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The Hillsborough Recorder from Hillsborough, North Carolina • Page 1

Hillsborough, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jUNION, 1. -m a 11RE undersigned, ba vin formed a co-part-, ner.hip in the Mercantile liusineee in the wa of HilUborough, upder fjcjs'I of, XK NOW RKCEIVIXO AND OPENING THEIR GOODSS 0 lEmHMjID, Jtelnll Druggist, HILLSBOROUGH, N. 1 rpHE rjbatriher jjow receiving hia iritig tock.of Drug Medicines and Chemicals, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Perfu Fancy Articles, ombs tnd all the most po- pular Pateut Medicines -4 I of the lay Old Qtard and Cogniac Brandies, and Madeira, Sherry, and Tene- 5 rift" AViaes (for Medicinal -1 purposes only.) tV Uang aclcltd, the above etok in the North-era, Chin by personal inpectjqn, Jie feel warranted IA commending the article to hia friend eulected with great care iji (ha Northern a rjj eta, and constating ef almost ery article usually Vept in a country at ore all of which- they oOci ale at very low ratea. i. Atlthej denire of the publjc Jo exqmlne (their artnieiit ljfore purr hing confident the can pleaie, in rpdjice, takenn exchange fCjood.

i I1'-'" 1 rtjjru i Land Warrants Wanted; THE Hiicheat.pi-h frifw will pafd for Land A the agent for a in Wasbingron, I am authorized to pay (m're for them than ha before been offered in Ahia pact of the country, i WEBB. 836w pIE aubaoribera, having purchased the entire 8tock of K. M. Holt Co, reapeclfully Inform the public that they will continue the huai ptm at the earne wtill-kaown aland, where they will be pleaaed to are the old cuatomera of the concern, and their fiionda generally. They have 4urchajl the atork pp.

terpu whkh will enable then) to eell Good lower than they have heretofore been eold in tbia market, aifd 'lArj intend doinr m. Their will he receiving a new aunnly freah Good in a fewlaa, will render their atock eomplte Call anil aee before pur- jcnaaing elsewhere. 11 j. March Ilenrous and Fhrslc; RESTOIlATljJ t. Til mcntrat.

vntnri fYJIJ Met powerfol and i wogoderful medirine Nervoae or Spaemodic Diaeaae. each a Neu- it and the public at equal in quality to any offered to them: and will aell the aameat email nrofiu f. "'vm'iw ihiiw fUllt.iuell EUf for punt favora he hope to'mete continuance of the aame. v- S. D.

BCIIOOLtlEU). April iO. 31-1 'iat Ainti urAAA inn- If U9C.I OH 11GE, Seven niles East of Hlllslorotigh. piIE community aie Informed that Card-' itlg can now he done in good order and in a very ahort lime Spinning anj Weaving. Tbone having Wool to card, will pleae tleonu good, but not greaae it, a we would prefer to greaae it oaraelrea, they furnishing the I.ard.

R. M. C. SHUXD8. April 10, 1852.

39 3m fj Spirit the ropy. A PROCLAMATION. By Hit Esctlktiey Da via 8. Ram, Govtrnor of thi btute of Aorta Carolina. ITJ7 ERJEA8, three-fifth of the whole num- her of member of each House gi the Ge neral Aaaemldy did, at eession, pa the following AN ACT to mend the Constitution of iprth-Carouna.

The freehold nuslifiratin now re- cuired for the elector for member of the Senate rM the fundameutalruicipleaof liber fit titnacf ed by the Central Auembly A'wA Carolina, and it it Aerety by thtauthmtyofthfi Mmt.lhreebM 'fe VWher.ofmemhei ofeach touee concurring, that the aecond cjauae of llud ecUan ratified bv the people of North Carolina en the 'second MoiylfTif November, A. 1835, be amended by Mrikinj out the word4 andpoases-j aed of a ticehold within the aame diitrict of fifty acres land for atx month next beore and at 1 Jaj of.ei.econ."! tnat ttys aad clause ofj aaid section shall read as followa 1 All free white tcn of the age of tetv-ojie years (except as is hereinafter declared,) who have been inhabitants of apy one district within the State twelve month fSmmdiately preceding the day of any election and 8rc'- Dt it further tmtttd. That Upr of he is e.eb, hail nave paju public taxe, shall pp entitled the Gov- directed. ie issue ui rolMSiKlMMi to the neOnle of fiorlh I I I 4 Carolina, a least rix month before the next eleci- forth the purport of this Act and the amendment Con.UU.tion herein p.oposed, which Pro, elan aha be accompanied by a Una and perfect copy of the Aflt, authenticated bythecer- mv, wm uw Proclamation and the copy of thia Act, the Go-! lalgia, Tic Doloreui, Cnvuiajonai Fita, Rhea- patina, ice, Foraalealthe 0RUQ STOEE. 11 at j.uborqrt,nn O'er ewy Ian proj: The New i S(cietr are at tneir anntt the: most farms.

In tv ilotlnra operations, and intcre to make open th, and ah'oW persevere! grovving otheri ha- His fa, and ei" the Iigh4j nltj jen session for a i ket. 7 vr to in cent Each of rel least exhary me i wortl for th hO were arnou-J w(cre fruit a oo ed to Mr to the Hew whol he bat1 laore paid for ij r0 north so lie then stantial bui clowns the fene. In "fire ceeded in rende and productive a tlfs vicinity, and, as we hait has taken a premium from the piety for his good management. Th' lm B-oatnfn in lfiin tm minted tn npr tand eight hundred dollar, pa the profits, alter ueuueung me larm num ti t.vv.v gix hundred dollar I fbetterin theVcondition while those h0 the paternal roof never iite an inierest uieir uccu potion, and are cpntent with a mere subsistence. Those who would fail in farming would probably fail in other and "more respectable' pursuits; but il.i.i." f.

Ml. many inai miu capiuii lanucia, wvmu i commerce is here at least nine- ty-Qve out oi a nunureu uraw oiaoKt; tne orizea are magnificent, but they i ii 1 are few in number. The soil is a faithful servant, which will restore the five five which they have are stow, uui sure, it rives to all," and j'- b- rt vemoroftheSi.teahallcauae to be published in Such an instance of success should over the whole countr. Far-Court Houses of the jUountya in this 1 8tate. at least six months before the elpctioo ofteu uPn a Poor memlers to the next General Aascmbly.

jbusiness, not adapted to persons ot in-Read three time and agreed to by three-fifths itelligence and enterprise. Young men of the whole number of member ofeach House I tWk to the itv in crowds." in the hope of the bay respectively and ratified in General Avsembly.t T. H. C. W.

N. EDWARDS, 8.8. Itati or Noam OJJice mf Secretary of Stale.) Wuiiif Hili, Secretary of State, in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certi- -ll9W', )', WM. JIIT-L, Scc'y of Slate. aaaawaa-B I wm Wtteweia tit A mnA ffirAsftdaM ffrJ fa iKal tK.

tt.mmrAnm tm ek tmm mm! fMaMaat aaariW 1 of Vct oftha GeSeraUMemWy o7thi.8ueVimaM -rr r.JL 1- fill i 1 1 1 Wv II via aiuill tiW ya I ajaaaaa Haw mi- vuivwi i Given under my band, thia 3tat day of Decern-: ALT, persona indebted to the JKibcihira (or Gooda purchased of Mr. Wm. P. McfjanleJ, are requested to settle with him without 4J pwerwise toev will ana iiaxcojijnUiujWee a other handa or collection. K.

HOLT March 19. -i CQ. S7 RANTED, 1,000 'T 5 Atae a of M.fctJ. September 23 If OW XaOts CONSISTING of Bar Iron for Hor RhftL rnnnJ. sl and half aval, amo, vast pteeL Bualer, Uerman ana oncar BteeL Also, a frevb lot of Molasses and Rice.

4' "ivr-i s- March S3J, 1852. Spring Supply, 1852. 1 in fwV rfl HE ubcriler i now receiving hi Spriag and Summer supply of Gonda, and baa the 4tearare 9f oQering to his customeis and frjendf an. elegant aiwrtrijeiit, from which he ia sure fhej can mike selections that wjll please. Ilia stock embraces every article mually brough.

to jthi market, uch af 1 i DRV pQQDS. Groceries, Hardwire, Cutlery, fee Among the Dry Goods, ere the most beautiful pattern for Ladies' Drf sse. He i deteimined i sell CHEAP, and the public have qijly to. rive him a trial be fully satined on thi pojof war a a 4' "a I i ue also aeeie, ep nana a gooe aiocs which will be sold at the usual price. Thankful for past favora, ha nope merit a continuance of the aame.

-a nit 1IPO" sn. i i i. P. S. Rag.

Beeswax, Tallow, riaxared. and Pld Casting. tken iq exchange for April 14. vr LN -n. ANTED.

i Annrentice tolhe Tailorinc Business. i lad -Hom 13 10 yeara oi age, oi inuuw oui babiu and tood njqraa, will be taken by the aubacribcr. ii annlication ia mane soon. i nilt L. CARMICHAEL February t8.

S3 BLANKS BLANKS Bf.ASK DEEDS and Attach menla, aingte or by the quire, WarranJ. Executiona, dec printed on good paper, for aaje at thja piTira. November JJ. rH 0 A PEW Copiee el the Poem of George Hqr-1 the colored Bard nf Chspel llilleon-taining aUe a of hi life wrU.ten by him-aelf. may be ha! at fU Pfjce centa.

March. BACON I BACON A rNE loior North "CamSna Baeov for af THE DRUG STORE. April S7. 32 I' a 'P? a eicantic lottery, mendinf he Constitution of ine Stte of North ijtalepts, with Other Carolina so aa to coiifer on ever eualified voter Pained. Its rewards for the House of Commons the light to vole alco: for the Senate hides the cash.

hoar the mar htm that the iiu; la he the oft was a very vld ox, Takev and take it down to EletoTN. worth casli, and will bring or any two oi me oincr tiereupon tiiD .1 it I Tf wife, who was -verv pious soul, taking' upon herself the office of "Eliphaz, re- primanded her husband yerjr severely, and asked him if he was not aware that his loss was a judgment of Heaven for' his wickedness. Is it?" said he. Well, if they will take the judgment in cattle it is the easiest way 1 cat) pay it." THE REASON WHW Why are we not this day, like our na ked dancing wildly around soma Druiilical stone in the dark solitude 0f the forest or, cannibal-like, quaffing hondy tlrangln Trom human skulls. in iDJ i0m

in temples dedicated ia iinnvun i tb i. I vi uj ni wijo do thus assemble, had our eta. ii0 alio1 rf civilij tted to us in the foremost ranks zed roeo? Why are we the io. heritor of domealie peace, jnd social re. fincment, and intelleetual culture safely vouchaafed in like meaaura la anv other jandf Why are we the posaesaort of privileges, civil and religious, which, io of foundation and reciprocal bar.

without parallel in all the world besides. Why, in ehort, a change so vast and so blessed from the condition of our savage 1 and iiHatrqqs ancestors I I I ami irnm aurnati on an emnasay oi love, 10 ieil lhet shores, These men, call mem musionanes, or pi earners, or apos- hj uuicr nimr more graieiui to fastidious ears, as the name rannot al- ter the natnre nf the reenrded laet.wiliese men came with ensign but that of the UIC II ail. vi WUUI IIJT, II1HC0U UI III 11, forethought, and iron-hearted wfl privileged to aafembls in ordeily unflinching perseverance, it offers' gan has been crease of the clasn violence and showing eoifr lifn. A Dplrnil nunpr iommoniin(F in proceedings of a Grand Jury, says The nature of the investigations which that rand idry were railed lo make, satisfied i its members that the city of Detroit is a dark and bloody ground, whose soil has drunk tho blood of many a victim, and whose quiet river haiichoked the ling death-cry of many a wretch, of whose end nothing more is known but that he was and is not, and the secrei of' whose taking off is between the rour derer and his Maker, "'The river flows in close proximity to purlieus of a most dangerous and disreputable character, and offers a ready receptacle for all traces of proof which are suHject to human ken." Hioh Prices. A hogshead of Tobacco, weighing 1100 lbs.

nett, was sold in Petersburg the other day at fifty-one dollars and seventv-fivc cents per 100 lbs. It was made in Granville county, in this State, and the Intelligencer says, was about the prettiest specimen of the article ever seen. Charles Dickens, in a late 'number of his Household Words," after enumerating the striking facta of the cotton trade, says Let any great social or physical convulsion visit tho United State, and England would feel the shock from Land's End to John O'Groat's. The lives oP nearly two millions of our countrymen are dependent upon the cotton'crops of America their destinv I may be said, without any sort of hyper- i 4 rum rm ipiirp miiirra p.iriiu uliciiu I let tne larmer possess me secrei i success good management and he need never complain Qf ill luck, or grumble at the caprices pi prtu ne. I si Am.

Cor. A writer tn the Detroit Advertiser, a a a who was for twenty yearn a stock lar- mer, saya mat sneep can oe protecieu ot, uovernor or Rice, of the 25th. were tSf i r-ii r.L ITIiCII itl ICII III nihil ft' Mill two cubs. One cub -was immediately killed, and the tigress wounded. They tracked her for half an hour into the jungle, when she suddenly sprang out, K. uver iiir. rinui ur uirc ne nan vim tn rnrlr hia irnn snft coi-rin(r him by thejeft arm, dragged him away. Mr, Kir had airpail rliarharirrrt one Min when they attacked the tigress. He miickly got his second gan, but from me extreme auncuity oi nnng wicnoui killing his friend, could only aim at the body of the tigres, and though he wounded her again, did not wound her mortally. With admirable resolution he then seized a third gun, and watching his opportunity till he could see Elliot's head apart from that of the tigress, shot her dead, through the head, with bis friend in her mouth.

The officers were thirty from camp, and did not M.fti St rViw Iw.mIv Kmira It is imnni sible to give too much credit to the skill and cool neeS of Lieut. Kice. Mr. Elliot's arm ia badly wounded by the bite, as jrell at by the stones and rocks overjr which he was dragged, but no fear is i entertained lor me or nmo. A line of screw propellers is about to be started by a new English Company to run from Panama to Australia by S.

will complete the belt oi steam navigation around tlt glubt. from dtigs by pasturing them with latmony of parte, may well be i.aid lo be luait liw elsvieNiu niu uiiuiviii sire Lijnsli'otion abaii be agreed to ny iwe inirus io i wUqle represeptatjon ip each bouse of the next fiensral Asemhly, lt will then be aubmit ted fhe peopU) for ratification, I have issued rrocianiauon in conir.i., wu "-'v trr In teatimcin whpreof, Datib 8. Rxtii, Gover: nor of (State pf orth Carolina, hath hereunto act hia hant) and canecd (he Great Seal of aid 8tu fq be ajlixed. Dap lb CJ ot tT December, in 2i- 52 Jhe year of opr Lord, one thousand bundred end fifty one, and in a anu uiit t'lic, nu in ijth jearofonrlnde- he eeventy-ei PC mi nee By the Governor, DAVID S. REID.

Thoxi 8itti, Jr, Private Bec'y. Person into whoae banda this Proclamation may tall, win please see inai copy ot it ie post- ed up in the Conrt House ot their respective a Countica. January 17 Fresh Garden Seeds. i TO BE HAD AT THE DRUG STORE. yy March.

S3, cattle or much cows. I ne cattle inva- t.i nahlJ fttack the dogs, and thts save Where do all ihe.Eggt come from? ifiX authentic history supply the an. rThere are daily some 'one or two swer. In days of yore, there were men 't a 1 i hgnared DamiS 01 eggs rrcetvea in jfew DT the Erie Railroadand 'probably as many more Dy the various Oiner roaus anu llUUPun nvcr. uuc hundred' barrels of eirss were received in the steamer Empire City, which ar- rived last week from New Orleans, is a curious fact in the history ocros, rjo iraitiunitioq but the Uiblr, the for i't at Ibis QSce.

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