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The Hillsborough Recorder from Hillsborough, North Carolina • Page 1

Hillsborough, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TP. 2 up tt rr n- tf 11 QU Ilil IHj i t' IJJJ iiL, ppjppwiWBWiiiiiii.Mwiiiiiii' wipbhiwh i -Wtpt-Ma iriaiiMaaii ajgaju'wimljiii i. In MJ.JJJ3 I I.LMLI if i (, 1 6 II ONST ITU 0 A HE A II A I AN 0 LIBERTY. Yol. XXXIII.

l. E2 1 (I ft ton, II ESDAY, JU TV 12 0,1 8.1 J. Ml 3BgS-l' ---mi sit -l' duplicate these finest specimens, ei iweeiet enjnvmentof life and their hieh Wlioiesai-i' and Refall Drufsist, I'inLLSBOROUGH, J4 Jc. rPHE aubKriber sow wceiving hi Spring A Stock of Bf iigs, Eledicines, and cent by buying the 'Specimens them- seives, nna raising me seen irom mem. TL- i 1- -it.

i I The tnarket gardeners in the ticitiity of New York seldom buy Seedi from the seed dealers. Their finest specimens of lettuce beett, radishes, parsnips, are saved for raising seed, and these are either used by themselves or'eichanged with other 5 Cm f. ,1 May your rich aoil, Exuberant, nature' belter blewing pour O'er every iid." i'1, i 1 From the Soil of the South. PLOWING? Mk. Kprrok I-1 have an item to com municate upon this subjecUlri spoke yy market gardeners for other seeds, raised seamed over with gillie.

Ilia mules with an equal degree of care. (TheU'lm noble anttnal ihe horse eau too much prices' charged among themselves for i wr the planter" to have ahotit him) these seeds, are much greater than the jcould not be into a snail' pace, ordinary prices of the seed stores, but if It were not for some little sensitiveness fartriera would find' it to their advan- in the regions of the kinned plures on tage to pay these ex tra prices; for the their hips" and ribs and his cuttle look purpose of procuring purer and better; like Pharaoh's lean kino. And all this ly to nature, i yet curved with every evil under the eon, i become tl'e head quarters of wreh hedhei famine and death Why permit these thing I Why, loo, permit so much innocent suflering in the world 1 hy should all these poor wives pnd por chtldreimndergo turrow. povenygnorniny, for tho mi-deed of husbands aud father Why allow on rpan's dritii ken ties -at incoinetence, lo iend hundred of souls lo their account without a moment's warning I Why al low the insane ambition of another to bring thousand to an untimely end upon ihe battle field I Why, too, all these dire"., these famines, floola, pestilence, shipwrecks, earthquake, ronflagtalions What do they mean I What leo do they teach Who can decipher ihera Oh dear, what child cannot ask these questions I What sage can, answer thetn aiisft iorily I Theie is, there is a. meaning, a deep hidden wisdom in these arrangements nf ProvidfMW, though our, poor feeble wits cannot master it there it a key lo these dread puzalrs an answer to these sou vexing riddles not, here, the blessed life to come will answer all these questions oil, without that frith, that hope, existence were a miserable dreary farce iudei meanwhile arc we, because thus ignorant and in the dark, to break out into Honey Saved is Honey Hade." -w'T-.

r.l.'jX-: aIHE ndersigned, having fonmO co-part nemhip in the Mercantile Busines in tbe "own of Hillsborough, under the tyl of; )f BK: NOW RECE1V1XO ASP OPKMNO THEIR Kttjck of (Sprlnj and Smnmf' jcled with great rare in the Northetn market, and eonsUtiug of almost cverjr article 'usually ki4'in a coiiuiry atore; all of which they oH'ei t0U at yery low rate. All ihey'deire of the public' examine their assortment before purvrmsing elsewhere, feeling confident they ran picas in quality and h-x rj Country-made Janra.tnd almost any country Produce, taken in exchange for Good. WM. NELSON, paul. TIE Hiht.

Cah Prirea tr'dl paid for At, th gnt fir gen-tleman VVahinjion, am authorixeJ to pay in ire for them than' hit before keen oflered in th'u part of the 1 i ,5 THOMAS HVKBB. Maf Ithy 1833. ''i: fTHE aubacrihera, hitlnj purchaaedthe entire jsorts In our perigrmations tlrrough in my lonner letter oi me excellent rea the amaller town1 we al ways visited lands of Florida, Ona of the great dif- the markets and observed closely eve-fictilties of cultivation )of the: ry basket of vegetables we saw placed that State a alL the south, 'is the store doors for sale. We sel-the terrible destruction (occasioned by rtlom even see a true Rota Bast turnin. a pure Strap-Leaved Red Top turnip jlthe mannor is not able to haveor they ire not to be met with by any own half-a'uirved hens fried with i i one awful deluges of faia that fall in such flood unknown' to any other i .1 I country.

One of these terrible storms passed verTallehMiee since I left -a. mere, awrcpiug nwny many ma ntrc oi ana sxiuasnes Oi no oistraci Class or the soil of -the South into the Gulf iof Lima' beans of all shapes and Mexico. Many, hill Bide ditches en- sizes except the true small plump Li-tirely failed, and horizontal plowing aha, and these are not to be found, ex without ditcbea proved almost useless, cept in the hands of a few market gar-Ditches, however, that were large and deners. Lettuces that seem to havelost wJl made, saved the plantations from the habits of heading1 spinach 'with destruction. so did leep plow leaves of half the proper thickness, I have, just had conversation radishes as full of roots as if the srow.

jBlock of Hoi. CXrptfully 1., M' Wool to card wUI Inrm IK milt Itt ihnl th will janraltmi ilia tuiul I. toru the puUie that ihry will continue the bun' chance. -Beets, carrots, and parsnips, are of all shapes' and figures, melons i i er wished to imitate a beets with their annular' rinzs eccentric instead concentric to each other, carrots that have bsfr their 'characteristic color, eggplants of a light brown.and indeed the whole list of culinary vegetables, varying in shnpa'site anil quality, so a nearly nav iosi meir orizinai cnaracters. iv, iff' All these would be readily remedied Pinta, Oilr Glass, Dje Stuffii, Perfu-mery, Fancy Articles, Combs and a Brushes, anJ all the most po-'i Js 1, pular Patent ltrdicinett rj'-wc the daj iiH Old Qtard and 1'ogniac Brandiet and Madeira, Port, JShcrrr, and Tene- 2 I Medicinal rr' vi urposea only.) i Haviog selected tlie above, aloek in the North, ern- Citict'by rfonal inopeclion, he feci war ranted in roinmending the articlea to "hit frienda and the public ae equal in qualify to any vfferrd to and willaell the fame at'amall profit for ch, or on ix month lima to punctual cuc-lomer.

Thankful for pott favor be hope lo mciil'a continuance the aame. 4 A a i i it a. sf ''April 80. fi 31-i I. i LMII I Alpha Seven lilies E.ast of HiUsWougb PilE community ait Informed that Cll(J llig can now be dune in good orJeri and tn Villrtf ftliArt lim.

jQninninw anil it food, hot kiot create it. we would nrrfcr to it 6urflvea, they furnibinr the lrd. I H.M.&J.C. SHItLDS. i Aprij 10, 1852., 39 3m (D8piril of ihe Age ropy.

I A PROCLAMATION. By Hit Exetlleney Dttin 8. Rtia, Gottmor i'-i ejtM blitte JSurlh Canhruu i 1 IIHEREA8, tbree-finbs of the whole num ber of member of each House ef the Ge neral Aaaembiy did, at lb Uat aeMUon, uu the (following Act, AN ACT to amend the Constitution of North-Carolina, Wmiui, The freehold qualification now re quired for tbe electors for member of the Senate with the fundarnenUl principle of libei- ys jnereiore, 8c. f. Be UtnathHy the General Aittmhly of the State ef North Carolina, und ilithtrtbu enacted by the authority of the to me, three-fifth fh whole numlter of member of each Houte concurring, that the secomlcuiua of tniri ection of the flrn Article of the.

amended Constitution 4h peor' Of North Carolina on the eecond Monday of A. 1835, be amended by (taking out the word and poanea- en acd of a freehold witbin Ihe Mine ditnct of fifty xU fhw of i in iuen of tbe age. of twenty-one ycara (except ia hereinafter declared,) who have been inhabitant of any one district wiihin the State twelve month Immediately preceding the day of any election and hall have paid public taxea, aha II be entitled to vol for member ofthe Senate. grc, 2. Beit further nuclei.

That the Governor of the State be. and he ii heicbv directed. with Major of Tallehassee, whom I saw last winter breaking tip his land with a horse plow, such rfor in stance Allen'i No. 19. followed in every furrow by a bull tongue as deep as one stout mule cotjld pull tL The beneficial results, of this were scea du iiur mc Biuiui iucuiiuucu.

sue uccu 1 1 hi i ot ine roii, seemeu aosuro me water as it fell, and while adjoinin lands that were plowed upon tne old it the habit ef selecting th best speci-system almost ruined for the pre mens to, raise were prese- vered in. From the days of Col umettlTwjii give him stately funeral, and solemn sent season by a single shower, the deep plowed part was but very little lint at Ibe aame well-known aland, where, they will be pleased to ace the, old cuatomera of ihe concern, and ibfir friend generally. They have purchaaed 'the Mock on term which will enable them to tell Good lower tlian they have hereto fore been sold in th'u market, mid tktg inUnd 4mn to. They will he receiving a new supply of freh Good in a few day, whkh will render their atock complete. Call and tee before pur channg elsewhere.

J. J. C. J. FREELAND March 0 Mm.

I 25--. i jW; T4S 8 1 i a r-M Nervous Antidote and Physical 1 RGSTOR AT I Tib iikoical wondkk or tnk xok. riiiE nMrt powerful and wonderful mediiine ever uwcovereu. iiuaranieed to cure every Nervou ef Bpaamodic Diteaae, uch a Ken- nl. Tic D.tUreui.

Convulniona. Fit. Eheu matiam, Ac For 1e at the IKlM; i DRUG STORE. Wy 11. 2j I C.

K. i' "i i i it. i II pereona indebled to tbe uhrnler tor i i i GootU iiurrhaaed of Mr, Win. P. McDaniel, i i.

i i are requested to eelile wiin him without delay. therwiae therlfintheir. in other handf for colleclion; E. M. HOLT Si CO.

March li. WANTED, I fiCiCi YARDS, Wollen Cloths, of AUo quantity or Flax September 23. 1 o. mJt i Vi OW OU injured. This alone, would be sufli-swriter has recommended great care in cient to warrant tlie extra amouc: the raising of seed A few growers labor, but this not' all, Major Ward l.ave iconttnued year- after year to se-tells tne that parts of his plantation Jejct perfect kernels of -corn for their which had been very much worn by seed, and these front perfect ears taken washing and have been re- the most prolific and have stored to their original state of produc- thus succeeded after long practice in tiveness, almost wholly by the system securing a superior article which will of deep plowing which he has been constantly reproduce itself.

find est badge of freedtm tho plenstire of railing at tne, tanu aim tne privilege oi .1 curainsf the government Yev we cannot help ihinkinf that lhe-e P'ivilpges are dearly purchased at the price paid. Perambulate the premiea of a if you lo form a tor reei eoneeption of the comfort about him. Hi Inula are starved out. Ilia fields are that the pt opricipr may be ffalled a rather than' a farmer-r-ibt former designation implj'ing -the more in dependence, as Nathaniel aeon sagely oliserfed in the Convention of 1835: Independence when the lord of of his "tit pro- curing the lard from another State 1 He, it has been would be a great benefactor to hisH'race who would caue twd blades of grs to pring where one now He would be a much greater benefactor to the South, who wuldd came only one stalk of cotton to cwue up where two now grow. By tending only half the number of acres that we, now do, we ihouKI be enabled to improve our lands, multiply the cotntnrts of life, cultivate the 'charities and die of the heart, and at the aame time we would not rereive one cent iess for the cotton crop than we now do.

ii I LIFE'S IN EQUALITIES. Yonder, goes a mnn rolling in wealth and luxury he was borne to it, lie Will doubtless die surrounded by it. When he departs, they will put. him in a sump tuous coui sinning like a richly lined as ever lady's boudoir they funeral rights and so they will send him to his hng resting home, with a long flourish of drums and trumpets fulsome obituaries will be served up in his honor, and in due time a gaudy monument will riue or his remains in some rural cenie tery. The poor fellow that ran against him just now, and whom he cursed so, what a different time he has of it in this world, and is likely to have.

That inov jng mats of rags began to draw breath in ju -some dark den of shame and infamy; a penniless, menuiess vagaoonu iroin tne beginning, thus far he has been kicked and cuffed along the highway of life, and he looks as if he expected to be kicked and culled up 10 the closing scene; the teimiiiu of tad pilgrimage, most proba bly, a prison or the gallows no funeral ceremonies, will be thrown away upon his poor carcass no tear be shed over it, no grave receive it; no, 'twill be chopped up in some profane directing room, most a II a i ikely, lor the edihcation of a set of noisy students, who will crack their vile jokes, and puff their fihhy tobacco smoke over it, in mockery oh, can it be that these two men are the children of the ssme Heavenly Parent, alike creatures of his a rare, alike the clnlOren ol immortality 'alike responsible at hit bar? Why, why then permit such terrible, such cruel uis paritir of condition in the outset of the! their career! U'hv then continue them thus pertinaciously to the close I Why, sgain these rrighMul inequalities as to endowments There goes a man across the street with a bundle on his head it is his calling he is equal to no other hit head is only fit to balance bundles on education can do nothing for him -he has been tried and found wanting there is nothing there to educate you could no more educate that man into a respectable merchant or competent lawyer, than you could by culture convert squssh into a clutter of delicious grapes yes, and the .1 very nex person you sen tnere, Iistrint al hia ISsIb1 hilt tthfi nAtmxl lllfTI nri. jiui i nu auuws urn ihb rapnbivu A those eyes that flsth glorious fire. that innsti that enil forth ila winfffd o. words, whose burning eloquence mat setsj th. hearts of a whole n.tion bl.xe Why, oh why is our Father th Heaven i to proiligal of hit good gifts to the one, and so cruelly sparing of them to the; other Why, again, put one immortal soul in a poor paltry, contemptible body, 'with scarce a sound orr-n in ii.

a perpei- ual source of disquiet in its owner, yes, a continual stumbling block in his path. lig-ht. Oh, is it fair! Why does one msn protper in all his undertakings, every thing he tourbes turning to gold, hisblun a hi lifabv heardhearled rrediiort. and dv i reoeuioii i to tnrow reason and conscience overboard, and let the vile crew of appetite and passions take command of the ship Oh, no, no, poor children that we are, we must obey, not question the orders of our Parent scholars, we are, to learn the lessons which thai Great Tearher sets us, not set op a course Tor ourselves a 'pretty Idea, truly, that we babies, in this infant school of our existence, should array our little silly notions in opposition lo the great Governor, of the universe better to submit, without useless noie or scuffling, to the discipline described how absurd, too, to be kick ng and pounding, la this pelutcut way, against the door which the roaster hath closed and barred against us we cannot enter, we are wasting bieath und temper, neglecting our tasks, and earning a hearty whippiug for our pains. r- -Muting an Invalid, Orioix of the Grahaxites.

An ardent Grahamite met at Columbus, Ohio, a memberof the Legislature, who he supposed, relied for visible means of support upon the diet of the gentleman we read of, who was turned out to grass. Said the Grahamite Mr. I am told you too are a Gra hamite." -vv No, sir," was the reply. 1 You eat meat then, and believe it in accordance with nature Certainly I do." i Do you believe that Adam and Eve ate flesh in the garden P' 44 Of course they did, and they fared mighty well on it too, until the devil came along with his confounded vegetable diet, and drove them out of Paradise 1" i The vegetable tnan, cried beat" and vanished. College Examination.

who has since made quite a noise in the world, while at College was called upon to undergo an examination in a'ttronomy. On emerging from the ordeal, one of his com panions asked hint how he got off. First eaid they only asked me two questions, and I answered ihent both promptly and eonectly." What were the questions The first was, What was and I told them I didn't know 1 and the second was, 14 Can yon calculate an Eclipse to which I said no 1 I'd like to see anybody answer two question more correctly than that A Lttton in Arithmetic Teacher- Suppose I were to shoot al a tree with 9 won Id Ihs-ro ho flt Jonn i nree, fir. to Iwue hia rrolamnlion to tbe people of iSorth Carolina, at jeastcix month liefore the next elec CONSISTING: of Bar Iron (or Tire. Hort to the Conalituiien herein piopoacd, which Pro-Shoe, quart, round, oval and half ck mat ion aha II be accompanied by tiue and vl.

4 perfect copy of ihe Act, authenticated by thecer- practising for several years. I believe you will concede that uiy oportunity to see the mode ot cuittva lion of all kinds of crops and soils in the Southern States, has been equal to that of any individual; and should the question now be asked me whether I would recommend deep plowing up- on all Southern soils, no matter what their constituents, 1 should say yes most unqualifiedly. But I would not re- commend deep turning of light lands, while I have no doubt if a better de- scription of stirring plows were used. followed by a bull-tongue coulter or other sub soiling plow, that the bene fits would be commensurate with the increased labor, in -yearly crops, while the danser of losing- all title to the land a aa la durinz the nrst nard snower, wouia oe greatly lessened. 1 Planters upon James River, in Vir-j ginia, and upon the Roanoke, in North, varumid, in acvcrai nariivuiar iiibuiii tr-L i.i i t.

i cc which i ciiuiu name, nave iuuiiu ii extremely profitable to plow their bottom lands with four stout horses and a turning plow, and follow that with three more to a subsoil plow in every Some of the poorest old fields have been renovated by this process particu- tarty when connected with a system (of manuring by lime, plaster, salt, bone i i to the present every agricultural Mr. Brown, Mr. Pell, and a fow others, selling nearly the whole product of. their (arms lor seed to ies energetic growers, and these too at nearly or quite double the tnarket prices! But farmers who will select their corn, oats, and wheat for seeed with great care, will plant inferior turnip seed, or carrot seed. V- All this is wrong, for there is no root crop that cannot be materially increased in value and a mount of product, by raising the seeds each year front selected specimens.

The latest left in the ground should never be, used for, seed the earliest and best. should be, marked, so as to prevent their being used duringtbe use of the crop, and these only should be held over to be placed out iu the spring a i i tor seed. iv sucn practice we nave been enabled to increase the size of the Mammoth INuttneg potato, more tnan one-third, and to render it manv t'ays earner, iiiu, From ih N.C Angus- THE WAY THEY WORK IT. eBusiness men in Mobile who are welj informed on the tuhiecl, express the onin ion ihat the of- the last year's cotton crop of Alabama will be required to pay fur the provisions that have to be bought thi year. If there be any ppu- for a livelihood for the atnte of things said to exist iir Alabama is by no means i- peculiar iu tnni.

psruruisi irgivu ui uui in.t rr tiu in Anson county. North Carolina. ahnrl timn sincn we had to record the eale of cornet one dollar and thirly.three cent, the b.hel and this in I i mm. AaM I nm wnmi lul mat. wwu vi i cotton.

Our people are every where ply- ing their energies lo add lo the quantity of the treat staple. They plant little 'corn and tow frs wheat. They raite no! hogs, and produce nothing on which to I 1 AUo, Ct flteel, DUaier, German and 8hear 6teeL i 1 AIo, a freeh lot of Molaaae and Rir. AVK1J1I. March 23d, 1852.

27 Spring Supply, 1052 vc, 4WnW ui iww rec.vm, A and Summer of Good, and ha the pleasure of offering to hi cuilomet and friend an elegant assortment, from which he i iire they can tnAe. selection that will please. Hi m. a os a S. stock embrace every amen uauaiiy orougni to thi racket, euch a DRY GOODS, Groceries, tc a iv.

timA. ilt iiiAst heantiful dust and guano, the whole ol wnicn.Unon on the faco ot the earth more blind most particularly the latter, is purchas-j to their own true interests than the peo-ed and applied to the poorest land in pis nf the SouiIh we know not where they those States, with great profit I do inhabit nor what occupation thev follow Mttern for Iadie' Dresse. He i dclcimined dr.wn off from the original on file in thia flic, to aell lb puhlie have only tojGiven under my hand, thi 3ltdy ofDecem- won for member oi me uenerai Aavemiiiy.aeuing forth the nuroort of I hi Act and the amendment tificate ofthe Secretary oi Mate, ami Horn tne rrociainauon auu inc rayj ui mis ici, mc uv vernor of the State hall cauae to be puMUhed in all the newapaperaofthi Slate, and posted in tbe Court lloneea of the respective Countie in thi 8tte, at leant six month before I be election of member to the next Generel Assembly. Read three times and agreed to by three-fifths ofthe whole number of members of eirh House respectively, and ratified in General Axsciuhry, of j.nusrT, 851 nr ooit J. C.

DOBBIN, 8. H. C. i N. EDWARDS, 8.8.

8tit of Noam Cabolir. Office of Seertlary of Stale. WjtuiW Hut, Secretary of State, in and for the Stale of North Carolina, do hereby certi- fv that the foreiroing I a tree and perfect copy of an Act of the General Assembly of this State, WM. HILL, Sec'y of Sute. A WaMaA.

the abl Act provide for -mending the Constitution of the State of North Carolina so aa to confer on every qualified voler ih. Hno mi of Common the licht lo vote alo tortneaenatet. :N.w,thereforr,roihndth.t known inaT It 1ll Biomawi Constitution sbsll 1 agreed to by two tliird lo the whole representation in earl, house of the next General Assembly, it will men ne suomii-ted lo the people for ratification, I bve issued this my Proclamation in conformity with the pro visions of the before ireited i In testimony Whereof, Divi 8. Ram, Governor of ihe Slate of North Caiolin, bath hereur. to set his band and caused the Great Seal ofthe aid Slat to be a (Tiled.

Done at the City of Raleigh, on ffcfr the thirty-first day of December, in "i 5 yafr Iwd.ona thousand mji 12 eight humlred and fifty one, and in Jb nty-ixth jear of our Inde pemleiice. By the Governor, I)AVJD S. REID. Taoai Private Sec'y. Person into whoso hand this Proclamation may fall, will pleas ae that a enpv of it Is post.

ed up in the Court Houm of their respective January 1( Prcsh1 Garden Seeds, TO BP. HAD AT THE DRUG STORE. Teacher No, two, would be left, you not advise cotton planters to purchase these fertilizers onlr just far enough 10 irv uie uci niiciii sec i .1, al. t. tti.m imme.lifplv tn rnmmrnrs lookinva "vr' little deeper beneath the surlace tor that o7 that God must have iL 1 I 1 L-M.

1, a .1 a.vfh piaceu uieie, sum ii ijnoraiuu. Vr. 1 ree shot would be lefi, and the other two should Dnng lorui every iruu in iisj ianon iroru on nigu. i tii aun-season. That it may lunz continue to butcd entirely lo the- over-production of would be flied ay.

Poland is one ofthe loveliest countries in the world its name being derived from a word which signifies a plain. It is almost in unbroken give him trial 10 folly lisued on Uii point, He also keep on band, a good Wk nf leather, which will he cold at the uual price. Thankful for past favor, he hope lo merit a continuance of the -k 't j. M. PALMER.

"'P. 8. Raga, Beeswax. Tallow, Flatseetl, and Old Casting taken in exchange for Uood. April U.

30- W' ANTED, AN Apprentice to the Tailoring Business, A lad from 12 lo 14 yeara of age, of industri-til habiu and good morals, will be taken by the Mbrirr, if application is rmdo soon. L. CAUMICIIAEL. Felary 16. 22 BLANKS! BLANK8J! BLANK DEEDS and Attachmenla.aingle or br the naire, Warrants, Execution.

xHnt-d on gooj paper, for alt at thia Office, t. November 6. HORTON'S POEMS. A FEW Copie ol the Poem of Gewte Hor. ton, Ihe colored Bard of Chspel Hill, on-laininf also a sketch of hi life written by he had at thi Office.

Price 25 cent. March tth, BACON 1 i FIXE lot of North Carolina Biro- for sale Val THE DKUO STOKC, April 27. 32- winter stork if they had any lo wiuter. 'while another is endowed with a glorious Employment to plebitn would not be-Wof nerves and matrles.a m-gnificenl corns a Southern gentleman. They would5 pair of lungs, and all other appurtenances detract from hi reputation a -a plan-'that can adminitler to its wants and de unvaried level.

It is remarkably adapt' we raising oi grain, us annual export being about sateen million bushels. It was the Sarmatia or the ancien and was the original seat el overran tne Roman empire. Oddities ef a Wtalthy Hina Ihe Kev. lr. Cox, ol I tqoa, 3UU; tha you and your readers an abundant, iarvest from the soil of the South, is the wish of one.

who is croud to rank! himselfyour friend, notwithstanding he is a resident upon the soil ofthe North, lruly yours, SOLON ROBINSON. New York City. My 22, 1851. Importance, of ImproTinf; Visitihlei by proper irlectioi if Utit. fcf.

Those who have visited the N.Yoik markets, cannot but bare been struck with the superior quality of the vegetables occasionally exposed for sale. This rreat mart both tor consumption and export, collects together the best results of the agriculturist We find here qualities entirely superior to those in average use throughout the cauntry. We find also that it is nearly or quite impossible to procure seeds which shill i ter," and preveut him from making "eight bales lo Hit hand." Besides, if South- ern agrirolturists wete to raise their own a -m a a thev order their sunnlic. It would alto, porlt and tltur, it wouiu oepnve mem oi much of the importance which ihry feel when they go lo town or city snd wiih ihe frtora anrl aaenl through whom even nave a nsppv issue, wnne nis oicuucutihv, -m neighbor, equally amiable, more intel- 82d year ef hie age, bequeathed in hie meel'ligenl perhspe. i forever in hot wsttr, will lo bit only daughter 1000 to the 'elisalt hr r.raft.

villain, worried out' of Widow of his Ottly S00 now the wife of by diminishing the quantity of cotton ing a poor desolate bankrupt! Why one balance of hi fortune, eadmated at $200, produced one-forth, eoablt lh planters fair wland is b'etted with all that a land 000. he divided, in tmatl tumt, to differ-to tell the remaining three lourthe for esn be bleated with mtda lha sest of em churches in his town, and in Urge mm double what the whole now bringt and wealth, power, art. science, civilization, lo foreign and domestic missionary torie-this would lake, awsy from Uiem its neighboring: eisier, equally love- tics. 27 BLANKS for Sale at this Oflfise, March 22. 4.

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