say to his customers. that he win sell woik aa low aa any oouse in iue The subscriber returns tut thanka for past favors, and he hopes he' will receive a liberal share patronage, aa he pledges himself to do justice lo endeavor to give full satisfaction in hia work.

I All orders will be thankfully received, and the work dona with neatness and despatch. rrfHis shop will be found at this tuna one door below Mai. Palmer's more. November 18. 10 "Money Saved is Money Made." rIHE undersigned, having formed a co-pnrt- nershipin the Mercantile Business in the own of Hillsborough, under the style ol ARE NOW RECtlVINU AND OrEMMt tlltlB Stock of Sliis ami rummer GOO DSI selected with great cure in the Northern markels.

and consisting of almost every article usunlly kept in a country store all of which they onei ale at verv low ratea. All they deire of the public is to examine their assortment before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confideut they can please in uuulity and ice. (rjj Country-made Janes, and almost any coun try Product, taken in exchange tor tootts. VM. NELSON, WM, PAUL.

Anril27. 32 I SHOES I shoes tr Black and Colored G.UTERS and HALF CM HERS, from Mile. Cloth Gaitemand Half Philiulelphin; Bootees for Ladies, Missns and Cniloren, Also a eood assortment ot Boots, Lined and Bound Shoes, and means. Just received at LONG October 2. 04 WATTS'S Nervosa Antidote and Physical RESTORATIVE.

THJi MEDICAL WOXDER OF THE AGE. most powerful and wonderful mediein ever discovered. (luaranleed lo cure every Nervous or Spasmodic LliHeatd1, such as Neu ralgia, Tic Doloreux, Convulsions, Fits, Rhea matisin, dec. For sale at the DRUG STORE. May 11.

34 suliscribers, having purchased the entire Stock of E. M. Holt at respectfully in form the public that they will continue the bust ness ut the same well-known statid, wheie they will be ideated lo see the old customers of I be concern, and their friends aenerallv. Thev hv purcliasi'd the slm'k on lenin, which Mill eu.iblo lliern to sell lower than they have heretofore len sold in this m.irket, and they intend doing so. They will be receiving a new supply of fresh Goods in a few dxys, which will render their stock complete.

Call an.l see before purchasing elsewhere. J. J. C. J.

FREELANI). March 10. 25 Very Cheap Goods! fit X7 ti JJ XI JJ 1,1 LSlfLUJ LI.I.Y announce to their cua- 11'' Ifitifaru utul itin iiiiltlir (T.Mininllv. tbtit thev ire now in receipt of a very lare uiril complete 'IlltClil of Summer Goods, which they ur anxious lo sell, and will sell u-on reasonable terois many Goods lower thun ever btfort. r' lease csll and examine their stock.

HilUborouxh, March 31, 18-'i3. FOJt SALE I EGHOKN, Plain Straw, fancy Straw, Bwid atid S'ilk-Bnhm-ls snd Straw 'I'riininlliKS. Air Mrior aasuMuwIit of Bouuet; Baih, and Ueck Kibumrs. LONG WEBB. April 27.

11 ire receiving, and will keep a Rood as-. sorlmeiil of Ladies' Cilipiters, VValktn'ir Shoes, and Shoet'ces. AJso Misses and Clul-' dreu's. Shoes of the best 82 I. PA PVU A- VtlV i at m-m iu a I "8 n.etuig p.w.y n.

the ay ui ff.iil I'apir utKi i ij'c 9r April l. 51 Onls's Cora Shircal I AM.TA.Crt-KEp expres-ly Culinary ano dietetic nurpiwes. For Sale at the July 26. DRUG 5.V- FOIl THE LADIES. 4 FINE Assortment of French-worked Col- Urs.Cheiaitetts.

ITn.ler Sleeves and Cuffs, the the lic rv it 28 I I I WONDER Blessing ofthe Age? THE HOST EXTRAORDINARY ICEBICIM, i IN the world! This Extract is put up in quart bottles eit irsij I I a I times enroper, jjitasunicr, ana warranted, superior to any sold. It cures tcithwt vomiting, purging, sickening, debilitating tht patient. WE HAVE! MANUFACTURED UBP.C00 Bottltl of tbii SarsacarilTa during the past year, and art mu putting up at I at AAA Sfl1Pl.rB least uvuv uuj i iico rcn VAs, USING MORE OF THE BARSAPARILtA R001 IN OWE VfONTH THAN ALL THE OTHER. MANVFACTllREM OF BARSAPARrX- LA IN OKE YEAR. Dr.

S.P.Towniicnd'uSarsnpftrlllal JS WAKKAMED TO KELP rOR ANY LEKCTn OF TIME IK ALL CLlMAlrs. This extract has crann xoatofthe following diseases thin all tms otheb adtsitiskd xi-Diciats TonKTBia have done, Mnoi I.A,Clt liIG'S tuv OBSTINATE CLTAKE018 ERlllJ8 Pimplct or on Ihe luce, BLOTCHES, BILES, CHRONIC SORE RIC OULM OR TETTER, SCALD HEAD, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints STVBBERU ILCEIS, SYFlJlLll IC DISORDERS, LUMBAGO eiLttiW and all disease arising fiom an injudicious nit ol Mercury, Ascites, or Diopsy, Eiposura or Imprudence in Life, ltiuvarisbly curca RIIEirSlATISM, IDICESTION Qll ticurafaia. General and Ntnotis Debility, PALPITATION OF THE HEAkTh Liver Complaint Inflammation of the Kidneys. Ladies of pale complexion and consumptivs habile, and such as are debilitated by those obstructions which females are liable to, are restored, by the use of a bottie or two, to bloom and VlgOr. ''V; Principal Office, Clspp A Townsend, 85Kai tau Street, New York.

CT For tale by D. Heard. HilUto- rotigh. Cabinet MsUiifcte. rI 'HE subscriber would respectfully iutoim A- ciiizeus of Hillsborough and the public generally that he has on hand, at his shop on I burton street due west from the court-bouse, a variety of excellent Furniture, and lhat he is prepared (o manufacture, id the best style, all articles iu his line, such aa 11 Hfc A I St ol AV ild Cherry and Wtl- nut.

SIDtliOAJlDS. of Wild Cherry, Walnut; and Maple. SOFAS, ot every St Ic. BKDbTEADS, ol Maple and Gum, 1AI5LKS, kinilH. WAltDKOliES, Portable and Station- COl HNS, from to the Bent Stji le, Hit.

He promises that his work shall be faithfully executed, and at very low pi ices, and bo lhat he will receive due eiicuumgt nu iil Iroui a gtut Irous public. AJ1 kinds of osed in Cabinet Work, such as Walnut, Cherry, foplar, Birrh and pie, ill be taken in exchange for work. Ordeis from a distance will be thattkfull rs-ceiled and Promptly atiendcd to. KiCllAUD MAYO. April IS.

79-1? Death nnd Vctlmttion Iff IlutH, Mitt) fr a ovn tiptn i. i. 1 flrf dertruction of RATS, EUCE, BUGS and poisonous only tothealmvenan eoue atruclive vermin. Price 60 centia bok, with directions foi u. July 30.

tlotlistasInien Trilngii, A GOOD Supply, Bom orj ne, for n.ta lower than they cap had eb-twhric I hia market. LONG 3. WKEB. Octobers b2 THE U1LLSECRCCGH RECORDER- IS ft BLI8MKH WIEKtT UV iJK.NiMS HF.ARTT A. Trruin.

Two Dollars a year, if paid vane. Two D.dliws -ml ifty Ccirts, il not within thrcC tuonilim or Three Dollars, il dcl) tiiitil afli-r the expiration ofthe year. tw senvr out of tl is stale ui.less pay mow ad.aucr, or some jicrson in the state win rrr" totbr editors; and in no case paper U- se nt tn a subwril er out of th nunc ihiin two years wijliout a payment, i Ai.rr.nrm not etceediu lN0 lr tin- iir.t, aiid twenty-five cenU luf 'eh su.jvtit ii.strti.Mi lolieroi'CS I' port 1,. 11. tw rent.

A turn etH made lo advertisers by ihr ycr. Adfcrtisins Rate, for Ittmtr. One dollar smiare (10 Iir.r-1 for lh' fir. insertion, and 25 cents for ch continuance-Ivdudiona made in favor of elandm a.i THE which is tiecearv for all medicines to attain to me ese goou eite- ts induce cotmterfeiiers (,. put forth spurious article permanent.

1 urily of Blood, and igr.i ot at the risk of the live of those wkfl aie innocent- at mf- excellent in cases Iv deceived iof VfiuiUug, Lratiips, Sorencsji ofthe AooJt we'll to tht marks of the genuine, Pil -f eating, low.coid Thev have the written signiture of C. 'a 6 oI i i I Desponiieney, r.mitciallon, Weakness, tendencv JACKSON upon the his miner i i' i to iiisiinitT. Suicide, own in the Init without which they an sau- Dr. Houghton, is sold by nearly af riora. dealers in line druus and Popular Medicines, lor sele holesale en I Rctal at the 1 1 liriiuijiKinl Ihe l.mted Ma es.

It PEMN No 120 Arch street, one door- Sixth. Philadelphi.i; and by respectable I general Ih.ougt, the country. VtxlK r.n I III. t. r.

I). Toenal-le 1I eWs of inv. lids to enjoy thaad-. vantage of Iheir great restorative powisi. Siiiilt- Bottle 1 Cents.

Al for Sale bv Dr. S. I). srilOOLFIELI). -liillsbiirouyih, Nv.C.J WhpleiMle Agents for North iind Snuth Carolina.

vcl nd. HirrullJf Chailcstou, 8. Jri.SI. 18 FOIl SLK at tub DlflJfi (For tlirinal Only,) HAKUrJL Pn-ndi Br uidy, pfire do. Madinra Wine.

do. Port do. 1 ifu, Sherry tfo. 1 do. TcncrifT do, I do.

Old Kye Whiskey. Xovemiier 4. 08- HISTORY OF rritia l. f.i rork, by Col. Whsklkb.

will be I 1 ready for delivery in. few The aub- all the rtccesssry ut houses, a pood wclhami a--riber, hnisif contracted, with the for. a gnrden. A lot adjoininp, cqutajniiiR about' the sale and di'livprv nfthi.

all tba itirrp will xlui niit. Counties snd Tijis embruc in llie 1st, 2d, 3d. anJ Sth Judicial Circuita, (except R- h-iii siki inrre or lour counties Dili cir- uit.) would inform Uis friends si. thai the distribution of the work will commence illis rsoiilh. Any person, wisliins; ihe work procure it from, the Price tosul.scri.

bers (3.00, ifi-suWriW rs $2:15 Reliiius. Litcrarr, Tempciance and School Books for Sale. A Is OenenI Colleclins; Agency. SAMUEL FEARCE. Aecnl.

r''j at LONG WEBB'S. 1 CVtd'i 04 ttfttwrfrjh, Xac. fWi, PLANKS for at tHh 0k July ID. 44-.

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